The Louisiana Jam, Vol. 1, No. 9 - 10/10/13

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OCTOBER 10, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 9

October 10, 2013 • Volume 1 • Issue 9 COVER STORY 22 Musicale

715 Kirby St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-7800 Fax: 337-990-0262 PUBLISHER Phil de Albuquerque

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Lauren de Albuquerque

CONTRIBUTORS Lisa Addison George Cline Jacob Fusilier Braylin Jenkins Mike Louviere Mike McHugh

Roger Miller Mary Louise Ruehr Brandon Shoumaker Nicole Shuff Arabie Jody Taylor Karla Tullos


GRAPHICS ART/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Burn Rourk ART ASSISTANT Sarah Bercier CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Danley Romero BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER Jeanie Taggart Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by Louisiana Jamcolumnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Louisiana Jam, its editors or staff. Louisiana Jam is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. Louisiana Jam cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2013 Louisiana Jam all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. Volume 1 • Issue 9

REGULARS 6 The Dang Yankee 7 Tips from Tip 7 Adoption Corner 8 Soul Matters 9 This Functional Family 10 Huntin’ Tales 12 The Sports Report 13 A Taste of SWLA FALL WEDDING SECTION 14 Your Wedding Day: What Can Go Wrong? 15 Registry Dos and Don’ts 16 Here Comes the… Wedding Movie! 18 What Annoys Your Bridesmaids 19 You Just Got Engaged! 21 Beauty Tips for the Bride THE SPICE OF SWLA 5 Johnson Bayou’s Killer Hurricane 24 Events Guide 25 Family Fun Night at the Movies 26 Lake City Beat 28 Arts & Culture Guide 28 The Illustrated City 30 Red Hot Books 32 Nightlife Guide 34 Scott Biram Interview 36 Halloween Happenings 37 Funbolaya 38 Society Spice

On Cover: Marcia Ball and Wendy Colonna, performing at Musicale 2013

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A Note From Lauren The Recycle Cycle My husband loves to recycle. He enjoys gathering up old newspapers, cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, empty cat food bags and kitty litter boxes That’s great. He has good intentions. The problem is, he doesn’t have time to recycle. So where do these all of these treasure go? Please don’t ask. Let me start off by saying that back in Boston, we had CURBSIDE RECYCLING. Imagine that. You’d put your recycling in these plastic bins and put them on the curb on pick-up day. When I lived there, we had to separate our plastic from our paper and cardboard, but I hear that you don’t even have to do that anymore. Here, you have to go somewhere to drop off your recycling. And


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when you’re so busy that you forget what day it is sometimes, you’re not going to do that very often. So maybe that means you really shouldn’t recycle as often as you think you should, right? NO, according to Phil. Everything that can be recycled will be recycled. It’s a nice thought. His spirit may be willing, but his flesh is weak. He can’t accept the fact that he is not a good recycler. A good recycler dutifully makes a weekly trip to drop off the empty cracker boxes, potato chip bags, detergent containers and what not to the cheerful Team Green guys at Kroger’s or the big recycling place over on 14. Phil used to go to Kroger’s. But they told him to go away. Because he’s the guy who

comes in a pick-up truck loaded with stuff from the last decade. Team Green cannot handle this. His junk would have filled up their entire truck. Instead, they sent him to the place on 14, which is a humongous warehouse full of floor-to-ceiling cardboard, plastic and paper. They can handle Phil. He loves it there. He’s made friends with the owners. The problem is, he doesn’t go there enough. And the stuff

piles up at our home and office. The good thing is, he’ll leave something out to recycle and then forget all about it. So several times a day, I throw out milk cartons and soup cans and wrappers. I sort of sneak around behind him after he eats. He doesn’t even remember that he left them lying around. We obviously have a lot of empty cat food bags. He puts bags within bags within bags and saves them. So occasionally, I grab a bunch and throw them in our dumpster. It often goes unnoticed. Yay me! But last week, he happened to open the dumpster and see the bag-stuffed bag. What did he do? He pulled it out of our trash and put it right back in the house, with a Very Upset expression on his face. There may even have been some mumbling

under his breath. I messed with his recycling plan. But has this bag, and its friends, been recycled yet? Of course not. It’s gotten even worse. Someone told him there’s a place where you can bring empty soda cans and actually get money for it. So he went nuts for quite awhile. We now have two huge garbage bags of soda cans in the kitchen closet that are going absolutely nowhere for a very long time. Luckily, he hasn’t thought about can recycling in a while. But after he reads this, I’m sure there’ll be a third garbage bag in there tonight. That will sit there with its new friends. For a long time.

Lauren de Albuquerque

Volume 1 • Issue 9

Johnson Bayou’s

First Killer HURRICANE

By Mike Louviere Driving through Johnson Bayou today, you can’t help but notice the new homes built to federal elevation standards, a reminder of the hurricane that hit our coastline in the recent past. In 2008, Ike tore through the area, leveling most of the buildings; the amount of new construction of homes, stores, churches, and schools can attest to that. But actually, a more destructive storm hit Johnson Bayou long before Ike and the deadly Hurricane Audrey. In 1886, Johnson Bayou was an area fertile with cotton and citrus farms. Some residents bragged that the ground was so fertile it would produce three bales of cotton to the acre. From the first settlers in the late 18th century, the population continued to grow until it numbered 1,200 in 1886. On the afternoon of October 12, 1886, after a clear day with no indication of an approaching storm, water in the bayou suddenly rose four feet in one hour. By six p.m., a strong gale was blowing, and water was beginning to enter the homes. An hour later, the gale had become a full-blown hurricane. By 9 p.m., the waters of both the Gulf and the bayou joined together to inundate Johnson Bayou with 12 feet of water. With no warning that the hurricane was coming, residents were completely unaware of how strong the winds were and how high Volume 1 • Issue 9

the storm surge would be. Water soon became waist deep, and residents began to panic, trying to get out of their houses and frantically looking for ways to survive the rising waters. Some houses floated away into the marsh or into Sabine Lake. The eight members of the Owens Jones family retreated upstairs and as the waters rose, they entered the attic. The high winds and the pounding of the waves caused the walls to break away and the roof to collapse on them. They were all crushed and drowned in their home. Some parents desperately tied their children to the limbs of trees. In many cases, this was a futile effort, since trees were uprooted or the limbs would break. Parents watched helplessly as their children floated away, lashed to the limbs and unable to escape. In the Joseph Paisley home, its five members could only watch as the house began to disintegrate and the pieces drifted away. Six-year-old Hancock Paisley floated away on a featherbed. After the storm, he was found ten miles away, still on the bed, the only one in his family to survive. Jeremiah Quinn was the owner of a prosperous cotton and citrus farm. The family stayed in the house until it began to break apart. Fourteen hours after the storm, Quinn was found six miles away in a state of shock, clutching his dead wife while mutter-

ing to her that the storm would soon be over. Bill Stafford, a farm laborer and a rather notorious drunkard when the weekend rolled around, had been left in charge of the two Hackett children, ages two and four, while their parents shopped for supplies in Radford. For 12 hours he desperately fought for their survival. He clamped the clothes of one child between his teeth and held the other with one arm while clinging to a piece of driftwood. They were found the next day by a rescue party, barely alive. The younger child later died. The parents were able to survive by clutching wreckage from the Radford store. They were found after drifting 10 miles apart. Nearly every family in the community had lost at least one member. Seventeen children were orphaned and 20 parents lost all of their children. About 75 bodies were recovered. The rest remained lost in the marsh, or had floated out to sea. Around 196 people perished in all, 110 from Johnson Bayou. In addition to the loss of human life, approximately 6,000 cattle drowned and nearly 2,000 later died of thirst due to the influx of salt water and lack of fresh water. Rescue parties began to come into the area on October 14 and survivors were taken to Beaumont and Orange, where the two towns were faced with feeding and clothing the more than 1,000 survivors.

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper’s depiction of Johnson Bayou relief parties searching for victims of the storm. Reports of the disaster were broadcast nationwide and donations of provisions and money soon began to pour in. In its October 22 edition, The Orange Tribune wrote, “On the first trip of our steamers to the stormstricken district, men, women and children were picked up and found presenting the most distressing sight probably ever witnessed before by mortal men. Their eyes were blood-shot, faces bloated and tongues so badly swollen that many of them could hardly speak. They were famished for water and something to eat.” With only one store left standing in Radford, the community was not rebuilt and faded from history. The community of Johnson was completely swept away. Some survivors moved to Texas or back to

the northern states where they had originally come from. But some chose to stay and rebuild. In 1887, only six families returned to Johnson Bayou to live, but by 1894, there were 57 families, totaling 400 persons living there. Their descendants live in this vibrant, small community today, with Highway 82 running through the south side (a convenient escape route nowadays when a storm is brewing). Close proximity to the coast brings in summer residents and beachgoers who enjoy the sun and water. In spite of being hit hard again by Audrey in 1957 and Ike in 2008, the tenacious residents remain. They are a tough, dedicated group of people who will continue to live on the land they love, no matter how many times they may have to rebuild. OCTOBER 10, 2013


Iron Band

I love the outlandish reasons that Yankees back home invent to justify their misery while living in the cold. “I like to see the change of seasons,” they’ll say. Right. The truth is, they’re all secretly California Dreamin’. Here in Louisiana, there’s a visible sign of fall that’s more distinctive than any golden-leafed tree, and that’s the painted slogans that pop up on the windows of local businesses this time of year. Back in Yankee Land, it would be a sign that gang activity is heating up. But here in the South, it means that it’s time again for high school football. “Go Broncs! Skin the Whomp-Us Cats!” it would say on the window of the local bank. It’s much more energizing than looking at some stupid tree. My house sits less than a mile from the local high school. This means that, on any given morning during football season, I can relax on the rear patio with my cup of coffee and take in the marching band as it practices for the up-

coming weekend. I can hear them as if they’re next door. In Yankee Land, I lived the same distance from a gun club. A perfect place to commit a murder, I’d always think. Usually, the band is doing “Iron Man,” the old Black Sabbath number from back in the day before heavy metal had a name. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the band run through it in the ten years I’ve been in my house. It’s a song that seems to be in the repertoire of every high school marching band in the country. You’d think that a marching band tackling a heavy metal song would be as much of a mismatch as the London Philharmonic taking on “YMCA” But surprisingly, it works. You would think I’d get tired of it, but the fact is, I like “Iron Man.” It would be a different story if the band were doing a song that I did not particularly care for. For instance, “Knock Three Times” would be sheer torture. It isn’t just that I’m not a big fan of Tony Orlando, but I’m afraid of what the

drum line would do with a song like that. “BAM! BAM! BAM!” they’d go in unison during the chorus. As close as my house is to the practice field, I’d be afraid of structural damage. As much as I like “Iron Man,” I still think it would be nice if the band expanded its repertoire somewhat. I mean, why is it that I’ve never, ever heard a marching band do anything by the Rolling Stones? I can think of a number of Stones tunes that would lend themselves quite well to a marching band arrangement. One that immediately comes to mind is “Let’s Spend the Night Together.” Inappropriate, you say? Nonsense. It’s not like they actually sing the words or anything. The Black Sabbath link is ironic, in a way. Back when they were topping the charts, the older generation criticized the band for espousing Satanism. They claimed you could hear satanic messages if you played their records backwards. Curious about this, I recorded the band from my patio one morning and replayed it in reverse. I didn’t hear any satanic messages, although I might have picked up something that made vague reference to an upcoming booster club fundraiser.

Special Book Launch Event at the Louisiana Jam! Mike will be at the Jam office at 721 Kirby St., Lake Charles on Friday, October 18 from 5-7 PM to sign copies of the new Not Your Mother’s Book…On Home Improvement. The book contains two new Dang Yankee stories among PAGE 6

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dozens of other hilarious tales from do-it-yourselfers. Copies will be available at a savings off the retail price. Mike has cautioned us about one particular chapter, “Go With the Flow,” which contains several ac-

counts of toilet replacement projects that are not for the faint of heart. Anyhow, come out to The Jam on Oct. 18 to shake hands with The Dang Yankee. He promised us he won’t be working on any toilets that day. Volume 1 • Issue 9

LOUISIANA IS ETHNIC! We are so proud of our grandson, who is in medical school in Pennsylvania. His mother sent him a “Louisiana Care Package” of some of our native goodies to make him feel at home. Upon receipt of the gladly received package, he posted a picture of the contents. I noticed there was no Tony Chachere’s Creole Seasoning. When I mentioned this to him, he promptly informed me that you can get Tony’s in the stores up there—but it’s located in the “Ethnic” section. Little do we know my friends, little do we know. TRAFFIC NIGHTMARES BEGINNING South Lake Charles traffic is going to be an exercise in

discipline for daily commuters in the foreseeable future as road construction, although greatly needed and way overdue, blocks movement towards center city. Prien Lake Road at Holly Hill and the Nelson Road intersection are undergoing changes, not to mention the I-210 interchanges at Nelson and new Cove Lane Roundabout and Interstate crossover to the casinos. With Sale Road west of Lake Street getting a major redo, Country Club Road is going to look like we should have a parade permit to traverse easterly to go north. It will require great patience and preplanning on the part of us all, but the outcome will eventually be worth it--until growth overloads us again. BIG BROTHER AGAIN As if it isn't enough for NSA to be monitoring our phones for Metadata, and only God-knows-who-else is looking over our collective shoulders, there are now private companies that will track student online public activi-

ties for a fee. In this day of strapped school budgets, a Southern California school district is shelling out over $40,000 to monitor the Internet activity of the students in their area, all in the name (as is always claimed) of the public safety of those students. Not only are they monitoring their school activity, but also intruding on their nonschool time. If you do not think that “Big Brother” is watching you, think again. Our rights are being slowly eroded as each day passes. Be very careful of what information you put out, because prying eyes and ears are on a very diligent duty. DRUG PRICE INCREASES I just received notification of the increases in my prescription drug coverage for the coming year. I expected it, as nothing ever decreases in price. I am to be hit with a 50 percent increase in the monthly premium and the co-pays will increase around $18 per month on the generic prescriptions for my routine maintenance meds. Where are the cost containment and reductions that have been so aggressively promised and promoted?

visions of steaming hot, spicy gumbo to mind. With that inspiration, our shopping survey for this issue includes some of the ingredients commonly used in a chicken and sausage gumbo. The aforementioned “ethnic” Tony’s seasoning will be a part of this gumbo as well. The prices were obtained on Sunday, September 22,and reflect the posted price on the shelf where the product was placed for sale. The stores surveyed were: AlbertsonsRyan Street, Market BasketSampson Street (Westlake), Kroger-McNeese Street and Walmart-Nelson Road. Tony Chachere’s Original Creole Seasoning, 17ounce container: Albertsons, $2.49; Market Basket, $2.39; Kroger, $2.79; Wal-

mart, $2.42. Chicken, whole, per pound: Albertsons, $.98; Market Basket $1.29; Kroger, $.98; Walmart, $1.07. Richard’s Smoked Sausage, 16-ounce package: Albertsons, $6.49; Market Basket, $4.99; Kroger, $5.99; Walmart, $4.78. Yellow onions, per pound: Albertsons, $1.29; Market Basket, $1.29; Kroger, $.79; Walmart, $.88. Gold Medal All Purpose Flour, 32-ounce package: Albertsons, $2.19; Market Basket, $1.79; Walmart, $1.58.

SUPERMARKET ROUNDUP Fall, with hunting and football season, brings cooler weather, which in turn brings

Featured by LaPAW Rescue

This cutie is yet another “left behind.” How could anyone leave such a precious little guy on his own? Mallard was found in the yard of former neighbors after his family moved and just dumped him. FortuVolume 1 • Issue 9

nately, he entered the world of rescue. A Rat Terrier mix, he is now 6 months old. He is a little taller than most of the breed but has a slight build, so will not be a big dog. His best friends are the two Huskies in his foster home. They have taught him to use a doggie door and he is now proficient! He is neutered, has had all his shots, and is currently on heart-

worm prevention, so he’s ready for his forever person to come for him! Call 337-478-7294 or email for more information. Commitment to providing heartworm prevention, vet check and home visit are required prior to all adoptions. Hurry, Mallard is waiting! Love dogs and cats but can’t adopt? Consider fostering. There is no joy like saving a life and there are so many to be saved. Email us for more info! OCTOBER 10, 2013


our heart needs if it is to heal. This should be clear to us, but it’s not. You've probably tried to make these repairs yourself. The list is as long as our heartaches that never quite disby Nicole Shuff Arabie appear. Where can we find the healtrue: ing we need?. •You spend most of The only real soluyour time thinking only tion is found through about yourself. surrender. Healing the •Your thoughts are heart is not about its refgloomy, or you experience ormation, but its permastates of despair, defeat, or nent restoration. Our task doubt. is to deliver our heart to •You are in conflict, the only place where often angry or resentful such restoration is pos•You put the interests sible, and then watch of yourself before considwhat happens. The more ering others.. we try to make things This list reveals what happen, the slower the

true mending. Where can we go to surrender our hearts while letting go of the outcome? It is in the heart that we remember God while watching with quiet awareness what we are shown by His works. If we’re willing to put our heart in God’s hands, to bring it into the “repair

How Does A Broken Heart Heal? We know when our hearts are broken and need healing. The wholeness we could be calls out to us with each ache coursing through us. The True Spiritual Path begins with self-awareness that our heart needs repair. Only what is whole can heal what is divided. Does your heart need healing? Ask yourself if any of the following is

shop” and do this with no other wish other than inviting wholeness into our heart, it will be done. Take a few quiet minutes each day to consciously surrender your heart. Do your best to remember that when you ask for this special work to be done within you, your part is to remain watchful (not wanting) no matter what you may see revealed to you about the inside of your heart. To book a Soul Matters session with Nicole Shuff Arabie, call (337) 540-6573. You can also go to her Facebook page at

Calcasieu Orchid Society Lectures Growing Orchids to their Potential, a lecture by John Stubbings of Houston, will be the second lecture in a year's worth of lectures and demonstrations organized by the Calcasieu Orchid Society. The lectures are designed to help and encourage all people who want to raise orchids for their personal pleasure. The lecture will take place at 2:30 on Sunday, Oct. 20, in the home of Mary and Joe Richardson, 4618 W Autumnwood in Lake Charles. It is open to all people who may be interested in joining the Calcasieu Orchid Society. Stubbings is the owner of Clown Alley Orchids in Houston. He has been growing and hybridizing orchids for 33 years and works mainly with Cattleya, Phalaenopsis and Galeandra. Throughout the years he has worked with orchids that PAGE 8

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thrive in warm climates, such as in Lake Charles and Houston, and to find flowers that will be long lasting or fragrant. His mission, he says, is t to provide such quality orchids to hobbyists and retailers alike. Stubbings will also bring orchids for sale to the meetings. Other lectures include: Nov. 17 – All About Slippers: Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums by Dr. Joe Abendroth. Abendroth, a retired surgeon in Lafayette, is a specialist in the type of orchid that looks like a slipper that usually grows in cooler climates. Jan. 19 - So You Want to Build a Greenhouse, by Bobby Gianelloni, President of the Acadian Orchid Society in Lafayette. Feb. 16 - Cowhorn Orchids, Cigar Orchids, and

Bee-swarm Orchids: The World of Myrmecophila Hybrids, by James Jeansonne, Baton Rouge. Jeansonne has travelled to Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico to collect orchids he uses to make hybrids. April 27 – Anthropod Pests –Thoughts on How to Manage them to Improve your Orchid Culture by Dr. Bob Danka, Research Entomologist with the US Department of Agriculture. May 18 – Cattleyas by Bobby Gianelloni. Gianelloni will return to Lake Charles to help people be more successful in growing what may be the most popular of orchids. Membership in the Calcasieu Orchid Society is open to all. For more information, email Margo Racca at or call Fred Sahlmann at (337) 433-2423. Volume 1 • Issue 9

Learning About Life at the Local Barbershop It was a Saturday morning and my son’s regular barber had taken ill and wasn’t going to be able to cut his hair. Trust me, my son needed a haircut and it couldn’t wait. I’ve always liked the way that barber cut his hair. And I like the atmosphere of a barbershop and the way that the barbers will often ask, “Son, are you being respectful to your mother?” or “Are you working hard at school?” I went by a few other places and they were either closed or had no openings. I had almost given up when I suddenly saw a barbershop right in front of us. Although it looked busy, the parking lot wasn’t totally full. We walked in and every head turned to look at us; the shop clearly catered to an African American clientele and since I’m white, I

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probably looked like I was lost or had walked in by mistake. Maybe some of you would have just turned and walked out, but I’m usually comfortable in just about any situation. So, I just asked a simple question: “Does anyone have time to fit my son in for a haircut?” After a bit of a silence, one of the guys said he did, if we could wait 10 or 15 minutes. Another one said he could if the other one got busy and couldn’t do it. So, we sat down and the kids started playing checkers with some other kids. My son ended up getting one of the best haircuts he’s ever gotten, after a few minutes nobody seemed to care what color I was, and there were very interesting conversations going on all around us. I don’t know what it’s like at

your barber or beauty shop but this joint was hopping. In one corner, a couple of guys were playing dominoes; in another, a longtime local high school football coach I recognized was having a colorful conversation with a young man. The door opened and an older man came in selling meat pies, fruit pies, and cracklins. Simply put, this barbershop was full of life. On our third visit, a woman came up to me and said she had noticed us before and wanted to know if I might want some help with my daughter’s hair. As some of you know, I adopted both of my children through the foster care system. My son is white and my daughter is bi-racial. She’s beautiful and is a glorious mingling of white, black, and Hispanic. I ask her all the time if I could please have her skin, eyebrows, and lips but she just laughs at me and says, “I’m sorry, Mommy. I can’t let you have them because they are mine!” When sweet Christina walked over to us, she said,

“Is that your little girl? She sure is a pretty one! I would love to get my hands in that hair, though!” I liked her immediately. She has a shop that’s attached to the barbershop so we didn’t have to walk far. We followed her in and once again, every head turned because there were no other white patrons. But Christina made us feel right at home and we’ve visited her a few times since then. Once the other stylists as well as the regular customers got to know us, they treat us almost like family. When they talk about all of their business in front of you and feel comfortable asking you all about your business, you know that they’ve accepted you. I feel it’s very important for me to expose my daughter to all aspects of her culture in a variety of ways and that includes the African American side. Besides, she has never looked more beautiful than after lovely Christina has had her hands in her hair. Lisa Addison writes for local, regional and national publications. She has two children in elementary school, never gets enough sleep, enjoys trying new recipes, is an avid reader, and loves going on adventures with her kids.

Support the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer 3K by Trying “Anything Pink” at any McDonald’s in Calcasieu Parish from Oct. 18-20. McDonald’s of Southwest Louisiana is joining in the fight against breast cancer by sponsoring “Anything Pink,” a fundraiser to help support and promote the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer 3K. Stop by any McDonald’s in Calcasieu Parish to try “Anything Pink,” including their strawberry banana smoothie, blueberry pomegranate smoothie and strawberry shake, from Friday, Oct. 18 to Sunday, Oct. 20 and $1 of your purchase will be donated to the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer 3K. The “Anything Pink” fundraiser will coincide with the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer 3K, which will be held at the Lake Charles Civic Center on Saturday, Oct. 19. For more information on the walk and to find out how can you participate, visit Sign up sheets for walk are also available at every McDonald’s in Calcasieu Parish.

OCTOBER 10, 2013


game. Our Lab

By Roger Miller was already head-

South Dakota Cool Part Deux Butch, the Yellow Labrador Retriever, frolicked on his way to the truck from the blind, a flurry of sniffs, tail wags and glances back. Steve totted his camo shell bucket, Wing Master 12gauge pump, our limit of strung ducks bouncing against his back and


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chest. I damn near strutted, head held high, Beretta over and under shotgun in hand, 64+ pounds of Greater Canadian Geese slung across my shoulders. “Oh, Hell Yeah!” I thought, but didn’t say. At the truck, we unloaded our gear and

ing down the road, head held high, sorting the scents. The sky was so blue it hurt your eyes, the temp in the high ‘30s and the breeze a cool caress from the north. And get this--about 10 percent humidity. I felt like I could walk for miles, and did later. Butch, as was his habit, led the way through the fence into the field ahead of us, then turned back to wait for us. Steve opened the rusted barbed wire gate so the humans could pass. Spread out before me was a fallow, green gold to Confederate gray field of millet, wild

grasses, and old Milo. Butch whined a hurryup, impatient to play upland game dog. “We’ll walk about ten yards apart behind Butch. That way we can get the bird whichever way he jumps. Just keep an eye on Butch. When he stops and wags his tail like he’s trying not to, he’s on the bird. He’ll creep up on and flush the bird,” Steve instructed me. I wore the silly awed grin I’d often seen on others during waterfowl trips. I had an idea how eager and goofy I looked. As if a man wearing a broad brimmed hunting hat, his hat side brims festooned with mallard and pintail feathers could be anything but Cabala stylish. “Let’s do it,” I said like I knew what I was doing. I’d only shot one pheas-

ant before and that was at Lacoste Lodge on the Louisiana Gulf of Mexico, but that’s a tale for another time. Orange blaze vested, we began our stroll, Butch zigzagging, scenting the grass to our front. The ground was hard but the low grass cushioned us. Then Butch slowed, stiffened, and began his creep up to the bird. He inched forward and it started to run on him and stopped. Butch followed then held, his tail quivering in anticipation. I glanced over to Steve and he nodded for me to move up and flush the bird. Then there was an explosion of whirring wings, a kaleidoscope of colors, and a cackle you had to hear. I slammed the gun to my shoulder, aimed, and pulled the trigger, all a muscle response honed

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by hundreds of hunts. There was a boom, then a puffed sound as feathers flew, and the bird toppled forward, all in a silence that didn’t exist. Butch was out and back with the pheasant before I even moved. I was still held in awe of it all. And I am still. I used to walk along the edge of the marsh jump shooting mallards on stiff north wind days along Blue Buck Chenier, above Hamilton Lake, northeast of Johnson Bayou. If you have done similar, you know the thrill of dumping a flushing greenhead as it arcs away from you. But you do not have the wonder of watching a dog scent, swing to, and snap to a hold on a bird so colorful that it is no more trouble to ferret out the difference between the cock and the dowdy hen than the greenhead mallard drake is. With the cock’s cackle, it’s even easier. We took five more

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birds and then headed back for lunch, a good tired from a glorious morning. After a sandwich lunch and a nap that refreshed, I was ready for the afternoon’s hunt. This was to be a pheasant hunt along the fence line of a cornfield that eventually led to a pocket marsh and our late afternoon duck shoot. Shooting pheasants along a corn field still makes me chuckle. First of all, I could see them running away into the fence line cover or out to the corn stubble. Birds of flight just look ridiculous walking, much less running anywhere. Picture a duck waddle, a dove Chaplin walking, or a quail scurrying and you’ll see what I mean. Anyway, Butch had a fabulous time and so did we. Pheasants scrambled in front of us to hide from the much faster Lab. The pheasants that didn’t flush and fly away held like rabbits, seem-

ingly in the Lab’s hold. Walked, kicked, or dog flushed, the cock pheasants tumbled. A limit of them. Not that we didn’t walk a long ways; we did. It’s just with the nonhumid cool, the dog’s and the pheasants ‘antics, and our banter, it just seemed like a lark. Then the corn ended at a gulley and a whip grass, cattail, and marsh grass pond appeared. Across the marsh and up a hill you could see where the corn or Milo fields began anew. We walked across the gray planked one-at-a-time bridge

over the gulley and on into the hard-bottomed marsh to a stand of emerald-turning-khakitopped whip grass. The wind had begun to pick up and it was now in the high ‘30s. Steve tossed about a dozen and a half mallard and pintail decoys to our front. They were soon bobbing and weaving, lifelike sirens in the breeze. We blended into the tall grass as best we could. Then, about a half hour before sundown they started winging in. There’s something special about shooting birds

that have yet to be shot at and many have never been shot at. Decoying isn’t exactly what they did, kamikaze flights is more like it. And Butch, well, he reminded me of my Golden Retriever Prez with his frolicking about, trying to pick up and retrieve faster than we could dump them. Remember me as the kid with Outdoor Life and Field & Stream folded in my lap, fantasizing that I was in the South Dakota cool. Finally, I was actually in the South Dakota Cool. Cool.

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Color Bind I’ve always been a conscientious sports guy. I’ve prided myself on taking a serious approach to sports, understanding the machinations of it all; trying to divine some insight from what is happening on the field and behind the scenes. I’ve always liked the psychology of it all, the effect of home-field advantage, what causes late-game collapses, etc. As a reporter, I even made sure that the shirt I wore to my assigned game was a neutral color (if one team was red and the other blue, I’d wear a green shirt). I figured I’d get better postgame interviews with both coaches if it didn’t look like I’d come from one or the other’s booster club meeting. That bit of pop


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psychology may not have worked, but at least it got me thinking about my job as a reporter and the game ahead. They say that clothes make the man. To me, they also make the sports fan. The sports fan also has a job to think about: cheering on and supporting the home team. That means a lot of things. Like buying tickets. It means attending the games. It means, when you come to the games, you dress the part. Sometimes, though, it’s as if some folks are slacking on the job when it comes to the dress code. Take for instance, my experience at the McNeese State-Weber State game the other night. There I was with family

and friends at the Rowdy Road Wranglers’ tailgate, enjoying a few cold ones while standing in a bank of windblown mist and drizzle. Thankfully, I had my waterproof camo jacket over my Dri-Fit blue and gold McNeese polo. So, I stood there, drinking my adult beverage, when I turned and saw a man in a purple jacket making his way through the east side tailgating area. I assumed that he was a Weber State fan getting the grand tour of what makes football in Louisiana so great: tailgate food. He was wearing a purple jacket, after all. Weber State’s colors are purple and white. “Good for him,” I thought to myself. Surely this guy isn’t getting much delicious food up in the hinterlands of Utah. But, as he moved closer, I could see from 25 yards off that I was wrong. He made a slight turn and I

saw the gold letters of “LSU” emblazoned on his chest. Right near his heart, actually. Infuriating isn’t even the word for it. Number one, this guy showed up to Cowboy Stadium to watch a game between McNeese State and Weber State, neither of which schools’ names contain the letter “L.” To put it another way, LSU was not playing at Cowboy Stadium on this day and it does not play there on any other day. Number two, LSU and Weber State wear purple. This guy looked like a Weber State fan by wearing a purple LSU shirt to a game against Weber State. It isn’t enough that most of the big chain stores in Lake Charles stock twice as much LSU gear as McNeese gear (despite being located, ironically enough, in the same town as McNeese), but some segments of the population don’t even try to pretend to look

like a McNeese fan at McNeese games. Purple isn’t even an alternate third team color. Every McNeese fan knows that the Cowboys’ third and fourth, unofficial, colors are camouflage and hunter orange. Side note: How cool would it be if McNeese broke out some camo and eye-searing orange alternate jerseys and helmets for a home game? Someone get Nike on the phone, ASAP. But, I digress. If you’re a McNeese fan and you’re not going to wear blue or gold (or white) to the game, at the very least avoid wearing purple. I know. McNeese’s official colors used to be purple and gold. But, McNeese State University also used to be called Lake Charles Junior College and the Cowboys used to play at Wildcat Stadium (now known as Cougar Stadium) on 1st Avenue. Back here in the 21st

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century, though, none of those things are true anymore. McNeese grew up, a long time ago, into a bigboy university with its own identity and traditions separate from its beginnings as a branch of Louisiana State University. McNeese’s students and alumni, way back in 1971, chose blue and gold as the school’s official colors. Again, that’s blue and gold. Not purple. Unfortunately, Mr. Purple in the tailgate area is not alone in his incorrect belief that wearing LSU gear to a McNeese State game is appropriate fan behavior. From my vantage point in the seats, even despite the waves of misty spray blowing in my direction, I could see several folks decked out in their LSU finest. Jeez, purple guys and gals. Have some pride in your university. I mean, the Cowboys are undefeated just like those LSU Tigers. The Pokes are out there busting their butts for their fans and yet you’re decked out like you’re camping out in the Kirby-Smith parking lot before the Bama game? If you needed some McNeese gear, you could have just asked. The campus bookstore is open on game day. It’s like at any job; you have to look the part, and you can’t do the job of being a McNeese fan if you’re showing up for work in the wrong team’s clothes. Brandon Shoumaker is a graduate of McNeese State University and has covered sports for more than a decade for various publications. Coaches or parents with story tips or comments may contact Brandon at or send him a message on Twitter (@bshoumaker). Volume 1 • Issue 9

By Jacob Fusilier

Supporting Local

While at the Cash and Carry Farmers Market in downtown Lake Charles the other day, I realized how much I love to support local. Whether it’s going to local restaurants, buying local food, or even supporting local places that do business with other local businesses, I'm in! Nothing is more local than our area’s farmers’ markets. I love that they have seasonal veggies, organics, bread, various canned items and so much more. And it seems as if every week there is something new, such as natural organic milk and flavored kale chips. The markets are a great time for the kiddos, too. I bring my five-yearold son with me as much as possible and he loves it. Not only is it a great visual experience for him but it’s a great time to teach him about food and our local roots. There are two different markets in Lake Charles. The Cash and Carry Farmers Market is held on Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. at the Cash and Carry Building on the corner of Broad Street and Enterprise Blvd. Also, there is the city's Charlestown Farmers’ Market that runs on Saturday from 6 a.m.-noon

downtown behind 1911 City Hall and on Thursday from 4-6 at Trinity Baptist. There are plenty of reasons to support local restaurants in our area. Remember, these are the people who have been raised in our area and their restaurants have more of a sense of family, an understanding of the local people, and an appreciation of the heritage of Southwest Louisiana. I also like the idea of them doing business with other local businesses. Whenever I go out to eat, I ask the servers if certain ingredients are local and where they are from. If they don’t know right off, it is easy for them to find out. For example, people often cut corners with crawfish tails. Chinese crawfish is used in many dishes, especially in franchised restaurants. Now, I hear that Spanish crawfish is also being used. The Spanish crawfish does taste better than Chinese and is less costly than Louisiana tails, but there is no comparison in taste. We need to support our own. JT's Seafood is a great

The Cash and Carry Farmers Market is held on Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m. at the Cash and Carry Building on the corner of Broad Street and Enterprise Blvd. example of what I like to call “local on local” business. Brad and Ashley Soileau of JT’s buy crabs, crawfish, and fish from suppliers right here in our area. And 121 Bistro and Botsky's Premium Hot Dogs buy items from Lake Charles food supplier Local Roots, which makes all sorts of things from bread to sausage. Jacob Manceaux, who owns Local Roots and also owns and operates the Cash and Carry Farmers’ Market is a huge part of this local food boom. He believes that the food available to us here in Southwest Louisiana is some of the best quality we can buy. I couldn’t agree more. Both professional chefs and at-home cooks should take advantage of what we have to offer. When I’m eating at local restaurants I feel like I’m giving back to our community while enjoying some of our great traditions. And when cooking at home with local ingredi-

ents, I feel more connected to our culture and the soul of Louisiana. Going local should not just be a fun way to cook, eat, and entertain--it should also be a way of life!

OCTOBER 10, 2013


By Lauren de Albuquerque Your big day is approaching. There’s lots to be nervous about. Here are some things that can go wrong—and what you can do to prevent problems.

Drunken Guests Most of us have attended a wedding where a drunken guest was a bit out of control. (I attended a family wedding where the entire wedding party was drunk before the wedding even started—but


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that’s a another story!) Hopefully, it won’t happen at yours—but you need to have some kind of a plan in place in case it does. First, discuss the possibility of an unruly guest with your wedding planner, if you have one. This isn’t their first rodeo, and they will know what to do. If not, most venues have someone managing the building whose job is to keep an eye on everything. You probably already

know which friends/relatives may act up. Try to have a heart-to-heart conversation with anyone who has a “history” before the wedding and let them know how important it is that they stay on their best behavior. Of course, on the actual day, you’ll have better things to do than keep tabs on your guests, so enlist help from your inner circle to be observant and nip a problem in the bud before it blooms. It’s a lot more difficult if one of these potential problems is someone in your bridal party. Hopefully, you can keep the drinking to a minimum as you’re all dressing so she can make it through the ceremony—and don’t give her anything that requires responsibility during the reception. And if she wants to give a toast? Prevent this from happening by asking your band or DJ not to give the microphone to

anyone who's not scheduled to give a toast. If she somehow grab the microphone anyway, make sure someone knows to signal your entertainers to strike up the music. It stands to reason that there will be more inebriated guests if you have an open bar and little food. Feed them well (food helps slow down how fast their body absorbs alcohol) and make sure there are nonalcoholic drink options available. A cash bar or an open bar for a limited amount of time is a better idea (and will save you money!). A lot of venues suggest that you hire security, and this is a good idea. It may be worth the additional cost to keep things running smoothly. Make sure you have a talk with your bartenders beforehand and remind them to be aware of how much your guests are drinking. If someone

appears inebriated, they will be shut off. The last thing you want is for a drunk guest to become angry and speed off into the night. It’s imperative that his car keys are taken away before it goes any further. If things really start to get out-of-control, call the police and ask if they can handle things discreetly.

Weather Woes Outdoor ceremonies/receptions are wonderful, but you HAVE to have Plan B in case of inclement weather. It is a must to always have an indoor backup space, one that is either already set up and at least minimally decorated or can be set up fairly easily at a moment's notice. Phil and I were married outside in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in May. It could have rained or even snowed—so our Plan B was the beauti-

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Always have a Plan B.

ful parlor in the inn where we had the reception. Luckily, the weather turned out amazing! But we took a chance. Even if your wedding is indoors, torrential rain can put a damper on your day. Make sure there are golf umbrellas in the limo so you and your bridal party are protected from the elements as you enter and exit. With all the humidity down here, guests can become hot and uncomfort-

able during an outdoor ceremony, so it’s a nice idea to provide umbrellas for shade. An even nicer gesture is to have cold bottled water available. And for a night event in the cooler weather, make sure you have heaters on hand. They keep things toasty! An outdoor tent wedding can be an issue if the ground is still wet from a previous rainfall. The best thing to do is order a floor, so that shoes won’t get ruined and ankles won’t get

cold. Flowers are more susceptible to wilting when they are outdoors for a long period of time. Make sure that they are kept well hydrated and out of the sun. Be extra careful with food for your reception. Heat can spoil it, which could make you and your guests ill. And bugs will be attracted to the food. Make sure it’s covered well and kept in cool enough temperatures that it won't spoil. For hot foods, make sure the food stays well heated. Speaking of bugs, be sure to put out citronella candles or a bug zapper, especially for an evening wedding. You know how the mosquitoes are down here! Even worse are those fire ant mounds—they could literally ruin your wedding. They must be taken care of before your big day.

Dos and

Registry Don’ts

Do register at more than one location. Two to three is ideal. If possible, at least one of them should be a “real” store in the areas where many of your guests live. You may appreciate the convenience of the web, but not everyone does, especially the older crowd. Don’t ask for money outright. Never put it on a shower or wedding invitation. The only polite thing to do is to not register anywhere and hope that your guests get the message. You can also enlist the help of family and friends to delicately spread the word, saying something like “They’re planning on buying a Volume 1 • Issue 9

house soon and would appreciate a contribution.” Just know that not everyone will give you money. Do register for a wide range of gifts at various price points. People prefer choosing from a large selection. For example, if you have 100 invited guests, you’ll need a minimum of 125 registry items. Registering at one kitchen store, one home goods store, and one department store should cover all the bases. Don’t use any of the gifts that arrive before the wedding. Should the wedding not take place, for any reason, all the

gifts must be returned. Do request nontraditional items if they reflect you as a couple. If you both like to go camping, don’t be afraid to register for a tent or a canoe. Don’t email or call to thank people for their gifts. Write thoughtful thank-you notes within six weeks of receiving the gift, that refers to the specific item and why you will enjoy using it. As soon as a gift comes in, keep a log noting what you received, from whom and when, along with when you sent the thank-you note. That way, no one will be overlooked. OCTOBER 10, 2013


Here Comes the…Wedding Movie! By Lauren de Albuquerque Planning your wedding is an exciting but often tumultuous time. So, why not take a breather and sit down to a fun wedding movie (or two, or three) with your bridal party to relax and have some laughs in the midst of all the chaos. Here are some favorites!

Bridesmaids Annie’s best friend Lillian is getting married, and Annie is the maid of honor. But Lillian’s new friend Helen, the stunning and fabulously wealthy wife of Lillian’s fiancé’s boss, is jealous of Annie and Lillian’s friendship— and Annie feels horribly inadequate next to Helen. Kristen Wiig is perfect as the insecure, wacky Annie, but Melissa McCarthy steals the show as Lillian’s larger-than-life sister-in-law. And the airplane scene is my favorite!


Father of the Bride A stellar cast pulls off this 1991 remake of the 1950 movie of the same name (starring Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor) with ease. Steve Martin plays George, whose daughter Annie returns from studying abroad to announce her engagement to a young American she met overseas. Bryan is handsome, brilliant, and comes from major money, but that doesn’t stop Dad from trying to find everything and anything wrong with him. George is also freaked out by the exorbitant costs connected with the big day. Diane Keaton is great as his long-suffering wife—and who can forget Martin Short as Franck?

Four Weddings and a Funeral This acclaimed British comedy follows the adventures of a group of friends through the eyes of the

handsome but rather bumbling Charles (Hugh Grant), who is smitten with Carrie (Andie MacDowell) an American whom Charles repeatedly runs into at weddings and at a funeral. The quick witticisms of the cast keep everything rolling. It’s one of those movies you can see over and over again— and was nominated for Best Picture in 1994.

Made of Honor Kind of a reverse My Best Friend’s Wedding, Tom (Patrick Dempsey) and Hannah (Michele Monaghan) have been best friends for years. When she leaves for a six-week trip to Scotland, Tom realizes that his love for her goes beyond friendship. But when she returns home, Hannah announces that she has gotten engaged to a dashing Scotsman. She's convinced that Tom will be thrilled for her, and wants him to play a crucial role in the wedding. You can figure out the rest!

My Best Friend’s Wedding When Julianne (Julia Roberts) finds out that her long-time friend (Dermot Mulroney) is engaged, she realizes she loves him herself... and sets out to get him


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and sabotage the wedding, with only days to the nuptials. What makes it worse is that the young bride-tobe (Cameron Diaz) makes Julianne her maid of honor, with lots of opportunity for Julianne to misbehave. But all’s well that ends well.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

mantic comedy of all time!

Runaway Bride Another Julia Roberts wedding vehicle where she plays Maggie, a weddingshy bride who’s left three jilted grooms at the altar. Richard Gere is a reporter who is assigned to write a story about her as she attempts to get married yet again. What’s Maggie’s problem? Will she ever say “I do?” I think you know the answer!

Nia Vardalos plays a young Greek-American woman who struggles with her weight and looks. She The Wedding Singer gives herself a makeover, Adam Sandler is left at gets a new job, and falls in the altar by his disgrunlove with a non-Greek (John Corbett). Her strug- tled fiancée, and it doesn’t gles to get her family to accept him while she comes to Runaway Bride terms with her heritage create lots of laughs--it became the highestgrossing ro-

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help that he’s a wedding singer who has to perform at the nuptials of happy couples while he’s so miserable. The only bright spot in his life is Julia (Drew Barrymore), a waitress that he meets at a wedding venue—but she’s engaged. He falls in love with her—and finds out her fiancé is a cad, and that she’s making a big mistake. The movie takes place in the mid-1980s and the music and fashions are fabulous! I really love this one.

available women in a partying mood! Complications ensue when they just happen to crash the wedding of the daughter of the US Secretary of State (Sen.

John McCain and James Carville have cameo roles) and are invited for an extended weekend with the dysfunctional family. Very funny.

Wedding Crashers Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn play two divorce mediators who have no interest in getting married, but spend every weekend crashing weddings—for the free food, drinks and numerous

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What ANNOYS Your Bridesmaids Yes, you have a lot on your mind and you’re probably not thinking clearly. But there are some things that you may do that will drive your wedding party crazy, including:

Expecting All Your Bridesmaids to be BFFs Automatically It’s great when everyone in your wedding party

knows one another, but that is not always the case. Chances are that some of your bridesmaids have never met. Throwing together strangers with various personalities without proper introductions can cause problems. So, once you select your bridal party, get everyone together for a casual brunch or dinner so they can all get to know one another. If

some people don’t live nearby, then email and introduce everyone. It will help break the ice.

Having Multiple Expensive Events Asking your bridesmaids to pay for extra flights, hotels, and activities on top of an expensive bridesmaid dress, shoes, and jewelry is expecting too much. Not everyone can afford it. If you're having a destination wedding, then have a local bachelorette weekend. Suggest single bridesmaids go in on hotels room or rental cars together. Treat them to hair and makeup, prewedding mani/pedis, or spa treatments. They’ll really appreciate it. Maintaining a ‘Bride Knows Best’ Attitude Your friends are who they are. You can’t change them. You’ll only annoy them if you ask them to tone down their makeup or take the ring out of their nose, if those are things that make them feel good about


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themselves. Yes, it’s your wedding day and you’re in charge, but you have to remember to treat your bridesmaids as adult women. So when it comes to their appearance on the Big Day, make sure you explain nicely that you want everyone to have a uniform appearance instead of acting like a Bridezilla. A good idea is to send a clear email giving your bridesmaids direction. They need it. Even if you want them to pick their own dress, they'll appreciate some insight on the color, style, or on how formal you'd like it to be. Communicating from the beginning will put every one on the same page.

overwhelmed as the day approaches. Again, communicating by email is key. Send out an itinerary for the entire wedding weekend, including an hour-byhour breakdown for the wedding day, a few weeks in advance. That way your wedding party knows where they need to be and what they need to do—and there are no surprises.

Giving Last-Minute Instructions You may eat, sleep and breathe all the details of your wedding, but if you don't share important things like the time of the rehearsal or that you'd like them to make toasts, then your bridesmaids will feel

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You Just Got Engaged: Congratulations on your engagement! There’s a lot to do, so get moving!

Set a Timetable Everyone will be asking for your wedding date. But you really won't be able to set an exact date until other major decisions, such as choosing your venue, are made. So you need to focus on determining a range of dates that will work for you. Think about what season you'd prefer, any major holidays or family events you'd like to avoid conflicting with, and how long you predict you'll need to plan.

Style and Location Before you do anything, look at the big picture and imagine what kind of wedding you want and where you want to hold it. What’s your idea of the perfect wedding? Barefoot on a beach in the tropics? A candlelit ceremony in an old plantation? Your grandparents’ backyard? Then, think about the size: Big (everyone you know) or small (just close friends and family)? Outdoors or in? Home, or a destination wedding? Fancy, casual or somewhere in between? Spend some time gathering ideas. Read magazines, books and look at wedding photos online.

what you have to spend, your decisions will be a lot easier. So make sure you work out your budget before you start planning.

Register (Before Your Engagement Party!) Try to register as soon as possible after your engagement. Gifts are optional for

engagement parties, but some of your guests may want to give you something for the occasion, so register for at least a few items beforehand.

Book a Venue: You’ve Set Your Date! One of the first things you should do is book your wedding venue. If you’re getting married in a church, you obviously have to make sure the date is available for both. It can be frustrating when you’ve found the place of your dreams, only to find out that another wedding party

has already booked your church for that day, so it’s good to be flexible with dates. And of course, you need to make sure that the venue can hold the number of guests that you plan to invite. Do they do in-house catering? If not, will they provide a list of preferred vendors, such as caterers, photographers, DJs, bands, etc.? Many venues have a wedding coordinator who comes with the package and will be a big help to you. If you’re planning a destination wedding, that’s a whole different story. If it’s on an island or out of the country, not many people will be able to attend. If that’s the kind of wedding you’ve chosen, then you probably already know that!

What Now?

party (in terms of both time and money) so make sure you let them know how much you appreciate them.

Guest List Keep in mind that more guests means higher prices, as catering costs are generally calculated on a per-head basis. So, in addition to location, your budget will have a big influence on the size of your guest list.

The Wedding Dress Before you even begin to look around, research gowns. You should always have a bit of knowledge about dresses before you even set foot into a bridal shop. There are tons of

bridal magazines out there and the Internet is full of photos. Wedding dresses are made in several different silhouettes. Know which type of gown will flatter your figure the best. Just because you love a gown does not mean it will look good on you. Some brides have complained that after looking through racks and racks of dresses, they all begin to look the same. So before you even leave the house, envision the dress of your daydreams. You don't have to know all the wedding dress terms. Just write down a description of the gown you're envisioning. The sales assistant will do the rest!

Choose Your Wedding Party Remember, the earlier you ask, the sooner you can enlist their help in getting the next months of your life organized. It’s not cheap to be in a wedding

What Can You Afford? Are you getting financial help from your parents? Will your fiance’s family be pitching in? Sit down with both families and figure out how much everyone is contributing. Once you know exactly Volume 1 • Issue 9

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Beauty Tips for the Bride All eyes will be on you. Start now to look your best!

Weekly Manicures Now that you have that diamond ring, you need to take better care of your hands with regular weekly manicures. Experiment with colors and get to know your manicurist. Shellac manicures use UV technology for a harder and smoother finished nail. They're more expensive but can last up to twice as long as a traditional manicure, and are a good idea for your wedding and honeymoon. Moisturize your hands daily with a good hand cream for problem dryness and ensure hands are silky smooth. Use a good cuticle oil to moisturize and nourish the cuticle base and help promote strong healthy nails.

Nourish Your Skin Eat well and drink a lot of water in the

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weeks leading up to your wedding. Feeding your skin from the inside will give your complexion a boost. Don’t be daring: Any new beauty treatments should be tried at least one month before rather than a day before the wedding. You never know how your skin will react to a new treatment.

Sun-Kissed Skin We all look better with a natural, healthy glow. Use a

gradual self-tanner or get a spray tan a few days before your wedding for a beautiful glow (which leaves enough time to fix any trouble spots and let the color calm down). A onetime tan will give you just enough bronze for a suntouched look in your photos. Do not use a tanning bed or go out in the sun without sunblock.

Trial Run Hair and Makeup Make sure you get a trial run hairdo and makeup session well before the big day, and bring your headpiece to the

hairdresser. Don’t try anything dramatic. Yes, you need more makeup than usual for the cameras, but don’t overdo it. You still want to look like you, only better!

The Perfect Smile Make sure you whiten your smile a few weeks before the big day. There are plenty of choices when it comes to teeth whitening. Crest Whitening Strips really work and are affordable. A 14-day kit can be stretched across four weeks if your teeth are sensitive, so you can have the perfect white smile just in time. Just place strips on your top and bottom teeth and leave on for 25 minutes. Your teeth will be much whiter and brighter and you can start to notice results after three or four days.

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Marcia Ball

By Jody Taylor On Sunday, October 13 at 5 p.m., the Literary Council of SWLA hosts their annual “Musicale” event at Central School, benefitting the organization’s educational programs for Lake Area adults, children and families. This year’s event features live music by award-winning Louisiana ladies Marcia Ball and Wendy Colonna, as well as a special performance by The Lake Charles Dance Academy under the direction of Colleen Cannon Benoit. Marcia Ball, a worldfamous, Grammy–nominated pianist/vocalist/songwriter from Vinton, brings to Musicale her special blend of groovy New Orleans boogie-woogie, Louisiana swamp rock, Zydeco, and Texas blues. Ball has performed all over the world since her beginnings as a solo artist in the 1980s, releasing music through roots label Rounder Records and the blues-based Chicago label Alligator Records. In addition to her Grammy nominations,

Ball has won multiple Blues Music Awards through her career and earned inductions into the Austin Music Hall of Fame in 1990 and the Gulf Coast Music Hall of Fame in 2010. “Forty years of roadside attractions and the life roaming ‘round has never worn thin,” she said. “I love it when the wheels start rolling, when the band starts playing, when the crowds start dancing.” Ball’s newest album Roadside Attractions, released in 2011, is all her for the first time, every tune written or co-written by Ball herself. Every aspect of her signature style is represented: rowdy road songs, soulful blues a la Irma Thomas, nostalgic country, and of course the New Orleans’ rockin’ boogie influenced by Professor Longhair that always gets a party going. Wendy Colonna got soul. The Lake Charles native, now based in Austin, sounds like a southern Norah Jones, swampy and smoky-voiced sweetness. Fresh off a three-month summer tour of the States, Colonna just released her fifth album, Nectar. “I

had to step out of being jaded about the business and step into the creative vulnerable life,” she said of the newest release. “The songs are an invitation to access your own personal nectar despite the scars you’ve collected along the journey.” While touring in Europe in support of her 2010 release We Are One, Colonna suffered a lung infection and immune system issues that she fought through for eight months, temporarily sidelining her from music. She used this experience while recording Nectar with co-writer Mark Addison. Colonna’s “dark record kept tapping into a sweet deep well” of the hard-won lessons she learned while overcoming these illnesses. “I realized there was strength in the vulnerability and beauty in the scars,” she said. “It was okay to be exposed.” Several accolades of her own adorn Colonna’s metaphorical mantle. The Austin-American Statesman named her “Best Singer-Songwriter in Austin.” She’s won multitudes of songwriting con-

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tests and talent competitions across the US and was nominated by NOLA’s Offbeat Magazine as “Songwriter of the Year.” Most strangely, Wendy Colonna the southern songstress was honored by the City of Austin proclaiming April 26, 2012 as “Wendy Colonna Day.” Both Marcia Ball and Wendy Colonna are happy to be perness training, after-school forming to hometown tutoring, and financial litcrowds again for a great eracy. These services are cause, to which they are available in the regions of no strangers. Back home in Texas, these ladies work Lake Charles, Jennings, Grand Lake, and DeRidwith the Health Alliance der. for Austin Musicians, an Tickets to the Musicale organization that helps event are available online “provide access to affordable health care for low in- at and range from $10 for general come, uninsured working musicians, with a focus on admission to $100 for a VIP experience. Sponsorprevention and wellness.” Ball is a board member for ships and VIP admission grants reserved seating HAAM and Colonna coand a dinner prepared by produces the “Holiday Nic Hunter, owner of HarHAAM Jam” compilation lequin Steak & Seafood CD and concert, an annual fundraising effort for Restaurant. Other local vendors will also be on the worthy organization. site to sell refreshments The host for this wonand yummy food goods. drous Musicale event is For more information on the Literacy Council of SWLA, a nonprofit organ- the event or to become a sponsor, visit the website ization and United Way above or call Tamika agency whose mission is Williams at 494-7000. See to improve educational you on Sunday, October skill levels and raise 13 at Central School on awareness about the need 809 Kirby Street at 5 p.m., for literacy services, infor MUSICALE 2013!!! cluding GED preparedVolume 1 • Issue 9

ACTS Theatre Presents The Secret Garden Oct. 10-20 The Secret Garden was adapted from Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic novel. Mary Lennox, a sullen and spoiled young orphan, is sent to live with her brooding uncle. Discovering a hidden, neglected garden, Mary plants the seeds of new life for all those drawn into her secret refuge. Performances will be held at ACTS Theatre, 1 Reid St., Lake Charles at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call (337) 4332287 or South Lake Charles Kiwanis Fundraiser Oct. 10 Support local charities by coming out to the Chateau du Calcasieu at 932 Enterprise Blvd. on Thurs., Oct. 10 for the South Lake Charles Kiwanis Fundraiser. Admission is $50 per person and includes wine, beer, hors d’oeuvres. There will be entertainment and silent and live auctions. For more information, go to their FB page. Movies under the Stars Oct. 11, 18, 25 This month, kick off your weekends at Prien Lake Park with the Fall Series of Movies Under the Stars! Enjoy Annie on Oct. 11, Star Trek: Into Darkness on Oct. 18, and Brave on Oct. 25. The event is free and begins at dusk at 7 p.m. Seating is first come first serve, bring your own lawn chairs, blankets and refreshments. Snacks can also be purchased

on-site. Located at 3700 West Prien Lake Road in Lake Charles. In the event of inclement weather, dates may be cancelled. For more information, call 721-3515. CM Farms Corn Maze Oct. 11-Nov. 23 The CM Farms maze is a labyrinth of twists, turns and some pesky dead ends! It’s all carved into a field of sorghum with stalks taller than your head! Get lost and have the time of your life exploring this 10-acre “field of fun.” The ride occurs weekly on Friday-Sunday and is located at CM Farms, 200 John Broussard Rd. in Dry Creek. For more information call (337) 328-8200 or visit Pink Ribbon Gala Oct. 12 Friends of Sisters Surviving, Inc., will host Pink Ribbon Gala 2013 on Sat., Oct. 12, at Treasures of Marilyn. The event begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction followed by the dinner/program at 7 p.m. Guest Speaker is Dr. Cassandra Simon, a Lake Charles native and breast cancer survivor. All proceeds will benefit the outreach efforts of Sisters Surviving Cancer Support Group. For ticket information, call Marva Davis at (337) 263-5773. Lake Charles Pride Fest Oct. 12 L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles presents the 5th Annual Lake Charles Pride Festival on Oct. 12 at Touloulou’s, the deck and beach area of L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles. The festival starts at 12:30 p.m. and will include live entertainment and performances from members of Lafitte’s Ladies and the Pride Court. There will also be a silent auction and vendor booths. The festival will be followed by an after-party as well as events in other venues around the city. Visit them at /lcpride for updated announcements. Dinner at MI CASA Oct. 13 Presented in partnership with the culinary team of Delta Downs, this event is a feast for the senses! Held at the home of Ted and Trudy Mayeux, you will enjoy an amazing meal paired with


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wine while benefitting CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused and neglected children, a branch of Family and Youth. Tickets are $150 per couple. For more information, call 436-9533. McNeese Homecoming Parade Oct. 17 The 2013 McNeese State University Homecoming Parade is scheduled to roll down Ryan Street at 7 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 17, and the community is invited to participate. Oct. 11 is the deadline for community entries and the fee is $50 per unit. This year's theme is Cowboy Strong. Line-up for the parade begins at 3:30 p.m. in freshman parking Lot A near Cowboy Stadium. The parade will start at the intersection of Ryan and East LaGrange streets and travel to Cowboy Stadium, where it will disband for the homecoming pep rally and fireworks display. For more information, community organizations can call 4755706 or go online at Westlake High School Annual Homecoming Gumbo Oct. 18 Westlake High School's annual Homecoming Gumbo event will be held on Fri., Oct. 18 from 5-7 p.m. and after the homecoming game until 10 p.m. The tickets are $7 and can be purchased at the Westlake High School front office at 1000 Garden Drive in Westlake. For more information, call 337-217-4950. Ragley Heritage and Timber Festival Oct. 19 Don’t miss the 15th annual Ragley Heritage and Timber Festival on Oct. 19 at the Historical Square Pavilion in Ragley. There will be bands/music, quilters, spinning, corn-grinding, woodmaking and antique cars and tractors on display. The children will enjoy train rides, illusion shows, balloon animals, 5-in-1 combo, bounce house, 16’ slide, and wagon rides. Enjoy local food for sale. Admission fee is $5 per car. For more information, call (337) 725-3324. ‘Illustrated Family Day’ Oct. 19 The Stark Museum of Art and The W.H. Stark House, both located in Orange, Texas, invite families and visitors of all ages to take part in “Illustrated Family Day” on Sat., Oct. 19, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Guests will have the opportunity to make hand-bound Volume 1 • Issue 9

books, printed illustrations, and decorative book boxes. For young visitors, there will be storytelling, and families are invited to go on a scavenger hunt for prizes. Guests are invited to come dressed as their favorite storybook character. Free admission, complimentary light refreshments available. For more information, visit Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Walk Oct. 19 The Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Walk announces the opening of registration for the annual walk for Oct. 19 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Participants come from all over to support our local survivors giving hope throughout

the community. Individuals and teams can preregister at Email completed form to or fax the form to (337) 474-3412. Holy Trinity Episcopal Pumpkin Patch through Oct. 31 The church grounds of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Sulphur are once again covered with big orange pumpkins! It will be open until Oct. 31, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and noon to 6 p.m. Sundays. Pumpkin Patch Storytime has two classes on ten different days; call 527-5179 to schedule a visit. Picnics can be held in the Pavilion if arrangements are made beforehand. Proceeds from the

Baggage Claim (Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2013)

Every once in awhile you find yourself in a theater watching a movie that wasn’t your first choice. (Note: Chick Flicks are NEVER my first choice.) It’s a pleasant surprise when a movie turns out to be better than you expected. Baggage Claim is one such movie. Montana Moore is a young stewardess on a mission. She’s determined to be engaged in 30 days, in time for her younger sister’s wedding. If this sounds extreme, understand that Montana has been a bridesmaid at least ten times. Four of her apVolume 1 • Issue 9

pearances were for her own mother, who is pushing on both her girls to follow her marrying ways, and soon. Always wanting to help out, Montana’s friends and coworkers convince her to go after her man by meeting up with him as she flies back and forth across the country. Only in this case, she’s targeting old boyfriends. With the help of a network of her airport pals, Montana finds herself up in the air, going from city to city with the clock running out. Baggage Claim is written and directed by playwright David Talbert, who

sale of October Events at the Children’s Museum pumpkins, gourds, and October 11: Fun Friday: Swirl’n Spin Art Join us anytime between 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the ArtSpace and experiment pumpkin with exciting designs using our Swirl’n Spin art machine! bread fund Holy Trinity’s October 12: Sasol’s Second Saturday Science Show outreach Sasol’s Rebecca Sanders explores the human senses: taste, touch, projects. The hearing, sight and smell. Join us at 11 a.m. for hands-on demonstrations. Pumpkin Patch is loOctober 18: Fun Friday, Finger Paint cated at 1700 Celebrate National Color Day by finger painting in the ArtSpace Maplewood from 3:30-4:30 p.m.! Drive in SulOctober 25: Fun Friday, Pasta Necklaces phur. For Make a neat necklace with pasta noodles from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the ArtSpace. more information, conOctober 28: Story Time with Dr. Williams tact Cyndi Dr. Philip C. Williams, President of McNeese State University, Khoury at will read his own short stories to the children at 11 a.m. 527-8787 or the church Monday, October 28: Step Up to Fitness Grand Opening office at 625Please join us at noon. for the grand opening of our new health exhibit, Step Up to Fitness, sponsored by Kid Power of SWLA! 4288. The Children's Museum is located at 327 Broad Street downtown Lake Charles. Moss Bluff Hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Admission is $7.50 for children United and adults. Call (337) 433-9420 or visit for more info. Methodist Methodist Church for the Oct. 19 from 9 a.m.-6:30 Pumpkin Patch Oct. 19-31 grand opening day of p.m.! Enjoy Natchitoches Join the good folks at their Pumpkin Patch on Meat Pies, popcorn, cold Moss Bluff United

brings us an old-fashioned screwball comedy in the tradition of Billy Wilder and Peter Bogdanovich. The plot is contrived and quite predictable. Many of the jokes are familiar, and not all of them come off. But what makes Baggage Claim work is its unabashed charm and lively action. This is a breath of fresh air from the outrageous antics of today’s socalled comic actors. How is it that this beautiful young woman hasn’t been claimed by some dashing prince? It turns out Montana doesn’t really know who she is herself or what she wants in a relationship. From the beginning of the movie, she’s influenced by her friends, at one point finding herself hiding from a former flame outside his house, in a garbage can and on the cell phone with her best friend, Gail. (What are you doing

in there, Montana? You told me to get in here! Well, I didn’t think you’d actually do it!) Gail is played by Jill Scott, a singer and songwriter with a platinum Hip-Hop album under her belt. In true Barbie/Gidget/Audrey Hepburn style, Montana teases romance with princes, politicians, and movie stars, but keeps stumbling over herself as time gets shorter. Her Mom, who has pressured the little sister into getting engaged while still in school, expects Montana to bring her own Mr. Right to the rehearsal dinner. Paula Patton, who plays Montana, has acted with Will Smith, Tom Cruise, and others. Here in her first leading role, she handles comedy, sexiness, and charm with considerable

talent. As a comic lead, she has a presence and talent for physical comedy similar to a young Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock. Another standout in the cast is Jenifer Lewis, who plays her much-married mom. Montana’s many old boyfriends are all excellent and different in their roles, playing not your usual scumbags, but new and interesting scumbags. You will guess the ending long before the end, but it’s carried off with style and substance, reflecting a well-thought-out script and sincere performances. I think we’ll be seeing more movies from David Talbert, and I hope more comedies from Paula Patton. Baggage Claim is rated PG-13 for one or two steamy scenes, suggestive language, cranberry condoms, and over-the-top girlfriend drama.

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drinks, and baked goods along with music, face painting, and a fun jump for the kids. Pumpkin Patch hours (Oct. 19-31): Mon-Fri: 3-6:30 pm, Sat: 9 a.m.-6:3 0pm, Sun. noon6:30 p.m. Proceeds from pumpkin sales will be donated to the Methodist Children's Home of SWLA and other SWLA charities. For more information, call 855-6241. Moss Bluff United Methodist Fall Market Oct. 26 Moss Bluff United Methodist Church will have a Fall Market on Oct. 26. There will be arts, crafts, home décor, jewelry, baked goods, and more. Market hours are 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call 8556241 for more information. Maplewood Community Trunk or Treat Oct. 31 Enjoy family fun, candy, and free food Center Circle Park in Sulphur from 6-7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Maplewood Area Churches. For more information, call (337)6255899. ‘On the Town’ Nov. 2 The Lake Charles Foundation presents “On the Town” with the Lettermen


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at L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles on Nov. 2 from 7-11:30 p.m. Enjoy appetizers, complimentary wine and premium silent auction items. Also performing are Chris Miller & Bayou Roots and 1944 Big Band. Tickets are $75 per person. For more information, call 4943226. The Red Tent Gathering Nov. 8 For women only! It's time again to gather underneath the Red Tent. Enjoy soothing sounds from our harpist Patricia Horvath and beautiful art, precious crystals and other offerings. Get a foot or hand massage, a hairbrushing, (Bring Your Own-Brush!) or a mehndi (henna) tattoo. Learn a few new steps while dancing to joyful music, and talk with inspiring people. See a screening of the Red Tent documentary, “Things We Don't Talk About.” Event will be held at the Candice Alexander Art Studio and the lobby of the Charleston Hotel @ 900 Ryan St. in downtown Lake Charles from 7-10 p.m. Potluck, bring food to share. Admission is $15. For more information, email

Downtown What’s become of the razzle dazzle atmosphere that once existed during the “Wonder Years” in Lake Charles and Jennings? Nights when people truly cruised Ryan Street or another strip in a nearby town while listening to their favorite late-night tunes on the radio without drama and the need for police involvement? On evenings like the recent Gallery Promenade, we see how the night scene should be in every city and town throughout the region every night of the week. So many of us want establishments, particularly those that are downtown, to stay open later. But that can’t happen if people are not there to bring in the business. Thank goodness Luna Bar & Grill started brunch on Sundays, and Stellar Beans is now open on Sunday as well. You may wonder why I focus on downtown so much. I firmly believe what the Mayor was quoted as saying at the recent ribboncutting ceremony of the Ryan Streetscape Project: "All great cities are defined and known by their downtown districts." You may disagree--but knowing that one of the most well-traveled corridors in our country passes directly by our downtown area and our downtown district is not set up to accommodate potential visitors at all times--

then I must say, "Houston (or in this case, Lake Charles!) we have a problem". Support local more often and see what happens. It has probably been awhile since you’ve studied the scenery from The View in the Capital One Tower. I was at JME Group's fashion show that was held there recently, and Ryan Street glistened with bright lights as though an amazing block party was underway. It gives me hope for the future. The old Piccadilly Cafeteria on Ryan Street and other abandoned buildings are the perfect settings for someone to step in and put their creative minds to work. I favor less privatized buildings and more publicoriented spaces. The Foundation House on Enterprise is a great example of bringing life to recovering areas.

New Teen Club You probably remember the many teen clubs that opened their doors only to be short-lived thanks to complaints, dangerous environments and inconsiderate customers. I recently learned that the new Pulse Teen Club will be opening in the factory outlet in Iowa. There will be dancing, pool tables and concessions. Of course, I wondered about safety and one of the owners assured me that they will have offduty police officers for security. There will be a strictly enforced dress code, an age limit of 13-17 and fighting/profanity will not be tolerated. The grand opening has been set for October 26 at 7 p.m. with an $8 fee. Parents are welcome to visit the space. The grand opening will also

feature a Halloween costume contest, so if this appeals to you, start planning ahead.

Talented Locals Congrats to actress and still photographer Hilary Bronwyn Gayle, the daughter of Lake Area Film Group member Carol Anne Gayle, for her most recent involvement in a major film project. Her still photography work is not only visible in New Orleans, but beyond the Crescent City as well. She was a still photographer on the film Oldboy directed by Spike Lee and starring Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L. Jackson, which will hit the silver screen in upcoming months. Check out her page on Another talented local is Justin LeBrun, who was recently involved with Love Will Tear Us Apart as well as larger films like Dark Places, filmed in Shreveport and starring Charlize Theron and Left Behind, filmed in Baton Rouge. If you have ambition and dedication, you could be a part of the growing Hollywood scene in Louisiana right here at home. Here’s an update on something the Louisiana Jam covered recently. Desreta Jackson, who is best known for her role as the young Celie n the award-winning film The Color Purple has been cast as Angela in Along the Dirt Road, set to be shot in our area next year. The Jam will keep you updated on this film and its progress. In closing, continue to explore Southwest Louisiana. There is so much happening and changing daily, so you don’t want to miss out on this exciting time for our region. Be proud to live in SWLA because every visitor is not afraid to spread the word of their wonderful experience in the place we call home. Volume 1 • Issue 9

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OCTOBER 10, 2013


A Series of Fortunate Events Before I Die: Interactive Public Art The Before I Die project started in New Orleans in 2011 by artist Candy Chang, after the death of a friend. The project has been in over 50 countries. Recurring daily, all day, on the west side of 505 Bazaar at 314 Broad Street, Lake Charles. (337) 370-0353, Oct. 11 - 31

Imperial Calcasieu Museum Vicky Singletary’s ‘Free Flight’ Exhibit through Oct. 19 204 W. Sallier St. Lake Charles Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm 337-439-3797 Brainstorming: Graphic Design Exhibit Henning Cultural Center 923 Ruth St., Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 am-noon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 9/26/2013-10/24/2013 337-527-0357 Children in Motion with Nancy Melton through Jan. 4, Opening reception Oct 18 The Curious World of Patent Models through Dec. 28 Opening reception October 18 from 5:30-8 p.m. Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St. Lake Charles Mon- Fri 10 am- 5 pm Sat 10 am- 2 pm 337-491-9147 Black Heritage Gallery Central School 809 Kirby St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm 337-488-8567 DeQuincy Railroad Museum 400 Lake Charles Ave., PAGE 28

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DeQuincy Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm 337-786-2823 DeQuincy Town Hall Museum 218 E. Fourth St. DeQuincy Mon-Thurs 9am-noon and 1 pm-4pm 337-786-8241 Mardi Gras Museum of Imperial Calcasieu 809 Kirby St. Lake Charles Tues-Fri, 1 pm- 5pm 337-430-0043 USS Orleck Naval Museum 604 N. Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-3pm Sat 10 am -4 pm 337-214-7447 Vintage Arts By Jeanne Owens Central School 809 Kirby St., Suite 212 Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm 337-304-1165

In March of this year, SOWELA Technical Community College held the ribbon cutting for the campus’ Arts & Humanities building, a 45,000 square foot space that features cutting-edge classrooms, the campus library, meeting rooms, and a soaring, open loft. The loft space, perfect for lounging and regrouping between classes, is filled with natural light from huge windows, which is reflected off of the soaring, barren, white walls. They would not remain barren for long. Around this same time, the Arts Council was busy planning an event that would partner the arts and business. Artini After Hours was hosted by Springhill Suites by Mariott in Lake Charles in June 2013, and was modeled after the Chamber’s Business After Hours events. The twist was that Art-ini featured a select handful of local artists displaying their work in the hotel’s lobby, along with live music and

networking among business leaders and artists. It was here that David Darbonne, Director of Facilities and Planning Management at SOWELA, first saw a largescale painting by

Erin Barker, “Shrimp Boats” Louisiana’s Artist of the Year, Erin Barker. Titled “Road Home,” the painting of shrimp boats highlights Barker’s painting process of repeatedly painting and sanding down the canvas, creating a beautifully textured and layered effect, with subtle shades of violet and blue. Suddenly, in the midst of unprecedented growth – both in terms of brick

W.H. Tupper General Merchandise Museum 311 N. Main St., Jennings Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm 337-821-5532 “Tales and Travels” Through Jan. 12 Painting the Pages Through Oct. 12 Stark Museum of Art Tues.-Sat. 10 am-5 pm Orange, TX 409-886-2787

and mortar expansion and swelling student enrollment, leaders at SOWELA made the arts a priority. In a unique move, they made a sizeable investment in locally produced, original art-

Anne Dentler, “Peony”

work, the beginnings of a permanent collection, to be housed in the new Arts & Humanities building. “We wanted to bring a visual representation of the local culture and history of southwest Louisiana into our buildings, so we contacted the Arts Council about the possibility of purchasing works of art for our permanent collection. The Arts Council presented several examples of art from a variety of artists and the College selected pieces that resulted in a prestigious and eclectic style,” said Dr. Neil Aspinwall, Chancellor of SOWELA. The process was a quick one. In just a few short months, the Arts Council curated a collection of artwork from more than a dozen area Volume 1 • Issue 9

artists and presented it to the college. Stakeholders then made their selections, and by September 23, the art pieces were purchased and delivered. “As the campus evolves into what most people think of as a college with new buildings and landscaping, we realized that our new Arts & Humanities building is the perfect setting for original, local artwork of various styles and genres,” said Aspinwall, “Since our student population is diverse and represents many cultures and backgrounds, we felt it appropriate to display as wide a range of artwork as possible. Certainly having such quality art on display benefits the college in

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with color accents provided by the original artwork. The paintings and illustrations will adorn the walls in the main foyer and loft areas above the foyer where John Martel, “Wish You Luck” we will be holding nuthat it adds an element of merous alumni and civic elegance to our surroundreceptions. The library ings while affording artists will also showcase several an atmosphere that appropieces of art that will help priately exhibits and celecreate an image of elebrates their talents.” gance, sophistication and “The Arts & Humanicreativity.” ties building is one of the Among the more than most popular and frehalf dozen purchased quently visited sites on works are pieces by Anne campus,” said Randy Jolly, Dentler, John Martel, Executive Director of InKevin Leveque, Sue Zimstitutional Advancement mermann, and Erin at SOWELA. “We wanted Barker. The styles range to take advantage of the open and airy architecture widely, with colorful watercolors mingling with contemporary designs, handsome oil landscapes and eclectic mixed media pieces. “SOWELA and the Arts Council have similar views because we both want to further our working relationship to make sure local artists receive recogKevin Leveque, “Cattle Chute” nition for their work

that also adds value to the SOWELA image,” said Darbonne. “It was exciting for me to visit with one of the artists the other day when she dropped off her painting and was so thankful that her work would be displayed in such a beautiful building. The Arts

the Lake Area in the very near future. With this large industrial investment also comes the once-in-alifetime opportunity for businesses to invest in the cultural economy as well, be it through sponsorships, partnerships, or simply a dedication to the

Sue Zimmermann, “Harbored Skiffs” Council and SOWELA are planning similar projects for the near future that will provide additional exposure and allow even more wonderful locally produced artwork to grace new buildings at SOWELA at the Lake Charles campus and the new $10 million site to be built in Jennings.” The expansions at SOWELA are just one facet of the coming “economic boom,” which forecasts more than $48 billion being invested in

arts in order to create a sought-after quality of life. “One of SOWELA’s points of pride is bringing into focus the dignity and worth of work our students pursue,” said Jolly. “Having a permanent collection of original artwork in our new buildings helps reinforce the idea that craftsmanship is to be appreciated and prized whether in the form of a beautiful painting or a piece of work that has been welded, machined, fabricated or assembled.”

OCTOBER 10, 2013


Girlfriends, Old and New I particularly like stories that uplift the spirit, and these two tales of women who turn out to be BFFs (Best Friends Forever) do just that. While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax may be classified as “chick lit,” but it’s more than that. It’s a warm


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story that intertwines several plots with characters from different socioeconomic classes, just as the British drama Downton Abbey does. It isn’t high drama, as DA is, but it’s heart-warming and fun to read. The book is set at the Alexander, a high-rise apartment building in Atlanta.

On the top floor lives Samantha, with her husband of 25 years. The two are wealthy (“She’d married into Atlanta royalty”) and seem perfectly happy together. Into the building move “empty nester” Claire (a writer working on her third novel) and “chubby” Brooke and her two daughters, fresh

from a messy breakup with Brooke’s shallow husband. (She had supported him through medical school, and now he’s decided she isn’t good enough for him.) The building’s British concierge, Edward, knows the residents’ secrets and is helpful and discreet. It’s Edward’s idea to get the residents together for a sort of video club, with everyone who’s interested gathering once a week to watch Downton Abbey together. It is at these screenings that the women gradually get to know one another. Samantha can’t figure out what her husband wants from her. Claire is trying to channel her inner Nora Roberts but is experiencing writer’s block. Brooke is suffering from low self-esteem following her husband’s departure, and it doesn’t help that he’s now dating a perfect “Barbie” doll. Although they didn’t realize it, each of the women is kind of lonely. As they become close, they become stronger and happier. The book has some funny moments, as when Brooke is trying to avoid running into her ex-husband: “Brooke froze. She would have paid large sums of money for an invisibility cloak. Even more for the ability to time travel; a solid fifteen minutes from now

would work.” The four main characters are well drawn, but most of the others are cardboard cutouts meant to just move the story along. As for the Downton Abbey references, you would not have to have watched the show to understand what’s going on. But it couldn’t hurt. And if you haven’t watched the extraordinary DA but plan to (and why wouldn’t you?), be advised that there are spoilers here. As for the writing, it’s smooth and easy-going -- a few adult situations, but nothing offensive or explicit -- very nice and relaxing. As the women watch the videos, “They leaned forward as one, eager to suspend disbelief, more than ready to lose themselves in the English countryside, within the walls of a grand estate, in the midst of a family that had come to feel almost as familiar as their own.” The Supremes at Earl’s All-You-Can-Eat by Edward Kelsey Moore is about another trio of women friends, this time in Plainview, Ind. Odette, Clarice and Barbara Jean have been girlVolume 1 • Issue 9

friends for 40 years, ever since they met in high school in 1967. Back then, when the three became inseparable, they were called the Supremes, and they “held court” at their own table in Earl’s diner. (Earl’s was the first blackowned business in downtown Plainview, and race plays its own role in some of the intersecting story lines here.) They still meet at Earl’s every Sunday after church, along with their husbands. Through current narrative as well as flashbacks, we learn how they met and how they supported each other through their marriages, joys and sorrows. We learn more about each person from the thoughts of the others as the picture of them becomes more detailed. One could have been a concert pianist. One turns to alcohol for comfort. And one talks to the dead. In fact, the dead show up fairly regularly, but they’re presented as ordinary characters -- usually humorous -- and not at all scary. Much of the book is hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud -- particularly at Odette’s mother: “My mother had been a dedicated marijuana smoker all of her adult life. She said it was for her glaucoma. And if you reminded her that she’d never had glaucoma, she would bend your ear about the virtues of her preventative vision care regimen.” Her mother also couldn’t cook: “The dog took one bite of Mama’s ham and howled for six hours straight. The poor animal never quite recovered. ... We ended up with the only vegetarian dog in southern Indiana.” But there’s more humor to be enjoyed: “Erma Mae had the largest head Clarice had ever seen on a woman. When she was in high school, the huge, round head, coupled with her tall, bony body and flat chest, earned her the nickname Volume 1 • Issue 9

Lollipop. Unfortunately, she was also the mirror image of her big-headed mother at

that age. If you squinted as she walked toward you, you’d swear a brown party balloon was floating your way.” Clarice’s husband is a hound dog, and she has spent many nights “lying in bed beside him after he finally got home, pretending

to sleep and wondering whether she possessed sufficient upper body strength to smother him with his pillow.” I don’t classify this as chick lit; it isn’t even just for women. It’s a wellwritten, mainstream story about friendship: “These were the tender considerations that came with being a member of the Supremes. We overlooked each other’s flaws and treated each other well, even when we didn’t deserve it.” Odette is feisty and outspoken. You will wish she were real, so you could meet her at Earl’s for lunch. The characters fall in love, people die, and there’s a hilarious wedding scene. And you may find yourself with tears in your eyes, but by the time it ends, you’ll wish it could go on forever, and you’re going to feel really good. I love this book. Copyright © 2013 by Mary Louise Ruehr.

OCTOBER 10, 2013


Thursday, Oct. 10 Static 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove@ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Open Mic Night (Monthly) "Service Industry Night" 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles DJ San-D 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Friday, Oct. 11

Saturday, Oct. 12

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Paul Gonsoulin 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles

City Heat (Lady's Night) 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake

Live Band 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club 5313 Common St, Lake Charles Street Side Jazz Band 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles

Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles

Dolo Jazz Suite #7 w/ AF the Naysayer and Friends! 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Louisiana Throwdown w/ Jamie Bergeron & Keith Frank 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club 5313 Common St, Lake Charles

DJ San-D 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Pookie Marceaux Band 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake

No Idea @ Mikko Live 10:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Second Nature Live 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles

Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 & 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Sunday, Oct. 13 No Idea @ Mikko Live 9 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles

Mad Maude & The Hatters, Foxy & The Highhats, plus Stoop Kids! 9:30 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Charles Lyons (Free Live Music) $1 Off Drafts, $3 Whiskey 9:30 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Scott H. Biram 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles DJ San-D 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder PAGE 32

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Monday, Oct. 14

Tuesday, Oct. 15 Karaoke with DJ David Verrett 8 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles Brian Moore (Free Live Music) "Two Wheel Tuesdays" 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 5 & 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

William Christian Live 8 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles Open Mic Night 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Karaoke 2013 @ Mikko Live 8:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder "Vinyl Night" 1/2 Price Draft w/ Records! 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Thursday, Oct. 17 Johnny Guinn and Rue Louisiane 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Terry & the Zydeco Bad Boys 8:30 p.m. @ Mikko Live Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Book Club Meeting hosted by Felicite Toney Carroll 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ CaGe 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Friday, Oct. 18 Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles Volume 1 • Issue 9

Wayne Dylan 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake The Bon Journeys 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club, 5313 Common St, Lake Charles Brian Moore (Acoustic Pie) 9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles Ellora's Cavemen 9 p.m. @ Isle of Capri Casino, 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Isis @ Mikko Live 9 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Nights & Nights, Bantam Foxes, & We Are Wombat! 9:30 p.m. @ Dharma, 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ CaGe 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Volume 1 • Issue 9

Saturday, Oct. 19

Monday, Oct. 21

The Kadillacs 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake

Neil Smith (Free Live Music) $1 Off Drafts, $3 Whiskey 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club 5313 Common St, Lake Charles

Tuesday, Oct. 22

Strange Loops, Bright Like the Sun, When the Word Was Sound! 9:30 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Isis @ Mikko Live 10:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 & 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ CaGe 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Sunday, Oct. 20 Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles

Karaoke with DJ David Verrett 8 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles Lucas Gober (Free Live Music) "Two Wheel Tuesdays" 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 5 & 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Wednesday, Oct. 23 Ryan Bunch Live 8 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles City Heat (Lady's Night) 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Karaoke 2013 @ Mikko Live 8:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

"Vinyl Night" 1/2 Price Draft w/ Records 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Thursday, Oct. 24 T-Broussard and The Zydeco Steppers 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Buddy Dees @ Mikko Live 8;30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Comedy Time-Out (Monthly) "Service Industry Night" 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ Crush 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Friday, Oct. 25 Kory Fontenot Live

9 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles Da Classics (Monster Bash) 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Todd O'Neill Band 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club 5313 Common St, Lake Charles Barenaked Ladies 8:45 p.m. @ L’ Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles LA ROXX @ Mikko Live 9 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Women's Shelter Fundraiser: No Good Dirty Liars, Selfawarewolf, &The Wooden Wings! 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

OCTOBER 10, 2013


NIGHTLIFE GUIDE (Continued) DJ Crush 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Ryan Bunch (Free Live Music) "Two Wheel Tuesdays" 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Saturday, Oct. 26

Doug & Larry's Country Party 5 & 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

Cold Sweat 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Damon Troy & Final Five 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays Night Club 5313 Common St, Lake Charles When the Word Was Sound, & Jaylotus, Rez! 10 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles LA ROXX @ Mikko Live 10:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Doug & Larry's Country Party 7 & 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ Crush 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Sunday, Oct. 27 Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 719 Ryan Street, Lake Charles

Monday, Oct. 28 Brian Moore (Free Live Music) $1 Off Drafts, $3 Whiskey @ Dharma, 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Tuesday, Oct. 29 Karaoke w/DJ David Verrett 8 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles PAGE 34

OCTOBER 10, 2013

Wednesday, Oct. 30 City Heat (Lady's Night) 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Karaoke 2013 @ Mikko Live 8:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Vinyl Night 1/2 Price Draft w/ Records 9 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St., Lake Charles

Thursday, Oct. 31 Joe Ecker Live 8 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 E. Prien Lake Rd. Suite 5, Lake Charles Herbie Stutes and The Grand Shin 8 p.m. @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri Casino 100 Westlake Ave, Westlake Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners Halloween Party @ Mikko Live 8:30 p.m. @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder JD's Halloween Party & Costume Contest w/ DJ Timbo 9 p.m. @ Jack Daniel's Bar & Grill 777 Avenue L'Auberge, Lake Charles

Somewhere in the mountains between Rochester, NY and Somerville, MA, Scott H. Biram travels in a van with his roadie, over 3,000 miles and two weeks of shows behind them on this current tour. The selfproclaimed Dirty Old One Man Band, hailing from the Austin area, plays 150-200 dates a year all over the world, hitting Europe 16 times now since 1999. The man’s got stories. During our phone conversation, Biram talked about performing on the Jay Leno show in February with his good buddy Shooter Jennings, son of Waylon and host of Electric Rodeo on SiriusXM (“We had four hours of nothing to do [after sound check] so we went and got some beer. Next thing you know we were drunk and on Jay Leno.”). They also hung out with porn star Ron Jeremy backstage and scared Steve Carell on camera; then Leno “wiggled his chin” and thanked ‘em.

Bad Ingredients, his eighth studio release, won “Best Blues Album” in the 2012 Independent Music Awards, earning Biram an acceptance performance at the esteemed Lincoln Center in New York City. His music has been fea-

tured on TV shows like Sons of Anarchy, My Name is Earl, and Dog the Bounty Hunter, plus an appearance as a featured artist on the PBS show Sun Studio Sessions where he performed at the legendary Memphis recording room. But on to the music. Plain and simple, Scott H. Biram puts on one of the best live shows you’ll ever see, and he knows it. Playing after Kris Kristofferson at SXSW, Biram told the audience, “They said that was a hard act to follow…I’m a hard act to follow mother***ers!!” One guy with a guitar onstage usually brings to mind some sad bastard acoustic

A hard act to follow.

music or mellow Jimmy Buffett covers, but Biram makes more noise than your average four-piece rock band, all by himself. In addition to his old ’71 Fender Super Reverb and a couple of badass guitar amps, Biram keeps the beat with a stomp box he built himself, stomping his foot on the hollow box with a pickup connected to a subwoofer for “those real big thuds.” Hiram Biram often sings through a distorted microphone to sound like his voice is coming through an old CB radio, and if the audience isn’t keeping up, he’ll break out a megaphone and yell through both. Biram’s genre is a mixed bag. “With all my different characters, I consider myself a bluesman over anything else,” he said. “The soundtrack in heaven is me and Lightnin’ Hopkins, Leadbelly, Doc Watson, and Muddy Waters, all sittin’ around.” His sound is primarily the blues, and influences from other roots music like gospel, country, folk, and bluegrass, meshed with the rowdy punk rock, metal, and classic rock he grew up with in Prairie Lea, TX (pop. 100-something) and San Marcos. The Dirty Old One Man Band’s bio says it best: “His live shows unleash a Lemmy-sized metal attitude, a stomping, pulsing John Lee Hooker-channeling, and Volume 1 • Issue 9

cockeyed tales of black water baptisms and murder, all while romanticizing the on-the-road lifestyle.” This guy is seriously committed to his music. After a hellacious head-on collision with a big rig in 2003, he had one and a half feet of intestines removed and broke a femur, foot, knee, and arm. According to his Wiki page, “One month later, he was back on stage at Austin’s Continental Club playing a show from a wheelchair with an I.V. still dangling from his arm.” His hardcore and diverse fan base call themselves the First Church of Ultimate Fanaticism, and Biram’s shows truly feel like a rebel congregation at a crazed revival, led by a maniac preacher torn between the eternal salvations of heaven and raisin’ hell at the unending party. Religion is a strong

Volume 1 • Issue 9

theme throughout his music. Biram talked about this dichotomy in an interview with The Chicago Tribune: “My music is about the human condition, being caught between believing in God and being mad at the church. It’s a yin-yang thing, back and forth between punk rock and metal, between beautiful country and bluegrass. It’s all about hurting and rejoicing.” Scott H. Biram loves the diversity at his shows, saying “I like the reaction I get from people, playing different kinds of music. Sometimes it’s hippies and cowboys, punk rockers, rednecks, old people and little kids. It’s all over the place.” Many times, country fans have expressed how his music has turned them on to metal

and vice versa, metal heads who now see the appeal in roots music. “I feel like I’m doing someone a service in a way,” he said. The ninth album, Nothin’ But Blood, will release in early 2014 and to keep fans sated until then, Biram releases a 7” vinyl single on Black Friday (which is also Record Store Day #2). The two gospel tracks from this single will be available for download from his website at, where you can also download free sample songs and watch a couple of official videos. Catch Scott Biram’s amazing live show when the party rolls into town on Friday, October 11 at Luna Live, with classic rock and roll openers Black Pistol Fire (featured in TV shows like 90210 and WWE Raw). See you there!

Mayor’s Arts Awards Oct. 11 The Arts Council of SWLA and the City of Lake Charles invite the public to the 2013 Mayor's Arts Awards ceremony on Friday, October 11, at 6 p.m. in the Benjamin W. Mount Auditorium at Central School in Lake Charles. Each year during National Arts & Humanities Month, Mayor Randy Roach honors those working in the arts by recognizing the contributions of the Lake Area's creative workers, patrons, and artists to the region's culture. Categories include Artist of the Year, Citizen of the Arts, Citi-

zen of the Humanities, Arts Educator of the Year, Arts Organization of the Year, and Patron of the Year. The Keystone Award is also given to an individual who works diligently behind the scenes. Award winners will be kept secret until the night of the ceremony. Mayor Roach will also award the winners of Art Associates Gallery's annual juried art exhibition. Business dress is encouraged, and a reception will follow. For details, contact the Arts Council office at 439-2787 or visit

OCTOBER 10, 2013


Bludd Vessel, Oct. 11 - 27 An Experiment in Terror has turned the USS Orleck into... THE BLUDD VESSEL! Prepare yourself for suspense, chills and frights for 15-18 haunted minutes if you come out alive! Recurring weekly on Sunday, Friday and Saturday, gates open at 6 p.m., ship hatches open at 7 p.m. Ticket are $12 and $25 for a fast pass. No children under ten or open-toe shoes allowed. The USS Orleck is located at 604 N. Enterprise Blvd. For more information, call (337) 2147447 or visit

The Lost Hollows, Oct. 11 - 31 Enjoy Halloween haunting at The Lost Hollows: Spooky Timbers Trail for children and Deadly Pines Trail, for those who dare


OCTOBER 10, 2013

enter! Shuttle from Spirit of Halloween on Derek Drive, next to Academy. Recurring weekly on Fridays and Saturdays, hayride starts at 6 p.m. with specific trails opening at 7 p.m. or at nightfall. Located at 3301 E Prien Lake Road, Lake Charles. Admission is $5 for Spooky Timbers Trail, $20 for Deadly Pines Trail, and $35 for Fast Pass. For more information, email or visit

more information, call (800) 843-4753.

JoBeck’s Halloween Bash, Oct. 25 If you’re between the ages of 11-16, come on out to JoBeck’s Halloween Bash from 7 - 11 p.m. at JoBeck's Party Center, 3620 E. Napoleon Street, Sulphur. Prizes for Funniest, Scariest, Most Original and Best Overall Costumes. Admission is $5. For more info, call 485-9353.

ances, and educational demonstrations. In the spirit of Halloween, children are encouraged to come dressed in their Halloween costume and to participate in the annual ArtsFest Costume Contest. Winners of the ArtsFest Art Contest, which has been accepting entries from SWLA schools for several weeks, will be announced at the event as well. For more information about ArtsFest, call the Arts Council office at (337) 4392787.

ArtsFest, Oct. 26 Monster Bash, Oct. 25 Get your costumes ready for the Isle of Capri/Townsquare Media Monster Bash on Fri., October 25 at 8 p.m. with Radio Hall of Famer Dick Bartley. Dance the night away at the Caribbean Cove and enter the costume contest for your chance to win one of the nine cash prizes. For

ArtsFest returns to engage area children in a free arts festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Civic Center’s Coliseum. The theme is “Fairytales, Myths & Legends,” and each booth will allow children to create art projects about local legends and myths from around the world. There will be live music, perform-

Central School Halloween Spook House, Oct. 27 Experience another side of local history by bringing the family to the Central School Arts and Humanities Center’s family friendly haunted house (located at 809 Kirby Street) on Oct. 27, from 5:30- 8 p.m. Each child will receive a trick or treat bag along with a sweet treat and will get their faces painted in the Benjamin W. Mount Auditorium. Come dressed up in

your Halloween best and join the fun. Call 375-7373 for more information.

Jack Daniel’s Halloween Costume Party, Oct. 31 Get ready to be spooked! It’s time for the annual Halloween Costume Party and Contest at Jack Daniels Bar & Grill, L’Auberge Casino Resort. Dress in your creepiest costume and you may win a prize! Doors open at 9 p.m.; registration 9 - 10:30 p.m. Must be 21. Cover charge is $15. For more information, call (337) 395-7777.

Trick or Treat Tent Event, Oct. 31 Trick or treat inside JoBeck's with tents decorated by members of the Krewe of Good Times! Don't forget to vote for your favorite tent before you leave! Event is from 711 p.m. at JoBeck's Party Center, 3620 E. Napoleon Street, Sulphur. For more information, call 485-9353.

Volume 1 • Issue 9



Autumn Chill Decline Equinox Falling Leaves

First Frost Foliage Trip Harvest Moon Hayride Hunting Season

Migration October Pumpkin Patch Scarecrow Sweaters

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Players take turns connecting two dots. When you make a square, put your initials in the box and take another turn. When all dots are connected, the player with the most boxes wins.

Volume 1 • Issue 9

OCTOBER 10, 2013


LAKE CHARLES SYMPHONY PRESENTS SIGNATURES The Rosa Hart Theatre at the Lake Charles Civic Center was the place to be for the 56th season opener of the Lake Charles Symphony Signatures Concert Season featuring pianist Erik Lawrence. Supporters gave the concert a standing ovation! Congrats to Conductor Bohuslav Rattay and his musicians. It’s going to be a wonderful season!

Laura Monk and Karen Krajicek

Dustin Mallott, Jade Trahan, Chris Waley and Lena Perry

Kaitlyn Morris, Haley Vercher and Addie Garrison

Jolie Savoie, Lexlee Wisby, Gracie Savoie and Addison Hildreth

Buddy and Laura Leach with Barbara DuBose and Teresa and Neil Aspinwall

CHENNAULT INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW Excitement (and jets!) were in the air at the Chennault Airfield as crowds of airshow fans welcomed this favorite local tradition back! The gates opened at 10 a.m., allowing time to visit the various military exhibits, aircraft and to enjoy refreshments while kids burned off energy in the Kids Zone. The fiery jet truck captured the attention of the crowd along with performances by the Red Tail Squadron, Aeroshell Aerobatic Team and so many more. Up, up and away!

Dana, Colston and Carmyn Savoie

Jane, Sara, Sophie and Leila Holt PAGE 38

OCTOBER 10, 2013

Nicholas, Keyoa and Markell Jolivett

Chelsa Boudreaux and Kilieyn Wing

JW Hellums with Terri and Carroll Wessling Volume 1 • Issue 9

CALCA-CHEW FOOD FESTIVAL St. Margaret's annual Calca-Chew Food Festival continues to be a big favorite in our community. There were delicious food and sweet treats, silent and live auctions and a designated kids’ area with various fun games and a chance to win prizes. Held at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church Family Center, the event is always alcohol-free. Lots of fun for everyone!

Claire Adams, Noah Comeaux, Tye Robinson and Noah LeJeune

Kinsi and Kat Daley

Cherie Trahan and Ana Mallett

Naomi Morreno, Marigrace Young and Dani O’Quain

Chloe Lacombe, Pam Breaux and Sophie Lacombe

SMOKIN’ ON THE GROVE The Grove in Heritage Square Sulphur was smokin’ last weekend for the first ever BBQ Fest! Cooks from around SWLA prepared briskets, chicken and pork spare ribs in a competition officially sanctioned by the International Bar-B-Que Cookers Association. Folks enjoyed great barbecue and entertainment by local bands including Twangster’s Union and Judd Bares. The event benefited the American Cancer Society. Let’s do it again next year!

Raelynn McAdams and Emily Simon

Brandi Wiese and Chris Cox Volume 1 • Issue 9

Sue Coats, Tressie Bares and Arlene Blanchard

Dustin Caswell, Samuel Lambert and Conner Cooper

Shandel and Justin Hambrick with Jamie and Dawn Nash OCTOBER 10, 2013


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