IN FORMER WIHI’S Official Newspaper Publication
2014-Issue #1
in th is issu e w elcom e ba ck to sch ool our new councilors meet a few of our new teachers congratulations
enrich m ents a nd clu bs clublights - bike club wihi’s clubfair canoe trip
cu rrent events is world war iii here? brazilians and the world cup
book review
the maze runner by james dasher
ed itoria ls
let’s talk about sense arslan’s advice
This year, the WIHI community has welcomed two new school counselors into the ranks of our stellar staff. Mr.Nemerovski will be acting as the guidance counselor for 10th through 12th grade as well as a college adviser while Ms. Taylor will be the 9th grade and WIMA counselor. We recently had a chance to talk to them about their backgrounds and their hopes for the WIHI community.
MR.NEMEROVSKI Mr. Nemerovski attended Huron High School in Ann Arbor before earning a degree in broadcast journalism from Northwestern University in 2003. He then spent 8 years working before finishing his masters degree in school counseling from Eastern Michigan University in 2011. Mr. Nemo started his career as a school counselor for grades 9-12 at Tecumseh High School 9-12, the 12th grade counselor at Huron High School, and an admissions counselor at Eastern Michigan University during which he visited high schools and worked with juniors and seniors to see if EMU was the right fit for them. While pursuing his career in school counseling Mr. Nemo also worked in broadcasting by announcing EMU football and basketball games on the radio.
Through living in Ann Arbor, Mr. Nemerovski learned about WIHI from friends and students (particularly Ms. Thompson who always talked about how great everyone was at WIHI.) This led him to apply and interview for a position, when he realized how special WIHI community is with “smart hardworking students” who are “proud of what they have done through the creation of WIHI.” When Mr. Nemo was working in admissions at EMU, he worked worked with senior and junior high school students but he “felt like there was more (he) could do in terms of relationships with students and families” and working at WIHI allows him to “get to know students earlier and stick with them for four, five or six years ... because long term relationship are more helpful for the students and the families and more rewarding for (himself).” When asked about his major goals for WIHI, Mr. Nemo stated “to make sure the peer mentoring program stays strong or gets stronger” and having the first class go to a “diverse number of colleges and different types of colleges.”
ONE PI ECE OF ADVI CE: “keep the main thing the main thing ... all the students here are really involved, really busy, and sometimes get overwhelmed and when I get overwhelmed or work with students who are overwhelmed I find it helpful to think of what one task or what one idea is the main thing. If you can keep that as number one and work on that right away you can feel less overwhelmed and more under control.”
Get to know a little bit about some of the new teachers and staff at wihi. Not all of the new hires are in this list, but we think it’s more fun to find out about your new teachers yourself.
With brave hearts and determined minds, the company navigated the treacherous rapids created in the wake of Argo Dam past the distant towering metropolis of Ann Arbor’s historic skyline. In the tradition of Les Voyageurs of yore, the explorers dipped their paddles into frigid waters to propel their canoes deeper and deeper into the unknown wilderness. In the midst the journey, the company encountered a native rock trap crossing the river. Chaos gripped the group as each member found their vessel marooned in the center of the violent river atop a rock while the Edmund Wackerman less fortunate watched in bleak terror as their boat capsized sending them to a state of uncomfortable wetness. The current dragged others on, resulting in a separation of the company for a few tense Ashley Fox, acclaimed historian and m-inutes until the heroic actions of one scholar, recently organized an expedi anonymous individual saved the day and re tion down the notoriously treacherous united the group to continue their voyage Huron River accompanied by the mathe- to their final destination. matician John Basler (known for teaching some of the brightest students in When the group had finished their epic the universe), daredevil physicist journey, it was clear that a good time was Eric Phelps, formally-bearded hiker had by all. Ahtesham Kahn, upon his return Michael Gilmartin, and a group of cou- from the voyage, called the excursion rageous WIHI students. The small com- “very fun … something I would like to do pany departed from Argo Canoe livery again with my family.” It was later rein Ann Arbor at approximately 10:20 AM vealed that the group’s voyage was a preon the morning of September 21 with cursor to a future trek that will test the sole objective of reaching their participants canoeing and hiking abilities destination of Gallup Park Canoe in an adventurous multiple-day camping Livery with every member still intact trip. So WIHI community, if you have a whilst documenting the mental and fever and the only cure is more canoeing, physical deterioration of such a be sure to keep an eye out for an upcoming taxing ordeal. canoeing/ hiking trip. 8
A lthough President Barack Obama may have not directly stated so, it is pretty obvious we are back in war with Iraq or more specifically should I say with ISIS. ISIS is a terrorist organization, though they refer to themselves, being accepted by many, as the “ Islamic State.” However, according to Obama, ISIS is not Islamic because they can not put their killing of innocent people on a religion, and many of their victims have been Muslim. Also, they are not recognized by any government, so they are not a state. We have been known for taking out our terrorist enemies like, much of al-Qaeda’s leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Osama bin Laden, and others. In Obama’s opinion we are safer, but we still have great threats coming from groups in the Middle East and North Africa, one of those groups being ISIS. According to Obama, ISIS has no vision other than to slaughter all who stand in their way. “ They execute and capture prisoners, kill children, and enslave, rape and force woman into marriage,” stated Obama. We have been known for taking out our terrorist enemies like, much of al-Qaeda’s leadership in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Osama bin Laden, and others. In Obama’s opinion we are safer, but we still have great threats coming from groups in the Middle East and North Africa, one of those groups being ISIS. According to Obama, ISIS has no vision other than to slaughter all who stand in their way. “ They execute and capture prisoners, kill children, and enslave, rape and force woman into marriage,” stated Obama.
Already Obama has instructed our military to take targeted action against ISIS. Obama’s main goal is to destroy ISIS. He has already planned out how we will do that, announcing “ We will conduct a campaign of airstrikes against the terrorist. We will hunt down terrorists targeting our country wherever they are.” Through all this, stated by Obama many times, Americans will not have to fight on foreign soil. While Obama states that all this is only to protect America, many Americans are not to happy about Obama’s decisions. According to many sources, Americans say we had no input on this war. Americans believe this war is irrelevant and will not benefit us in anyway. If anything, ISIS had paid no attention to us until we started picking on them. For example, when Syria had chemical weapons, Obama wanted them to get rid of the weapons, as he was scared it would put our world in danger. Just recently, America struck about 20 Islamic states in hopes of destroying ISIS. But why? These countries and their actions had nothing to do with us, and now our fear from Iraq has gotten us into tons of trouble because war has started and there is nothing we can do about it. ISIS has warned us to back off or else they will hurt us, for they have already done so in multiple ways. So what do we do now? Is this war, which Obama has been acac cused of creating, necessary for our safety, or is it actually putting our own safety in jeopardy? Sources: Fox News, The LA Times,,,
IN O T HER NEW S BY MARC US BRYANT Over the past few years the country of Brazil has been in a civil unrest, and the 2014 World Cup only made it worse. When Brazil was announced to be the host country for the 2014 World cup people were livid. The Natives did not like the Cup, they did not want to host it. Yet they had no choice. “ We are not in favor of the Cup. We are Brazilians, and football is the culture of our country, now is not the time to protest. The Cup is happening. Protest in October, protest in the elections.” Said by Carla Vilardo, a native of Brazil and active protester. This quote just goes to show that the people not only do not like the Cup, but they also have fierce dislike for their countries politics. Can Brazil ever find peace with it’s inhabitants before more violence occurs? 9
In the first book of this dystopian trilogy, a boy named Thomas wakes up in an elevator car with no memory except for his name and age. The Glade, an encampment that a group of boys have found sanctuary in, is surrounded by a maze. Every day a selection of boys go out into the maze and try to find a way out. The only catch? The maze is continually changing. The walls close at night and open each morning. If you aren’t back before the walls close, grievers, which are nasty monsters, will get you. The Gladers think their life is normal, that is until a comatose girl shows up. Join the runners in their journey to escape the maze. “If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human,” so take a chance and read this book! 10
e all sleep. And guess what? We all do that terribly. We should be getting a lot more sleep than most of us do and at completely different times than when we usually end up sleeping (like how teenagers are supposed to sleep through the mornings and wake up in the afternoon-evening period. Teens are hardwired to stay awake at night; this is science, people), but everything, technology, snoring, scary movies, the internet, keeps us awake. With so many factors, it's more or less impossible to figure out what the perfect conditions are to make sure you get the best rest possible every night without going to a sleep study clinic. Then these guys had an idea. A wonderful, brilliant, perfect idea. Meet Sense: Sense is a sensor that is designed to fade into the background and let you sleep, while keeping track of everything going on around you and monitoring your sleep schedule, stimuli, and how well you're sleeping.
Black version of Sense hardware
It works with your Iphone and Android phone so you'll be able to see what woke you up at three in the morning, or why you had trouble falling asleep, or what made last night the best night's sleep you've ever had. That in itself is amazing, but it gets even better.
Sense contains sophisticated sensors that are able to sense noise - in your bedroom and beyond; pick up on light, whether continuous or flashing; monitor temperature and humidity conditions; and identify particulates such as dust and pollen.
"Eve n b e tte r?" Y ou ask . Did Im istype ? Y e s, e ve n b e tte r. Y ou k now h ow w e al lh ate th atgroggy fe e l ing in th e m ornings th atl inge rs for h ours and m ak e s you fe e l(and occasional l yl ook ) l ik e de ath ? W e l l , Se nse h as th e answ e r to th at: A sm art al arm th atruns off se nsors and is conne cte d on your ph one to w ak e you up atth e b e stpartof your sl eep sch e dul e . Th atm e ans you m ay b e up fifte e n m inute s e arl ie r or te n m inute s l ate r th an w h atyou se tth e al arm for, b utth e e nd re sul tm e ans th atyou're notth row ing your ph one atth e w al l .I nste ad you’ re sl ipping outof b e d and into th e sh ow e r w ith l ik e , prob ab l y sixty pe rce ntl e ss grum b l ing. W h ate l se can th is sm artal arm do? H ow ab outl e tyou sl e e p in til lyou're ful l y re ste d and th e n w ak e you up b e fore your b ody goe s into a w aste ful m ode of re st? Th at’ s anoth e r pe rk th is al arm h as. Th ose l az y days w h e n you don'th ave to ge tup w il lnow h ave th e pe rfe cte xcuse for sl e e ping in til lte n; sl e e ping in is actual l y h e al th y! Y ou w on'tl ay in b e d trying to e scape b ack b e cause you th ink you're notre ste d, b e cause Se nse w il lk now if you are . I f you're note xcite d ab outSe nse , th e n th atm e ans one th ing to m e : Y ou k now I 'm righ t. Y ou k now th e y're righ t. Y ou k now Se nse is righ t, you justdon'tw antto adm itit. Sw e e tdre am s tonigh te ve ryone . W h o k now s, m ayb e som e th ing you dre am up w il lb e th e ne xtb igge stth ing! A RLSA N’ S A DV I CE
Hello. I have trouble staying up in class. What do you think I should do? - Anoymous
Be fore Istartth is th ing, Iw oul dl ik e to say: CONGRATULATIONS. Y ou h ave b e e n (un)l uck y e nough to h ave th e opportunity to b e tol d som e advice b y m e ! I sn’ tth atso e xciting! Y e ah , didn’ tth ink so. Buth e y! Y our fe w m inute s of re ading th is darn col um n w on’ tb e any good if you re ad itw ith an attitude l ik e th at. Th atsaid, l e t’ s ge tstraigh tto th e re ason I ’ m e ve n b oth e ring to w rite for you pe opl e. To answ e r your q ue stion, w e l l , h ave you trie d actual l y going to sl e e p?
No re al l y! H ave you actual l y trie d going to sl e e p atnigh t? O r did you e nd up staying up until3 AM w atch ing som e sh ow on Ne tfl ix? Isw e ar, Ican’ tstand pe opl e w h o do th at. Im e an, se riousl y! W h y w oul d you w il l ingl y sub je ctyourse l f to criticalam ounts of b rain rotting? Im e an, w h at’ s w ith th e Goth am ’ s and Arrow s and Card H ouse ’ s? I s itre al l y w orth l osing a grade ove r th at? Now , if for som e re ason th is doe sn’ th e l p you, Idon’ tb l am e you. Afte r al l , w h atare th e y te ach ing in sch oolrigh tnow ? I f a cl ass ge ts you fe e l ing tire d, h e re are a fe w th ings you can do to stop sl e e ping: 1. Try to get interested in---ah! Who am I kidding!? That never works. 2. Sit in the front of the class. Sit in a place where if you go to sleep, your teacher will try to wake you up in 12
THE W I HIJO UR NA LI SM TE A M :) John P ark - E di t or i n C hi ef B enjam i n B yant - Seni or E di t or - C ont ent E dm u ndW ackerm an - R ep ort er & C op y E di t or Ju m oke B olanle - Seni or E di t or - D esi gn D asha St elm ak - R ep ort er & C op y E di t or A rslan Fahi m - R ep ort er & C op y E di t or Sohai b Saadat - C olu m ni st Syed I m am - R ep ort er A ndrew How ell - R ep ort er & Market i ng D i rect or A lex D rai n - R ep ort er & C op y E di t or D aeho Ki m - C olu m ni st Marcu s B ryant - R ep ort er C yndal Hu ssei n - R ep ort er A ndrew Hess - P hot ograp her G al Hodi sh - P hot ograp her E m m a Thom as - C art ooni st G em m a R i bant - R ep ort er Li z P lesco - C art ooni st Ni ck A vi la - R ep ort er MaloriSalam ango - R ep ort er Joslyn You ng - Facu lt y A dvi sor