Louise Vanderlinden Portfolio 2015

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Louise Vanderlinden


CURRICULUM VITAE L o ui s e V a n d e rlinden 26. 01. 1992

Contac t

IT Skills

Dorpsstraat 14 - 3020 Winksele, Belgium

Operating Systems - Mac OS X, Windows

BE (+32) 478 271283

Office Suite Applications - Microsoft Office

SE (+46) 737 870567

CAD Systems - Autocad, Sketch Up Pro, Vectorworks


Other - Adobe Master Collection CC

Educat i o n

Comp etitions

Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design at Chalmers

2013 - 2015

Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Cum Laude, at LUCA school of

Art Mill International Competition 2015, Doha, Qatar - Currently part of the Atelier Bow-Wow Design Team

University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. 2010 - 2013

Wernstedt 2014 Student Competition, ‘An Art Gallery’, 3th price -

arts - KULeuven, Brussels, Belgium.

Student Design Competition

High School: ASO, Human sciences at Heilige-Drievuldigheidscollege, 2005 - 2010

Muuto Talent Award 2014 - Furniture Design Competition

Leuven, Belgium.

Sustainable Building Competition 2014 (The Hans Eek Competition) Student Design Competition

E xpe r i e n ce Othe r Internship at Atelier Bow-Wow (3 months), Tokyo, Japan


Store assistant at SPAR supermarket, Winksele, Belgium

2013 - 2014

Cleaning assistant at mental institution St. André, Lubbeek, Belgium Store assistant at WE fashion store, Leuven, Belgium Store assistant at Sacha Shoes store, Leuven, Belgium

Degree in Photography, Evening School CVO, Leuven, 2009 - 2010.


European Driving Licence B.


Volunteering, Thailand 2010, tasks: help local communities their

2009 - 2012

villages, supervise and guide children in schools, working in

Store assistant at Brantano, Herent, Belgium


elephant camp.

Store assistant at River Woods, Leuven, Belgium


Horseback riding on competition level, 2002 – 2008. Photography, Traveling, Reading, Fashion, Musea.

La ngu a ge s Dutch - Native English - Excellent French - Good Swedish - Basic



Curriculum Vitae


Conte nts


Bakste e nfab rie k | Te ge lste nsfab rik Exploring Boundaries in an Old Brickfactory


Betwe e n The Line s Wernstedt 2014 Student Competition, ‘An Art Gallery’, 3th price


12 House s A Step Back Closer to Nature


Wood From Root The Balance Between a Compact Student Home and Accessibility.


House of Archite cture Sustainable Building Competition 2014 (The Hans Eek Competition) 28

Thank You



MASTER THESIS 2015, Chalmers University of Technology, Boom, Belgium. Examiner: Morten Lund Tutor: Jonas Carlson, CaseStudio Sharing spaces and communal living are widely discussed topics nowadays. There is less space available and therefore new living typologies have evolved. Or perhaps, old living typologies are being reused; typologies where people live together, work together and share spaces. Looking at the past, one can notice that these typologies have come back multiple times. In this thesis an old living typology will be reused, revisited and improved by housing 14 families in an old

BAKSTEENFABRIEK | TEGELSTENSFABRI K E x pl o r i n g B o un d a r i e s in an O ld B ric kf a c to ry

brick factory. Not only the housing typology will be investigated but also the connections between ‘the old’ and ‘the new’. The history of the old building will be reused and re-interprets in a new way, both literally and figuratively. Aiming at creating living space for 14 families in a beautiful old brick factory located in Boom, Belgium, both residents and visitors should still be able to walk through and experience the old spaces. To achieve this, transparent volumes are added within or over the old volume. In every volume two families live together and share spaces. Depending on how the volumes are placed, the old walls get captured in the new and the new in the old. Old exteriors become new interiors. The result of this thesis is a system that offers the residents private, shared, communal and public spaces by combining the old structure with new structures. The private and shared spaces, are situated in the transparent volumes, the communal and public spaces take mainly place in the old building. This system creates a transparency that brings both residents and visitors in contact with each other while experiencing different spaces. Families live together in a public-private and old-new gradient system.


Model scale 1:200


Site Plan 1:40 000; Inspiring Elements on Site;










Construction layers: 1. Old brick walls

2. New main structure: HEB 200 columns and IPE 270 beams Construction Layers; 3. Concrete slab + plywood core 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Old roof structure New secondary structure + polycarbonate facade panels New insulation layer in sandwich construction Old fibre cement roofing (grey) New roofing: insulation layer in sandwich construction + new fibre cement roofing (white)

Master Plan Scale 1:800


Section 1, No Scale; Exterior Views;


Section 2, No Scale; Interior Views;


Level 1

Level 1

Level 2

Level 2

House 1 and House 6, Scale 1:200;


Wernstedt 2014 Student Competition 2014, 3th price Esperantoplatsen, Göteborg, Sweden.

The Jury: Gert Wingårdh (Wingårdhs Architects), president of the jury. Manuelle Gautrand (Manuelle Gautrand Architecture), external member of the jury. Andrea Hulting Gustafson, member of the jury nominated by the local association of Swedish Architects. Sten Gromark, secretary to the jury and course examiner MPARC Architectural Competitions.

A new tranlucent art gallery was added on the historical Esperanto site


in the centre of Göteborg. Through a grid of pillars which is carrying

‘ A n A rt Ga llery’

the structure, visitors can move in and out, going between the outdoor sculpture garden and indoor galleries. It’s possible to change the exhibition program from one day to another. During daytime, the gallery creates a smooth ambience to view the contemporary art on flexible walls/curtains/black-boxes in between the pillars. By night, the art gallery starts to glow like Japanese lanterns next to the massive wall. This solution of extreme flexibility fulfilled the requirements of the architectural program and the strategic plan of the museum while responding creatively to the needs of the community. The jury wrote the following text about the project: ‘A flexible space with no big gestures – the elevated volume on tall and slender columns frames the Carolus Rex in a beautiful way. The stairs and the circulation interact with the art space and have a calming impact for the profound experience of artwork. The composition is humble to the site and has qualities when approaching from different directions. The great wall is well integrated in the design.’


Model Scale 1:200


Floorplan 0, 1 and 2, Scale 1:400; Interior Views; Site Plan, No Scale;


Section 1, No Scale; Section 3D, No Scale;


BACHELOR THESIS 2013, LUCA School of arts KULeuven, Brussels, Belgium. Professors: Eugeen Liebaut, Jan De Vylder.

The Flemish landscape is marked by many roads crossing and cutting through the cities and natural areas. These roads cause a huge fragmentation of the landscape which is resulting in very high density areas. The fragmentated pieces of land or better, allotments, are therefore a highly debated topic between the Flemish architects. In this thesis this topic has been explored and discussed. By questioning the flemish landscape today, we tried to solve problems and give answers. We went looking for new ways to deal with these ‘allotments’.

12 HOUSES A S t e p B a c k Clo s er to Natu re

During this research I always ran into the typical characteristics of an allotment and I asked myself the question why it has to be like this. I started my design with testing the totaly opposite of what we see today in Flanders. Instead of subdividing the land in straight allotments, I worked with organic lines. I didn’t closed the gardens completely but left them organically blend into other gardens without losing the privacy of each house. The result is a step back closer to nature. Getting rid of all the straight lines and cutting nature into pieces. This thesis has been a research and exploration of the complete opposite of what we see today. It was a great exercise which raised a lot of questions with an interesting disscussion in the end.


Model Scale 1:100;


Master Plan 1:1000


House 12, 8, 2 and 1, Scale 1:400


Facade, Scale 1:200


Section 3D, Scale 1:50; Details, No Scale;


Matter Space Structure 1, 2013, Chalmers University of Technology, Korsvagen, Göteborg, Sweden. Professors: Morten Lund, Mika Määttä. Student housing is a big problem in Goteborg nowadays. Many students have to search for weeks until they find a room or place to live. STUDENT – HOME – COMPACT – ACCESSIBILITY. The studio assignment is a research about the balance between these keywords. To find the right balance I had to experiment and search for answers.

WOOD FROM ROOT Th e B a l a n c e B e t w e e n a Co m pa ct S tu dent Ho u s e and Ac c es s ibility

I designed this house for a young woman who lost her arms at the age of 10. Creating a lot of light, a feeling of space and accessibility of all the functions were the central thoughts during this process. To make the house as efficient as possible, I puted all the functions between the structure and create an open space in the middle. ‘Living between structure’. In the middle I placed moveable and flexible boxes to make the functions more accessible. The piece of furniture in the middle is the key to live in the house. It’s used as a tool for the disabled person.


Model Scale 1:50;


Section 3D, Scale 1:50;


Section 1, 2, 3 and 4, Scale 1:100; Exterior View; Floorplan, Scale 1:100;


Sustainable Building Competition 2014 (The Hans Eek Competition) Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden. The Jury Christer Malmström, architect / professor LTH, Lund Karl Viridén, architect, Viridén & Partner Zürich, Switzerland Berth Olsson, Engineer, Bengt Dahlgrens AB, Göteborg Henriette Söderberg, prefekt Energi och Miljö, Göteborg Professors Barbara Rubino, Holger Wallbaum, York Ostermeyer, Shahrzad Askaripour Jasi.

To renovate an architecture school. An assignment that is mostly appropriate for an architecture student who is practically living in the building. The main building of Chalmers Architecture Department


is facing a lot of problems nowadays. The building consist out of a

T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f t h e A r c hitec tu re B u ilding at Cha lm ers

big, covered atrium surrounded by al the classrooms, lecture halls, offices… Due to this structure, the main problems are the circulation and ventilation. People get disorientated and students working in the rooms towards the atrium don’t have direct daylight or can not open any window. Another important problem is the roof, which is in need of a proper renovation due to the loss of space and the complexity of the shape. In this project we tried to respect the old building as much as possible. We decided to not make radical changes but work with the existing building in a positive and sustainable way.


Impressions of the Excisting Building


Interior View Top Floor;


Section 1, No Scale;


Floor Plan -1 and 0;


Floor Plan 1, 5 and 6;


THANK YOU l o ui s e _ va n d e r l inden@ ho tm ail. c o m

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