Art book project

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Louise Cheatle

Ideas I The book I have chosen to base my ideas around is IT by Alexa Chung. The book features a series of sketches, photographs and ‘style advice’ from Alexa, an ‘IT girl’ and TV personality. For my own book, I want to create something similar, featuring my own photographs and sketches. In a way it’s almost like a photo blog in book form, a way to share ideas and things you have created. I really like the simple concept of IT. Although it’s not a novel or particularly informative, it is light-hearted and a good source of inspiration for style and just general life. I love the pink fabric hard-back cover of IT and also the fonts use for the titles. I’d like my own book to be of a similar style if I could achieve this.



Ideas II For my book I have decided to use a different aesthetic from Alexa’s vintage-inspired vibes. I am using minimalist and modernist imagery. I will by using mainly black and white photography and exploring typography and contemporary art forms. I was inspired to do this through image-sharing website pinterest, it is like an online mood board. One of my boards, follows the ideas that I would like to portray in the book. On the following pages are some images from said pinterest board, which will be the basis of the ideas and imagery in the book.





I will look at things such as: textures, black and white photography, graphic design, architecture, typography and sculpture. For crit I will study Bauhaus as many of the artists produce work following the above criteria. Bauhaus was an art school in Germany that operated between 1919 and 1933. It was host to a range of artists, whom specialised in the fields I would like to look at: typography, graphic design, architecture etc. Bauhaus was hugely influential and was a forerunner in the modernist movement. Artists from the Bauhaus include: Anni Albers, Otto Lindig, Piet Mondrian, Max Bill, Herbert Bayer, and Joost Schmidt.




Bauhaus Bauhaus was an art school in Germany that operated between 1919 and 1933. It was founded by architect Walter Gropius. The school existed in three locations, Weimar (19-25), Dessau (25-32) and Berlin (32-33), each under the management of different architect-directors, first, it’s founder, Walter Gropius (19-28), then Hannes Meyer (28-30) and finally Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (30-33). Bauhaus was home to a range of artists who all worked towards a modernist ideal. Bauhaus was hugely influential in the art world and has had lasting effects on modern, “contemporary” art and graphic design. It has also created huge waves within the world of architecture, spawning whole architectural movements such as Neues Bauen (translation: New Buliding/Objectivity).




Ideas III I have decided to have my book cover similar to that of Alexa’s IT, however mine will be white to compliment the black & white photography I will be using. I want to try and emboss the title onto the cover somehow, but I'm not sure how to do it. I may just use stamps instead, as learning how to emboss may not be practical in such a small time frame. I think for the cover of my book I will use the image on the title of this book, geometric shapes. I am still unsure o n a title for the book.


title a






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