Headstart Study Tour 2017

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Headstart Study Tour 2017

W e Th

ing t i a w A s i d l r


“Travelling ten thousand miles gives you more wisdom than reading ten thousand books.”

「讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 」



Content P.1

P.2 P.5

Why Study Tour Rationale and Benefits of Cooperation English for Academic Purpose Programme: Young Scholars: Early Starters


English for Academic Purpose Programme: Young Scholars: High Achievers


English for Academic Purpose Programme: Young Scholars: Future Leaders


Experiential Learning Programme: Young Learners: UK Culturademic+


Teacher’s Credentials


Teaching Pedagogy




Graduation Pack

P.56 4

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Study Tour In this day and age, we can’t help but be global citizens: countries are inter-connected, cultures are inter-crossed, and human beings are inter-dependent! Those who are more adaptable, more understanding and more open will be better positioned to lead, to prosper and to be successful. That is why we believe in study tours, but only in the kind that opens our students’ eyes, widens their horizons, cultivates understandings and genuinely harnesses their language skills. With that belief and principle in mind, Headstart Group forges a strategic partnership with Experience English, a well-established and pre-eminent operator in UK study tours to provide the most impactful English learning experience for students in Hong Kong. Quality and value of the learning experience are what we promise. We stand by our promise like we stand by our brand. Come and leverage on our expertise and let your students soar! Most sincerely,

Yours sincerely,

_________________ Dannie Hongchoy CEO & Executive Director Headstart Group Limited

_______________ Julie Chu Managing Director Headstart Group Limited

Experience English is a collection of high-quality schools and centres in some of the UK’s most outstanding locations. We believe in offering a style of language learning that extends far beyond the classroom and immerses our students in the history, culture and life of each destination. We believe that learning English in the UK will open up our students’ world and will provide our students with a life-changing experience, and that living in an Englishspeaking country will change the way our students learn a language. We are delighted to be working with the Headstart Group to offer bespoke study tours in the UK and very much look forward to welcoming students from Hong Kong to sample life in the UK. Yours sincerely, _______________ Angela Signorastri Academic Director Experience English 1

Rationale and Benefits of Cooperation

1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process 2. All our staff are DBS checked or have up-to-date police checks 3. All staff are reference checked 4. All teachers are qualified to teach English as a foreign language and subject to a 2 interview process

Headstart Group, a leading brand in English educational services in Hong Kong and Macau symbolizes quality service of the most outstanding level and seeks to work with the best in the study tour industry. Partnership with Experience English is strategic and has been carefully considered. Headstart Group shall be responsible for all liaison with our schools and parents on operational matters, including dissemination of information on safety and security, insurance, scheduling and beyond. Experience English shall be responsible for academic quality, English living and immersion. They will be in charge of curriculum planning, teacher training and quality, and lesson delivery. They will also look after boarding and accommodation quality and safety, site visits and excursions. Headstart Group, armed with its experience in providing quality English programmes to more than 250 schools in Hong Kong for over 10 years, works seamlessly with Experience English to ensure that academic needs and expectations from our schools, parents and students are met. Regular visits and constant communication between the two organisations serve to ensure they work as one.


Rationale and Benefits of Cooperation Experience English forms part of the TUI Group, and sits in its specialist travel portfolio. The TUI Group is one of the largest travel groups in the world and, as leaders in our industry, we have market-leading brands with a rich heritage of over 40 years in this industry. This means that we have the resources and infrastructures to ensure that, working with the Headstart Group, schools and students from Hong Kong are in the best possible hands. Not only do we adhere to very strict criteria laid out by industry bodies such as the British Council, EAQUALS (Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services) and ISI (the Independent Schools Inspectorate), but we also have very strict internal policies and procedures to ensure that our students are well looked after and are in the safest possible environment. We take what we do very seriously and, in addition to offering high-quality English language programmes, all of our permanent year-round schools are recognised teachertraining centres offering CELTA and DELTA teaching qualifications, so we know what makes a quality teacher and a successful English language programme. In addition, all of our schools are accredited by the British Council, Independent Schools Inspectorate (Education Scotland in Edinburgh), and EAQUALS. Our recent EAQUALS accreditation on all our adult and summer young learner centres is an industry first, and we are the only education provider in the world to hold EAQUALS accreditation on our summer young learner residential centres. We are also members of industry organisations such as English UK, Young Learners English UK and ALTO.


Rationale and Benefits of Cooperation In addition, there will be a commitment to professional conduct and integrity, value for money, fair dealing, health and safety, and tolerance and respect for all. Other internal systems of quality control include: 1. A range of formal feedback questionnaires 2. Individual interviews with students 3. Informal student feedback 4. Agent feedback 5. Tutorial records 6. A comprehensive observation programme 7. Performance Development Reviews for all staff 8. Annual Resource reviews 9. Internal mock inspections conducted by our central team For the very first time, schools, parents and students have two most outstanding organisations in the industry to serve them and to bring to students a once-in-a-lifetime overseas summer adventure.

___________________ Dannie Hongchoy CEO & Executive Director Headstart Group Limited

________________ Angela Signorastri Academic Director Experience English


English for Academic Purpose Programme 1.Young Scholars: Early Starters

English for Academic Purpose (EAP) Programmes are ‘serious’ but also fun. We know our students can visit UK themselves, with parents or friends. We also know they can explore the many museums, parks and landmarks on their own or with tour guides. Therefore, when they join our study tour, we want them to gain more than just pictures in front of places and locations. We want them to take home real benefits in terms of English learning. Early Starters is the youngest group of our EAP programme participants. Students will spend much time writing, reading, learning vocabulary, listening and speaking English. The will get right into the heart of effective English learning. Target age range:

Primary 3 - Primary 6 students


20 days

Preferred class location: Top UK Boarding Schools / English centre Objectives:

1. English learning and improvement Learning focus (a)

Writing skills enhancement – students to write 25 pieces, all marked, show work at beginning and work at completion Vocabulary building – students to learn 100 highly-worthy words and to use them in their writings

Learning focus (b)

English communication – to polish accent (to eliminate Cantonese accent), listen to 25 audio pieces, learn to speak to communicate and speak to impress

2. Immersion – living with host family

3. British history/culture and landmark visits 5

Young Scholars: Early Starters Learning Focus Overall: Range: Coherence: Accuracy: Description:

Students can write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors like "and", "but" and "because". Students can use basic sentence patterns with memorized phrases, groups of a few words and can formulae in order to communicate limited information in simple everyday situations. Students can link groups of words with simple connectors like "and", "but" and "because". Students can use simple structures correctly and avoid basic mistakes that can cause misunderstandings. Students can write short simple imaginary biographies and simple poems about people. Students can write very short, basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal experiences.


Young Scholars: Early Starters The methodology adopted incorporates both a process and product writing approach. Through practice in basic grammar, vocabulary, and spelling, and exposure to clear explanations, writing models, students will make substantial progress in their writing skills and be able to fulfil the following can-dos: 1. I can write about myself using simple language. For example: information about my family, school, job, hobbies, etc.. 2. I can write about things and people I know well using simple language. For example: descriptions of people’s jobs, hobbies, classmates and friends. 3. I can write about things that people usually do and what happened during the day. 4. I can complete a questionnaire with information about my educational background, my job, my interests and my skills. 5. I can write about cities and places around the world. 6. I can write about my schedule for next week. 7. I can write about how to make a kind of food. 8. I can write about an important time in my life or event that happened in the past.


Young Scholars: Early Starters

Teaching materials and samples

1. “Grammar for Writing” to provide clear explanations of target structures and offers opportunities for students to apply the grammar meaningfully to writing tasks. 2. “Building Better Vocabulary” activities to highlight words from the Academic Word List and help students to apply and expand their vocabulary and knowledge of important collocations and encourage students to use new words in their writing. 3. Writing Models as clear examples to help students produce original writing. 4. “Original Student Writing” tasks to bring the grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills together from the day into one writing piece.

5. “Peer Editing” activities to increase student awareness of commonly made errors to improve writing and editing skills.


Young Scholars: Early Starters Learning outcomes

1. Writing skills enhancement – students will produce a portfolio of written work comprising 25 pieces, all marked, demonstrating progress from work at beginning and work at completion. 2. Vocabulary building – students will learn 100 words from the Academic Word List and used them in their writing work. 3. English communication – students will have polished their accent to produce more naturally sounding English, and improved their ability to speak to communicate. 4. Students will have a greater understanding of typical British lifestyle and will have greater knowledge of some of the more important cultural and historic landmarks.


Proposed Itinerary DAY 1

Grammar for Writing Session

Subjects and verbs, Periods and question marks, Capital letters

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of a in cat

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about you and your family

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session Overview of the phonemic chart: vowel sounds

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Grammar for Writing Session

Singular and plural nouns, Proper nouns

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of e in bed

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about your classmates or friends

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Focus on vowels: long and short sounds: /ɪ/ as in ship – /ʃɪp/, /ʊ/ as in soot – /sʊt/, /uː/ as in suit – /suːt/, /ɒ/ as in pot – /pɒt/

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online work book


Grammar for Writing Session

Two verb forms: -s and no -s, Spelling verbs with –es and –ies, Irregular verbs: be and Have, Negative of verbs

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of i in fish

Cultural visit - Wimbledon Tour

Evening activity DAY 4

Homestay Experience & Writing about things that people usually do

Grammar for Writing Session

Descriptive, possessive, and demonstrative adjectives, Nouns working as adjectives

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of o in hot

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about places around the world

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Overview of the phonemic chart: consonant sounds

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online work book


Proposed Itinerary DAY 5

Grammar for Writing Session

The verb be, Negative of be, Sentences with be

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of u in cup

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about two cities in the same country

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Focus on consonants: voiced and unvoiced: /v/ as in van, /z/ as in zip

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Full Day Cultural Excursion - London Walking Tour

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Free day - Optional Excursions


Grammar for Writing Session Pronouns: subject and object

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of a in cake

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about people and their jobs

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Confusing sounds: /l/ or /n/, /l/ and /r/, /s/ and /ʃ/

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Grammar for Writing Session

The conjunction and 1. with two word

2. with three words or more

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of e in eat

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about your schedule for next week

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session Overview of the phonemic chart: diphthongs

Evening activity 11

Homestay Experience & online work book

Proposed Itinerary DAY 10

Grammar for Writing Session

a, an, the … with singular and plural count nouns

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of i in rice

Cultural visit - Tower of London Evening activity

Homestay Experience & pair project: how to make a kind of English food

DAY 11

Grammar for Writing Session

Prepositions in phrases, of time and place. Word Order: time and place and beginning a sentence with a preposition. Common preposition combinations after verbs adjectives and nouns

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of o in hello

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about things see and do in a city

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Weak sounds, stress and rhythm

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online work book

DAY 12

Grammar for Writing Session

Building bigger sentences with conjunctions: and, but, so

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of u in school

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about a job or hobby

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session Plosive, fricative, affricative and nasal sounds

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 13

Full Day Cultural Excursion - Oxford & Punting

Evening activity DAY 14

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

Free day - Optional Excursions


Proposed Itinerary DAY 15

Grammar for Writing Session Verbs: Simple Past Tense

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of aw in straw

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session

Writing about an important event that happened in the past

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session

Consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 16

Grammar for Writing Session

Bigger sentences with subordinating clauses: because, after, before, when, if

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of u in wood

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about an important time or day in your life

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session Contrastive stress and intonation

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online work book

DAY 17

Grammar for Writing Session

Adverbs: place, time, manner, frequency and degree

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of ow in flower

Cultural visit - Greenwich Royal Observatory Evening activity

Homestay Experience & writing about a person you know in England

DAY 18

Grammar for Writing Session Verbs: Present Progressive Tense

Building Vocabulary and Spelling Session Words with the sound of oy in boy

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Writing about people who are doing different things now

Re-drafting and Pronunciation Session Features of connected speech

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online work book


Proposed Itinerary DAY 19

Final Tutorials, Assessment and Testing Sessions Portfolio Collation

Graduation Ceremony Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 20

Full Day Cultural Excursion Warner Bros Studios & Harry Potter World

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences Note: All itineraries are subject to change.


English for Academic Purpose Programme 2.Young Scholars: High Achievers

High Achievers is the middle group of our EAP programme participants. Students need to be at secondary school level to join this group. They are expected to work very diligently to transform their standard of English. Target age range:

Secondary 1 - Secondary 3 students


20 days

Preferred class location: Boarding schools / University campus / English centre Objectives:

1. English learning and improvement Learning focus (a)

Writing skills enhancement – students to write 50 pieces, all marked, show work at beginning and work at completion Vocabulary building – students to learn 200 highly-worthy words and to use them in their writings

Learning focus (b)

English communication – to polish accent (to eliminate Cantonese accent), listen to 50 audio pieces, learn to speak to communicate and speak to impress

2. Immersion – living with host family

3. British history/culture and landmark visits


Young Scholars: High Achievers Learning Focus Overall:

Students can write straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within his field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence. The texts are understandable but occasional inconsistencies may cause a break-up in reading.


Students will have enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some circumlocutions on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events.


Students can link a series of shorter discrete elements into a connected, linear text.


Students can use reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used "routines" and patterns associated with more common situations. Occasionally students may make errors that the reader usually can interpret correctly on the basis of the context.


Students can write accounts of experiences, describing feelings and reactions in simple connected text. Students can write a description of an event, a recent trip — real or imagined. Students can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar subjects within his field of interest.


Students can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. Students can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on a familiar routine and non-routine matters, within his field with some confidence. Students can write very brief reports to a standard conventionalised format, which pass on routine factual information and state reasons for actions.


Young Scholars: High Achievers The methodology adopted incorporates both a process and product writing approach. Through practice in basic grammar, vocabulary, and spelling, and exposure to clear explanations, writing models, students will make substantial progress in their writing skills and be able to fulfil the following can-dos: 1. I can describe the daily life of a person such as a police officer. 2. I can write about a place to visit in my town or city. 3. I can produce narrative that describes events of a thrilling or scary nature. 4. I can write a “for and against” essay presenting an argument for debates such as “Is English is easy or difficult to learn” or “Which are the best snack foods?” or “Is it a good idea to require all students to wear a school uniform?”. 5. I can present my opinion about a variety of topics. 6. I can write about something interesting to do. 7. I can describe a process or how something happens. 8. I can write a narrative paragraph about an experience that I have had such as a childhood memory. 9. I can write a narrative, comparison, cause-effect, or argumentative essay.


Young Scholars: High Achievers Teaching materials and samples

1. “Writing Skills” to help students analyse devices used in good writing and the processes that support better content and organisation. 2. “Grammar for Writing” to provide clear explanations of target structures and offers opportunities for students to apply the grammar meaningfully to writing tasks. 3. “Building Better Vocabulary” activities to highlight words from the Academic Word List and help students to apply and expand their vocabulary and knowledge of important collocations and encourage students to use new words in their writing. 4. Writing Models as clear examples to help students produce original writing.

5. “Original Student Writing” tasks to bring the grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills together from the day into one writing piece. 6. “Peer Editing” activities to increase student awareness of commonly made errors to improve writing and editing skills.


Young Scholars: High Achievers

Learning outcomes

1. Writing skills enhancement – students will produce a portfolio of written work comprising 50 pieces, all marked, demonstrating progress from work at beginning and work at completion. 2. Vocabulary building – students will learn 200 words including those from the Academic Word List and use them in their writing work. 3. English communication – students will have polished their accent to produce more naturally sounding English, and improved their ability to speak to communicate. 4. Students will have a greater understanding of typical British lifestyle and will have greater knowledge of some of the more important cultural and historic landmarks.


Proposed Itinerary DAY 1

Writing Skills

Paragraphs: What is a paragraph? Four features of a paragraph. Working with paragraphs.

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Using the Simple Present Tense with Facts

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Write about something thrilling.

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session Describe the daily life of a police officer

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Writing Skills

Developing Ideas: Brainstorming and how it works

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Subject-verb agreement; Word associations; Using collocations

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Write about something very scary.

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session Is English easy or difficult to learn?

Evening activity DAY 3

Homestay Experience & Online workbook

Writing Skills

The Topic Sentence. Features of a good topic sentence

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary More practice recognising controlling ideas Writing topic sentences

Cultural visit - Tate Britain

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Writing Skills

Using commas in sentences, avoiding three common sentence errors

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Brainstorm and write a paragraph about animal communication, international flights, pollution, or smart phones

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Write about learning something new

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session Why do so many people want to learn English?

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Online workbook


Proposed Itinerary DAY 5

Writing Skills

Supporting and Concluding Sentences

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary

Using pronouns in place of key nouns, word associations, using collocations

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session

Photo Topic: Write about a place to visit in your town or city

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session

Is it a good idea to require all students to wear a school uniform?

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Full Day Cultural Excursion - Oxford Tour & Punting

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Free day - With Homestay Family or Optional Excursion


Writing Skills

Paragraph Review: Working with the structure of a paragraph

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Reviewing articles, word associations, using collocations

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Write about something interesting to do

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session What are the best snack foods? + Weekly Tutorial

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Writing Skills

What is a definition Paragraph?. Putting the Paragraph together: Sequencing

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary

Using adjective clauses, creating sentences with variety, word associations

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Define an emoticon

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session What does the word courage mean to you?


Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online workbook

Proposed Itinerary DAY 10

Writing Skills

Process Paragraphs. What is a process paragraph?

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Using sequence words and chronological order, word associations

Cultural visit - Greenwich& Royal Observatory Evening activity

Homestay Experience & one of the following: Blog on the cultural visit/ Interview with a classmate

DAY 11

Writing Skills

Descriptive Paragraphs. What is a descriptive paragraph?

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Using negative and positive adjectives for more precise meanings

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session

Photo Topic: Write about a process or how something happens

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session What are the steps in correcting an error on a bill?

Evening activity DAY 12

Homestay Experience & online workbook

Writing Skills

Using adjectives in writing, using prepositions of location to describe

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary

Using correct word order with prepositions of location, word associations Using collocation

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session

Photo Topic: Describe a national Monument that is important to you

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session Describe your ideal teacher + Weekly Tutorial

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 13

Full Day Cultural Excursion - Canterbury & Canterbury Tales

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences


Proposed Itinerary DAY 14

Free day - With Homestay Family or Optional Excursion

DAY 15

Writing Skills

What is an opinion paragraph? Facts and opinions, topic sentences for opinion paragraphs. Choosing a topic for opinion paragraphs

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Recognising word forms and common suffixes, word associations

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session Photo Topic: Write your opinion about the best kind of zoos

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session

What minimum age should be required to get a driver’s licence?

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 16

Writing Skills

What is a narrative paragraph? Working with ideas for narrative paragraphs

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Maintaining verb tense consistency, word associations, using collocation

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session

Photo Topic: Write about surprising, frightening, funny experience you have had

Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session Write about a specific event form your childhood

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Online workbook

DAY 17

Writing Skills

Paragraphs in an essay: Putting it all together. Getting to know essays. What does an essay look like?

Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Word associations, using collocation Write a narrative, comparison, cause-effect or argumentative essay

Cultural visit - British Museum Evening activity

Homestay Experience and either: Blog on the cultural visit/ Interview with a classmate


Proposed Itinerary DAY 18

Writing Skills + Grammar for Writing Session Building Better Vocabulary Session Photo Topic: Write about the effect of technology on rural places

Original Student Writing & Peer Editing Session + Timed Writing Topic & Pronunciation Session

What should happen to students who are caught cheating in an exam?

Evening activity

Homestay Experience & online workbook

DAY 19

Final Tutorials, Assessment and Testing Sessions Portfolio Collation

Graduation Ceremony Evening activity

Homestay Experience & Daily blog on the day’s experiences

DAY 20

Full Day Cultural Excursion Stratford upon Avon & Shakespeare's Birthplace

Note: All itineraries are subject to change.


English for Academic Purpose Programme 3.Young Scholars: Future Leaders

Future Leaders is the highest group of our EAP programme participants. Students are expected to be capable, independent and highly-motivated young individuals who are to take on the world someday. They will work hard to hone their level of English to meet the highest expectation. The programme will let our Future Leaders experience what it takes to be in that league. The programme goes beyond language development, it is also mind-shaping and insightful. Target age range:

Secondary 3 - Secondary 6 students


20 days

Preferred class location: Boarding schools / University campus / English centre Objectives:

This is a programme designed to help promising students gain the skills that will help them on their path towards a bright future career. For ambitious, highly motivated students, this programme helps develop key leadership skills such as team-building, public speaking, formal presentations, the art of negotiation, debating, independent learning and critical thinking. The programme will provide the opportunity to make international friends with similar-minded young people from all over the world.


Young Scholars: Future Leaders Learning Focus Listening:

Understand the main ideas of complex speech on concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect. Understand in detail what is said to me in standard spoken language. Catch much of what is said around me. Follow the essentials of lectures, talks and reports and other forms. Follow TV drama and the majority of films in standard dialect. Understand announcements and messages spoken in standard dialect.


Read with a large degree of independence, using dictionaries and other reference sources selectively. Rapidly grasp the content and the significance of news, articles and reports on topics connected with my interests or my job, and decide. Understand articles, reports and reviews in which the writers express specific points of view. Understand lengthy instructions. Read short stories and novels written in a straightforward language and style, making use of a dictionary. Understand the main points in formal and informal letters.

Spoken Interaction:

Take an active part in conversation. Evaluate advantages & disadvantages, and participate in reaching a decision in formal or informal discussion. Find out and pass on detailed information reliably. Make a complaint effectively, explaining the problem and demanding appropriate action. Use the telephone to find out detailed information.


Young Scholars: Future Leaders

Learning Focus Spoken Production:

Give clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects. Develop a clear argument, linking my ideas logically and expanding and supporting my points with appropriate examples. Present a topical issue in a critical manner and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Summarise information and arguments from a number of sources and orally the plot and sequence of events in a film or play.


Use standard phrases like to gain time and keep the turn while formulating what to say and help a discussion along on familiar ground confirming comprehension. Generally cover gaps in vocabulary and structure with paraphrases. Generally correct slips and errors and make a note of "favourite mistakes� and consciously monitor speech for them.

Quality of Language:

Sufficient range of vocabulary to vary formulation and avoid repetition. Explain the details of an event, idea or problem reliably. Link what I say or write into clear, well-organised text. Communicate with reasonable accuracy and can correct mistakes. Produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo. Produce stretchsustain relationships with native speakers without unintentionally amusing or irritating them with a fairly even tempo.


Young Scholars: Future Leaders Themes will revolve around international contexts and that have particular relevance to 21st century concerns and might include: 1. Current Affairs 2. Technology

3. Globalisation 4. Climate change 5. International relations 6. Marketing The delivery of the programme will pivot on Project Based Learning which is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Elements include: 1. Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills – The project is focused on student learning goals, skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration, and self-management. 2. Challenging Problem or Question – The project is framed by a meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer, at the appropriate level of challenge. 3. Sustained Inquiry – Students engage in a rigorous, extended process of asking questions, finding resources, and applying information. 4. Authenticity – The project features real-world context, tasks and tools, quality standards, or impact – or speaks to students’ personal concerns, interests, and issues in their lives. 5. Student Voice & Choice – Students make some decisions about the project, including how they work and what they create. 6. Reflection – Students and teachers reflect on learning, the effectiveness of their inquiry and project activities, the quality of student work, obstacles and how to overcome them.

7. Critique & Revision – Students give, receive, and use feedback to improve their process and products. 8. Public Product – Students make their project work public by explaining, displaying and/or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.


Young Scholars: Future Leaders Teaching materials and samples

Materials combine some key published resources with authentic resources inspired by real world materials such as TED Talks featuring inspiring thinkers and doers as well as historically great speeches. Students will relate to and engage with the exciting and motivating TED speakers as well as the fascinating topics containing relevant 21st century knowledge. The language in TED Talks is natural and unabridged, providing examples of spoken English that are real and current so that they too may learn how to create their own 'Ideas Worth Sharing.'


Young Scholars: Future Leaders Learning outcomes

As part of our immersive learning philosophy, students will take part in collaborative and individual projects that not only maximise their language activation but also allow them to work on producing an e-portfolio of work. By the end of the course students will have built a portfolio consisting of:

1. A PowerPoint presentation 2. A filmed debate 3. Creative digital artefacts such as e-magazines or podcasts 4. A twice-weekly vlog to showcase their new communicative competencies 5. Increased their vocabulary by 300 new words


Proposed Itinerary DAY 1

Theme: Personal Branding and Making a Good Impression Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Recognizing key terms, relevant examples, giving examples

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Present tenses: active and passive. Lexis: Tasks and interests Word Stress and question intonation

21st Century Skills

Writing an online profile

Creative Thinking

Personal Branding Plan and Ideas: Social Networking Party

Evening activity Lecture Session 1


Theme: Career Goals Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Listening for signposts, using appropriate evidence

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Future forms and uses, career collocations, elision

21st Century Skills

Writing a career goals statement

Creative Thinking

PowerPoint Presentations

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences


Theme: Global Growth and Development Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Focused listening, supporting the main argument, using props

Cultural visit Houses of Parliament, Downing Street, Whitehall

Evening activity Lecture Session 1


Proposed Itinerary DAY 4

Theme: Success and Failure Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Collaborative listening, challenging assumptions, repeating key phrases

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Narrative tenses: used to and would. Intonation and meaning. Success and failure: Countable and uncountable nouns.

21st Century Skills Writing minutes

Creative Thinking Event Reviews

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences


Theme: World Leaders Summit

Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Identification of important global issues for UN summit

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Allocation of group roles and team building tasks

21st Century Skills Independent Research

Creative Thinking Pair Research

Evening activity Quiz Night


Full Day Cultural Excursion - Oxford Tour & Punting

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences


Free day - Optional Excursion


Proposed Itinerary DAY 8

Theme: Entrepreneurs Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Intonation: rising inflection, reflecting on experiences

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Modals and related verbs: past forms (1). Lexis: Finance.

21st Century Skills Writing emails

Creative Thinking

Motivating and Getting Sponsorship/ Funding

Evening activity Lecture Session 1


Theme: Consumerism and Ethical Behaviour Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Realistic expectations, reading between the lines, being authentic

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Zero, first and second conditionals, consumerism: phrasal verbs

21st Century Skills

Requesting and giving clarification (consumer to consumer)

Creative Thinking Consumer Reviews

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences

DAY 10

Theme: Innovation and Technology Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Dealing with accents, asking significant questions

Cultural visit - BBC Studios Tour

Evening activity Lecture Session 1


Proposed Itinerary DAY 11

Theme: Work-Life Balance Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Elision: dropped vowels. Convincing the listener. Pace and emphasis

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills

Verb patterns with -ing and infinitive. Lexis: Relaxation. Stress in expressions

21st Century Skills Emails (2)

Creative Thinking E-Magazine

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences

DAY 12

Theme: World Leaders Summit Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Group Presentation of Proposals and counter arguments

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Speech Writing Analysis and Workshop

21st Century Skills Re-drafting

Creative Thinking Evening activity Quiz Night

DAY 13

Full Day Cultural Excursion - River Cruise & Greenwich

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences

DAY 14

Free day - Optional Excursion

Negotiating Language Workshop


Proposed Itinerary DAY 15

Theme: Creative Thinking Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Understanding fast speech, supporting arguments

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills

Relative clauses . Lexis: Personality adjectives (1). Stress and meaning

21st Century Skills Organising a Campaign

Creative Thinking

Product Launch and the art of Persuasion

Evening activity Lecture Session 1

DAY 16

Theme: Cross-Cultural Awareness Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Dealing with unknown vocabulary, identifying problems and solutions Body movement and gesture

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Reported speech. Lexis: Customer service. Sounds and meaning

21st Century Skills

Taking part in a meeting

Creative Thinking

Two Sides to every story Debate

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences

DAY 17

Theme: Resources Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Vowels: sounds and spelling /aʊ/ and /əʊ/. Identifying the ‘take away’ message. Being enthusiastic

Cultural visit Tour of London's Financial District "The Square Mile"

Evening activity Lecture Session 1


Proposed Itinerary DAY 18

Theme: Change Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills Grammatical chunks, relevant background information, using pauses

Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Third conditional. Mixed conditional sentences. Lexis: Personality adjectives (2). Tone and meaning

21st Century Skills Letters of Complaint

Creative Thinking Tricky Situations

Evening activity

Vlog on the week’s experiences

DAY 19

Theme: World Leaders Summit

Authentic Listening, Critical Thinking & Presentation Skills + Language Input, Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Final prep and prop creation

21st Century Skills

World Leaders Summit Dress Rehearsal

Creative Thinking

World Leaders Summit Performance and Filming

Evening activity

Diplomatic Gala Night and Graduation Ceremony

DAY 20

Full Day Cultural Excursion Stratford upon Avon & Shakespeare's Birthplace

Note: All itineraries are subject to change.


Experiential Learning Programme Young Learners: UK Culturademic+

Unlike EAP Programmes, EL Programme mixes fun, cultural immersion and academic learning. It puts less emphasis on academic improvement. Students will gain a positive experience living in London with host families, visiting sites and popular landmarks while learning English in an authentic environment. All classes will be held at the Hampstead School of English. Established in 1977, the school has a long-standing reputation as one of London’s leading English language schools and the programmes are accredited by EAQUALS. Hampstead School boasts two large garden patios which are connected by a modern cafÊ area and restaurant, serving breakfast and hot/cold lunch. Hampstead also has a games room equipped with a large table tennis table, couches and various board games to play as well as a cinema which shows English-language films and offers free popcorn. Proposed Content

Location: Hampstead, Zone 2 London Suitable for: Primary and Secondary school students Group size: Duration:

10-20 students 7 - 21 days

Programme 1. 15 hours tuition per week 2. Maximum 15 students per class 3. Led by at least 2 teachers Course Objectives

4. 5 city-based or local visits week 5. 2 evening activities per week

6. 1 full day excursion and 1 half day excursion per week

1. Improve all elements of General English skills - reading, writing, listening and particularly speaking skills

2. Thrive in a learning environment based outside of the classroom through the live application of language in an immersive environment 3. Learn about local culture and heritage

4. Develop linguistically through sightseeing and other cultural activities 37


The school is just 20 minutes from London’s most central landmarks and is well connected by tube, train and bus. Accommodation Students will stay with one of the trusted homestay families with another student. Located in a residential area, the homestays have a maximum travel time of 45 minutes. With almost 40 years as an English language scgool, we have developed a loyal network of local homestay hosts in zones 2 and 3. Homestay is provided on a full board basis in twin bedrooms.

Proposed Itinerary


Proposed Itinerary


Proposed Itinerary

Note: All itineraries are subject to change.


Teacher’s Credentials

Our teachers are all highly qualified and will hold as a minimum the CELTA (or equivalent) qualification. All of our Academic Managers have achieved TEFL status via the DELTA postgraduate diploma in teaching English as a foreign language or equivalent and some of our teachers hold this too. Because our schools are also teacher-training centres, we are also able to hand-pick the very best English language teachers. Many of our teachers have not only worked in the UK but also overseas, and understand the needs of our students and also the challenges they face in learning English as a second language. Our recruitment procedures are underpinned by the highest level of safeguarding. We carefully select all our staff for their relevant qualifications and expertise but also for their experience and aptitude for working with young learners: 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process 2. All our staff are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked or have up-to-date police checks 3. All staff are reference checked 4. All teachers are qualified to teach English as a foreign language and subject to a 2 interview process


Teacher’s Credentials Case Study

Teacher Case Study 1

My name is Lizzie and I’m a full-time teacher and teacher trainer at Hampstead School of English. I’ve worked for the school for thirteen years now, and have experience of teaching English both in the UK and overseas. In addition to BA (Hons) Applied Community Studies & Social Ethics and also a MA in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching, which I did at King’s College University, I also hold a CELTA and DELTA qualification. I teach both adults and young learners, and have taught a range of courses including General English, Teacher Refresher, TOEFL, TOEIC & IELTS preparation, Academic English, Medical English and our CELTA teacher training courses.

Teacher Case Study 2

My name is Karen and I have been working at Hampstead School of English, one of the Experience English group’s year-round schools since 2009 (7 years). Prior to this I was Director of Studies at a renowned English language school and a university in Veracruz in Mexico for four years. Over the course of my career, I have not only taught students from overseas but I have also been involved in teacher training and development and course design, and as a Cambridge English Language Assessment coordinator, my role also involved conducting oral examinations as an official examiner. In my free time, I have also enjoyed delivering teacher training to teacher in Beijing as part of a British Council project and also undertaking translation from Spanish to English. I am a fluent Spanish and English speaker.


Teaching Pedagogy

We take a communicative task-based approach to learning English, as we understand that most students have learnt English in a classroom setting with a teacher who is not necessarily a native speaker of the language. Students will have typically learnt English from a textbook in their home country and will not have necessarily had the opportunity to be immersed in the language. The curriculum for General English determines what students will be taught at each level of the Common European Framework. Knowledge, understanding and ability in all receptive and productive skills (listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and writing) are summarised at each level of the curriculum; teaching ensures that these areas are fully integrated.


Experience English aspires to be a serious educational organisation, with an emphasis on academic study. Teachers are expected to bring creativity and dynamism to the class; qualities considered important in supporting our organisation’s methodology. The syllabus accommodates teachers’ own personal styles and approaches, while providing structured progression. The aim of Experience English’s methodology, and every other aspect of the academic programme, is to identify and address each individual student’s needs and to increase learning through motivation and the study of language in a realistic context.


Teaching Pedagogy Lessons are expected to be dynamic and interactive. Students are grouped according to their speaking, listening and grammar level, based on placement tests. Each course includes a continuous monitoring system and assessment. Teachers should aim to give every student the opportunity to succeed and to achieve as high a standard as possible, to motivate and encourage by providing an effective learning where each student feels valued a sense of progress is evident. 1. environment All staff are subject to a rigorous interview andand application process

Our methodology is based on and supported by:

2. All our staff are DBS checked or have up-to-date police checks

3. All staff are reference checked Needs analyses – varied depending on the different courses 4. All teachers are qualified to teach English as a foreign language and subject to a 2 Learner interviewAwareness process – negotiated weekly plans and daily menus for students

Relevant & Functional Language – learning is approached in terms of what the learner can achieve and is always appropriate to her/his needs

Communicative Emphasis – students are guided towards effective productive skills and trained in using English in real-life situations through immersive activities which can take the communicative aspect of learning out of the classroom Coherence – syllabus of modules designed to integrate so that there is no overlap and students can change levels without repeating grammar, lexis or topics


Teaching Pedagogy Syllabi

Our syllabi provide a framework for each level or specialisation of the curricula. Each week incorporates the knowledge, skills and understanding illustrated in the curricula. The syllabi accommodate both the teachers’ personal approaches and most importantly each student’s individual needs within the classroom environment.

Curricula & Syllabi Review

In order to ensure the on-going relevance and high quality of the curricula and syllabi, both are subject to on-going reviews in accordance with teacher and student feedback. Changes are also initiated as a result of the demands of external forces such as examination boards and resources that are available. We aim to cater fully for our students’ academic needs and as such consider both the curricula and syllabi evolving documents.


Teaching Pedagogy

Current Curriculum

The curriculum determines what students will be taught at each level of language ability as described by the CEFR. The functional nature of the curriculum is supported by a syllabus which makes explicit the lexis, grammar and themes taught at each level. Self-Assessment 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process All schools are expected to complete a self-assessment of all areas of the services we 2. provide All our staff DBS basis checked or have up-to-date on anare annual which is then reviewedpolice everychecks 6 months for up-dates. This process culminates in the quality plan, a comprehensive document outlining all scheduled 3. All staff are reference checked developments and tracking achievements. 4. All teachers are qualified to teach English as a foreign language and subject to a 2 Quality interviewControl process Other internal systems of quality control include: 1. A range of formal feedback questionnaires 2. Individual interviews with students 3. Informal student feedback 4. Agent feedback 5. Tutorial records 6. A comprehensive observation programme 7. Performance Development Reviews for all staff 8. Annual Resource reviews 9. Internal mock inspections conducted by our central team


Teaching Pedagogy Teaching Preparation

All teachers are provided with a young scholar or a young learner syllabus. However, in order to allow the teacher as much creativity and originality as possible, the syllabus dictates the proposed learning aims with suggested grammar points, themes and vocabulary areas that should be covered in any one week to achieve the proposed aims. It must be stressed that the syllabus is only a basis for planning and the teacher is expected to prepare lessons showing an understanding of students’ needs and interests. Lessons must incorporate authentic materials chosen and adapted to the needs and level of the class. Teachers are expected to draw on students’ experience of living in the UK as much as possible and where appropriate it should be linked in with the corresponding social programme. The aims of each lesson are clear and the lesson has logical staging. Importantly, the overriding consideration for all classes is the aim of addressing students’ needs and that forms the basis of all our teachers’ planning, preparation and execution of lessons.


Teaching Pedagogy

Teaching Techniques

There is no ‘in-house style’, though teachers will take the traditional route of CELTA and DELTA and, therefore, the general approach to teaching will be that of a post-communicative nature. Experience English is known as a serious educational institute, which emphasises the academic side of study. It is assumed that students are receiving a lot of communication practice outside the classroom and, for this reason, activities generally referred to as ‘games’ 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process will be kept to a reasonably low level and must always be organised within the framework of 2. the All our staff are DBS checked or to have students’ needs. This is not sayup-to-date that pair police work, checks group work and communicative activities are excluded, but rather that they must be used judiciously and always with a set, 3. All staff are reference checked defined aim and time limit. We are clear that students come to us expecting a high level of from the we sure that as wea are providing this and at all times.to This 4. input All teachers areteachers qualifiedand to teach English foreign language subject a 2 aspect of our academic programme is just one of the pre-requisites for making Experience English interview process special and and we will make sure it is maintained. Teachers are encouraged to bring their personality, creativity and dynamism to the class as much as possible. Every aspect of the academic programme (syllabus, assessment, DoS/ADoS support, equipment such as interactive whiteboards and projectors, lap-tops, OHP’s, DVD/CD/Video players, whiteboard, Internet room, Library) is provided to assist teachers in their teaching. While there is no prescribed technique, teachers are encouraged to make full use of all of these to enable them to teach to the best of their ability. Eliciting, concept checking, discussion, clear exposition-explanation, error correction, clear modelling, drilling, anticipating and dealing with problems and language awareness are all to be taken into account. Students are expected to be punctual and attend classes regularly. The teacher is expected to be open, understanding and friendly, but must also maintain discipline where necessary.


Accommodation Homestay Accommodation

All of our homestay accommodation is selected by ourselves and we work directly with hosts across the UK in destinations where we operate year-round schools. In fact each of our schools has a dedicated member of staff in place to manage our network of homestay hosts and also our students in accommodation. There are many benefits to staying with a host in the UK and most importantly, this gives students an opportunity to interact with their host and family, and practice their English, as well as gain a better understanding of British life and culture. With this in mind, students are expected to try and spend as much time with them as possible to get the most out of their stay in the UK. All of our hosts have lots of experience of welcoming students from across the world, and are used to having students in their homes. They will treat students as if they were part of the family, and students will be expected to spending some time with them, in addition to mealtimes. Students will have breakfast and an evening meal with them, and a packed lunch will be provided for days when they will be at schools or on a full-day excursion.



Homestay Accommodation

In their homestay, students will either have a single room or a shared room, but there may be other students in their homestay of a different nationality (unless otherwise requested). Students will be able to travel to school with their roommate / housemate and also have the chance to share information on each other’s culture. In their room, students can expect to have a bed, wardrobe / storage space, a desk and lamp, among other things, and they will be 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process expected to share the bathroom with their roommate / housemate and the family. 2. All our staff are DBS checked or have up-to-date police checks We have a strict policy on recruiting new homestay hosts, and they must comply with criteria 3. All staff are reference checked laid out by the British Council, EAQUALS and ISI, as well as that of the TUI Group. We that are all of our homestay provide all of the relevant paperwork to their 4. require All teachers qualified to teachhosts English as a foreign language and subject torelating a2 household, have a police record check, and undergo an interview and household inspection. All interview process of our hosts will be visited at least once a year as part of the regular inspection process and we will also conduct spot-checks. In addition to this, we organize regular events for our hosts such as parties and barbeques so that they get to know our schools and staff better. We will endeavour to meet any special requests and match our student with a host and another student who have similar tastes to you. Please ensure any special requests are given upon enrolment.


Accommodation Residence Accommodation

We have been operating summer centres at a number of different sites for many years now. Typically these will be university or college campuses and traditional boarding schools and when their regular students go home during the summer months in July and August, Experience English takes up residency there to deliver a number of residential summer camps. The characteristics and facilities will vary from centre to centre, but students can be assured that all of our premises meet our very high standards and have undergone very rigorous risk assessments and inspections, and we have a year-round team in place to manage and develop our summer centres and programmes. Our students’ welfare is our priority. We are members of Young Learners English UK which works hard to raise the standards of all UK junior vacation courses. In addition to this we are accredited by the British Council and are the only English language provider to hold EAQUALS accreditation on our summer residential centres.



Residence Accommodation

Residential centres allow students to live in a more controlled and supervised setting and enjoy a wide range of facilities onsite. In accordance with British Council guidelines and our own welfare policies, we have staff onsite 24 hours per day who live at the residence, alongside our centre manager, academic manager and activities manager, and who will be available at any time to provide assistance and guidance. 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process 2. Depending All our staff checked or havetoup-to-date checks onare theDBS centre you choose study at, police they will have a single bedrooms with private bathroom or a shared dormitory-style bedrooms with a shared bathroom. Their 3. All staff are reference checked bedroom will be on a corridor with other students of a similar age and of the same gender, each corridor will have dedicated member of staff based there and will 4. and All teachers are qualified to ateach English as a foreign language and subject to be a 2locked at night for their safety and security. They will have three meals per day at the residential interview process centre; breakfast, lunch and evening meal, except where they are off-site taking part in an excursion, in which case they will be provided with a packed lunch provided by the centre. Outside lesson time and excursions, we also organise a range of daytime and evening activities which will be fully supervised and led by a member of the Experience English member of staff. These activities are designed to be fun and interactive, and will allow them to practise their English in a relaxed and informal setting. We would expect all students to go to bed at 10pm and there is a lights-out policy at 11pm, at which point Experience English staff will patrol the corridor to ensure that all students are adhering to this.


Graduation Pack Course Certificate

Upon completing the programme, students will be awarded with an Experience English certificate, which outlines the programme they studied on and the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level they studied at. This will be presented to them on the last day of the programme during the graduation ceremony.

Sample of Certificate


Graduation Pack Academic Report

Students will also be given an academic report which highlights the programme they studied on, their attendance and their strengths. This will be presented on the last day with their certificate. 1. All staff are subject to a rigorous interview and application process 2. All our staff are DBS checked or have up-to-date police checks 3. All staff are reference checked

Report 4. Sample All teachersof are Academic qualified to teach English as a foreign language and subject to a 2 interview process


Graduation Pack Portfolio

During ythe programme, our students will do a number of different projects and be asked to create some pieces of work. These might be written pieces and vlogs. We will collate these and create a portfolio or an e-magazine, which they can take home and show their parents.

Sample of Portfolio


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. What guarantees do I have as a client?

The stay in the UK is guaranteed by the TUI group, one of the world’s largest travel groups, who have been successfully delivering specialist travel for the past 40 years. Experience English is one of the TUI group’s brands and is accredited by leading industry organisations. Additionally, the study tour is fully endorsed by Headstart Group, a leading name in the education industry in Hong Kong and Macau. Headstart Group is renowned for its excellent 1.quality All staff English are subject to a rigorous interview and application process primary and secondary schools, educational services provided to kindergartens, universities. 2. and All our staff are DBS checked or have up-to-date police checks 3. 2. AllIs staff are reference checked Experience English a registered company?

is a trading name of Experience English Limited, membertoof 4. Experience All teachersEnglish are qualified to teach English as a foreign language andasubject a 2the TUI Group. Registered interview process in England. Company Number: 4040338. Registered Office: TUI Travel House, Crawley Business Quarter, Fleming Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9QL 3. Is Experience English a member of a professional organisation?

Yes, it is accredited by the British Council, EAQUALS, the Independent Schools Inspectorate (England) and Education Scotland (Scotland), and is also a member of English UK, Young Learners English UK, Business English UK and ALTO. 4. Is Experience English inspected by an external quality auditor?

Experience English is committed to upholding the highest of standards and to the pursuit of quality in all areas of its provision. As such, Experience English schools undergo numerous inspections from a variety of nationally and internationally recognised accreditation bodies. Additionally, we have internal audit systems to ensure that all aspects of our business are reviewed on a regular basis. The quality of our courses is proven by the accreditations we have been granted. We work closely with a number of industry organisations in order to offer the best possible service and we adhere to the rigorous standards and comprehensive charters relevant to each of the following accreditation schemes: British Council

The British Council is an international organisation which is well-known for recognising quality learning organisations. All our schools meet the criteria set by Accreditation UK the British Council’s quality assurance scheme for the UK ELT sector. The schools are inspected every four years and also subject to spot checks to ascertain we meet their standards in the areas of management, resources and environment, teaching and learning welfare and student services, and care of under 18s. The Accreditation Scheme assessed the standards of management, resources and premises, teaching and learning, welfare and care of under 18s and all standards were met.



EAQUALS is an international association of institutions and organisations involved in language education and they have been accrediting and enhancing quality language education since its foundation in 1991. All our schools have undergone inspections and been accredited by EAQUALS. The schools undergo full inspections every four years to ensure we meet the standards and adhere to the charters. Between inspections, schools are expected to submit a complete self-assessment to ensure that standards so not slip in-between inspections. The Independent Schools Inspectorate & Education Scotland

All Experience English schools are also inspected by either ISI in England and Education Scotland in Scotland. The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is an approved Educational Oversight body authorised by the Home Office to inspect privately funded further education colleges and language schools in England and Wales. Education Scotland is the Scottish equivalent. The Tier 4 Student Visa status is granted to highly reputable educational organisations, the sponsors, based on the scheme’s specific criteria. 5. Will my child be safe in a host family? All host families are managed by one of Experience English’s trained and experienced accommodation and welfare managers. We ensure that we adhere to all accreditation criteria, all strict internal policies and procedures and the protocols of the UK Child Protection Act. 6. How does Experience English ensure my child will be happy in their host family? Experience English will endeavour to match students up to a suitable host where applicable, based on their background and age and any special requests that are submitted. 7. Do I receive any information in advance about the host family? Yes, Experience English will send a homestay profile as part of the confirmation information approximately two weeks prior to departure. 8. What if my child is not happy with their host family? In the unlikely event that a student is not happy with the homestay host, we will speak to the student and group leader to try and understand the reasons behind this. We will then take the appropriate course of action depending on the circumstances. 9. Is it safe for my child to visit central London? Experience English aims to ensure that all students are in the safest possible hands. We have been delivering programmes to young people in central London for many years now, and we ensure that full risk assessments are carried out prior to all excursions.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 10. What happens if my child becomes ill during their stay in the UK?

We strongly advise that parents take out travel insurance policies that cover medical costs incurred in the UK. If a student is taken ill in the UK, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the student received medical attention as soon as possible. We have first aid administrators within all our teams and will support the group leader in ensuring the student is taken to a local doctor or an Accident and Emergency department at a hospital depending on the circumstances. 11. What about extra expenses?

Parents are advised that our programmes include all entrance and local travel, and that students will only be required to bring pocket money with them for any souvenirs and snacks. This should be in cash or pre-paid card. Experience English cannot be held responsible for any money lost during the programme. 12. Can students make unsupervised outings?

Students must be accompanied at all times, and are not allowed to leave the centre unaccompanied at any time, either during the programme or at the beginning or end of the programme. 13. Are students allowed to meet up family members or friends in free time?

Experience English offers a full programme of daytime and evening activities outside of lesson time, and in order to benefit fully from this programme, we recommend students adhere to the programme. 14. Can students choose who they stay with in homestay or at the residence?

Yes, we are happy to receive rooming requests for either homestay or residence programmes and this must be specified on booking. In addition, we will also require any special dietary requirements and allergy/medication information on booking.


Contact us Ms. Ada Pin

Mr. Paul Chan

Mr. Steve Chan

9100 3327

| adapin@headstartgroup.co

9654 2307

| stevechan@headstartgroup.co

9216 0596

| paulchan@headstartgroup.co

2508, Nanyang Plaza 57 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong HK HK Tel: (852) 2155 9602 Macau Tel: (853) 6268 6001 Fax: (852) 2155 9605 Website: www.headstartgroup.co Email: info@headstartgroup.co

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