Making up with your spouse: 9 Ways you both can disagree about careers, kids, love life and what you can do about it!
Making up with your spouse: 9 Ways you both can disagree about careers, kids, love life and what you can do about it!
Marriages differ from each other in a lot of ways. But there is one thing that binds them all – disagreement. You will never see a perfect marriage in this world, that’s why a lot of people these days are actually becoming more and more reluctant to take the vows. But if we view it on a brighter side, disagreements, arguments, fights, or whatever you call it are actually a good way to test the foundation of the couples’ relationship and love. What’s important to note is that whenever couples fight, making up must follow. This is when they realize that all they have to do is listen to each other and settle their differences. It sounds easy but it’s actually not. Nevertheless, here are nine simple ways of making up with your spouse about disagreements concerning the family, kids, career and work, finances, and others. Don’t forget to communicate. What we are referring to here is communication in the peaceful means. A lot of people fight and bark at each other during arguments and that’s not healthy at all. Give time to listen and ask the same to air your side. Keep it as calm as possible. Making up is all about adjustments so start it with talking like civilized beings. Be calm. Arguments are aggravated and can lead to more negative consequences when every party involved is outraged and ruffled. In making up with your spouse, keeping your emotions in check is a must. Get rid of the pride. One particular fact of unhappy couples is the prevalence of pride. Whenever pride oversees everything, arguments and conflicts will never end. Making up becomes almost impossible to attain. If one of you asks something from the other, pride must
be set aside. If the other is angry, don’t compete by getting angry as well. Give up your pride and everything will go back to normal. Dig the roots of the disagreement. While both of you may be fighting over who should pay a certain obligation or who should spend more time taking the kids to school, the root of the argument is actually different. It may be caused by recent frustration or a past mistake recalled. Whatever the root of the problem is, there’s a need to dig it out and kill it before the argument grows more serious. Apologize if needed. This strategy is closely linked to the one about pride. It deals with swallowing your pride by apologizing if you’re the one at fault. The problem with most couples is that whenever one commits a mistake, the dialogue would be “I won’t say sorry because the last time you made a mistake, I never heard one.” Asking for forgiveness is a big deal in a marriage because it actually defines what kind of persons the couple is. When you love your spouse, you would do anything to him/her, right? If you want to make up with him/her, saying sorry becomes very easy. Be responsible. A lot of arguments are caused by either a mistake made or a shortcoming. If only both the parties are responsible and mature enough to perform their duties with each other, disagreements are minimized. You’re not always right. Remember that making up with your spouse after an argument is important if you want to keep the marriage intact. So what’s the recipe for disaster? – It’s when you are always right in every argument and your spouse is always on the “I’m sorry-it was my fault” side. Healthy relationships are built around the concept that every party is willing to be wrong and admit it wholeheartedly. If you are not this kind of person, there’s no hope of making up with your spouse. Practice the ability to commend and appreciate. There are times when your spouse arrives home very excited to tell you about a promotion at the office. You meet him/her at the door
and react as if nothing’s happened. He/she grows disappointment. Appreciation is a very powerful motivator. If you learn how to appreciate even the littlest of things, you can make up to your spouse fast even if arguments arise. Emphasize love. The reason why you’re both together is because you decide to love each other. Even if you go home late and much stressed, never fail to kiss and greet your spouse. Ask for a dinner next time or offer a weekend holiday. When you feel like he/she is disappointed at you, there’s no better means of making up than to shower him/her with love in a lot of different ways. You may be disagreeing in a lot of things, but remember that the emphasis of love will always appear clearer.
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