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Legal Notices
Order Of Publication
VA. CODE § 8.01-316
Case No.: JJ047405-01-00
Loudoun Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court
Commonwealth of Virginia, in re Acquyea Najet Bettie
Loudoun County Department of Family Services
Jill Dann, mother and Richmond Bettie, father
The object of this suit is to hold an adjudicatory hearing pursuant to Virginia Code § 16.1-252 for Acquyea Najet Bettie; and hold a dispositional hearing for review of initial Foster Care Plan pursuant to Virginia Code §§ 16.1-278.2 and 16.1-281 for Acquyea Najet Bettie.
It is ORDERED that the defendant Jill Dann, mother and Richmond Bettie, father appear at the above-named Court and protect his or her interests on or before June 28, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. (Adjudicatory); and July 26, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. (Dispositional).
6/8, 6/15, 6/22 & 6/29/23
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Order Of Publication
VA. CODE § 1-211.1; 8.01-316, -317, 20-104
Case No.: CJ22-126 through CJ22-128; CJ22-130 & CJ22-131; CJ22-133 & CJ22-134; CJ22-136 & CJ22-137; CJ22-139 & CJ22-140; CJ22-142 & CJ22-143;
Loudoun County Circuit Court
18 East Market St., Leesburg, VA 20176
Loudoun County Department of Family Services
Allison Fluke-Ekren
The object of this suit is to hold a permanency planning hearing and review of foster care plan with a goal of adoption, pursuant to Virginia Code §§ 16.1-282.1 and 16.1-281 for Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren; and Petition for Termination of Parental Rights of Unknown Mother and Unknown Father of Zubayer Ekren, and Allison Fluke-Ekren, mother of Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, pursuant to Virginia Code § 16.1-283. Unknown Mother and Unknown Father of Zubayer Ekren, and Allison FlukeEkren, mother of Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, are hereby notified that failure to appear on the hereinafter noticed date and time may result in the entry of an Order approving a permanency goal of adoption as well as the termination of residual parental rights with respect to Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren. Unknown Mother and Unknown Father of Zubayer Ekren, and Allison Fluke-Ekren, mother of Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, are hereby further notified that if their residual parental rights are terminated, they will no longer have any legal rights with respect to said minor children, including, but not limited to, the right to visit Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, any authority with respect to the care and supervision of Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, or the right to make health related decisions or determine the religious affiliation of Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren. Further, Unknown Mother and Unknown Father of Zubayer Ekren, and Allison FlukeEkren, mother of Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren will have no legal and/or financial obligations with respect to Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren, and the Department of Family Services of Loudoun County, Virginia may be granted the authority to place Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren for adoption and consent to the adoption of Zubayer, Sumeyyah, Asiyeh, Khadija, Fatima and Osama Ekren.
It is ORDERED that Unknown Mother, Unknown Father and Allison Fluke-Ekren appear at the above-named court and protect his/her interests on or before July 10-11, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Public Hearing Notice
The LOUDOUN COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS will hold a public hearing in the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING ROOM, County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, Virginia, on Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to consider the following:
18822 Woodburn Road-McCarter - Small Business Uses
Nicholas J. McCarter of Leesburg, Virginia has submitted an application for an appeal of the March 21, 2023, Zoning Administrator determination, ZCOR-2022-0328, which found that, pursuant to Article 8 and Section 5-614(A)(2) of the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance, Chartis Consulting Corporation d/b/a Chartis Federal and Periscope Aviation LLC are not permitted to operate on the subject property as a “Small Business” use under Section 5-614, as Chartis Federal and Periscope Aviation LLC do not comply with the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance definition of “Small Business” nor do they meet the intent of a “Small Business” use in accordance with Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance Section 5-614(A)(2). The subject property is zoned AR-1 (Agricultural Rural-1) under the Revised 1993 Zoning Ordinance and is located partially within the MDOD (Mountainside Development Overlay District) (Somewhat Sensitive Areas). The subject property is approximately 12.901 acres in size and is located approximately 0.43 miles north of Harmony Church Road (Route 704) on the east side of Woodburn Road (Route 769) addressed as 18822 and 18826 Woodburn Road, Leesburg, Virginia, in the Catoctin Election District. The subject property is more particularly described as PIN: 312-46-3720.
Full and complete copies of the above-referenced application(s) and related documents may be examined in the Loudoun County Department of Planning and Zoning, County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., 3rd Floor, Leesburg, Virginia, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or call (703) 777-0246.
All members of the public will be heard as to their views pertinent to these matters. If any member of the public requires a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability in order to participate in a public meeting, please contact the Office of the County Administrator at 703-777-0200/TTY-711. At least one business day of advance notice is requested; some accommodations may require more than one day of notice.
Pursuant to Sections 15.2-1427, 15.2-2204, 15.2-2205 and 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the LEESBURG TOWN COUNCIL will hold a public hearing on JUNE 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20176, to consider Rezoning application TLZM-2021-0006, Hamblet Property.
The subject property consists of approximately 6.44 acres of vacant land located along Route 7, with property access provided from Bow Lake Place, N.E. within the Potomac Station neighborhood. The property is zoned R-E, Residential Estate and is further identified as Loudoun County Property Identification Numbers (PIN), 149-38-2764 & 149-38-3136. The property also lies within the Gateway District (Overlay).
Rezoning Application TLZM-2021-0006 is a request by Carrhomes, LLC to rezone, subject to a Concept Plan and Proffers, approximately 6.44 acres from R-E, Residential Estate to R-8, Medium-Density Attached Residential District.
The application requests 25 single family attached residential units. The application also proposes rehabilitation of an existing structure referred to as “the Stone House” located on a .42- acre parcel that is part of the site. The Hamblet property is located in what the Legacy Leesburg Town Plan (LLTP) describes as an “Area to Enhance” on the Area Based Land Use Initiatives Map (LLTP pg. 72). The property is further designated within the LLTP as a “Residential Neighborhood” on the Character Areas for Preservation and Change Map (LLTP pg. 76). There is no recommended residential Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.). The proposed density is approximately 3.89 dwelling units per acre.
The subject property is further identified as “Opportunity Area Number 3, Eastern Gateway District” on page 200 of the LLTP. This subjects the property to further guidance by the Eastern Gateway Small Area Plan (EGSAP) of the Town Plan. The property is also part of the Gateway Design District (Overlay) for architectural control.
Additional information and copies of the application are available at the Department of Planning and Zoning located on the second floor of the Leesburg Town Hall, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20176, during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), or by contacting Scott E. Parker, AICP, at 703-771-2771 or sparker@leesburgva.gov.
At these hearings, all persons desiring to express their views concerning these matters will be heard. Persons requiring special accommodations at the meeting should contact the Clerk of Council at (703) 771-2733 three days in advance of the meeting. For TTY/TDD service, use the Virginia Relay Center by dialing 711.