Loudoun Now's 2019 Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival Guide

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A feature publication of



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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Downtown Leesburg will be converted into Loudoun’s largest garden center during the Flower & Garden Festival, which annually attracts 30,000 visitors to the historic district.

A Loudoun Rite of Spring

April 27-28 is Leesburg’s Flower & Garden Festival Weekend BY MARGARET MORTON


eesburg Flower & Garden Festival planners are busy putting the final touches on the 29th rendition of the popular show—a comprehensive combination of all things green and growing, along with garden art, tools, family fun, fair food and live music. Whether it’s hanging baskets, perennials, vegetables, annuals, shrubs or trees, garden art or furniture, you can find it at the show. The six-block festival area—situated along North and South King and East and West Market streets—will feature 150 vendors, a mix of plant growers, landscapers, arborists, stage entertainers for adults and kids, food vendors and local non-profit representatives. Operating on a “tried and true” premise, Leesburg Parks and Recreation Department staffers sought to fine

tune the event each year to meet the expectations of a faithful gardening public that likes consistency, with some new touches here and there. “People have favorite vendors, and they like to find them in the same place. We don’t move them around for the sake of moving,” said Parks and Rec Events & Outreach Manager Linda Fountain. “We’ve

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

earned a reputation for its being a good show.” Events Coordinator Barb Smith, who stage-manages the event, agreed, noting it’s popular with both the public and the vendors. “We always have a waiting OVERVIEW continues on page 4 Page 3

OVERVIEW continued from page 3

list,” Smith said. And after so many years 30,000 visitors during the two days. running the show, “we know what to Some longtime vendors have been expect, and where and how a problem can coming to the show for years, including be taken care of,” she noted. Fountain, Holly Heider Chapple, who’s been a “must Smith and Ashton Echols, assistant events see” stop at the corner of King and Market coordinator, manage the event, aided by for years with her array of spring flowers department staff. from her own garden in Lucketts. It’s And the public seems to like the laidcommon to see visitors strolling around back demeanor of the festival—especially with fragrant bunches of her flowers tied when it’s a beautiful day, the sun’s out, and they can wander at leisure through with Physical For Seniors Limitations OVERVIEW continues on page or 24 the festival area. The festival attracts

FYI The Leesburg Flower & Garden Festival will return to downtown streets April 27-28 with the annual horticultural showcase featuring a wide variety of plant material, garden art, furniture, tools and mechanical aids. More than 150 vendors will be featured, as well as stage entertainers, dancers and loads of activities for children.


10 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday

Our licensed adult day centers provide:  A safe, social environment with therapeutic activities  Respite for caregivers needing support & free time  Reasonable sliding scale fees

ment es

(rain or shine)

COST Free admission, although there is a suggested donation of $3 to help offset festival costs.

PARKING A continuous shuttle at Ida Lee Park will carry visitors to and from the festival.

LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS For Seniors with Physical Limitations orcare, Memory Loss ADULT DAYCOUNTY CENTERS Offering engaging activities, individualized personal nutritious lunch LOUDOUN ADULT DAY CENTERS COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS eOUNTY time LOUDOUN and snacks, exercise, medication health monitoring and For Seniors with Limitations or Memoryadministration, Loss ith Physical Limitations orPhysical Memory Loss LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS Forlimited Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss ale feesOur licensed transportation. Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. adult day For Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss ay centers provide: UNTY ADULT DAYAshburn CENTERS NTY ADULT DAY CENTERS Our licensed adultCOUNTY day Purcellville LOUDOUN ADULT DAYLeesburg CENTERS LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS  A safe, social environment Our licensed adult day

For more information, call 703-777-1368 or go to flowerandgarden.org.

Our licensed adult day centers provide:  A safe, social environment with therapeuticw/ activities Center co-located off Loudoun County Pkwy For Seniors withCarver Physical Limitations or Memory Loss  Respite for caregivers 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive centers provide: needing support & free time  Reasonable sliding scale fees licensed adult day

near Leesburg Airport centers provide: ysical or Memory Loss For Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss Ct. Physical Limitations or Memory Loss nment Limitations 16501 Meadowview with therapeutic activities A safe, social environment

vities Our 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 ties, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch  Respite for social caregivers 571-258-3402 Atherapeutic safe, environment Our licensed adult centers provide: with activities LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS Our licensed adult day rs centers provide: needing support & activities freehealth timeor Memory with therapeutic •administration, A safe, social environment with therapeutic activities medication monitoring and For Seniors with Physical Limitations Loss Our licensed adult day  social Respite for caregivers Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS ree time Video online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday  A safe, environment centers provide:  Respite for caregivers  LOUDOUN Reasonable sliding scale fees and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health Loudoun monitoring and Department • Respite for caregivers needing support & free time Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, County of Parks, & Community Services provide: COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS Forlimited Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory with therapeutic activities needing support time scaleOpen fees transportation. Open & weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. on. weekdays from 7:30AM to Loss 5:30PM.centersRecreation Our adult day needing support &free free time licensed A•safe, social environment For Seniors with Physical Limitations or fees Memory Loss Reasonable sliding scale

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 

Respite for caregivers sliding scale fees • A safe, social environment with centers provide:  licensed Reasonable Our adult day Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg  Reasonable sliding scale fees therapeutic activities with therapeutic activities needing support & free time  centers Aco-located safe, social environment Our licensed adult day off Loudoun County Pkwy w/ Carver Center near Leesburg Airport provide: 200 Williesliding Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. with therapeutic activities centers provide: Reasonable scale fees • Respite caregivers lunch needing Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, for nutritious Respite for caregivers  A safe, social environment



571-258-3232 703-771-5334 ctivities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch  Respite for social caregivers 571-258-3402 Atherapeutic safe, environment Our licensed adult centers provide: support & free time with activities and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring and LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS needing support &support freehealth time needing & free time with therapeutic activities • A safe, social environment with therapeutic activities se, medication administration, monitoring and  Respite forCounty caregivers Video online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch • Reasonable sliding scale fees off Loudoun Pkwy near Leesburg Airport  Respite Respite for caregivers  Reasonable sliding scale fees • for caregivers needing support & free time Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services limited transportation. Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. For Seniors with Physical Limitations orcare, Memory Loss needing support & &free time Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Offering engaging activities, individualized personal nutritious lunch health monitoring  Reasonable sliding scale fees COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS needing support free time eation.LOUDOUN • Reasonable sliding scale fees and snacks, exercise, medication administration, and and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring activities,and  Reasonable sliding fees 45140 Park Drive Meadowview Ct. and snacks, exercise, medication health monitoring and Offering engaging Bles Reasonable slidingscale scale fees administration,16501 LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS For Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss limited transportation. Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. individualized personal care, nutritious limited transportation. Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. eesOur licensed limited transportation. Open weekdays from care, 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Offering engaging individualized personal nutritious lunch adult dayactivities, Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg Ashburn Leesburg lunch and snacks, exercise, medication For Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring and centers provide: Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch co-located w/ Carver Center off7:30AM Loudoun County near Leesburg Airport Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch Pkwy administration, r off Loudoun County Pkwy near Leesburg Airport health monitoring and limited transportation. Open weekdays from to 5:30PM. Our licensed adult day Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg For Seniors with Physical Limitations Memory Loss and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring andand personalor andPark snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring Offering engaging activities, individualized care, nutritious lunch Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg 45140 Bles Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. limited transportation. Open weekdays 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview  centers Aco-located safe, social environment Our licensed adult day w/ Carver Center offOpen Loudoun County Pkwy near Leesburg Airport limited transportation. OpenCenter weekdays from 7:30AM to to 5:30PM. co-located w/ Carver off Loudoun County Pkwy near Leesburg Airport Ct. provide: limited transportation. weekdays from 7:30AM 5:30PM. Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg from 7:30AM to Leesburg 5:30PM and co-located w/ Carver Center off Loudoun County Pkwy near Airport and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. with therapeutic activities centers provide: 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles ParkAirport Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 571-258-3402 703-771-5334 co-located w/ Carver Center off Loudoun CountyPhysical Pkwy 571-258-3232 near Leesburg For Seniors with Limitations or Memory Loss Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg  A safe, social environment 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. limited transportation. Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. 571-258-3402 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 individualized personal care, nutritious lunch at: Respite for caregivers co-located w/ Carver Center off Loudoun County Pkwy near Leesburg Airport Our licensed adult day ne www.loudoun.gov/adultday  A safe, social environment Ourtherapeutic licensed adult centers provide: 571-258-3402 703-771-5334 co-located w/ Carver Center off 45140 Loudoun County Pkwy 571-258-3232 nearMeadowview Leesburg Airport with activities 200 Willie Palmer Way Seniors Bles Park Drive 16501 Ct. 571-258-3402 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 For with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Blestherapeutic Parkof Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. needing support & activities freehealth time 571-258-3402 with therapeutic •administration, A safe, environment with activities online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday cy on Aging, Loudoun County Department Parks, Recreation & Community 703-771-5334 Services cation monitoring and 571-258-3402 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 centers provide: Respite forsocial caregivers Video online at:571-258-3232 www.loudoun.gov/adultday Video online at:571-258-3232 www.loudoun.gov/adultday 571-258-3402 703-771-5334 AgencyonReasonable Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services  Respite for caregivers Our licensed adult day sliding scale fees • Respite for caregivers needing support & free time Video online at: Video www.loudoun.gov/adultday Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department ofLoudoun Parks, Recreation & Community Services Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday needing support &Video free time Administered by Loudoun County Agency on Aging, County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Open weekdays from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. online at: Loudoun www.loudoun.gov/adultday needing support &Area time • Reasonable sliding scale fees Administered byfree Loudoun County Area Agency off on Aging, Loudoun County County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services  A safe, social environment Our licensed adult day co-located w/ Carver Center Loudoun Pkwy near Leesburg Airport Video online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday Video online at: www.loudoun.gov/adultday centers provide:  Reasonable sliding scale fees Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency onfees Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services  Reasonable sliding scale Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Bles Park Drive 16501 Meadowview Ct. with therapeutic activities centers provide: Offering activities,environment individualized personal care, nutritious lunch  Aengaging safe, social 571-258-3232 703-771-5334  snacks, Respite for social caregivers 571-258-3402 Aexercise, safe, environment and medication administration, health monitoring and Our licensed adult centers provide:

LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 ime LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS e fees LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY CENTERS Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services

Leesburg es,Ashburn individualized personal care, nutritious lunch with therapeutic activities Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunch engaging activities, individualized personal care, nutritious lunchLeesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019 LoudounOffering County Pkwy near Leesburg Airport limited Open from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Page 4 transportation. needing support &weekdays free time with therapeutic activities •administration, ADrive safe, social environment with therapeutic and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring andand activities and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring edication health monitoring and Park Respite for caregivers 5140 Bles 16501 Meadowview Ct. Video onlinefrom at:7:30AM www.loudoun.gov/adultday limited transportation. Open weekdays weekdays to 5:30PM. limited transportation. Open from 7:30AM to 5:30PM.& free time  Respite for caregivers  Reasonable sliding scale fees • Respite for caregivers needing support Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services needing support & &free time . Open weekdays from 7:30AM 5:30PM. 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 co-located Purcellville w/ Carver Center off Loudoun County Pkwy Leesburg Airport needing support free time • Reasonable sliding scale fees tonear Ashburn Leesburg Ashburn 45140 Bles Park Drive Reasonable sliding scale fees offsliding Loudoun County Pkwy  Reasonable scale fees

Purcellville 200co-located Willie WayCenter  Palmer w/ Carver


16501 Meadowview near Leesburg Airport Ct.



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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019


44095 PIPELINE PLAZA #130 ASHBURN, 20147

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On Stage at the Garden Festival The Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival isn’t only for green thumbs. It’s always a great venue to see popular musicians. This year’s lineup is no exception.

SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 27 10-11:45 a.m. - Gary Smallwood Noon-1:45pm - Cabin Creek 2-2:15 p.m. - Tree Presentation 2:15-4 p.m. - Liz Springer Duo 4:15-6 p.m. - The Pocket Band

SUNDAY, APRIL 28 10-11:30 a.m. - Willie White 11:45-1:15 p.m. - Crys Mathews 1:20-1:25 p.m. - People Choice Award Winner 1:30-3 p.m. - Duskwhales 3:15-4:45 p.m. - Justin Trawick

GARY SMALLWOOD returns to his traditional spot of opening the weekend’s performances Saturday morning. Offering a mix of classic rock, country rock, soulful blues rock or what he likes to call “flat out guitardriven rural contemporary music,” Smallwood is a longtime Loudoun favorite who plays more than 200 shows a year and has shared stages with Robin Trower, the Marshall Tucker Band, Johnny Winter, Bret Michaels and Mary Ann Redmond, among many more.

CABIN CREEK is an original old-time and folk duo from Fredericksburg. Since 2014, David Hall and Travis Ferrell have released three recordings, including their latest album, Station Wagon, which has grown to become a fan favorite in the local folk and Americana scene. Cabin Creek has performed at Floyd Fest, Freshgrass Festival, Misty Mountain Festival, The Birchmere, Shamrock Fest and many other stages. MUSIC continues on page 8

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Our Family Exists To Care For Yours At Heritage Hall– Leesburg (A Five Star Facility) you will have the opportunity to work with a team of dedicated nurses, therapists and physicians whose primary goal is to get you back to your prior level of functioning. Whether it is for short term rehab or long term care, we are here to address your needs.

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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

BEST COMMUTE EVER! We are giving away five $100 gift cards from a local nursery just in time for spring planting. Ask our expert trip planners to find you the best commute and you will be eligible to win a gift card. Visit loudoun.gov/commute and click on BEST COMMUTE EVER

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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While you’re in town for the 2019 Flower and Garden Festival come on by!

MUSIC continued from page 6

LIZ SPRINGER is a Wammie-nominated powerhouse singer who can also croon out the softer nuances of songs. Her tone is warm and soulful and while comparisons have been made to blues luminaries such as Bonnie Raitt, Etta James, Susan Tedeschi and Janiva Magness, her singing style has been influenced by a wide variety of folk, rock and pop artists she has admired over the years. Those include Adele, Joan Osborne, Carole King, Ann Wilson, Patsy Cline, Mary Chapin Carpenter and Linda Ronstadt. She’ll be performing with Joel Newman.

It’s the third year for THE POCKET BAND to perform at the festival, with vocalist Omar Teitelbaum, Jamaicanborn guitarist Terrence Brown and keyboardist Matt Wood blending authentic island sounds into their music. The Washington, DC-based alternative-rock-reggae band has played with Ronnie Davis, Third World, Culture, Roberta Flack and Nora Jones, among many others.

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WILLIE WHITE, from Leesburg, began playing guitar at age 12, winding his way from rock to blues to classical and jazz guitar styles. While pursuing a degree in music performance at the College of William and Mary, he joined various rock and jazz groups and has performed classical solo and ensemble performances. He joined funk/rock/hip hop/ jam band Man Mountain Jr. and toured the East Coast for several years supporting national acts and releasing several EPs. Today, he performs as a solo singer-songwriter, solo classical and jazz guitarist and fronts his own band playing rock covers and originals. MUSIC continues on page 8

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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019


APRIL 26 • 5-8 PM Kick off spring at the Black Olive Block Party at The National Conference Center on April 26. Enjoy live music, family fun, wine tastings by Mary Watson-DeLauder, food from all the local favorites and craft beer from more than 10 local breweries! Stay in one of The National’s cozy guest rooms and enjoy a bountiful breakfast buffet before heading to the Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival. $109* Black Olive Block Party Package • Overnight accommodations • Full breakfast buffet • Block Party souvenir stein • $10 food gift card to Black Olive Bar & Grill

Call 703-729-8000 to reserve your Block Party Package.

18980 Upper Belmont Pl. • Leesburg, VA • @TheNationalNoVa

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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*Rate is per room per night. Limit two guests per room. Offer valid April 26 – 27, 2019.

19TNC058.BlockPartyAd(7.5x10)R2.indd 1

4/5/19 9:47 AM

MUSIC continued from page 8

THE DUSKWHALES are a three-piece indie rock band formed in Manassas in 2010. Their sound, through prominent use of keyboards and memorable vocal harmonies, is reminiscent of ‘60s groups like The Beatles and The Doors. While incorporating the best elements of their psychedelic roots, the young trio creates a sophisticated style of their own in both studio and live settings. They have shared the stage with national acts Car Seat Headrest, Diane Coffee, Little Green Cars and Frankie Cosmos, as well as performed to packed audiences across the East Coast. CRYS MATHEWS, a southeastern North Carolina native living in Herndon blends Americana, folk, jazz, blues, bluegrass and funk into a bold, complex performance steeped in traditional melodies and punctuated by honest, original lyrics. Having been compared to everyone from Toshi Reagon to Tracy Chapman to Ruthie Foster, her eclectic infusion of genres has won her honorable mentions at the 2017, 2013 and 2014 MidAtlantic Song Contest and extensive radio play.

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JUSTIN TRAWICK has been performing in the Washington, DC, area and along the East Coast, since 2006, citing musical influences like Bob Schneider, The Tallest Man on Earth, G. Love, Old Crow Medicine Show and David Gray. Trawick has performed for TedxEast in New York City at the City Winery, TedxPennsylvaniaAvenue in DC at the Newseum, and has opened for over 30 national acts including Suzanne Vega, Wyclef Jean, Brett Dennen, Blues Traveler, Enter The Haggis, Bob Schneider and Edwin McCain, and shared bills with Dr. Dogg and The Avett Brothers. He also is the founder of the nationally touring show “The 9 Songwriter Series” and co-founder of “The Circus Life Podcast.”

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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stablished in 1995, the Leesburg Tree Commission is comprised of seven members appointed by the Town Council for their interest and knowledge in urban forestry. This Commission’s vision is to provide leadership to enhance, expand and preserve the tree canopy for the benefit of the community. They are dedicated to promoting tree preservation and planting within the Town, providing a healthy and diverse tree canopy as well as ensuring an aesthetic quality of life for all citizens. The Town’s Urban Forestry Management Plan was approved in 2006 to guide Leesburg’s efforts to recover the loss of tree canopy and enhance all tree-related benefits by recommending strategies and actions to improve their urban forest management in an equitable, economic, and sustainable manner.


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At This Year’s

Flower and Garden Festival


n Saturday, April 27th, Leesburg will celebrate Arbor Day, when Mayor Kelly Burk accepts Leesburg’s 30th Tree City USA Award during the Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival. This annual award will be presented by the Virginia Department of Forestry on behalf of the Arbor Day Foundation. A 1:00 afternoon ceremony is scheduled for the festival’s stage on the Loudoun County courthouse courtyard.



lso stop by the Tree Commission’s booth (located in front of East Market Street post office), to: • Learn more about proper ways to plant a tree with a FREE copy of “Caring For Your Seedling” • And get your FREE give-away tree seedling: Swamp White Oak. • Plus a SPECIAL DRAWING chance for festival attendees to win one-of-four, large potted Swamp White Oak trees.


Raffle trees courtesy of TreeLife Arborists and Northern Virginia Tree Experts. rees make communities livable for all. There are many ways to grow your town’s tree canopy … ...It all starts with a tree seedling!

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

TREES Help Tame

STORMWATER Preserving the natural tree canopy of a community and strategic tree plantings in urban landscapes, especially along waterways, contribute to the control of stormwater runoff and help to improve the health of a watershed through a number of ways. Such as: • Trees intercept, store runoff and transfer water back to the atmosphere through a natural process called evapotranspiration. •

Shade and tree litter, such as fallen leaves, twigs, bark and fruits, beneath the canopy help promote infiltration of precipitation that reaches the ground beneath the tree, providing moisture to the tree roots.

• Trees and vegetative groundcover can slow the travel of runoff better than bare earth or impervious surfaces, such as parking lots, streets, and sidewalks. • Trees stabilize the soil surface, preventing erosion and provide filtration and absorb of contaminants, thus enhancing water quality. Trees play a very important role in any community when there is too much rain. They retain thousands of gallons of rainwater when a storm strikes – water that would otherwise rush to an already heavily burdened storm drainage system. Adapted Sources: Comprehensive Environmental Inc. Copyrighted Image: Courtesy of the Arbor Day Foundation This valuable tree care information has been brought to you as a public service by Loudoun Now and Town of Leesburg Tree Commission. Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Page 13

Space for the Kids It’s not just boring vegetables and shrubs at Leesburg’s Flower and Garden Festival. There also are puppets, wild animals and dance performances. Festival organizers always have a special place for kids set aside on West Cornwall Street, where a stage offers two days of entertainment and there are plenty of other hands-on activities. Here is the full lineup:

Schedule SATURDAY, APRIL 27 11–11:45 a.m. Noon–12:45 p.m. 1–1:45 p.m. 2–2:45 p.m. 3–3:45 p.m. 4–4:45 p.m. 5–5:45 p.m. Youngsters put their creativity to work with hands-on painting projects near the Children’s Stage.

Page 14

Mad Science Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers Blue Sky Puppet Theatre Wildlife Ambassadors Peter McCory- One Man Band Celtic Rhythm School of Dance Tuscarora High School Drama

SUNDAY, APRIL 28 12:30–1:15 p.m. 1:30–2:15 p.m. 2:30–3:15 p.m. 3:30–4:15 p.m.

Drew Blue Shoes Dance Academy of Loudoun My Reptile Guy Bella Ballerina

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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Complete Carpet, Hard Wood and Vinyl Services Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Page 15


BOOTH “The Dudes” Pant-Planters .............................. 001 Gutter Helmet by Harry Helmet ............ 002 Loudoun Breast Health Network .................. 003 SS Fragrances ....................................................... 004 Solar De-Lights .................................................... 005 Buffer ....................................................................... 006 Bill and Barb’s Crafts .......................................... 007 Uncommon Finds ............................................... 008 Loudoun County Recycling ............................ 009 Little Pine Creek Potpourri .............................. 010 Nelson’s Creative Wood Products ................. 011 JB Brown and Company ................................... 012 Onice ....................................................................... 013 SavATree ................................................................ 014 Gourds by Suzanna LLC.................................... 015 Newhall’s Rustics................................................. 016 Heartland Home Foods .......................... 017 NoVa Deer Shield................................................ 018 Frog Music Garden ............................................. 019 Althouse Pottery ................................................. 020 Handcrafted Cedar Birdhouses ..................... 021 Frivolous Cottage ............................................... 022 Oil Creations by Gail .......................................... 023 Emily’s Umbrellas ............................................... 024 Scultpures by Jay in Kentucky ....................... 025 Peony’s Envy ......................................................... 026 Inform Fitness Bus...................................


Amazing Earth Landscapes ............................ 100 Renaissance Lavender ...................................... 101 Blue Ridge Gardens ........................................... 102 Radical Roots Organic Farm............................ 103 Tansy Meadows Garden Shop ....................... 104 Glorious Goblets ................................................. 105 Cast Stone Studio ............................................... 106 Total Remodeling Systems .............................. 107 True Honey Teas .................................................. 108 Kris Krafts Stained Glass ................................... 109 LB Concessions........................................ 110 Westray’s Finest Ice Cream ..................... 111 Parallel Food Truck ................................. 112 Harvesting History ............................................. 113 2 Hands in Harmony .......................................... 114 Renewal by Andersen............................. BG Wind Designs/The Flag Shop ......................... 115 Victoria Taylor Design and Garden Accents .............................................. 116


The Pond Doctor................................................. 200 Berrygood Farm .................................................. 201 Sprinklers by Mick .............................................. 202 Saxton Landscapes ............................................ 203 Seven Barrels ........................................................ 204 Jumbo Bottom Barrel Works........................... 205 The Blooming Arts ............................................. 206 The Painted Garden ........................................... 207 J Lynn Nursery ..................................................... 208 Tower Garden by The Juice Plus+ Company .............................................. 209 Dripping Springs Ollas...................................... 210

Page 16

BOOTH The Old Town Grill .................................. 211 Spring Thyme Nursery ...................................... 212 Wood Fired Pottery ............................................ 213 Blooming Hill Lavender Farm & Gift Shop........................................................... 214 Sinbad Crafts ........................................................ 215 Daisy Lane ............................................... 216 Sislers Stone ......................................................... 217 Gourmet Creations ............................................ 218 Loudoun County Master Gardeners ............ 219 Rich’s Hand Carved Root Baskets .................. 220 27 South................................................................. 221


BOOTH Sittin’ Easy, Inc. ..................................................... 500 Melwood................................................................ 501 X-treme Products................................................ 502 Bartlett Tree Experts .......................................... 503 Step by Stepping Stones ................................. 504 Native Perennials ................................................ 505 Soco Swings ......................................................... 506 By the Cottage Door.......................................... 507 Planter World ....................................................... 508 Visual Edge Landscaping ................................. 509 MacBrands............................................... 510



Blue Sky Landscaping ....................................... 300 The Parsonage Homemade Soap ................. 301 NVCC Horticulture Program and Club ........ 302 Aaron’s Homestead Products ......................... 303 Celestial Gardens ................................................ 304 Presentability LLC ............................................... 305 Royal Images ........................................................ 306 Blackwater Designer Concrete Coatings, LLC .. 307 Gathered Threads ............................................... 308 Lineage Goods .................................................... 309 Loudoun Medical Group ........................ 310 Putnam Hill Nursery .......................................... 311 Enlightened Lighting, LLC ............................... 312 Leesburg Tree Commission............................. 313 Susanna Farm Nursery...................................... 314 Dondero Orchards, LLC .................................... 315 Caren Mittleman ................................................. 316 Beekeeper’s Cottage ......................................... 317 Cymron Cottage.................................................. 318 Garden Commander LLC ................................. 319 Sunny Sprouts Greenhouse ............................ 320 DC Slices ...................................................321 Blue Ridge Kettle Korn ........................... 322


Homeland Contractors LLC............................. 400 Holly Heider Chapple Flowers, LTD. ............. 401 Leaf Me Alone ...................................................... 402 Deckscapes of Virginia LLC.............................. 403 Pella Mid-Atlantic ................................... 404 The Cottage of Herbs ........................................ 405 NOVA Wholesale Growers ............................... 406 Fly Home Birdhouses ........................................ 407 Rock Water Farm ................................................. 408 Loudoun Now........................................... 409 Hoffner’s Handwoven Baskets ....................... 410 Avant Garden Pottery ....................................... 411 Virginia Hardscapes ........................................... 412 Montgomery Shade & Awning, LTD............. 413 Greg’s Antiques & Garden Iron ...................... 414 Carnivorous Plant Nursery .............................. 415 Town of Leesburg Environmental Advisory Commission .................................. 416 Gladevalley Nursery .......................................... 417 Twin Oaks Hammocks....................................... 418 Innovative Spas ................................................... 419 J+B Herb + Plant Farm ...................................... 420 Jamie’s Small Engine Repair............................ 421 Bad Boy Mowers ................................................. 422

Shenandoah Crafts ............................................ 600 National Capital Dahlia Society ..................... 601 DAFNI Greek Gourmet ...................................... 602 Richard’s Seagrass Hats .................................... 603 Dominion Tea ....................................................... 604 Department of Public Works .......................... 605 Botox by Amy & Mere ............................. 606 Murrell’s Salsa ...................................................... 607 Blue Bee Gardens ............................................... 608 A Farm Less Ordinary ........................................ 609 On-the-Rocks ....................................................... 610 Power Home Remodeling ...................... 611 Betty Jane’s Sweet Delights, Inc. ................... 612 Weed Man Lawn Care ....................................... 613 Wind and Fire Chimes ....................................... 614 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy ..................... 615 Feathered Friends Log Homes ....................... 616 Isa Kollgaard Artwork........................................ 617 JR’s Italian Ice .......................................... 618 Kitchen Saver .......................................... 619 Slates Ornate ........................................................ 620 Yard Art .................................................................. 621 CHILDREN’S AREA Headway Church ................................................ 622 Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital ............................. 623


Humane Society of Loudoun County......... NP1 Loudoun County Animal Services ............... NP1 Loudoun Community Cat Coalition............ NP1 Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers ..................... NP2 Loudoun Career Firefighters Foundation . NP3 Loudoun County - Lyme ................................. NP4 Leesburg Volunteer Fire .................................. NP5 Makersmiths Inc................................................. NP6 Church of the Holy Spirit, Anglican............. NP7 Loudoun County Volunteer Rescue Squad ..........................................LCVRS


Old Ox Brewery - Ashburn, VA Crooked Run Brewing - Leesburg, VA Loudoun Brewing Company - Leesburg, VA Black Hoof Brewing Company - Leesburg, VA Barnhouse Brewery - Leesburg, VA Dog Money Restaurant & Brewery Leesburg, VA Dirt Farm Brewing - Bluemont, VA Quattro Goomba’s Brewery - Aldie, VA Beer Garden Sponsor: Renewal by Andersen

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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Landscape Lesson: Edible, Ecological Designs


ver wondered how you can have your yard and eat it, too? That’s the specialty of author and edible landscape designer Michael Judd, who will be the featured speaker during this year’s Flower and Garden Festival. Judd will lead a virtual tour through edible landscapes designed and created in the DC Metro area while unearthing

the ABC’s of how to make your yard more fruitful. The focus will be on water harvesting for successful growing, outdoor mushroom cultivation, creating herb spirals, starting a food forest, choosing uncommon fruits and more. He’ll provide



protecting your drinking water since 1997 Page 18

information about new elements to edible landscaping that move away from annual garden beds and into approachable designs that graft together ease of care, aesthetics and ecological function. His talk will be held Sunday, April 28 on the Children’s Stage on West Cornwall Street, starting at 11:30 a.m. Raised in northern England and the Appalachian Mountains of Maryland, Judd’s roots have been branched with diverse landscapes and fertile culture. He’s operated a grassroots nonprofit in rural Latin America, headed up an arid lands research project in the dessert of southeastern Spain, and conducted an extensive study at the New York Botanic Garden. He got his start with whole system design while living with the last of the Lacondon Mayans in southern Mexico along the Guatemalan border. He learned the ancient design practices of the Mayans that ingeniously mimic natures patterns to create functional landscapes. He also learned about a parallel design system from Australia, “permaculture,” that applies similar landscape use of the Mayans but adapted to the modern world. Combining designs, in 2001 he created Project Bona Fide on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua’s southwest corner. The project focus has been to create food security through food forest design that maximizes land use for a diversity of harvests. Today, 26 acres have grown into a haven of production, with examples of linked design systems that mimic nature’s functions while meeting the needs of local economies and ecologies. In Manhattan, he studied the latest in modern design at the New York Botanic Garden. Coupling the whole system design he learned in Latin America with the form and art of contemporary design, Judd created Ecologia, Edible & Ecological Designs and won his first commission from Top Chef contender Bryan Voltaggio to design an edible courtyard at his flagship restaurant Volt in Frederick, MD.

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Page 19

In the Beer Garden For some visitors to the festival, their favorite garden is the beer garden. Located on the Town Green along West Market Street, this year’s event will feature offerings from eight Loudoun breweries: Old Ox Brewery, Crooked Run Brewing, Loudoun Brewing Company, Black Hoof Brewing Company, Barnhouse Brewery, Dog Money Restaurant & Brewery, Dirt Farm Brewing and Quattro Goomba’s Brewery.

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Page 20

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Eat More Colorful Plants With a progressive sustainable cuisine, we use all the bounty that our land has to offer. Our deep understanding and commitment to organic ingredients allows us the ability to provide our guests with a unique experience not soon forgotten. Sourcing food using our farm as the chef’s pantry and supporting local artisan growers and producers creates a colorful , artistic progressive menu drawing inspiration from the seasons and in harmony with the earth. Wedding, rehearsal dinner, corporate or special event – we strive to exceed your expectations.

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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Sunday Supper every month Page 21

The Overnight Transformation When the festival opens on Saturday morning, downtown Leesburg’s streets are filled with grass, flowers, waterfalls and pergolas. That transformation happens overnight—literally. And even that element of the event is sort of a tourist attraction. After the downtown streets are closed to traffic Friday afternoon, landscaping crews move in quickly to begin building their displays. Some will continue late into the night or the early morning. Amid the sounds of saws, hammers and forklifts, the downtown restaurants are typically filled with locals and visitors who enjoy front row seats to the metamorphosis occurring on the streets. It’s a blend of well-choreographed chaos and craftsmanship that has formed the foundation of the festival for nearly 30 years.

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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Multi-Award Winner Committed to Quality and Service

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Page 23

Come visit us at booth #307 on E. Market St at the

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Page 24

OVERVIEW continued from page 4

up with big ribbon. She is the festival’s longest-running vendor, along with Jamie McKimmey, owner of Jamie’s Small Engine shop in Lovettsville. There will be five big landscapers at this year’s show, along with 124 plant providers—some of whom will transform their booth into a miniature garden. There will be nine food vendors, offering a wide variety of food, including a pizza truck, to provide a different food flavor to the traditional groaning sideboard. Local non-profits also can share their programs and activities, as they are provided free space each year. There’s usually a special feature on gardening each year—and the 2019 presentation will be given by landscape designer Michael Judd on Edible Landscapes. His talk will be on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. at the Kids Stage on West Cornwall Street. Judd will expand attendees’ concepts of cultivation beyond the notion of traditional garden beds. He will give his audience a virtual tour through edible landscapes designed and created in the DC metro area—going through the ABC’s of how to make one’s yard more productive. Topics will include water harvesting, outdoor mushroom cultivation, creating herb spirals, starting a food forest and choosing uncommon fruits. Music is a big part of the festival—for adults and kids. There’s a full roster of main stage performers on the courthouse steps, while a separate kids’ area and stage is around the corner on West Cornwall Street. There, Parks and Rec staffers will supervise a busy area where kids can enjoy a variety of games, painting oversize2d animal cut-outs and other activities. The region’s growing craft beer scene has a strong showing at the festival. This year, guests can sample brews from eight breweries on the Town Green. Another favorite option for attendee’s to cast their vote for the “People’s Choice” award, given to the top landscape design. Ballots can be picked up at the entrance booths or at the gazebo in the middle of town. Ballots should be placed in the birdhouse at the gazebo by noon on Sunday. The winner will be announced from the Main Stage later that afternoon. It’s a mammoth affair—one that takes the efforts of the entire Parks and Rec staff along with volunteers, plus staff in Public Works, Utilities and the Leesburg Police. Altogether it takes about 125 individuals to take the event from planning to execution and clean up. At the end of the day, “We know our show, and if the public and the vendors are happy, we’ve had a successful show,” Fountain said. Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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All the Building Blocks of Your Perfect Garden BY MARGARET MORTON


hile all aspects of what it takes to make the perfect garden will be on display during the Leesburg Flower & Garden Festival, the heart of it all is the plant material. And you’ll see every kind of home gardener at the festival—from novice to experienced growers, from owners of spacious gardens to smaller plots, to those who do tub gardening on their back patio. There’s something for each level. The experienced festival goer can usually spot the differences—and it’s fun to make your observations. There are the recognizable mannerisms of those who know exactly what they want—the determined look and swift gait. They’ve come to find a specific plant, shrub or perennial—then leave town. Then, there are those whose garden is VENDORS continues on page 28

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Go with "The Flow!" 703-537-5902 Page 26

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Spring has Sprung at Zazu Gifts!

File Photo

People choice For the festival’s landscaping exhibit designers, it’s not only about creating an eye-catching and informative display, they also are competing for the festival’s top prizes. They’ll be evaluated not only by a panel of judges, but also by visitors who will vote for the People’s Choice Award. Ballots can be cast in the birdhouse located at the gazebo in the middle of the event. Votes are accepted until noon on Sunday, then tallied for the award to be presented on Sunday afternoon.

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Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Page 27

VENDORS continued from page 26

maybe only a few years old, and they’re looking around for plants or specimens to augment their initial plantings as well as advice from growers as they become more experienced. Or, maybe, the buyer is only interested in vegetables, seeking out new varieties, while others are looking for annuals to brighten the garden or discover unusual perennials. Dedicated arborists may be more ambitious—seeking a rare shrub or tree. Then there are the browsers, who amble from booth to booth, eyeing the various offerings—often retracing their steps before making a purchase. A common sight at the festival is people toting colorful hanging baskets as they head home. And when it’s a lovely day, there are those who just enjoy walking up and down the streets, taking in the architecture of historic downtown Leesburg. Over its 29 years, the festival has expanded the vendor offerings to provide an outdoor living experience for today’s VENDORS continues on page 30

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Page 28

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019


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Page 29

VENDORS continued from page 28

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Page 30

buyers who increasingly are interested in urban gardening, garden art, whimsical or otherwise. Interest is growing in garden statuary, furniture, hardscaping options and water features. Outside dining ideas have become popular for attendees, who can find everything one would need for dinner al fresco—taking the informal picnic of the past to new heights of elegance. The combination of plant materials by vendors and the designed gardens by individual landscapers is a win-win for visitors. Along with the plants they buy at various booths, attendees can see what the plants or hardscape features they’ve just ordered—such as a fountain or gazebo—would actually look like. Looking at the list of vendors for this year’s festival, the names alone pique one’s interest—The Dudes Plant-Planters; A Farm Less Ordinary; Amazing Earth Landscapes; Betty Jane’s Sweet Delights, By the Cottage Door; Celestial Gardens; Dripping Springs Ollas; Frivolous Cottage; Feathered Friends Log Homes; Gathered Threads; Glorious Goblets; Harvesting History; On-theRocks; Renaissance Lavender; Sittin’ Easy; The Painted Garden; True Honey Teas; X-treme Products; or Uncommon Finds—just some of the different companies and growers whose items will be offered at this year’s show. The quality and extent of their offerings is phenomenal—as is the mix of offerings at the festival—plants, trees and shrubs; art and statuary; clothing, tote bags and aprons; birdhouses, bat and owl homes; and wind chimes; weathervanes; stoneware and pottery items; cheeses, teas, honeys, jams and jellies, pickles and pestos; wood planters; herb and lavender products including soaps, oils; decorative table ware items; hand woven baskets; kinetic garden art in the likeness of egrets, herons and flamingos; wooden products including fun mail posts and hand carved flowers; stained glass mosaic bird baths; dahlia tubers and native perennials; outdoor rugs made from recycled plastic bottles; concrete and tile planters; hand carved root baskets and bowls from cypress roots; tropical air plants on driftwood and shells; porch and garden furniture, including swings, gliders and rockers; natural soaps made from plant oils; and succulents and cactus in unusual pots—the list goes on. With this dizzying array of products and plant material to take in, gardeners are hard pressed to know where to turn. And they can always take a break by heading over to the courthouse lawn to relax for a bit while listening to some great music. Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Loudoun’s Guide to Entertainment

Women’s Wellness Conference set for April 26 at Dulles

Supporting Sponsors While organized and put on by the Town of Leesburg Parks and Recreation Department, the Flower and Garden Festival is made possible with the support of many community businesses. The show’s presenting sponsor is the Loudoun Medical Group. Others are Botox by Amy & Mere at Mountcastle Medical Spa, C2 Operations, Country Buick GMC, Gutter Helmet by Harry Helmet, Heartland Home, Inform Fitness, Kitchen Saver, Lightfoot Restaurant, Loudoun County Commuter Services, Loudoun Now, Merill Lynch, Pella, Power Home Remodeling, Renewal by Andersen, Sona Bank, and Wegmans.

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

Andrea Wulf brings

the politics ing to Hillsboro of garden-





Page 31

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Page 32

Leesburg Flower and Garden Show - 2019

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