Lowcountry Dog Magazine- August 2023

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The Stinky Pet Co. PetSafe& FriendlyProductsForTheLove ofFurBabies www.thestinkypetco.com

We believe that our dogs are our best friends, and that’s why we need a reliable source to turn to for information on all things “dog” in our community. Our mission is to be the number one Charleston area resource for dog owners regarding regional dog-centric and dog-welcoming events, health & wellness information, dog training, trends, and local news. We also strive to be a mouthpiece to the public for various Lowcountry-based pet non-profits, and we promote pet adoption and other responsible pet care practices.

Founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 2005 as a print magazine, we re-launched in 2015 as “Charleston’s Digital Dog Magazine” and added print back in 2020. We continue our mission to be the best dog friendly resource in the Lowcountry.

This and every issue of Lowcountry Dog Magazine is dedicated Peanut, our Chief Canine Officer, 2005 to 2023


Brian Foster brian@lowcountrydog.com

Media Manager

Alyssa Helms alyssa@lowcountrydog.com

Canine Correspondent

Lovey social@lowcountrydog.com

Copy Editor Chelsea Salerno chelsea@lowcountrydog.com

Staff Writers

Hali Selert

Jeanne Taylor


Southern Vintage Photography

Jeanne Taylor Photography

Web and Design Consultant

Laura Olsen

Contributing Writer

Alyssa Day

Donna Ezzell

For advertising and media inquiries please email contact@lowcountrydog.com

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In this issue

Lovey’s Lowcountry Livin’

Sit, Stay, Behave... How Do I Leave My Puppy Alone When I Go To Work?

HEALTH & WELLNESS: Boost Your Dog’s Health With Super Foods

FEATURE STORY: Saving Cleft Palate Pups



RESCUE STORY: Carolina Poodle Rescue Saves 16 Toy Poodles from a Retired Breeder

GO GREEN: Adopt A Recycled Dog!

Cover Photo & Above Photo provided by Southern Vintage Photography

Adventures as a Foster Sister!

Over a quarter of my life has been trying to figure out how to be in MY home while MY person is looking after other pups in need, but I think I’m starting to get it.

In case you didn’t know, my mom has been AN AMAZING foster mom since early 2021. She is always bringing new foster pups home…but now there’s also me! There were quite a few foster pups before I came along in late 2021. Some dogs are ready: well-trained and stuff to be a big foster sibling, but not me. If you didn’t know about how my mom took me from feral, to foster, to forever…go read the last few issues.

We had two of the beagles from the Virginia human testing breeding facility bust back in September 2022, but we only had the beagles for 6 days before they were adopted. Since December, I’ve been learning to deal with these two crazy Chihuahua mixes - Fez and Fedora - 5 months old and 5 lbs each…and wow I wish Peanut was here.

At first, I didn’t know what to do…of course these guys’ heads are the perfect size to fit in my mouth. In my defense, I am new at this and they could be pretty wild. My mom started teaching me another new command with the word “nice” in this weird voice. I am a very quick learner with lots to learn...I learned how to “play nice” as Mom says…even though they never did. I just let them mess with me. Mom also thinks sharing is so important. I let Fez eat food out of my bowl everyday until mom had to put my food in my crate with the door closed until i was ready to eat. The sacrifices we make for these little ones in need, right? Fedora was actually pretty sweet - even though she pooped on our floor all the time. My mom wanted to keep her, of course.

There are lots of things these foster pups do that I must be okay with. All of we foster siblings (and our people, most importantly) must welcome them into our homes and hearts.

Fedora was just a little smaller and got adopted back in March. Along with our two, there were more that were rescued by Eunoia Rescue, including their mama @deepwater_diy on insta. Some super cool foster parents - including Mom - got them out of a backyard breeding situation, thank goodness…

Lovey's lowcountry livin’

and now all of them have been adopted!

Fez was my best bud for seven months, Mom’s longest foster so far, and we have lots of emotions. She tells me that this is why we do it. Of course I would have liked Fez to keep being my little brother, but we just knew his perfect family was out there… and we think he found it.

Long story short, trying to be a good big “foster sister” can be pretty difficult. Foster humans who go out of their way to take care of shelter/rescue animals in need, know the extra puppy love is worth it, especially when they find their perfect furever home like I did. Know what you are supposed to do and what you are signing yourself up for.

Mom said follow @lowcountrydog on social media to find the perfect foster for your lifestyle/family/ household. You never know who could be waiting for YOU to rescue them…or them to rescue you.

I could go on forever about how great of a foster mom I have and how much I bonded with my foster brother! No matter the time frame or how hard, messy, and exhausting it can be, fostering saves lives; it saved mine and plenty of other rescues. Mom said follow @lowcountrydog on social media to find the perfect foster for your lifestyle/family/ household. You never know who could be waiting for YOU to rescue them…or them to rescue you. ■

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How Do I Leave My Puppy Alone When I Go To Work?

Puppies bring joy to your life. They are fun to be with and can be great stress relievers, but it’s not all about having fun with your puppy. You need to care for it and give it a safe home.

Did your circumstances change, or need to go to the office? The pup you have been with 24/7 at home needs to be home alone. There are several things to try.

We have put together some options that will have your puppy entertained and safe while you are away, not to mention your home will be in one piece when you arrive home to the absolute delight of your little furry family member.

Leaving your puppy alone when you go to work may sound quite daunting, especially at the beginning.

Making a safe space in your home for your puppy will have you and your puppy feeling more confident about leaving each other for any length of time.

Create A Safe And Designated Space For Your Puppy

The last thing you want to find when you come home is to see your puppy running around the house, creating a mess.

A puppy that is left alone is more likely to do this. Therefore, crate training is essential if you plan to leave your dog alone when you go to work. The crate creates a safe, confined area for your puppy. Add their favorite toys, blankets, and even a t-shirt that needs a wash so they have your scent while alone. Add their food and water. No spill bowls work great in this environment. You can also purchase many food toys to add treats to keep them busy. Also, remember your pup is growing; they will sleep a reasonable amount of time. You will worry far more than they will fret. You’ve got this.

Identify Your Breed’s Behavior

A dog’s behavior differs according to its breed. Some breeds, including French bulldogs, greyhounds, and basset hounds, are less active and are happy to lounge around more than other breeds.

Others; including oodles, terriers, and shepherds, are more active, and to leave them alone, you need to ensure their active minds have something to occupy them.

You chose this breed, know your pup, and understand what will occupy them and what your little ones prefer, but not all dogs of any one breed behave the same. Still unsure? Read on.

Take Things Slow

If you have been working at home for a long time, leaving your dog alone suddenly could be challenging. Can you leave your pup briefly before the eight-hour day arrives? If so, you can start by leaving your dog in the crate for short periods while at home. Crate them during dinner time or when you go shopping. On your return, a small treat will help teach your dog to associate your absence with treats and rewards.

Set A Regular Routine

Try to keep mealtimes, bedtimes, and walks consistent; dogs of all ages love routines and is is valuable tool. Our pets will often go to their


crate when they, too, want alone time; being so cute is very tiring, and if taught right, the crate becomes a sanctuary.

Give Your Puppy A Workout

Taking your pup out for a walk in the morning, or if they are not there yet, playtime before you leave for extended periods, is also very practical; wear them out! Exercise releases feel-good endorphins in dogs, similar to humans. When you are ready to leave for work, they will probably be settling down for a nap.

Provide Suitable Toys

It’s essential to keep your dog entertained while you’re at work, to keep them from getting bored and becoming destructive. Invest in quality toys and use interactive puzzles to provide mental stimulation.

Play Background Noise

Playing background noise is an excellent way to help keep your dog from feeling lonely. It could be as simple as sound coming from the television or radio.

The background noise helps keep your puppy distracted. It also blocks out any outside noise that could make your puppy anxious.

Ensure Your Puppy Goes To The Bathroom

Dogs usually need to go to the bathroom three to five times daily, varying according to breed and age.

Puppies need to go to the bathroom more often than healthy adult dogs. Puppies can hold going to the toilet for one hour per month of age. So, a three-month-old puppy can keep going to the bathroom for up to three hours.

Dogs older than one year can wait for up to six hours between potty breaks. You can leave pee pads or grass pads, which can be the designated

place to go to the bathroom when you’re not home. Another option, if possible, is to add a dog door to your house and a safe secure fence so your dog can go outside as needed.

Address Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common issue in puppies. Your dog may have continuous accidents when you’re away, indicating that it has separation anxiety.

Addressing these issues will help your puppy will feel comfortable between when you leave and return home.

Come Home At Lunchtime or Hire A Dog Walker Or Pet Sitter

If you’re crating your puppy while out, you may consider coming home midday to let it out. Even older dogs need to stretch out their legs and go have a relief break after staying for hours in the crate.

Your friends may only sometimes be able to check up on your dog. There could be instances when you’re stuck in traffic or at an important meeting in the office.

Hiring a dog walker or pet sitter is a great way to help when you are gone for long hours. You can check out several on the Lowcountry Dog Marketplace at lowcountrydog.com/services.

Final Thoughts

Leaving a puppy alone can be distressing for any pet owner. You constantly want to know what your puppy is up to and may worrry.

As you learned, there are several ways to address this issue and ensure your puppy is safe and comfortable alone at home. Follow the above tips to create a safe and designated space for your dogs while you need to be away! ■

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Boost Your Dog’s Health With Super Foods

Enter: SUPER


Note that there are also toxic superfoods (and other foods) that should NEVER be given to your pets, so be sure to check with your veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist to ensure it is safe before feeding.

You don’t have to home cook for your dogs (I do, but it’s a personal choice).

I first became aware of pet nutrition as a topic when I was in my 30s. Fast forward to now, an unstated number of years later, I have had three larger dogs live to a glorious 16 and 17 years old, and am now working on my second generation of seniors about to turn nine this month. Good nutrition is critical to longevity!

We ALL want to last as long as we can on this planet, I think - to be healthy and enjoy a fulfilling life. The same should hold true for our pets, and there are so many easy ways we can help them achieve this. They should not be subject to a decline or deterioration just because they hit “middle age” in dog years. Instead, our goal for them should be the same as our own: Live to the fullest and try to be our best selves in the process!

We know the obvious age-defying factors: good nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, emotional well-being. But did you know there are little things you can add to your pet’s daily routine to improve their longevity and reduce risks of diseases like cancer?

You don’t have to buy the most expensive pet food on the shelf or order specially-prepared and personalized meals for your dogs, although these are options too. To each their own. Quality nutrition is always important, but you can supplement your dog’s food, regardless of the brand, and still see health benefits from small changes to what goes into their bodies. I certainly encourage all pet parents who feed kibble to research their food brands and make sure you are getting quality proteins and traceable ingredients, no or very limited fillers, no tumorgenic preservatives such as BHA or BHT, etc. The Oxford Dictionary defines a superfood as, “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.”

Just by adding nutrient-dense foods as meal toppers you can have a positive impact on your dog’s health! If your pet hasn’t been receiving healthier options throughout their lives, they may reject them at first, but keep trying. Use different approaches. Try issuing them as treats first, or training rewards. Get them excited about it! If you find they don’t enjoy fresh carrots, for example, maybe they’d prefer them lightly steamed. They may not like EVERY new food you put in front of them, but ultimately, any superfoods you can get into their diet are a plus.

Let’s go alphabetically and look at some of the more common superfoods that you may already have in your kitchen:


We’ve all heard it - an apple a day keeps the doctor away! While you don’t need to plant a


private orchard for your pet, simply by regularly giving them a few pieces of crunchy apple as a snack or reward will provide numerous benefits including increasing their fiber intake, as well as antioxidant, antihistamine, and even anti-inflammatory support! Always scrub your produce or find organic apples – it’s best to core the apple and remove the seeds before chopping up this crunchy snack for your pup.


Blueberries – fruits that are red and blue are powerful antioxidants, which can slow cellular damage. They also contain anthocyanins (bearing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant traits). They can reduce cancer risk, and support healthy brain function. The same holds true for acai berries, blackberries, and strawberries, which also carry a high fiber content and are lower calorie content with less sugar than certain other fruits you may want to try.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is an excellent topper on its own, or when used in home cooking. It helps support joint health and dogs love the taste! There are several brands and flavors available so you can find one your pup loves and one that works for dogs with food and protein sensitivities. Watch the salt though!

Broccoli (and Cauliflower)

These tiny trees pack a wallop of an antioxidant punch – and good news: dogs love the crunch and most enjoy the taste too! It’s nutrientrich, high in fiber, supports immune and cardiac health, and has been shown to reduce inflammation. Raw or lightly steamed, adding cruciferous veggies to your pet’s diet is a great idea!


We have heard about carrots since we were kids: “Eat your carrots, it’s good for your eyes!” Beta-carotene has been shown to offer immune

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support, improve your dog’s coat and skin and of course, support their overall eye health. Most dogs love the crunch of a carrot too, which can be good for their dental health as well.

If your dog has a sensitive mouth (or not many teeth), but you still want them to receive the benefits of carrots, you can always boil and puree them to use as a topper. You don’t need to purchase organic carrots, but do be sure to wash and grate the skin before they hit the pan.


Eggs are high quality proteins that also offer skin and coat benefits, among others. Dogs’ bodies don’t create cholesterol in the same way humans do, so don’t worry too much about that. I have also never met a dog who wouldn’t eat scrambled eggs so that can be a great dietary addition for dogs with fewer teeth or sensitive mouths. It’s also a good option when your dog has a need for soft foods, as our pets sometimes do.

“Eat your greens!”

My goodness, I can hear my mother’s voice in my head! Almost 20 years ago there was a study by the National Institutes of Health showing dogs whose diets included dark, leafy greens had a

reduced risk of cancer by 90%! NINETY PERCENT! Spinach is wonderful for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory traits, as is kale, although kale should be carefully portioned so that it’s not the highest content of a meal or topper. These greens are high in fiber and loaded with vitamins, iron, and calcium. Some dogs may not like kale, especially at the start as it can be bitter, so you may have to get creative with different ways to cook and feed it. Also, there are varying schools of thought about kale in a dog’s diet, so do your research and see if it’s a good fit for your pet’s individual needs and tolerances.

Melons of Varying Types

It’s summertime and who doesn’t love the fresh, hydrating taste of melons, whether through cantaloupes or watermelon? Melons are high in antioxidants and provide nutritional support through their vitamin content. They are high in fiber too – plus, have you ever watched a dog nosh on watermelon? The entertainment value alone is priceless! Always take care to remove the melon rind and seeds.


Many pet parents feed canned pumpkin for digestive health and maintenance when their


pet isn’t feeling their very best. But beyond the benefits during times of gastric distress, pumpkin as an orange vegetable is a provider of beta-carotene and is high in fiber. If you choose canned pumpkin, be sure you are getting just pumpkin and not pie filling as that is loaded with unnecessary sugars.

Sardines or Anchovies

These tiny fish are big on benefits, with hefty Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA, both of which help skin and coat and support healthy brain function, as well as joints and mobility and heart health! All from a tiny fish! And if that’s not enough, know that they offer other health benefits too. Always read the labels and be sure you are purchasing the ones in water, not oil, with no added salt or unnecessary preservatives. Definitely offer these in moderation as a treat –even one per day can have benefits!


The ice cream of the dog world: yogurt! With its probiotic properties, yogurt is an excellent addition to your pet’s diet. It often has a higher protein percentage too and dogs typically love the taste and texture. Always skip the sweetened brands and pursue Greek or organic plain yogurt.

There are other superfoods to consider for your pets, so take some time and research what will work for your lifestyle, your feeding approach and your dogs’ overall health – and their palettes.

The bottom line is anything you can do to improve your pet’s innerworkings through simple dietary changes is a win. One apple won’t change the course of your dog’s health, but altering their daily intake to ensure they are receiving a variety of nutrient-rich additions, whether by toppers or snacks, will put your pet on the road to improved health.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before making changes to your pet’s diet. This article is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or dietary condition. ■

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Saving Cleft Palate Pups!

We’ve all seen the heartbreaking Operation Smile commercials featuring children with cleft palates from around the world, but did you know that dogs can have cleft palates as well? A cleft palate is when a baby is born with an opening (cleft) in the roof of the mouth leaving a hole between the nose and mouth. This occurs due to a failure of the roof of the mouth to close during development in the roof and is a relatively common condition that affects around 25% of all puppies. Purebred dogs have a higher incidence of cleft palate, and brachycephalic breeds with their short stubby faces are most commonly affected. Cleft palates may occur more commonly in Boston terriers, Pekingese, bulldogs, miniature schnauzers, beagles, cocker spaniels, boxers and dachshunds. Although genetics is considered the main cause of this problem, nutritional deficiencies, viruses, and poisons that affect the mother during pregnancy may also increase the risk of cleft palates.

A cleft palate is often noticed when a newborn puppy is not gaining weight and eating well. This exam finding is a key indicator that there may be a cleft palate inside the puppy’s mouth if it’s not already visible. Since there are a few different kinds of cleft palates, it may not be externally visible and the inside of the mouth will need to be examined. The roof or back of the mouth


will have an opening in it if the dog has a cleft palate. A small light or special oral examination tool called a laryngoscope may be needed to see the opening, especially in a small puppy. Occasionally sedation is needed to examine this abnormality. Repairing a cleft palate often requires multiple surgeries by specialized boardcertified veterinary dentists and surgeons. Each surgery and post-op hospitalization can range from $5,000 to $10,000 or more, so many of these puppies are euthanized. Luckily there are rescues out there with the sole mission to help pups out there with a cleft palate, like our cover model Tennison Mars!

Tennison Mars is a unilateral cleft lip and cleft palate boxer pup who was saved and raised by a wonderful foster of Save The Clefts Rescue. He is currently 1 year and 5 months old, living his best life not having a clue he is different. Tenny’s foster mom is now his forever mom and he travels the country with her visiting some amazing places, swimming every chance he gets and acts as an ambassador for the rescue at events and fundraisers. He has also helped raise many other special needs puppies in his short life and always looks forward to reuniting and visiting with them after they’ve been adopted by amazing families!

Save The Clefts Rescue was founded out of a desire to save special needs animals that are often euthanized at birth. The founder had been saving pups on her own for a number of years but realized she needed help to advocate, educate and take on the financial responsibility for these special animal’s lives so she formed a 501c3 Nonprofit Rescue in 2018. Originally founded in NC, the rescue now has fosters in SC, GA, VA, PA, OH, and MO with volunteers in many other states that help get these amazing pups to trained fosters quickly. Cleft palate and lip puppies biggest hurdles are the inability to suckle at birth because of their deformity. Each call about a puppy is an emergency because they need to be fed as soon as possible after birth. Volunteers drop everything to run and pick up puppies to get them fed. The puppies are tube fed around the clock every 2-3 hours until they are weaned onto kibble.

Save The Clefts Rescue is blessed with volunteer pilots, ground transport, around-the-clock care givers and event/fundraising volunteers. There is also a nationwide network of volunteers for special animals which is incredible; rescues and rescuers across the country come together to help save thousands of lives a year. Save The Clefts Rescue is currently 100% volunteer and most of their fosters have full-time jobs that allow them to bring puppies, incubators and supplies to work to provide nonstop care. The rescue’s fosters dedicate countless sleep deprived nights to tube feeding pups just like a newborn baby requires, except the fosters don’t get daycare services. This type of rescuing is like no other and it is truly a calling that is not for the faint at heart. Fosters are true parents to these puppies, which not only forms an incredible bond, but also makes it


extremely difficult to let them go to their forever families. As if sleep deprivation wasn’t enough, they then hand them over with tears in their eyes when the perfect family comes along. But that’s what they do! Raise these perfect babies to go out and be amazing inspirations for very deserving families! All the volunteers gladly do this and love what they do.

After a few weeks of tube feeding, kibble is introduced and once they figure this out they go on to live amazing lives. To date no corrective cleft surgeries have been performed on any of their cleft puppies and the rescue is currently involved with Dr Kyle Matthews and Dr Sam Monck at NC State Vet Hospital in Durham NC with the help of Dr Angie Finkes of Brawley Animal Hospital in Mooresville NC, in a study they are conducting on Quality of Life Without Cleft Repair Surgery. The goal of the study is to avoid unnecessary surgeries that could possibly fail because Dr Matthews states, “ Most cleft repair surgeries partially fail”, so why do that if they do not have chronic infections or health complications because of it. The rescue has now saved hundreds of pups and 2 kittens and none have needed repair surgery. They are very excited about the study and are eager for it to be published.

Future goals of the rescue include becoming more active in the human cleft community. Training some of their dogs as therapy dogs to visit cleft affected children in hospitals and clinics is a huge goal and they believe this would have a lasting impact on the children’s lives. To date, they have adopted five puppies to families with cleft-affected children and the impact has been incredible. Difference is now celebrated and empowering #whyfitinwhenyouwereborntostandout. It would be amazing to impact many more lives in such a powerful way.

Follow along with Tennison Mars and all the other amazing puppies at @savetheclefts on Facebook and IG.If you need help with a cleft puppy or would like to volunteer or adopt please see our social media sites or website www.savetheclefts.com for contact information. ■

FEATURE STORY S T R O N G M I N D K 9 P r o f e s s i o n a l D o g T r a i n i n g P e t O b e d i e n c e S e r v i c e D o g s ( 8 4 3 ) 4 0 5 - 3 2 0 6 s t r o n g m i n d k 9 @ g m a i l c o m w w w s t r o n g m i n d k 9 c o m S t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e m i n d b e t w e e n h u m a n a n d d o g
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animal shelters across North America with every bottle sold
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Photography by Southern Vintage Photography

Ahoy Mateys! Captain Tennison and his First Mates welcome you aboard. While these boys may look like they know what their doing on the water, we stayed safely docked on the Ashley River for this fun shoot.

Tennison is our 2023 Lowcountry Dog Model Contest Winner after getting 1,171 votes in our finals. Our second place dog, Hamburger, or Hammie, as he is known around town, was close behind with 1,000 votes. Gibson and Emmett, two of the six dachshunds in their household entered separately and placed third and fourth, respectively. These boys make the cutest first mates.

Over 13,000 people voted during the month of June for their favorite of the 40 finalists. We start with hundreds of entries each year, as many as 600 some years. Our judges narrow it down to semi-finalists who get a test shoot to see their skills in front of the camera. These photos are shared to the public, and voting began! Look for Captain Tennison and his First Mates in our 2024 Lowcountry Dog Calendar with nine other winning model dogs.

Tennison Mars is a unilateral cleft lip and cleft palate boxer pup who was saved and raised by a wonderful foster of Save The Clefts Rescue. You can read more about him and the rescue that saved him in this issue’s feature story!

Captain Tennison prefers to leave the boat driving to others on his crew. He even lets the crew wear his Captain’s hat sometimes. (Check out Hammie on page 26.) Gibson and Emmett like to man the crab traps and chill at the marina with Hammie after a full day on the water (page 29). All the dogs agree their favorite spot on the boat is inside the cabin, where the air conditioning is on. We all know how hot our Lowcountry days are in the summer.

If you would like to see more of Tennison, Hammie, Gibson, and Emmett, as well as the rest of Lowcountry Dog models, grab a 2024 Lowcountry Dog Calendar at lowcountrydog.com/ calendar. ■

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portraiture for lowcountry lovers
www.lowcountrydog.com AUGUST 2023 29  1606 Hwy 17 N Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-8818 905 N Cedar Street Summerville, SC 29483 (843) 285-8745 1990 Ashley River Rd Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 225-3647 350 W Coleman Blvd Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 881-7245 5870 Dorchester Rd North Charleston, SC 29418 (843) 225-9628 DAYCARE GROOMING BOARDING Award-winning services with 5 convenient locations throughout the Charleston area! Visit our site or call one of our locations to book your dog’s reservation today. ©2023 Village Pet Care, LLC. My Three Dogs and the My Three Dogs logo are trademarks of Village Pet Care, LLC.   mythreedogs.com

Local Dog Events

08/1/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston RiverDogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

08/5/2023 Carolina Boxer Rescue at Hollyweed Feed in Cary, NC 12 to 2 pm

08/6/2023 Barbie Puppy Party Bay Street Biergarten 1 to 4 pm

08/15/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

08/19/2023 Laps for Love for Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary Starts at 6:30 am LIVE on Facebook


09/23/2023 Lowcountry Dog’s Bark in the Park, Ashley River Park, Summerville

10/14/2023 Lowcountry Dogapalooza Festival, Hanahan Amphitheater

11/05/2023 Dia De Los Perros Festival Tattooed Moose Johns Island

12/09/2023 Home for the Holidays

Check out our Events page for even more local events and to check for date changes. www.lowcountrydog.com/events

08/19/2023 Black Dogs Rock Pet Supplies Plus-Summerville 10 am to 1 pm

08/19/2023 Doga at Point Break Coffee

9:30 am

08/29/2023 Dog Days at the Charleston Riverdogs. tickets at riverdogs.com

10/28/2023 Barktoberfest

Durham Central Park Durham, NC

3:30 to 6:30 pm

Australian Man and His Dog Rescued by Mexican Tuna Boat After Drifting 3 Months in the Pacific Ocean

Timothy Lyndsay Shaddock, 54, was aboard his incapacitated catamaran Aloha Toa in the Pacific about 1200 miles (1900 kilometers) from land when the crew of the boat from the Grupomar fleet spotted them, the company said in a statement.

A Notorious Indonesian Animal Market Has Ended Its Brutal Dog and Cat Meat Trade, Campaigners Say

The Tomohon Extreme Market will become the first such market in Indonesia to go dog and cat meat-free, according to the antianimal cruelty group Humane Society International, or HSI. Images of dogs and cats being bludgeoned and blow-torched while still alive had sparked outrage.

Biden’s Dog Commander Has Bitten Secret Service Officers 10 Times in Four Months

President Joe Biden ‘s dog Commander bit or otherwise attacked Secret Service personnel at least 10 times between October 2022 and January, including one incident that required a hospital visit by the injured law enforcement officer, according to records from the Department of Homeland Security

Click images above to read the full story. For more top stories, visit www.lowcountrydog.com/top-stories

In The News

RESCUE STORY: Carolina Poodle Rescue saves 16 Toy Poodles from a Retiring Breeder

Thursday, July 13th started out like any other day. Caregiving for our current pups, planning medical care for the week ahead, prepping for weekend adoptions, etc. As we all know, days are anything but “ordinary” in rescue.

At noon, we reached out to a retiring breeder to touch base. With intake numbers soaring, we’ve been strategically planning timing to help to ensure we have space, medical care, and candidly, funds to support a large intake. But that Thursday, “soon” became today. When dogs are in need, we go.

We loaded up the car with 12 crates... 10 for the confirmed dogs we had said yes to, and 2 extras because you just never know. When we arrived, there were 16 toy poodles that needed us. We never hesitated, it just meant some creative crating to get the dogs safely back to Dreamweaver Farms.

We accepted 16 toy poodles. 12 girls and 4 boys, ranging in age from 4 months to 7 years. The vast majority CKC registered. All are under 12 pounds. Most very shy, but with gentle demeanor. Red, White, Silver, Phantom, Parti, so many colors.

Now our work begins. All pups need to be heartworm tested and vaccinated, except the two puppies need spays and neuters. Many need dentals. And they all need time to decompress.

Thanks only to YOU, the community that supports us, all of this is possible.

The work started that weekend and will continue for the next few weeks. If you are interested in adopting, get those applications in:


If you want to help support the medical needs of these dogs, please consider a donation to Luna’s Legacy Medical Fund:

Text the word cprsaves to 41444 for a quick and easy smart phone link.

Or visit our sponsor link: https://fundraise. givesmart.com/form/J8SB9A?vid=zhgxs

For PayPal and check options, visit our website: https://carolinapoodlerescue.org/donation ■

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1090 Jack Primus Road (Just off Clements Ferry)

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Prices you love. Long lines you hate. Plus Minus At Pet Supplies Plus, our stores are smaller by choice and our shelves are stocked with just the right products, specifically chosen to help you get in, get out, and get home happy. + Price Match Guarantee + Self-service pet wash + Full-service grooming + Widest selection of natural dog foods + Made in the USA treats & toys Pet Supplies Plus Murrells Inlet 12150 Hwy 17 Byp | 843.299.1963 1 Hour Curbside Pickup Save More with Autoship Free Same-Day Delivery More ways to shop your local store! Restrictions & exclusions may apply. Learn more at petsuppliesplus.com/online-ordering. Mon-Sat: 9am-9pm • Sun: 10am-6pm | petsuppliesplus.com | Independently Owned & Operated Pet Supplies Plus Goose Creek 208 St James Ave | 843.277.2844

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