PERSONAL Information
E M A N ADDRESSEAR Please complete this section in full
Student Name: .................................................................................................................................Year:.................................................................................
Class Teacher: .................................................................................................................................. Room:.............................................................................. Parent(s)/Guardian(s): .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... Postcode:......................................................................
Home Telephone:....................................................................................Work Phone:..................................................................................................... Emergency Contact:.............................................................................Telephone:......................................................................................................... Contact’s Relation to Student:.........................................................................................................................................................................................
FROM THE PRINCIPAL AND STAFF A warm welcome is extended to all new students starting at Ellenbrook Christian College. We hope that your stay will be a happy one, and that your association with the College Community will be rewarding and beneficial, and will ultimately lead to a successful God directed future. We also welcome new and current parents and hope to develop a close cooperation with you in order to assist in your child’s education. Please feel free to contact the College at any time about your child. We would be pleased to have your assistance in those school activities where parent support is much needed. A College Newsletter is issued fortnightly containing important dates and upcoming College events. Parents are encouraged to read this so that they remain aware and informed of College happenings.
Ellenbrook Christian College pg 2
GROWING a Safe School Ellenbrook Christian College is committed to the growing and maintaining of a ‘safe school’ and school community. Part of this commitment requires the changing of inappropriate behaviour. 2006 will see a focus on minimising any bullying behaviour, primarily through education and structures that enable simpler identification and reporting of bullying behaviour.
ta Impor
Bullying Behaviour • Is repeated, unjustifiable behaviour; • may be physical, verbal and/or psychological; • is intended to cause fear, distress, or harm to another; • is conducted by a more powerful individual or group; • is against a less powerful individual who is unable to effectively resist.
What Do I do If I… • • •
Observe any of the above behaviours happening to another student? Experience bullying behaviour myself? Participate in bullying behaviour?
(You need to tell someone who can do something!)
What to
Remember! ‘Telling’ is not the same as ‘dobbing’.'
E N O E M SO 'Telling’ is about speaking up when you see behaviour that you know is wrong. ‘Telling’ is about helping yourself or someone else who may not know what to do. ‘Dobbing’ is about just trying to get someone else in trouble, often to make you feel bigger or draw attention to yourself.
Who And How Do I TELL? • • •
Send a secure email using the Bullying Behaviour reporting address (stay tuned). Speak to your form teacher, Miss Cook or the Head of Secondary. Fill in the Bullying Behaviour form available in Student Services.
Please note:
All reports of bullying behaviour will be followed up and taken seriously. Information that is forwarded will be kept as private and anonymous as possible.
‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Matthew 22:39
Ellenbrook Christian College pg 3
THE Rules Class Attendance and Management *
Be prepared and on time to all lessons, with correct books and equipment. Minimum equipment requirements include pens, paper, ruler, text books and the College Diary. In addition, some classes may require subject specific equipment as listed on the booklist and as instructed by the teacher.
Complete all class work as set by the teacher.
Complete all assignments by the set date.
It is the teacher who determines any class seating plan.
Students address teachers by title and name (e.g. Mrs Brown).
At the conclusion of any lesson, students tidy their own area and obey requests to rearrange furniture in preparation for the next class.
At the end of the class, even if the siren has sounded, students do not leave until instructed to by the supervising teacher.
If a student needs to visit the toilet or Student Services during a class, he/she will need the permission of the supervising teacher. The student must present his/her diary for signing before permission is given and carry the diary while out of the room. A teacher may refuse permission if the history proves that the frequency is unreasonable. A student must be able to present his/her diary to another teacher while out of the classroom if requested.
Class Behaviour
Mobile Telephones
Bags are left outside the classroom.
Line up outside the classroom prior to class.
Follow directions given by the teacher.
Don’t interrupt when someone else is talking.
No fighting or swearing.
No bullying.
Students are not permitted to have mobile telephones at the College. Mobile phones will be confiscated, irrespective of whether they are turned on or off. A student who has a mobile telephone confiscated will be required to attend an ET (Extra Time).
Mobile telephones can be retrieved by a parent/ guardian from the Student Services facility after school on the same day.
Diary and book presentation *
Diaries are to remain neat and tidy, free of graffiti. Students will be required to purchase a new College diary if they scribble, deface or write inappropriate notes in or on their diary. Students are responsible for the status of their College diary.
Books and files must remain free of graffiti and thoughtless scribble. Items will need to be covered by plain contact/paper or replaced if a student allows any of his/her books to become ‘scrappy’ as determined by teaching staff.
Ellenbrook Christian College pg 4
THE Rules The College is firm on the correct wearing of uniform and students may be sent home and asked not to return until the appropriate changes have been made. Support of the College’s uniform policy is a condition of enrolment in the College.
Uniform The proper wearing of college uniform is compulsory. See Uniform Guide in Secondary Handbook.
Hairstyles *
Girls with collar length or longer hair must keep it tied back with a College hair tie.
Boys’ hair should not be longer than collar length and no shorter than number two clippers.
Fringes must be above the eyebrows at all times for girls and boys.
Hair must be the natural colour or a single shade as close to the natural colour as possible. No streaks or colours which are clearly not the student’s natural colour are acceptable.
‘Fad’ or clearly alternative hairstyles are unacceptable.
Jewellery *
No jewellery is to be worn except a watch and one pair of plain studs/sleepers earrings.
Girls only may wear one pair of plain gold / silver studs or small sleepers in the lower ear lobe. Boys are not permitted to wear an earring or earrings.
Public displays of tattoos or body piercing (other than the ear) will not be tolerated.
Other *
Chewing gum is not acceptable on College grounds at any time.
No make-up is allowed, including acrylic nails, nail polish and lip gloss (clear Vaseline is permitted).
Shirts must always be tucked in (except sports uniform).
Skirt length to be touching the knee when kneeling.
College hats must be worn all year when outside, excluding undercover areas. Ellenbrook Christian College pg 5
SECONDARY School 5 Step Programme
Step 1
A student is automatically placed on Step 1 when he or she is withdrawn from the classroom as part of the Classroom Management System.
A referral form is forwarded to the Head of Secondary. The student is encouraged to make a good choice concerning his or her behaviour.
The purpose of the 5 Step Programme is to follow on from the Classroom Management System. Once a student is engaged in the ‘5 Step’ process, the Secondary Coordinator is notified and the situation is considered to be serious. As a result, the consequences are more significant.
Step 2
If a student continues to engage in inappropriate behaviour on a second occasion, whether during the same lesson, day, week, term or semester, he or she will move through the same Classroom Management System (CMS). The classroom teacher will remind the student of his or her status during level two of the CMS. If the student does not change his/her behaviour and reaches level three of the CMS, he/she moves to Step 2. The student will meet with the Head of Secondary and be placed on a behaviour monitoring sheet for a period of one week. Parents of the student will be contacted by telephone.
Terms and Conditions The consequences of the 5 Step Programme are cumulative within a semester. At the end of the semester, students on step 1 or 2 start the next term on a fresh slate. Students on step 3 or above retain their status. Each step will be recorded in the student’s diary, and records will be kept by the Head of Secondary. Students will be given the opportunity to ‘work off’ steps at the discretion of the College. Students will first need to demonstrate a genuine commitment to change. Ellenbrook Christian College pg 6
SECONDARY School 5 Step Programme Step 3
A student is placed on Step 3 when he or she continues to engage in inappropriate behaviour as outlined for Step 2. The student is encouraged to make a positive choice and change their behaviour. The student will meet with the Head of Secondary and forfeit any involvement in excursions, social events or reward days for the remainder of the semester. The student will not participate in the Incentive Programme and complete a behaviourmonitoring sheet for a period of two weeks. The student’s parents will be asked to make an appointment with the Head of Secondary.
Serious Offences
In the event of ‘high level’ inappropriate behaviour, a student may require to be collected from the College by a parent or guardian. Following the event, an appointment would be arranged with the Principal. The consequences will be considered on a case by case basis.
Step 5
Step 4
A student is placed on Step 4 when he or she continues to engage in inappropriate behaviour as outlined for Step 2. The student is encouraged to make a positive choice and change their behaviour. At this point the student will be given a suspension of a time at the Head of Secondary’s discretion and parents will be notified of their child being on a probationary enrolment.
A student is placed on Step 5 when he or she continues to engage in inappropriate behaviour as outlined for Step 2. The student who reaches Step 5 of the Appropriate Behaviour Strategy has not sufficiently modified their behaviour and needs to recognise that persistent negative behaviour has serious consequences. The matter will be referred to the College Principal, who will contact parents and consider terminating a student’s enrolment in the College. Ellenbrook Christian College pg 7