Facebook Step-by-step guide

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FACEBOOK H OW TO SET UP A F ACEBOOK A CCOUNT Facebook is a social media phenomenon. It is a networking website which allows users to join networks that are organised by city, workplace, school or region. Facebook is predominantly used as a social networking platform on a personal level where members keep in touch with friends and family and subscribe to various groups and pages. However, companies whose end users are the consumer market are now realising the potential for reaching these markets through advertising on Facebook, creating fan pages, company pages, and setting up groups. There is increasing activity at a B2B level, with organisations interacting with each other, but on a more personal level. Advertising on Facebook is continually evolving, and is a very effective way of reaching highly targeted and segmented audiences. One of the key strengths of this is that you can set your own budgets, and test the success or otherwise of the advertising.


Go to your internet browser and go to www.facebook.com


To sign up you first need to enter the details that it asks you to in the middle of the right hand side of the page. Once you have completed this then click Sign Up.

Enter your First Name, Surname, Email Address, Password, Gender & Birthday then click Sign Up


Once you have entered the details you will be asked to verify your account. Click on the link that has been sent to you and this will take you to the next step of setting up your Facebook page.


You will next be asked to find your friends on Facebook using an email address. These are for email addresses such as Hotmail and Yahoo accounts. Enter your email address in the box and then click find friends. Another screen will load. You will be asked to enter your password for you email account. If any of your contacts from your email account are on Facebook then a list will appear of there names. Put a tick in the box next to the names that you would like to add and click add friends. You do have the opportunity to use a different account. Above the list of names that appear you will see some blue writing that says try another email account. If you click on this link then it will take you back to the previous screen to search for your contacts. If you do not wish to search for anyone then you can choose Skip this step at the bottom right of the screen. If you decide to add friends once you have clicked Add Friends you will then be taken to a screen where it will list your contacts that are not connected to Facebook, if you would like to send them an email asking to join then click Invite to join, if not then click skip.


You will then be taken to a screen to add your profile information. If you start to enter your Secondary School you will see that underneath a list will start to appear, if your secondary school appears then just click on the name and it will auto complete the rest for you. You can do this with your University and Employer as well. If you find that the School or company does not appear then you can type the name of these in the box instead. When you have added this information a box appears next to it and lets you add in the year that you left. Once you have filled in all the information then click Save & continue or if you want to come back to this then click Skip step


If you have completed any of the previous page then it will then suggest people that you may know that went to the same university and school. If you would like to add any of these people click on add as a friend underneath there picture. This will automatically send a friend request to them. Once you have added everyone that you would like then click Save & continue or you can skip step if you would not like to do this at the moment


You will then be asked to add a Profile Picture. You have 2 options here, you are able to Upload a photo from your computer or Take a Photo from a Webcam. If you choose to load a photo then click on here. You will then have a box come up asking to browse your computer. You can choose which photo you would like from your computer here. If you decide to take a photo from your Webcam, click on Take a Photo. It will detect your webcam and let you take a load it directly to your Facebook. Once this has been completed then click Save & continue or you can skip step and come back to this later.

You have now set up the basics for your Facebook page.

Shows any Friend Requests, Messages and Notifications


Links to see News Feed, Photos, your messages, up and coming Events, and Friends

Access to your Home Page, Profile, Find Friends and Account Settings Suggestions: This shows people that you may know. If also suggests Fan Pages that you may like to join

Where to type your Status updates, that will be shown in your friends News Feed on there home page

Shows which friends are online at the moment

Your News Feed, Shows Status Updates, Posts, Videos, Photos etc that you and your friends have shared. When you first log into Facebook you will automatically be taken to your home page. This shows mainly your News Feed. Your News Feed shows what your friends have been doing at the moment, Any status updates, Posts, Photos, Videos, If they have add any new friends and even if they have changed there profile picture. You will only see information about people that you are friends with. If you have sent a Friend Request to someone then they will have to Accept this before you are able to see there Profile or see any of there Status updates etc. At the very top of the page you will see a blue bar with 3 dark symbols on. There represent any Friend Requests that you have, Messages or Notification. You will see a number in a red comment box, this represents how many Messages etc that you have not views yet. NB Notifications advise you when someone has, accepted a friend requested or posted a comment on your photo’s, video’s, status update’s, and wall. On the right hand side of the home screen is where any suggestions and adverts are shown. At the top will show any birthday that are coming up in the next couple of days for your friends. Next you will see Keep in Touch this shows anyone that you may have not been in contact for a while and suggest something to do, i.e. suggest a profile

picture or write on there wall. You will then see Recommended Pages; this suggests fan pages that you may be of interest in and friends that you may know. Next will be an advert for a company or product but there is also a link to create an Advert as well. You will then see Get Connected, this is a link to Find Friends, invite them to Facebook, connect to Facebook mobile and even see how many people have accepted your Facebook Invite. On the left hand side of the screen shows links to your pages i.e. Messages, Applications and Music. It also shows some of your friends that are online now. This is also shown on the bottom right hand side of your screen too. You are able to chat to your friends that are online at the moment. At the bottom right hand side of the screen shows Chat and in brackets a number, this shows how many of your friends are online at the moment. Click on chat and it will bring up a list of all your friends that are online at the moment. If they have a green circle next to there name then they are using Facebook at the moment, if they show a half moon then they are online but not actively using Facebook at that time, but you are still able to send them a chat message. If you would like to chat to any of these friends then click on there name and a chat box will appear, just start typing you conversation and press enter and a message will be sent directly to them. If someone has replied or talks to you then a red comments box with a number will appear on the chat box. You can also click on the names on the right hand side of the page to start chatting or to see all who is online click view all at the bottom of who is online on the right hand side and the list of who is online will open at the bottom right hand side of your page. At the top of the right hand side you will see there is a list consisting of News Feed, Messages, Events, Photos & Friends, these are all quick links to view these pages. Under these are quick links to Games, Groups Applications (similar to games) and more, these are all applications that you have added to your Facebook i.e. quizzes, music and more. At the very top of your home page you will see a box with the question, What’s on your mind? This is where you can post your own Status Updates. Type what you would like to say in the box and click share at it will be posted to your friends News Feeds. You can also add links, photos, videos etc to your status updates. Just click on the symbol relating to what you would like to attach and follow the step. Once you have done click share and it will be posted to your friends News Feed. You will also be able to see them on your profile page.

Y OUR P ROFILE P AGE Your profile page shows all the activity that you have been up to on Facebook and you can also see any of your photos, videos, and info that you have added. To view your profile page you need to click on Profile at the top right of your screen. Your Profile Page is split into sections which can be seen under your name at the top of the screen. The first three tabs that you will have are Wall, Info & Photos there is also a tab with a + sign on. This is to add more tabs like Videos or Music. You will also see on your home page that it lists on the left hand side your basic information, such as Marital Status, this can be edited by click the pencil icon in the top right hand corner of each section. Under here shows who your friends are on Facebook. You will see all of this information when you look at your friends profile pictures. If some of the information is not showing then they either have not entered it or have set it to private so no-one can see it.

This is where all your tabs are for your Profile Page. Wall Info & Photos, and any other that you may add later You basic information is shown here Your friends are shown here

Click Profile to see your Profile Page

I NFO T AB You will automatically be taken to the info part of your Profile page when you click on home. This shows all the information that you added when you originally set up the page, any anything else that you have added since. The Info tab is split into 4 sections, About Me, Work and Education, Likes and Interests and Contact Information. You are able to edit this information from this page, at the top right hand side of every section. Just click on Edit and it will take you to a screen to edit the information.

W ALL T AB Your wall tab is where all your status updates are shown and anything that you have posted to your wall, such as Videos, Photos and any fan pages that you have liked recently. This is also where you will see if anyone has posted any messages to your wall. Everything that is posted to your wall is also posted to yours and your friends News Feed on the Home page.

P HOTOS Your Photos tab shows all the photos that you have been tagged and albums that you have added. The top sets of photos are the photos that you have been tagged in, by yourself or other people. You will see at the top right hand side of the screen Create a Photo Album, click on this and it will take you to another page which lets you enter the details of the Album. Enter in the Album name, and if you want to Location and Description of the album. You will also see that there is a privacy option. This is where you can choose who will be able to see the album or not, You can choose either, Everyone (this will let anyone who views your profile, even if they are not your friend see the album) Friends of friends (this allows your friends on Facebook and there friends to see the photos) Friends only (Allows only your friends on Facebook to view the album) or Customise (this allows you to choose who you do not want to see the photos). Once you have completed these sections click create album and follow the step by step process to add in your photos.

Y OUR A CCOUNT S ETTINGS You account settings is where you can change and edit your account and privacy settings. You can do this by clicking Account on the top right hand side of your page. You will have a drop down menu with a list of options, Edit Friends, Manage Pages, Account Settings, Privacy Settings, Application Settings, Help Centre and Log out. To choose any of these just click on the name.

E DIT F RIENDS Edit friends is where you can delete friends and fan pages or add them to a specific list. You will first be taken to a screen where all your friends and fan pages are displayed in alphabetical order they will show next to them add to list with a drop down menu next to it. You can add specific friends to lists that you create, such as Family or work colleagues. To add anyone to a list click add to list at the right hand side of there name. If you already have a lists created then this will show in the drop down menu, if you would like to create a list type in the box at the bottom of the drop down menu what you would like to call the list and press entre. They will then be added to this list and when you click the drop down menu for anyone else you will now see your new list. To add someone to a list that has already been created then click on the name of the list and it will add them to this. You can also amend your lists and create them by clicking on the options at the top left hand side of your list of names. If you would like to delete a friend or fan page then click on the cross that is next to there name. A box will appear asking if you would like to Remove them or cancel. Click on either option you would like to choose. Down the right hand side of the screen you will have several options, All connections, Find Friends, Invite friends, Browse, Phonebook, Recently added, Recently updated. You also have Lists, where you can filter what people that you see and search for. You have the choice of Friends, Pages, SMS Subscriptions and All. By clicking 1 of these options it will only show your friends or fan pages etc.

All connections it the first page that Edit friends will load and will show all your contact and fan pages on Facebook. Find friends gives you the option to search your friends through email contacts on Hotmail, yahoo etc. It also suggests people that you may know and search for people on Facebook. Invite friend’s gives you the option to send an email to your contacts in Hotmail, Yahoo etc and invite them to join Facebook. Browse lets you Browse friends that are in Networks. At the top of the screen you will see 2 drop down lists. The first lets you choose what type of Network that they have joined i.e. Town/City or University. Once you have chosen which of these you want to search the second drop down box lets you choose which City or University etc that you want to look into. Once you have chosen this, all your friends in that Network will show underneath. NB: You join Networks when you update your profile information i.e. Town/City, Work or University. When you have said that used to or do work etc in these sectors you will automatically be added to that Network. Phonebook lists all off the friends that have added there telephone numbers to Facebook. Recently Added shows all friends that have recently been added to your friends Recently Updated shows all friends that have recently updated there profile information.

M ANAGE PAGES Manage pages lets you update any Fan Pages that you have created. A box will appear and show a list of all of the pages that you have created on Facebook. Just click Go to Page to view and manage this. Fan pages can be created by anyone, they are a widely used and have had Fan Pages created for anything from Feelings, things you do on a day to day basis, Celebrities and even businesses. This is 1 thing that we highly recommend that you do for any business because as soon as someone likes a Fan Page it shows on the News Feed of there friends wall... if 1 of there friends decided to like it, it then displays on there friends wall and so on.

A CCOUNT S ETTINGS Account settings are used to amend your username and password, email etc, but they are also used to manage your Networks, Notifications, Mobile, Language, Payments and Facebook Adverts. When you first go into your Account Settings you will be first directed to your Settings Page where you can amend Your Name, User Name, Email, Password, Linked Accounts, Privacy, Account Security and Deactivate Account. To amend any of these, click change on the right hand side of what you would like to change, amend what details that you would like to and then click save. You will have to click save for each item that you amend. At the top of Account Settings is tab where you will see all of the items that you can manage here. Just click on the tab to go to this page. Networks lets you join networks for Workplace’s, Schools or Universities that Facebook has not automatically added you into. Just start typing the name of the Network you would like to join, I.e. Coventry, if the Network exists then the name will start to appear under where you have typed. Click on the name and then it will give you so more options to complete. For example if you were to join a network for Coventry University it will then ask you if you were an undergraduate, Graduate etc and will also ask you to select the year that you left. If you were to join a Network for a workplace, it will ask you to enter your work email address. Once you have done this click on Join Network, it will then list you in the Network of people that work for this company.

PRIVACY SETTINGS Privacy lets you change who can and cannot see certain information on your profile. Down the right hand side you will see 5 options, Everyone, Friends of friends, Friends only, Recommended, Custom. Each option changes who can see, your Status, photos, personal info etc. If you would like Everyone to be able to see your profile then choose Everyone, Friends of friends to let people you know and there friends view your profile. Friends only to let only your friends see it, Recommended lets Facebook choose who sees what information or custom to let you decide who see what. If you would like to amend your customised settings then at the bottom of the page for Custom click on Customise settings. You will then be taken to a page which shows you all of your options. If you

would like to change any of them then click on the drop down menu on the right hand side and choose the option that you would like. The information that you change will automatically be saved. At the top of the page you will see an option in blue called View Settings. This lets you amend who can add or search for you that is not your friend on Facebook already. There are 7 options to change. Search for me on Facebook, Send me Friend Requests, Send me Messages, See my Friends list, See my education and work, See my current location and hometown, See my interest and other Pages. If you would like to change any of these options then choose from the drop down menu on the right hand side. This information will automatically be saved for you.

APPLICATION SETTINGS This is where you can delete and edit applications that you have added like games, music etc. At the top of the right hand side of the screen you will see a drop down menu with 7 options. Recently Used, Bookmarked, Added to Profile, Authorised, Allowed to Post, Granted additional permissions and Facebook Prototypes. If you would like to remove any of the applications then click on the x next to there name and click remove from the box that appears.

HELP CENTRE The help centre is where you can find any information about Facebook, what to do and how to do it.

L OG OUT This is how you log out of Facebook, you may find that sometimes when you have closed your internet explorer down when using Facebook then log back in, it shows your page without asking you to log in, even thou you haven’t asked your computer to save your password. This is because you have not logged out. If you want to keep your Facebook totally private and not have anyone able to access it, then make sure that you log out every time you leave Facebook.

HOW TO SET UP GROUPS Groups are used to start group discussion regarding specific topics areas. Anyone can set up a Group and it can be called anything that you would like it to be, even if a group with the same name has been created. From your home page on the left hand side of your screen you will see Groups. Click on this link to be taken to the Groups page. You will see that a list will show of what groups you have already joined. Click Create Group at the top right hand side of the page. You will be directed to a page where you are asked to put in information regarding the group such as Group name, Description, Group Type (business, common interest etc) etc. Once you have filled in all the information that you would like to add then click Create Group at the bottom of the page. Once you have created your group you will be taken to a page where it lets you customise your settings. This will let you control who can post things to your Groups wall, discussions board, add photos, videos etc. Choose from the list what you would like to only let Admins of the Group amend etc and then click save at the bottom of the screen. You will then be asked to confirm that you would like to create the group. You will then be taken to the next screen which lets you invite friends to join your group. You can click on each individual name that you would like to join your group, or if you have created a list, click on Filter Friends at the top left of where your friends are showing. Then click on the list that you would like to invite. Click select all in the right hand side of the screen and then send invitations. If you would like to add a personal message then type this in the box before you click on send invitations. At the top of this screen you will see 3 other options. Customise, this takes you back to the screen which lets you amend who can add photos etc to your Group. Officers, this lets you invite anyone who is a member of the group to be an Admin so they are able to make any amendments or post information to the wall etc of the group. Members, which lets you see who has joined your group. Once your group is set up you are able to start discussions, write on the wall etc just like your profile page. To go to your group, just go to your home page, click groups and then click on the group that you have created. You will then be directed to your group page, which is set up just like your profile page.

HOW TO SET UP FAN PAGES Fan Pages allow companies and public figures send information to there fans, such as letting them know about new products, News and also up and coming events. Only the person that created the page is able to amend and post any information to it. When you are on the first screen of Facebook when you log in at the bottom of the screen you will see an option to Crate a Page. You will then be taken to a screen where it asks you what type of page you would like to create, Local business, Brand, product or organization, Artist, band or public figure. You also have the option on the right hand side to create a Community Page, this allows you to create a page to support a cause or general topic of interest.

Choose what type of page you would like to create and then choose what you would like that page to be called. If you are creating an official page you will need to tick the box to confirm that you are the official representative, once you have completed all of the details click Create official page or Create community page.

You will then be asked if you have already got a Facebook account or if you would like to create 1. Choose the option that you already have an account and then enter your email and password that you use to log into Facebook and click Log in. You will then be taken to the main page of your fan page. Your page will look just like your profile home page and you are able to edit information exactly the same as you would for your profile. If you need to go back to your page at any point, choose account and manage pages and choose the page that you would like to manage. If you ever want to delete a page then click on Edit page on the left hand side of the page under the profile picture and then click delete page at the top of the screen.

Click here to create a page

CREATE AN EVENT You can invite and promote an Event that your company may be holding by using the Events Application on Facebook. On your home page if you click Events on the left hand side of your page, you will be taken to a screen which shows you all of the events that your friends have created and what is happening. To create an event click Create an event in the top right hand side of your screen.

You will then be asked to enter the details of the event. When, What are you planning, Where, more info and whos invited. To choose who you would like to invite, click Select Guests and then You will also be asked who you would like to be able to see the event and if you would like people to be able to see the guest list. Once you have completed all of these details then click Create event. You will then be taken to the event page. Down the right hand side you will see 6 options, Invite people to join, Edit Guest list, Edit Event, Send guests message, print guest list. If you want to send all people that are invited a message then click on Send guests message. This will send a message to everyone you have invited. If you would like to leave a message on the wall of the event then you can do this by typing what you would like to say in the box underneath your confirmed guests that says Write something. People that have been invited will not be notified of this and will only see it when they click onto the event. You will be advised if someone else writes on the wall. If you need to edit any of the details of the event the click Edit Event you are also able to add a photo for your event. When you have clicked on Edit Event, click add photo underneath the image box and you will be able to upload a photo that you would like to use. Only Admins are able to amend any of the details of the event.

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