The Louisiana Jam - Vol. 1, No. 1 - 08/01/13

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VOL. 1, NO. 1 / AUGUST 1, 2013


On Cover: Jen Kober

August 1, 2013 • Volume 1 • Issue 1

COVER STORY 9 Talking to Jen Kober

715 Kirby St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-7800 Fax: 337-990-0262 PUBLISHER Phil de Albuquerque

REGULARS 5 The Dang Yankee 5 Tips from Tip 6 Soul Matters 6 Adoption Corner 7 Fish Tales 8 Jen Kober’s Big Fat Food Column

NEWS EXECUTIVE EDITOR Lauren de Albuquerque


KIDS’ REPORT 4 City Camp Fun

14 Events Guide


16 HeART of SWLA Mike McHugh Roger Miller Mary Louise Ruehr Jody Taylor Karla Tullos

ADVERTISING TRAFFIC MANAGER Senaida Ortiz SALES ASSOCIATES Mitsi Brown • Michele Clack • Faye Drake




THE SPICE OF SWLA 12 Restaurant Guide

Nicole Shuff Arabie George Cline Monica Hebert Braylin Jenkins Jen Kober


17 Arts & Culture Events Guide 20 Music Guide 22 Society Spice ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 18 Lake Charles Civic Ballet 21 The Floating Popes 23 Funbolaya






ART ASSISTANT Sarah Bercier CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Danley Romero BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER Kay Andrews Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by Louisiana Jamcolumnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Louisiana Jam, its editors or staff. Louisiana Jam is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. Louisiana Jam cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2013 Louisiana Jam all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. PAGE 2

AUGUST 1, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 1

A Note From Lauren

Pack Rat I love going on vacation. What I don’t love is the packing/unpacking part of it. It drives me crazy. We went to Mexico the beginning of July. I just finished unpacking this past weekend. Note the date. Let’s start with packing. First of all, I have to pack for the both of us. Why, I don’t really know. When I met Phil, he was a tour guide. He traveled all over the world and lived out of his suitcase. And he packed like a pro. After we got married, Phil’s packing skills fell apart, for some reason. I finally took over the task the time he packed for a trip to Arizona and arrived there with no pants other than the ones he had on. So now, when we go on a trip, he’s in charge of the flight, hotel, and rental car paperwork and I take care of the packing. Business trip packing is so easy. One outfit per day.

Volume 1 • Issue 1

It’s the vacation packing that’s such a chore. Daytime clothes! Evening clothes! Bathing suits and cover-ups! Sunglasses! Sunscreen! Beach bag! Shorts! Skirts! Dresses! Shoes! Plus, jewelry to match each outfit. And of course, I want choices, so it’s more like two of everything for each day. It’s exhausting. And please don’t tell me to pack light. I don’t know what that is. Another huge problem is being forced to fly out of Lake Charles at 6 a.m. The only other choice is 2 p.m., and then you’ve lost a whole day of your trip. I suppose it’s better than driving to Houston, but still. So I’ve been up late packing, get about three hours of sleep, and then have to get up at an ungodly hour to make sure I have everything ready to go while it’s still dark outside and Phil is in my ear: “Can I take this bag out? Is this bag ready?” No, it’s not ready. Go feed the cats. Of course, all the recent airline rules and regula-

tions that we have to deal with have created major issues. You can’t bring your toiletries in your carry-on anymore unless they fit into this little plastic bag. I can barely fit my contacts, a small bottle of saline solution, a tiny container of moisturizer, and my lip gloss in this tiny bag. Yes, lip gloss must be in a baggie or it’s history. I had one confiscated at the St. Maarten airport because it was loose in my purse. What’s the difference if it’s in my purse or in the plastic bag? It’s still going on the plane, right? Wrong. Silly me. Soooo, all of your toiletries that you used to put in your carry-on, which you really need in case your luggage goes missing (which happens often), has to now be packed in your suitcase along with everything else. When you miss a flight or lose your luggage, it’s every woman for herself. Unpacking upon arrival at the resort isn’t so bad, although it’s a task filled

with trepidation, because I always assume I’ve forgotten something, and I am usually right. Packing to go home is even easier. At this stage of the game, I don’t care and just throw everything back in. Unless, of course, we’re bringing back liquor. Then Phil steps in, and goes through a complicated procedure of wrapping the bottles in some of his Hawaiian shirts and bathing suits so they don’t break. Sometimes, we bring bubble wrap in anticipation, but since I’m in charge of packing, I usually forget. Then we get home. Hopefully, the bags have arrived with us; sometimes, they don’t. I don’t even want to discuss that possibility. Now I am faced with unpacking. We almost always arrive home late, usually on Sunday. That means going straight to work and a deadline the next day. Other than removing essential items from the luggage, everything is going to stay where it is until I get a

block of time to tackle the project. Since something always comes up, I never do. I end up removing a just few pieces a day, and not even every day. It drags on. And on. Until I don’t even want to look at those suitcases at all anymore. The last few pieces of clothing usually stay there for another week before the suitcases are finally empty. Did I mention that the suitcases can’t be in the bedroom? They have to be in a cat-free room. I learned this the hard way. One time, I had packed Phil’s clothes first, including a new silk shirt he’d never worn. When I went to put my clothes in, I discovered that one of our cats decided the suitcase would make a good litter box. Maybe it’s better to just stay home.

Lauren de Albuquerque

AUGUST 1, 2013


Each summer when school lets out in the city, many parents wonder what activities or programs are available for their children. According to Helen Lewis, City of Lake Charles Recreation and Parks assistant director, the department began expanding what was offered to children and young adults in


AUGUST 1, 2013

1998. Since then, they have done all they can to ensure that our youth receive the opportunity to experience an active and fun summer that also features an educational component with the purpose of enhancing their quality of life. The activities organized by the Recreation and Parks Department take place from the first week of June throughout the latter part of

Students from the Martin Luther King and Goosport Community Centers enjoy spending the day with with the Ringling Brother’s Circus elephants.

July. At the end of July, each camp presents what they've learned over the six-week period to their families. For example, The Bellard and College Oaks Summer Camps recital, "Dancing to the Beat" used the Central School Arts & Humanities Center as their venue. This particular recital was completely focused around music featuring group praise dancers ages 6-11, a solo praise dancer, Bellard Petite Dancers ages 10-12, Cheer Dance by the Bellard Junior Dancers ages 10-12, The College Oaks Dancers, Line Dancing, and a “Stomp” performance by the College Oaks Boys. A fashion show topped it all off. The fashion show allowed students to model clothing they made by hand as part of the sewing and alterations classes taught by professional seamstress Elaine Powell. “Young ladies were taught how to make their very own dresses, skirts, pillow cases and much more, while the young men were taught how to make their own pants, shorts, and other ar-

ticles of clothing,” Lewis said. The J.D. Clifton and Mike D. Lanza Summer Camps also utilized the Benjamin W. Mount Auditorium at Central School with their special presentation "Rock & Roll Summer Time Fun." The Lanza students entertained with the “Diablo Swing Orchestra: A Tap Dancer Dilemma,” “A Hoe Down,” “TuTus and Tennis Shoes” and a dance mix, along with a performance by violinist Megan Polk. The audience enjoyed J.D. Clifton's “Little Princess,” “Cool Dudes with Suit and Tie,” “Diva Big Girls,” a James Brown impersonation by student D'Angelo Davis and a solo by Jarius Barker. The recital also included a special performance of "Thriller" from the Goosport Center's students. Other courses offered throughout the City summer camp system included entrepreneurship classes, computer courses and tae kwon do. Campers enjoyed a Hoop Mania Basketball Competition, nature walks,

a police fun day and more. The Louisiana Jam organized a field trip to Lafayette with some of the students from the Martin Luther King and Goosport Community Centers. The Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town, and who better to show them the ropes than Phil de Albuquerque. “The children got to have lunch with the Ringling Brother’s Circus elephants,” Lewis said. “They met with some of the performers and it was such a thrill for them!” If you are familiar with the many centers located throughout the city, each center benefits its surrounding area. To give you an example of how popular the summer camps are, the Martin Luther King Community Center had nearly 250 students in attendance this summer, while the Goosport Community Center reported having close to 200 students. Other centers had 60-80 attendees. Need more information for next summer? Contact the Recreation and Parks Department at (337) 4911280. Volume 1 • Issue 1

Pardon My Yankee-ness One of the hardest things for me to cope with when I first moved to Louisiana from Yankee Land was how polite people are around here. You might think something like that would be easy—pleasant even. But it’s not. Coming from a place where it’s more likely for someone to pass gas in an elevator than say “Good morning,” it can take some getting used to. I try to measure up to the standard, but it doesn’t help when people, upon noticing an uncouth Yankee-type, try to take advantage of my social awkwardness. Here’s a case in point. Not long ago, I went with some friends to the new Osaka restaurant here in town, where we shared a sushi appetizer. There was exactly one more piece of sushi than the number of people sharing. If I were in Yankee Land, we’d be arm wrestling over that last piece. Here, however, everyone was too polite to take it, and so there it sat. And though it wasn’t apparent from the conversational tone, I was sure that this lone piece of sushi sit-

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ting there in the middle of the table was a source of considerable anxiety for everyone—the proverbial 800-pound tuna in the room. And so I decided to break the tension by suggesting that someone else at the table take it. “No!” they said, almost in unison. “You go ahead, please.” I reluctantly grabbed it with my chopsticks, at which point one of my friends whipped out her phone and snapped a picture. That fast, my image was on Facebook, in a post suggesting that, as a dinner companion, I rank on about the same level as The Three Stooges. Now my wife won’t even to go out to dinner with me. Another behavior that I had a hard time with is how people always hold doors open for each other. Back in Yankee Land, I wouldn’t dare do that for fear of getting a reaction such as, “What, do you think I’m too feeble to do it myself?” Here, you could do it for some burly guy who, with his bare hands, could reduce the door to toothpicks if he so desired. He’d just smile and thank

you for the gesture. But what bothers me most about the practice is when people take it to an extreme, as if they are competing to get their picture taken with the Governor as “Gentleman of the Year” or something. For instance, one day, I was walking down the street when I saw a man standing at the entrance of a building down at the other end of the block. Upon noticing me, he immediately pulled the door open and waited. It was like the guy had a spotter up on the third floor. Now, I’m really trying to improve in the area of manners, and so I felt bad that this guy was taking valuable time out of his day to do me a small favor. I didn’t want to keep him waiting. So I quickened my pace, panting under the weight of my knapsack with its laptop computer and enough books to provide a backdrop for a law office ad. I reached the door, managed to wheeze out a weak “Thank you” to the man, and went inside. The problem was, I wasn’t even going into that building.

TALK TO ME! Customer service is what business is all about, but some operations lose sight of that principle. I will not respond to a robocall, period. If my patronage is important enough to a business, they can have a real live person contact me, instead of a machine-generated call informing me that my business is important to them and that I should either push a certain button or dial a number so that their customer service can take care of my needs. They always state that they want to improve their service to me and want my input to move them forward. Balderdash! They are myopically too cheap to hire a nice person to talk to me. I am not talking of a cold call, where the purpose is to gain a new customer (me), but a business that I have some sort of a relationship with. The durable medical products enterprises are among the worst. Fortunately, I found a supplier that has a real live representative that I can converse with to meet my needs. You should look around for someone that cares enough to at least humanly talk to you. DON’T BUY THE CHEAP HOOKS One of my relatives has done business with a certain supplier for many years, but recently had a problem with a product he purchased from them. The items were purely defective and not fit for the purpose intended. We are not referring to a mega-cost product, but still, a commonly needed item in these parts: stainless steel fish hooks. He returned to the store and pointed out the defect: the eyelet on the hook was not fully closed so the fishing line would slip out. He was informed that he should not have bought the “cheap hooks” and that they would not replace them. He has since found another supplier for his fishing needs. It is sad when a faithful customer learns that their patronage is of seemingly no value, leaving a sense of having been taken advantage of. Do not hesitate to let a business know that their response to your needs is inadequate and you will seek another source for their product. They will at least have a clue as to why their business is falling off. If it isn’t, then they don’t need you in the first place—and you can take your money to another business that will appreciate you. MORE BOY SCOUT WOES We recently found out that our local council of the Boy Scouts of America may not even receive the $40,000 that was specifically designated for them in 2013 United Way donations that are scheduled to be paid out next year. There are modifiers that have come into the picture that could further reduce their share. The unfortunate turn of United Way from an organization that facilitates unified charitable gifting to an agenda-directing agency has many of us scratching our heads. The Boy Scouts have stayed true to their original focus while constantly updating their programs to meet with the changing times in their own way. If the United Way forces organizations to comply with their change in direction, we will end up back to a system of multiple organizations having to compete for charitable dollars at the same time and location. This will obviously hurt many worthwhile groups. The Calcasieu Council of the Boy Scouts of America should receive a generous boost in donations, being a long-time favorite of our area. The shopping survey will continue in the future but due to circumstances beyond our control, we will not have one for this issue. AUGUST 1, 2013


Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Helen Keller

impatient and angry with others without truly having a valid reason. When your inner light is dark, you are in a more negative place. I have experienced this firsthand. by Nicole Shuff Arabie My inner light has been dark for a few years now and I didn't even realize it until one day, when I felt as if everyStrength thing around me Find your inner was falling apart. strength. I believe that I was awakened. strength has a strong corIt made me realrelation to light and that ize that I wanted all of us have an inner more and that I light that shines in us. It is deserved more. In only when that light is that moment, I lit shining bright that you the flame again. feel the most like yourself. Sometimes, When the light fades, you you have to return feel as if you're losing a to the beginning sense of who you are, and and just start that everything is spiraling anew. I wanted to out of control. You may share this, not to brag become more negative and about how strong and great find that you are getting I feel, but to help those of you who are going through something similar. We are Featured by all on this earth to help one LAPAW Rescue another and we are all in this wild and crazy life toand will chase a ball gether. When we learn peruntil he drops. He had no training in his former sonal life lessons, it’s life but will surely important to get our stories blossom with obeout so we can help others. dience training My inner light has finally

Here Comes The Sunshine Strength ~ Control ~ Happiness ~ Peace It's truly amazing how a simple light can give you energy and happiness to take on the day. Sunshine is Love! I think it has the power to breathe life and happiness into anything it touches. We all have our own sunshine inside of us that keeps us pushing. It's a reminder to take delight in good things, because just like sunshine, the good things come and go.

What a guy! Having come to us as a 9-month old pup skinny with mange, no one would believe this is the same guy! Now heartworm negative with all of his hair grown back, he is one handsome dude! Our best guess is that he is a Lab/Boxer mix based on the markings on his face. He certainly has the best qualities of both, with a sweet, gentle temperament. He is good with other dogs and great with cats. We recently discovered that he LOVES kids PAGE 6

AUGUST 1, 2013

because he loves to please. He is housetrained as long as he is taken outside regularly. This special boy will need a large, fenced yard where he has lots of room to run and play with his person(s). Prior to adoption, a vet check and a home visit are required. To meet Laddie or get more information, call (337) 478-7294 or email We are searching for additional foster homes so that we can help save more pets. Crates, food and bedding are provided-- you provide the TLC!

been re-lit and it is shining brighter than ever. Once you can get that inner light to shine brightly, nothing is more powerful. Control We can't control most things that happen in life. We can get a job to control our money, we can have certain relationships control our everyday lives, but we can't control what the universe throws at us. We have all been hurt and we all can relate to the feeling of walking into a

room and knowing that people were just talking about you because it gets super quiet. Even in those moments, you can't control what others will say or do. What I can control is how I react to difficulties in my life. I have now reached the stage where I am done controlling what happens to me. I am done trying to

create something to be something when it just won’t be. People are going to do what they are going to do. We have to learn to accept what happens and then control how we handle it. It is all in divine order and I am here to tell you that everything is going to be all right. Happiness and Peace The success of our life is measured by our ability to live happily and peacefully and die joyfully. We cannot achieve this by accumulating wealth, fame and possessions. Life is so much more than that. There are five things that can poison our minds: anger, pride, ignorance, jealousy, and the need to cling or attach to someone or something. This creates misery. We must deal with these emotions with love, compassion, and especially, patience. Practicing patience will enable us to develop a true sense of peace and happiness within ourselves. To book a Soul Matters session with Nicole Shuff Arabie, call (337) 5406573. You can also go to her Facebook page at /DeclutteringYourSoul

Local Swimmers Head to Championship Meets This week marks the end of the Long Course Season for area swimmers as they head to championship meets. Barbe High’s Zach Stump travels to Irvine, CA to compete in the Junior National Championship where the country’s fastest 18 and under swimmers have qualified to compete. Zach holds the 15-16 year old Louisiana Swimming state record for the 100 Breaststroke and was the 5A High School Champion in that event. Junior Nationals will be live on Barbe High’s Savannah Antonetz will be continuing her swimming at Western Florida University in Pensacola. Antonetz was the three-time 5A high school champion in the 100 Backstroke. Sulphur High swimmers Pamela Phillips, Gabe Pruitt and Ryan Domingue will be in The Woodlands, Texas for the Speedo Champion Series-Southern Zone Sectional Meet. This meet will showcase regional senior and college age swim-

mers. Laura Patrick was selected as a member of the Louisiana team for the Southern Zone Age Group Championships. Swimmers representing 11 states will be competing in Greenville, SC. St. Louis’ Patrick won the 3A High School 100 Breaststroke and 200 Individual Medley events. All of these elite swimmers train year round with Spartan Swimming at the SPAR Aquatic Center in Sulphur. There are 23 yearround swim club programs in Louisiana. Volume 1 • Issue 1

Perch Jerkin’ There was nothing my Country Doc Dad loved more than perch jerkin’ “sacalait” (Cajun French for white perch). Not bass, brim, goggle-eye, specs, or reds. White perch. Give Frank (Doc/Dad) a cane pole, green line, red and white snap-on cork, weight, perch hook and a shiner and he was white perch fishing. Shaded by his pith helmet with a Roi-Tan panatela tucked in the corner of his mouth, his old white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up (replete with holes from his cigar’s ashes), red kneelength shorts, ankle-high black socks, and his Keds, Frank was set to go. He looked like Humpty Dumpty who sat in a bateau. To paraphrase Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., “God help him, he loved it so.” He’d grown up fishing the Lacassine Bayou, Bayou Nezpique, Welsh Bayou and Bayou Chene. Bayous are where you go for white perch. Oh, we caught some in the Big Burn, Superior Ditch, and the Lacassine Reserve, but not like in the bayous. The trick to “perch jerkin’” white perch is to Volume 1 • Issue 1

know where they are-and Dad knew exactly where from his youthful bayou excursions. He had patients in all those areas and back in the day, country MDs made house calls. His patients there were reliable sources of exactly where the white perch were really bitin‘. Sacalait hide deep in the brush just off the bayou bank drop off. Since we knew where to go, the trick was Dad getting away from his 24/7 medical practice. I was always ready. Dad’s nurse Olive would claim Dad was on an emergency house call to free him up. Mother knew to tell the same tale because back then, your doctor actually answered his home phone. So, with the bateau in tow, we’d usually

head for the Lorraine Bridge on the Lacassine Bayou and launch--but only after a cursory check on Dad’s site attendant patient and an update on where they were bitin’ and on what. Usually, they were hitting shiners, so with our metal shiner bucket swimming in bait, we were set. Our first and often our last stop was an oxbow about 15 minutes from the launch. Dad would stop almost on top of the site, softly lower the anchor and use his cane pole to test the depth so we could set our corks accordingly. Before the red and white corks even settled, sacalait often hit. You had to careful not to jerk too hard and pull the hook from the soft-mouthed white perch, yet not allow the

line to go slack or they’d lose the hook. Dad had the surgeon’s touch and always caught two or three to my one. If the fish hooked itself and stayed on through the struggle against the line and cane pole, I boated it. Sadly, after 50 years, it’s still that way. We’d work our way around the oxbow and more often than not caught as many white perch as we wished to clean and then fry. If you look at a sacalait hard enough, it will almost scale itself. Even I could clean one without cutting my hand with the filet knife. Well, not very often, anyway. My Dad was often a weary, irascible, and ornery cuss, but while he was perch jerkin’, he was Huck Finn again with a Tom Sawyer son sidekick. I saw him smile and laugh

more during sacalait fishing than at any other time. Fishing done, Dad would crank up the outboard and head for the launch, then load the boat and head for Jennings and home. He was usually quiet and distant during the 30-minute drive. We would meticulously store our boat and fishing equipment and head to the outdoor sinks to scale, gut, and clean our fish, placing each filet in the tray of milk. From there, it was inside to the kitchen and a fish fry with Mom’s homemade potato salad or coleslaw, and French garlic bread. And nearly always the phone would ring. Dad would put his napkin on the table, his fork down and get up from his favorite meal. Huck would leave and Doc took his place and took the call. I truly miss both of them. A lot.

AUGUST 1, 2013


Stallone, I heard DeNiro say how great the food was there. AND it happened to be right next door to the hotel that they had put us up in for the filming. (The Pontchartrain Hotel is a New Orleans classic, home to This week's you! I'm talking about a the best piece of Mile comedy/culinary excurmelt in your mouth but- High Pie I've ever tasted.) sion has taken me and tery delicious filet And sure enough, just as my merry gang of come- mignon, aged to perfecwe walked into Mr. dians to New Orleans. tion, and then cooked in John's, we saw a photo of We are here performing an 1800-degree oven and DeNiro on the wall, my Homegrown Comseasoned simply with signed "Thanks for the edy Show best steak at La Nuit EVER! - All Theater on My Best, Freret St. Bobby In a city DeNiro." known for Amaze balls. good times You must and great make a reserfood, it vation, as this wasn't too popular hard to eatery is also a find a place favorite worth among New mentioning Orleans loand recomcals. Every mending to Mr. John's Steak & Seafood Restaurant time I eat my homethere, I see town homies. A place salt, pepper and parsley. someone famous. Once it where you can have a I got a side of their onion was Reggie Bush; tonight truly magnificent meal rings, which are made it was political pundit that is not only worth with just a hint of CrysJames Carville! every penny, but worth tal Hot Sauce and sliced And when you do every calorie! thin like straws and fried head out for this delecWe all love a good to crispy straw-like pertable dining experience, steak, right? Well how fection. I also recommend the about the best steak I had never heard of fried green tomatoes you've ever had? Mr. John's, but when I topped with lump crabMr. John's Steak & was here in NOLA work- meat. It had an incrediSeafood Restaurant at ing on the movie Grudge ble Remoulade sauce 2111 St. Charles Avenue Match with Robert drizzled on top that I has just the steak for DeNiro and Sylvester wanted to slurp up with

a straw! Mustard based with a hint of heat and sweet right in the sauce. It was the perfect light dish to get my taste buds ready and excited for that mouthwatering hunk of meat I had coming next.

I finished it all off with Tiramisu and some Espresso--a supreme end to a triumphant meal. Next trip you make to The Big Easy, make sure you go to Mr. John's. And tell them DeNiro sent you.

Delectable Dining in NOLA


AUGUST 1, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 1

Local comedian Jen Kober has been in town this summer, bringing her zany brand of comedy to the stage every Thursday night at Jack Daniels’ Bar and Grill at L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles. We were able to check in with this hard-working funnywoman to see how life has been treating her, and what’s ahead!

I'm still working on all my other projects when I'm here, so a lot of my time is spent holed up in my house in front of my laptop, slurping on a Coke Icee and trying to generate new material. I love getting out for lunch, though. You can find me at my same places week after week enjoying my favorite LC delectables.

Every show so far this summer has been sold out, and I know people who have been turned away. That’s amazing! What do you attribute to this success? It’s been the talk of the town!

You’re at L’Auberge on Wednesday and then you’re on the road working much of the rest of the week. How do you keep your energy and motivation up?

Aww… Thanks for that! It has been amazing for us to see the room fill up week after week, and to look out from the stage at that sea of people is really exciting. I attribute it to the cast that we have assembled for this show. Jen Bascom is a tremendous talent, and to have her here for the entire summer has been a dream. I mean, aside from getting to spend the whole summer with my best friend, it has been such a huge help having her here to help mold and teach all of the local talent we are using in the show. We have really been able to put together a show that is fast-paced and hilarious the whole way through.

I'm very lucky to have an amazing partner. My girlfriend, artist Susan Serice, is a great source of energy for me. She helps keep me on a schedule and makes sure I get my work done. Susan travels with me a lot, using the time away from her drawing to focus on some road photography, and having her with me is always so energizing. It's a lonely life being a road comic, and to have her with me motivates me to keep going. Susan inspires me to get better. Love will do that.

You have a house here even though you spend most of your time on the West Coast. How often do you get to come back? We are in talks now with the casino to have my Homegrown Comedy Show at their Louisiana properties once a month throughout the year (Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, New Orleans). It would be a great way to keep all this great comedy energy going until we return with an even bigger and better weekly show next summer! What do you usually do when you’re back home? Volume 1 • Issue 1

You clearly have a love affair with food. What’s your favorite Louisiana dish? How often do you get to cook? I am a sucker for anything made with shrimp! I am like Bubba from Forrest Gump. I like it every way. Boiled. Barbecued. Baked. Broiled. Basted. Shrimp is why I will never leave Looziana! I do get to cook when I am home, but truthfully, after a week of travel, sometimes I'm lazy about it. Luckily, that's when Susan will kick in with her culinary skills. That girl makes a mean stir-fry! Fo sho! What’s ahead for the next 6 months career-wise? I have a new CD that will get released

Jen Kober stand-up comedian, actor and foodie... not necessarily in that order. in August, and I'm finishing up a silly little steamy Southern-styled novel I have been working on this summer. We have a publisher interested, and I'm excited about how the story unfolded. It's a fictional biography of a comedian. Really fun stuff. I wrote small short chapters, so it's an easy read. I guess because those are the kind of books I like. I have small roles in the movies Paranoia with Richard Dreyfuss, opening August 16, and Grudge Match with Robert De Niro, opening in early 2014. I will head back into production on Anger Management with Charlie Sheen as well, so stay tuned to see more of me in your living room! Catch Jen Kober’s Homegrown Comedy Show every Thursday night at 9 p.m. at Jack Daniels’ Bar at L’Auberge Casino Resort. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE at, the L’Auberge Business Center or Legends at L’Auberge. They do sell tickets at the door, but you’re taking a chance if you wait until the last minute!

AUGUST 1, 2013


Coushatta Tribe to Host Powwow August 2-3 The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana will host its powwow in The Pavilion at Coushatta Aug. 2-3. Admission for spectators is $5 per day; children ages 6 years and younger are admitted free of charge. Purchase tickets at the gate on day of event. Coushatta’s powwow is considered one of the largest Native American gatherings in the southern United States, where world champion Native American dancers and singers gather to compete for over $64,000 total prizes in a familyfriendly, two-day event. Men, women, and children representing different tribes from throughout the United States and Canada wear their traditional outfits and enter the Dancing

Ground in a circular parade during Grand Entry, a processional march accompanied by tribal drums and singers. Handcrafted jewelry, beaded moccasins and colorful feathered regalia with intricate details adorn the dancers––each is hand-made or passed down as heirlooms through their family. Tribal drum groups compete and provide music and songs for the dance competitions. Exhibition dances and specialty dances showcase each age category during the event. A popular feature is the marketplace showcasing Native American food such as Indian frybread and Indian tacos, and authentic Native American arts and crafts, including turquoise and

silver jewelry, hand-made beaded items, the famous Coushatta long-leaf pine needle baskets, and more. Find more information at www.coushattapowwow.c om. Coushatta Casino Resort is located in Kinder on Highway 165 (I-10 exit 44), featuring over 2,800 slots and more than 70 table games. Phone (800) 584-7263 for more information or visit

Above: Shaudai Poncho performs the Mens Fancy Feather Dance. Left: Sequoia Obe performing the Ladies Jingle Dress Dance


AUGUST 1, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 1

American/ Family Cracker Barrel 249 S. Cities Service Hwy. Sulphur 337-626-9500 O’Charley’s 1780 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-9927

Jag’s Bistro New Location, Same Fabulous Food! Jag’s Bistro has been a local favorite since it first opened in Lake Charles. Chef Keith Jagneaux and his culinary team of Joshua Attaway, Chris Landry and Rebecca Lyons serve up delicious barbeque, burgers and seafood— and who doesn’t love the daily buffet? Now you can enjoy Jag’s wonderful food at their new location—right on the bayou! There’s nothing better than having a meal overlooking the water, is there? Whether it’s grilled or fried catfish, a shrimp poboy, or homemade meatloaf, they do it right. And you’ll come back for more!

Jag’s Bistro 1103 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles (337) 564-6785 Hours Mon - Fri: 11 am - 10 pm Sat: 11 am - 11 pm Sun: 11 am - 8 pm

Take out and catering available, too! PAGE 12

AUGUST 1, 2013

Ryan’s Family Restaurant 4501 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 337-477-2707

Asian Asia at L’Auberge 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles 337-395-7777 Osaka Japanese Steakhouse 3035 Gertsner Memorial Drive, Lake Charles 337-990-5478 Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse 2610 Dillard Loop Lake Charles 337-478-2888 Fuji Japanese Steakhouse 3241 E. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-480-3788 Miyako Japanese Restaurant 915 E. Prien Lake Rd., Lake Charles 337-478-1600 Peking Garden 2433 Broad St., Lake Charles 337-436-3597 Pho Tien 4415 Nelson Road Lake Charles 337-477-8557

China Taste 1415 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-527-5985 Yank Sing 4626 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-477-9004

Bakery & Desserts Cypi’s Cake Box 520 McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-478-0269 Pronia’s 3101 Kirkman St., Lake Charles 337-478-0785 Sweets and Treats 411 Ryan, St., Lake Charles 337-437-3913

Barbecue BBQ West 2618 Derek Dr., Lake Charles 337-564-5000 Dan’s BBQ Express 2635 Country Club Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-5858 Famous Foods 1475 Gerstner Memorial Dr., Lake Charles 337-439-7000

Breakfast Le Peep Café 3800 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-240-8497 Pitt Grill 606 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-564-6724 Pitt Grill 2600 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0648 Waffle House 2488 S. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur 337-626-8111

Burgers Cotton’s Famous Hamburgers 2001 Oak Park Blvd. Lake Charles 337-477-9759 Five Guys Burgers & Fries 2950 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-721-1903 Novrozsky’s Hamburgers 2706 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0041

Cajun & Southern Boudin King 906 West Division St. Jennings 337-824-6593 Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen 1709 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0062 Rabideaux’s Sausage Kitchen 105 US 165, Iowa 337-582-3184 Southern Spice 3901 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-474-6065 Walker’s Cajun Dining 603 Holiday Dr. Jennings 337-616-0766

Italian 121 Artisan Bistro 121 DeBakey Dr. Lake Charles 337-310-7499 Joe’s Pizza and Pasta 1601 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-528-2560 Romano’s 731 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-491-1847 Volume 1 • Issue 1

Mexican Agave Tamale 521 Alamo St. Lake Charles 337-433-4192 Agave Tamale 1614 Sampson St. Westlake 337-429-2987 El Tapatio 2624 Gerstner Memorial Dr. Lake Charles 337-475-9022 El Tapatio Dos 808 Sampson St. Westlake 337-721-7685 Rosita’s 2401 Napoleon St. Sulphur 337-533-9077 Casa Manana 2510 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-433-4112 Cancun Mexican Restaurant 4001 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-477-6802 La Rumba Mexican Grill 1804 Ruth St. Sulphur 337-287-4846 Coyote Blues Fresh Mexican Grill 3624 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-502-5131


Gatti’s Pizza 3522 Ryan St., Lake Charles 337-474-6225 Papa John’s Pizza 1415 Beglis Pkwy., Sulphur 337-528-7272 Papa John’s Pizza 650 W. McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-474-7272 Rotolo’s Pizzeria 4201 Nelson Rd., Lake Charles 337-478-1996

Sandwiches, Soups & Salads Nina P’s Café 600 W. McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-479-2201 Pappy’s Deli 2627 Ryan St., Lake Charles 337-436-2813

Lake Charles 337-433-9130 Regatta Seafood and Steakhouse 508 Hawkeye Ave, Lake Arthur 337-774-1504 Seafood Palace 2218 Enterprise Blvd., Lake Charles 337-433-9293 Kenny’s Katfish Kabin 1577 W. Fourth St., Dequincy 337-786-5562 Steamboat Bill’s on the Lake 1004 N. Lakeshore Dr. Lake Charles 337-494-1070 Steamboat Bill’s 732 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lake Charles 337-494-1700 Boiling Point 1730 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-625-9282

Roly Poly 2241 Maplewood Dr. Sulphur 337-625-5555


Roly Poly 3100 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-433-3130

Big Sky Steakhouse Coushatta Casino 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder 800-584-7263

Roly Poly 4423 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-474-3332

The Harlequin 501 W. College St. Lake Charles 337-439-2780


Outback Steakhouse 2616 Derek Dr., Lake Charles 477-3161

Granger’s Seafood Restaurant 2636 Hwy. 3059,

Cici’s Pizza 3533 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-562-2223 Gatti’s Pizza 1811 Ruth St. Sulphur 337-527-0318 Volume 1 • Issue 1

AUGUST 1, 2013


Aug 2 – White Tie Affair Aug 3 – Vengeance II MMA Fight Aug 5 – Evening with Marvin Sapp Aug 10-11 – Late Night Catechism August 10 – White Tail Unlimited Banquet Aug 16 – Delta Tech Graduation Aug 17 – Arts & Crabs Festival Aug 24 – Family Festival (Family & Youth Counseling) Aug 24 - Imagination Celebration (Children’s Museum) Aug 29 – United Way Annual Banquet Aug 31- Sept 1 – Don & Rich Gun Show Sept 2 - Boozoo Chavis Festival Sept 7 – Lake Charles Black Rodeo Sept 21 – Midnight Fantasy Car Show Sept 26 – Home Health Harvest Fest Sept 27 - 29 – LC Symphony Oct 1 – New Life Counsel Banquet Oct 5-6 - Shrine Circus Oct 17 - Women’s Commission Conference Oct 18-19 - LC Symphony Oct 25 - Unitech Graduation Oct 26 – Cultural Festival Oct 26 – Arts Festival Oct 31 – Harvest Festival (Recreation & Parks Dept) Oct 29-31 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 1 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 9 – Patriot’s Ball Nov 10 - Jesus Christ Superstar (Theatre Prod.) Nov 11-12 – Sesame Street Nov 13 – Melody House Nov 14-17 – Film Festival Nov 16-17 – Don Rich Gun Show Nov 19 - 21 - Super Science Circus (only 1 of the 3 days, not confirmed which day) Nov 21-23 – Mistletoe & Moss Market Dec 7 – Lighting Festival & Boat Parade Dec 7- LHSA Cheerleading Competition Dec 13-14 – LCCB Dec 27 – Moscow Ballet PAGE 14

AUGUST 1, 2013

Jen Kober at Jack Daniels—Every Wednesday all Summer! Comedian Jen Kober brings her Homegrown Comedy Show to the stage at Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill at L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles every Wednesday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are on sale now at, the L’Auberge Business Center or Legends at L’Auberge. Tickets will be available at the door the night of each show; cash only please. Must be 21 to attend. Flamethrowers at Party By the Pool at L’Auberge Aug. 1 Louisiana’s Premiere Party Rock Cover Band the Flamethrowers will be appearing at Party by the Pool at L’Auberge Aug. 1. Tickets are $10$20 at, at L'Auberge through the Business Center or Legends at L'Auberge, or you can call (800) 745-3000. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the show at Legends. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. Must be 21 years old to enter. Art Reception at Gallery By the Lake Aug. 1 Join Linda Gleason Ritchie at Gallery by the

Lake for a reception to kick off her art exhibition from 5:30 -8 p.m. Light refreshments and wine will be served. The Gallery is located at 106 W. Pryce Street in downtown Lake Charles.

‘Abraham Lincoln: The Image’ Aug. 2 “Abraham Lincoln: The Image” will be at Historic City Hall Arts and Cultural Center through Oct. 12. The opening reception will take place on Fri., Aug. 2 from 5:30-8 p.m.; all ages are welcome at no charge. Historic City Hall is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are gladly accepted. (337) 491-9147,

Cameron Saltwater Fishing Festival Aug. 2-4 Grab your rod and reel and head down south to the Annual Cameron Saltwater Fishing Festival. The three-day festival, Aug. 2 through 4, will be held at the Cameron Jetty Pier Pavilion on Davis Road. Enjoy great live entertainment and other family activities including the Queens Pageant, waterslide, rock climbing, food and beverage booths, fireworks, and more. (337) 7755316.

KPLC MAN EXPO Aug. 3 The Man Expo is about celebrating what all men like. The outdoors, sports, Saints, NASCAR, hunting, fishing, gardening, food, cooking, fitness and women. It will be held at the Lake Charles Civic Center from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $3 in advance (purchased at Ship to Shore at 4313 Lake St., Lake Charles); $5 at door; children 12 and under free. (337) 437-7549 Salty Cajun Fishing Tournament Aug. 3 Register now for the 4th Annual Salty Cajun Fishing Tournament. It will be held at Calcasieu Point from safe daylight to 1 p.m. Trout tournament entry fee is $50 and half of the proceeds benefit St. Nicholas Center for Children. Lunch and a Tshirt are included with the entry fee. National Night Out Aug. 6 National Night Out is designed to heighten community awareness of safety and fire prevention issues and of crime and drug prevention. Local and State law enforcement agencies will participate in the community block party at West Cal Arena, 2900 Ruth Street, Sulphur. Local Louisiana Antique Car chapters will display-

Volume 1 • Issue 1

ing hundreds of the finest antique cars of the day along with Sulphur's own monster truck, Southern Sunshine. Free food and drinks will be available. (337) 5274500 Buckcherry at Party By the Pool at L’Auberge Aug. 8 Buckcherry will rock at Party by the Pool at L’Auberge Casino Lake Charles. Tickets are $10-$20 at m, at L'Auberge through the Business Center or Legends at L'Auberge, or you can call (800) 7453000. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the show at Legends. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. Must be 21 years old to enter. Basketball Tournament of the Stars Aug. 9-11 Get ready for layups, steals and slamdunks at this year’s Tournament of the Stars Aug. 9–11. Over 60 teams, both adult and youth will participate. Games will be held at the Lake Charles Civic Center and other locations. All proceeds benefit the “Raising Dollars for Scholars” campaign, as part of the McReynolds Scholarship Fund. (337) 4911466 or email tos@cityoflc Annual Krewe de Karoline Poker Run Aug. 10 The annual Krewe de Karoline Poker Run Volume 1 • Issue 1

benefits West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital’s Genesis Therapeutic Riding Center. It begins at 8:30 a.m. – until at Wayne & Layne's Deli & Bar. Plate lunches at 11 a.m., auction at 5 p.m., live music noon – until. (337) 274-9155.

Enjoy dinner, auction, and prizes with a wide array of products such as firearms, outfitter packages, hunting and outdoor related equipment, artwork, and collectibles only avail-

able at WTU events. Tickets are $40 each, $25 for a spouse, or $15 for children 15 and under. Ticket order deadline is Aug 9; tickets will not be sold at the door. (337) 274-9142

Gulf Coast Roller Girls Aug. 10 Lafitte's Ladies meet the East Texas Bombers! Doors open at 6 p.m., game begins at 7 p.m. at The Grindhouse, 932 Enterprise Ste C, Lake Charles. Adults $12 Presale, $15 at the door/ $6 children under ten. BYOB and bring your own chair! ACTS Fundraiser ‘My Favorite Things’ Aug. 10-11 With a donation of $25, experience a variety of songs and dances that are favorites of the performers and enjoy a reception of wine, soft drinks and finger foods. Will be held Sat., Aug. 10 at 7:30 p.m. with a reception beginning at 6:30 p.m., and on Sun., Aug. 11 at 3 p.m. with a reception beginning at 2 p.m. Both performances are at ACTS One Reid Street theatre. Whitetails Unlimited Banquet Aug. 10 Whitetails Unlimited is sponsoring the Southwest Louisiana Banquet at the Lake Charles Civic Center. AUGUST 1, 2013


by Monica Hebert

Catching up with Lyd Farquhar, SWLA Mystical Artist From time to time, I come across an artist who seems to have an elusive quality; something mystical about their art and their presence. Lyd Farquhar is one such artist living and working here in Southwest Louisiana. About a year ago when the first HeART of SWLA column debuted,

I chose to feature her. It was the early summer of 2012. Farquhar was focused on her new series based on fishing lures. Only an artist can look at a jig and see the potential for a beautiful canvas to hang on the wall of a fishing enthusiast. There’s that mystic quality coming through, taking the ordinary and

making it special. Now that The Jambalaya News has become the Louisiana Jam, I thought it fitting to check in with her, to see how the past year has been for her art. LJ: Last year, we introduced you to the readers of The Jambalaya News. Have there been any changes in your work? Lyd: Lately, I've been incorporating more nature into my work— specifically, birds. Still keeping that abstract foundation but playing with fusing that touch of semi-realism into the piece and making it harmonious. I find it quite challenging and intimidating. LJ: Did the past year hold any revelations for you as an artist? Lyd: This past year was rather difficult. I dealt with "artist’s block" for the majority of the year and just recently broke through a few months ago. During that time, I tried to work on letting go and enjoying the process and got back into my meditation practice that I had let slack, which is probably what led to the "block" in the


AUGUST 1, 2013

Lyd Farquhar, “The Resting Place” first place. LJ: Where do you see you art headed now: medium, style, etc.? Lyd: I'm not sure about the direction of my art. Exploring and playing--that's what I've realized is the most important thing for me as an artist. I have enough that I need to keep scheduled and structured in real life--so my art must stay unpredictable, freeflowing and explorative in order for me stay passionate about it. That's what this past year’s dis-

covery was all about. It's all about "what happens when I do this, use this-where does it lead me next? My heart tells me what to do and when to do it. Before, I thought too much and worried about the end result. LJ: Where would like to see your art headed? Lyd: During "the block," I felt I needed to change things up, so I started taking watercolor classes with the Deweys and I absolutely love it. It's so hard! I will conVolume 1 • Issue 1

tinue as long as I enjoy it. I hope to learn and use it more in my creative processes. LJ: Where would you like to see your art career headed? Lyd: Of course, just like every artist, I would love to be able to make a living just being an artist. but it’s also important to me that I connect with the viewer. As artists, we feel so much when we create. We use so much emotion to convey what the essence of our soul is onto canvas whether we are aware of it or not. I want the viewer to feel that. Not necessarily what I felt when I created the piece; just to feel something, anything. Anything that wakes up their own awareness to the soul inside of themselves. We so often forget that we have one, so we forget how to love each other. That's really what I want. This artist loves simply, and that love shines through her face, her smile, her work. I for one am grateful she broke through her block and that so many in the area have discovered her unique pieces. Soon, you will be able to see her work in the upcoming Arts and Crab Fest put on by the Arts Council on Aug. 17 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. There are many galleries showing works of local artists in the area; the listings are updated each week in our publication and on our website. Do yourself a favor: Treat yourself to a piece of original artwork created by a SWLA artist. It’s a treat like no other. Volume 1 • Issue 1

ART & CULTURE EVENTS Abraham Lincoln: The Image Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St. Lake Charles Mon- Fri 10 am- 5 pm Sat 10 am- 2 pm 8/2/201310/12/2013 337-491-9147 Art And Crabs Festival Lake Charles Civic Center Lake Shore Drive 5 p.m. -8 p.m. Saturday, August 17th, 2013 Art duLac Pujo St. Café 901 Ryan St. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 11am-9:30 pm Sat noon-9:30 PM Year Around 337-439-2054 Black Heritage Gallery Central School

809 Kirby St. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-488-8567 DeQuincy Railroad Museum 400 Lake Charles, Ave. DeQuincy, LA Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-786-2823 DeQuincy Town Hall Museum 218 E. Fourth St. DeQuincy, LA Mon-Thurs 9amnoon and 1 pm-4pm Year Around 337-786-8241 Elvis Grit and Grace Exhibit Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 6/20/20139/7/2013 337-491-9159

Harrington Gallery 210 Tamarack St. Sulphur, LA Mon-Fri 10 am-5pm Year Around 337-528-ARTS Imperial Calcasieu Museum 204 W. Sallier St. Lake Charles Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-439-3797 Jack&John: Jack Amuny & Mark John Henning Cultural Center 923 Ruth St. Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 amnoon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 8/15/20139/19/2013 337-527-0357 Linda Gleason Ritchie Art Reception Gallery by the Lake 106 W. Pryce

Lake Charles August 1, 2013 (337) 436-1008 Mardi Gras Museum of Imperial Calcasieu 809 Kirby St. Lake Charles Tues-Fri 1 pm- 5pm Year Around 337-430-0043 USS Orleck Naval Museum 604 N. Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-3pm Sat 10 am -4 pm Year Around 337-214-7447 Vintage Arts By Jeanne Owens Central School 809 Kirby St. Suite 212, Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-304-1165

W.H. Tupper General Merchandise Museum 311 N. Main St. Jennings Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-821-5532

Works of Men Exhibit Henning Cultural Center, 923 Ruth St. Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 amnoon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 7/4/13-8/8/13 337-527-0357

"The Buccaneer Artists Have Landed" Zigler Art Museum 411 Clara St. Jennings Tuesday, 10-4, Sunday 1-4 Aug. 3-31, 2013 337-824-0114

AUGUST 1, 2013


Dancers from the Lake Charles Civic Ballet and Lady Leah Lafargue School of the Dance are currently participating in a six-week Summer Intensive where they focus on a wide variety of dance forms and benefit from instruction by an impressive repertoire of dancers. The LCCB Summer Intensive instructors teach ballet, pointe, jazz, character, contemporary, musical theatre, choreography, stretch, and partnering. Dancers have begun learning

choreography for LCCB’s exciting new season, including Assemblé 2014 and its collaboration with the Lake Charles Symphony. LCCB is proud to bring together an outstanding lineup of instructors from across the country to help prepare its dancers for the 2013-2014 season. Summer Intensive Visiting Instructors Chloe Brevelle, of Austin, TX, brings her expertise in flamenco to the LCCB dancers. She has performed with leg-

Photo: Romero & Romero Photography


AUGUST 1, 2013

endary dancers from New Orleans to Warming up for an exciting 2013-2014 season. Spain. She currently cast of Phantom of the taught at Ballet Penperforms with Austin Opera, which recently sacola’s ballet school and groups such as The celebrated 25 years on spent a season performSpirit of Flamenco, FlaBroadway. With an iming as a soloist with the menco 909, La Compacompany. nia de Pilar Andujar, and pressive history of Ginger Gondron has Flamencura. Brevelle has dance, including study staged several Flamenco in Brazil, the North Car- trained with many olina School of the Arts, renowned classical ballet dances on Civic Ballet and eventually a comand jazz dance profesdancers for inclusion in sionals. She has also perthe company’s Assemblé pany member of the New York City Ballet, formed professionally 2014 production. Edge has much to offer with the Houston Shannon Bramham LCCB dancers. This Grande Opera, Theatre and Jessica Daley are summer, she is setting a Under the Stars, Texas members of the impressive Koresh Dancers and Foose Medley on Level 2 Dance Theatre, Delia and 3 Summer Intensive Stewarts Jazz Dance bring a unique style of dancers, which will be Company, City Ballet of interpretive dance inperformed in the Assem- Houston and others. A struction. Daley, a blé 2014 lineup. very popular teacher in Philadelphia native, Nancy Sensat Higjazz and ballet, she has trained at Philadelphia’s ginbotham was acalso been invited to Jason Douglas Dance cepted to ballet training teach numerous Guest Academy, The Rock programs at Maryland Master classes. School of the PennsylSchool for the PerformLCCB welcomes vania Ballet and The ing Arts, North Carolina back, William “Billy” Ailey School. She atWard, who was born in tended The University High School for PerLake Charles and began of the Arts where she forming Arts and National Academy of the his dance training with earned her BFA in Arts in Champagne, Illi- Lady Leah Lafargue and Modern Dance in nois. Last year, she had LCCB. For 26 years, 2004. Bramham graduated with her the pleasure to teach be- Ward was a solo dancer ginning pointe at the with the New York City BFA in Dance PerOpera. During his formance from East studio. Megan Richard is a tenure with the comCarolina Univerformer LCCB principal pany, he performed solo sity and has had and principal roles in the opportunity and a LLLSOD regular faculty member. She re- numerous acclaimed to perform in productions. He serves works chosen to be ceived her Bachelor of Arts in Art from Mcon the Board of Goverpart of the American Neese State University in nors of the American College Dance Festival 2008, with a concentraGuild of Musical Artists, Association Gala. tion in photography. and he is a member of Amanda Edge hails Most recently, Richard the Screen Actors’ Guild. from New York and the Volume 1 • Issue 1

Golden Wright, a native Texan, received his Master of Fine Arts in Dance and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from Sam Houston State University. Some of the companies Mr. Wright performed for include Ballet Arkansas, Ballet Austin, Ballet Forte, Beaumont Ballet Theatre, Corpus Christi Concert Ballet, Ballet Forte, Gobel School of Dance, Texas World Dance, Sam Houston Dance Company, Corpus Christi Ballet, Concert Christi Concert Ballet, Lamar Dance Company, Venecia Studio and the Victoria Ballet Theatre. Wright

toured and performed in Tanzsommer, Austria and has trained in New York and at the Joffrey Workshop in San Antonio. Kisler Hathaway Whitworth was a performing member of LCCB for many years. She studied dance with many dance masters including Madame Natalie Krassovska, and with companies such as the Dallas Metropolitan Ballet and City Ballet of Houston. She attended the Ballet Teaching Seminar at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo and was associate director of LCCB under Lady Leah from

1987-1992. Her work this summer included the staging of significant portions of the story ballet Cinderella, which will be performed as part of LCCB’s Assemblé 2014 and feature the Lake Charles Symphony. For more information or to become a sponsor visit www.lakecharlescivicba, follow @LC_CivicBallet on Twitter, visit vicballet, email us at info@lakecharlescivicba or call Kelly Gifford at 337.802.5779 or Rhonda Chargois at (337) 842-6930.

McNeese Alumnus Receives Poetry Fellowship McNeese State University alumnus Michael Shewmaker has received a 2013 Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Poetry from Stanford University. Shewmaker is a 2010 graduate of McNeese’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program and a doctoral candidate at Texas Tech University. 2013 Pulitzer Prize winner Adam Johnson – who is also a McNeese MFA alumnus - was a recipient of this prestigious fellowship. The celebrated writer and environmentalist Stegner founded the Stanford Creative Writing Program and Writing Fellowships in 1946. The Stanford writing program offers 10 twoyear creative writing fellowships each year, five in fiction and five in poetry. This year, over 1,700 Volume 1 • Issue 1

writers apwas special. plied for “For the first these fellowtime in my life, ships. I was sur“The felrounded by lowship people who means a lot – cared as much particularly about writing as the time to I did. The writwrite and reers in the MFA vise, revise program were and write, to- Michael Shewmaker talented artists ward comand—as if that pleting my first wasn’t enough—extraormanuscript of poems dinary human beings. while studying at Stanford Many of my closest University,” Shewmaker friends I met while studysaid. ing in the creative writing After the fellowship, he program at McNeese,” he hopes to find a publisher stated. “Being in such an for his completed manuenvironment helped me script and to finish up his to grow as an artist and as doctorate at the same a person. I’m especially time. “More than anygrateful to all of the Mcthing, though, my goal Neese faculty in the crewill be to continue to ative writing department write the best poems that while I was there - Amy I can—the poems that Fleury, Morri Creech, only I can write,” he said. Neil Connelly, Keagan Shewmaker said his LeJeune and Jacob time spent at McNeese Blevins.” AUGUST 1, 2013


Thursday, Aug. 1 Flamethrowers 7 p.m. @ L'Auberge Party by the Pool 777 Avenue L'Auberge Lake Charles Open Mic Night 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St. Lake Charles

Friday, Aug. 2 Leon Chavis Concert 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs 2717 Delta Downs Vinton Foxy & The Highhats (Jazz) + “White Tie Affair” Afterparty! 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St. Lake Charles Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles Remedy Krewe Gabriel’s Last Breath, Angel Siren, Down the Phoenix 10 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles Logan Soileau, Blues/Rock Guitarist 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles John Guidroz 9 p.m.@ Micci’s 3606 Ryan St. Lake Charles

Saturday, Aug. 3 Leon Chavis Concert 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs 2717 Delta Downs Vinton PAGE 20

AUGUST 1, 2013

at Coushatta Casino Resort Thomas & Theresa 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles

Party by the Pool 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Gabriel’s Last Breath 8 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St. Lake Charles

Friday, Aug. 9

Jay Kacherski 6 p.m. @ Zeus Café 409 Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles Sinners+The Ramblin’ Boys+The Way High Men! 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St. Lake Charles Wayne Dylan 9:30 p.m. @ Micci’s 3606 Ryan St. Lake Charles The Kadillacs 8 p.m. @ Isle of Capri 100 Westlake Ave. Westlake Ryan Bunch, Classic/ Modern Rock Guitarist 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles

Sam Pace & The Guilded Art 10 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles John Guidroz 9 p.m. @ Micci’s 3606 Ryan St. Lake Charles Timberhawk 8 p.m. Sam Pace 9 p.m. Luna Live 710 Ryan St. Lake Charles Friday Nite Live Music 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Ste. 5, Lake Charles BB & Company 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs 2717 Delta Downs Vinton

Saturday, Aug. 10 Sunday, Aug. 4 Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles

Thursday, Aug. 8 Buckcherry 7 p.m. @ L'Auberge

The Ruxpins 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St. Lake Charles Paul Gonsoulin 7 p.m. Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan St. Lake Charles Volume 1 • Issue 1

The Floating Popes, a fourpiece rock/pop band from right here in Lake Charles, began their journey when Charlie Frye, former guitarist of Southern metal powerhouse Choke, approached galactically-renowned bass wizard Trip Wamsley with the intent of breaking new musical ground. Originally conceived as an ‘80s pop band in the stylings of Duran Duran and Tears for Fears, the duo invited Choke's lead singer Tracy McGinnis to suit up, a natural choice for both his avid interest in the style and his soaring vocal talents. Drummer Kevin Radomski, Trip's former bandmate in Snydley Whiplash during the late ‘80smid ‘90s, brought in a heavier rock element and the team was complete. Ready for lift-off, Captain. They want you to believe that The Floating Popes are outside of our continuum, a group of “retro astronauts” transplanted into our reality after exploring the wrong wormhole, products of a time before iPads and the “inter-Google,” when regular folks believed a War of the Worlds was imminent. The truth is out there. Welcome to Planet Trip, population four. These are the masks they wear: By day, Tracy is a fireman and Charlie is an aspiring mathematician. Kevin, based in Houston, currently spends much of his time outside of this band as a drum technician for Jane's Addiction, and Trip now tours the

Volume 1 • Issue 1

world as the bass player for “American Idols Live,” in addition to his solo instrumental works on bass and a slew of side projects. For all four members of The Floating Popes, this project is an exploration, boldly going where...well, you know the rest. As an avant-garde solo bassist, Trip answers to no one and writes music that 20 people in the known universe will understand, but says, “To write an epic rock song is one of the most difficult things ever. I could not write ‘Judy is a Punk’ to save my life.” The synthesis of a perfect rock song, in Trip's opinion, depends upon “a balance of the visceral lizard brain, the primal, and the intellectual.” To be successful, rock music must not only entertain, but also make you think. “The best gigs, through the triumphs and the bitterest disappointments, always leave you changed,” he says. Musically speaking, The Floating Popes are odd, an anomaly even. The songwriting process typically consists of Trip and any other member pairing off to record their individual contributions, which are then shared with other band members one at a time. Due to geographical challenges, the band as a whole rarely sits in the same room and rehearses until the night before a show, when all of these musical ideas synthesize to create a fully fleshed-out song.

Photo: Matt Ison of Matthew Ison Photo


From left to right: Charlie Frye, Tracy McGinnis, Trip Wamsley, and Kevin Radomski

The results, Tracy says, are “odd, fresh, and organic, but never overdone. It's barely done.” Trip's mad scientist vibe seems to be catching, as one of Charlie's current experiments involves integrating mathematical equations and theory into actual musical compositions. He references a complex concept known as the Fibonacci Sequence, named for a 13th century Italian mathematician and explored musically by composers like Bartok and Debussy, as well as the rock act Tool. Another current song project, tentatively titled “Breakbeat,” is based around the idea of no one hitting the downbeats at the same time. Of this, Tracy says, “You gotta like a band that understands time signatures and ignores them.” But don't be misled by all this musical jargon. Despite these lofty ideas, The Floating Popes just plain rock, as in like a hurricane. The beauty of this band and songs like their first online demo, “What Price Fame,” is that the average casual listener hears a fun classic rock song a la The Cult, and serious scholars may hear complex musical ideas, all within the same three minutes, creating that perfect balance of street and school, influenced by smart but passionate bands like The Jam, The Police, and Living Colour. Concerning the role that Louisiana plays upon their

music, The Floating Popes couldn't be happier about where their plane has landed. “For many years, I was ashamed of being Southern, like we were somehow all chicken-fried and brain-dead,” Trip says. But there's a way we do it and there's a way we lay it that ain't nobody else can cop. Everything was born here, within the stretch of I-10 that goes from Lake Charles all the way to Arkabutla, Mississippi. I can embrace all the musics of the world but, at the end of the day, I'm Southern.” He goes on to talk about the beginnings of rock and roll, here and in Europe, with everyone from Elvis Presley and Little Richard, to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. All those ground-

breaking ears were tuned to right here, the birthplace of Southern blues, jazz, country, and therefore, rock and roll. The Floating Popes, who have so far only played four gigs “packed with love,” will take a hiatus from performing live until after October, during which Kevin will be on the road with Jane's Addiction and Alice in Chains. The band can be found on Facebook and the demo song “What Price Fame” has been released at But beware of “sonic mind control” from the deepest reaches of space, where no one can hear you scream, but they can certainly hear you shred.

AUGUST 1, 2013


LIQUID SOCIETY'S PARTY BY THE POOL It was another sizzling evening at L’Auberge’s Party by the Pool! Between the Bikini Bombshell Contest finals and the rock band 311, the crowd of partygoers had a fabulous time. The Ladies of L’Auberge served up cold drinks to hot and happy patrons who got their groove on into the night. Where else can you have so much fun on a Thursday? Party on!

Chasity Perron, Anita Graham, Rachel Chapa and Lindsey Williamson

Courtney Cooper and Autumn Cooper

Jesse Gilmore, Ashley Guillory and Jay Landry

Miranda Collins, Michael Durry and Cortney Collins

Jessica Suire, Dominique Dantoni, Mikalyn Brown and Taylor McGuire

CAJUN MUSIC & FOOD FESTIVAL Country Cajun songwriter Jo-El Sonnier packed in the crowd to kick off the 26th annual Cajun Music and Food Festival at Burton Coliseum! There were savory foods such as jambalaya, gumbo, cracklins and more to satisfy your taste buds, along with kiddie games, vendors and raffles and live music and dancing. No one can party like the Cajuns!!

Nikki Douga, Megan Moore and Caitlin Theriot

Iris, Tristen and Ethan Judice PAGE 22

AUGUST 1, 2013

Rachel and Rebecca Breaux

Becky and Evalynn Sterling with Kendee Authement

Andy and Charmaine Anderson with John Michael White, Sarah Shultz and Ricky Vincent Volume 1 • Issue 1

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Players take turns connecting two dots. When you make a square, put your initials in the box and take another turn. When all dots are connected, the player with the most boxes wins.

Volume 1 • Issue 1

AUGUST 1, 2013


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