Volunteering South Africa Volunteering South Africa provide to the user opportunity to explore South Africa as more than a tourist. The volunteers are become immersed in the people, animals, and beautiful lifestyle. The program are provides an environmentally responsible, and incredibly affordable working holiday.
Volunteering with us is the chance to experience the vibrant energy of South Africa in its natural environment while giving back in the most exciting way possible. Principles of Volunteering South Africa:
Volunteering benefits the community and the volunteer.
Volunteer work is unpaid.
Volunteering is always a matter of choice.
Volunteering is an activity performed in the not for profit sector only.
Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work.
Volunteering respects the rights, dignity and culture.
Volunteering promotes human rights and equality.
Volunteering is at the heart Volunteering promotes trust and reciprocity. It encourages good citizenship and provide to the user with an environment responsibilities of community and civic involvement. Volunteering is an activity or work. It is a contribution in-kind and
donations in goods, cash, or other valuable assets. Volunteering is done to promote a cause or help someone outside of the volunteer’s household or immediate family. In these activity have include to the teaching, sport development, child care, computer training and other services.
For more detail please visit this web site: http://fortheloveofwildlife.org.au/