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Gears Retail + Warehouse.
The project was focused on designing a retail space with close integration of bicycle customization and repair services, in adjunction to the industrial warehouse.

Nou Canadenca.
A major goal of the studio project is to provide a dense residential component as a means to answer Barcelona's affordable housing crisis, as well as to develop supporting commercial and public amenities to bring life into the site.
Nou Canadenca reimagines the site as a vibrant community that revitalizes the former built environment while densifying and integrating affordable housing. The concept of the project is based on the site’s historical roots of La Canadenca, which is the idea of fuel, generator and energy.

The former office building behide the historic chimney stacks were converted into a large mixed-use residential project.

Awkward Arts Commons.

The studio was focused on researching ways to use awkward moments as an architectural element, and to facilitate meaningful social interactions within a public space.

Architectural elements such as prescribed paths, slopes and overhangs, and focal points were all utilized to create moments where awkward instances could occur and create a social interaction.