1 minute read



Though Lions live in the savanna grasslands and have been generally called the kings of the jungle, Tigers are the actual kings since they live in deep forest parts grasslands. These magnificent organisms have played an important role in controlling the population of other animals since their ancestors.


A Tiger has diverse choices for food, from a small antelope to baby rhinos. This variety also depends on the terrain or habitat they live in.

Tigers hunt differently, instead of smell they hunt by sight. They are also very patient in taking the time to search and stalk its prey. Tigers also have many tools in their disposal, retracting claws for quiet approach upon prey, tongues with small spikes for removing meat from skin and camouflaged striped skin.

Though they are well equipped they can't survive the changes in their environment from deforestation and poaching.

Through billions of years of evolution has helped this feline to survive in its original environment.

During these rough times Tiger population have been brought to 2,00 to 1,000 from 100,000 mainly duo to poaching.

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