Louise Persson Portfolio 2017

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Portfolio Industrial Design UmeĂĽ Institute of Design 2017

Louise Persson

CV Education Bachelor - Industrial Design 2014 - 2017 UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

Foundation year in Art and Design 2013 - 2014 Stockholm Art School

Work Designer Employment 2016 June - October Humans since 1982

Design Internship 2016 January - April Humans since 1982

Skillset Adobe After Effects, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Muse, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Cinema4D, Keyshot, RhinoCeros, Solidworks


Contact Louise Persson louise.persson1988@gmail.com +46 (0) 735 00 94 45



Proffessional work

Poängen med Pengen

Eye of Light


Design Intern & Designer Humans since 1982

Interaction Design Service Design

Interaction Design Commercial Design

Product Design Functioning Prototype

2016 - January - October

2017 May Bachelor Theis

2015 September One week project

2015 - April Two week project


UrbanEars Hair Dryer




Product Design Model Making

Product Design Design Manual

Interaction Design Service Design

Product Design Skecthing

2014 - October Two week project

2016 - December Five week project

2016 - April Five week project

2016 - September One week project


Work experience Humans since 1982

Humans since 1982 Humans since 1982 is an artist-led studio based in Stockholm. The studio works multidisciplinary with art, design and engineering, and comprises a larger team of specialists with different professional and cultural backgrounds. During Janary- April 2016 I joined the team as a design intern. During this period Humans since 1982 released a new version of their product Clock Clock at MoMA Design Store in New York. During my internship I worked closely with the team to prepare the release of the new product and I was responsible for the graphic design of the user manual that would be provided with Clock Clock. I was also responsible for providing the press material that would be published at the website at MoMA design store. After the 3-month period of internship, I was offered a design employment and continued to work at the studio for another 6 months. The list below, describes the tasks given during my time at Humans since 1982.

Internship & Employment contained:

Proffessional work

• • • • • • •

Design Intern & Designer Humans since 1982


Graphic design and layout for manuals Product development for existing products Concept development for upcoming products Sales material for collaboration partners Sales material for prospects Retouching photos Animated videos

2016 - January - October


Work experience UNGATIO

UNGATIO The vision of UNGATIO is to introduce the world of design to teenagers in an early age. A group of ten students in the age of 1618 gets introduced to deisgn in a summer internship. The aim is to introduce and give the students an insight in how the development and production of a product works, by letting them design products for five different projects. My role was to be the mentor and tutor for students in the development of the five different projects; an outdoor BBQ grill, a brush and shovel, a cheese slicer, an application and a graphical pattern for a wastebasket. All five the projects was aimed towards actual clients and I supported the students in designing the products. I prepared and arranged workshops for the students and supported the team in ideation, prototyping, evaluation, problem definition and final design in the projects. As the products would be produced, I provided the production material to the external partners and suppliers. Two of the projects, the cheese slicer and the brush and shovel, was fully developed during this two week time period. The following projects are still under development and I am currently working as a freelance designer to finalize the design.

Employment contained:

Proffessional work

• Mentor for students in the design process

Tutor for students in design UNGATIO

• • •

Presentation of Sketching Techniques Presentation of Adobe Software & CAD Concept Development • Providing drawings for production • Prototyping • Graphic design • Internal Presentations • External Presentation


2017 - Tutor- July Freelance Designer - Ongoing

Radie 2 mm

150 mm

11 mm

20 mm

10 mm

Radie 4 mm

65 mm

Radie 4 mm 140 mm

Borr 5/3 mm

C to C 10 mm

11 mm

4 mm

How can we introduce money to children in a cashless society? The prediction is that by year 2030, Sweden will be a cashless society. Since the traditional ways of introducing money will be challanged in this society, we need new tools to help us communicate about money.

Poängen med Pengen - Thesis Work The bachelor thesis is a ten week project at Umeü Insitute of Design in collaboration with Gimi. The external collaboration partner for the thesis work is Gimi. They provide the service Veckopengen, an application where parents and children together can manage a weekly allowance. During the thesis work 10

the external collaboration partner provided information, interviews, a survey, a workshop and evaluation of the ideas. The project is accomplished by an iterative design process where the aim is to investigate what tools a parent and child may need in a cashless society. The design process is divided into five phases: research, analyze, ideation, refinement and deliver.

Interaction Design Service Design

2017 May Ten week project

Louise Persson Bachelor Industrial Design Thesis Work 2017

Poängen med Pengen Research - Statistics

The number one advice in teaching your child about money: 1.

Talk to your child about money.

But parents in Sweden dosn’t take that advice...



83% of parents in Sweden try to teach their children in how to handle money


The Swedes are second worst in Europe to talk about economics with their children

50% of teenagers in Sweden are concerned about their economic situation

The number one advice in teaching your child about money does not match the reality.

Lack of conversation about economics The survey from Intrum Justitia is based on a survey conducted in 21 countries in Europe with over 20,000 respondents. The purpose of the survey is to gain insight into the everyday lives of consumers, their expenses and ability to manage their personal finances. These reports have been compared between countries to identify consumer’s approach to money and economics, as well as highlight differences between the different countries in Europe. Within the project, only surveys concerning Sweden have been taken into account. The survey shows that 83% of parents in Sweden try to teach their children how to handle money, yet parents have difficulty talking about money and

finances with their children, as the survey also shows that parents in Sweden are the second worst in Europe to Talk about private finances with their children. 1 in 3 parents estimate that they will need to continue to support their children financially after moving home. 16% of the children who left home indicate that at least one time they have had to move home to their parents again because of your financial situation and one in 3 young people states that they do not get the economy to be enough. 1 out of 4 states that it would be good to have further knowledge about saving money and how to set up a budget.


Poängen med Pengen Research - Interview

S? - We don’t talk about money. The topic contains many different areas to dicuss and often it just feels too heavy. I actually don’t know what my child needs to learn more about.

Parents do not raise the topic about money with their children, due to lack of insight and understanding of the childs level of knowledge within economics.


Meeting children, parents and experts to better understand the situation.


Museum Visit

During the thesis, interviews with 12 children, 4 parents and a mathematics teacher was held in order to better understand how we educate our children about money and economics today. The interviews exposed how parents have a will to talk about the subjet with their children, but a lack of knowledge in how to do it or what to talk about. The reason why they find it hard to discuss, is that the subjcet itself feels very heavy and contains several different areas to dicuss. As the parent experience a lack of knowlegde in what areas the child would need more knowledge in, the conversations about money in general gets absent.

To gain an insight in children’s understanding and knowledge of the concept of money, an interview along with a museum visits. The museum visit took place at the Royal Coin Cabinet’s exhibition Pengalabbet in the theme of money and economy. The purpose of the visit was to find out what level of knowledge and understanding a child has on these issues. Afterwards, the experience was discussed and the topics, questions and concerns that arose during the visit.


Poängen med Pengen Ideation, Evaluation & Development

Du har ett nytt uppdrag!

Hur mycket kan du om pengar?

Vilka beslut tar du?

Samla poäng och bli en expert på pengar!

Ta reda på dina styrkor och svagheter!

Svara på frågor och få koll på köpen!

Kategorier för uppdrag:

Kategorier för kunskapstest:

Kategorier för reflektion:


Jämföra reklam

I hemmet



Beteenden & Mönster


Pengars värde




På semester


Handla online

Hantera pengar


Tidigare köp


Jämföra priser

I butik




Hantera kort


Framtida köp


Concept 1

Concept 2 Winner How much do you know about money?

Concept development Togehter with students at Umeå Institute of Design, a brainstorming session was held in order to find solutions of the deisgn problem. The ideas and possible solutions was evaluated individually and was formed into three different concepts. To decide which one of the concepts that would be further developed, a discussion with the external collaboration partner took part. The concept How much do you know about money? was the winning concept.


Concept 3


Andra funktioner inom applikation Information i ämnet Barn & Digitala Pengar Artiklar Hemsidor

Lokalisering Nästa steg

App Store

Var i appen finns aktivitet Var i appen finns passivitet


Familj Vänner Kollegor Skolgård

Vilken information har du med dig?

Hjälp på vägen Ledsaga

Inloggning Samlad information Din profil

Test Interaktivt test Samla poäng


Vad är din upp


Presentera fakta Visuellt uttryck



Nästa steg/Tillbaka till världen utanför

Plats för Möte & Vila

Ryktesvägar/ Har du hört..?


Veckopeng, Transaktioner Uppgifter, Sparmål

Navigering mellan funktioner

Val att avsluta/stänga ned applikation

Navigering i applikation Lokalisering

Socialt Grisen-Kommunicerar Andra som är sammankopplade Förälder, Barn, Vänner, Släkt

Marknadsföring Mailutskick Reklam Publicitet

Concept Development Medaljer


? ?

? ?

? ?







• Börja med 0 poäng S?

• Jobba dig uppåt! • Tips på hur du kan tjäna fler poäng





• Feedback • Överblick över utveckling


Tips: Visste du att...?


Poängen med Pengen Refinement

Functions & Moodboard In order to find out how children would like an application, a workshop with ten children in the age of 8-15 was held. In the first part of the workshop they gave examples of what other games and applications they enjoyed and why. In the second part of the workshop they were given pen, paper, printed illustrations and symbols and got to explore how the functions and interface could look like and how you would interact in the application. After the workshop a moodboard was developed with a visual identity and guideline for the concept. A simplicity, in illustrations, as well as in the layout of the interface, was chosen. 18

Simplicity in illustrations


Geometric forms


Playful Playful & & Inviting Inviting Colours

Surprising 19

Poängen med Pengen Final Result



You have been sent off to buy some milk.

Oh! You have been given your first credit card.

How many packages of milk can you get for 50 SEK?

How many numbers does the PIN-code have?






What is a PIN-code?

4 numbers

0 numbers

6 numbers

2 numbers

8 numbers

Watch video In the development of the concept for Poängen med Pengen, we created a survey. The purpose was to better understand the general level of knowledge in financial literacy among children in Sweden. The intended respondents for the survey was children aged 8-12 years old. For ethical reasons the promotion video was targeted and distributed towards parents. We gained answers from 1089 children. The survey is now closed and the results are being analyzed. To communicate the concept and vision of Poängen med Pengen, I animated a video. The illustrations are made in Adobe Illustrator and the animation is made in Adobe After Effects. 20


Poängen med Pengen is a game in financial literacy for children. The vision is to identify the child’s strenghts and weaknesses within the area and raise a conversation between the parent and child about money.

The Game In a cashless society the traditional ways of educating children in money and economics gets challenged as the physical money disappears. The result of the thesis is an educative game for 8-12 years old in financial literacy. Questions regarding money and economics are presented to the child in a playful game. The game gives the parents and child a better understanding of the child’s level of knowledge within the area and what topics they should discuss further. 21

Poängen med Pengen

How it works:




Weekly Allowance: THE VALUE OF MONEY

Well done! You have now completed the first part.

Let’s continue with 5 more questions!

You have been sent off to buy some milk. How many packages of milk 1 can you 2 get3for 50 4SEK? 5

How many times in a month do you pay for something yourself when you are in a store?

As a first time user, your profile is empty. Enter the game by tapping the world.

Since it’s your first time. The first thing you willl do is to answer some introducing questions.

Poängen med Pengen In the example above, you can see the main features of the game. They are placed in a time-line were you start as a first time user. As a first time user, you get introducing questions, in order to get a holistic image of your situation and how your current relation to money looks like. When you have answered the introducing questions, you enter the game and in three different worlds, you will get questions regarding money and economics. When you have answered the questions, your profile will be updated with your economical superpowers. The top 3 superpowers are explained with displayed in your profile with different symbols. 22

As you walk through the different worlds, you will find questions in money and economics.

Your profile h been update your top Superpow

ofile has now updated with ur top 3 erpowers.



Oh! You have been given your first credit card.


How many numbers does the PIN-code have?

What is a PIN-code?

4 numbers

0 numbers

6 numbers

2 numbers

8 numbers

You have a great ability to understand money and its value!

Find out more! You can get even better at this skill by continue to comparing products


As you continue playing, you will find new questions. And they might be a bit trickier than before.

As you continue to answer questions. You might find out your Superpowers have been updated.

To understand your strengths and weaknesses, you can find more detailed information about your Superpowers.


Poängen med Pengen Details

The Past

The Present

History of Money Terms & Mathematics Trading Goods No Money

Value of Money Sustainable Consumption Consequences & Impact Physical Money

About the Worlds In the game, the child gets introduced to money and economics by three worlds: The Past, The Present and The future. With an individual theme, each world presents different questions regarding money. This highlights the change and development that has taken place in society in relation to money. The vision is that the game will be a natural starting point of conversation for the parent and child to help them talk about the subject, how our relation to money has changed over time and how it will continue to change. 24

The Future Price Awareness Online Consumption Terms & Conditions Digital Money

The child gets introduced to three different worlds. Each world presents the concept of money with an individual focus.

About the Objects & Challanges To make it comprehensible for the child that the three worlds are connected to each other, the main objects: school, household, bank and store have been placed in the same location throughout the three worlds. The design of the objects varies between the worlds, to match its individual theme. The static location of the objects and the various design clarifies that a development has taken place in time. As the worlds present questions with an individual focus Challenges gets presented, to encourage the child to explore each world and learn from their different perspectives. This means that if the child, for example, has responded to many questions in The Present, Challenges will promote questions in The Past and The Future. 25

Poängen med Pengen Presentation & Exhibition

Watch the presentation The thesis project was presented at Design Talks ‘17 at Umeå Institute of Design in a 3 minute pitch togehter with an exhibition. In order to better communicate about the project and explain the concept of Poängen med Pengen was presented by a poster and, the three digital worlds that you can find in the game, was presented in three models made of foamboard. The vision with the models was to have something tangible to relate to when explaining for visitors about the project. The 3 minute presentation of the project can be find in the link below, Poängen med Pengen is presented in Part 3 at 57:00. http://uid.umu.se/en/uid17/watch-the-talks/




Poängen med Pengen

Poängen med Pengen Bachelor Thesis

2017 May Ten week project 29

Searching for a new interactive way to promote eye wear. Eye of Light This project is a one week collaboration between UmeĂĽ Insitute of Design and EoE Eye wear. The Scandinavian based eye wear company, EoE, approached the students with a need to find a new way to accentuate and promote their eyewear in retail, at fairs and exhibitions. The co-founder and sales


manager of EoE, Erik Lindmark, introduced the brand, their design principles and their specified needs to the students. Erik described the Scandinavian heritage to be strongly connected to the brand and the products itself and be a main source of inspiration. The collections are inspired by the simplicity in Swedish design and the nature of northern Scandinavia.

Interaction Design Commercial Design

2015 September One week project

Eye of Light Introduction


EoE wants to find a new way of promoting their eyewear. The goal is to make a captivating experience around the eyewear, to enarmor customers to find their perfect glasses.

About EoE EoE is an eyewear company founded and based in the north of Sweden. They make products inspired by elements of the nature found in north of Scandinavia. The connection between the brand and their source of inspiration is noticeable. The regular glasses are named after towns in the north of Sweden, while the sunglasses are named after resorts and beaches of

Sweden. EoE approached the students with a vision to explore new ways to promote their products. Their wish was to attract new customers and create an attractive way of attention around their product.


Eye of Light Inspiration and concept

The rare light found in northern Scandinavia, changes drastically through out the different seasons. The change of light became the main source of inspiration for this project.

Scandinavian light As people ask you where you are from and your answer is Sweden. The question that follow is often ’How do you experience the summer nights, with endless light, followed by the dark winter?. This question became the main inspiration while developing the concept for the new design. The concept takes advantage of the contrast of light during the seasons.


Use the change of light during seasons as a source of inspiration.


Eye of Light

Final product By creating long cast shadows to simulate the rare light in Scandinavia, the exhibition stand insist upon your attention, never the less highlights the product of EoE. The construction of the stand allows you to easily construct and de-construct the piece, inbetween the different exhibitions and fairs. The stand can also be set as a permanent piece in retail. Final product made in RhinoCeros, Keyshot and Adobe Photoshop. 36

Eye of Light Interaction with visitor




Steps of interaction

1. Dark when visitors are faraway. 2. Light intensity increases when

visitors approaches the piece.

3. Lights intensity is strongest


when visitors interact with the piece.

The exhibition stand encourage people to interact with the product. The light intensity changes according to the distance between the visitors and the piece.

Interaction The presence of people changes the appearance of the exhibition stand, as it alters in light intensity. While people approach the stand and examine the products, the light intensity increase. The exhibition stand allows the visitor to explore the different features of the eye wear and perceieve the colors of the glass of the eyewear through the light. When they leave the stand, the light fades away.



Eye of Light

Eye of Light Interaction Design Commercial Design

2015 September One week project 41

Give an old product a new design.

Radio The two week personal project, Radio, is based on the idea of- by changing the outer appearance of a product, its aesthetic value is manipulated and thereby changed. An old radio was taken apart and its components were re-used with a new housing. The new housing has a distinctive different aesthetic appearance with its new given proportions, material and details.


Product Design Functioning Prototype

2015 - April Two week project

RADIO Form and material

Details in graphic design, architecture and furniture was the inspiration of the design of the radio.

Geometric shape The inspiration was found in geometric shapes in graphical design, repetitive forms in architecture and constructional techniques in furniture. The balance between the small features of the radio, was found in graphical design where the layout follows a grid and is based on small changes. The material was considered with the purpose to find the minimum distractive one, that still enhances the minimalistic design. 44

Analog sketches of the Radio. 45

RADIO In the workshop

The parts of the radio are made out of birch and aluminium. The aluminium buttons are lathed and the front, top and back birch pieces are milled.

Workshop Made of two different materials, the radio features a rectangular housing made in birch and details made in aluminium. The housing parts are all made in the machines found in the wooden workshop, some of the parts have been milled out to to serve the technical components dimensions and requirements. The aluminium buttons have been lathed in the metal workshop. The red LED-light, makes a significant


detail of the radio. It is considered to be a playful detail, which creates a contrast between the two materials and establish something unexpected.







Radio Product Design Functioning Prototype

2015 - April Two week project 51

Give a brand a product that they do not design today.

UrbanEars Hair Dryer A three week design project where the focus was to explore the form elements of a chosen brand. The assignment was to evaluate the form language of the brand and find the key elements of the design and translate it into a new product. To present the product, a 1:1 scale model was made. I chose to make a hair dryer for the heaadphone company UrbanEars.


2014 - October Two week project - Product Design


With a coloful playfullness UrbanEars produce headphones.


Evaluate the form elements of UrbanEars and translate their core values. Design a product that they do not produce today.

About the brief By observing the design of the UrbanEars headphones, the new product was given its design. The significant design elements of the UrbanEars headphones are the geometrical form, symmetrical design and the disctint colours. In this project the production method was highly valued as the course required the product to be able to go in production.


URBANEARS HAIR DRYER Functions & Details

Ceramic grill

Matte plastic Semi Shiny plastic Stainless Steel

Button to control air flow

Form elements The different materials of the product was chosen with two things in mind. Naturally the deisgn elements of the UrbanEars headphone, where the different materials appear to have the same monochrome colour as well as the interaction of the materials of the product for the user.



URBANEARS HAIR DRYER Commercial space & color

Commercial space For the product to recive attention in a retail store, the product is presented wall mounted. The goal is to create a more sophisticated scene around the product . From a distance the hairdryer appears like pixles with the vision to create curiosity for the visitor and to encourage the visitor to approach the product and have a closer look.




UrbanEars Hair Dryer

UrbanEars Hair Dryer Product Design Model Making

2014 - October Two week project


Create a design manual. Make a product based on the guidelines.

TA -BI This project is a collaboration between UmeĂĽ Institute of Design and OMC. The goal is to create a design manual for the company and with the new brand identity and guidelines design a running shoe.


October 2015 Three week project Collaboration partner UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

TA-BI Design Manual & Product

Design Manual The design manual provides guidelines and policies for developing the design of the brand identity, as well as their products. The manual contains usage of logo, typeface, colors, material, finish and details. These guidelines will guide the future design of the company.





September 2016 One week project Collaboration partner UmeĂĽ Insistute of Design


Food delivery: To connect people within a community.

MeWalla This project is a collaboration with Umeå Institute of Design. The project started off with the a lecture in design theory and history by Maria Göransdotter, the Assistant Head of Department at Umeå Institute of Design. The main focus was to raise how design co-exist in context to our society and


external conditions. How design, up until today, have been affected by the political, historical and social events in the past. The products and services, being designed this present day, is a reflection upon our society, norms, social behavioral patterns and trends seen in our world today. This project takes off with that discussions in mind.

Interaction Design Service Design

2016 - April Five week project

MeWala Design Challange

Illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator. 70

Can we create a food delivery system for people in need of help or assistance?

People in need of help or assistance Applications like Uber, AirBnB, and Alibaba are commonly known for creating a platform for the users to be integrated into a Shareconomy, where the users are a part of the business. Similarly, MeWalla works by connecting businesses, households and users together to create an integral system of food delivery. MeWalla impacts the lives of everyone by awarding discounts to young adults for helping those in need of assistance in the community. As life happens, unexpected situations occur and sometimes these situations can take away from simple everyday tasks, such as, getting

your groceries. In these moments you might need a helping hand, MeWalla will then help you to bring the grocery bag to you.






Previous deliveries:



Toast with hummus


Aspargus salad

16 t h o f J u l y


2nd of July

10 %

7th of June

10 %

5th of June

15 %

15 t h o f M a y

10 %

Fish soup






A food delivery service that brings the grocery bag to people in need of help.



MeWala Stakeholders & Explanation

The family Lack of time, but a desire to spend family time together.

The grocery store


In need of returning customers and wish to deliver good service.

The family, grocery store and student are all connected to the application.

The student Lack of money, but an active lifestyle to keep up to.

The Application The three stakeholders of MeWalla are presented in the family, the grocery store and the student. They are all connected to the application and together they make the cycle of the service. The concept of MeWalla is explained with these three stakesholders and how their actions connects to each other and together creates the system.

Illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator. 74

How MeWalla works:




Family makes a food delivery request in their MeWalla.

The student confirms she will pick up the order later that day.

The student picks up the grocery bag at the grocery store.




The request is saved in wait for pick up.

Confirmed order is sent forward to the grocery store and a notification is sent to the family.

The student delivers the bag to the family. The family gets notified that the grocery bag is delieverd.




The student makes decision to go food shopping and checks her MeWalla.

The grocery store prepares the grocery bag for being picked up.

The student gets a discount on her next purchase at the grocery store.

MeWala Animated Video

1. To explain the concept of the project, an animated video was made.

The Animation To describe the idea behind MeWalla and how the service works, an animation was created. In the animation you get to follow the three stakeholders: the family, the grocery store and the student. The different needs of the stakeholder are presented and how they would benefit from using the service.

Video made in Adobe AfterEffects and Premiere Pro. 76

Family makes a food delivery request in their MeWala.


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Rent Card LIS T h friends les Gym ab wit Beer gic veget

Ecolo Tue W ed Th ur Fri

Pick u Pick p Sara fr up E o lla fr m day ca o m sc re Fo otb ho o l all p ractic e Ver y impo rtant meet C ho o ing se In Get stagra likes m fi lter Groce for d ry shopp ing (W inner ?) hat sh o uld



we h ave


MeWalla Interface








Groceries Recipes



Toast with hummus Toast with hummus



Aspargus salad

Aspargus salad

Fish soup

Fish soup SAVE ORDER




The Interface The interface of MeWalla is divided into two different parts, depending which feature you will be using. You can either be logged in as the one who requests an order or be logged in as the one who will deliver the order. You can ealisy switch between the two different interfaces and use the different features and services depending on your needs and your situation.






Icon Set:


Price worhty Common purchase Weekly offer Vegetarian






Previous deliveries:

Yo u a r e h e r e



e r e h e r a u oY

16 t h o f J u l y


2nd of July

2nd of July

10 %

7th of June

7th of June

10 %

5th of June

15 %

15 t h o f M a y

10 %

16 t h o f J u l y

5th of June

sredro 4

15 t h o f M a yI n y o u r a r e a :






In your area:

4 orders








Icon Set: Your position Large delivery, longer distance Small delivery, longer distance Small delivery, shorter distance


1m ago MeWalla: 5 bags to be delivered in your area!



MeWalla Interaction Design Service Design 2016 - April Five week project


Skecth and exploration of an arm chair.

Shell This project is a one week sketching course. In the beginning of the project the focus was to practise analog skecthes and to try out different drawing techniques and to refine your existing skills. The end result was presented in a digital rendering, where the analog skecthes was scanned and used as an underlay.


October 2015 One week project Collaboration partner UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

Shell Inspiration & Sketches

Velvet Assymetrical Stability & contrast Colors

Shell Velvet fabric. Asymmetrical form. Stability in construction. Contrast between materials. Blue shades. The inspiration for the arm chair is presented in the mood board above. The color, material and finish are selected together to create and challenge the harmony and contrast within the product.





September 2016 One week project Collaboration partner UmeĂĽ Insistute of Design


Thank you. Industrial Design UmeĂĽ Institute of Design 2017

Contact Louise Persson louise.persson1988@gmail.com +46 (0) 735 00 94 45

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