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Keys to Freedom Leader Guide by Mercy Multiplied Intl Published by Mercy Multiplied P.O. Box 111060 Nashville, TN 37222 About this Study


This book or thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored Equipped forparts Rough Terrain 9 in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984,and 2011 by Biblica, Inc.toUsed Week 2 – Key 1: Committing Connecting Fully Christby permission. 29 Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your MindUsed by permission. 47 Scripture quotations marked NLT are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 2007. Used by Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All61 rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked The Message are from The Message: The Bible in Contemporary English, copyright © Week1994, 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s 2001, Hurts 2002. Used by permission of NavPress 75 Publishing Group. 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000, Scripture quotations marked ESV are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. Scripture KJV areinfrom the King James Version of107 the Bible. Week 7 – quotations Key 6: Usingmarked Your Authority Christ Copyright © 2017 by Mercy Multiplied Intl Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom All rights reserved


Cover design by Mike Harvie Conclusion


Design Director: Christian Parsons Commitment to Freedom Visit the author’s website at


International Number: 978-0-9986485-1-4 Appendix A –Standard Who I amBook in Christ Statements 141 Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143numbers and Internet addresses at the time While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication. Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 First edition Printed in the USA



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Contents A Note to Leaders 5 Mentor Relationships 7 Before You Start 9 Important Tips for Group Meetings


Keys to Freedom Group Expectations


When Outside Help Is Needed


Group Meeting Schedule 19 Group Meeting Format 21 Group Contact Information Sheet


Group Meeting Outlines Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage


Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ


Key 2: Renewing the Mind 39 Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts 45 Key 4: Choosing to Forgive


Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 57 Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression


Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 69 Optional Wrap-Up Ceremony

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

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A Note to Leaders Dear Keys to Freedom Study Leader, We are so excited that God has called you to be an ambassador for freedom! Whether you will be leading one person through the Keys to Freedom study or facilitating an entire small group, it is our belief that God has called and equipped you “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14) to join Him in “[binding] up the brokenhearted, [proclaiming] freedom for the captives and [releasing] from darkness . . . the prisoners” (Isa. 61:1). You play a very important role in this story because of your desire to help other people. We live in an age when there is no shortage of books, videos, websites, podcasts, and the like. While information may be a supportive tool, God typically helps people through other people. Information without people is rarely transformative, so we are thrilled that you have answered the call to partner with God and witness the transformation of people’s lives. You may feel a sense of nervousness or anxiety as you step forward to lead others, but we want to remind you that God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called. If you look throughout Scripture, God continually uses imperfect and unqualified people to carry out His mission in the world. 2 Peter 1:3–4 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need,” so it’s not about how great and powerful we are; it’s about how great and powerful Christ is! As a study leader, it will be important for you to stay open, prayerful, and flexible. Everyone walks the journey to freedom at their own pace, so we encourage you to be prayerful and attentive to your group’s needs. You may need to spend an additional week on one of the tougher topics, or you may choose to go through the entire study in twoweek intervals instead of one week at a time. You have permission to create whatever timeline your group needs for working through the study. Corresponding videos to set up your group discussion each week are available at One of the most important things is to remember your role in the lives of those you are helping. Your role is to be a shepherd, not a professional therapist. You are not their savior, Jesus is. The members in your group must decide if they want change or if they want to experience more of the same. The weight of change is on them, not on you. Do not let others hand you their responsibilities, nor should you offer to take them on yourself. You don’t want them to grow dependent on you to solve their problems, so you will need to encourage them continually, and point them back to Jesus, the Freedom Giver! This may sound trite, but in the end, He is the only One who has the ability to heal broken hearts and set captives free. You cannot do for them what He must do for them.

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Due to the nature of this study, it is possible that you will see and hear some really difficult things from your group members. You may be tempted to wonder if someone’s story or issues are too difficult for God. Let me just tell you that after over thirty years of ministering to young women, I am more convinced than ever that no matter what the problem is, Jesus Christ is the answer. Not only can He handle the worst and most difficult circumstances, but He can bring full healing and restoration as well. However, He uses His people—you and me—to point those who are struggling or hurting to Him, so I am thankful that you have answered that call! About this Study 7 In the following pages Terrain of this Leader Guide, you will find everything you Equipped for Rough 9 need to prepare, lead, and debrief from your group meetings. We want to help equip you with all that you need to effectively lead others through this study. For that reason, we encourage churches, ministries, or organizations facilitating this study to offer a training session for all Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 leaders (and mentors, if applicable) that provides a general overview of the Keys to Freedom study, including many vital training elements to make your leadership as effective as possible. We also encourage the Keys to Freedom Week 2and – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully Christ 29However, if you are leading this study outside Leader Mentor Training Video to be shown at to this training session. of a church or organization, we ask you to fully review all of the material in this Leader Guide and to complete the Keys Leader and Weekto3 Freedom – Key 2: Renewing YourMentor Mind Training, which can be found at 47 I would also encourage you to consider additional training through Mercy’s MPower Workshops, which will help to further equip you as you help and support others. For more information on the MPower Workshops, go to www. Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to ForgiveFor ongoing support and/or answers 61 to questions that you might have, join our “Keys to Freedom Leaders” Facebook Group at or feel free to contact our Outreach Week 5 – Team Key 4:atHealing Life’s Hurts 75 – Keyto 5:be Breaking Generational Patterns ItWeek is an6honor on mission together with you for the kingdom! 93 Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ Blessings,


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom Nancy Alcorn Founder and President Conclusion


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Mentor Relationships One way you can consider enhancing the Keys to Freedom study experience for your group members is to incorporate Keys to Freedom Mentor Relationships. Mentor Relationships will allow for group members to experience a one-onone component where they will meet with their mentor for four additional weeks throughout the study. At the end of your first group meeting, we have designated about half an hour for mentors and study participants to meet and get to know one another. The mentor meetings are designed to help the participant further process the principles in the study, their group discussions, and any deeper heart issues that may arise. By choosing to incorporate Mentor Relationships, the overall study experience will take a total of twelve weeks, as opposed to eight weeks. Keys to Freedom mentors should be mature believers who have faithfully completed the Keys to Freedom study themselves and the Keys to Freedom Leader and Mentor Training. They should also be in a place of mental, emotional, and spiritual health, so that they can effectively disciple someone else. As the group leader, you should stay in regular contact with all mentors throughout the study to be sure everyone is on the same page and aware of any issues or struggles that the participants may be facing. We also encourage mentors and group leaders to pray regularly for the study participants—both individually and as a leadership team—throughout the semester. You may choose to make Mentor Relationships optional for your group members. In this case, those group members who do not have mentors will simply take a break from any meetings on the weeks when the mentors and participants are scheduled to meet. We suggest that you be very prayerful as you consider which mentors to pair with each of the members in your group. If there is a prior relationship between a mentor and group participant, it may or may not be wise to pair them together. In this situation, you may consider speaking individually with the mentor and the participant to assess their comfort level in working with one another and meeting together throughout the duration of the study. If there is discomfort from either of them, you will want to either work through those issues beforehand or consider pairing them with someone different throughout the duration of the study.

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

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Before You Start Before facilitating a group or an individual through the Keys to Freedom study, we ask that you complete the Keys to Freedom Leader and Mentor Training, which can be found at, and also thoroughly read through the pages of this Leader Guide. We also encourage you to consider each of the below suggestions before you start:

Remember that you can’t give away something that you don’t carry! As such, we encourage you to first complete the Keys to Freedom study yourself before facilitating a group. You could do this as a participant in a study group or one-on-one with a Christian mentor or pastor. This will enable you to facilitate your group as someone who has personally studied, experienced, and applied the keys to freedom in your own life. We also encourage you to personally complete the study again, along with your group, each time you facilitate. This will keep the principles, scriptures, and key points fresh on your mind from week to week. It will also demonstrate to your group members that you are on this journey with them, and that you are facilitating the group as a fellow sojourner, not as someone who has already “arrived.” We believe that God will continue to reveal and heal things in your life each time you complete the study!

If you have not already watched Nancy Alcorn’s Ditch the Baggage videos, we encourage you to watch the video for each week’s key as a preparation for leading that week’s group discussion. You may even consider showing one (or more) of the videos to your group if you feel that it will strongly resonate with your group members. These videos can be downloaded from the “VIDEOS” link found at www.MercyMultiplied. com/FreedomSeries.

Enlist a team of at least five to ten people to pray for you and your group through the duration of the study. The enemy wants nothing more than to keep people in bondage, so we know that he hates that you are leading people out of darkness and into light. You need to have a prayer covering over you personally and over your group. You may want to consider recruiting as many prayer partners as you have group participants and have these prayer partners praying each week for a specific person in your group.

Have someone you can go to if you need prayer or additional help if anything were to come up in your group. This could be a pastor in your church or a mentor of your own. You can seek out the additional support you need while keeping things as confidential as possible.

Have a list available of trusted Christian counselors and/or Christian treatment programs in your area in case you need to refer any group participant(s) at any point during the study. We recommend checking local churches in your area that have counseling centers or an online referral source, such as

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Take care of you! Be intentional about staying involved in your own local community of believers, so they can pour into you as you pour into the people in your group. Stay committed to your own personal spiritual growth by having consistent time in the Word and in prayer. In John 15, we are encouraged to stay connected to the vine (Jesus), so that we can bear much fruit. As such, we have provided the following in this Leader Guide to encourage you in your personal connection to Christ:

About this Study 7 • Before each group meeting: You will be provided with some key scriptures for that week’s study under the “BEFORE YOU MEET” Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 and reflecting on those scriptures so that His section. We encourage you to spend time meditating Word and His Truth are fresh on your heart before your group meeting. We also encourage you to take a few moments before each meeting to sit alone Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11in God’s presence, and let Him fill your heart, mind, and spirit with His love and power as well as to pray for your group time. We have provided space for you to journal and pray during this time. Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ 29

• After each group meeting: Week 3 – Key 2:It’s Renewing YourtoMind 47 important take time to reflect on your group meetings each week and on how you are doing as a facilitator. Each week, you will be given some questions under the “AFTER YOU MEET” section to on to theForgive meeting and on your leadership as well Week 4 – Key 3:reflect Choosing 61 as some space to pray and process anything needed with the Lord. We also encourage you to spend some time after each meeting to simply sit in His presence, and let Him fill you with His love and strength after all that you have poured out to Week 5 – Key 4:your Healing Life’sAgain, Hurtswe have provided space for you to75journal and pray during this time. group. Week Key 5: Breaking 93 Pray that the Lord would open their hearts • 6 –Pray! Pray for theGenerational members ofPatterns your group on a consistent basis. and minds and lead them to the places of healing and freedom that He has in His heart for them through Week 7 –this Keystudy! 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107

• Join our “Keys to Freedom Leaders” Facebook Group. This group has been created as a communication Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 hub for anyone leading an individual or group through this study. We encourage you to post your questions, struggles, and prayer needs as well as testimonies of how God is at work in your group or even in your own Conclusion 137 life! You can request to join the group at Commitment to Freedom


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Important Tips For Group Meetings Below are some suggested ways to make your group meetings as effective as possible. We strongly encourage you to do your best to follow these suggestions as we have found that they significantly impact the experience and effectiveness of a group. Make your group a closed group. The study is most effective if done in its entirety, from beginning to end, with the same group of people. We therefore suggest that you not add new group members after the study has begun. In addition, the material and questions in this study are of a personal and potentially sensitive nature, and your group members will likely develop rapport and trust with one another that you do not want to disrupt by bringing in new members. Begin and end each meeting with prayer. Be sure that this prayer time is used to acknowledge and point to the presence of God. It is important that everyone believe and trust that God is present and active in your time together, and that His presence is vitally important. However, it’s also important to acknowledge as you leave that the same God who was with you during your time together goes with each of them throughout the rest of their week. Use group meeting outlines provided as needed. There are outlines throughout this Leader Guide to help prompt discussion during your group meetings. We encourage you to ask any of the questions listed, but then allow discussion to flow naturally from there. The questions are simply our suggestions as a jumping-off point; you do not have to ask every single question. We will prompt you before each group meeting to thoroughly review the discussion questions and make note of the ones that you want to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all. The main goal is simply for your group to stay focused on discussing the general idea of the freedom key for that week. Our prayer is that your group members will find great encouragement and experience freedom by sharing their stories with one another and connecting within the group. Remember that the Holy Spirit is the Counselor in this process. He is the one who will lead your group members into all Truth. Encourage discussion. The purpose of this study is not to give your group members a lecture or a good teaching. You want them to be highly engaged in discussing the material. Consider yourself a facilitator of the group discussion. Your role is to help

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conversation move, not simply to give everyone the answers. Redirect questions and dialogue back to the group whenever possible. If you do have examples or a word of wisdom, be sure to share when the time is right as led by the Holy Spirit. In addition, here are a few tips for fostering good group discussion: About this Study 7 • Use silence as a powerful tool. Don’t feel that you have to fill every quiet moment with something. Let the Holy Spirit work! Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 • If your question gets no immediate response, don’t feel that you have to jump in and answer it yourself. Allow your group members time to process what has been asked. Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 • Don’t be satisfied with the first response to a question. Ask for several responses. This moves your group from simply answering questions to engaging in a conversation. You may even want to occasionally play Week 2 –the Key“devil’s 1: Committing andand Connecting to deeper Christ into their29 advocate” questionFully or dig responses. • If you’re having a difficult time getting group members to share, you may want to break them up into Week 3 –groups Key 2: of Renewing Your Mind two or three and give them a question to discuss.47Then go around and ask each group to have a representative share some of the key ideas their group discussed. Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61

NOTE: It is okay to laugh or cry with group members as they are sharing, but we encourage you to avoid physical Week while 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurtsof sharing, as it could distract or stop 75 emotion. However, it would be appropriate touch they are in the middle to hand a participant a tissue or offer an encouraging word and/or prayer after the group meeting to communicate support. Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 Week 7 – Key Using Yoursetup. Authority in Christ Be mindful of6:the room


The physical setup of the room/group will have an effect on the group discussion. A few things to consider: Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 • Be sure the room is arranged in a way that allows every group member to see every other member. (Circles or squares are ideal.) Conclusion 137 • If possible, make sure every group member is in a chair, and ask all group members to be sitting up (not lying on the ground or reclining on a couch). Commitment to Freedom 139 • As the leader, it is best for you to be sitting right among the group, not standing in front of them. This way the meeting doesn’t have the feel of a classroom setting where everyone is listening to one person teach Appendix A –sets Who in Christ for Statements 141 but theI am atmosphere group discussion. Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 Offer continual review. Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 Do not forget that this study is not a formula or “step-by-step” plan for freedom. Every life and every situation is unique, and this study is meant to introduce participants to the principles of freedom, not provide a formula for freedom. You are encouraged at each group meeting to ask if anyone has experienced a breakthrough or important

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realization in any of the previous weeks’ keys to freedom. You may discuss forgiveness at your 4th group meeting, but it may not be until the 7th meeting that someone experiences an awakening to an area where there is lack of forgiveness in his or her life. You’ll want to create space for thoughts and feedback on all of the keys each time you meet with the group. Continually remind them that the journey to freedom is a process, not a one-time event. Set boundaries and be timely. Be very intentional about beginning and ending your group meetings on time. You may remain for individual discussion after class, but you will likely want to let your group know in advance that you will be able to stay only for a specific amount of time after each group meeting. This will keep group participants from trying to use the postmeeting time for personal counseling. Do not allow children into the group meetings. Encourage your group members to find a babysitter, or you may consider having a childcare service for those in your group. The presence of a baby or children will greatly distract participants, and the issues being discussed may be inappropriate for children to overhear. Regularly communicate the Group Expectations to the group. On the following page, you will find a list of principles that will help to provide a safe and nurturing environment for groups going through the Keys to Freedom study. As a leader, we encourage you to discuss these expectations during your first meeting, and then regularly communicate these guidelines to group members throughout the study. We encourage you to pass out copies for each member to keep for reference throughout the study. You can download a PDF copy of the Group Expectations at Confront noncommittal members or members who are violating the Group Expectations. If you determine that certain group members are no longer committed to the study or have been violating any of the Group Expectations outlined in this guide, we encourage you to speak with them one-on-one to discuss the issue(s). Extend truth, grace, and prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you in this conversation. In extreme circumstances, you may need to make a determination on whether or not they should continue attending the group meetings. Let them know that if they choose to discontinue but desire to rejoin the study at a later time, you would be happy to connect them with another group that might be starting the study or with a mature Christian who will lead them through the study one-on-one.

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

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KEYS TO FREEDOM Group Expectations1 The below principles help to provide a safe and nurturing environment for groups going through the Keys to Freedom study. We encourage you, as a participant, to regularly review and commit to these expectations throughout your time in the study. What this group is and is NOT: This is not a mental health support group or self-help group. This is a gathering of people who want to go deeper in their faith and be equipped with biblical keys to freedom. This is not a place where you will find professional help, and your leader is most likely not a licensed counselor or psychologist. Therefore, you should not expect that your own personal issues will be discussed extensively during group meetings. Your group leader will make referrals and recommendations if something a group member is dealing with requires professional help.

Group Values Involvement We want every person to feel like an important member of the group. We will, therefore, avoid turning discussion time into a one-on-one dialogue that everyone else just observes. Group leaders will encourage participants who tend to monopolize the group time to allow other group members the opportunity to share. Honest questions are encouraged, but leaders may not always be able to address them during the group time. If this happens, the leader will be sure to address the question outside of the group meeting. Honesty Sharing with honesty and authenticity demonstrates our genuine desire to grow and find freedom in Christ. However, we will also be sure not to “romanticize” sin. It is very tempting in a group setting to compare, and even take pride in, our struggles. We will maintain a healthy balance between sharing honestly while not celebrating or glorifying our sin and/or struggles.


To copy and distribute to group members

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Confidentiality and Trust2 It is important that everyone in this group make a strong commitment to one another that nothing shared inside of the group time will be discussed outside the group. The exception to this rule would be if you are threatening to harm yourself or others. In this case, the group leader will be legally required to report this information to an outside source. About this Study 7 Respect Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Respect one another. Disrespect will not be allowed. People can and will disagree about ideas and opinions, but you must not attack the worth of another individual. All of us must listen to one another as we seek to understand Week 1 – Introduction: theWe Stage and grow alongside one Setting another. must not negatively accuse one11another, no matter how unusual opinions that are shared may be. Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ 29 Commitment and Participation Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 It is expected that all group members will complete the week’s homework before coming to class, and commit to attend all group meetings, unless there is a conflict that cannot be avoided. It is also expected that all group Week 4 – Key to Forgive members will 3: beChoosing involved in group meetings by thinking, feeling,61and making decisions about what is being discussed, whether or not you actually share verbally. Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




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When Outside Help Is Needed The Keys to Freedom study will work really well for people who want to go deeper in their faith and find freedom from burdens they have been carrying. However, there may be times when you have someone in your group who is dealing with deep psychological issues and/or heavy hurts. In those kinds of situations, you should consider inviting another person into the process who has more expertise, such as a counselor. If that happens, don’t be discouraged. Making a referral is not failure or falling short! If you believe a participant needs outside help, communicate your love and care for the individual one-on-one, but clearly communicate that you believe he or she needs help from someone with more expertise. Assure the person that you will still be there for him or her, and this does not mean that your relationship will end. If someone refuses to seek professional help, then you must prayerfully set some boundaries in your own relationship with this person as well as their level of involvement with the study group. This can feel uncaring or harsh, but you can only help those who desire to be helped and are willing to partner with the Lord in their own rescue. If the help someone needs is beyond your own expertise but the person refuses to see a professional, you will end up very frustrated and overwhelmed throughout your relationship with that individual. You cannot take false responsibility for that person’s choices. Be sure to communicate your care for the individual and your desire to see him or her change, but then be willing to set strong boundaries and surrender the person to the Lord in prayer.

When to Enlist Help •

When the situation involves any violation of the law

When there is a medical/psychological concern of any kind

When there is the sharing of any kind of abuse (Note: If any form of child abuse is mentioned, you are required by law to report this. See following page.)

When there is talk of suicide

When you feel like you are “in over your head”

If Someone Is Threatening to Harm Someone Else A criminal threat involves one person threatening someone else with physical harm. The threat must be communicated in some way, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal. You should contact local authorities if someone in your group is threatening to harm another person.

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Reporting Suspected Child Abuse Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect. Reporting abuse or neglect can protect a child and get help for a family. It may even save a child’s life. In many states, any person who suspects child abuse or neglect is required by law to report it. If you suspect that a minor who is connected to your group in any way is being abused or neglected, contact your local child protective services office or law enforcement agency so professionals can assess the situation. Many states have a toll-free number to call to report suspected child abuse or neglect. To find out where About this Study 7 to call, consult: Equipped for Rough Terrain


Confidentiality and Sensitivity 1 – Introduction: the Stagewith a group member or someone 11 IfWeek you are in one-on-oneSetting conversation is sharing with the whole group, keep in mind that it is not wise to promise to keep things confidential, as you do not know what might be shared. If someone wants or the groupand something “asFully longtoasChrist you promise not29to tell anyone,” let the person know that while Week to 2 –tell Keyyou 1: Committing Connecting the group has committed that nothing shared inside of the group time will be discussed outside the group, you as the leader cannot make that promise without knowing what will be shared. However, you can promise to do what Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 you believe is best with the information they share. You can also promise that you will not take information that they share outside of the group without involving them and/or fully informing them first. Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




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Group Meeting Schedule While you have permission to create whatever timeline your group needs, below is a proposed schedule for groups moving through the study on a weekly basis. Please note that there is a different schedule provided for groups that are incorporating Mentor Relationships into the series.

If NOT incorporating Mentor Relationships: Week 1: Introduction and Setting the Stage Week 2: KEY 1 – Committing and Connecting to Christ Week 3: KEY 2 – Renewing the Mind Week 4: KEY 3 – Healing Life’s Hurts Week 5: KEY 4 – Choosing to Forgive Week 6: KEY 5 – Breaking Generational Patterns Week 7: KEY 6 – Choosing Freedom Over Oppression Week 8: KEY 7 – Maintaining Lifelong Freedom Optional Week 9: Wrap-Up Ceremony

If incorporating Mentor Relationships: Week 1: Group Meeting: Introduction / Setting the Stage and Initial Mentor Meeting Week 2: Group Meeting: KEY 1 – Committing and Connecting to Christ Week 3: 2nd Mentor Meeting Week 4: Group Meeting: KEY 2 – Renewing the Mind   Week 5: Group Meeting: KEY 3 – Healing Life’s Hurts   Week 6: 3rd Mentor Meeting Week 7: Group Meeting: KEY 4 – Choosing to Forgive Week 8: 4th Mentor Meeting Week 9: Group Meeting: KEY 5 – Breaking Generational Patterns Week 10: Group Meeting: KEY 6 – Choosing Freedom Over Oppression Week 11: Group Meeting: KEY 7 – Maintaining Lifelong Freedom Week 12: Final Mentor Meeting Optional Week 13: Wrap-Up Ceremony

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

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Group Meeting Format While you have permission to modify the group meeting outlines as needed for your group, we suggest you allow the below approximate times for each element of the group meetings: Initial Group Meeting: •

20 minutes: Welcome, Prayer and Introduction

5 minutes: Video

15-20 minutes: Discussion Questions

10 minutes: Wrap-Up and Prayer

If incorporating Mentor Relationships in the series, you should add an additional half hour to the end of this Initial Group Meeting for mentors to meet with their study participants.

All Subsequent Group Meetings: •

10 minutes: Welcome, Prayer and Introduction

5 minutes: Video

20-30 minutes: Discussion Questions

10 minutes: Wrap-Up and Prayer

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

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Group Contact Information Sheet Meeting Day and Time: Meeting Location: Group Facilitator and Contact Info: Group Member Information:


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Email Address

Phone Number

Mentor Name / Phone (if applicable)

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage

Initial Meeting:

Introduction and Setting the Stage BEFORE YOU MEET Give copies of the Keys to Freedom Study Guide to your group members prior to the first group meeting and ask them to read and work through “About this Study,” “Introduction,” and “Setting the Stage” (Study Guide pages 7 – 26) before your first meeting. Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Matthew 12:33

Jeremiah 17:7-8

John 10:27

Jeremiah 33:3

What led you to the decision to facilitate this Keys to Freedom group? What are you most excited about?

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage

Do you have any fears or concerns about facilitating this study? If so, use the space below to pray through and process those things with the Lord. Ask Him for His perspective on your concerns. Write what He shows you below.

About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power as you prepare for this week’s group Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following: • Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 this week. • Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to all that He has in store for them Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 through this week’s study and group discussion. Pray that He would give each of them revelation on the root issues at work in their lives. Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage

Group Meeting Outline WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION As people are arriving, pass around the Group Contact Information Sheet (page 23) for participants to fill out while they are waiting for the meeting to begin. 1.

Welcome everyone, and begin your time together by leading the group in prayer.


Share a little about yourself so participants can get to know you as the leader. Tell them about your family, job, what led you to facilitate the study, etc.


If incorporating Mentor Relationships: Explain that the mentors are present at this meeting as all participants are going to have the opportunity to meet with their mentors after the conclusion of the group meeting. Going forward, participants will be meeting with their mentors separate from the group times.


Go around and have everyone (including mentors) share their name, some basics about their family (if they are married, have kids, etc.), and how they heard about and/or got connected to the study. Other things you could ask people to share might be where they grew up, where they went to college, or how they are connected to the church (if applicable). Encourage people to keep their sharing to 1-2 minutes per person.


Pass out a schedule of the dates and times for all group meetings (see page 19 for our recommendation).


Review the Group Expectations (see pages 15-16), and pass copies out to group members if you desire. It’s important to discuss these expectations very clearly, as your first meeting will set the tone for the rest of your time together.


Pass out and review the Keys to Freedom Pact (provided on page 31). Ask group members to sign and return the pact to you before they leave the meeting.

VIDEO Watch the “Setting the Stage” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Ask: How did your first week of study go? What was it like to begin this study? Was it challenging? Exciting? Scary? Etc. Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Review the analogy of the tree. Remind group members what the branches, trunk, and roots represent.

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage


Ask: On Study Guide page 15, you were encouraged to identify 2-3 of the branches and roots of your own life. Is anyone willing to share anything that they identified?

Ask: Can anyone share an example of a time when you personally spent time, energy, and/or resources trying to “fix a branch” in your own life only to realize that it was not creating lasting change and wearing you out? About this Study 7 3.

Day 2 Discussion Question: Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 1. Read Matthew 12:33-35 as a group, and ask: How does this Scripture relate to the tree analogy? Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage Day 3 Discussion Question:


Week KeyOn 1: Day Committing and Connecting to Christ 1. 2 –Ask: 3, we learned about theFully different ways that God29can communicate with His children. How does the Lord typically communicate with you personally? (It may or may not be one of the specific ways listed the2:study.) Week 3 –inKey Renewing Your Mind 47 Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive Day 4 Discussion Question:


1. Ask: On Day 4, we learned about some ways to confirm whether or not what we hear is from God. Would Week 5 –anyone Key 4: Healing Life’s 75the end of Day 4, and if/how you were able to be willing to Hurts share what you heard from the Lord at confirm that what you heard was from Him? Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Day 5 Discussion Question: Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107 1. Ask: On Study Guide page 24, you were asked: What are some of the branches of behavior that you would like to address during this study? How will you know when they have been addressed? What might change Week 8 –inKey Maintaining Lifelong Freedom you7:and your life due to this? Is anyone willing to share 119 your response to this question? Conclusion



Commitment Freedom 139 1. Share to that their homework this week will be on the key of “Committing and Connecting to Christ.” They will have five days of homework on which they will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your availability the upcoming week if they have141 questions or prayer needs. Appendix A – specific Who I am in Christfor Statements Appendix B –everyone Faulty Beliefs and 143would like to receive from God through this 2. Ask to think of Personalised one word thatTruths represents what they Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 study (e.g., healing, joy, peace, freedom, life). Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 3. During your prayer time, go around the room, and ask everyone to simply say their word out loud.


When the last person states their word, close in prayer: Thank you, Father, that Your plans for us over the coming weeks are beyond what we could even ask

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage

or imagine right now. Thank You that You have made it possible for us to live in complete freedom and wholeness! We pray that Your Holy Spirit would infuse each page and each group meeting with Your truth, healing, power, and revelation. Protect each of us from the plans and schemes of the enemy as we work through this study. Give us courage and wisdom to know how to practically apply each key to the rest of our lives. Thank You in advance for all that You are going to do through these next few weeks together. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 5.

If your group is incorporating Mentor Relationships: Dismiss group members to their introductory meeting with their mentors. Let mentors and group members know that they are dismissed once their meeting time has ended.

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Initial Meeting: Introduction and Setting the Stage

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction. About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


space below pray for your group members as they Week 3 –Use Keythe 2: Renewing YourtoMind 47study “Committing and Connecting to Christ” throughout this coming week. Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them through this week’s study. Pray that each group member would make the choice to fully commit and Week 4 –connect Key 3: Choosing 61 needs at the group meeting, or who seem to Jesus.toIfForgive there are any individuals who shared prayer to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well. Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


Conclusion 137 Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s group meeting. Since this was the first group meeting, you may want to confirm their plans to be part of the study. Ask them if they have any questions and/ Commitment Freedom or prayer needstofor this coming week. Encourage them and pray for 139 them. Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 If incorporating Mentor Relationships: Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 Contact each of the mentors this week to find out how their initial meetings went with their group participants. Ask Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs. Encourage them and pray for them. Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150

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Keys To Freedom Pact3 Every life is unique; therefore, every person’s pain and struggle is unique. The issues that I am overcoming and any pain associated with them cannot be compared to those of another. Full commitment is required to discover the freedom that I desire. Therefore, I will commit to completing each week’s study prior to the group meetings. I will also make all group meetings a priority to attend. I will fully participate in group meetings, whether it be verbally and/or mentally and emotionally. I will be honest with my group, my group leader, my God, and myself. I cannot appropriately apply God’s truth that will set me free unless I am honest. I will not repeat anything I hear about someone else’s life. I will not give any judgment, criticism, or evaluation of another person. Each person should be able to communicate his or her own thoughts and feelings without interruption or judgment. I will choose to look forward to this time with expectancy and hope for what God desires to do in me during this study.

Signature Date


To copy and distribute to group members

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ

Key 1:

Committing and Connecting to Christ BEFORE YOU MEET In the homework for Key 2, participants will be asked to make truth statement cards. You may want to consider bringing index cards (approximately 6 per person) to hand out at the end of this week’s group meeting for their Key 2 homework. Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Matthew 23:27

Hebrews 12:2

Philippians 1:6

1 John 4:4

Use the space below to reflect on how you came to commit your life to Christ. (We will encourage you to briefly share this story in your group meeting this week.)

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ

How has your personal connection to Christ impacted your own journey to freedom?

About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3some – Keytime 2: Renewing Mind and let Him fill you with His love47 Spend in God’s Your presence, and power as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following: Week 4 –• KeyAsk 3: Choosing Forgive 61 group members, and your group meeting the Lordtowhat is on His heart for you personally, your this week. Week 5 –• KeyPray 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75and minds to receive all that He has for them for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts through this week’s group discussion. Week 6 –• KeyPray 5: Breaking Patterns 93heart and mind today. for any Generational other burdens that might be heavy on your Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ


Greet everyone, and open your group time with prayer.


Re-introduce yourself by name in case anyone forgot your name. Share a little about your week to connect with them, so they can continue to get to know you.


Ice Breaker: Go around the group, and have everyone re-share their name and a fun or funny detail, such as their favorite cartoon when they were a kid or their dream vacation destination. Be creative! The idea is just to “break the ice” and get them talking.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during their journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous week’s study that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Committing and Connecting to Christ” video together.


Read Deuteronomy 30:19 as a group, and ask: What do you think it means to “choose life”?


Briefly (3 minutes or less) share your personal story of how you came to commit your life to Christ. This not only allows your group to know you on a more personal level but also sets the stage for openness and transparency in the group discussion.

Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: Did anyone make a decision this week to commit your life to Christ for the first time? If so, let’s celebrate!


If anyone confirms that they committed their life to Christ for the first time, ask: Will you share what brought you to that place of commitment?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Read Matthew 19:16-26 as a group.


Review the analogy of riding a bike with training wheels (“artificial stabilizers”) and how it relates to the story in Matthew 19.

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ


Ask: On Study Guide page 33, you were asked: “Do you believe God has your complete and total commitment? If not, ask the Lord to show you the biggest hindrances in your life that are keeping you from total commitment.” Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?

Day 3 Discussion Questions: About this Study 7 1. Review the concept of Trap #1 with the group. Ask: Has anyone personally struggled with this trap? If so, would you be willing to share about it? Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 2. Read Hebrews 12:2 and Philippians 1:6 as a group. Ask: What do these Scriptures tell you about your personal journey to freedom? Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 Day 4 Discussion Questions: and Connecting Fully to Christ Week 2 – Key 1: Committing 29 1. Review the concept of Trap #2 with the group. Ask: Has anyone personally struggled with this trap? If so, be willing share about it? Week 3 –would Key 2:you Renewing Yourto Mind 47 Review the concept of Trap #3 with the group. Ask: Has anyone personally struggled with this trap? If so, be willing to share about it? Week 4 –would Key 3:you Choosing to Forgive 61 2.

Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts Day 5 Discussion Questions:


1. Ask: Was the teaching on Authority in Christ new for anyone? Did anyone learn something about your Week 6 –authority Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 as a believer that you did not know prior to this week? 2. Ask: Does anyone have any questions or areas of confusion around the concept of our authority in Christ? Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107 3. Read 1 John 3:8 as a group. Ask: If Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy, what does that mean for your life today? Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 4. Read 1 John 4:4 as a group. Ask: If this Scripture is true, how do you think it might affect the way you work through the keys to freedom in this study? How does it affect your own journey to freedom? Conclusion 137 5. Ask: On Study Guide page 41, you were asked: “What decrees (not just prayers) could you begin to declare over your life in order to demand from the enemy what is yours?” Would anyone be willing to share your Commitment to Freedom 139 response? Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements

141 143 1. Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148their homework for the next group meeting will be on the key of “Renewing the Mind”. They will have five Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150days of homework in which they will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability until the next group meeting if they have questions or prayer needs. NOTE: If you are incorporating Mentor Relationships, the group will not be meeting again until two weeks from now as mentor meetings will be taking place next week.

WRAP-UP Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ


If you brought index cards for the group members’ Key 2 homework, pass them out at this time.


Close in prayer: Father, thank You for Jesus. Thank You that because of what He has done, we have the opportunity to know You and connect with You personally. We choose to be committed to You, and we know that through this commitment we are guarding our future freedom. Thank You for hope restored. Thank You that You are our friend, Jesus. With You, we will never be lonely again. Thank You that we never outgrow our need for You. You are a good, good Father. We submit our lives to You, Holy Spirit, all over again. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Key 1: Committing and Connecting to Christ

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord, and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction. About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ 29 Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Renewing the Mind.” Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them through their study on this key. Pray that Week 3 –the KeyLord 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 they have believed that have resulted in the would reveal to each group member the specific lies various areas of struggle in their lives. If there are any individuals who shared prayer needs at the group or who to seem to be particularly struggling, use this61space to pray for them as well. Week 4 –meeting, Key 3: Choosing Forgive Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, Did anyone in7: your group share about a specific prayer need or area consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Conclusion 137 Commitment to Freedom 139 group meeting. Ask them if they have any Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them. Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 If incorporating Mentor Relationships: Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 Mentors will be meeting next week with their designated group participants to further discuss the principles in Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources “Committing and Connecting to Christ.” At the end of next week, we150 encourage you to contact each of the mentors

to find out how their meetings went with their group participants. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs. Encourage them and pray for them.

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Key 2: Renewing the Mind

Key 2:

Renewing the Mind BEFORE YOU MEET A day or two before this week’s group meeting, send out a reminder to group members about bringing the scripture cards they make on Days 4 and 5 of this week’s study. Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

2 Corinthians 10:5

Philippians 4:8

John 8:31-32

Psalm 1:1-2

How has the process of renewing the mind impacted your own journey to freedom?

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Key 2: Renewing the Mind

What is one of the most significant lies that you have personally overcome in your life through the power and truth of the Word of God? What truth do you carry now in place of that lie?

About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. space below to reflect on any of the following: Week 4 –Use Keythe 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 • Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting week. Life’s Hurts Week 5 – Keythis 4: Healing 75 • Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them thisGenerational week’s group discussion. Week 6 – Keythrough 5: Breaking Patterns 93 • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107 Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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Key 2: Renewing the Mind


Greet everyone and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during their journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Renewing the Mind” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

As a group, review the trail analogy and the concepts of neurological pathways and neuroplasticity discussed on Study Guide page 44.


Read Romans 12:2 as a group. Ask: How does this Scripture support the trail analogy and the neuroplasticity of our brain?


Ask: What does it mean to renew your mind, and why do you think it’s so important for us to renew our minds on a regular/daily basis?


Review the people pleasing example on Study Guide page 45. Ask: Does anyone have any questions or thoughts about the role of thought patterns in the tree analogy?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: What stood out to you and/or impacted you most about the dream that Arianna had on Study Guide page 46?


Ask: We learned on Day 2 that your thoughts are a choice. Do you find this concept to be challenging or freeing?


Read 2 Corinthians 10:5 as a group. Ask: On Study Guide page 47, you were asked how you can begin to take ownership over your thoughts. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?


Ask: On Study Guide page 47, you were asked if there is anyone sitting at your “table” who needs to have their invitation revoked. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?

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Key 2: Renewing the Mind

Day 3 Discussion Questions: 1.

Read John 8:31-32 as a group. Ask: How do you think knowing the truth sets you free?


Read Psalm 1:1-2 as a group. Ask: What do you think it means to meditate on God’s Word? How will it help?

Ask: On Study Guide page 50, you were asked if you are currently immersing yourself in Scripture and what things you could do to make space in your life for more of7God’s Word. Would anyone be willing to share About this Study your response to this question? 3.

Equipped for Rough Terrain Day 4 Discussion Questions:


Week Introduction: Settingpage the Stage 1. 1 –Ask: On Study Guide 51, you were asked to list some 11 of the common phrases you say or think about yourself. What are some of the phrases you wrote down? Week Key 1: and Connecting to Guide Christ page 52. Go 29 around the circle, and have everyone who is 2. 2 –Refer toCommitting the truth cards exercise onFully Study willing to share read one or two of the scriptures they wrote. Also, ask if they would be willing to share the lieYour the scriptures were chosen to address. 47 Week 3 –corresponding Key 2: Renewing Mind Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive Day 5 Discussion Questions:


1. Refer to Study Guide page 53 under “Personalize It.” Ask: Did anyone experience the Holy Spirit personalizing Week 5 –aKey 4: Healing Life’simmediate Hurts 75 be willing to share your experience? scripture to your circumstance? If so, would you 2. Ask: You were asked on this day to vocalize truth out loud. Was this new for anyone? If so, how did it make Week 6 –you Keyfeel? 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 If it wasn’t new, do you have a testimony of how speaking Scripture aloud has helped you in the past? Week KeyAs 6: you Usingbegan Your Authority in your Christthoughts this week and107 3. 7 –Ask: to choose line them up with God’s Word, what did you experience? Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


WRAP-UP Conclusion

137 Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that their homework for the next group meeting will be on the key of “Healing Life’s Hurts”. They will have five days of homework on which they will need to Commitment to Freedom 139 spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability until the next group meeting if they have questions or prayer needs. Appendix A – Who I am Christ Statements 141 will not be meeting again until two weeks NOTE: If you areinincorporating Mentor Relationships, the group from as Beliefs mentorand meetings will be taking place next week. Appendix B – now Faulty Personalised Truths 143 Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 2. Close in prayer: Lord, thank You for giving us free Resources will and the power to choose. Appendix D – Additional Recommended 150 Help us daily to renew our minds to think like You think. We give You permission to continue to highlight any false beliefs we have about You, ourselves, and others. Continue to heal us from the inside out each week. We love You, Jesus. Amen.


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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 2: Renewing the Mind

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction.

Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Healing Life’s Hurts.” Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them through their study of this key. Pray that the Lord would reveal to each group member what specific hurt(s) have contributed to the areas of struggle in their lives today. If there are any individuals who shared prayer needs at the group meeting or who seem to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well.

Did anyone in your group share about a specific prayer need or area of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s group meeting. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them.

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Key 2: Renewing the Mind

*NOTE: If there are members who have not yet attended a group meeting at this point, we encourage you to ask them to consider joining a future group when they are able to attend group meetings more consistently. The Keys to Freedom groups are most effective when group members are committed to regular attendance from the beginning. If incorporating Mentor Relationships: About this Study 7 Mentors will be meeting next week with their designated group participants to further discuss the principles in “Renewing the Mind.” At the end of next week, we encourage you to contact each of the mentors to find out how their Equippedwent for Rough Terrain meetings with their group participants. Ask them if they have 9any questions and/or prayer needs. Encourage them and pray for them. Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts

Key 3:

Healing Life’s Hurts BEFORE YOU MEET Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Psalm 142:1-2

Psalm 91:4

Isaiah 53:5

Matthew 11:28

How has the process of healing life’s hurts impacted your own journey to freedom?

What is one of the most significant hurts in your life that the Lord has healed?

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Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts

Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following: •

Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting this week.

• Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them About this Study 7 through this week’s group discussion. • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts


Greet everyone and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during their journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Healing Life’s Hurts” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Reference Study Guide page 58. Ask: Why do you think suffering deep hurts has such a strong effect on our decisions?


Ask: On Study Guide page 58, you were asked how it makes you feel to think about going back and facing past hurts. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?


Ask: Can you think of some people in your life who you could prayerfully process hurts with?


Read Psalm 142:1-2 as a group. Ask: How is God the ultimate Counselor and “prayer partner” with whom to process your hurts?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Read Isaiah 61:1-3 as a group. Ask: On Study Guide page 61, you were asked: “Do you honestly believe that God can take the hurts of your past and give you beauty, gladness, and praise in their place? Do you feel like you can trust Him with your hurts? Why or why not?” Is anyone willing to share your response to these questions?


Ask: On Study Guide page 62, you were asked how the hurts you’ve experienced have expressed themselves. Is anyone willing to share your response to this question?


Ask: What are some ways you can express your feelings that are not hurtful to you or anyone else? You may want to lead by example and share how you personally express your feelings (e.g. journaling, praying, crying, writing songs).

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Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts

Days 3 & 4 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: On Days 3 and 4, we spent time processing a hurt with the Lord. What did you think about the concept of asking God what hurt He wants to heal in you?

Ask: Would anyone be willing to share what that experience was like for you? What benefits did you receive? What was difficult about the process? About this Study 7 could ask: If you are having a difficult time getting anyone to share, you 2.

a. Would anyone be willing to share specifically what you heard from the Lord during that time? Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 b. Did anyone identify a lie that they had believed as a result of their hurt? 3. 1 –Ask: Did you find the prayer model on Study Guide pages 65-66 Week Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 to be helpful? Why or why not? Week 2 – Key 1: Committing Day 5 Discussion Questions: and Connecting Fully to Christ


1. Ask: On Study Guide page 67, you were asked what life would look like once you are healed of the hurts Week 3 –that Keyyou 2: Renewing Youranyone Mind be willing to share your thoughts? 47 Did the Lord give you a word or picture that feel. Would represents what life would look like on the other side of healing? Week Key 3: Choosing Forgive time by reading Psalm 18:2 together. 61 2. 4 –Close your grouptodiscussion Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts



1. 6 –Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that Week Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 their homework for the next group meeting will be on the key of “Choosing to Forgive”. They will have five days of homework on which they will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability until the next group meeting Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107 if they have questions or prayer needs. NOTE: If you are incorporating Mentor Relationships, the group will not be meeting again until two weeks Week 8 –from Key now 7: Maintaining Freedom 119 as mentorLifelong meetings will be taking place next week. 2. Close in prayer: Conclusion Father, thank You for giving us a tool to use so that we can137 prayerfully process our hurts with You. Thank You that You hear us as we pour out our hearts, pains, joys, disappointments, tears, and celebrations with You. Please teach us how to live free from the pain of our pasts Commitment to Freedom 139and to walk in the joy of Your presence. Help us to lay down our burdens at Your feet and to grab on tightly to the promises of Your Word. Empower us to move forward into the good plans You have for our lives and enable each person to confidently step into Appendix A –unique Who Idestiny am in Christ Statements 141 Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. the and calling You have for them. We love You, Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction.

Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Choosing to Forgive.” Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them through their study of this key. Pray that the Lord would give them revelation on any people in their lives who they need to forgive, and pray that they would make the choice to forgive. If there are any individuals who shared prayer needs at the group meeting, or who seem to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well.

Did anyone in your group share about a specific prayer need or area of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s group meeting. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them.

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Key 3: Healing Life’s Hurts

*NOTE: Again, if there are members who are consistently absent from group meetings, we encourage you to ask them to consider joining a future group when they are able to attend the meetings more consistently. The Keys to Freedom groups are most effective when group members are committed to regular attendance. If incorporating Mentor Relationships: About this Study 7 Mentors will be meeting next week with their designated group participants to further discuss the principles in “Healing Life’s Hurts.” At the end of next week, we encourage you to contact each of the mentors to find out how their Equippedwent for Rough Terrain meetings with their group participants. Ask them if they have 9any questions and/or prayer needs. Encourage them and pray for them. Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 4: Choosing to Forgive

Key 4:

Choosing to Forgive BEFORE YOU MEET Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Matthew 5:44-45

Psalm 103:12

Romans 12:17-21

Colossians 3:13

How has the process of choosing to forgive impacted your own journey to freedom?

Who is someone in your life you have had to choose to forgive? In what ways has the Lord empowered and blessed that decision?

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2/14/17 8:03 PM

Key 4: Choosing to Forgive

Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power, as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following: •

Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting this week.

• Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them About this Study 7 through this week’s group discussion. • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 4: Choosing to Forgive


Greet everyone and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during his or her journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Choosing to Forgive” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Review the analogy of the pearl from Study Guide page 72 with the group.


Ask: Has anyone ever personally experienced unforgiveness having a significant effect on their inner peace, joy, etc? If so, would you be willing to share?


Refer to Study Guide page 73. Ask: Was there one of these four Scriptures that specifically stood out to you? Why? (If you need to review, you might assign each Scripture to four different group members to read aloud.)


Ask: What has your perception of forgiveness been in the past? If the group is having a hard time responding to this question, you could give more leading questions such as: For example, have you seen it as a cruel or unfair commandment that God requires of us? Or have you seen it as a key that the Lord has given for our freedom?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: Was the concept of holding unforgiveness towards God new to you? If so, what did you think about it?


Read John 10:10 as a group. Ask: Based on this Scripture, what is God’s plan for you? What is the enemy’s plan for you?


Refer to Study Guide page 74. Ask: Would anyone be willing to share if you are personally struggling with holding a grudge against God for something that’s happened in your life?


Refer to Study Guide page 75. Ask: Would anyone be willing to share about the picture you had that represents the way you see God right now and your physical and emotional posture toward Him?

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Key 4: Choosing to Forgive


Ask: On Study Guide page 76, we read: “God is never bad. The enemy is never good.” Do you have a difficult time truly believing one (or both) of these statements? If so, explain.

Day 3 Discussion Questions: 1. this Read Psalm 103:12 as a group. Ask: Why is it hard to forgive 7ourselves for our sins, even if we have accepted About Study God’s forgiveness? 2. Refer to StudyTerrain Guide page 77. Ask: Why do you think the enemy Equipped for Rough 9 wants to keep us from forgiving ourselves? 3. Ask: On Study Guide page 77, you were asked if there is an area where you have not fully forgiven yourself. anyone be willing share if you thought of an area11 in your own life? Week 1 –Would Introduction: Setting the to Stage Week 2 – Key 1: Committing Day 4 Discussion Questions: and Connecting Fully to Christ


1. Review the first obstacle to forgiveness: “If I forgive, I am saying that what happened was okay.” Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 a. Ask: On Study Guide page 78, we learned that forgiveness hands over the desire for revenge to the Lord and trusts Him to be the God of justice. Have you been on the giving or receiving end of revenge? Week 4 – KeyHow 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 did it feel in the end? b. Ask: What is your response to God being your vindicator? Do you truly trust God to bring justice? Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 c. Ask: We also learned that we are not expected to blindly trust someone who has hurt us, and that forgiveness doesn’t mean reconciliation when the other person is unrepentant, unchanging, or Week 6 – Keyunsafe. 5: Breaking Patterns DoesGenerational anyone have an example from your own93life where you have experienced one of these things? How did you handle them? Week Key 6: the Using Your Authority“I in 107 2. 7 –Review next obstacle: willChrist never be able to forget what happened, so I can’t forgive it.”

a. Ask: Has anyone personally struggled with this obstacle? Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 b. Ask: Does anyone have any questions or thoughts on this obstacle? 3. Review the next obstacle: “I don’t feel like forgiving.” Conclusion 137 a. Ask: By show of hands, how many people have held forgiveness back because they did not feel like it? b. Ask: Have you ever been able to choose to forgive someone Commitment to Freedom 139 in the past despite what your feelings may have been telling you to do? If so, can you describe that experience? c. A –Ask: were reminded on Study Guide page 80 that 141 as you continually make the choice to forgive, Appendix WhoWe I am in Christ Statements the Lord will honor your obedience, and your feelings will Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 shift over time. Has anyone had a personal experience where they found this to be true? Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 4. Review the next obstacle: “I can’t forgive until the person who Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150hurt me apologizes.” a. Ask: Has anyone personally struggled with this obstacle? b.

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Ask: Has there ever been someone who hurt you that never apologized and is now no longer in your life? If so, what has the experience of forgiving (or not forgiving) them been like?

Leader Guide

2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 4: Choosing to Forgive

Day 5 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: On this day, you were asked to identify someone who hurt you and then were asked to pray a prayer of forgiveness for them. Is anyone willing to share anything about your experience as you did this exercise? Was it difficult? How did you feel afterward?


Ask: Even if you did not choose to forgive someone, did anyone experience righteousness, peace, joy, or empowerment when you laid your offenses down at the feet of Jesus? If so, will you share a little about your experience?


Close your group discussion by reading Romans 12:17-21 together.


Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that their homework for the next group meeting will be on the key of “Breaking Generational Patterns”. They will have five days of homework on which they will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability until the next group meeting if they have questions or prayer needs. NOTE: If you are incorporating Mentor Relationships, the group will not be meeting again until two weeks from now as mentor meetings will be taking place next week.


Close in prayer: Father, thank You that we have the privilege to choose to forgive others despite our feelings. Help each of us when we choose to forgive to operate in Your wisdom from above which is first of all pure and then peaceable. Enable us by Your Spirit to know what healthy forgiveness is and is not. By faith, we choose to repent and receive forgiveness for all of our sins and shortcomings, Lord. Empower us by Your Spirit to choose righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit daily. By faith, we choose to forgive ourselves and anyone near or far who has harmed us. Give us wisdom in how to navigate these relationships from this point forward, surround us with Godly counsel, enable us to walk out forgiveness, by choosing to live by what Your Word says, and teach us how to pray for our enemies. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Key 4: Choosing to Forgive

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction. About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Breaking Generational Patterns.” Week 2 –Pray Key for 1: Committing Connecting Fullyand to Christ 29 all that He has for them through their study the Lord toand open their hearts minds to receive of this key. Pray that He would reveal to each person any patterns that have been passed down through need to break. If there are any individuals who shared prayer needs at the group Week 3 –the Keygenerations 2: Renewingthat Yourthey Mind 47 meeting or who seem to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well. Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key Maintaining Lifelong Freedom 119 of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, Did anyone in7: your group share about a specific prayer need or area consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Conclusion 137 Commitment to Freedom 139 group meeting. Ask them if they have any Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them. Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 If incorporating Mentor Relationships: Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 Mentors will be meeting next week with their designated group participants to further discuss the principles in Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 each of the mentors to find out how their “Choosing to Forgive.” At the end of next week, we encourage you to contact

meetings went with their group participants. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs. Encourage them and pray for them.

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2/14/17 8:03 PM


Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns

Key 5:

Breaking Generational Patterns BEFORE YOU MEET Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Galatians 4:4-7

1 John 4:4

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Psalm 22:30-31

How has the process of breaking generational patterns impacted your own journey to freedom?

Is there a specific generational pattern in your own family that you’ve chosen to stand in the gap to break?

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2/14/17 8:04 PM

Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns

Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following: •

Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting this week.

• Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them About this Study 7 through this week’s group discussion. • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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2/14/17 8:04 PM


Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Greet everyone, and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during his or her journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Breaking Generational Patterns” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: On Study Guide pages 86-87, we learned about how we have a new bloodline because of Jesus, and this bloodline is what gives us the power to break negative generational patterns. Was this a new concept for anyone? Did anyone have questions about it?


Read Galatians 4:4-7 as a group. Refer to Study Guide page 87. Ask: What does this Scripture tell you about your position in God’s family?


Read 1 John 4:4 as a group. Ask: How does this verse relate to the topic of generational patterns?


Ask: Freedom is an inheritance from the bloodline of Christ. What are some other things you have inherited from being in the family of Jesus?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: Did anyone come to a realization that some of the struggles and cycles of sin in your life may be related to a generational pattern in your family? If so, what emotions did you experience when you came to this realization?


Ask: On Study Guide page 89, you were prompted to ask the Lord to reveal one negative pattern from your family line. Would anyone be willing to share the pattern they identified? How has this pattern affected you and/or others in your family? Do you see the pattern appearing in your own life?

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Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns

Day 3 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: On Study Guide page 91, you were asked what choices you can make to change the negative generational patterns in your family. Is anyone willing to share your response to this question?


Ask: Has anyone experienced the power of breaking generational patterns firsthand?

3. this Ask: On Study Guide page 92, you were asked to pray to7break the generational pattern that you had About Study identified. You were then prompted to ask the Lord about your next steps and how to practically step into the battle. Did anyone receive anything from the Lord that you would be willing to share? Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Day 4 Discussion Questions: Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 1. Ask: On Study Guide page 94, you were prompted to ask the Lord to reveal the positive patterns that exist your Whatand were some of the Week 2 –inKey 1: family. Committing Connecting Fullypatterns to Christyou identified? 29 2.

Ask: How can you partner with God to make these generational blessings even more powerful in your life?

Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Day 5 Discussion Questions: Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 1. Read Deuteronomy 4:9 and Psalm 22:30-31 as a group. Refer to Study Guide page 95. Ask: What do these Scriptures say about our responsibility to future generations? Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 2. Ask: On Study Guide page 95, you were asked what legacy you want to pass on to the generations after you and how you hope they describe you and your influence on them. Is anyone willing to share your response Week 6 –toKey Breaking Generational Patterns 93 this5:question? 3. Refer to Study Guide page 97. Ask: What can you begin doing today to leave the legacy you desire to leave? Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ 107

WRAP-UP Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom

119 1. Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that their homework for the next group meeting will be on the key of “Choosing Freedom Over Oppression”. They will have five days of homework in which they Conclusion 137 will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability for the upcoming week if they have questions or prayer needs. Commitment to Freedom 139 NOTE: If you are incorporating Mentor Relationships, be sure that the group is aware that there will NOT be any mentor meetings this week. Therefore, the group will be meeting one week from now. Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 2. Close in prayer: Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Lord, thank You for giving us a new bloodline that is stronger 143 and more powerful than our earthly bloodlines. Appendix – Daily Declarations 148have given to us. But we also thank You for WeCthank You for the good, positive things that our families bringing light to those patterns in our families for which you150 want us to stand in the gap and stop. We ask Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources that You would continue to show us the practical steps that You desire us to take as we put an end to those negative patterns but also as we replace those things with blessings. We desire to leave legacies of love, freedom, and wholeness for future generations, so we thank You for empowering us to walk in these things, and we thank You for pouring out Your abundant blessings on our families. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction.

Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Choosing Freedom Over Oppression.” Pray for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them through their study of this key. Pray that He would show each person how they can practically walk in their authority as His child and overcome any areas of pressure that they are experiencing in their lives. If there are any individuals who shared prayer needs at the group meeting or who seem to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well.

Did anyone in your group share about a specific prayer need or area of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s group meeting. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them.

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About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression

Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression BEFORE YOU MEET During the final week of study, group members will be studying the importance of having vision for their lives. They will have an Optional Homework assignment (details at the end of this week’s group meeting outline), where group members will create a vision board. If you choose to do this optional homework, consider having a poster board available for each group member to take home at the end of this week’s group meeting. Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Psalm 9:9-10

James 4:7

Ephesians 4:27

Ephesians 6:11-18

How has the process of choosing freedom over oppression impacted your own journey to freedom?

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression

What is one area of pressure in your life that you’ve had to proactively break?

About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Spend some time in God’s presence and let Him fill you with His love and power as you prepare for this week’s group meeting. space below reflect on any of the following: Week 3 –Use Keythe 2: Renewing Your to Mind 47 • Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members, and your group meeting week. to Forgive Week 4 – Keythis 3: Choosing 61 • Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them thisLife’s week’s group discussion. Week 5 – Keythrough 4: Healing Hurts 75 • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression


Greet everyone, and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during their journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Choosing Freedom Over Oppression” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: This week we learned that oppression is slavery to habits, addictions, thought patterns, and even unhealthy relationships. Was this a new concept for anyone?


Ask: On Study Guide page 102, you were prompted to ask God if there is any area of oppression in your life. Would anyone be willing to share what He showed you?

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: Does anyone have any confusion or questions about what an unhealthy emotional attachment is?


Ask: We learned on Day 2 that there can also be godly, healthy emotional attachments in our lives. What are some of the healthy ties that you have in your life?


Ask: On Study Guide page 104, you were prompted to ask the Lord if there is anyone in your life with whom you have an unhealthy emotional attachment. Would anyone be willing to share if the Lord revealed anything to you?

Day 3 Discussion Questions: 1.

Ask: On Study Guide page 105, you were asked to refer back to the area of oppression that the Lord revealed to you on Day 1 and ask if there were any areas of sin for which you were responsible or any areas of forgiveness that need to be addressed. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?


Read James 4:7 as a group. Ask: What does it practically look like to submit to God on a daily basis?

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression


Ask: On Study Guide page 106, you were asked if there are any changes and/or boundaries that you need to add to your life to avoid temptation. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?

Day 4 Discussion Questions: About this Study 7 1. Read Colossians 2:15 as a group. Ask: How is it that we as believers have the power to overcome the enemy? Equipped forWhat Rough 9 over the enemy in your life? 2. Ask: doTerrain you expect to happen when you take authority Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage Day 5 Discussion Questions:


Week KeyOn 1: Study Committing Connecting Fully asked to Christ 1. 2 –Ask: Guideand page 110, you were to review the29 ways that you can confirm the Lord is speaking to you. What are those ways? Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 2. Refer to Study Guide page 110. Ask: Is there anything else you have learned about the way He confirms what He reveals? Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 3. Ask: What is the fruit that one might experience when God is speaking to them? Week KeyWhat 4: Healing Life’s specific Hurts things someone might experience 75 when the enemy is speaking to them? 4. 5 –Ask: are some

5. 6 –Refer toBreaking Study Guide page 111. Ask: Can you think of a time93in your life when you felt that the enemy was Week Key 5: Generational Patterns speaking to you? How did you recognize that it was him speaking? Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


WRAP-UP Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


1. Encourage the group that they are doing great! Explain that their homework for the next group meeting Conclusion will be on the key of “Maintaining Lifelong Freedom”. They137 will have five days of homework in which they will need to spend about 15-20 minutes per day. Let them know your specific availability for the upcoming week iftothey have questions or prayer needs. Commitment Freedom 139 NOTE: If you are incorporating Mentor Relationships, be sure that the group is aware that there will NOT be any mentor meetings this week. Therefore, the group will be meeting one week from now. Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 2. OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENT FOR KEY 7: During Appendix B – FaultyHOMEWORK Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143this week’s study, the group will be learning about the importance of having vision for their life. You may consider having your group members create Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 a vision board along with their Key 7 homework. If you choose to do this optional homework as a group, Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 on it, glue on photos, articles, quotes, etc., ask group members to take a piece of poster board, and write that speak to and inspire them in the pursuit of their dreams and God-given vision. Encourage the group to bring their vision boards to the next group meeting. If you brought poster boards for your group members, hand them out as group members leave.

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression


Close in prayer: Father, thank You that it is for freedom’s sake that Christ set us free. Thank You for choice. Thank You that we can choose to love You, and we can choose to live a life free from life-controlling sin and bondage. Thank You for giving us peace that is active – a peace that fights to maintain its ground. God, help us this week as we continue to choose freedom from oppression and as we learn to live out all of these principles in our lives. Enable us to readily recognize and resist the voice of the enemy. We are so thankful for You and Your love, Lord. In Christ’s Name. Amen.

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Key 6: Choosing Freedom Over Oppression

AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to talk to the Lord and reflect on the group meeting – what went well and/or areas where the group might have struggled. Give Him time and space to give you His perspective and His guidance on any areas where you need direction. About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 Use the space below to pray for your group members as they study “Maintaining Lifelong Freedom.” Pray the to open their hearts and minds to receive all that Week 4 –for Key 3:Lord Choosing to Forgive 61 He has for them through their study of this key. Pray that He would reveal to each person the practical things they can implement into their lives so that they can walk in daily freedom. Pray that He would open their eyes to the vision and purposes that He Week 5 –has Keyuniquely 4: Healing Life’s Hurts planned for them. If there are any individuals 75 who shared prayer needs at the group meeting or who seem to be particularly struggling, use this space to pray for them as well. Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns 93 Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements 141 Did anyoneBin your group share a specific prayer need or area Appendix – Faulty Beliefs andabout Personalised Truths 143 of struggle in the meeting this week? If so, consider how you could encourage them at some point in this upcoming week. You might send them an encouraging Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 word or scripture, call them to pray for them, send them a note in the mail, etc. Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150

Contact any group members who may not have shown up to this week’s group meeting. Ask them if they have any questions and/or prayer needs for this coming week. Encourage them and pray for them.

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Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom

Key 7:

Maintaining Lifelong Freedom BEFORE YOU MEET Use the space below to meditate and reflect on this week’s key scriptures: •

Philippians 4:6-7

Hebrews 10:24-25

John 15:5

2 Corinthians 3:18

What are some of the practical things that you’ve incorporated into your daily life to help you continually walk in freedom?

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Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom

Spend some time in God’s presence, and let Him fill you with His love and power, as you prepare for your last group meeting. Use the space below to reflect on any of the following... •

Ask the Lord what is on His heart for you personally, your group members and/or your group meeting this week.

• Pray for your group and for the Lord to open their hearts and minds to receive all that He has for them About this Study 7 through this week’s group discussion. • Pray for any other burdens that might be heavy on your heart and mind today. Equipped for Rough Terrain 9 Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

Thoroughly review the discussion questions in this week’s Group Meeting Outline, and make note of the questions that you want to be sure to cover in your group time, as you may not have time to cover them all.

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Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


Greet everyone and open your group time in prayer.


Ask if anyone heard something from the Lord during his or her journal time this week or had anything come up relating to the previous weeks’ studies that they would like to share.

VIDEO Watch the “Maintaining Lifelong Freedom” video together.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Day 1 Discussion Questions: 1.

Read Ephesians 6:18 and Philippians 4:6-7 as a group. Ask: What are some practical things that you can do to grow in your prayer life?


Read Matthew 4:4 as a group. Ask: What are some practical things you can do to incorporate more of God’s Word into your daily life?


Read Hebrews 10:24-25 as a group. Ask: What steps can you take to start experiencing a more meaningful connection in the local church?


Ask: On Study Guide page 115, you were asked if you have any relationships in your life that sharpen you. Would anyone be willing to share your response to this question?


Go around and ask each person to share one of the practical changes they want to make in their own life that they wrote down at the end of Day 1.

Day 2 Discussion Questions: 1.

Read Ephesians 6:11-18 as a group. Ask: Why do you think verse 11 specifies that we should put on the full armor of God?


Ask: On Study Guide page 117, you wrote the spiritual attributes that correspond with each piece of armor, and you asked God to show you why each attribute is so important to your freedom. Which piece of armor stood out to you the most this week? Is there one that you know you need to be more intentional about picking up every day?


Ask: How can you practically pick up the armor of God every day?

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Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom

Day 3 Discussion Questions: 1.

Review the analogy of the seeds and the destiny and purpose we carry from Study Guide pages 118-119 with the group.

2. Ask: On Study Guide page 120, you were asked to list some of the positive and negative factors that have About this Studythe seeds in your life. Would anyone be willing to share 7 affected your response to this question? Equipped for Rough Terrain Day 4 Discussion Questions:


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage 11 1. Ask: On Study Guide page 121, there was a diagram of seeds, and you were asked to write about the passions, areas of anger, and dreams that you see in your life. Would anyone be willing to share what they Week 2 –wrote Key 1:inCommitting and Connecting Fully to Christ 29 any of these seeds? NOTE: If your group did the optional vision board exercise, you may opt to allow group members to share boards as opposed to this question. Week 3 –their Key vision 2: Renewing Your Mind 47

2. Ask: Was there anything that the Lord revealed to you on Day 4 of which you weren’t previously aware? Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 3. Ask: At the end of Day 4, you were prompted to ask the Lord what specific steps He would have you take in cultivating the seeds of purpose in your life. Would anyone be willing to share what He showed you? Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns Day 5 Discussion Questions:


1. 7 –Refer toUsing StudyYour Guide pages in 123-124. Week Key 6: Authority Christ Go around the circle and 107 ask each person to share their response to one of the two questions on those pages. Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


WRAP-UP Conclusion


Congratulate the group for all of their hard work and commitment during this study! Commitment to Freedom 139 1. If you are choosing to do the Optional Wrap-Up Ceremony (see page 75), remind the group that they can bring family andinclose friends as guests to this ceremony. Let Appendix A – Who I am Christ Statements 141them know that they should come prepared to share what God has done in their life through the study. If your group did the optional vision board Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143 exercise, you may consider asking group members to bring their vision boards to show at the ceremony. Appendix – Daily Declarations If Cyou are NOT doing the Optional Wrap-Up Ceremony, 148 go around and ask everyone to share how you Appendix D – Additional Recommended 150 and the other group members canResources best pray for them as they move forward on their journey. (Limit sharing to 1-2 minutes per person.)

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Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom


Close in prayer: Father, thank You for the ways You have moved in our lives over these past weeks. Thank You for the good work that You have started in each of our lives and for being faithful to complete that good work. As this study comes to a close, we commit to taking the keys to freedom in our hands and using them on a daily basis. We anticipate that as we do our part to put these keys to work, You will continue to bring new levels of healing, revelation, and freedom! Thank You for the unique seeds of purpose and destiny that You have placed in each one of our lives. Thank You that no matter what we have experienced or walked through, it is never too late for You to restore life and health to those seeds. We ask that You would continue to breathe Your living breath onto the seeds in our lives, and continue to show us how to partner with You in moving forward in the purposes that You have for each of us. Father, thank You for making all things new! Thank You that our pasts are behind us and that beautiful and full destinies are ahead, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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AFTER YOU MEET Use the space below to reflect on the overall experience of facilitating this Keys to Freedom group. Talk to the Lord about what went well and areas where the group and/or you personally might have struggled. Ask Him to show you His perspective on how the study went and His heart towards you as the group facilitator. About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind 47 Use the space below to pray for your group members as your time together has drawn to a close. Pray the attacks of the enemy as they go from this group Week 4 –against Key 3: Choosing to Forgive 61 study. Pray that the Lord would continue to heal them and reveal truth to them. Thank Him for His faithfulness to complete the good work He has started in each of their lives. Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts 75 Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Send an email or note to each individual group member at some point this week to thank them for being part of the study group. andStatements share ways that you have specifically Appendix A –Encourage Who I amthem, in Christ 141 seen the Lord work in their lives throughout the study. (If you are choosing to do the Optional Closing Session, you Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths 143could consider handing notes to each group member at that session.) Appendix C – Daily Declarations 148 Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources 150 Were there any group members that you believe might be qualified to facilitate a Keys to Freedom study and/or mentor a participant in the future? If so, reach out to those individuals and encourage them to consider mentoring or facilitating the study!

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Optional Wrap-Up Ceremony An optional ending to the Keys to Freedom study is to have a closing session of testimonies and commitments to freedom with your group. You may consider making copies of the Commitment to Freedom (Study Guide page 129) for group members to sign and take with them. You can download a PDF of the Commitment to Freedom at www. Tell your group members in advance that they can bring family and/or close friends as guests for this closing session. You may also choose to serve a meal or dessert, followed by the group sharing. You can tailor this event however you wish, but here is a suggested order of events: 1.

As the group leader, begin your time in prayer by thanking God for all that He has done throughout your group’s time together.


Ask group members to come to the front individually and share what they have learned and/or what God has done in their life through the study. If group members did the optional vision board exercise, they could share their vision boards during this time. NOTE: Depending on how long you have planned for the ceremony, you may decide to place a time limit on individual sharing time.


After an individual has finished sharing, take a couple of minutes to pray over that person.


After all group members have shared and are prayed over, ask them to stand up and read the Commitment to Freedom aloud as a group. Then ask them to each sign the Commitment to Freedom.


You may choose to have some sort of token to give group members as a continual reminder of your time together and the keys to freedom to which they have committed their lives. This could be as small as a handmade bookmark or special coin or something as nice as a piece of jewelry.


If there is time after everyone in the group has shared, you can invite any of the guests in attendance to share words of encouragement to the group member they have come to support.


Close your time together with a prayer over the group as they go and continue to walk out the keys to freedom they have received through this study!

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NOTES About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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NOTES About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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NOTES About this Study


Equipped for Rough Terrain


Week 1 – Introduction: Setting the Stage


Week 2 – Key 1: Committing and Connecting Fully to Christ


Week 3 – Key 2: Renewing Your Mind


Week 4 – Key 3: Choosing to Forgive


Week 5 – Key 4: Healing Life’s Hurts


Week 6 – Key 5: Breaking Generational Patterns


Week 7 – Key 6: Using Your Authority in Christ


Week 8 – Key 7: Maintaining Lifelong Freedom




Commitment to Freedom


Appendix A – Who I am in Christ Statements Appendix B – Faulty Beliefs and Personalised Truths Appendix C – Daily Declarations Appendix D – Additional Recommended Resources

141 143 148 150

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