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Legal Notices
(option 5) to request hard copies or electronic copies or electronically at: https://www.loudoun.gov/adac (12-5-2022 ADAC Meeting under Agendas and Bylaws). Documents also may be viewed and downloaded electronically 72 hours in advance of the public hearing at: www.loudoun.gov/bosdocuments (for Public Hearing documents, follow the link for “Board of Supervisors Business Meetings, Public Hearings and Special Meetings”).
The current period of the Middleburg East Agricultural and Forestal District will expire on July 17, 2023.
The District has a four-year period and a subdivision minimum lot size of 50 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 1226 of the Codified Ordinances of Loudoun County, the Board of Supervisors has directed staff, the Agricultural District Advisory Committee (ADAC), and the Planning Commission to conduct a review in order to determine whether to continue, modify, or terminate the District. Parcels currently enrolled in the District are located within an area generally south of Sam Fred Road (Route 748), Cobb House Road (Route 629), and Stonewall Farm Lane, west of New Mountain Road (Route 631), east of Landmark School Road (Route 776) and Foxcroft Road (Route 626), and north of and adjoining the boundary of Fauquier County, in the 2022 Little River Election District.
During this review, land less than 5 acres, or 20 acres or greater, in size that is currently enrolled in the District will be automatically renewed. However, any parcel containing at least 5 acres but less than 20 acres will be ineligible for renewal and inclusion within the District unless the owner submits an application on forms provided by the Department of Planning and Zoning and one or more of the following criteria is met:
1. Management Plan that specifically states that the property owner(s) are accumulating the required 5-year production records in order to qualify for agricultural, to include horticulture, land use tax deferral.
2. Animal Husbandry including Equine uses (commercial or non-commercial) with a Management Plan that relates the pasture carrying capacity to limit the number of animals allowed.
3. Forests and woodlands with a management plan that specifies the actions required to maintain and enhance the stands.
4. Wetlands, flood plains, streams and/or rivers that have Management Plans that set forth the terms for their maintenance and enhancement.
During this review, land within the District may be withdrawn, in whole or in part, at the owner’s discretion by filing a written notice with the Board of Supervisors at any time before the Board acts to continue, modify, or terminate the District.
Landowners of the following parcels, currently enrolled in the Middleburg East Agricultural and Forestal District, were notified by certified mail of the District’s review.
Parcel Listings:
* Indicates a parcel whose owner is withdrawing it from the District.
** Indicates a parcel containing at least 5 acres but less than 20 acres whose owner did not properly apply for renewal.
The ADAC held a public meeting on January 30, 2023, to review and make recommendations concerning whether to continue, modify, or terminate the Middleburg East Agricultural and Forestal District, and to review renewal applications and requests for withdrawal of land from the District. The Planning Commission considered the matter at its public hearing on February 28, 2023. The reports and recommendations of the ADAC and the Planning Commission, along with any proposed modifications, will be considered by the Board of Supervisors at its public hearing.
In accordance with Section 15.2-4307 of the Code of Virginia, the applications may be examined by request at the Loudoun County Government Center, Information Desk, 1st Floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by calling 703-7770246 (option 5) to request hard copies or electronic copies or electronically at: https://www.loudoun.gov/adac 1-30-2023 ADAC Meeting under Agendas and Bylaws). Documents also may be viewed and downloaded electronically 72 hours in advance of the public hearing at: www.loudoun.gov/bosdocuments (for Public Hearing documents, follow the link for “Board of Supervisors Business Meetings, Public Hearings and Special Meetings”).
The current period of the Middleburg West Agricultural and Forestal District will expire on July 17, 2023. The District has a four-year period and a subdivision minimum lot size of 50 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 1226 of the Codified Ordinances of Loudoun County, the Board of Supervisors has directed staff, the Agricultural District Advisory Committee (ADAC), and the Planning Commission to conduct a review in order to determine whether to continue, modify, or terminate the District. Parcels currently enrolled in the District are located within an area generally south of Beaverdam Bridge Road (Route 733), Quaker Lane (Route 630), and Newlin Mill Road (Route 790), east of Willisville Road (Route 623), west of Leith Lane (Route 767) and Polecat Hill Road (Route 696), Foxcroft Road (626), and Landmark School Road (Route 776), and north of and adjoining the boundary with Fauquier County, in the 2022 Little River Election District.
During this review, land less than 5 acres, or 20 acres or greater, in size that is currently enrolled in the District will be automatically renewed. However, any parcel containing at least 5 acres but less than 20 acres will be ineligible for renewal and inclusion within the District unless the owner submits an application on forms provided by the Department of Planning and Zoning and one or more of the following criteria is met:
1. Management Plan that specifically states that the property owner(s) are accumulating the required 5-year production records in order to qualify for agricultural, to include horticulture, land use tax deferral.
2. Animal Husbandry including Equine uses (commercial or non-commercial) with a Management Plan that relates the pasture carrying capacity to limit the number of animals allowed.
3. Forests and woodlands with a management plan that specifies the actions required to maintain and enhance the stands.
4. Wetlands, flood plains, streams and/or rivers that have Management Plans that set forth the terms for their maintenance and enhancement.
During this review, land within the District may be withdrawn, in whole or in part, at the owner’s discretion by filing a written notice with the Board of Supervisors at any time before the Board acts to continue, modify, or terminate the District.
Landowners of the following parcels, currently enrolled in the Middleburg West Agricultural and Forestal District, were notified by certified mail of the District’s review.