Welcome… Gladstone High School P.O. Box 70, Gladstone SA 5473 Phone: 08 8662 2171 ≈ Fax: 08 8662 2050 Email: info@gladstonehs.sa.edu.au Web: www.gladstonehs.sa.edu.au
Student Details
Name: Home Group:
Home Group Teacher:
Year Level Coordinator: Address: Telephone Contact:
(Please inform the school immediately of any change of address / phone)
Bell Times
School Holidays 2010
Morning Home Group & Pastoral Care
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Term 1
27/1/11 – 15/4/11
Lesson 5
Term 2
2/5/11 – 8/7/11
Lesson 6
Term 3
25/7/11 – 30/9/11
Afternoon Home Group / Notice collection
Term 4
17/10/11 – 16/12/11
Buses Depart
Term 1
27/1/10 – 1/4/10
Term 2
19/4/10 – 2/7/10
Term 3
19/7/10 – 24/9/10
Term 4
11/10/10 – 10/12/10
Gladstone High School
Diary Procedures All students will be issued with a school diary at the beginning of each year.
Purposes Of The Diary: 1. To foster the personal organisation skills of the student. Examples: »» to record homework commitments »» to record assignment due dates »» to record appointment and interview details »» to record results and achievements »» make notes about special requirements for excursions, P.E. etc »» to record movements during lesson times. 2. To provide two-way communication between school and home. Examples: »» reports on progress »» notes to parents »» notes to teachers »» requests for daily casual passes.
A diary keeps a vast and steady structure; thus achieving positive learning outcomes.
The Agreed Dress Code for Gladstone H.S. Students
GHS Summer Uniform (Available from GHS)
Plain Navy GHS Pleated Skirt (Available from GHS)
Plain Navy (Available from GHS)
Plain Navy (Navy Track Pants available from GHS)
‘Gladstone High’ Navy Polo Shirt (Available from GHS)
Navy, white
‘Gladstone High’ Navy Poly Fleece GHS Navy Rugby Top (Both available from Gladstone H.S.)
School shoes, sneakers. Covered shoes for Workshop/practical areas. Sandals - with strap at the back / closed back (not in Workshop/practical areas) Change of sneakers for PE.
GHS bucket hats (Available from GHS) Or a navy broad brimmed hat
Gladstone High School
Harassment & Grievance Procedures Gladstone High School is a safe and caring environment. We have a policy about harassment to protect peoples’ rights to feel safe at all times at school. Everyone has this right, to feel comfortable at school and be able to get on with their work without being harassed. Harassment occurs when one person believes another’s actions or words are offensive or threatening, unwelcome and persistent. There are different types of harassment; these are:
Verbal: eg. teasing, name calling.
Physical: eg. fighting, pushing, shoving, gestures, invasion of personal space, damage to individual’s property.
Sexual: eg. touching in a sexual manner, sexually oriented jokes, persistent invitations of a sexual nature, leering, literature or drawings.
Visual: eg. sexually offensive material, graffiti, notes.
Psychological: eg. bullying, threats of getting back, domination of one person by another.
Racist: eg. offensive, demeaning, humiliating, intimidating physical or verbal behaviour. Victimisation: eg. stand over tactics, bullying.
Responsibility It is the responsibility of the individual to take action when they feel they are being harassed. It is the responsibility of teachers to prevent harassment and to take action where harassment may occur. This means that if a person is harassing you it is your responsibility to act.
What can students do? You can follow these grievance procedures: 1. Do nothing, ignore the behaviour and hope it stops. 2. Ask the harasser to stop. You do not need to put up with behaviour from others that makes you feel uncomfortable. Simply tell them you do not like their behaviour and ask them to stop. 3. Seek help from a counsellor, or a person you can trust, eg adult, parent or another student. If you have asked the harasser to stop and they continue, ask for another person to intervene. 4. If the harassment persists report the harasser to a teacher. If you have done everything you can do, then do not put up with the behaviour any more, ask a teacher to help. Harassment can occur by anyone to anyone; so it could be»» A student to a student. »» A teacher to a teacher. »» A student to a teacher. »» A teacher to a student. All harassment is unlawful; there are grievance procedures, so make sure you use them. It is the responsibility of the individual to take action against harassment. Sometimes the harasser does not know the effect their behaviour is having on other people; behaviour affects different people differently. People who persistently harass others at GHS may be suspended from school. Some harassment contact people at GHS are: Student Counsellor/s, Year Level Coordinators, CPSW, Assistant Principal, Principal.
Gladstone High School
Internet Access Acceptable Use Policy The use of the Internet at Gladstone High School is a privilege and not a right. Access is provided to promote educational excellence through facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. The Internet must be considered as a public place in cyberspace. Accordingly, students are expected to exhibit the high standards of behaviour on the Internet that are expected at all other times and in all other places. The Internet is a world wide computer network - a global network providing access to up to date information on a huge variety of topics from all over the world. It enables users to send electronic mail (E-mail) and to participate in global learning projects. As the Internet is not regulated we have installed software to try and ensure students do not access inappropriate information. The Internet has become an integral part of Resource Based Learning programs in the school and it is the responsibility of each student to behave responsibly in its use.
Gladstone High School Internet Use Policy 1. Use of the Internet is for school purposes only. 2. Only material for educational purposes may be downloaded. 3. Access to pornographic material and chat lines are deemed inappropriate. 4. Users are expected to abide by and respect copyright regulations. 5. The privacy and rights of others need to be respected. Personal details such as home address and phone number should not be given. For reasons of safety and privacy only the school address should be used.
Gladstone High School
6. Access to the Internet will be allowed only when the Internet Use Agreement form is signed by the student and parent/ caregiver. This form is to be sighted prior to Internet use by a student.
Mobile Phone / PDA Access To The Internet. While at school or attending GHS excursions / activities the above policy applies equally to student use of their mobile phone / PDA for internet access. Failure to abide by the above rules may result in a loss of access to the school computers and in a severe or serious case suspension may result.
Use Of Computers Students are allocated an initial 100Mb of storage on their home drive on the curriculum file server. This can only be accessed via their personal login name and password protection. When using curriculum computers students are expected to: »» Be in a computer room with staff supervision/permission »» Access the Internet for education purposes only »» Not eat or drink in computer rooms or near computers »» Treat the computer hardware with care and respect Students not complying with expected computer use will have their network and/ or Internet access disabled for a set period of time.