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Fairfield Prep School is an independent day school for boys and girls, aged 3-11 years.
There are two departments, the Pre-Prep (Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and the Upper Prep (Years 3 to 6). Children normally enter Kindergarten after their third birthday. For entry into Pre-Prep, children enter from the September after their fourth birthday, with entry into the Upper Prep after their seventh birthday. We are pleased to welcome children at other ages subject to places being available.
Tours and Taster Days
We invite prospective parents and pupils to contact us to arrange a tour and a meeting with the Headmaster. Dates and details for all of our open events, including those listed below, can be found on the School website.
The Year 1 to Year 6 Taster Day is held in June.
New Parents’ Evening and a Welcome Afternoon for all new pupils are scheduled during the Summer term.
Applications Outside the Normal Admissions Schedule
We welcome admissions at other times of the year upon request and will assess pupils for immediate entry, if places are available. To arrange a visit, please contact the School Registrar, Mrs Wyatt on 01509 283808 or by email to fairfield.admissions@lsf.org.
How to Apply
The Registration Form can be found on the Apply page of our website. It should be completed in full and submitted online. Alternatively you can download a hard copy of the form from the Admissions Timeline page, which should be completed and addressed to the School for the attention of:
The Registrar Fairfield Prep School Leicester Road Loughborough LE11 2AE Admission to Kindergarten is by application. On receipt of the Registration Form, all children will be offered a ‘stay and play’ visit to the Kindergarten at a mutually convenient time. Prospective children will have the opportunity to spend a session within the Kindergarten unit to enable the designated members of staff to gauge their level of skill development and readiness for Kindergarten. During their pre-entry assessment, prospective children will be presented with a variety of activities to explore. We will be specifically looking for children who have the language skills appropriate to their age, suitable concentration levels, but more importantly are eager and ready to learn. The Pre-Prep Co-ordinator will consider the observations made by staff during the pre-assessment visit before deciding whether to offer a place.