The power of prayer

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the power of prayer

Prayer misunderstood?

“Prayer in the sense of petition, asking for things, is a small part of it; confession and penitence are its threshold, adoration its sanctuary, the presence and vision and enjoyment of God its bread and wine. In it God shows Himself to us. That He answers prayers is a corollary— not necessarily the most important one— from that revelation.” -C.S. Lewis, The Efficacy of Prayer

God’s help through prayer

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” -Matthew 21: 22 • God wants us to bring our requests to Him. • He wants the best for us. • Faith is the key factor in prayer requests.

God, are you listening?

• The Bible tells many stories of God’s followers crying out to request healing or salvation from enemies. • Sometimes God chooses not to answer our prayers – at least not in the way we would prefer or understand at first. • God’s seeming silence doesn’t mean He isn’t listening. • Even Jesus experienced an unanswered prayer at a crucial moment: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” –Matthew 26:39

More than prayer requests

• In times of loss or turmoil, it is natural to seek God – to ask for help or deliverance or supernatural assurance. • It is the asking in itself, though, that the value of prayer is truly seen: • Confession • Repentance • Worship • Basking in God’s presence • The very process of prayer brings you closer to God and into a different mindset.

Prayer changes me

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.” -Søren Kierkegaard, 19th century philosopher

Does prayer work?

• It is difficult to keep some truths in mind when in the midst of tragedy or hardship. • Nevertheless, the truth of prayer’s actual purpose can give Christian hope. • Asking if prayer “works” is the wrong question. • It isn’t the number of favorable outcomes that speaks to the value of prayer – instead, it is how we are different after we meet God in prayer.

True prayer

• True prayer isn’t a matter of saying the right words in a particular order. • Instead, it is a letting go of worldly concerns and expectations – it means humbly coming before God to listen to His voice. • The real power of prayer comes when we submit ourselves to God’s will – when we emerge from the uncertainty of hardship into a new understanding of God. • Being changed by prayer in this way moves the believer from being merely an observer of God’s will to being an instrument of His will.

Real life prayer

• Prayer isn’t just for Bible stories; every person can experience God through prayer. • Prayer is also the critical element in bringing about life-changing events in a person’s life. • John DiBattista, an author and evangelist, has shared his story around the world – his story is an amazing example of how a life of dedicated prayer can lead to miraculous encounters with God. • He shares his story in-depth in his book, Tell Them That I Love Them.

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