Fernando Gaspar | Separated Lands

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Image: Fernando Gaspar | Separated Land #47| 44 x 62 inches | Acrylic on Canvas


Separated Land: Agartha Opening November 11th from 6 – 9pm Bill Lowe Gallery presents Separated Land: Agartha, the latest of a series of exhibitions shown in both Atlanta and Lisbon by Fernando Gaspar. In this third iteration of the Separated Land series, Agartha, the legendary civilization said to exist at the Earth’s core, becomes the analogy for the austere manner in which we contain our innermost anxieties, strife and turbulence. In these paintings, Gaspar’s journey has grown introspective, revealing light through sudden veils, protected and revealed by rigorous lines like boundaries. “With a mysterious force, concentration of the invisible in speed that shakes and throws us, in the still body it happens, the motive is born, the will. Seminal tremor, coming downwards, penetrating the inside of the nut, through the fontanelle piercing thinly into the most internal gland. Surprising what from these rivers runs, what from this inside seas is released by the new moon. It is new. Time for warm breezes. ” -

Fernando Gaspar

In Fernando Gaspar’s work, the written word is often the starting point. That is where it begins. They are then essentially developed from exploring the stroke, the drawing - more than the color. His quest for the essential is an insistent, physical movement. In his large-scale canvases, he paints over charcoal, a secondary matter, layer by layer, overlapping, sometimes opaque, and sometimes transparent. The endless quest for the minimal - and for all - is an impulse, a line. His enigmatic work drifts and returns - it does not repeat or mince. Gaspar’s works are not always objects of easy empathy; nor should they be. They are never smooth planes, nor dermal exercises. Often there is thickness that the paint and stroke silence. He writes about them, to better construct, understand and open them.

Press Contact: Donovan Johnson, Media and Marketing Assistant, donovan@lowegallery.com Tel: 404.352.8114


I Evocating craft of the territories – oneʟs places, collective places on the unrolling of the big and mysterious thread of history of Man on Earth. Like maps, they grew, scratched over the first ashes, stained like the restless hordes of searchers on their incessant quest for comfort, safety; for the take of the most prosperous plateau, of the most fertile valley; for the seizure from another, from the animals, dominance of the wind and the cold. Life spreading stubbornly on the steppe, toe to toe with itself, permuting anonymously on the fighting bodies. And on that grand scheme of doing, the meaning of blood, will and strength designs the houses, the walls, the osseous contours of a becoming body. In and out, life and death, what destiny reserves, what will conquers. Plane exercise, descriptive outline like a military chart, plan of retreat, plan of invasion, plane.

II Then time passes and the map fragments. From the mineral ground, plumbeous from the ancient carbonized substance, the hot bubble is released, the big living body, complex vital structure, intelligent and wild. Capable of creating, breaking in an echoing roar, releasing in a singular moment all the force from its cells. And that new body, spins, levitates and in the reason of a thousand lives, ascends and endures. Thick volume, meaningful thing, loaded. Dynamic place that guards the new and old tensions between the men. In the cyclic return of the matter, the humble process of constructions, I find myself; the ink separates from the hands and gestures with the violence of a principle, urgent and gravitational. More body in this hypnotic dance, more noise on the surface of the uncontained stain. Places are not cartographic representations anymore; now they are habited places, with walls, barriers, confined and confining, contaminated and contaminant. From the plainness of the paint sculpture rise; materializing on the iron and on the rest of the trees, standing their ground, occupying. We walk around their angles, redesigning their shapes.

III / Agartha

With a mysterious force, concentration of the invisible in speed that shakes and throws us, in the still body it happens, the motive is born, the will. Seminal tremor, coming downwards, penetrating the inside of the nut, through the fontanelle piercing thinly into the most internal gland. Surprising what from these rivers runs, what from this inside seas is released by the new moon. It is new. Time for warm breezes. In a more breathed work, serene, the images are passed onto the canvas, soft, without outstanding grains, caressed like limestone for engraving; uterus of the deposited layers, one by one, like the sediments on a riverĘźs bed. They are transparent, in ivory black, raw umber, one by one, densifying and lightning. Almost flamish, the care, the seeding of the dark pigments over the machineĘźs equation. Monastic way to contain sound, polyphonic and resonant turmoil that invades the body like the water that rises with the tide, which is colour and transparency, meaning and content. Secret formula to the path, journey to the Nadir, to the inside mystery, sacred and silent. And in this other dimension of space, the alignments cut and separate; or unite and weave the key that defines matter, the enigmatic origin of time.

FG 2014/16

SL_ AGARTHA # 45, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x62 in

SL_ AGARTHA # 46, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x62 in

SL_ AGARTHA # 47, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x62 in

SL_ AGARTHA #48, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #49, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #50, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #51, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #52, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #53, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 32x48 in

SL_ AGARTHA #54, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #55, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #56, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x44 in

SL_ AGARTHA #57, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x62 in

SL_ AGARTHA #58, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 44x62 in

SL_ AGARTHA #59, 2016, acrylic on canvas, (dyptich) 66x96 in

SL_ AGARTHA #59, 2016, acrylic on canvas, (dyptich) 56x92 in

WWW.LOWEGALLERY.COM 764 Miami Circle, Suite 210 ATLANTA, GA 30324 - USA

Nov. 11th 2016

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