4 minute read

David Straus: River Walk Visionary

By Susan Yerkes

DAVID JAY STRAUS II packed a half a dozen lifetimes of accomplishment into his 98 years. Businessman, civic leader, proud Marine, rancher, restaurateur, horseman and all-around outdoorsman, he was also a loving father, husband and brother, and a treasured friend to many.


His stories could fill a dozen books. One of his most lasting legacies is his passionate work to revive and revitalize the River Walk. That work was so important that he is often referred to as “The Father of the Modern River Walk.” It’s a story worth retelling.

Visit the River Walk today, and you may find it hard to believe that in the late ‘50s it was a derelict and abandoned place. The downtown “Horseshoe Bend” of the river—now the River Walk’s colorful heart, had already survived a misbegotten plan to pave it over in the 1920s. Fortunately, the San Antonio Conservation Society and others rallied to the rescue. The Bend was preserved, but neglected. A few years later architect Robert H. H. Hugman unveiled a grand plan to turn the straggly stream into a gorgeous destination—a landscaped linear park with a mix of “banks, shops, clubs and cafes” along with residential and recreational areas.

It was 1939 before the plan began to be realized, when the Depression-era WPA supplied money and men to build the broad walks, arched bridges and stone steps of Hugman’s plan that distinguish the River Walk today. But World War II intervened, and by war’s end the downtown river had devolved into an unsightly, poorly maintained haven for winos and tramps, off-limits to the military and shunned by locals. In 1946, Casa Rio opened on the Bend, but it stood alone for years. Everyone thought something should be done about the River Walk, but nobody took the initiative. Until David Straus stepped in.

A prominent member of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Straus thought the River Walk could be a major tourist attraction. He proposed a committee to come up with ideas and raise funds for formal studies – first hiring a company that had done work for Disney, and, when their ideas were too outlandish, commissioned the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects to prepare a comprehensive master plan to bring life to the River Walk. “My father’s long-term service to the River Walk was fueled by his vision of what we see today—keep the ‘Old San Antonio Charm,’ but have a ‘park’ that is interesting and pleasant,” said his son, David Straus III.

At the time, most buildings along the river faced out to the street, and Straus’ efforts to persuade property owners to open river-facing businesses failed. So he found investors, bought three buildings and renovated them into a model complex of riverside shops and restaurants. Soon others followed suit. He pushed the city to establish a River Walk Commission, and personally wrote a policy manual to ensure development didn’t wreck the River Walk’s beauty.

When the city began planning for an ambitious Hemisfair, Straus championed the River Walk as the perfect focus for the burgeoning tourism business. He proposed a river boat business, with dinner and tour barges. And when the City Council balked, he paid to have a sample barge built and invited Council members for a demo ride, which changed their minds and established today’s river barge business, in time for Hemisfair tourists to experience the revitalized River Walk. He led lobbying for legalized liquor by the drink, another boost for downtown businesses.

“He certainly was the prime mover of getting the River Walk ready for Hemisfair—and because it was ready, it got the city’s attention and support. He started doing it before Hemisfair, though—and not for that reason,“ said Lewis Fisher, author of American Venice: The Epic Story of San Antonio’s River. “He just believed it was good for the city. If he hadn’t done what he did, the river would not be what it is to San Antonio today.”

One of Straus’ most important projects was the creation of Paseo del Rio, an organization of River Walk businesses to plan and promote tourism with fun events, while maintaining the unique ambience of this special place as it grew. It operated independently for more than 50 years, and recently became part of Visit San Antonio. “One thing I remember from him was the importance of always serving the river operators while protecting and preserving the River Walk. He always cared about the little guy, supporting local businesses,” recalled Greg Gallaspy, who headed Paseo del Rio in the ‘90s.

Straus lived to see the spectacular results of his passionate work for the River Walk. Today, some 12 million tourists and more than a million residents visit the River Walk each year. And while national chains have brought more bustle and glitz to the Bend, the recently developed Museum and Mission Reaches of the River Walk now extend its special beauty for miles.

“The San Antonio River Walk is the most visited attraction in the state, and this never would have happened without the initiative and work done by Mr. Straus,” said Visit San Antonio’s Maggie Thompson, who served as executive director of Paseo del Rio from 2015 to 2021. “Because of the great impact of the River Walk, the entire city of San Antonio has grown and benefitted by his accomplishments.”

Straus died in May. But his passionate love for his city lives on in the beauty and spirit of the River Walk.

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