The Louisiana Jam, Vol. 1, No. 5 - August 29, 2013

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On Cover: The McNeese University Cowboy Club August 29, 2013 • Volume 1 • Issue 5 COVER STORY 10 The McNeese University Cowboy Club 715 Kirby St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-7800 Fax: 337-990-0262 PUBLISHER Phil de Albuquerque

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Lauren de Albuquerque


CONTRIBUTORS George Cline Angie Kay Dilmore Nishae Guice Monica Hebert Braylin Jenkins

Jen Kober Mike McHugh Roger Miller Jody Taylor Karla Tullos


REGULARS 4 The Dang Yankee 5 Tips from Tip 6 Fish Tales 7 Adoption Corner 8 The Impressive Entertainer 12 Jen Kober’s Big Fat Food Column




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THE SPICE OF SWLA 14 Restaurant Guide 16 Events Guide 17 Lake City Beat! 18 Art & Culture Events Guide 19 HeART of SWLA 20 Music Guide 21 The Loaded 44rz 22 Society Spice

Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by Louisiana Jamcolumnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Louisiana Jam, its editors or staff. Louisiana Jam is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. Louisiana Jam cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2013 Louisiana Jam all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.

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21 Volume 1 • Issue 5

A Note From Lauren Small Talk Phil We all know those people who love to talk. Who are the last to leave a party because they’re so busy talking. Who will strike up a conversation with a stranger in the Lowe’s parking lot. Who could talk to a wall (and sometimes do). I married someone like that. Now, let me start off by saying that it doesn’t help that we live in the friendliest area in America. Phil is from Michigan, which is a pretty friendly state, all around. Then, he spent 20 years in New England, where no one talks to anyone, even people they know. That really bummed him out to no end. When he became a tour guide, it must have been a dream come true. Here he is, on a bus with a microphone, with 40 captives in front of him. They can’t go anywhere

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for hours. And he can talk to them. Hey, that’s how we met. “He has the gift of gab,” my mother said. His second dream come true, then, was moving down here. Southwest Louisiana is the epitome of friendly and he is in his glory. He loves meeting new people and chatting with them. He’ll come home and tell me about the guy he met in Kroger’s who has 10 cats or the woman at the gas station whose son’s best friend’s mother’s sister-in-law lives in Boston. You get the picture. When we first came here, we owned a bed and breakfast. More people for Phil to meet. All B&B guests love to “visit.” That’s part of the charm. We are opening our home to you and if you want to be left alone, you would have gone to the Holiday Inn instead. So Phil was in his glory.

He was in charge of making the coffee and biscuits, and then he’d sit at the table and find out all about our latest guests. He loved it, and they loved him. The problem with being married to someone so gregarious is that there are a lot of missing hours and interrupted journeys. We can never go from Point A to Point B without Phil running into someone that he just has to talk to for 10 minutes. This happens all day, and those 10 minutes add up. He’s constantly shaking his head and asking, “Where did the day go?” I’ll tell you where it went, and where all the others went. They went into the Black Hole of Small Talk. Where I come from, we get to the point. We say what we want to say, get it over with, and move on. We don’t dillydally. We’re busy. Things are different here, and

Phil has bought into it-hook, line and sinker. I keep telling him that he has too much going on to chitchat the way he does. Sure, he can be friendly, but he needs to keep in mind the 150 things he needs to do in the next 24 hours. So far, that hasn’t happened. For example, the other night, the Children’s Museum put on their yearly fundraiser, the Imagination Celebration. The theme was disco, and I wore platform shoes. By the end of the night, my feet were killing me and I was exhausted. As the president of the board, I knew he needed to stay and clean up. But the small talk in between and after the clean-up was insane. He’d bring something out to the car, run into someone, and talk. He’d go back into the Civic Center, and talk to someone else. He’d take a box from someone and talk to the

box person for 10 minutes. And so on. Now, I don’t mind this when we go on vacation, especially to our resort in Mexico. He’s not working, so he really goes to town. He makes friends from all over the world. He’s like a kid in a candy store. I hardly ever see him. When I do, he’s with a new friend. That’s fine. Just don’t suck me into any conversations that I don’t want to have. I’m on vacation, too— and I have a different way of relaxing. I told Phil that he’ll have time to talk to anyone and everyone when he retires. In the meantime, he needs to curb his enthusiasm. And climb out of that Black Hole.

Lauren de Albuquerque

AUGUST 29, 2013


The Iron Sister

If there were such a thing as an endless summer, I never wished for one more than the one following my fifth grade. Yet, even at that tender age, I knew better, and so I spent it counting down the days like a debtor would to a deadline imposed upon him by a mob hit man. But it wasn’t a mobster that haunted my dreams that summer. Rather, it was the sixth grade teacher—Sister Candida, or “Generalissimo Candida,” as we students at the Most Precious Blood School fondly called her. Many a time during the year just ended would I look out through our classroom door into her domain across the hall, watching her as she wielded her chalkboard pointer like a cavalry officer. That summer, my dreams were ravaged with visions of my own precious blood dripping from the end of that pointer, the result of my having mis-conjugated some verb or not knowing the capital of Albania. I would have done anything to avoid my fate. I considered running away to join the Foreign Legion, this despite the fact that our country did not, in fact, have a Foreign Legion, and even if it did, they would not be apt to take eleven-year olds. And so my destiny was sealed, and that September, PAGE 4

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I passed through the Gates of Doom and into the Generalissimo’s domain. And thought I’ve never been in the military—Foreign Legion or otherwise— I feel like I should qualify for veteran’s benefits as a result of that year. The worst part of it was the homework. Every night, it seemed, she would assign us to write a composition. Her homework assignments would have driven William Faulkner to sheath his pen and harvest pecans in obscurity for the rest of his life. My mother could have mulched her rose garden with the pencil shavings that I generated writing those compositions. Had I developed carpal tunnel syndrome, any lawyer in town would have jumped to sue the Pallottine Order of Sisters for medical expenses on my behalf. One day, when the time came for Sister Candida to announce the topic for that evening’s essay, she started off by reading a letter she’d just received from a former student. In the letter, the girl, then in high school, thanked her former teacher for having been assigned so many writing projects while under her tutelage, claiming that she was better prepared for her current studies as a result. I don’t know what the girl was thinking. Putting such a letter in Sister Candida’s hands was more

dangerous than if the king had given Blackbeard a commission to pillage galleons on the Spanish Main. Her determination to develop each and every one of us into a future Pulitzer Prize recipient grew, as did the length and complexity of our homework assignments. Instead of “Describe Your Favorite Saint,” she would charge us to “Comment on the Writings of St. Augustine in the Context of the Roman Empire’s Decline During the Fourth Century A.D.” Invariably, she’d then brandish the letter. “One day you will thank me for this, just like that girl!” she’d say. I’m sure that letter now is preserved somewhere in the Vatican Archives. Still, we failed to see how an improved writing ability would help us in our pre-ordained futures as professional athletes, television stars, and rock ‘n roll musicians. As for me, it took a full 40 years to recover from the severe case of writers’ cramp I’d developed that year and begin writing a newspaper column. Nowadays, I’ll often wonder, after turning in yet another story about road kill, what Sister Candida would have thought of it. I don’t have to think too hard. If she were still alive, she’d be on the first plane to Louisiana, armed with her trusty pointer. Volume 1 • Issue 5

COMPASSIONATE VETERINARIAN I recently discovered some information about a veterinarian service in the Detroit area that made me stop and think. I am an animal person, dog in particular, so the In Home Veterinarian Euthanasia Service began to make some real sense after I reviewed it and reflected on it. All of us animal lovers have experienced grief over losing a pet. Several years back, we had to have Duchess, our senior Australian Shepherd, put to sleep. The loss literally took us years to get over until we were finally able to bring Gracie Lu into our home and share our love. Most of us have a hard time dealing with the end-of-life situation for our pets.

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On his Facebook site, Michigan vet Matt R. Fish explained very clearly why he set up his unique practice of euthanizing pets. To begin with, he realized that bringing the ailing animal to be put to sleep at a vet clinic (usually a location not relished by the pet anyway), was not only unnecessarily hard on the animal but also on the pet owners. Dr. Fish put his own pets down at home, making a more comforting situation for all. He realized that this was a better idea and transformed his practice solely to home euthanasia and transport for cremation when necessary. We salute Dr. Fish and wholeheartedly agree with his philosophy of compassion to both the pet and the family.

my youth. Currently, schools are having to take ever increased precautions due to this potentially life threatening condition. It is ultimately the parental responsibility to guard the safety of their offspring even though we should all try to do what we can. But it is almost impossible to prevent contact with an allergen. We cannot eliminate every possible means of contamination; prudent behavior is the most obvious method of prevention. SUPERMARKET ROUNDUP Out of respect for the allergic students, the shopping survey for this issue will be for a sandwich that

can be enjoyed at the “nut free” cafeteria table at school. We’ll pass on the PB&J for this report and enjoy a BLT. Bacon, lettuce and tomato is a longtime favorite of so many of us. I love mine toasted. A hot serving of tomato soup makes an excellent complement to this sandwich. The prices reported here are from Wednesday, August 21, and reflect the posted price on the shelf where the product was place for sale. The stores surveyed are: Albertsons, Ryan Street; Market Basket, Ryan Street; Kroger, McNeese Street and Walmart, Nelson Road. White Wheat Bread, 20ounce loaf, per each:

Albertsons, $3.29; Market Basket, $3.29: Kroger, $3.29; Walmart, $2.68. Iceberg lettuce, per head each: Albertsons, $1.99; Market Basket, $1.48; Kroger, $.99; Walmart, $1.28. Tomato, fresh on vine, per pound: Albertsons, $1.99; Market Basket, $2.59; Kroger, $.99; Walmart, $1.88. Hormel Black Hawk Bacon, Original, 16ounce package: Albertsons, $6.49; Market Basket, $6.39; Kroger, $4.28; Walmart, $5.78. Campbell’s Tomato Soup, 10 ¾ ounce can: Albertsons, $1.19; Market Basket, $.89; Kroger, $.79; Walmart, $.75.

WATCH THE NUTS Much has been in the news about the expanding list of allergies that seem to be more prevalent than ever before. Peanut allergy was almost never even mentioned in the days of

AUGUST 29, 2013


Sharks, Gators and Rodeos My stepson Chris, then 14, had just moved down from Wisconsin. Since he loved fishing so much, I figured we could surf fish the barrier rocks south of Lacoste Lodge, east of Constance Beach. It might even prove to be a good male bonding experience. Chris had wade-fished in Wisconsin streams and lakes but the Gulf of Mexico would be an adventure for him and the water a hell of a lot

warmer. I made sure he had on tennis shoes, jeans and a long-sleeve shirt to fish the close-in rocks about 50 yards out in the Gulf. I had stumbled and tumbled enough around those rocks to know how to dress and also to bring the first aid kit. Chris insisted that he wear his lucky Green Bay Packers cap. He even refused a Saints hat. I allowed it. After all, he didn’t know better yet and he was a just a Damn Yankee.

We started at my usual spot just west of the old pier and rocks, fishing the drop offs. Using popping corks and bait shrimp, I was sure he’d at least catch some hardheads, sand trout, and maybe some specks or redfish. He quickly caught a hardhead, then a couple of sand trout. Enthused now, he worked waist deep in the salt until he was just past the old rocks. And then (cue the soundtrack from Jaws), the fin came through the rocks right for him. First

time I ever saw a waist-deep Yankee explode backward and up and damn near run on water to the beach. And safety. The dolphin swung off and did a leap back between the rocks. I was startled, momentarily scared, then gave in to barely suppressed laughter. I knew from his whiter-shade-of -pale expression that Chris thought he’d just escaped being lunch. I tried not to laugh. Loudly. So, I turned my back and pretended to look for the dolphin/shark. Then I heard what sounded like a bark so I turned and Chris was bent over at the waist. Laughing. At himself. Call it a male bonding moment.

A Big Crab In yet another Louisiana rite of passage, a friend of mine, Rue, went on a crabbing trip with her dad down to Sabine Wildlife Reserve and Hog Island Bayou. Dad set the ginger-haired, notyet-teen up with string and chicken neck. He showed her how it was done and to-

gether they hauled in a blue crab keeper, netted it, and dropped it in the wash tub where it rattled about. As soon as she got the hang of it, Dad wandered off to check the other lines. Rue was left on her own, intently watching the crab line for movement. The line got taunt, then jerked and began to steadily pull away. Rue began to pull in her crab, then figured she had more than one on as it pulled harder than before. She dug in her heels and pulled back. She struggled with it and then the line slackened a bit and she could see what looked like a turtle with eyes. Then it went under and she tugged on the line. “Daddy what’s that?” Rue said as she pointed at the turtle with big eyes. “Rue, get back!” Dad shouted. For a 6’4,” 240pound man, he covered ground to his daughter like Ray Lewis on a blitz. He grabbed her just as the gator’s mouth flew open and lunged toward the outstretched arm, chicken neck in the corner of its mouth. Dad enfolded the terrified and sobbing child, calming her until she stopped shaking. That might have been it had not Rue spotted the tenfoot gator in the Bayou over Dad’s soothing shoulder. With a shriek and a scream, she was off to the car and was not going to come out, period. When asked if she ever went crabbing again, Rue and her Dad both assured me, “NEVER!!”

My Last Rodeo What’s not to love about the July 4th Fishing Rodeo? When Rocky called I eagerly accepted. Good friends, salt breezes, blue water and fishing at its best. Early the next morning, we headed out of the Cameron Jetties with Rocky’s 23-foot Rapalla slicing into the light Gulf chop. It was a glorious day for me, Rocky and Ron. Yee Haw!! We churned our way out PAGE 6

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for two hours, the wind and the seas climbing. You couldn’t miss the thunderstorm scowling darkly back at us. Rocky had grown up fishing in South Florida and knew a lot more about offshore fishing than I. All he had to do was look back at us with concern in his eyes and we were ready to flee toward home. We were barely outrunning the storm when we noted what was coming at us: a long black line with white flashing tentacles streaking out the grayed edges. Rock headed for the nearest rig. The wind and rain charged, a line of Confederate gray rain, thunder like cannon fire. There was a tie-off rope swinging from the rig and Rock turned toward it, gesturing for me to tie off the bow line so we could ride out the storm. I scrambled up on the bow, rope in hand, and somehow tied us off and scrambled back, my deck shoes squeak-sliding on the deck. Doing my best to hide from

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the driving storm, I squirmed beneath the deck that barely hid us. Rock distributed life vests and ski belts as lightening and thunder blasted like a battlefield around us, rain like bullets. Up the waves we’d slide, only to lurch back as the bow rope caught. Again. And again. So we took turns bailing and waited for the storm to abate. Nada. Finally, around daybreak, I tried to lay my head down and rest and then, with no separation between light and sound, the BLAM! that wide-eyed me awake. “Let’s go, Rock!” I screamed as I awakened him. Rock took a look at the seas and nodded. I scrambled up on the bow and cut the bow rope lose and slid back into the boat as Ron caught me before I toppled overboard. And we rode the gray waves in under dawnshadowed skies, soaked shivering sea rats. That was my last rodeo.

Featured by LaPAW Rescue

Are you looking for a new BFF? Riley, our Rat Terrier/Whippet mix, could be your guy! Adopted from us three years ago, he was recently returned due to health issues in his adoptive family. Always a "Nervous

Nellie" kind of guy, sweet Ri was a wreck--afraid of everyone and everything. After a week, the vet recommended a simple fix-Prozac! Who believes in miracles? We do! Who could have thought that a $4 prescription could change a life in such a remarkable way! Ri now plays with his foster buddies, is starting to play with toys, and is a cuddler on the sofa in the evenings. He will need a stable, quiet home, but if

you are a single person looking for a best bud, or elderly and needing a loyal companion, bets are on that Riley will fill the bill! He willingly takes his meds and bonds deeply to his caregiver. He now goes to PetSmart on Saturdays, so come out and meet this wonderful guy! Home visit, vet check, and a commitment to heartworm prevention required for all adoptions. Need more information? Call (337) 478-7294, or email Hurry, Riley is waiting!

AUGUST 29, 2013


By Nishae Guice

Labor Day Backyard Feast There are lots of great reasons to party. Here in SWLA, we don’t even bother trying to find one. It’s just what we do! I have been entertaining for over 15 years. I started with my mother and father. In true Louisiana fashion, we had a celebration for everything: holidays, Super Bowls, boxing matches, random Saturdays…whatever. When I went away to college, I would give birthday parties, graduation parties, and the most random dinner parties, leading one of my friends to ask, “Are you really glazing a ham on a Tuesday night?” In my mid-20s, I had


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the pleasure of working at the Lake Charles Country Club as the catering director. There, I was encouraged to be as insanely creative as possible when planning events for our members. When I began my career as a full time stay-athome mom, my husband worried that I would have a hard time adjusting to not having such an amazing creative outlet. But I never missed a beat, hosting dinner parties, birthday parties, play dates, game nights, and girls’ nights. Although we all know that some of the best parties take place in living rooms and backyards, most people are

intimidated by entertaining in their home. I have a true love for entertaining and you just may find that you will, too. It is truly addicting, and I want to give you a few tips to take the fear out of entertaining and help you on your way to become an Impressive Entertainer. Whether it’s a dinner party for four or a swinging soiree for 50, entertaining could be much easier and more fun than you thought possible! Let’s Party SWLA! What better way to celebrate hardworking Americans than a cookout on Labor Day? The following menu is sure to be a crowd pleaser!

Okra Bombs Okra Bombs 12 fresh okra (tops cut, cut down the middle leaving approximately 1 inch together and seeded) 4 oz. cream cheese (softened) 4 cups pepper jack cheese (shredded) 2 cups cheddar cheese (shredded) 2 Serrano peppers (minced) ½ teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper 12 strips bacon

Mix the cream cheese, pepper jack, black pepper and crushed red pepper. Generously stuff okra pods with cheese mixture, slightly over-filling. Wrap each pod in a strip of bacon and secure with a toothpick. Bake at 400 degrees until bacon is crisp. Glazed Shrimp and Sausage Kabobs 24 large shrimp (tail on, peeled, and deveined)

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4 links smoked sausage (cut into 2-inch rounds) 2 red onions (cut into large chunks) 3 bell peppers (quartered) 1 can of chunked pineapple Red glaze 6 tablespoons Siracha Sauce 1 tablespoon bourbon 1 cup apricot preserves 1 teaspoons onion powder Whisk glaze ingredients until combined and set aside. Skewer kabobs and brush liberally with

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with remaining teaspoon of seasoning blend.

glaze. Grill. Cajun Roasted Veggies 4 large eggplants (sliced long) 8 zucchini (sliced into 1-inch rounds) 4 large onions (sliced into 1-inch rounds) ½ cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of RedHeaded Cajun Seasoning Blend ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 pinch of ground cumin

Grilled Peaches Preheat the oven to 475. Wash and cut all veggies and place into a large bowl. Combine with extra virgin olive oil and spices, making sure all the veggies are covered. Spread onto a baking sheet in an even layer. Allow veggies to cook for 7 to 10 minutes, then broil for three minutes. Once removed from the oven, sprinkle

Grilled Peaches with Bourbon Brown Sugar Sauce 3 peaches (pitted and halved) 2 sticks of unsalted butter 4 cups of brown sugar ¼ cup Peach Schnapps ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons of bourbon In a sauce, cook butter and sugar on low heat

until sugar has dissolved. Stir in Peach Schnapps and bourbon and let sit, uncovered on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Just before serving add 2 tablespoons of bourbon and stir. Brush peaches with sauce and grill for four minutes per side on medium heat or until tender. Top with Blue Bell vanilla ice cream and Bourbon Brown Sugar Sauce.

AUGUST 29, 2013


By Angie Kay Dilmore

Have you ever attended a McNeese football game at Cowboy Stadium and wondered about that building at the south end of the field with the large bank of wall-to-wall windows? That’s the Earl Miller Cowboy Club facility, home of the booster organization, which benefits students in the McNeese Athletic Department. “We support all of McNeese’s athletics, not just football,” said Bob Phillips, president of the Cowboy Club. “Tennis, volleyball, basketball, baseball, track, even the rodeo team. If they need assistance with something, they come to us. That’s our purpose. We raise money year around. When they ask for our help, we give it if our budget allows.” On a recent Saturday afternoon, Phillips whipped up dinner in the kitchen of the Cowboy


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Club for the girls’ soccer team. ”I like to cook,” he said. He’s been a member of the Cowboy Club for 16 years and on the board of directors for six years. This is his first year as president. “I love football,” he said. “I’ve been coming to McNeese games since I was ten years old.” The Cowboy Club strives to enrich the lives of the student athletes. “These kids come from all over the United States, as well as many international students,” Phillips said. “We watch out for them; many are away from home for the first time. We feed meals to the teams. It’s heartwarming to see the kids happy to get a homecooked meal. For road trips, we give them goodie bags full of snacks. We donate funds directly to the McNeese Athletic Foundation upon request by each sport.” The funds help the coaches purchase necessary items such as equipment, uniforms, and dietary supplements. “The students learn who we are, they see us in the community, and they appreciate everything we do for them,” Phillips continued. “We also

encourage them to focus on their education – that’s the number one priority. Last year, McNeese ranked highest in the state for the academic status of their student athletes. We’re very proud of that. It’s rewarding to see these kids grow up, from their freshman year until they are graduating seniors. The coaches tell the students, ‘Y’all couldn’t have made it without the help of the Cowboy Club.’”

More Help is Needed

Louisiana has experienced the greatest decrease in state funding for college athletics of all 50 states. This makes the Cowboy Club all the more important to the success of the various sporting programs. Phillips encourages anyone who has an interest in McNeese sports and the student athletes to consider

joining the club. “Everyone is welcome, including women,” he said. There are several levels of membership: Rustlers donate $125 a year, Gunslingers $250, Broncobusters $500, and Top Guns $1000. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening between August and December; bimonthly or monthly between January and May. A social hour begins at 5:30 in the Cowboy Room. Dinner is at 6:15 and the meeting begins at 7. Speakers include

current and former coaches and alumni athletes. Each meeting concludes with fun door prizes. The Cowboy Room is available to members for private parties and events if the schedule permits.

Club History

The McNeese Cowboy Club began in 1974 with 70 members. Their facility was built in the late 1980s. Today, the Club boasts nearly 300 members. In the last seven years alone, the Cowboy Club has doVolume 1 • Issue 5

nated over $2 million to McNeese athletics.

The Future Looks Bright for the Blue and Gold

Each year, like any true fan, Phillips is optimistic and hopeful that the Cowboys will win a championship. “I visit with Coach Viator periodically and ask, ‘Coach, what do we look like this year?’ He’s a great coach, a great mentor, and he’s always positive that we’re going to see great things.” McNeese has won thirteen Southland Conference titles since joining the league in 1972; most recently in 2009. Could 2013 be another championship year for the Cowboys?

New Direction

McNeese University recently hired a new athletic director, Bruce Hemphill.

Phillips is optimistic that Hemphill will change the face of sports at the school in a positive way. “He’s a first class act. He’s a local guy; originally from Sulphur. We’re excited about him. He’s got a lot of experience and he knows the ropes,” said Phillips. “I believe the direction he’ll take McNeese athletics is going to be incredible.”

The heart of McNeese Athletics Phillips laments that

many people are not aware of the Cowboy Club -who they are and what they do. “We’re here,” he said. “And we’re very proud of our organization. Anything we can do to help these kids, that’s what we’re here to do. It’s all about the kids.” To join the Cowboy Club or for more information, see their website,, or contact Bob Phillips at (337) 802-9416 or

Bruce Hemphill Named McNeese Athletic Director Bruce Hemphill has been selected as the new McNeese State University athletics director. Hemphill officially began his new duties on Aug. 22. He is the 9th athletics director in McNeese history. “It is rare to have one candidate pull head and shoulders away from all applicants so early in the search process,” McNeese President Dr. Philip Williams said. “Bruce is a unique find and meets every criteria that we were seeking in an athletics director.” Hemphill said he is deeply honored and excited to be given the responsibility to lead the athletics department. “During my interviews I heard many ideas and suggestions and I want to hear more,” he said. “I will hit the ground listening.” Hemphill said he wants to be innovative in developing a long-range plan and build on the success and traditions of McNeese athletics. “I plan to immerse myself in the history of McNeese State University and McNeese athletics and to meet with as many people as possible to determine what is good for McNeese.” The Sulphur native has 24 years adVolume 1 • Issue 5

ministrative experience at the collegiate and high school levels. He supervised 10 of 17 programs offered at a major Division 1 university and was responsible for budget oversight, game operations, facilities, personnel, compliance, team travel and recruiting. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Louisiana State University where he was a three-year letterman in football and won All-Academic Southeast Conference honors as wide receiver. He is the former associate athletics director at the University of Wyoming and assistant to the athletics director at the University of North Carolina. McNeese Associate Athletics Director and Compliance Coordinator Bridget Martin served as interim athletics director and chaired the search process. “Bruce’s years of experience in collegiate athletics administration positioned him as the frontrunner in the search process,” she said. Hemphill succeeds Tommy McClelland who resigned in July to accept the athletics director position at Louisiana Tech University. AUGUST 29, 2013


Wasabi? Wow! After several failed at- pointed. I was in love tempts to try out Wasabi, with the newly discovthe new sushi grill at ered Miso Eggplant (and 3901 Ryan St. (they are I don't even LIKE eggclosed from 2-5, which plant!) which is roasted always seems to be when I am the hungriest!), I managed to stave off starvation and finally got to devour the deliciousness at Wasabi. I'm no stranger to great sushi, After living in San Francisco for a year I became kind Mardi Gras Roll of a snob about it. Fresh ingredients and eggplant brushed with a beautiful presentation are slightly sweet miso glaze. the key, and Wasabi has Incredible. both in spades! We orNext up were the dered several dishes for sushi rolls. I indulged in the table to try a variety the Mardi Gras Roll, of what they had to offer, filled with crawfish, and not one dish disaponion and bell pepper


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rolled up and end full of two shows a fried tempuranight, and that comfortstyle and topped ing hot miso-infused with spicy tuna broth was just the trick. and drizzled in eel and sweet chili sauce. I love when a dish has a warm component and a chilled component that come together in one delectable bite. This roll was a real fusion between traditional Louisiana and Japanese flavors that was a total triumph. Susan ordered a Dancing Roll, Special Noodle Salad which uses soy paper instead of seaweed for Small bits of tofu and a different taste that green onion finished off was literally dancing the fish stock and made in my mouth! The fla- one flavorful little bowl vors blend beautifully and then the little beads of caviar burst in your mouth and make a party haha! WonderDancing Roll fully delicious! I finished it all off of soup. Just what my with a cup of miso soup. vocal cords needed, and I was starting to nurse a my taste buds were pretty sore throat after a weekhappy too!

Wasabi is a winner. A super delicious addition to our growing Asian culinary scene in Lake Charles. The service was great. Servers were kind and courteous and very knowledgeable about the menu. Each dish was not only tasty, but exquisitely presented. I ate with my eyes first, and when my mouth and tummy got involved, we were all happy. I will definitely be back -- and if you have been meaning to give Wasabi a try, tell them Jen Kober sent you in for the sushi feast you've been waiting for! Next week we are heading into the world of munchies and checking out some eats in the Lake Area that are truly off the beaten path. Deliciousness is everywhere, y'all, and I'm having a blast discovering all the yumminess there is in our little town. Don't forget to log on to for my latest cooking videos and a listing of all the great restaurants, events and happenings in SWLA.

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American/ Family Cracker Barrel 249 S. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur 337-626-9500 O’Charley’s 1780 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-9927 Ryan’s Family Restaurant 4501 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-477-2707

Asian Asia at L’Auberge 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles 337-395-7777 Osaka Japanese Steakhouse 3035 Gertsner Memorial Drive, Lake Charles 337-990-5478

Boudin King 906 West Division St. Jennings 337-824-6593

Pronia’s 3101 Kirkman St., Lake Charles 337-478-0785

Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen 1709 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0062

Sweets and Treats 411 Ryan St., Lake Charles 337-437-3913

Barbecue BBQ West 2618 Derek Dr. Lake Charles 337-564-5000 Dan’s BBQ Express 2635 Country Club Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-5858 Famous Foods 1475 Gerstner Memorial Dr., Lake Charles 337-439-7000


Fuji Japanese Steakhouse 3241 E. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-480-3788

Pitt Grill 606 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-564-6724

Miyako Japanese Restaurant 915 E. Prien Lake Rd., Lake Charles 337-478-1600

Pitt Grill 2600 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0648

Pho Tien 4415 Nelson Road Lake Charles 337-477-8557 China Taste 1415 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-527-5985 Yank Sing 4626 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-477-9004 AUGUST 29, 2013

Cajun & Southern

Cypi’s Cake Box 520 McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-478-0269

Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse 2610 Dillard Loop Lake Charles 337-478-2888

Peking Garden 2433 Broad St., Lake Charles 337-436-3597


Bakery & Desserts

Le Peep Café 3800 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-240-8497

Waffle House 2488 S. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur 337-626-8111

Burgers Cotton’s Famous Hamburgers 2001 Oak Park Blvd. Lake Charles 337-477-9759

Rabideaux’s Sausage Kitchen 105 US 165, Iowa 337-582-3184 Southern Spice 3901 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-474-6065 Walker’s Cajun Dining 603 Holiday Dr. Jennings 337-616-0766

Italian 121 Artisan Bistro 121 DeBakey Dr. Lake Charles 337-310-7499 Joe’s Pizza and Pasta 1601 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-528-2560 Romano’s 731 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-491-1847

Mediterranean Zeus Greek & Lebanese Café 409 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-439-7099 Mazen’s 217 W. College St. Lake Charles 337-477-8207

Mexican Agave Tamale 521 Alamo St. Lake Charles 337-433-4192

Five Guys Burgers & Fries 2950 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-721-1903

Agave Tamale 1614 Sampson St. Westlake 337-429-2987

Novrozsky’s Hamburgers 2706 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0041

El Tapatio 2624 Gerstner Memorial Dr. Volume 1 • Issue 5

Lake Charles 337-475-9022 El Tapatio Dos 808 Sampson St. Westlake 337-721-7685 Rosita’s 2401 Napoleon St. Sulphur 337-533-9077 Casa Manana 2510 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-433-4112 Cancun Mexican Restaurant 4001 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-477-6802 La Rumba Mexican Grill & Cantina 1804 Ruth St. Sulphur 337-287-4846 Coyote Blues Fresh Mexican Grill 3624 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-502-5131


Gatti’s Pizza 3522 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-474-6225



Granger’s Seafood Restaurant 2636 Hwy. 3059 Lake Charles 337-433-9130

Big Sky Steakhouse Coushatta Casino 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder 800-584-7263

Papa John’s Pizza 650 W. McNeese St. Lake Charles 337-474-7272

Regatta Seafood and Steakhouse 508 Hawkeye Ave. Lake Arthur 337-774-1504

The Harlequin 501 W. College St. Lake Charles 337-439-2780

Rotolo’s Pizzeria 4201 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-1996

Seafood Palace 2218 Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles 337-433-9293

Papa John’s Pizza 1415 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-528-7272

Sandwiches, Soups & Salads Nina P’s Café 600 W. McNeese St. Lake Charles 337-479-2201 Pappy’s Deli 2627 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-436-2813 Roly Poly 2241 Maplewood Dr. Sulphur 337-625-5555

Cici’s Pizza 3533 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-562-2223

Roly Poly 3100 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-433-3130

Gatti’s Pizza 1811 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0318

Roly Poly 4423 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-474-3332

Volume 1 • Issue 5

Outback Steakhouse 2616 Derek Dr., Lake Charles 337-477-3161 Ember Grille & Wine Bar 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles 337-477-3161

Kenny’s Katfish Kabin 1577 W. Fourth St. Dequincy 337-786-5562 Steamboat Bill’s on the Lake 1004 N. Lakeshore Dr. Lake Charles 337-494-1070 Steamboat Bill’s 732 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lake Charles 337-494-1700 Boiling Point 1730 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-625-9282

AUGUST 29, 2013


The Cult at Party By the Pool August 29 Don’t miss the Cult at the last Party by the Pool of the season at L’Auberge Casino Lake Charles. Tickets are $10-$20 at, at L'Auberge through the Business Center or Legends at L'Auberge, or you can call (800) 7453000. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the show at Legends. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. Must be 21 years old to enter.

Aug 29 – United Way Annual Banquet Aug 31- Sept 1 – Don Rich Gun Show Sept 2 - Boozoo Chavis Festival Sept 14 – Lake Charles Black Rodeo Sept 21 – Midnight Fantasy Car Show Sept 26 – Home Health Harvest Fest Sept 27 - 29 – LC Symphony Oct 1 – New Life Counsel Banquet Oct 5-6 - Shrine Circus Oct 17 - Women’s Commission Conference Oct 18-19 - LC Symphony Oct 25 - Unitech Graduation Oct 26 – Cultural Festival Oct 26 – Arts Festival Oct 31 – Harvest Festival (Recreation & Parks Dept) Oct 29-31 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 1 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 9 – Patriot’s Ball Nov 10 - Jesus Christ Superstar (Theatre Prod.) Nov 11-12 – Sesame Street Nov 13 – Melody House Nov 14-17 – Film Festival Nov 16-17 – Don Rich Gun Show Nov 19 - 21 - Super Science Circus (only 1 of the 3 days, not confirmed which day) Nov 21-23 – Mistletoe & Moss Market Dec 7 – Lighting Festival & Boat Parade


AUGUST 29, 2013

Teen Dance at JoBeck's Party Center August 30 Friday nights at JoBeck's Party Center are Club Karma Teen Dance Nights for ages 1117! Dance to the hottest tracks under our awesome light show. We also have concessions available. So come join the crowd and dance the night away. Hours are 7 - 11 p.m. 3620 E. Napoleon Street, Sulphur, LA 70663, (337) 4859353. Admission is $5.

Jerry Lewis at L’Auberge Aug. 30 Legendary comedian and actor Jerry Lewis is known for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage and radio. See him Fri., Aug. 30 at 9 p.m. at the L’Auberge Event Center. Tickets start at $45 and can be purchased at Legends or the L'Auberge Business Center or by calling (800) 745-3000.

year in grand style. Fill up on crawfish etouffee, red beans and rice with sausage and BBQ sandwiches. Truly a family affair, enjoy the sounds of local Zydeco favorites. Doors open at 10 a.m., with the bands beginning at 11 a.m. The festival has relocated this year to the Lake Charles Civic Center. (337) 438-3482.

Healthy Woman Anniversary Sept. 5 Women & Children's Hospital will host their Healthy Woman Anniversary event “What Defines You?” on Thurs. Sept. 5 from 4 - 8 p.m. at the L'Auberge Casino Resort. Women's health expo from 4-6 p.m. will be followed by a dinner program featuring Abby Rike, former Biggest Loser contestant, author and motivational speaker. Tickets are $25 per person and table sponsorships are available for $225. Purchase your tickets by August 31st at

Concert in the Park Sept. 6 Sulphur native Martin Duplechin will be performing oldies and country music at the Heritage Square Pavilion on Sept. 6, from 6-9 p.m. Families are encouraged to come out with the children and enjoy a free night of entertainment.

He will perform again Saturday Sept 7, 6-9 p.m. for Stars and Stripes Car Show after party.

‘Gallagher's Last Smash’ Farewell Tour Sept. 7 After 35 years of non-stop touring, America’s favorite touring comedian is hanging up his Sledge-O-Matic…but not after one last tour. “Gallagher’s Last Smash” will be his way of thanking his fans that have supported him throughout his career. He will be performing at 9 p.m. at the Isle of Capri Casino, Westlake. Call (800) 843-4753 for ticket info. Must be 21 years of age.

Stars and Stripes in the Park Sept. 7 4th Annual Stars and Stripes in the Park Classic Car Show and Cruise Night, Sat., Sept. 7, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., at the Ruth Street Pavilion, Sulphur. There will be hundreds of classic cars, hot rods, trucks, and motorcycles. Entry for show vehicles and spectators is FREE. Door prizes will be awarded, with food booths, music, and entertainment for the children. There will be an awards presentation following the show, featuring Stars and Stripes Beauty Pageant winners. The classic cars and hot rods will be cruising on Ruth Street after the show. Call 527-4500 for more info.

BooZoo’s Labor Day Festival September 2 Our rich musical heritage continues to live on with BooZoo's Labor Day Festival. A day of great food and Zydeco, the entire family is invited to come out and celebrate the festival's 29th

Volume 1 • Issue 5

Along the Dirt Road to be Filmed in SWLA By Braylin Jenkins Along the Dirt Road, the film adaptation of Terry A. O’Neal’s novel Sweet Lavender, will soon become the talk of Southwest and Central Louisiana. Author, poet and screenwriter O’Neal, a California native, recently arrived here to begin what could be perceived as a challenging task: scouting locations to be used in her first film. She was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to meet with The Jam. O’Neal has always been a passionate admirer of the South, mostly in part to her mother being a Lake Charles native. It only seemed right that she returned to Louisiana to finish her novel in the late 1990s, staying in a lakeside cabin in Breaux Bridge. The visit helped further the experience of what the atmosphere might have been like in relation to her characters. “I’m not personally a fan of the big city lifestyle,” O’Neal said. “I’ve always liked the essence of the South, and feel that I’m a small Southern girl at heart.” While Langston Hughes and other notable poets and writers are inspirations for O’Neal, one poet in particular stands out. At age five, she was granted the opportunity to attend a book signing by Maya Angelou, thanks to her mother. It would forever leave a mark on the life of the future poet, writer and author, and inspire her to create. O’Neal started writing at a young age. She remembers receiving a school assignment back from her instructor with a side note on her paper indicating that she needed to cite poems used in future assignments if they were not original. But that poem was an original—it was hers. “ I realized what a huge compliment that was to my style of writing,” she said. Now a best-selling author, her poetry has been published in numerous magazines, journals and newspapers around the world. But turning her novel into a movie didn't come easy. O’Neal wrote and rewrote her screenplay, witnessed the huge writers’ strike in Los Angeles, and had several breaks with producers. Finally, it all came together, and she’s proudly holding a screenplay in hand for her first film, with another project in the works. The story is set in 1960s Cecilia, LA. A man who has been unfaithful to his wife gives her the newborn son from that union to raise and then vanishes. His daughter is faced with the overwhelming reality of growing up Volume 1 • Issue 5

without her father, while her mother struggles to raise two children on her own during a difficult time of racial tension in the South. O’Neal’s goal was to present the father as a likable character in spite of the subject matter. “While I relate to some of my characters, this story is not based on my life,” she emphasized. It’s described as a coming-of-age story about love and pain with an overall theme of forgiveness crossing gender and racial boundaries. Along the Dirt Road is an independent production that will be shot in SWLA as well as Cecilia and Shreveport. Auditions are expected to begin in early January 2014, with filming anticipated to start a few months later. “It depends on the weather,” O’Neal said. “We know it can be tricky, but a tentative date to begin filming has been set for March.” O'Neal is pleased with the support she has received from Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Film Alliance in finding locations--a testament to the hospitality displayed in SWLA. As far as casting goes, Camryn Levert, the daughter of the late Gerald Levert an R&B singer,

songwriter and producer, will play the role of the character Rae Lynne. O'Neal has also met with the Williams Brothers, a gospel group in the Lafayette area. If you’re interested in auditioning for a role, submit your head shots and resumes to: m. The actual casting call will be in January of the next year. If you are interested in being a part of the production crew, please direct CREW resumes to: The Jam will continue to follow O’Neal and her journey in the Along the Dirt Road filmmaking process. Be on the look out for future articles concerning this film and ways you can get involved. As Louisiana as a whole continues to gain popularity for the movie industry, Southwest Louisiana is attracting more eyes to our area. To all aspiring filmmakers and those who hope to one day work in the film industry, now is the perfect time to get involved and learn from those making waves across the state. Additional information may be found at egory/location-calls-louisiana/

AUGUST 29, 2013


Abraham Lincoln: The Image Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon- Fri 10 am- 5 pm Sat 10 am- 2 pm 8/2/2013-10/12/2013 337-491-9147 Art duLac Pujo St. Café 901 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 11am-9:30 pm Sat noon-9:30 PM Year Around 337-439-2054 Black Heritage Gallery Central School 809 Kirby St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-488-8567

Jack&John: Jack Amuny & Mark John Henning Cultural Center 923 Ruth St., Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 am-noon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 8/15/2013-9/19/2013 337-527-0357 Linda Gleason Ritchie Exhibit Gallery by the Lake 106 W. Pryce, Lake Charles August, 2013 (337) 436-1008 Mardi Gras Museum of Imperial Calcasieu 809 Kirby St., Lake Charles Tues-Fri 1 pm- 5pm Year Around 337-430-0043

USS Orleck Naval Museum 604 N. Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-3pm Sat 10 am -4 pm Year Around 337-214-7447 Vintage Arts By Jeanne Owens Central School 809 Kirby St., Suite 212, Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-304-1165 W.H. Tupper General Merchandise Museum 311 N. Main St., Jennings Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-821-5532 "The Buccaneer Artists Have Landed" Zigler Art Museum 411 Clara St., Jennings Tuesday, 10-4, Sunday 1-4 Aug. 3-31, 2013 337-824-0114

DeQuincy Railroad Museum 400 Lake Charles Ave. DeQuincy Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-786-2823 DeQuincy Town Hall Museum 218 E. Fourth St., DeQuincy Mon-Thurs 9am-noon and 1 pm-4pm Year Around 337-786-8241 Elvis: Grit & Grace Exhibit Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 6/20/2013-9/7/2013 337-491-9159 Imperial Calcasieu Museum 204 W. Sallier St. Lake Charles Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-439-3797 PAGE 18

AUGUST 29, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 5

by Monica Hebert

Greta Painter Says There is beauty anyare the girls with their decwhere, anytime, in any orated faces; I find them to situation if you will only be extremely beautiful and look… wish I looked like them. Greta Painter Says is an LJ: The faces of the intriguing artist and an in- women in this series eerily triguing woman. There’s look like you. Could this a light and a vitality combe considered a self-poring from her presence, her trait? energy. Beaming and GPS: I began painting smiling. I sat down with those girls as an attempt to her recently to ask her a bring light into a dark pasfew questions. I was parsage of time in my life and ticularly interested in her it worked; I actually series “The Living Dead.” started to see some light. I LJ: What is it about felt true peace and comthese dead women that fort when I painted them grabbed your attention? and still do to this day. Why did you create paint- Their beauty brings me ings about them? happiness. They gave me GPS: “The Day of the strength and courage to Dead” (Dia de Muertos) is understand there is beauty a traditional Mexican holiday where families gather to celebrate the life and death of loved ones lost. Having grown up in New Mexico, I was exposed to the tradition early on but it wasn’t until recently that it became so intriguing to me. One of the things I find most interesting about the Day Lady Dead of the Dead Volume 1 • Issue 5

anywhere, anytime, in any situation if you will only look. LJ: Where did you get your art education? What sticks out in your mind and remains with you as you grow in your artistic expression? GPS: After receiving my paralegal certificate, I attended McNeese majoring in art (printmaking) and sociology. My artwork in college was very different from my work now. As I’ve grown older, and hopefully wiser, I am not as concerned about other’s opinions about my art and think that is what gives it meaning and emotion. I did paint in college but never cared for oils or acrylics. McNeese didn’t offer watercolor classes, so I took lessons with Nancy Melton for many years. It was Nancy who taught me how to paint. From the moment I first began working with watercolor, it became a part of me and I loved it. It is the only medium I have used since college. It’s spontaneous, unforgiving and to me, the most beautiful medium. LJ: What is the next series you have in mind?

Pink Eyed Lady GPS: I’ve recently begun a “Villain” series, fictional and real. I am fascinated by the means people use to express or cope with their emotions, especially when it breaks all social norms. I suppose what most people find disturbing or different, I find intriguing and brilliant, in a sense. Greta has the unique ability to see beauty everywhere. On a cold winter’s day, she can zoom in upon the gentle wheat color of winter grass, or see the variety of color in a tree trunk as it stands against the cold. She appreciates the natural wonder of color around her and strives to bring the unusual tints to her work. Although her paintings focus on faces, this ability to see beauty in everything is translated to her work as she emotionally feels the painting taking

shape and is guided by her mind’s eye watching color in nature. That is a true gift, one that cannot be attained by a formal education. Artists have gifts of a varying nature; but this one in particular provides Greta with an ability to manage the colors with a deftness that surprises the viewer, for it doesn’t seem to be watercolor, even though it is. As a member of Art du Lac, a local group of professional artist who produce joint exhibits together, Greta’s work will be shown during Gallery Promenade on September 28 at Pujo Street Café, presented annually by the SLWA Arts Council. For more information about the Promenade, please call (337) 439-2787. For Greta, please go to her Facebook page: AUGUST 29, 2013


Thursday, Aug. 29 Albert Simpson 5 p.m. @ Otis & Henry’s @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake The Cult 7 p.m. @ Party by the Pool’s Liquid Society, L’Auberge, Lake Charles Ganey Arsement & The Lakeside Gamblers 8 p.m. ‘til midnight @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake

Jimmy Partin 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 East Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles

10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’Auberge, Lake Charles

LA Express 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs, 2717 Delta Downs Dr., Vinton

Boozoo’s Labor Day Festival (Includes music) 10 a.m. @ Lake Charles Civic Center, 900 Lakeshore Dr., Lake Charles

The Onlies + Sinner Acoustic Trio + Chris Hamlett! 10 p.m. @ Dharma, 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Dax Riggs 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles

Bryan Fontenot 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live @ Coushatta Casino Resort, 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Cash’d Out & DJ Showtime @ Jack After Dark 11 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’Auberge, Lake Charles

DJ Crush @ Jack After Dark 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’Auberge, Lake Charles

Richard LeBeouf & Two Step 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club, 5313, Common St, Lake Charles

Gravy 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles

The Coleman Brothers 8 p.m. ‘til midnight @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake

Friday, Aug. 30 Tim Norris 5 p.m. @ Otis & Henry’s @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake

Monday, Sept. 2 Cash’d Out & DJ Showtime @ Jack After Dark

Tuesday, Sept. 3

Karaoke w/DJ David Verett 8:00 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill, L’Auberge Casino Resort, 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles

Wednesday, Sept. 4 Fortunate Youth 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles

Friday, Sept. 6 Patrick Sheng (Saxophonist) 7:30 p.m. @ Ralph Squire Auditorium, McNeese State University, 4205 Ryan St. Lake Charles The Other Blues Brothers DJ Party 11 p.m. @ Cajun’s Wharf 3500 Ryan St., Lake Charles DJ Eric Scott @ Jack After Dark 11 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’Auberge, Lake Charles

Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill, 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles David Locklear w/special guest Paul Gonsoulin 8 p.m. @ Coolers Ice House, 3622-1/2 Ryan St., Lake Charles Pookie Marceaux Band 8 p.m. ‘til midnight @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave. Westlake LA Express 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs, 2717 Delta Downs Dr., Vinton DJ Crush @ Jack After Dark 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’Auberge, Lake Charles “Back to School Bash” with Herban Catt 10 p.m. @ Dharma, 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Orphan Annie Band 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles

Saturday, Aug. 31 Honey Jar 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill, 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles PAGE 20

AUGUST 29, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 5


By Jody Taylor “Just go do it man, and see what happens.” –TD The Loaded 44rz, Southwest Louisiana’s own country-fried, swampsoaked rock ‘n roll four piece, is the product of a partnership between core members/songwriters Loren Cooper and Troy Dering. From the duo’s beginnings in 1999, when Coop played some of his songs for “the best guitar player [he] knew,” to now, this carefree attitude has carried the band forward. Coop sings with a twang unrivaled, tongue firmly in cheek, and Dering is a virtuoso, burning up his 1959 Gretsch Nashville Classic with equal parts country picking and metal shredding like Ace Frehley in cowboy boots. The rhythm section, drummer Kory Fontenot and upright bassist Steve Dufrene, lays down the back porch, barn-burnin’ beat. This is a soundtrack for modern outlaws with a taste for classic sins. The Loaded 44rz brandnew album Ready to Fire is a slight departure from the straight-up early Elvis style rockabilly of their excellent debut CD Stay Loaded. This one kicks off with a tune called “Something I Could Get Used To,” a perfect title for an opener that acquaints fans with a more mature and eclectic sound without sacrificing any of the fun. On top of a down-home groove that would fit right in between “Bad Moon Rising” and “Sweet HitchHiker,” Coop’s signature drawl bursts in with the lines, “I got a girl in HOUston, got a girl in AUUstin, and they’re pushin’ ME, to Volume 1 • Issue 5

the point of exhAUUstion...” The pin has hit the shell. To record Ready to Fire, the 44rz renovated an old shed in Dering’s backyard, purchased recording equipment, and did it all themselves, with Dering learning how to track, mix, and edit as they went, instead of recording at a professional studio. “It was nice to go in on our own time, not watching the clock tick and money going down the drain,” Coop said. This DIY approach allowed them to experiment, “coloring” the songs with banjos, lap steels, triangles, shakers and tambourines. One of Dering’s first recordings, a raw, cow-punk song called “You’re Sinking,” ended up on the final product. The very next track is a slick and catchy classic country song, “Two Perfect Strangers,” about finding love at the bar (“You ain’t gonna catch no fish if you do not go fishin’”). Every musical idea from The Loaded 44rz is infused with these contrasting influences: punk and country, metal and blues. Before delving into the art of country picking, Dering was a full-fledged metalhead with a disdain for redneck music, like many of us young rebels in the South. It wasn’t until much later that he gained a rabid interest in country & western. The new instrumental song “Creamed Corn” showcases both sides seamlessly, starting off Chet Atkins before abruptly going

Iron Maiden and right back again. Coop’s interest in country goes further back. “Some of the first music I remember is stuff my Dad had, riding around in the back of the Delta 88: Ronnie Milsap, Kenny Rogers, Charley Pride, Johnny Cash, Merle and Waylon,” he said. Punk rock bands like The Misfits and the Dwarves later influenced Coop’s former bands, Rotgut and Sascrotch, and a good deal of this carried over into The Loaded 44rz. The songs are short and there’s very little downtime. You won’t hear lengthy self-indulgent jamming on a guitar solo. “If a song has a chance to get boring, we’ll fix it,” Dering said. These guys aren’t afraid to offend, either. In June 2011, The Loaded 44rz, with former bassist Mike Chavez, won a Battle of the Bands at the Isle of Capri, with the prize being four gigs at the Caribbean Cove. At the first show, some “old biddies” thought they were vulgar and offensive based on song titles like “F*** the Law” and “Mustard Gas,” which they thought was an anti-Vietnam song. “They were writing and phoning complaints before we even played,” Dering said. However, the band didn’t pull any punches. “We did what we always do and actually ended up winning over some of the crowd.” A sense of humor goes very well with this group and being in a relatively conservative environment like Lake Charles keeps The

Loaded 44rz sharp. “It’s more fun to shake up,” he added. The 44rz are content here in the Lake Area, doing what they do, instead of hitting the road in search of the elusive big-time. “These days, there’s no rules,” Coop said. “You don’t have to go on tour in a van and play dive bars in every little town. It’s more important to us to play good gigs no matter where they are. We don’t have aspirations to be rich and famous. We just enjoy rockin’ out.” Through social media websites, director Patrick Roddy heard the 44rz while searching for the perfect sound to frame a bar scene in his dark David Lynchstyle movie Good Boy and just like that, the band had its first movie appearance. The vivid character of their songs has a cinematic quality that translates very well onto the big screen. Another awesome track from Ready to Fire is “Like Mercury, You Do,” swampy voodoo blues that would sound just right over the

credits on an episode of True Blood. Hometown filmmaker John Veron, now based in Los Angeles, also used several 44rz songs for his short East Stackton. “With the way their music colors the attitude of the town and its people, Stackton wouldn’t be Stackton without The Loaded 44rz,” he said. The band even contributed a song specifically written for the movie, an old Delta blues, Robert Johnson-style number called “Devil in Your Backyard.” Highlights of their time as a band include opening for rockabilly legends Rev. Horton Heat (who asked them to go on tour) and classic honky-tonk good ole boy Wayne Hancock, who complimented them on tracks like “X-Ray Vision,” which struts like a Stray Cat. You can find The Loaded 44rz on Facebook and at See ‘em live for yourself on Sept. 7 at Artmosphere in Lafayette, and on Sept. 21, performing with the Sinners, at MyPlace American Pub.

AUGUST 29, 2013


FAMILY & YOUTH FESTIVAL It was a great day of wholesome entertainment for the entire family at the Family & Youth Family Festival. From the Discovery Dome from the Houston Museum of Natural Science to the Future Zone for teens, there was something for every age group to enjoy! The Family & Youth Counseling Agency along with a vast number of community sponsors provided a free, fun and fabulous fun event to promote family life for the people of Southwest Louisiana. We are family!

Skylar Booth with April, Cwen, Cardegan, Cameo and Addica Muth

Andria and Johnathan Johnson with Marion Venzant and Jada Johnson

Zoe Hood, Kaitlyn Jean Louis and Jaliyah Lafleur

Emma, DeeDee, Madi, Bella and Faith Miller

Colby and Shelby Budge with Brennan Beitel and Macie Comeaux

IMAGINATION CELEBRATION It was an evening of Disco Fever as supporters of Lake Charles’ Children’s Museum got their groove on for the 8th annual Imagination Celebration! Bell bottoms, afros, polyester and platform shoes brought out the fever to get funky! Guests sampled yummy food from over 20 area restaurants and enjoyed dance performances and the Celebrity Karaoke Sing-off (congrats to winner Angie Manning!). The Jam’s own Phil de Albuquerque was the emcee and the fabulous Hal McMillin ran the live auction! DJ Mark Russell spun old-school disco tunes that had everyone movin’ and groovin’! Burn, Baby, Burn!

Mary Ann and Mark Treme with Dr. Dean Manning

Rex and Tommie Townsley PAGE 22

AUGUST 29, 2013

Alice Stine, Jasmine Washington, Kasey Hargrave, Amanda Northcutt, Allyson Montgomery and Shilah Ginez

Amie and Mark Herbert with Rita Laborde

Regina and Charlie McBride

Mari Wilson, Jack Woodson and Yoko Broussard Volume 1 • Issue 5

Volume 1 • Issue 5

AUGUST 29, 2013


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