How to Make Your Members "Stop Quitting" in Your Network Marketing Brough to you by Louis Luwe
• They quit before they properly understand just how network marketing works. • Achieving success is not always reaching the destination, it is about enjoying the journey and learning. • People who too focused on making money that when they don't see a cent in their business,they blame other or the system and say it is not working. Brought to you by Louis Luwe –
• These are the people who likely will not succeed in any business! • Too focused on the destination cause you to miss out the important of growing and developing yourself into leader. • Network marketing is not just about profit, it is also about building relationship.
Brought to you by Louis Luwe –
• When you take your time and slowly comprehend how the procedure works, you will appreciate the learning proceess that will help you to convey same knowledge to your downline. • Just because you are "competitive" about network marketing and willing to go all the way doesn't mean that everyone is prepare to go down the same path as you.
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• Some of you downlines grow more rapidly and some prefer take their time and grow gradually. • Learn how to enjoy the process and you won't turn into a pushy upline that your downlines are scared off. • You are not your downline's boss.
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• They join network marketing is to be free from their 9 to 5 jobs and to be their own boss. • If you try to become another boss,they will run away so quickly. • You must be as supportive as you can to your network marketing team. • When they need support or extra assistance, make sure you are there for them. Brought to you by Louis Luwe –
• Times are such that people drop out easily in MLM unless efforts are made to retain them. • Make reducing attrition and keeping your downlines happy your number one priority, and you won't have to worry.
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