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Legal Notices
Public Hearing
The LOUDOUN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS will hold a public hearing in the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room, County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, at 6:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, June 14, 2023, in order to consider:
Ordinance Creating Rivana At Innovation Station Community Development Authority
Pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2-5152, et. seq., the Board of Supervisors will consider a petition and proposed ordinance to create the “Rivana at Innovation Station Community Development Authority (CDA).” A separate notice describing the purpose and location of the proposed CDA, and the location where relevant documents may be examined, has been published on May 18, May 25, and June 1, 2023.
Proposed Lease Of County Property
Resident Curator Lease Agreement - Loudoun Freedom Center Inc.
Pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-1800 et seq., the Board of Supervisors shall consider a lease agreement with the Loudoun Freedom Center Inc., for the purpose of Curatorship of the historic Union Street property under the terms of the County’s Resident Curator Program. The property is located at 20 Union Street N.W. Leesburg, Virginia within the Leesburg Election District and is more particularly described as PIN: 230185465000.
A copy of the proposed lease is available for review and may be examined at the Loudoun County Government Center; Information Desk, 1st Floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Monday through Friday or call (703) 777-0200. Documents may also be viewed and downloaded electronically 72 hours in advance of the public hearing at: www.loudoun.gov/bosdocuments (for Public Hearing documents, follow the link for Board of Supervisors Business Meetings, Public Hearings and Special Meetings”)
Loudoun County Regional Fair Housing Plan
The Loudoun County Department of Housing and Community Development has participated in a regional effort to create a Regional Fair Housing Plan pursuant to the Department’s obligation to affirmatively further fair housing pursuant to Section 808(e)(5) of the Federal Fair Housing Act. The purpose of the hearing is to share the Regional Fair Housing Plan, obtain the public’s feedback, and to respond to questions. Members of the public are invited to present their views and comments.
A complete copy of the full text of the proposed Regional Fair Housing Plan is available and may be examined at the Loudoun County Department of Housing and Community Development, 106 Catoctin Circle S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Plan is also available online at www.loudoun.gov/cdbg. Written comments on the Plan may be submitted to the attention of the CDBG Program Manager at the Department of Housing and Community Development, Post Office Box 7000, Leesburg, Virginia 20177.
Pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-4314 and the New Mount Gilead Agricultural and Forestal District Ordinance, Guinea Bridge, LLC, of 44112 Mercure Circle, Sterling, Virginia, has submitted an application to withdraw a 119.47-acre parcel from the New Mount Gilead Agricultural and Forestal District. The subject property is located west of Lancer Circle (Route 1148) and south of Hughesville Road (Route 725), in the Catoctin Election District. The subject property is more particularly described as PIN: 457-261326. The New Mount Gilead Agricultural and Forestal District currently has a four-year period that will expire on December 6, 2025, and is subject to a subdivision minimum lot size of 20 acres.
In accordance with Section 15.2-4307 of the Code of Virginia, the applications may be examined by request at the Loudoun County Government Center, Information Desk, 1st Floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by calling 703-777-0246 (option 5) to request hard copies or electronic copies or electronically at: https://www.loudoun.gov/adac (2-27-2023 ADAC Meeting under Agendas and Bylaws). Documents also may be viewed and downloaded electronically 72 hours in advance of the public hearing at: www.loudoun.gov/bosdocuments (for Public Hearing documents, follow the link for “Board of Supervisors Business Meetings, Public Hearings and Special Meetings”).
SPMI-2022-0007 & SPMI-2022-0008
Shadow Creek Banquet Facility
River Bottom Land Trust of Purcellville, Virginia, has submitted an application for the following Minor Special Exceptions: 1) to modify the Additional Regulations of Section 5-642(A)(5) of the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance regarding Banquet/Event Facility Uses, in order to increase the maximum number of attendees allowed on site in the AR-1 (Agricultural Rural – 1) zoning district; and 2) to permit the expansion of a previously approved banquet facility. This application is subject to the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance and the proposed use is listed as a permitted Minor Special Exception use in Table 2-102. The modification of the Additional Regulations applicable to the proposed use is authorized by Minor Special Exception under Section 5-600, Additional Regulations for Specific Uses, pursuant to which the Applicant requests the following modification(s):
Zoning Ordinance Section
§5-642(A)(5), Additional Regulations for Specific Uses, Banquet/Event Facility, Intensity/Character, Number of Attendees.
Proposed Modification
Increase the maximum number of attendees for a 25.2 acre portion of a 234.5 acre site from 210 to 350 attendees.
The subject site is located partially within minor and major floodplain in the FOD (Floodplain Overlay District) and has areas of Moderately Steep and Very Steep Slopes. The subject property is approximately 25.2 acres in size and is located southeast of Silcott Springs Road (Route 690), at 18090 Silcott Springs Road, Purcellville, Virginia, in the Catoctin (formerly Blue Ridge) Election District. The subject property is more particularly described as PIN: 526-40-9376. The area is governed by Loudoun County 2019 General Plan (Rural Policy Area (Rural North Place Type)) which designate this area for agricultural, agricultural supportive, and limited residential uses at a recommended density of up to one dwelling unit per 20 acres or one dwelling unit per five acres equivalent for optional residential clustering in large-lot subdivisions.
(Zoning Conversion in the Route 28 Taxing District)
Davis Drive PropCo. LLC, of Excelsior, Minnesota, has submitted an application to rezone approximately 8.83 acres from the PD-IP (Planned Development – Industrial Park) zoning district under the 1972 Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance to the PD-IP zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance in order to permit certain principal and accessory uses permitted in the PD-IP zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance at a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.6 (up to 1.0 by Special Exception). The subject property is located within the Route 28 Taxing District and the AIOD (Airport Impact Overlay District), within one (1) mile of the Ldn 60, aircraft noise contour. The subject property is approximately 8.83 acres in size and is located on the north side of Davis Drive (Route 868) and east of South Sterling Boulevard (Route 846) at 22630 Davis Dr #225, Sterling, Virginia, in the Sterling Election District. The subject property is more particularly described as PINs: 033-39-2929. The area is governed by the policies of the Loudoun County 2019 General Plan (Suburban Policy Area (Suburban Employment Place Type)), which designate this area for Office, Production, Research and Development, Flex Space, and Contractor without outdoor storage uses at a FAR of up to 1.0.
10 Trade West Drive, LLC and 11 Trade West Drive, LLC, of Sterling, Virginia, has submitted an application for a Special Exception to permit an increase in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 0.4 to 0.6 on two parcels located within the PD-GI (Planned Development – General Industrial) zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance. The application is subject to the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance and the proposed modification of the FAR is listed as a Special Exception under Section 4-606(C). The subject property is located within the AIOD (Airport Impact Overlay District), Ldn 65 or higher, aircraft noise contour and in the FOD (Floodplain Overlay District). The subject property is approximately 14.8 acres in size and is located within the Dulles Trade Center West industrial park north of Arcola Mills Drive (Route 621) and west of Arcola Road (Route 842) in the Little River Election District. The subject property is more particularly described as PINs: 161-17-2615 and 161-17-0879. The area is governed by the policies of the Loudoun County 2019 General Plan (Suburban Policy Area (Suburban Industrial/Mineral Extraction Place Type)), which designate this area for large manufacturing, contractor with outdoor storage, and other productive uses at a FAR of up to 0.6.
(Zoning Conversion in the Route 28 Taxing District)
Oppidan Investment Company, of Fairfax, Virginia, has submitted an application to rezone approximately 6.99 acres from the PD-IP (Planned Development – Industrial Park) zoning district under the 1972 Loudoun County Zoning Ordinance to the PD-IP zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance and PD-IP under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance to PD-IP under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance in order to permit all principal and accessory uses permitted in the PD-IP zoning district under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance at a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.6 (up to 1.0 by Special Exception). The subject properties are located within the Route 28 Taxing District, within the Route 28 Optional Overlay district and the AIOD (Airport Impact Overlay District), within one (1) mile of the Ldn 60, aircraft noise contour. The subject properties are approximately 7.09 acres in size and are located east