••••••>The Lawful Approach
Author: Lousie Smith
A very interesting and peaceful type of jurisdiction is the ‘uncontested divorce’. It basically the type of divorce in which a couple has lived separately for over an year and they are not fighting or contesting the right for any child or other physical or tangible possession. An uncontested divorce in ct depends on various formalities. The either of the spouses must have lived in Connecticut for at least 12 months; in case of domicile, either of the spouse must have returned with intentions of permanent residence before filing the plea of divorce and so on. The actual divorce takes place in the Connecticut Superior Court. A Superior court is present in each district. The person filing the divorce is called a ‘plaintiff’ and the person responding to it is called the ‘defendant’. The court serves legal separation so a complete follow up of the legal procedures is required. There is however a catch, being legally separated gives neither spouse the ability to remarry. There is also a 90 day “cool off” period in which the couple may renegotiate their terms. If an agreement is decided upon and is uncontested the couple acquires dissolution of matrimony. The couple is then to decide upon the terms and conditions of the separation regarding division of assets, child support etc. The ct labor laws, again, are very comprehensive and unbiased. They protect the interests of both the employer and the employee, keeping in mind the benefits for both parties but giving no place to exploitation. Laws range from protecting employees from ‘wrongful discharge’ to protecting them from sexual harassment at the work place. Statutes include anything from, the defining of a legal day’s work, smoking in the work area, prohibition of the use of polygraph, penalties and exemptions, testing of drugs, to even breast feeding at the workplace. There are also provisions for unemployed persons. A section also answers frequently asked questions for minors about wages and other important aspects of employment. Also statutes also comprise wages, work times, meal times, number of days of work, and details regarding notice or cancellation of employment for the employees.
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