ove L
how you feel
Please take one and share the love.
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Volume 2
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: Sharing 2 ue s s
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Love How You Feel was designed to bring back that personal relationship with yourself by offering you a vehicle to simplify the amazing breakthrough nutrition called Macro-Balance‌
We personalize your life course with sound advice from your physician, personal trainer, and nutritionist. Together, you can achieve a level of wellbeing everyone deserves. We bring this full circle with a thorough look into your everyday eating habits, and removing a lot of the restrictions by doing the research for you. We take a deep look into the menu of your favorite restaurants without scrutinizing a thing. We balance the many choices, publish them in these pages, and show you how to do it yourself. The purpose of our work is to provide a healthy solution as you learn to incorporate Macro-Balance anywhere you go. We follow a simple philosophy of eating in thirds. 1/3 protein, 1/3 smart carbohydrate, and 1/3 starchy carbohydrate. This balance expresses a one to one ratio between proteins and carbohydrates. The lifestyle ensures your lean muscle to remain healthy, and keep your metabolism in an optimum state. The metabolic state we describe is; Energy all day long at the expense of your body fat. How the human body is supposed to run.
LOVE HOW YOU FEEL 1201 General Mouton Lafayette, LA 70501 337.247.7056 www.lovehowyoufeelacadiana.org
Letter from the
For the past two and a half years, I’ve done my best to be of service to others – donating time to local causes, volunteering for area non-profits and working to develop an organization that focuses not just on nutrition, but on spiritual growth for the community. As a result of trying to live a more altruistic lifestyle, I’ve discovered something life-changing: love is free if you share it. What that means, to me, is that just by giving a little bit – whether it’s time, money, energy or love – the return on investment is ten-fold. When we give, God is there to guide us. In those moments, it’s easy to see that we’re not alone and that love is everywhere. All we have to do is give, and we are infinitely rewarded.
The rewards in this issue come in the form of new partnerships with likeminded people. Daphne Olivier, founder of My Food Coach, graciously shares her story with our readers in “How I Got Started,” contributes her nutrition know-how by balancing our menus, and shares the 1-2Easy of MacroBalance. We are honored to have Daphne join the ranks of our amazing contributors, gifting decades of knowledge & life experience to the magazine. Adda Helm shares the joy of giving and receiving in “Love Story from a Foster Grandparent,” an inspiring article about the Lafayette Council on Aging’s (LCOA) Foster Grandparent Program and the dedicated volunteers who make the program possible. Through her writing,
Adda weaves idyllic childhood memories of her own grandmother into present day stories of how LCOA and others are making a difference in the lives of children in need. The theme of giving continues in Food for Thought, featuring our friends at Chez Francois Seafood who show us how easy it is to make wonderful meals – like crawfish etouffee, gumbo and other local favorites – using fresh, locally-grown ingredients that support local famers, grocers, fisherman and the local community. There’s so much to share in this issue, and I sincerely hope you can take something from these pages and give it to someone you love. Perhaps your gift – however small it may seem – will change their life. Love always, Bernie
Love Featured 9
What Do You Know About GMOs
A Food Fight Over GMOs
38 Macrobalance
More about GMOs
Good Bacteria
The Art of MacroBalance
A Love Story 14
Are You Feeling Stressed
How I got Started
A focus on local Businesses.
Eating Out on the Town 21
Don’t feel guilty about eating out!
Check out our Restaurant guide with menus that are MacroBalanced for you!
In the Kitchen
This section is filled with recipes for you to create your own MacroBalanced meals at home!
Spiritual Solutions
Your health doesn’t stop at food.
Bernard Graham PUBLISHER
InterCo Print
Love How You Feel
The Art of MacroBalance
{ Acadiana } is all about!
by Daphne Olivier My Food Coach “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” This is a quote by the French writer Francois La Rochefoucauld. He said it beautifully and part of the art of eating is balance, or should I say MacroBalance. This style of eating was developed by Dr. Layman and works to balance the macronutrientsprotein, fat, and carbohydrates-in our foods. This type of balance helps to maintain blood sugar, preventing peaks and valleys which will make you feel tired, sluggish, and foggy-brained. It is also supportive to your metabolism, helping to burn body fat. So let’s break down the role of each of these nutrients. Protein is made up of amino acids that work to build and repair. These amino acids are found in all chicken, beef, pork, fish, seafood, and eggs. Among many other things, these amino acids develop our skin, muscles, create enzymes throughout the body, and build strong hair and nails. Fat is extremely necessary in our diet. Contrary to what we have been told, consuming moderate amounts of fat can help you burn fat. It is important for proper cell structure in every cell of your body. Fat also plays a role in promoting healthy brain and nerve function, builds and stores hormones, and transports some vitamins. Of course, not all fats are created equal and choosing the ones that are life supporting is very important to getting the health benefits of fat. And last but not least, carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, also known as carbs, have gotten a bad rap over the past decade or more but they also play an important role. Carbohydrates are what give your body quick energy and fuels your brain. Some carbohydrates are
“smart” and some are “starchy” and having a balance is important. The word carb usually makes you think of the starchy carbs; rice, potatoes, pasta, and breads. They are usually refined and frequently processed. These are the ones we need to be keeping an eye on. So what is a smart carb? Smart carbs are more complex and have more nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, polyphenols, flavenoids, and other food compounds that are proving beneficial when eaten regularly. Foods that have smart carbs are vegetables and fruits, beans, and properly prepared whole grains. The key to macrobalance is to balance the protein, fat, and carbohydrates-both smart and starchy. For every ounce of protein you eat, you should have 7 grams of smart carbs and 7 grams of starchy carbs. As an example, if you eat a 3 ounce chicken thigh (protein) you would balance that with 1 cup green beans (smart carb), 1 orange (smart carb), and 1 cup of boiled potatoes (starchy carb) with 1 tsp of butter (fat). All in balance. Some advice to get balanced: 1. Start where you are. Everyone is coming at this from a different background, but all trying to get to the same place-to feel and look good. Take a moment to accept where you are and move forward. 2. Think about balance in upgrades. Once you have accepted where you are on this journey make a few changes by upgrading what you are already doing. If you usually eat cereal and milk for breakfast, upgrade that meal by adding a couple of boiled eggs for some protein. These upgrades are much easier to maintain.
Daphne is a food passionista, farm girl wanna-be, and registered, yet unconventional dietitian. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree at University of Louisiana at Lafayette then went on to complete her dietetic internship in Tampa, Florida. She has worked in a variety of clinical nutrition settings before deciding to start her practice, My Food Coach. Her practice revolves around providing education, training, and support to allow you to make changes necessary to maintain optimal health. 3. Keep it simple. Julia Child said it best “you don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces-just good food from fresh ingredients.”
d e t r a t S Getting It’s tough to make a change when you
Asking yourself how you feel is the first action in getting to a better you. Let’s get to the bottom of how you’re feeling.
don’t know where to start...
April 2013
Are you sleepy at mid-day? Is it tough to get out of bed in the morning? Diabetic? Hypertensive? Has the doctor been on you about balancing your diet? Realized you let yourself go and need to get yourself back under control? You’re not alone! Now ask yourself different questions to get yourself on a path to a better you. It is a goal of Love How You Feel to give you the info you need to get you started on a path to a better, healthier, and happier you! Try something that empowers you. A 90 day goal that is meant just for you is a great way to get started. Use these calendars to create your plan! 4 LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA
May 2013
Put this workbook to good use! Ask yourself: How do I wan
t to feel?
Where do I star
Who can help
Are they the b
est choice?
Are there altern
June 2013
Good for Your Gut Bacteria and GI Health By Dr. Philip Ralidis Welcome back to Love How You Feel! I hope this issue finds you well and actively engaged in healthy choices for your life. In this installment, I will focus on the role of bacteria in keeping your GI tract – commonly referred to as your “gut” – healthy. First, let’s look at the role of healthy bacteria in our lives. “Healthy” bacteria might sound like an oxymoron, considering how inundated we are with media about harmful bacteria, antibiotics and the all-too-real threat of infection, but it’s important to understand that all organisms live in some sort of commensal, or mutually beneficial, relationship with bacteria. Without healthy bacteria, we simply could not survive. Our often-mistreated GI tract contains over 100 trillion bacteria, some healthy and some unhealthy. The healthy bacteria play several vital roles: they help maintain our immune system, protect us against disease-causing microorganisms and assist in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Beneficial bacteria begin colonizing your GI tract just below where the stomach ends, creating a whole natural system within your intestines – the equivalent of a coral reef or some other fantastically diverse, complex ecosystem. These bacteria synthesize Bcomplex vitamins, keep yeast and parasitic organisms in check, help regulate serum cholesterol levels and produce antibiotic compounds. Your GI tract also contains 80% of the cells that make immune antibodies, which are a central part of your immune system. Put simply, when your gut is healthy, so are you! So how do you take care of your miraculous GI tract and all those healthy bacteria working to keep you well? If you’re like most Americans, you don’t! Most of us eat food products of dubious value, expect our GI system to extract the nutrients we need
to survive and then complain when things don’t work the way they should. Unfortunately, the unhealthy choices we make expose our gut to less than optimal substances, like foods rich in processed carbohydrates and excess fats; artificial sweeteners and other potentially carcinogenic ingredients; foods tainted by pesticides; water with high levels of heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride; excessive alcohol and caffeine; and antibiotics (however well meaning their intent) that disrupt the fragile balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria. It is estimated that a single round of prescribed antibiotics can have a devastating effect upon beneficial bacteria, tipping the balance towards colonization by unhealthy bacteria, which can take weeks to correct. (This is one reason diarrhea is a frequent unwanted by product of antibiotic use.) Any and all of these factors can make for a very unstable environment in our gut. When the balance of beneficial to pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria is disrupted, our bodies begin to manifest the consequences: excessive gas and bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation, intestinal malabsorption, and even life-threatening infection.
infantis are two examples of probiotic species that have been proven to reduce the frequency of gastrointestinal infections in children and relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Lastly, exercise caution when taking antibiotics, and only take them when absolutely necessary. If you do have to take antibiotics, finish the entire prescribed course and, once you’re finished, focus on regaining gut health by eating lots of fresh, whole foods and taking a quality probiotic supplement. I hope this article has helped you better understand your gut! Next time we’ll delve into the specific components of a healthy probiotic package and the challenges of delivering these organisms to the GI tract. Until then live well, eat healthy and enjoy life!
So what’s the solution? It’s simple - encourage healthy bacteria first, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier gut. Start by eating a diet of high-fiber, nutrient rich foods like greens, onions, garlic, bananas and other fresh fruit and vegetables. These foods contain special prebiotic nutrients that help beneficial bacteria colonize and thrive. Next, consume more probiotics. Live bacteria like the kind contained in yogurt and good quality probiotic supplements can help colonize the gut with good bacteria, giving you an edge on good health. Lactobacilis casei and Bifidobacterium LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA 7
What Do You Know About GMOs? by Brandon J. Alleman CHEK 3, HPP If you asked me to point out one idea that sounds brilliant in theory but is actually one of the worst ideas in the long, sad history of bad ideas, my top choice would be the genetic modification of our food supply by the biotechnology industry.
modification outside the confines of Mother Nature. Trying to outsmart or improve upon Mother Nature may have disastrous consequences for our health, and our planet.
Of primary concern is the lack of actual research supporting the Now, don’t get me wrong. I safety of GM crops and GMOs recognize that genetic manipu- (genetically modified organisms) lation has been around for quite in our food supply. Add to that some time. Farmers have, for ex- biotech giant Monsanto’s billionample, bred prize bulls with prize dollar lobbying budget and recows to yield superior offspring. lated corruption within the FDA Similar breeding techniques are (U.S. Food and Drug Administraused with plants – like combin- tion), and you begin to see how ing superior strains of wheat to big the problem really is, and how yield larger, disease resistant va- little we actually know about it rieties. But these are examples of (see Cyril Mychalejko’s article in genetic manipulation within the this issue for more info). confines of Mother Nature.
Trying to outsmart or improve upon Mother Nature may have disastrous consequences for our health, and our planet. Genetic engineering (GE), also Despite what little informacalled genetic modification (GM) tion the biotech industry tells us by the biotechnology (biotech) about GMOs, the safety of these industry, is the manipulation of foods is still unclear, as is their plant and/or animal development effect on human digestive and through the alteration of gene immune systems. Many natuexpression. What the biotech ropathic physicians and holistic industry is doing now with ge- health and functional medicine netic modification is the equiva- practitioners contend that conlent of say, mating a bull with a suming GMOs is highly inflampig to produce huge pork chops. matory to the gut (mucosal) linThese are examples of genetic ing, part of the body’s first line of
Brandon Alleman is a highly sought after Rehabilitation and Nutrition Consultant. He is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, a Level III (of IV) C.H.E.K. Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach. Since 1999, Brandon has specializedin helping clients from all walks of life achieve freedom from chronic health issues and pain through various applications of holistic health and nutrition, as well as cutting-edge rehabilitation and corrective exercise techniques. For more information about Brandon and his approach to wellness, please visit: www.brandonjalleman.com. defense against foreign invaders from the external environment. Other professionals believe that the gastrointestinal system is not capable of recognizing GM food as actual food, causing the immune system to treat it as an antigen or pathogen. This activates the body’s stress/inflammatory cycle, burdening the overall physiology of the individual. LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA 9
Many advocates defend genetic modification and GMOs by stating that there is little research proving the dangers of GM foods. This defense ignores one of the most comprehensive research studies ever done on the topic of GM food, by Árpád Pusztai, a Hungarian-born biochemist and nutritionist who spent 36 years at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland. (Note: An
the non-altered potatoes. The level of starch, glucose, and anti-nutrients were also significantly different. [Consumption of] the GM potatoes [was] also associated with abnormal organ development and immune responsiveness in the rats that served as the subjects of the study.”
interview with Pusztai appears in “The Political Science of GE Foods.”Organic NZ Vol.60, No.3.) Pusztai’s research is discussed at length in the book How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy by Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner. On page 60, Chek states:
“Pusztai conducted studies with a GM potato. Galanthus Nivalis Agglutinin (GNA), which is ordinarily found in snowdrops (a type of flower), was added to potatoes to increase the plant’s resistance to certain insects and other pests. The results showed that the GM potatoes had significantly less protein than 10 LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA
In addition to concerns about consuming GMOs, scientists are seeing a resurgence of infectious diseases and growing resistance to antibiotics misused by the biotech industry. This misuse promotes the formation of previously unseen viral strains and bacteria, introducing new, unknown pathogens into our environment, and diet, through genetically modified, processed, and other altered foods. According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control health officials in a recent Associated Press article, “nightmare bacteria” are on the rise in hospitals across 42 states. These “superbugs” are capable of causing pneumonia, bloodstream infections and death in individuals with weakened immune systems.
These issues are a microcosm of why we should be extremely concerned about GMOs and GE/ GM foods. The fact that the FDA does not require labeling only compounds the problem, leaving the average American in the dark about how to steer clear of GMOs. Among the foods that are most highly genetically modified are corn, soy, and wheat. Avoiding these foods, and foods made from them, is an excellent step in the direction of health. Ultimately, if you are not eating 100% certified, organic/biodynamic foods, you may be eating GMO foods with every bite you take. For more information on GMOs, visit the following sites: www.organicconsumers.org www.truefoodnow.org The True Food Network has a non-GMO shopping guide along with an app that can be downloaded to your smart phone to help you make better decisions when shopping. For those eager to get involved, visit the Millions Against Monsanto campaign through Organic Consumers, www.organicconsumers.org/ monsanto
A Food Fight over GMOs Commentary by Cyril Mychalejko
“Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food.Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.” Philip Angell, Monsanto’s Director of Corporate Communications. From the article “Playing God in the Garden,” New York Times Magazine, October 25, 1998.
“Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”
FDA, “Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties” (GMO Policy), Federal Register, May 29, 1992, Vol. 57, No. 104, p. 229.
The website Growing Louisiana (www.growinglouisiana.com), an online publication that reports about (or perhaps for) “Big Agriculture” and claims to “do our best to bring you relevant information, without opinion or bias” published a press release last year attacking folks who have concerns about genetically modified (GM) foods: “Without solid, scientific claims against these products, news providers and food makers alike have found that exploiting the physiological tendency to fear the unknown drives consumers toward products which they identify as more natural...When in doubt, cause mass hysteria.” The same press release was published by mirror websites
Critics, who often refer to GM foods as “Frankenfoods,” have been working with the general public in various states on what would seem like a very simple and harmless proposal: laws requiring the mandatory labeling of food containing GM ingredients. Who doesn’t want to know what it is they are actually eating, or feeding their children? But it appears that Big Ag and Big Business are saying the same thing when it comes to GM labeling: No way!
under the same moniker, in states such as Mississippi, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, etc., suggesting that said sites are nothing more than a front group for Big Ag interests such as biotechnology companies like Monsanto who want to disseminate Ronnie Cummins, the International pro-industry propaganda under the Director of the Organic Consumers guise of so-called unbiased groups. Association, wrote an article in January 2013 about a ballot initiative Nonetheless, people have legiti- in California last November which mate concerns over the environ- would have required this type of mental, social, and health impacts labeling. It was narrowly defeated, of GM crops and food products, by less than 3 percent, despite the which are created in a laboratory fact that “[g]iant biotech and junk by altering the genetic makeup of food corporations, joined by major certain organisms. And, for the first food processors and supermarket time, a genetically modified ani- chains, poured more than $46 milmal—salmon—may make it to your lion dollars into a vicious dirty tricks grocery store and dinner table. campaign,” outspending the grassroots pro-labeling campaign by a margin of 6 to 1. Similar public LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA 11
initiatives are being carried out this year in other states, including Washington, Connecticut, Colorado and Vermont, where just last year biotech giant Monsanto threatened to sue the state if it democratically passed a GMO labeling law. Monsanto’s Chief Executive Hugh Grant, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on January 29, claimed (as the industry collectively does) that GM foods are completely safe and there’s nothing to worry about. He stated that Europe “has concluded that these technologies are safe,” although he failed to mention that labeling of foods containing any GM organisms is mandatory there. Grant also suggested that his company is just trying to improve our eating experience. “A lot of veggies look great, but they don’t taste like much,” said Grant, in a statement that may resonate with elementary school children but with few others. Scientific evidence suggests that maybe the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whose deputy commissioner of foods is a former vice president and lobbyist with Monsanto, should slow down on approving these foods into the marketplace, or, at the very least, give citizens the right to know what they are eating. A 2009 Scientific American editorial on GMOs states: “Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify that genetically modified crops perform as advertised. That is because agritech companies
have given themselves veto power over the work of independent researchers...But agritech companies such as Monsanto, Pioneer and Syngenta go further. For a decade their user agreements have explicitly forbidden the use of the seeds And while Monsanto’s CEO points for any independent research.” to Europe in his interview with the The editorial goes on to make a Wall Street Journal, scientists in common sense and fair minded Europe last year discovered a viral suggestion: “Although we appre- gene in commercial GMOs that may ciate the need to protect the intel- be not be safe for human consumplectual property rights that have tion. spurred the investments into research and development that have Ben Franklin once said, “An ounce led to agritech’s successes, we of prevention is worth a pound also believe food safety and envi- of cure.” Given the warning signs ronmental protection depend on about the public health safety of making plant products available to GMOs, not to mention the ecoregular scientific scrutiny. Agricul- logical blowback and social ramitural technology companies should fications for small farmers, and therefore immediately remove the the obvious need for more studies restriction on research from their and increased transparency by the biotech industry, erring on the side end-user agreements.” of caution with GMOs may not be So when biotech industry champi- a bad idea. The simple fact that ons point to a lack of definitive stud- the biotech industry (whose boties proving that human consump- tom line is not health, but money) tion is unsafe, this could explain will spend tens of millions of dollars why. In the meantime, the American against democratic measures that Academy of Environmental Medi- allow people to choose what they cine has noted that “several animal feed themselves and their children studies indicate serious health risks should make people think twice associated with GM food consump- before swallowing this industry’s tion including infertility, immune claims—and their food. dysregulation, accelerated aging, dysregulation of genes associated To download a shopper’s guide on with cholesterol synthesis, insulin how to avoid GMOs visit: http:// regulation, cell signaling, and pro- t r u e f o o d n o w. fi l e s . w o r d p re s s . tein formation, and changes in the com/2011/02/cfs-shoppers-guide. liver, kidney, spleen and gastroin- pdf testinal system.” Cyril Mychalejko is a writer biased towards eating organic, locally grown, fresh foods.
A Love Story from a
Foster Grandparent by Adda Helm Love Enthusiast
We all remember our grandparents and the wisdom they carried among their grandchildren. I will never forget my grandmother – a strong, wellbalanced woman dignified in her ways, always ensuring my needs were met with a nutritious home-cooked meal to carry me on my way. Everything she did for me was from her heart, and she never hesitated in filling me
AND HOPE TOWARDS A BRIGHTER FUTURE. up with her love and compassion. The continuous love and support she gave me allowed me to get where I am today. I am truly grateful for her presence in my life. 14 LOVE HOW YOU FEEL ACADIANA
Our grandparents are given to us as guides, to help us make decisions and provide unconditional love, wisdom, support and protection. The Lafayette Council on Aging, Inc. (LCOA) Foster Grandparent Program recognizes this and embraces the imporAccording to a 2012 MetLife tant role grandparents can play study, only 13% of grandparents in the lives of children in need. – or 1 in 10 – provide care on a regular basis for atleast one grandchild. Foster grandparents are needed to fill in this gap, helping children in need receive the love and compassion only a grandparent can provide. Through the LCOA Foster Grandparent Program, children can begin to develop strong emotional ties with no strings attached – each grandparent brings their own wisdom and unique culture, family traditions, stories, experiences and style of caring to their foster grandchildren. Foster grandparents establish a role as nurturer, mentor, role model, playmate, and even hero! Above all, foster grandparent volunteers create a positive and enriching bond between grandparent and child. They spend the majority of their time helping develop a child’s social skills, providing young people
with another chance, and another insight towards a bigger and brighter future. Foster grandparents canignite a child’s imagination, build their self-esteem and help them feel supported and cared for. With age comes wisdom. Join the LCOA Foster Grandparent program and help give toa greater purpose by infl uenc-
ing the life of a child in need. You can make a difference by simply sharing your love, compassion and time!
The Lafayette Council on Aging, Inc. is deeply grateful for the continuous support and time given by our active volunteers in establishing a wellbalanced program towards a brighter future in grandparent foster care. LCOA expresses unconditional gratitude forthe countless contributions made by our senior volunteers, age 90 and older, who have devoted more than ten years of service: Elvina Chaisson, Helen Comeaux, Hazel Deverges, Hattie Harris, and Antonia George.
For more information or to give to the LCOA Foster Grandparent Program, contact Shanese Lewis at 337-262-5990 or visit us online at www.laf-coa. org/Foster-Grandparents.html.
1963 2013 Wea t Re d ’ swo u l dl i k et o t h a n kL a f a y e t t ef o ra wo n d e r f u l 5 0y e a r s ! Wea r ep r o u dt oh a v eb e e n ah u g ep a r t o f k e e p i n g L a f a y e t t ef i t a n dh e a l t h y s i n c e1 9 6 3 .
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He r eYe s t e r da y , Toda y &Tomor r ow!
E x e r c i s ea n dI mp r o v et h eQu a l i t y o f Y o u r L i f e ! Co meb yt o d a yf o r at o u r . Y o uma yb es u r p r i s e da t wh a t we ’ v eg o t !
Nut r i t i onCouns el i ng
w/Es t e l l eBe noi t ,R. D. ,LDN
Usui Shiki Ryoho
The Power of Reiki by Gay Whisman, Reiki Master
I was introduced to Reiki in 1984 in Lafayette, Louisiana. At the time, I was living in New Orleans and came to Lafayette with friends who had heard of Reiki and told me that a Reiki Master from Alabama was coming to demonstrate and introduce this healing art to the community. As it turns out, this woman was with the Reiki Alliance and was one of the original Reiki Masters in the U.S. During the demonstration, I really did not understand what she was doing, so I paid little attention! In my past experience, I had been able to remove headaches and help others feel better, so I continued thinking I could do what she did without training. Upon my return to New Orleans, I started to work as a psychic and clairvoyant, along with practicing hypnosis, massage and other metaphysical trades.
Through Reiki, I not only gained a better understanding of my client’s condition, I also began to see the energy as it worked with and around my client. I became a Reiki Master in 1993 and have continued to practice and teach Reiki as it was taught to me. In my career as a Reiki Master, I have taught people from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Maryland. I believe that if everyone gained a basic understanding of Reiki 1, we would not suffer with the dis-ease or diseases so prevalent in our society today.
“I took Reiki 1 and quickly began to understand that all I thought I knew about healing was just a drop in the bucket.”
For those who wish to learn how to create healing space in their own and other’s lives, I encourage you to discover Reiki. I will be teaching Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher Levels in Lafayette, Louisiana in 2013. For class info or a Reiki Treatment, call 337-896-9660.
In 1990 I moved to Corpus Christi, Texas, and began working with Jeanette Hudson, who had recently become a Reiki Master. With Jeanette’s encouragement, I took Reiki 1 and quickly began to understand that all I thought I knew about healing was just a drop in the bucket.
by Alyson Giuffreda, M.Ac., L.Ac For the 4.5 million couples experiencing infertility each year, acupuncture may be just what the doctor ordered. Acupuncture can increase fertility by reducing stress, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing the endocrine system, according to several studies and medical research. Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion of thin needles at strategic points near the surface of the body. Over 2000 acupuncture points on the body connect with 14 major pathways, called meridians. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that these meridians conduct qi (pronounced chi), or energy, between the surface of the body and internal organs. When the flow of qi is disrupted, pain and/or disease can result. Acupuncture helps to keep the normal flow of this energy unblocked, thereby increasing a couple’s chances of conceiving. Acupuncture can improve almost every obstacle that causes infertility. While 40 percent of infertility is caused by problems in the female (problems like anovulation and endometriosis), another 40 percent is caused by problems in the male, such as low sperm count or motility. The remaining 20 percent is caused by unknown factors. One of the key ways that acupuncture increases fertility is by reducing stress. Stress causes the body to release the hormone cortisol, which alters the brain’s neurochemical balance, changing hormone levels and disrupting pituitary balance. Imbalances between the hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive glands can cause a woman to stop ovulating altogether or create spasms in the fallopian tubes and uterus which
interfere with implantation. Acupuncture Acupuncture infertility treatment is also counters the effects of stress and cortisol extremely cost-effective in comparison to by releasing endorphins in the brain. IVF. While one IVF treatment can cost over $12,000 - with no guarantee of success Acupuncture can also increase fertility by the average cost per individual for one acincreasing blood flow in the body. This can upuncture treatment is between $75 and provide reproductive organs with more $100. nourishment and increase the density of the uterine wall. For women who cannot Recently, I began treating a patient who become pregnant because of endometrio- was considering IVF. After multiple acusis, a primary cause of female infertility in puncture treatments, before she could which the uterine lining grows outside the even undergo a surgical procedure, she uterus, acupuncture can increase blood became pregnant. Another patient had flow to relax and quiet the endometrium. tried IVF with no success, but after three Increasing the flow of blood throughout the months of acupuncture infertility treatment body can also help with male fertility prob- she conceived. With patients who try to lems. If men are experiencing problems conceive naturally, I estimate an 80 perwith impotence, an increase in blood flow cent success rate, though the number of can increase potency. acupuncture treatments needed and the length of time it takes each couple to conWhile fertility drugs produce a 20 to 60 per- ceive varies widely based on individual difcent success rate, they come with a host ferences. of side effects like abdominal tenderness, nausea, fluid retention and weight gain. Once patients have successfully conAcupuncture, by contrast, produces few or ceived, I continue to treat them throughno side effects while achieving the same out the pregnancy. These continued treatresults (stimulating the hypothalamus to ef- ments keep stress levels down to avoid fectively balance the endocrine system and miscarriages, as well as help with the nausea and back pain common during pregits hormones). nancy. Studies show that when used in conjunction with in-vitro fertilization (IVF), acupunc- Conceiving a child can be hard enough ture is even more successful. A study pub- without the added risks and discomfort of lished in the April 2002 issue of Fertility and using hormones and IVF. Acupuncture inSterility magazine supports the fact that fertility treatment allows pregnancies to ocacupuncture increases fertility. Research- cur the safest, most comfortable way there ers examined 80 patients who received is: naturally. acupuncture in fertility treatment while undergoing IVF. After six weeks, 42 percent of the women who were treated with acupuncture became pregnant, compared to 26 percent without acupuncture.
Alyson Giuffreda, M.Ac., L.Ac practices at Nouriche Wellness & Aesthetics. She holds a Master of Acupuncture from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She has successfully treated patients with a variety of physical and emotional imbalances, including: infertility, menstrual disorders, digestive issues, allergies, insomnia, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, arthritis, and various musculoskeletal problems. For more information or to schedule an appointment call (337) 456-7306
How I Got Started by Daphne Olivier Unconventional Dietitian and Founder of My Food Coach
I have always had a love and passion for food, ever since I was a child. Actually, as I look back, it was really a passion for dieting. I was surrounded by people who were dieting and talked about their weight, so I wanted to do it, too. Over time, my infatuation with dieting developed into a desire to learn more about food and nutrition. Like many people with an interest in nutrition, I went to college and got a bachelor’s degree in dietetics. I learned a lot of textbook information about cooking and preparing foods, planning menus, the administration of running a kitchen and also about diet-related illness and disease. I completed an internship, became a registered dietitian, and spent many years practicing dietetics in hospitals, kitchens, clinics and outpatient settings. I encouraged my clients to use margarine, low-fat salad dressings, eat only egg whites, drink diet soda, eat boxed cereal and many other things dieticians have customarily promoted as “healthy eating.” Around this time, I started communicating with a colleague who promoted what I considered nutritional quackery. She challenged my beliefs, but when I actually stopped disagreeing long enough to listen, I began to hear the truth in what she was saying. (Isn’t it funny what happens when we actually stop and
listen?!) In that moment, I realized that what I was taught in school, what I was teaching my clients, and much of the health advice we customarily give and receive is not focused on consuming real food. All of the products I was recommending – from margarine and boxed cereal to diet soda – were edible, but they were not real food. After this understanding sunk in, I began to read more and realized that a lot of the conventional dieting information we receive is bogus, supported by people that have a lot of money and uence on our government. I found myself re-evaluating everything I had believed to be true about my profession. I came to the realization that the mainstream nutrition industry makes a lot of money for a lot of people, but it doesn’t really provide true nourishment for anybody. When I accepted this as the truth, I found myself with very mixed emotions. On one hand, I felt frustrated that I had spent so much time promoting false nutrition and angry that I was still paying for a college education that didn’t provide adequate information. I also felt sad that I had been trying to help people but was steering them the wrong way. My grieving lasted several months, but once I decided to step back up to the plate and begin learning about real food and nutrition, my path has been nothing short of amazing. It may not be easy, convenient,
“I came to the realization that the mainstream nutrition industr y makes a lot of money for a lot of people,but it doesn’t really provide true nourishment for anybody.” or conventional, but it feels great! So, what is my new approach to nutrition? It’s simple, at least in concept: Listen to your body. Your body is always talking to you, but most of us ignore it. Appreciate the food you eat. This means slowing down to eat, and choosing foods you are pleased with. Eat real food. This means consuming food in its most natural form, with nutrients intact, cooked in ways your grandmother and her grandmother would appreciate. For more information, individual nutrition services and group nutrition seminars, visit Daphne’s website www.my-food-coach.com.
Spiritual Solutions by Bernard Graham There was a long period of my life where God was nothing more than an idea – a long forgotten idea, to be truthful, tucked away as a result of my life conditioning. As long as everything was okay, there was no need to call on God. When life got tough, my conditioning taught me to rationalize the problem, tell myself to “suck it up,” or let someone else worry about it. As years passed, the idea of God got further and further away. What took its place, after 21 years of forgetting about God, was a disconnection from spirit, a feeling of being completely lost. “Why?” I asked myself. “Why would someone so self-reliant, who has met so many of their own expectations in life feel lost?”
My answer sounded something like this: “I’ve made it on my own since I was 14 years old. I traveled to another country, started a family, and enlisted in the military. I became complacent, made myself sick and ended my military career. I put myself through school to start a new life. I have a house, a car, a family, a good job and I treat people with respect. I have all the stuff I was told to get. I’m doing everything right, aren’t I? Then why do I feel so hollow inside my own skin?” The human brain can store an unbelievable amount of information. As information is gathered and stored, our brains, like search engines, create shortcuts to filter through all that data in order to make decisions, take action and respond to situations. Over time, we develop short cuts, thinking habits or patterns that have the power to manipulate information, alter or limit our perception, and influence the decisions we make and actions we take. The more I use a certain pattern of thinking, the more streamlined that pattern becomes, and the more likely it is that my experiences will feed into that thought pattern and the resulting action/behavior. Through this kind of conditioning and programming, my behaviors and thought patterns had become
IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHO WALKS BESIDE YOU, EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY, YOU WOULD NEVER FEEL ALONE... rote. In short, I had developed a set of thought patterns and resulting behaviors that gave me exactly what I needed to “get by” in life. Over the past 29 months, I have been able to uncover some of my “sick behaviors” by working closely with others. When I talk about “sick behaviors,” I’m referring to selfish acts centered on pride and ego, dishonest and fearful notions, and feeling overly sympathetic towards my own life situation. These were the tools I used to get what I needed in life. With this arsenal of behaviors, my actions were driven by a fear
of being alone. The ironic truth is that my behavior actually drove everyone away from me, creating the exact situation I feared most! Crazy, huh? Let me share a little more about how this behavior worked. Selfish and selfcentered, I thought I was giving freely to people. If you needed something and I could help, I was on a mission to save the day. I would take on your problem, give you several examples of how to fix it, insist on giving explicit instructions, and then place you in my debt. My goal was to make you feel obligated to help me in the event I needed you, and, even if it hurt me, I
the end of life we not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.We will be judged by ‘I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.’”
Mother Teresa
would keep you around because of this obligation. Little did I know my behavior stemmed directly from the fear of being alone.
ships and my life potential. I realized I had been living life on my own tiny terms, without acknowledging the enormous possibilities out there. Stubborn self-reliance had taken me to the center of my fears. There I was – alone, defeated and at a point of no return. As I began to unravel these behaviors, I found my own dishonesty and fear the hardest feelings to grapple with. “But I’m sacrificing everything to help!” I thought, in my own defense. “I’m doing all of this for you! If only you’d just do what I say everything will work out!” In all these thought patterns and resulting behaviors, I imagined I was helping others, but what I was actually doing was manipulating them, and feeling sorry for myself in the process. The most wonderful aspect of challenging my own thought patterns and behaviors was the freedom I found. I realized how limiting my thoughts and actions had become in terms of my relation-
I will never forget that moment, the moment I reached out from utter defeat and a hand was there to meet mine. From rock bottom, working with others taught me how to look inside myself for the answers. Instead of trying to fix my internal condition with external revisions, I found my Higher Power, my God, in community – working with and being of service to others. When I work with others, I steer clear of selfish behaviors. When I am being of service, others show up to help. When I place my intentions on community, I see and feel unity. When I forget about myself, I look around and realize I am not, and have never been, alone.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; succeed anyway.If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway.If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway.The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway…You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.
Mother Teresa
38 love how you feel acadiana
love how you feel acadiana 39
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Join us next quarter as we “keep it real” with your local organic food sources. Gear up and launch your summer vacation in “out door adventures.” Tap into the heart of our community by volunteering on a local project. Please share your favorite part of this publication with someone you love. If there is someone in your life that may be causing discomfort, then share your second favorite part of this publication. The point is, sending Love in the direction of anger, discomfort, and haste can only bring about love. The hardest human acknowledgment is sending love to a place that is riddled with hate. Give it a try. It worked wonders for me... We would like to thank our sponsors and contributors from the bottom of our hearts. Don’t forget to visit Daphne Olivier at My-Food-Coach.com. See you in July Acadiana.
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Kelly L. Cobb, MD, Internal Medicine Jennifer Menard-Piker, PA-C Angie Boutte, Medical Aesthetician Billie Mick, Medical Aesthetician LaRae Prejean Little, Medical Aesthetician Alyson Ciotola Giuffreda, Acupuncturist
Meet Alyson Ciotola Giuffreda!
Now Offering Acupuncture Alyson holds a Master of Acupuncture from Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, MD. Her training included over 2,000 hours in acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and western medical sciences. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in women’s studies from the University of Maryland. Alyson is licensed to practice acupuncture in both Louisiana and Maryland. Alyson has successfully treated patients with a variety of physical and emotional imbalances, including but not limited to: infertility, menstrual disorders, digestive issues, allergies, insomnia depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, arthritis, and various musculoskeletal issues.
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