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POSITIVE ADJECTIVES/ NOUNS Easy-going (se deja llevar, y no se enfada fácilmente) Self-confident (seguro, confía en sí mismo, toma buenas decisiones) Open-minded (mente abierta) Hard-working (muy trabajador) Strong-willet, determined (tenaz, decidido, resuelto) Broad-minded (tolerante,liberal) Sociable, outgoing, extrovert (sociable, extrovertido) Cautions (cauteloso, prudente) Witty, ingenious (ingenioso) Responsible (responsable) Presentable (buena presencia) Respectable (respetado) Acceptable (es lo suficientemente bueno) Dependable, reliable, a brick (de confianza, fiable) Thoughtful (pensativo) stable Wise (sabio) Adventurous, daring (aventurero, osado) Loyal, faithful (leal, fiel)

DEFINITIONS Person who is not easily upset or annoyed Person who believes in their own success Person who accepts other ideas and opinions Person who makes a lot of effort Person who is determined to do what the want Person who is a liberal and tolerant person Enyoying spending time with other people Being careful about what you say or do. Person who is able to say or write clever, amusing things Person who behaves properly and sensibly Person who looks fairly tidy or attractive Person who is approved of by society. Moraly correct Person who is good enough Person who you can trust or rely on Person who is thinking Person who is calm and reasonable Person who knows a lot of things Person who likes willing to take risk

Person who is staying or supporting a particular person Cheerful (alegre) Person who is fun Modest (modesto) Person who is humble Curious (curioso) Person who has a strong desire to know about something Creative (creativo) Person who has the skill and ability to produce Imaginativo (imaginativo) something new and exciting ideas Understanding, Person who understands your problems and sympathetic (comprensivo) gives you his support Organized (organizado, ordenado) Person who is able to plan his work, life...well and an efficient way Talkative (hablador) Person who talks a lot A gossip, garrulous, a windbag Person who talks a lot without saying any (cotilla, habla mucho sin decir nada interesting or important interesante o importante) Polite (educado) Person who has a good manners and respect for the feelings of others The salt ot the earth Good and available person The life and soul of the party Funny and amusing person

sensitive (sensible) sensible (sensato) assertive (asertivo) optimistic (optimista)

person who is easily ofend or upset person who makes a good decisions expressing his/her opinion with confidence having a positive attitude to life



A fuddy-duddy (anticuado, obsoleto) a stick -in the-mud (que no le gusta cambiar) a pain of the neck, annoying (que irrita, es insoportable) a troublemaker (problemático) a couch potato, a slob, a layabout, lazy, untidy (perezoso, gandúl, que no le gusta hacer nada) a golden boy (mimado) a busy-body, nosy(metementodo) a sponger (gorrón) a slave driver (negrero) a bimbo (bonita pero tonta) a jerk (imbécil) a moron (estúpido, idiota) pessimistic (pesimista) vegetable (vida aburrida) absent-minded, forgetful(despistado, olvidadizo) conceited (engreído, presumido)

person who in the past or obsolet person who does not want to change. Inflexible

person who is annoying person who gives problems person who does not to much work. person who likes watching a lot TV on the sofa spoilt

person who is sexy but stupid

having a negative attitude to life person who has a boring life person who tends to forget things

person who has too much pride in yourself and what you do impulsive, rash, doing something that may not be sensible reckless (impulsivo, without first thinking about possible results, precipitado, imprudente) done in this way impatiet (impaciente) person who does not wait for a long moody (con cambios de humor) person who has mood that change quickly and often sullen, bad-tempered ( mal pronto, person who is bad-tempered and not speaking mal temperamento) selfish (egoísta) caring only about himself rather than about other people obstinate,stubborn (terco, determined not to change your opinion or obtinado, de cabeza dura) attitude introvert, shy (introvertido, tímido) person who dislike staying with other people aggressive (agresivo) bossy (mandón) person who is always telling people what to do clumsy (torpe) people who moves or does things in an awkward way jealous (celoso) mean, stingy, petty (tacaño, person who doesn't like giving or sharing things mezquino) and money

dishonest (deshonesto) rude (grosero)

person who has or shows a lack of respect for other people and their feelings

liar (mentiroso, liante) irresponsible (irresponsable) proud (orgulloso) insensitive (insensible) arrogant (arrogante, presuntuoso) heavy (pesado, atascao) boring (aburrido, soso) cowardly (cobarde) boastful (fanfarrĂłn) spiteful (malicioso, rencoroso, mala intenciĂłn) restless (inquieto) cheeky (pĂ­caro, atrevido) naive (ingenuo) vindictive (vengativo) a wet blanquet, spoilt person who is not enthusiastic and who stops sport(aguafiestas) other people how enyoying themselves unreliable (no fiable ni de confianza) ambitious (ambicioso) dominant (dominante)

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