3 minute read
Feral, Foster, Forever!!!
Peanut's P O I N T O F V I E W
It sounds crazy to say, but we have officially added another family member to the Lowcountry Dog Pack! Our awesome Social Media Manager and staff writer, and probably my favorite person in the whole world has finally gone from a foster mom to a dog mom! Isn’t a foster fail the sweetest thing ever? I remember when my dad did that back in 2010 with my sister, Calliope. Oh how time flies. I wanted to tell the readers about Lovey, our new Canine Correspondent in training, about her background, and how she won everyone’s heart.
Lovey was born July 5th, 2021 and made her way to Lancaster SPCA at the beginning of November and to Alyssa and her roommate, Jerrell - who also loves me and wishes I could stay at their place all the time - on December 1st, 2021 after Carolina Haven Rescue pulled her a few days before. That was the best day of her life and she didn’t even know. But that leaves a five month gap as a stray for the first five months of her puppy life. Who knows what that wild child was doing, but she has been fearful of all people since day one so something traumatizing for sure.

Lovey and Social Media Manager, Alyssa
Alyssa says, “She was so little and cute and very popular when I took her places, but we knew she would be one of the harder to get adopted fosters we’ve had. I also wanted to keep her after one week. We changed her name from Lili to Lovey very quickly, too. She was timid and still is because of her past, and it’s been a very slow process, but I knew I was foster-failing when I couldn’t imagine her starting over with anyone else.” She’s always been spoiled as Alyssa and Jerrell’s foster pup, and she has gained a lot of trust with them in the last 4 months! She’s almost fully potty trained and knows how to sit, and is working on “come” and “lay down”, she walks well on the leash and is even good off-leash around her mom. She loves to play with dogs and run at the dog park, bully sticks, treats, and destroying toys.
Alyssa says she gets her name for a reason. Personally, I’m still trying to figure that out. I go find one of my hiding spots when she visits LCD Headquarters. She always steals my bed and is a little rowdy if I’m being honest. She just wants to play and plays like a big dog. Did we mention she’s in training?
So here’s a recap: I’m not sure how I feel about her, she’s scared of: people, public, dumpsters, cars, and any loud noise or fast, big movements, she barks or practically screams at everyone who comes up the stairs or anywhere near her mom’s condo, Lovey now thinks she owns the condo, and has turned it into an obstacle course, but we love