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Legal Notices
ZMAP-2021-0003, SPEX-2021-0004, SPEX-2021-0011, ZMOD-2021-0003
ZMOD-2021-0004, ZMOD-2021-0005, ZMOD-2021-0006
ZMOD-2021-0047 & ZMOD-2021-0092
(Zoning Map Amendment, Special Exceptions, & Zoning Modifications)
DWC Holdings LLC of Chicago, Illinois has submitted applications for the following: 1) to rezone approximately 4.92 acres from the PD-RDP (Planned Development – Research Development Park) zoning district under the 1972 Zoning Ordinance, 18.47 acres from the PD-OP (Planned Development – Office Park) zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance and 50.6 acres from the PD-TC (Planned Development – Town Center) zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance to the PD-TC zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance in order to develop a maximum of 2,719 attached multifamily dwelling units at a proposed maximum density of 34.27 dwelling units per acre, and a maximum of 3,297,000 square feet of nonresidential development at a proposed maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.85; 2) a Special Exception to permit incidental structures greater than 840 square feet of floor area in the Floodplain Overlay District and to permit passive and active recreation uses up to 10% of the floodplain area pursuant to Sections 4-1506(E) and 4-1506(F); and 3) a Special Exception to permit surface parking pursuant to Section 4-803 and Table 4-803. These applications are subject to the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance, The applicant also requests the following Zoning Ordinance modification(s):
§4-802, PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Size, Location, and Components.
§4-802(A), PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Size, Location, and Components, Town Center Core.
§4-805(C)(2), PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Lot Requirements, Other yard requirements, Adjacent to Other Districts.
§4-806(A), PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Building Requirements, Lot Coverage.
§4-806(B)(1)(a), PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Building Requirements, Building Height, Town Center Core, Maximum Height.
§4-806(B)(2)(a), PD-TC Planned Development – Town Center, Building Requirements, Building Height, Town Center Fringe, Maximum Height.
§4-808(A)(3), PD-TC Planned Development –Town Center, Land Use Arrangement, Generally.
§4-808(A)(4), PD-TC Planned Development –Town Center, Land Use Arrangement, Generally.
§4-808(C)(1), PD-TC Planned Development –Town Center, Land Use Arrangement, Town Center Fringe.
§5-1002(D)(1), Scenic Creek Valley Buffer, Scenic Creek Valley Buffer Established.
§5-1102(D) and Table 5-1102, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements, Number of Parking and Loading Spaces Required, Parking. and Loading Requirement by Use.
§5-1103(A), Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements, General Location Requirements, Parking Facilities.
§5-1303(A)(1), Tree Planting and Replacement, Canopy Requirements, Site Planning.
Allow Town Center Core to be located within 10,000 feet of another Town Center Core.
Allow for single use buildings in the Town Center Core.
Allow for a zero foot setback for buildings, parking, storage and loading areas adjacent to Fairfax County line.
Eliminate the 0.80 maximum lot coverage requirement in the Town Center Fringe.
Increase the maximum building height from 120 feet to 230 feet.
Increase the maximum building height from 60 feet to 240 feet.
Allow for a maximum of up to 65% of the total gross floor area be devoted to residential use.
Allow for the minimum 3% civic use to be calculated by total land area in lieu of total gross floor area square footage.
Increase the Town Center Fringe maximum perimeter distance from 1,600 feet to 2,150 feet.
Reduce the Scenic Creek Valley Buffer setback from 150 feet to 50 feet.
Allow for a parking reduction of up to 40% of the maximum requirement.
Allow for parking facilities to be located within 1500 feet of the principal entrance of the building lot being served.
Allow the 10% tree canopy requirement to be calculated based on the overall PD-TC zoning district rather than on a per site plan basis.
* Indicates a parcel whose owner is withdrawing it from the District.
** Indicates a parcel containing at least 5 acres but less than 20 acres whose owner did not properly apply for renewal.
The ADAC held a public meeting on January 30, 2023, to review and make recommendations concerning whether to continue, modify, or terminate the Middleburg West Agricultural and Forestal District, and to review renewal applications and requests for withdrawal of land from the District. The Planning Commission considered the matter at its public hearing on February 28, 2023. The reports and recommendations of the ADAC and the Planning Commission, along with any proposed modifications, will be considered by the Board of Supervisors at its public hearing.
In accordance with Section 15.2-4307 of the Code of Virginia, the applications may be examined by request at the Loudoun County Government Center, Information Desk, 1st Floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by calling 703-7770246 (option 5) to request hard copies or electronic copies or electronically at: https://www.loudoun.gov/adac 1-30-2023 ADAC Meeting under Agendas and Bylaws). Documents also may be viewed and downloaded electronically 72 hours in advance of the public hearing at: www.loudoun.gov/bosdocuments (for Public Hearing documents, follow the link for “Board of Supervisors Business Meetings, Public Hearings and Special Meetings”).
§5-1403(B) Landscaping, Buffer Yards, Screening, and Landscape Plans, Road Corridor Buffers and Setbacks, Road Corridor Buffer and Setbacks Matrix, Table 5-1403 (B).
Reduce the required building setback from 75 feet to 35 feet along Innovation Avenue.
Reduce the required building setback from 100 feet to 75 feet from Sully Road (Route 28). and
Reduce the required building setback from 75 feet to 50 feet along the Route 28 grade separated interchanges.