Lowcountry Dog Magazine- April 2020

Page 14


Many rescues obtain the animals that they have available for adoption through animal shelters. These animal shelters are generally underfunded, overcrowded and most of the time have a high euthanasia rate. The staff and volunteers of the shelter advertise the dogs that need to be “saved” so that more space can be made for the influx of other incoming animals. It is then up to the rescues to “pull” an animal to safety. It seems like a pretty simple concept, but unfortunately it takes a lot more thought than the average person may think. As much as we may want to pull the dog that has spent 2 years in the shelter, we have to step back and consider the situation. Why has this dog been in the shelter for so long? If it’s due to their behavior, do we have the resources for appropriate training? If it’s because they are aggressive towards other animals, do we have a space available with zero animals? If they have a bite history, are we properly insured just in case they may bite again? If this dog has been sitting in the shelter for 2 years, are we financially prepared (funds to spend on yearly vaccinations, heartworm and flea prevention, grooming, etc.) to care for them for 2 more years – or even longer?

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