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Como Secondary College “Care – Inquiry – Empowerment”

Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022 Telephone: 08 8355 7000  ≈  Fax: 08 8355 7070 Email: Web:


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Como Secondary College


School Philosophy & Objectives Our Philosopy The Henley high School Community values a diverse learning environment supporting all students to achieve their best as future global citizens. The Philosophy reflects and supports the school values of: ``Respect




Our Objectives We are committed to: 1. Student & Staff wellbeing

4. Accountability & Improvement

2. Student Learning

5. Community Partnerships

3. Internationalisation Kaurna Welcome

Ninna Marni (A Kaurna word for “Hello, how are you?”) We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna People as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

Advance Australia Fair (Sung at formal school assemblies) Australians all let us rejoice

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

For we are young and free;

We’ll toil with hearts and hands,

We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Our home is girt by sea.

Renowned of all the lands.

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts

For those who’ve come across the seas

Of beauty rich and rare;

We’ve boundless plains to share.

In history’s page, let every stage

With courage let us all combine

Advance Australia Fair.

To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.


Como Secondary College

School Philosophy & Objectives At Henley High School We believe that all people have the right ``to

be safe.


be treated with respect and dignity.


learn and to teach.


build relationships and


work towards forgiveness and reconciliation.

In our community there are common rights, responsibilities and rules for all individuals.

Rights ``To

feel safe at all times.


be treated equally and with dignity and respect.


work and learn in a safe, friendly environment with the support and cooperation of the community.


have a feeling of high esteem and self-worth.


experience success and to develop full potential.


be listened to and cared for.


seek help and support when feeling victimised, unhappy or unsafe.


have the right to know their child is safe, happy and receiving fair and appropriate treatment.

Responsibilities ``To

care for self and others.


treat people and their property or belongings with respect.


show respect for the environment.


cooperate with others.


act safely.


be aware of the needs of others and to treat them with encouragement and support.


work towards negotiation and reconciliation.


be responsible for actions and to accept the consequences of such actions.


accept differences in others, with an awareness of justice and equity.


work for positive relationships within our community.

Como Secondary College


Universal Declaration of Human Rights Henely High School works to ensure that it operates within the spirit of the Universal declaration of Human Rights in all that we do. 1 When children are born, they are free and each should be treated in the same way. They have reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a friendly manner. 2 Everyone can claim the following rights, despite

≈ a different sex ≈ a different skin colour ≈ speaking a different language ≈ thinking different things ≈ believing in another religion ≈ owning more or less ≈ being born in another social group ≈ coming from another country

It also makes no difference whether the country you live in is independent or not.

3 You have the right to live, and to live in freedom and safety. 4 Nobody has the right to treat you as his her slave and you should not make anyone your slave. 5 Nobody has the right to torture you. 6 You should be legally protected in the same way everywhere, and like everyone else. 7 The law is the same for everyone; it should be applied in the same way to all. 8 You should be able to ask for legal help when the rights your country grants you are not respected. 9 Nobody has the right to put you in prison, to keep you there, or to send you away from your country unjustly, or without good reason. 10 If you go on trial this should be done in public. The people who try you should not let themselves be influenced by others.


Como Secondary College

11 You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself. Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done. 12 You have the right to ask to be protected if someone tries to harm your good name, enter your house, open your letters, or bother you or your family without a good reason. 13 You have the right to come and go as you wish within your country. You have the right to leave your country to go to another one; and you should be able to return to your country if you want. 14 If someone hurts you, you have the right to go to another country and ask it to protect you. You lose this right if you have killed someone and if you, yourself, do not respect what is written here. 15 You have the right to belong to a country and nobody can prevent you, without a good reason, from belonging country if you wish. 16 As soon as person is legally entitled, he or she has the right to marry and have a family. In doing this, neither the colour of your skin, the country you come from nor your region should be impediments. Men and women have the same rights when they are married and also when they are separated.

Nobody should force a person to marry.

The government of your country should protect your family and its members.

17 You have the right to own things and nobody has the right to take these from you without a good reason.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 18 You have the right to profess your religion freely, to change it, and to practise it either on your own or with other people. 19 You have the right to think what you want, to say what you like, and nobody should forbid you from doing so. You should be able to share your ideas also—with people from any other country. 20 You have the right to organize peaceful meetings or to take part in meetings in a peaceful way. It is wrong to force someone to belong to a group. 21 You have the right to take part in your country’s political affairs either by belonging to the government yourself or by choosing politicians who have the same ideas as you. Governments should be voted for regularly and voting should be secret. You should get a vote and all votes should be equal. You also have the same right to join the public service as anyone else. 22 The society in which you live should help you to develop and to make the most of all the advantages (culture, work, social welfare) which are offered to you and to you and to all the men and women in your country. 23 You have the right to work, to be free to choose your work, to get a salary which allows you to support your family. If a man and a woman do the same work, they should get the same pay. All people who work have the right to join together to defend their interests. 24 Each work day should not be too long, since everyone has the right to rest and should be able to take regular paid holidays. 25 You have the right to have whatever you need so that you and your family: do not fall ill; go

hungry; have clothes and a house; and are helped if you are out of work, if you are ill, if you are old, if your wife or husband is dead, or if you do not earn a living for any other reason you cannot help. The mother who is going is going to have a baby, and her baby should get special help. All children have the same rights, whether or not the mother is married. 26 You have the right to go to school and everyone should go to school. Primary schooling should be free. You should be able to learn a profession or continue your studies as far as wish. At school, you should be able to develop all your talents and you should be taught to get on with others, whatever their race, religion or the country they come from. Your parents have the right to choose how and what you will be taught at school. 27 You have the right to share in your community’s arts and sciences, and any good they do. Your works as an artist, writer, or a scientist should be protected, and you should be able to benefit from them. 28 So that your rights will be respected, there must be an ‘order’ which can protect them. This ‘order’ should be local and worldwide. 29 You have duties towards the community within which your personality can only fully develop. The law should guarantee human rights. It should allow everyone to respect others and to be respected. 30 In all parts of the world, no society, no human being, should take it upon her or himself to act in such a way as to destroy the rights which your have just been reading about.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Plain Language version – Sourced from:

Como Secondary College


Bullying and Harassment What is bullying or harassment? HARASSMENT may come from an individual or a group. It is unwelcome behaviour, which is often repeated and threatening. It can take different forms.

Sexual Harassment This can include ``Someone

Bullying ``This

may be verbal and repeated, such as teasing, name-calling, rudeness, swearing, or spreading rumours about you or your family.

touching or brushing against you when you have asked for this behaviour to stop.

``Writing unpleasant notes or graffiti about you.

``Unwelcome gestures or comments about your

``Coercing others to join in with verbal slander.

body or your sexuality.


offensive jokes or showing offensive reading material.

Racial Discrimination This may involve ``Degrading comments or gestures about your

culture or background.


because of race.

``Offensive jokes or showing offensive material. ``Being



others repeatedly and deliberately.


and hurtful put-downs or teasing.


being accepted because you are a high achiever or a low achiever.


being accepted because you are new or different.


bullying, such as hitting, pushing, punching and being physically threatening.



or aggressive body language and

deliberately isolated because of your

Who is a bully? A bully is someone who is empowered by offensive, demeaning, humiliating or intimidating verbal and/or physical behaviour towards others.

Who is a victim? A victim is someone who is subjected to repeated, threatening words, behaviour and situations that leave them feeling fearful, unworthy and powerless.


Como Secondary College

Bullying and Harassment What can you do? ``You

may ignore a situation, but if it does not improve, you must seek help.


may confront the person who is harassing you and ask them to stop.


may choose to do this with the support of another friend, parent, Care Group teacher, Mentor, Subschool Manager, Assistant Principal, Deputy Principal or Principal.


is important to talk about the situation with someone you trust.


problem may be too big for you to resolve, so place it in the hands of staff.

``Parents ``Action

will be involved in the process.

will be taken to counsel, to change behaviour and to seek reconciliation.

``If the behaviour persists further action may involve internal suspension, external suspension or expulsion.

Bullying and Harassment what it looks like

what it sounds like

what it feels like




























/ ashamed


What you can do about it? tell… them you don’t like what they are doing, how it feels, how you feel

tell… a friend, a person in your class, a teacher, a parent, a brother or sister – someone you trust.

Como Secondary College


General Information Absence From School Parents/Caregivers/Homestays are encouraged to contact the school by phone 8355 7014 (preferably before 10.00am) about any student absence. Parents will receive a SMS message when a student is absent without permission. A note from a parent is required for every absence from school. Senior School students may also require a Medical Certificate to cover any illness to avoid penalties for late work or loss of Austudy allowance.

Assessment Student progress is monitored continually throughout the year with a formal report at the end of each term. Staff are happy to discuss individual student progress with parents/caregivers at any time during the year.

Canteen The school canteen is open from 8.25 to 8.40 in the morning, during recess and lunch breaks. Lunches may be pre-ordered or purchased over the counter.

First Aid Procedure Students must report to the Student Services’ Office if in need of First Aid attention. l. If a student needs First Aid attention during recess or lunch they should NOT wait until the beginning of a lesson to report to Student Services’ for attention. 2. During lesson time a note is required from the teacher. 3. Students must not phone home if ill. Staff will telephone parents/caregivers/Homestays.

Year 10 & 11 Care Group Care Group is important for monitoring attendance, distributing information and checking students’ progress and welfare. It is essential that students attend all Care Group sessions.

Leaving School Grounds If a student needs to leave the school during the day, a note from parent/caregiver/homestay explaining the reason is needed. To leave the school grounds, the student needs to present the note to the Care Group teacher in Care Group time, or to a Year 12 Mentor. The Care Group teacher/Year 12 Mentor will authorise the request and the student will then need to present the note at Student Services and sign out.

Punctuality Students who are late MUST report to the Student Service Office upon arrival at school to sign in. A note explaining the lateness is required in the diary. Parents/Caregivers/Homestays should indicate the reason for the lateness in the diary and sign the note. The signed note is to be shown to the Care Group teacher the next school day. Students who are marked absent unexplained at Care Group time are logged into our SMS notification system, unless they follow the correct sign in process before 11am.


Como Secondary College

Como Secondary College


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