Dear Future Me

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Dear my future me The end of the year has always been a time for reflection, when we make resolutions and plan for the future. In the spirit of year-end traditions, we asked Lowell area fifth grade students to write letters to their future selves and share them with us. This project aims to encourage students to express themselves through creative writing, as well as giving them something to look back on in the future. The aspirations in these letters are as varied as one might expect, but the common theme is an overwhelming sense of gratitude and hope. One student wants to overcome a fear of dogs, another hopes to become an astronaut, and still another passes on advice for her future self, writing, “Always be nice and help a friend.� Writing gives us a voice. This anthology shows that you don’t have to wait until you are a grownup for it to be heard. Brought to you by:

Thank you to all the students and teachers for participating. 3

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Ayla Dear Future Self, I hope you still have a good of grades as you did back in Elementary School. If so, you should have As and Bs. I also hope you’re still writing in a diary. Diaries help you sort out your thoughts. Make sure you’re being kind and caring. Always make the right choices. I hope you still love art. Guitar is amazing, too. I know it is really hard, but try to go without dairy for a while. Stay creative! Your past self, Ayla

Anneka Dear Future Self, I hope someday that you are a mathematician. My Grandpa was a high school math teacher in Kalamazoo, and I learned alot from him. I also want to set a few goals. First of all, I would like you to study to be an A or B student. Secondly, because you are an imaginative and you like to wonder, write a paragraph about it. Someday, I would like you to be the kind of person that is okay about tests. Especially math. I like fifth grade alot because I feel like I’m ahead of the class. When you are in high school, I hope you study to love science, and veternarian work. I hope you also have some favorite hobbies like baking, and you could enter in some contests, and feel good about yourself. I also really hope that you still have blond hair and please do not color your hair! I’ve seen some people color their hair, or dye it and it looks ugly! I hope you also make good habits that will make you successful someday. These are my hopes, and dreams and I hope they all come true for you. Sincerely, the past Anneka

******************************************** Kayleigh Dear Future Self I hope you are frends with Corbyn and I hope you still are frends with emily and her cusin. I hope you are still frends with Miley. I hope you like to sing. I hope you still want to be on America’s get taleunt. Keep loveing you’r sister even when she is annoying. Sincerely, Kayleigh 4

Corbyn Dear Future Self, I hope Alto Elementary School is still around. I’m going to help you remember when you were in 5th grade. I want you to stay friends Leah, Hailey, Evan and Mirrana. Here are some nice memories of fifth grade: Lego Fred, songs, books, and toys. Also, you had your grandpa come in and talk about the Indians. Your writing should be neat by now because I have been practicing. I think you should work in a pet store. You might have to learn pet psychology to get in a pet store but I know you can do it. My goal for you is that you find a very nice person to marry. Here is some advice, don’t be afraid of needles. Make sure you adopt children. I love the color blue and chocolate. I hope you still love the color blue and chocolate. I hope you live in a pretty big city and live in a small house. Another one of my goals is to go to Florida. Make sure you do that before you die. You must visit your sister! I wish you well with lots of lov, Corbyn

April Dear April in the future, You hopefully will be a vet with a huge ranch when you grow up! You also will, if possible, have two kids to help you with the ranch, and because for some reason having kids seems right. You will own a lot of cowgirl boots. You will try your best not to swear. You will be a mom to your kids like your mom was to you. You will NOT ever drink. You will eat really healthy and excersize alot. you WILL wash your hands before and after every patient in your vet’s office. You will showing every morning after you wake up. What will you do when you grow up? How many cows will you butcher in a year? Will you even butcher any cows at all? Will you ride horses often? Will you have enough spare time to play with your family and take care of your house? Are you even still interested in your job? Sincerely, yourself age 10

******************************************** Remi Dear Future Self, I hope you are doing good in school and are not slacking on homework or chores. I hope you will still play with or hang out with Leah, Lilly, Abigail, Brooklyn, and Corbyn. I hope you get a good job. I hope that you are a vet, because I love animals. Remember when the gray, black, and white cat kept jummping at the window? I hope you still want to takein stray animals. I hope your life is as good as mine is now. Love, the past Remi

******************************************** Kalin Dear Future Self, I hope I can sty healthy. I also wan’t a nice job that will get me money for when I need it. After I get the money, I hope I could get a scholarship for TCU, Stanford or Michigan. I also would like to have a football scholarship if I can’t get a scholarship for being smart. If I was a good player, I would hopefully get drafted into the NFL. I would like to be drafted on the Oakland Raiders. Therefore, I would like you to have a kind, loving spouse. So I hope you have two loving kids. If I have any job, a loving spouse, and a house to call my own that would be a perfect way to live. Only needs matter, not wants, rememder that. Have a great rest of your life. Sincerely, Kalin

******************************************** Evan Dear Future Me, I want you to skydive some day. Remember, you want to be an astronaut. I want you to practice so you can do a backflip. We already know who to do a front flip. Keep an eye on Marlow so she stays out of trouble. My plan is to be rich being a youtuber and to have a beach mansion. I hope you continue to a cool dude. Remember, we like destroying things and making a mess. Don’t forget our dream of making a gaming company. Sincerely, past Evan


Klarissa Dear Future Self, I hope you are doing good in math and social studies, because if your not your in big troble lady, for not folowing the rule that I set for you. Keep reading good books?, like mystery books. Remeber don’t kiss a boy till college. Take good care of bear, our dog. I hope you are a teacher, but if not keep working hard. Good luck!! Love, Klarissa

Delaney Dear Future Self, I hope you still like gym. Who your favorite teacher? I hope you grades are still A’s and B’s. I want you to go to Grand Valley University for college. Remember try your best and you’ll suceed. What are your goals today. I wan’t you to go to Hawaii. To be a cop and have your own task force with our brother Wyatt and besty Hannah. Sincerely, Past Delaney


******************************************** Logan Dear Future Self, I hope you like football and are still good at it too. I hope you have a good job and have lots of money because you could need it at one point in your life. I want you to go to California, Hawii, and go sky diving. I hope Grandma has moved to Michigan. I want you to get a college degree at Grand Valley State University. If you don’t get to be a football player than you should be a chef. Because of how you love to cook. Sincerly, past Logan

Julia Dear Future Self, I want to give you some advice, goals, and stuff you might want to know. I hope in school you are never tardy and your teachers say you are a very well behaved student and never get in trouble. Please try not to get on your teachers bad side. I hope you are a vet right now and have saved an animal’s life. I hope you have a good husband that treats you well and hopefully twins that are well behaved. I hope all of these things come true for you one day. Sincerely, past Julia

******************************************** Miley Dear future self, I hope all your dreams come true! You will have 2-3 kids, 1 daughter and 1 son. You will get married on a ranch in a barn wearing a beautiful white dress. You will live on a beach house and own horses. I want you to do trick riding. You and your husband will travel the world and dress up for Halloween with your kids. You will go to college. As your going on in life, choose friends wisly. Love, Miley (age 10)

******************************************** Miranna Dear Future Self, I hope you don’t have as bad grades as you did in elementary school. Do you help the homless? Are you absent from class alot? If you ever when back to elementary I bet you would get better grades. I hope you have four kids and a husband that loves you. Show your husband how to fix a car. Make sure you get your dream of having a horse. If you still have short hair grow it long. Does youtube still exist if so are you a good youtuber. Love, Miranna (age 10)

******************************************** Tristan Dear Future Self, I am writing this letter to you to give advice and hope. I hope you are a singer that moved to Nashville. Get a good wife and at least 2 kids. I hope the video game Fortnite will still be a thing. I hope you are still a modle. I hope you make it to 100 yrs old so you need to eat right and stay active.You need to say no to your friends but not in a mean way so say no when they make poor choices. Do 4-H with goats and horses, in addition to pigs and cows. From, Past Tristan 6

Abigail Dear future me, I hope that Brooklyn and you are still best friends. Also, I hope you are still a goaly in soccer. I realy hope that you like to swim. I want you to move to Puerto Rico when you can, or to New York. Remember that your favorite candy bar is Milky Ways, not Heathbars. Those are nasty. Anyway, please stay the same. Sincerely, 5th grade Abigail

Kayleigh Dear Future Self I hope you are frends with Corbyn and I hope you still are frends with emily and her cusin. I hope you are still frends with Miley. I hope you like to sing. I hope you still want to be on America’s get taleunt. Keep loveing you’r sister even when she is annoying. Sincerely, Kayleigh ********************************************


Seth Dear Future Me, In the future I hope that you do not do drugs because I do not want you to have cigars everyday and get sick/die. Next, my dream is to become a great artist and have lots of subscribers on your YouTube channel. Also, I want you to be remembered as The Class YouTuber. Lastly, I hope you stay the nice person that your teachers and families know. From, Past Seth

Thomas Dear Future Self, I hope your a good driver. I hope you have a scholarship to play football at Michigan. You should play the position of wide out for Lowell. I hope you stay in Lowell because it’s a good place to live. Don’t do drugs it will mess you up and get you in a lot of fights. My future plans are haveing a good paying job and being an all-star football player. Sincerely, Thomas

Charley, Mrs. Severts

Evy, Mrs. Severts



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Avery Dear Future Self, How are you? How many freind’s do you have right now. Do you still hang out with Brooklyn, Hannah, Leah, Anika, Clair B and Brianna. Anyways, how is your senior year are you excited to graduate. Do we have a dog yet, remeber how many times we asked mom? Is Max still there? Remeber how crazy she was and how many names we called her. “Baby, princess, rascal, furball and Maxy-Po-Po.” Did we like middle school as much as I thought I would in 5th grade. Also, did we make it on the basketball and gymnastics team. Do you remeber your elemantry teachers. Mrs. Happy, Mrs. Greer, Mrs. Stirrup, Mr. Sargent, Mrs. Bolhuis, and Mrs. Breen. Do we still want to have horses, dogs, and be a baker when we grow up. Do I still have that teal notebook from Aunt Kim with all my bakery plans in it. Are we still going to do are college Internship in Chicago with Aunt Kim. I hope so. By future self, Younger Avery

Danny Dear future self, umm hi I hope your life hasnt gone down hill like dont do any drugs. hopefully your in shape. a football player still, oh and always remember take care of mum and veda, and is fortnite still a thing, please don’t grow upto be a lonely cheesecake eater, who is the president, and and always rememember your dream goal around the world, hope to be seeing you in the future. Sincerely us ******************************************** Jackson Dear future Jackson, I have a few questions for you and the problems that lead to it. First off you remember when you made a paper for the school ledger, well this is the paper! First question, my annoying little brother. How is he? Still annoying? Keep pulling pranks! If not, don’t do a thing. Second question, you remember 39 clues? I hope you have been practicing how to be like Madeleine or Luke. Mostly because Weston is still playing dirty tricks on me. Question three WHEN IN TIME ARE YOU READING THIS!!! Are you an adult and married with kids? Driving? Just got your learners permit? Still in high school? still in middle school? Hopefully not Elementary. Well anyway have fun with jet packs (i hope). Sincerely, You

******************************************** Carmine Dear Future Self, Are you liking school, and are your goals still to play football and make it into the 100 point club? Is Fortnite still a game you play too? Is there another game that overcame fortnite? Are you close to 100 points? And last, my advice to give you is just three words never give up. 8

Jonas Dear future self, Do you still have all your ROBLOX guys? Does ROBLOX even exist? I hope taxes go away because I don’t want all my money to go away just from taxes or expensive things. I hope Nintendo never runs out of money. Do you still have the same friends? I’ll give you a list of them: Kenton, Jackson, Weston, and Jacob. Do you still like peanut butter tortillas? Do you still play ROBLOX and Nintendo games? Also remember never to lick the bottom of the window on the bus. Sincerely, Jonas (from the past)

Alysse Dear Future Me, Hi! This is me as a fifth-grader, Alysse Harper. How’s it going? What have you done recently? What places have you gone to? Currently, my goal is to travel the world. I’ve already been to Bangladesh, Canada, and many of the fifty states. My upcoming trips are to Paris in August 2019 with Aunt Rita, and Guyana sometime in 2020. How is Aunt Rita, Uncle Jim, Mom, Dad, J, and the rest of the family? How are Ariel and Aslan? My other goal is to make it on the Lowell Varsity Sideline Cheer team. I want to do this because I cheered this past football season and really liked it. Did you make it on the team? Have you traveled the world yet? Do you still have the friends that you had in fifth grade? Are Mileah, Jenna, Grace, Elly and Ellory still your best friends? (I bet you’re still friends with Ellory!) How many years of ballet have you done? Has Mom finally let you take graded ballet classes? Are you enpointe? Have you been in any plays? Are you in band, choir, or orchestra? Do you still play piano? Well, that’s all for now! Sincerely, Alysse (the fifth grade version)

******************************************** Kasey Dear 18-year-old Kasey, How are you? Whats school like? How are mommy and daddy? How are your freinds? Do you remember, Lily, Natlie, Brian, Carmine, Danny, Kailey Leah, Seth, Mom, Dad, Adie, Taylor and sometimes Lilly anathony. Did we get into MSU and get a car/truck. What about Moose is he ok I miss him why did he have to leave he was the best dog eva and we only had him for a few months. Did you get to see him before he dies? If not try to. Love, 10-year-old Kasey ******************************************** Alison Dear future self, Its Alison (from the past!) How are you? Is Natalie still your friend? Is Rambo still alive. Is your favorite sport still basketball? One of your goals was to go to Michigan State University. Go green! Go white! Do grandma and grandpa still live on the farm? Another goal of yours was to keep playing basketball. Did you achive that goal? That all of now. Sincerely, Alison

******************************************** Claire B. Dear futer me. Are you having a good year, did you meet some of your goals like getting into advanced gymnastics, reading legendary, and getting a golden retrevier. Fifth grade is so much fun my teacher is Mrs. Breen she is really nice. Are you still friends with Ainsley Ray. Are you still getting good grades? Have you got in big trouble? Do you remember when the fourth grade year ended and your parents suprised you about going to diseny land for a week? Hope you are doing good. Sincerly past self 9

Anika Dear Future Self, How are you/me? I have many goals for myself. For example, I want to be an infant occupational therapist in a hospital when I grow up. Also, I want to get a scholarship to a good college. In addition, I want to get the presidential award at the end of fifth grade. I want to get straight A’s in middle school, high school, and fifth grade. Did any of these goals become a reality? Do I still love to bake? Did I ever get to start babysitting? What college did I end up choosing? In fifth grade I was planning on going to MSU or U of M, unless I got a scholarship somewhere else. Have I gotten any pets since Pepper died? Do we still live in the same neighborhood? Do I still love to read? Is history still my subject? If not, what is? Do I still live in Lowell? Are my best friends still Avery, Brooklyn, and Leah? Is my favorite sport still gymnastics? Here’s some advice, always look on the bright side, even when the situation isn’t! Love, Anika from 2018

Arianna Dear self, I hope that I will get a pet bunny or hamster soon. My favorite color right now is purple. I like to read and draw. I plan to learn how to sew. I have a lot of friends. I hope that pollution will stop. I enjoy listening to music I hope that I will get a phone soon. Are your friends still your friends? Do you still like red foxes as your favorite animal? Sincerely, Arianna ******************************************** Jacob Dear future self, How’s it going. I hope you are having fun in high school. I can’t believe you’re a senior already. I can’t belive your going to go to college next year. I wonder where I am going to college. When I was in elementry I had some of the best teacher’s ever. those teachers were Mrs. Railsback (2 years in that room), then I had Mrs. Stirrup, then Mrs. Wodma. In elementary I had all the best teachers that I will ever have and I like that, but I will have to surprise them when I am in highschool, and I even had a cousin in my class and her name is Claire and she’s the best, yeah. I will always have the best teachers that will ever be around. Am I still freinds with Carmine, Thomas, Danny, Kalin, Collin, Andre, Weston, and Jonas. They are som of my best friends to me and my freinds forever, Some of my goals in life are to be a youtuber or a NFL football player Arizona Cardinals, or a football player the Dallas Cowboys, New England Patroits, Denver Broncos or Carolina Panthers. I got good grades and you need good grades to play football. And the most best teacher in the world is Mrs. Breen. In my time in elementary was the best time in my life, and my time is almost up at elementary, and I had the best teachers ever. ********************************************


Lily Dear future self I really want to be a vetranarian, are you a vetranarian yet? What songs do you like? Are all of my animals still alive? Do you still love peaunut and honey sandwiches? Are you still really creative? Remeber to be kind! Get alot of animals. Is mom still obsessed with donkeys? Do you still watch Loud house. Do you have a kid yet? If you do is it a girl or boy? STAY BRAVE! XOXO Your younger self

Ali K. Dear future me, Do we still get good grades? How is Makayla doing at school? I hope that we are not still as scared of middle school. Do we have our back handspring yet? Has Tyanne found a job here? Right now my favorite candy is Hershey’s milk chocolate. Latley I have really been craving chocolate. Also, I really like the colors green and blue. I can’t wait to be you. Sincerely, your past self


Paige Dear future self, Do you still want to be a vet? Do you still have lots of friends like Natalie, Lily, Alison, and Lilliana? Do you have any new friends? I hope that my family and my friends stay here in Michigan. I hope that all my teachers stay in Michigan. Will you have any animals in your house when you have kids? Will you live on a farm when you have kids? Will you have cows? Will you get the degree you want? Will you have a boy or a girl? How many kids will you have? Still, STAY BRAVE! Sincerelly, Your past self, Paige

Brooklyn Dear me, I want a to achieve a lot of things. But I have a big sports goal. I want to be on a basket ball team. I also plan to be on a track team. So, I have a lot of sports goals. But I wonder also if we still have the same PE teacher. His name was Mr. Mcleod. I also had 300 and more points. I know that I needed to read higher level books in high school. My friends in fith grade are Anika H., Avery K., Claire B., Claire W., and Hannah and Leah. By the way Mr. McLeod was the best gym teacher. Bye, future self



Kenton Dear future self, I really hope you’re on a basketball team, right now mom and dad wont really take the effort to figure out how to sign up. I’m hoping we figure out by next year because I really wanna play. I’m practicing some and it’s working out for me but I feel like everyone is better than me because they go to real practices and play real games. Plus, they can actually play in the winter which my driveways icy snowy and wet. If I’m not a professional basketball player, which I’m probably not gong to be, I want to be a zoologist. Well, I hope you have good grades a good life, (and hopefully a good team while your at it). Sincerely, Yourself if you have’nt got the jist of it yet.

Rowan Dear Self, Is everything okay in Middle School? I feel I want to achieve something but I don’t know what it is. Maybe I should get through Middle School without getting in trouble. What kind of job are you thinking about? I’m thinking about a job in a restaraunt. Good-bye for a few years. Sincerely, Rowan ******************************************** Joey Dear future me, I want to make it to the 100 point club by reading a lot of books. My other goal is to get a ferret. I hope pollution will stop by taking care of the earth. I hope Humphrey my hamster will still be alive until I’m in collage. I hope I get better at sports by practicing. My goal is to get off my ipad and play with my dog. Will I still be my friends. I hope bear my dog won’t eat anything hes not sopus to. My goal is to be a zookeper, photographer of wildlife, biologist, work with wolf and vet. I hope all animals like me. Sincerly, Joey

******************************************** Mileah Dear future me, It’s Mileah (from the past) My plans for the future are to get to the 100 point club this year. I am going to achieve it by reading more books. I also want to go to Disney World and Clearwater Marien Aqurum again. I want my changes to be to be a better drawer and dancer and get my braces off. What I want to stay the same is my dog Kaia not to die this year. I also want Grace and me to still be best friends. I also don’t want any of our pets to die eather. My advice to my self is alway be positive and don’t let anyone tell you what just ignore then if they are being mean also don’t let anyone let you down. Sencerily, Mileah (from the past)

******************************************** Wyatt Dear future self, Hi it’s Wyatt. How are you doing? Is Jacob still your friend? Is your favorite subject still math. Do you still have four brothers? Do you like soccer and football? Do you still like to live on a farm? Go green go white. Sincerely, Wyatt 11

Natalie Dear future selve, how are you? It’s Natalie (from the past). Some of my (our) plans for the future are to either work at McDonalds be a nurse or become a zooligest. Lately I’ve been eating pretzels by my SELF and I hope that changes! I also hope animal abuse stops. I hope my friends and family’s love stays the same. Do you make the Varsity High School basketball team. I also hope you’ve tried Taco Bell. I hope you keep achieving goals and either go to Grand Valley State University or Michigan State University. I also hope mom finally lets you have a Youtube Channel. Who is the Presadent? Did you make any new friends at High School or Middle School? How old is travis/tarvis? How old is Dad? How old is Mum? How old is Jay? Is Oliver still alive? How is Izzy? Is Mia still your friend? Is Weston still your friend? Is Sam still your friend? Do you and Danny still joke around about stuiped stuff. Is Wyatt, Paige, and Allison still your friend? Are your stuiped braces off yet? Okay my fingers hurt. byyyyyyyyyyeeeeee. Sincerly, Natalie (from the past)

Seth Dear future self, I hope that D. Trump will not run for president again. I have a secret goal, it will never be told. I wish to be a very popular YouTuber, I already have a channel. I want to be a Marine Biologist, you have to be! Is my dog alive? Is Fortnite still popular? You must be rich! Do you still like…., are you with…. Is Danny still your friend? I wonder, do you have yor own dog? That’s all for now! Sincerely, 5th Grad Seth

Elizabeth, St. Patrick School

Brianna, Mr. Wright

Addi, Mrs. Young


A LT M r. Grace Dear Self, I want to be in the military. I plan to get there by getting better at phyfics and getting over my fear of shotguns. I hope my friendship with Alyssa gets better. I hope my WAR with Emma stays the same. Here is alote of advise. Be kind, thoughtful, and trustworthy. See ya, Grace ********************************************





Ajay Dear future me, My plans for the future are to be in the SWAT team. I will achieve this goal by working hard to catch crimnals and always help the downed allies. I hope robots won’t be released into the world. If that happen’s I feel like the world would be like the terminater movie. I hope video games stay because thats what keeps youtuber’s youtubing and joy in the world. My advice would be work hard to get to the SWAT team and play video games. Your 2018 buddy, Ajay ********************************************

Cody Dear future me, Have secseded in life or faild? Hope you became a good skate/snow boarder (well better than befor). What colege do you want to get into if you alredy havent you better still like U of M. I hope the fact your single when you wrote this is sad and you better of changed that. Plus, do you remember your freinds from Indiana or IN..I hope you kept the fact that Tony Hawk and Shawn White are still the best and are your inspeation (unless someone is better in who knows how many years). Oh I almost forgote do still like lacrosse or no because I still do. My advice for you is to sue Alto when your older, there food whooo it’s bad. Also, are dabs, the flose, hoverboards, and cars still cool? And are you Micha and Nick still doing FALE OR BALE? Sincerly, Cody from the past PS. remember me!!!!

Brody Hello future Brody, How many tackles do have in your football season right now? Also are you at the University of Michigan. I also hope that by now you have shot a big buck by now and still love fishing. Also what posision do you play in football. Next do you still play basketball and baseball. I would also like to ask you what plans do you have for the future do you think you have good odds of making it to the NFL? Also who is your teacher and what is your favorite teacher so far. From the past, Brody


Jenna Dear Future Me, I have 4 brothers and sisters, (quadruiplets!) so can you imagine how messy our house is right now? The year is 2018, and I am in fifth grade, Mr. Wright’s room. My BFF right now is Gracie-Loo-Loo-Bear! (her real name is Grace, but that’s what I call her.) Are you still friends with her? When I grow up, I want to be in the Army. Or play soccer. Oh year, am I still doing soccer? Am I a coach, or a professional in collage? Honsstly, I wanna be a professional. When I grow up, I wanna have 2 children and a husband. Or just live alone in a condo in Florida by the beach with two puppies (I prefer boxers) and mabie a boyfriend! Whew! Hope your favorite dessert is still brownies, Jenna (from the past)

Jordan Dear Future Self, Did you try to raise $24 for church missionaries? Learning about the Lord in other countries can be rough. Have you every played with your two cousins Addie and Braden Krueger? Do you remember me your past self? Or how you had a great class, friends and a teachers in fifth grade. Are you missing you teacher Mrs. Bolhuis? Are you missing on how much fun you had playin with Lorelei and Jordyn. Keep working hard to finsh school and get good grades. Did you ever get good at social studies since fifth grade? Have you ever looked at how sad your parents are from you growing up so fast. With love, hope, and faith, Jordan (your past self) ******************************************** Hailey Dear furture self, Get better at paino. I will achieve this goal by practing and working hard. This year you made a goal to stay kind and never give up. Also how is middle school going? ******************************************** Julia Dear future self, My plans for the future is to graduate from GVSU or maybe even into Harvard. Also, I hope that by the time my sister moves out I get to have her room so I don’t have to share with my brother anymore. What I hope stays the same is our house. I don’t want to move to a different house as a kid, if I were an adult than I would be fine. I want a few pets when I get older, first of I wanna live on a ranch so I’d want horses, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, ect. Sencirly, Julia (from the past)

******************************************** Cole Dear Future Me, Hi future me, how are you doing there are some questions I want to ask you. How are you doing? And what job do you have? And what collage did you go to. Now this may be confusing it probably is. Just remember that you were writing this on the day you bought your first football. And did you play football or soccer in collage? I hope you did. I hope Im still alive in 2025. I hope your well. Sincerly, Cole from 2018 ******************************************** Veronica Dear Future Self, My plan is to go to Michgan State College. I’m going to get to that goal by staying a A and B student. I want to be a doctor or preschool teacher. Tell me does my mom has her 7th kid. See yah! Veronica 14

Nathen Dear future self, I want middel school to go good an get all As or Bs. When I’m in high school I would like to graduate and go to the collage Michigan State, and play football. I would like to keep on working hard and never give up. How did you do in the Goe bee. Also, get better at spelling and writting. I hope that my edecation stays good. I want to gradulatte from collage and be in the NFL. I hope I get my own house and car so I can live a happy life. Sincerely, Nathen (from the past)

Jordyn Dear future me, I hope I become a vet tech when I grow up. I plan to do this by getting good grades, and graduating college. In the future, I hope to be a little more more enerjectic than I am right now. In 218 you went to Sylvan Learning to get better at math. How’s that going? Are you becoming smarter in math? I hope so. You were 10-11 in 2018. How old are you now? Do you still have any of your old toys, or did you give them all away? Keep working hard in life and do great things. Sincerely, Jordyn (from the past)

******************************************** Hannah Dear future me, How have you been doing so far into your life have it been great, good, ok or bad. This is you but in the past when me as in you were in fith grade hmmm you know what for get everything I just said. Do you still remember when you wrote the Lowell LEdger letter well hate to break it to you but this is that letter. In the future I hope to be a great vet. Well, what are you wating for go get the best job in the world. Sincerely, Hannah (from the past) ******************************************** Claire Dear future me, In the future, I hope you get good grades. Be a hard working student and work toward your goals. I’m wishing you good luck with your back-handspring and your gymsastics career. Let me know what college you’re going with too. Just remember, be kind to everyone and think about your feelings if you were in their shoes. Sincerely, Claire (from the past)

******************************************** Leah Dear future me, My goals are to become a vet, or be a gymnastics coach. I have always loved being around animals and helping them. I like teaching kids, and helping them acheive their goals. For the future I hope people can argee on things more, and people start to understand. I hope my family stays the same and where we are living in 2018. And I hope my personality stays about the same. And I hope I’m friends with Julia, Anika, Avery, Brooklyn, Jordyn. Here is some advice for you, Never give up and always try your hardest. Be brave, be caring and thoughtful. Always stay positive even when things are not going your way. And remember to be a good friend, sister, cousin, and dughter. Love, Leah (from the past) ********************************************


Drew Dear Future me, How you doing. Are you in the Army becuse you wanted to be when you grow up. Still living with mom. Do you got a job and still got good looks like always. Wright ha ha!!!!! Min/your faveret color pink menching pink. Do you got a big pink lifted truck yet with mud tires if not get on it. Wright now it is 9:25 am, Nov. 20, 2018. Its super close to thanksgiving I hop you are reading this at this time or day. Also oh still got a girlfreind if not get on that to. Faverit team is state hopfuly. Also your fit mening body wit sciny shrimp. Bye have a good day and smile more. Sinserly, Drew

Hailey Dear furture self, Get better at paino. I will achieve this goal by practing and working hard. This year you made a goal to stay kind and never give up. Also how is middle school going? ******************************************** Aubri Dear future me, Hi! I’m your past self, well, if future me is reading this. I want future me to go to UCLA collage like my cousin, Julia. Julia is favorite cousin (no ofeness Mia!) But I haven’t seen Julia in 1 year. Sorry I got off track, ok so I also want us to work as a doctor. Oh! Yeah I almost forgot, how Ohpilia/ rylan doing. How is mom, are you still friends with Drew, Jordyn, lorelei, Kasey and hailey. If you are tell them I said hi. I hope I can see you soon. Sincerely, Aubri (from the past)

******************************************** Lorelei Dear Future me, I’ll start with questions. Do you still dream about being a singer, or are you one? Did you enjoy being in the girls choir? Are you still best friend with Tommy, Jordyn, Jordan, Leah, Arianna and more? By the way do you still enjoy school, or is it rugh now? Do you still love reading? I do. Did you get Doctor Stranges Manshon Lego set? What are your favorite colors? Mine are still bright neon green and blue. Do you still have Old Grizzly the stuffed animal bear? I still cudle him. Do you still think that Mr. Wright is the best teacher in elementary school? Do you even care about Michigan or Michigan State? Defenetely not. I still think that the girls choir is going to be the best thing that happend to me. I really think you are still funny but are you? Do ever stop and think of me? The past you? I always try to imagon you but so many other things come to my mind. I am proud that you are you and you can’t change. That is good so be your self. You are be-you-tiful! Good bye for now (Past) Lorelei

******************************************** Brianna Dear Future Me, Hopefully, in the future, I have good grades, and all that jazz, but I really hope I continue training horses. Although it is hard to eventually give them up, but my mom says that I am giving them a future and a career. Some advice I would give myself for the future is to stay confident, be a hardworker and don’t give up. Also, how are those chaotic brothers? In 2018 you had this amazing pony Rosey. Mom is making me sell her, but I’m trying to delay it (it’s working!) Anyway, I hope that Rosey is still with me when future I read this. Keep training those horses! Sincerely, Brianna (from the past)



Collin Dear Collin, How is it going? This is you from the past. I know it might be confusing, but just remember when it was 2018 and wrote those Lowell Ledger letters with your class. Yeah, this is that letter. Hopefully you are playing fornite still. Is it a fun game still. Have you got a win yet? If you did get a win did you have a party? I wrilly wanted to play football. If you did get to then give yourself a pat on the back. Have you been good? If you haven’t you better be good. I hope you will have a good days. I hope you get a win. Sincerely, Collin (from the past)

Isaiah Dear future Isaiah, I’am wondering do I still what to go to U of M? Oh and are there self driving cars? Also, did I get a huge buck? Do I get to go in the NFL or AFL oh and do I still like football, baseball and swimming? Next, are you fast and a fulback or a end. Oh and I wish you good luck (do you have a girlfriend.) Am I with the Partrots. Sincerely, Isaiah (from the past)


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Maria Dear Future Me, Hey! Its me! I hope you didn’t forget about your little kid dreams, because I’m here to remind you of them! I hope you become some sort of children’s author, or write poetry. Become someone that will change the world! Remember, you are the only who can achieve your dreams, so do it! Yours truly, The One and Only You P.S. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. Maria


******************************************** Ellie Dear future Eleanor, Please keep in touch with Emerson. Remember to go to College for Math and Photography. Photography might be fun. You are also good at math. I remember when you learned two digit dividends. It was super hard, but you managed to figure it out. Remember to stand out, to worship the true 1 God, to stand up for what you believe in, and to always be you. Also remember to use your time wisely, to go to church every Sunday, to work hard, to pick up trash that you see on the ground, and to just enjoy the wildlife. With love, Your younger self, Ellie

Maddie Dear Future Maddie, I hope you are enjoying working at a wildlife reserve. Remember to help animals, to follow the ten Commandments and Make sure to help the poor. Remember to get a dog and take good care of it. Please give food to the hungry and money to the poor. Remember to love God and go to church. Make sure you go to college. Make sure you recycle. Always be kind, helpful and loving. Never forget that God will always love you no matter what. I hope you have a great life. Sincerely, Young Maddie



Elizabeth Dear Future Self, I’m you when you were younger. I’m here to remind you that you always wanted to go to a good college and become a surgeon. I’m hoping that cancer will have found a cure. I also hope that there will be more catholic schools in the future. I hope you don’t ever cheat, lie, steal, or plagerize without going to confession or at all. I hope your happy in your adult life. Sincerely, Your younger self

Sophie Dear Future Self Never Forget you want to go to Michigan University so you can be an artist. Remember England and all my friends there too. Make sure to get a good job and remember all the unfortunate to give to the poor. Please help change Global warming. But never forget Great Grandma Lorente. Good bye future self. Sincerely, Your Past self


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Nicholas Dear Me, at this point I am hoping to become a Soccer, basketball, and football player. I plan to achieve these goals by doing my best in those sports. Things I hope to change in the future are doing exircisce, eating, and YMCA daily. I also hope I will alyways be with god.

Quinn Dear Me, At this point in tim the date is 12-3-18. Me do I ever have kids, and do I ever get to be an engineeir becaus it would be nice to disan all sort of stuff. Do I still hangout with my friends like morgan, Jack, Brenen, and Owen. Me do I ever get if not get on that. Sincirly Quinn



Brynn Dear Me, One of my future goals is to be one of those people that goes around to classes to talk. I want to talk about how important our ecosystem and recycling is. Right now, in my life, I have a Siberian Husky named Skyla. She is the best dog in the world. I hope that in the future, there will be less homeless people. It just makes me so sad to see people in Grand Rapids asking for money. I also hope that someday we will have less pollution. Pollution is a big problem all over the globe. I will never forget loving animals. I will always try and donate to animal shelters, foster homes, and rescues. Best Regards, Brynn

Logan Dear Me, The date right now is 12-3-18. Right now I have this goal to be a NFL football player. I have been dreaming to be a football player ever since. My goal to do this is to go to college, get good grades, and be good at football. In my future I hope the detroit lions get one or two Super Bowl wins. I hope that my mom and dad still will help if I am in debt. Future self, I think, I should give you some advice. First, still keep loving math and gym. Also, always get good grades in school. Lastly, don’t get married at twenty-six and below. ********************************************



Jayden Dear Me, My plans for my future are to be a famous lacrosse player, have a family, and nice things. I will achieve those things by practice tree times a week, be nice and caring, and work hard for what I want. What I hope will change in the future is to have more friend. What I hope will stay the same in the future is I will still love my family and lacrosse. The advice I will give my self is to put others first and will stick to my promises I make. One more thing I would want in the future are dogs. (Brown lab) Best of luck to you, Jayden

Aidan Dear Me, I want to Be a race car Driver and Do stunts like Ken Block. I will get a car and drift around the street’s. What I hope changes is that I will Be rich and get Marry someone sometime. What I want to stay the same is to have no tornaDos like in Nebraska. advice is to Be kind and Live heathy. Aidan ******************************************** Sydney Dear Me, Today I am ten years old. My plans for the future is to save endangered animals. What I hope for in the future is that I get marred, have kids, and live by my mom, Dad, and sister. What I hope that stays the same is my love for reading and fantasy. The advice I would give myself is to work hard to achieve your dreams. Sydney ******************************************** Ethan Dear Me, It is 3:00, December 3, 2018 in Mrs. Pupels class One future goal I have is that I want to be a math teacher. I hope I have two dogs, and I want them to be both fluffy golden retrivers. I hope I still like pizza and pets. Some advice I have is never give up and always have fun. ********************************************


Brooke Dear Me, I’m 10 years old right now, In 5th grade. My plans for the future is to become a doctor and have a family. I plan to achieve these goals by being nice and working hard. In the future I want to change by being nice and helping others in need. I hope that I will always be friends with my friends right now and later on. My advice for you is to always be nice and kind to others. Brooke

Madison Dear Me, I hope that I can be a veternarian. I will achieve this goal by going to learn how to be one. I want to go to a really good school to be a perfetionel at it. I hope to get beter at it. I personally love love dog, cats, and all of them. Good thing is I am not allergie to any animals I hope to stay focused and never give up. The advice I would give myself is to stay on task, get better, and never give up. ********************************************


Dylan Dear me Im at a yellow belt at tiycwondow and some Day i will be at a black belt and the way i will achieve it is by. Lrning how to do my fomr and all the ethers on every Thrs Day.

Ruby Dear Me, At this point of I’m in 5th grade. I want to become a groomer and have a family. I will practice on my dog Yoda at my house to achieve this goal. I hope I will have 3 dogs instead of 2 at my house. I hope I will still have a farm and stay in the country. Advice to myself is never give up, be yourself, and be thankful for what you got. Ruby 19

Lily Dear Me, The Date is curently 12-3-18 and I’m in 5th grade. My plans are to get Mr. Strait for 7th grade because my brother says he’s hilourious. In 6th-12th I plan to get strait A’s in math and writing. So, I will study hard and work hard in 5th grade to get ready for 6th-12th grade. I Also plan to go to college and cotinue my education to be a architect. I hope I will change by geting smarter and wiser. I hope my attitude changes but my other personality traits don’t change. My advise to you future is STOP FORGETTING EVERYTHING!

Weston Dear Me, Currently I am 10 in 5th grade sitting at my desk. I want to be a soccer player. Ive always wanted to be one. It sound fun and cool plus I love soccer. I plan to achieve these goals by going to UofO, signing up for soccer, and hopfully making it to NSL. I hope to stay small, fast, skilled, talented, fit, good at soccer, popular, atletic, good looking, and energetic/hyper. My advice for me is is don’t give up, try my best, and do good in school so I can play soccer. Weston ******************************************** Mia Dear Me, At this point we are 10 years old, Some goals I would like us to complete are helping people and becoming a doctor. We could complete these goals by going to collage. One thing I hope changes in the future is people stop bullying. One thing I hope stays the same in the future is we still have friends. Some advice I would give to us is if someone says you cant do something do it. Mia ******************************************** Lana Dear Me, When I grow up I want to be an equine chiropractor, but that will probably change. To achive that goal, I want to be around horses more often. I hope that in my future I will have people to support me and my dreams to have a famous training barn and to help disabled children to ride horses. I would really like to follow in my trainers foot steps and become a horse trainer speicalizing in jumping. I hope that in the future I am still friends with my best friend Frankie so that in the future she and I can be partners. The advice I would give my future self is to have big dreams so so they come true some day. Lana

******************************************** Ceagan Dear Me, I’d love to be proffesional outdoorsman. I love hunting and fiching. As long as i’m outdoors i’m fine. I love my pig (hamlet) I know ham as in pig haha, my goat (Case) my rabbit (Sparkles) and all of my dogs (Rosie, Belle, and Patsy). I love my animals even if they’re gone. I everything stays the same in the future. I hope that people leurn to respect animals and people will not destroy the woods because it’s where animals thrive. I’ll give my future self some advice. I should keep my grades good and get a good job. Ceagan

******************************************** Isabelle Dear me, Today is 12-3-18 and im only in 5th grade. I go to Murray Lake and my plans for the future are to take good care of my family. How do I plan to achieve my goal is to help them. I hope that my sister and I get along in the future. I hope that I am alwas nice to others in the future. My advice for my future self is to be kind to others. Isabelle



Frankie Mr. Jablonski Dear future self, if you are reading this right now you’ve made softball professional and getting ready to snowboard in the olympics and they’ve done half of your bucket list. I plan to achieve these goals by working hard and never giving up. Bucket list • Show at conngress. • Read the Harry Potter series ten times. • Run a ten K and be in the top ten over all. • help in the community • Be MORE of a cowgirl (I live on a farm) • Be the chang you wish to see in the world. In the future I hope to change bulling, I feel that people get bullied alot. Things that I hope stay the same is the LOVE that my family and friends give me.

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******************************************** Ashley Mr. Jacobus Dear future me, Someday I will become a famous volleyball player. I will push myself to achieve my goals in life. And the advice that I will give myself will be, work at my best. And spike for my dreams. Also if anything changes in my life, I hope I can do better in volleyball. And if I ever acomplish these goals I will be so proud of myself, and reach for the next goals that might happen.

Audrey Mr. Jablonski Dear future self, If you are reading this letter remember to do these things listed. 1. Get a college education. 2. Be kind and caring to others around you. 3. Complete tasks. 4. Don’t get off track. 5. Do what ever you can do to help. These top 5 things are the things that should be most important to you. Don’t be the one who’s unkind and doesn’t help. Be the person who everyone want’s to hangout with because of how kind you are. ********************************************


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GiGi Dear future me, I hope that I beceome a teacher or even a veterinarian! I hope I can aclve these goals because they would relly fit me! I hope to keep dreaming about being a professional horseback rider so it can come true someday. My advice to my future self is to not give up! P.S. Some more advice to my future self is don’t grow up!

Blake Dear 18 yr old self, How you doing? Hows the life! Is inflation bad, does a chocolate bar cost $2? What are your plans for the future are you going to quit starbucks? Is the wall built? O.k I’ll get to the point my plans for the future are, to be a combat engineer or a structural engineer like you’re father before you. I plan on maby, going into the army as a combat engineer, first to pay for my collage. Then I want ******************************************** to study mathimatiecks so if I do good then I have a better chance to be a structural engineer. Brayden If I get the job I think I want to desgin storage warehouses Dear futuer Brayden, or modern houses. The reason for storage warehouses is My advice to you is to stay in school and study a lot for because I think there would be less complaints if I mess test. Remember to put school first before vidio games and something up. And the reason for modern houses is youTUBE because the better you do in school the better because I want to desgin something that I might live in. job you can get. Jon the milatary after high school and The way I may desgin a house is with one flour, three then go to college once you dold what you are going to do. bedrooms with one being larger than the others, having Mak your one You Tube chanlie playing games and talking a small walk in closet. And two bathrooms would be in about your daly life. I hope that you have better controll the same hallway as the bedrooms, the hallway would over your ADHD and you don’t half to take pills everyday. connect to the main living room. The livingroom would Remember don’t get mad at little things. I also hop my have a open kitchen in the back left hand corner. My advice perent get along better. I hope you have the same friends. to my future self is stay wierd. I hope you can still make peopel laugh, becaus I like it and Blake I hope you can do it for as long as you can. This letter I am writing to my futrer self and one day I hope I find it. ******************************************** ********************************************


Hailey When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. I would like to become a veterinarian because I like to help and interact with animals. First, I will start by doing research on their bone structure. Next I will research what each of their bones vanes and how other parts of their anatomy are set up. Another thing, is that I will need to learn how to use a scaple on the animal. Lastly, when I’m old enough I will take classes on becoming a veterinarian. I’d advise my future self to continue this passion for animals and enjoy helping them.

Aiden My plans are to become an engeer, so I need to do really good in school. I hope tha I still have best friends to have fun with. The advice is to not go with the wrong grop of people you can get into big troble that way. ******************************************** Garrett The goal that I want to achieve is to be a billonair and to be a pro fisherman and to be a pro hunter. That school get shout done for good and I be a fames rapper. That stays the same is I don’t Die. To be the best as you can and to never give up.

******************************************** Olivia When I grow up I want to play soccer in Collage and maybye get a scholorship to a collage. To achieve this I will practice. I also want to be a vet. Something that I hope changes in the furtue is people will start caring about our planet and stop litering and poluting. Something that I hope will stay the same is schools in the USA will still be free so everyone can go. Some advice I would give myself is to not give up on something that is hard. Because if you practice and practice you can become really good at it.

******************************************** Keagan What I want to be when I grow up is a football coach for anyone. I plan to achieve these goals by getting good grades and to study to be a coach because you need good grades. Also I want be a friendly person and friend. What I want to change is to have my heart as healthy as it can get and not have more surgery also to have a job and have a good life still when I grow up. ******************************************** Maddie My plans for my future self is to be in the Army, play sports, have a clean house. I will achieve these goals is to work hard, never give up, to keep trying to stay healthy. I hope stays the same is every. The advice I would give my future self is to stay helthy, keep trying, never giv up, work hard. ******************************************** Faith R. I plan to be a vet and take care of alot of animals like cat’s dog’s and others. Eat more food and stop being lazy. my eye’s so I don’t have to whare glaces. Never get in a fight or kill people never go to jail and ceap every thing calm.

******************************************** Bralyn When I growup I want to be a vet. I want to be a vet beacause I love working with any type of animal even if they the wildest animal ever. I want to be a vet but that means I have to go to school longer that is totaley fine. And you have to give the right medaction to the animal so it gets cured. So that is why I want to be a vet when I growup.

******************************************** Reileigh Dear future me, If you don’t remeber me I’m your past self. I wrote this in 2018 in 2018 I was in 5th grade. My teacher was Mrs. Grooters. I want to be a vet when I grow up if you are a vet now this is so cool. A note of advice, be who you want to be not what other people want you to be 23

Ben Dear future self, I hope I’ll be doing good living a good life and I hope I have good friends. I play baseball and football but I want to play baseball in college and maybe get drafted. I will achieve that by working hard and I will keep practicing, In the future I hope I can change the way I look at things, take it the better way I hope my athletesism sticks with me so I can stay food at sports. In the future I want myself to stick with things once I start them. I hope I’m a good person when I grow up.

Rylee S. Hello reader, When I grow up I want to be an actor or photagher. My plan is to go to Kindle Arts or Juilliard. On the other hand, I want a cat. They are cute. I have two dogs, dogs are nice and cute, but I want to know what its like to have a cat, my friends have cats and their cats love me. When I grow up I’m getting a cat for sure. To achieve these dreams, I want to get in more plays, and save money for a camera. Rylee S ******************************************** . Ransom Dear future self, have you completed your big plans? Remember your first plan was to get a job that pays A LOT. Did you get that acomplished? What job did you get? Was it fun and exciting like you wanted? Did you start out small like you said? What happened to those changes you wanted? The first change you wanted was to hire a helper/maid, get a hot tub and pool. Did you get those? Is the maid nice? (If you have one) How’s the family? Is everyone ok? I hope your life is perfect. You wanted some things to stay the same too. Did they? You said that school should stay the same. Is it? Is it still fun/challenging enough? You said there shouldn’t be any inflation. Is there? (I hope not) Do cheap things such as a candy bar cost two to five dollars? These were a lot of goals, How many did you achieve? You probably didn’t make all of these but, if you are anything like me, you tried your hardest. Yours truly, Ransom

******************************************** Kaylee Hi my name is Kaylee hope you like it. My future plans are, I want to grow up to be a special needs helper. I also want to be in the military and serve ar country! How I plan to do that is keep up the good grades. Also get into a good colage. What I think should be changed is in 20 years we should have horses instead of cars again! Also what I want to change is ALL schools should be free. So even the poor can go to school! I give my self advice by keeping up the good grades. Hope you like my letter to you.

******************************************** Rylee J. When I grow up I want to be a veternarian because I love animals and I also really like helping the animals when they are hurt or sick. I also want to be in the Army because I get to help my country and the people living in the country too. What I hope changes in my future is I hope I make lots of friends. The other thing that I hope changes in my future is I hope that me and my other siblings do not fight anymore when we are older.




Cas Dear 21 year old self. I have big plans for you, if you still remember. I would like to make some money and live a great life. So I thought as 11 year old me that football players make some money so that is a plan for my future. To get there I will be coachable and work hard. Also 21 year old me i’d like to be unselfish. Also a good group of friends that will stick with me. I wish to never lose my athleticism so I can grow up big and strong. I hope you read this in 10 years 21 year old Cas. Also known as (this is my opinion) the future world changer.

Andrea P. Doesn’t every kid think to themselves: What do I want to be when I grow up? I would want to be a designer. Here’s why I want to be a designer. I would want to be a designer becuase I like drawing and thinking outside the box ideas. I like being creative, curious and have realy cool designs. If you were what my plans for my future it would be: go to a college graduate, work at a designer studio and learn how to design clothes and learn how to do patterns, save up some money to open a store that designs clothes, jewerley, or even shoes. Thats why and how I would be a designer. If you asked me how am I going to acheive these goals here’s how. I would work realy hard in school. Trying band. I’d learn how to knit and sow. I save alot of money to open a store. Thats how I would plan to acheive my goals. If I were to give myself advice it would be to NEVER ever GIVEUP even if its realy hard. If yo were to give up you’ll go nowhere in life. Also I would tell my self to work very hard and to stay focused. That’s what I would tell my self in the future. To sum it up, I would want to be a designer when I grow up. That how I would acheive my goals, plan my future, and give my future self advice.

******************************************** Lizzie To overcome my fear of dogs. One of my future goals is to work my way up from being around pups to being around adult rotweiler’s. The reason why I’m afraid of dogs is because two bit me, but not the same day. Another one of my future goals is to overcome my fear of heights. This would help me reach my goal of climbing a tall tree to help a cat, or going zip lining with my family or fling a plan to see my biological mom. My third future goal is to improve my grades at school. I can do that by completing my work on time and turn it in. Once of my ideas of what to change is more world peace days. That would help people remember to not fight more often. My second idea is to have less school time so that I have more family time. ********************************************


Grace, Mr. Wright


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Orlando Dear future self, My future dream job’s are being drafted in the NFL for seven year’s 3 years for the Deatrot lion’s and 4 years for the pistberg steelers and own my own construson compny and be an engir and finish school how do i think i will achieve these goals is by finishing school practice and don’t give up. What i what to change in the future is the cost of things less homeless people, less littering, less natural distasters. less car accidents, less war’s. more forest’s, less oil spills. I hope my fireind’s personality stays the same and that sports stays the same i hope no one stops making other people’s dream car’s and my dream car’s and my dream car’s stay the same and my dream job’s come true. What advice would i give to my future self is to finish school and get a masters degree in engering and to not give up and don’t do drug’s!!!

Emory My plans in the future well I got a couple #1 is to move and im going to achieve that by saving money. And #2 plane is to play in a band and to get better at music and im going to achieve that by keep trying. And last I want to meet my favorite singer and im going achieve that by saving mony and go to one of her greating oh yah I forgot to tell you that my name is Emory. Now I hope to change in my life is me and my family living in a house and not a apartment because I dont like living in a apartment. Next I want to stay the same is my pesanality and my family. I want those two to stay the same. And last but not lest drumel please dadada, what advise I whould give my future self is to stay strong. Well that is all I have for you. Well all I can say is by. ******************************************** Landon Dear future self My plans for the futer are to live in LA in an apartment. I want to be an U.S. Marine. I plan to achieve my goal by going to college and getting a master degree. Some things I want to change in the future is my handwriting. Thing I want to stay the same is my interest in Bastet Ball and how I hate mushroom. Some advise for the future is to never smok, drink, or do drugs. Sincerly Past Landon

******************************************** Andy Dear future Andy and i am 11 year old, it is 11/20/18. here are some pans fore the future. When i grow up i want to move to miami and be an artist When i grow up i want the world Palusnon to go down and i want my personalety to be the same. I want to go to collag and dont drink or smoke


Kaelyn Dear furture me My plans for the furture is to get good grades and education. Then when I do that I will go to collage. The collage I want to go to is harverd. What I hope changes in my furture is to get a cat. I can’t get one because my dad dousen’t like them. Also I don’t want to be so clumsy cause I embarass my self alot. I want to be a artist. I draw a lot of thing at my house. I like to draw animals. What I want to stay in my furture is to draw. It keep me really calm. And it’s fun to play baskaball. I want to keep my persoanlity cause I like it. The advice I would take is to always have a smile. And you should always be nice and help a friend. Sincerly, Kaelyn

Kayley Dear future self, Some of my plans for the future include, to see a fox of any kind or a coyote. My plans for the future also include me passing 5th grade without failing, and going on to middle school. To do that I am willing to study, work hard, pay attention in class, and also do what I am asked so I don’t get in trouble. In the future I want my voice to change. Because I loved the way my voice sounded until I heard it on recording. It’s too high and I sound like a dieing cow. In the future I don’t want my personality to change. Becaue I like the way it is right now altough both me and a lot of other people think it probalby should. My advice for my future self is to never pretend to be someone your not unless it is to benifit you and not to please someone else or to make them like you. In other words just be yourself! Sincerely, Kayley ******************************************** Faith Dear future Faith, Good Mornin! Or is it afternoon? I don’t care. Anyway... I have a dream... No kidding I’m not Martin Luter King Jr. But I do want to go to collage and get a Masters degree in zooligy and to do this I’m going to study and work hard. So... do I get anther cat? I want one. Oh! does Pearl lose wieght, I mean, have you seen that cat??!!! Do I stay a feminist? (yes, I’m ten and a feminist) I want to stay one. Fovever. Be proud of who you are! Never let anyone tell you how to run your life! Your past self, Faith

******************************************** Meghan Hello, My name is Meghan. I have a million resons about lowell ledger. When I grow up I relly want to be a astronaut. Its a big responability. So I’m going to pay attention in school. Next, I whish changes in the fucher is my brothers attention, HE’S CRAZY! IT DRIVE’S ME CRAZY! I want to stay the same in the fucher, me and my dog morgen have fun together. On the weekends I leve to go to my dad’s. When I’m leveing to go to my dad’s, I give my dog morgen some cotteg cheaesse! To your best, best, best firend Meghan ********************************************


Lyn Dear future Lyn, I want to become a basketball player. I want to acheive that goal by practicing every day, run every other day, and play a basketball game with one other person. I also want to acheive finishing High School. I plan on doing that by trying my best to get all A+’s I will do my homework, I will study, I will go to school every day, and I will turn in assignments on time. Some things that I want to change in the future is that I’m not a slacker. I am going to acheive that goal by working more, being responsible, not play video games all the time and watching movies all the time too. Some things I want to stay the same is my basketball shooting and my personality. I plan on doing that by practicing baseketball. I plan on having my personality stay the same by being truthful. The advice I would give myself is never give up because when you try and you can’t... don’t give up, keep trying. Sincerly, Lyn

Dulce Dear future Dulce im 11 in the 5th grade. Here are some plans for the future. When im in high school I want to be in vollyball and be in orchestra to play the violin. Then go to collage and get a job to get some money. I want to move to LA so bad so I can be an actor thats my dream job. How I can achieve these things. I would work hare and act smart. I would really want to make my mom proud. I would also want to get a degree in math. Things I would want to change. I would want to have more clothing stores. To make people stop with the littering. I hope that people would love their self and live their life. Things I want to stay the same. I want my personality to stay the same. I hope I have the same mom. I want my friends to still be my friends. I want them to still have hope. Advice I would give myself. Dont do stupid things. Stay positivee. Don’t do drugs or don’t drink. Stay healthy. Sincerely, Dulce ******************************************** Caiden Dear future Caiden, My future goal is I want my own private island to achieve this I will have to have a job that pays a lot of money I want to work at home job. What I want to change is to be nicer to people I wont swar a lot What I want to stay the same is I hope I have the same friends I would tell my future self not to fell school and try my hardest. Sincerely, Caiden ******************************************** Cooper Dear future Cooper. I’m 10 years old and here are some future plans. One of my future plans is to play in the MLB or NFL. Also, if I can’t achieve those goals then I want to be a engineer. Another one of my future plans is to play baseball, football, and wrestling. One of the ways I can achieve these goals is to never give up and practice. What I hope changes in the future is for people stop littering. And for people to be more nice. What I hope stays the same is to still be intrested in baseball, football, and wrestling. Advice I would give myself is keep playing sports, don’t be mean, never give up, and finish school. Sincerely Cooper

******************************************** Lizzy Dear futer Lizzy My plans for the future are to work with different kinds of animals. Especially dog’s, but I do love reptials like snakes too. How I plan to achieve these goals are to spend time with animals, learn about animals, and get jobs with animals. What I hope changes in the future is harming animals or stop littering bease animals eat it. What I hope stays the same is helping animals and being safe around animals. The advice I would give my future self is to stay kind, help others and dont lisen to the mean girls. ever!! Sincerily Lizzy 28

Shaniah Dear future Shaniah, My plans for my future life is going to be that I will be able to graduate high school, so my mom will be proud. I’m going to achieve my goal by trying my best on my grades. I will try to get a A on my grade or B. I will keep practicing whatever I am having a hard time with in class. something that I want to change in my future life is that I have a nice home and have a good job and a nice life. something I want to stay the same in my life is my family. I want my personality to stay the same and still be interested on reading so I can be a better reader. An advice that I would tell my self is to finish school so I can have a good job and do anything I want to do. I also want to tell my self to have fun with my friends. Sincerly, Shaniah

Ian Dear future Ian, My plans for the future are to play foot ball and goto New York. I have to get good grades. I hope my hand writing changes from bad to awsome. I hope my personality stay’s the same. My edvice for me is don’t bully or smoke. Be nice to every one. ********************************************

Lowell Community Thanksgiving Dinner now in it's 10th year

Rylee F. Dear future Rylee F, When I grow up I plan to be either a chef or a teacher. I plan to go to culinary school and get good grades. When am a teenager I want to be a babysiter. How I plant to get good grades is by doing well in school. I hope I can become a faster reader. I also want to read 20 books a month. I want to keep playing volleyball and cheerleading. I hope I still have my awesome family. I hope I stay friends with Hannah and Kalen. Some advice is I can all ways get threw the tough times. Sincerely, Rylee F. ******************************************** Chloe Dear future Chloe, I want to play vollyball through middle school and high school. I also want to go to Harvard. I plan to reach these goals by practicing vollyball in the backyard. I plan on going to Harvard by working hard in school, and getting good grades. In the future I hope that pollution is coming to a end. I hope that I still wanna be in vollyball. I also hope that I’m going to Harvard, and I still wanna be president. I honestly don’t know what advice to give my future self. I could be a different person. All I can say is be honest. Sincerely, Chloe ********************************************

******************************************** Rylie Dear future Rylie, My future plan is in highschool to play basketball, softball, or volleyball. I will achieve these goals by always doing my best, even if I have to work my butt off, or if I’m punished. I want to change by not being so clumsy and I’ll do it by watching what I’m doing and by paying attention. I also want to get better grades so I can go to college. I want my personality and friends to stay the same because my friends help me out when I need it, and my personality because I like what I do and I hope it doesn’t change. My advice for my future self is to be strong, be brave, and stand up for people in need. Sincerely, Rylie

Nathan Dear future Nathan, hi its me, past Nathan. I have big plans in the future. im gonna be famous, im gonna be a youtuber, and buy a lamborghini and im gonna achieve those goals by making a lot of money. I hope in the future i will stop picking my fingers. I also hope in the future that i will still have my video game addiction. And finally i have some advice for you, dont smoke. sincerley, Past Nathan ******************************************** 29

Ethan Dear future self One thing I want in the future is to be a NBA player. I will practice a lot. I am even practicing right now. I want job payment to change. I also want a guiea pig. Their so cute! For the job payment part I don’t want to starve. I want my dream car thoughts to stay the same. A Dodge Charger. If a cooler car comes out I would buy it. One importint thing is I don’t want to do drugs. I don’t want to have the hole in my neck from smoking.

Ava Dear future Ava, My plans from now (2018) to when ever I find this is of course to get into Harvard. How I am going to achive this goal is to get all A+ to A- in school. Something that I hope changes in the future is the cost of things. For example If something is $100 now (2018) I hope it is about $50 in the future. Something that I hope doesn’t change is food. I like food the way it is right now, I don’t want it to change. The last thing I want to tell my future self is to NEVER smoke or drink (alcohol). Sicerely, Ava ********************************************

******************************************** Marek Dear future Marek, will I be a video game streamer when I grow up? you can make lots of money by streaming. If you are a streamer people can watch you play video games live! will I keep playing video games till I get good enough to be a streamer. If I do be come a video game streamer will I stream fortnite -- or blackops IIII, if there still popular of course. In the future I hope that I will play video games on a p.c. instead of an xbox one. I hope that in the future, I wont have to get an outside job and I can get an inside job like streaming. Also heres some advise to my future self “just keep playing and don’t give up. Sincerly, Marek

Hannah Dear future Hannah My plans for the future are to get in to Harvard. Also to go to college and get a masters degree. I plan to achieve these plans by getting good grades in every grade. What I have changes in the future is that I want to be a cheer coach for sidline cheer for 7 graders. My advice to my future me is to not smoke, Have lot of fun, and dont give up. Sincerely, Hannah

******************************************** Savannah Dear future Savannah in the future I want to work on a farm with horses. and also get a gob and a car. What I want to change in the future is to be good at school and math. and to pay attention in school. What I whant to stay the same is the same friends and to be in cheer. What I say to my self is to be good and not to say men thans. Sincerly Savannah ******************************************** ******************************************** Evan Dear Future Evan, My plans for the future are to help anamals or become a youtuber. I hope to get a giunea pig or become a youtuber and get a bugatti. I hope to stay a friendly person. I am really friendly. Future me, get through high school and get a good job. Senserly, Evan 30

Ch e Cr rry eek M r.

Adalee Dear future self, How is life going so far? If it’s good then, great! That’s exactly how you wanted it to be when you were in 5th grade (when you wrote this). You didn’t do so well in 5th grade. That’s why you’re really making sure your doing good. When you were yonger, you really wanted to be a mom to wonderful and helpful kids. Do you have kids, if so, how many? and what did you name them? Your fifth grade self is giving you some advce, so listen up, if anything gets to hard in life then DO NOT GIVE UP!!! I’M SEIRIOUS!! Because you leaned that the hard way in 5th grade. Also, do you have a nice husband? When you were younger, you didn’t think that much about having a husband, you thought ALOT more about kids. How much fun do you have when you’re older. When you were younger you had ALOT of fun. Hope you liked your 5th grade self “talking” to you)

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Evelyn Dear Future Self, How have you been? Hows life? Life is going pretty well back in your 10 year old self’s life! I have some questions to ask you and you have to be completly honest, Okay, question number one, do you have a husband/ boyfriend? If so, whats his name? What does he look like? And is his persanality nice, sweet, and funny? Like your past self wanted. Next, now I have some advice to give you! So here it is, have you stuck with being a soccer player? If so even if you dont get a goal or whatever, NEVER GIVE UP! And Im serious here! Some more questions for you!! Do you still have your BFFs Ada, Brooke, Kenzie and Saphyre? If so are they still nice to you? I hope they are! Anyways I have to get back to stinky fith grade work so thats my que to stop talking. Sincerly, your friend, A.K.A your past self.


******************************************** Eli dear futer self, remember to k.i.c that is a hidden mesage. I hope you still like super heroes and you have a cool imagination and that sherby is still mean and dad is the coolist and I hope you want to be a zooligest or a teacher. Also I hope that you go to M.S.U to become a Spartan or be a airforce pilot that would be cool. Sincerly, Eli

Kolten My plans in the future are to be a motocross rider, and race in the monster million. How I’m going to accomplish it is going to take persistance and a lot of practce. One thing I hope changes in the future is my little brother he has servil paulsie and epilepse (has seizures). What I hope stays the same is our world not going into chaos. Some advice I’d give myself in the future is to stay persistant.


Ainsley Hey future self, Its you when you were 10 in 5th grade Mr. Bredin’s class and I want to be a scientist or work for NASA. But im leaning toward scientist, here’s why. Science has always intrigued me, specisically marine biology, and chemistry. Why, well marine biology is the study of underwater creatures and these creatures are amazing! Some can light up and some are as long as an airplane or 3 busses! I like chemistry because I like the way that chemicals react when mixed. And the study of the elements, the periodic table for instance is cool because of the way you convert it. The next thing im going to tell you about is a group of girls including me called the SNC or Science nerd club. The SNC sells lemonade or hot coco depending on the season. We show our inventions and all the money goes to Gilda’s Club! The final thing I would like to tell you about is our invention! It is used to decrease the plastic pollution. It uses a chemical that can disintegrate plastic in 60 days! Each tower can disintegrate 175,000 peices of plastic per year! 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic has been produced, 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste, but only 9% has been recycled! Well future self, I hope you realize what 10 year old self was up to. This is what you wanted to do for so long so… let’s do it!

Chris Dear future me, when I grow up I would like to be an artist. The reason that I want to be an artist is because I like to draw. One thing I could do to be an artist is practice. One thing I want to change about the world is air pollution. I hope it will be fixed. We all need to breath clean air and so will our children. Somthing I want to stay the same in the future is pizza. It would be a real bummer if pizza wasn’t around. Some advice I want to give myself is to always be kind. The future will be a much better place if we all be kind.

******************************************** Saphyre Dear future self, my plans for the future are that I want to be a nurse I want a family a house and money I want money so that I can bye food water and clothes I want a family to keep me company every day I want to be a nurse so I can help those in need. What I hope changes in the future is how people treat me because some boys will just yell at me for fun to get a reaction out of me I want to change how I act towards my parents because sometimes when my dad or mom is talking to me i’ll laff to hide that I want to cry I also want to change how I act towards my teachers because when their talking to the class I talk to my friend. What I hope stays the same in the future is my friends and family why I want my friends to stay the same is because if they change I won’t have anybody to talk to or play with the reason I want my family to stay the same is because if my family canges I would cry all the time and I would die inside.



Alexakai Dear future me, Hello, I’m you from the past. I’m here to tell you my plans for the future! My plans for the future are to: get good grades, go to a nice collage, and become a fasion designer! I’m going to achieve my goals if I stay foucesed on whats good and right! I hope we have changed into a great person who is active and more positive. I hope we are still nice and are staying positive, also following are dreams! Some advice I would give us is: stay foucesed, foucesed on you, not boys or drama. You! And you only (and your education of coures). Love, Past you (Alexakai)

Reece hats up 18 year old me, this is you from 2018 (5th grade year). Heres some stuff to remeber from 5th grade. Your friends: Alex, Chase, Owen, Mason, Eil, ben and Jackson. goals: make it to Michigan State University aka MSU. Play football for the Steelers, Packers, or the Sea hawlks. My plans to get my goals: get fit to play wide resever aka wr. Do good in school, and don’t play rough. Lastly my advice to you: Don’t give your gaming up, don’t give up even if your mad or sad. Last but not least make it to MSU. Don’t let your friends up. This is the 5th grade Reece signing off. bye ********************************************


Owen Dear futer self, when I get older I want to be a perfessnial soccor athlete, because I am really good at it, I wanted to be one sense I was three and I started playing when I was eight. I started in 2016 and when I started I loved it. I hope that I can change my ball handeling so when I get older the ball doesn’t get taken when I have so I don’t let my team down. I hope that my personality stays the same because I am a good kid and I do not want that to change I would like to say to my futer self, work hard every day practice makes perfect don’t give up on life and soccer.

Ollie Dear future Ollie, I hope to be a football player when I grow up. I will practice and play football every year. I will workout and eat healthyer food. I also want to be a lumberjack. I will work with my dad and help him build stuff. I will learn how to use a axe to chop down trees. Thoughs are things I want to be when I grow up and how I will achiave them. I hope to be a very kind person to others in the future. I want to help others have a good day. I want to be a good friend to others. I wish to have many friends. I want to be polite to others. My advice to you is to be your self presue your dreams and be kind to others. I want my future self to be a good football player or lumberjack. I want you to pay attention in class. ******************************************** Mason Dear twenty one year old self (ten years later), What goals do you have in life and how will you achieve them? I eleven year old you want to be an engineer. I hope it hasn’t changed! When I grow up, I want to be an engineer. I want to be one because I love geometry and making things, especially eletric things. That is why I’m looking into elctrical engineering. I plan to achieve these goals by getting good at math and geometry. I am already doing that. I should also work on my presenting to present my items. Some advice I have for you is work hard, don’t be lazy, keep hunting, love your family (dad, mom, sister, etc.) and have fun in life. Have a great day! Love, Mason

******************************************** Brayden Dear 30 year old Brayden, My plans for the future are still unknown and there is to much stuff to fit on this sheet that I want to stay the same, but I do know want to change. The Number one thing I want to change is having no hair. I have a disease that takes my hair away. I’ve had it since I was five or six. It really stinks to have a disease that not many people have. Some advise I have for my self is to do your best. Sincerely, 11 year old Brayden

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Eli dear futer self, remember to k.i.c that is a hidden mesage. I hope you still like super heroes and you have a cool imagination and that sherby is still mean and dad is the coolist and I hope you want to be a zooligest or a teacher. Also I hope that you go to M.S.U to become a Spartan or be a airforce pilot that would be cool. Sincerly, Eli

Miley, Mrs. Dimmick

******************************************** Kaitlin Dear future self, Hi, I am you, well when you were 10 1/2-years-old in 5th grade Mr. Bredin’s class. I am telling you what my plans are for the future (right now of course) They are either being and Artist or a Gymnastics Coach. A reason why, I want to be one or the other is because I am very good at both. I am a very good Artist because I try to draw something every day even the simplest things, I just try to every day. I am very good at gymnastics because I can do a backbend kickover, back walkover, front walkover, back handspring over an octogon, handstands, kartwheels, roundoffs, and my right leg splits all the way down! Your friend, past self/Kaitlin


Calihan, Mrs. Young

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Ch e Cr rry eek


Calli Jo Dear Future Calli Jo, I hope you are doing well. I assume you have graduated from the University of Michigan. I hope you got a great job teaching special education with kids in kindergarten thru third grade. I really hope it is somewhere warm like Alabama or Florida. I am not looking forward 5 years of college but it will be worth it. I know I have to get good grades in high school to get into Michigan, but I really want to be a Wolverine who plays soccer. I have heard it’s hard to be a student-athlete but I will work hard to balance sports and school. After college, I want to have a beach house that has coastal décor with a pool and plenty of space to have people come visit. I want the house to be large enough to have lots of kids and two dogs and a salt water aquarium. I hope you have done the trainings, and paperwork and have a baby placed in your home to fulfill your dream of becoming foster mom. I have 2 brothers and one sister right now through foster care, and I wonder if I will have any more siblings. Mom says no more siblings, but I love being part of a foster family. Before you started fostering, I really hope you went to Europe and went up in the Eiffel tower, and walked on the glass floor. I also am looking forward to eating gelato in Italy and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. I will travel with my kids, but want to do this trip without kids. Sincerely, 5th grade Calli Jo

s. Y oun


Madelyn Dear future self, Hello, I am right now in the year of 2018, 10 years old. I’ve been thinking about the future. Like deciding what i’m going to be and where i’m going to live I think i’m going to be a professional dancer. I really hope that comes true. I’m in the WMYB (West Michigan Youth Ballet) Nutcracker. I also dance at a great dance studio. So it looks like I will be a professional dancer. I also want to be a zillionaire, have a maid, and a butler. I’m going to make that money from people paying me to dance. I will use it for a mansion, collage, to raise kids, eat steak, and to buy tutu’s and learn how to make tutus. When you get married your going to have 2-3 kids. Also if you get to old and can’t dance, then i’m going to be a famous chef. To make a little extra money i’m going to babysit.. Then to make my kids happy for Christmas i’m going to get them a Jack Russle Terrior and a Golden Retrievor. When i’m done doing ballet in New York, I will live in California by the Ghirardeli chocolate factory. Every year I still will go to Grand Haven to a cottage on Lake Michigan. In the future I will go to my uncles house in Wisconsin. Quote for my future life is: if things dont go your way or you don’t get what you want always stay confident, strong, and Never Give up. Sincerly, young Madelyn


Cash To future self. I hope we do these things from the list. I think we should keep learning Taekwondo and having fun in sports. Also we should try a diffrent sport and see if we like them. Hopefully we can stay in touch with family and friends. I also think we should keep family traditions alive by celebrating and doing them. I think we should get a good education by saving money and because my great grandma helps with that. We should maby meet new people. And we should get a good job. I should because I may not know evrything but we are smart and we have common sence. Some other things are just try new and different things. Bye these are all things we should do. Thanks for reading about what I think should happen in the future. From Cash

Jami Dear future Mack a Jamin/nut Hello future, I cant wait to show you my future. Hopes, I plan to be a cheer coach, I plan to Be a camp instucton I plan to Be in a play, I plan to Be in the Detroit igers. things I plan, I plan to go to russia, I plan to go to Brazil, I also plan to go to China, i also plan to Be in a harry potter movie what collages, i plan to Be in Davenport university, i plan to Be in Michigan university too, I plan to cook too, i plan to live in sudan, thats what i plan to do in my future whats yours? sincerely mack a Jamin/nut ******************************************** Preston Dear futuer Preston, I have questions for me that are important to know like where I live, whats my house like, what do I do for fun. What job I would have, what I would do with my money. What would I do to make high school better, What I would do to save the earth. All these things are good to know but also very important to know. First where I would live is RUSSIA because it would be amazing but first I would need to get a after school job at a gas station once I do that I will get all the money I have move to Russia and live there forever and visit Lucas and to be out of America and to explor and go around ASIA and Africa. What Job I would have is to be an explorer but to be an explorer I will search for a cool cave in RUSSIA and explor ASIA and Africa becaue I could travle and see Amazing things. I would like a awsome house because it could give me protectchen and my goal is to explore new areas and get money and pay taxes and get a nice looking house to live in. When my futuer self will go to high school I will help change it by helping others and stop kids from being bullyed because if no one helps others nobody will want to go to school. I will help the planet by starting protest walks so the factorys will get shut down and replace them with soler panals So the earth wont get polluted. When I make money out of that I will take a bout to ALASKA to AsiA become a famous explorer after that I will become apart of the army work hard become captian and invaid KAZAKSTAN. So all these things are important so if you find this in the lowell ledger 2018 then try to achive them and always let your dreams fly” Preston

******************************************** Savvy Dear Savvy, Hello, I am you at 10 years old! I am curious about the future. As my goal, I would like to live in United Kingdom. Why I would like to live there is because it is beautiful and I would like to explore. How I will do that is I will save money and buy a plane ticket. In United Kingdom, I would like a family. It would be me, my future husband, 1 to 3 kids, and 1 to 6 Huskies. What I would like to do with my family is go to church, vaccations, and game/ movie nights. What I would like to do personaly is save money for Manchester University in United Kingdom, a Husky, a house, and a blue mustang. Something else I want to do is WNBA. How I’m going to get there is practice hard. When I retire I want to take care of my family and play basketball at home. What I hope stays is the future is the caringness of people. What I hope doesn’t stay in the future is homelessness and hungar. All I have to say left is belive in what people think are unbeliveable. Sincerely, your young self



Charley Dear future Charley, I’m hoping you’ll actually listen to a ten year old for once, maybe not a genius one but, a you one. Read this, what do you think? Think back to ten year old you. My plans and goals are to become a dean of a university with my pychologist degree hopefully my docters degree too. I would really like to imagine a future with my best friends. I want to live in London, England, to make all this happen I’m going to study and try my hardest. I would like to get into a great collage. possibly in London, England, Cor Harverds. Changes I really and hope the world can make is no one is homeless or is in provety struggling with the bills. We grew up like that I don’t want to see the world become that. Also, no one is in adoption all their life waiting to be loved once more. I want to see these changes come together by people and world, maybe we can be all friends and family instead of enemis. Advice need advice? Here it comes. When times get hard and frustrating don’t give up work with them untill they become easy. Dad didn’t give up on you when you messed up did he? No, he didn’t. Do as he always says, “It takes practice and patience to do something. Go on life saying that to your kids and your grandkids, even tell the world that. Still doing guitar learned Blackbird by the Beatles yet? Still rocking to the Four Seasons and the Temptations? So, future self, are you crying yet? looking back remembering ten year old you? You should be in high school now heading to collage. I wanna belive I still have the fire I was born with and the chill I’m looking for. Now think, just think... Sincerely, Charley ********************************************

Isabella Dear future Bella Bella, I have ton of questions for you. And I wish I could know all the answers, but Mrs. Young told the class that doesn’t have a future telling ball. Sad, right. Well, here comes the questions. Do you ever get a family? If so how meny kids? What college do you get in to? How long do you go to college? Wait, you do go to college, right? I’m sure one day you will look at this and answer these questions. Oh yeah, is there crazy new ice cream flavors? What? I wanna know. Next here’s some good, no great advice “Never ever forget what True Friends means.” Here is a quote, “Courage is doing the right thing when everyone around you is doing wrong.” One thing I want to change is bees should have no stingers. Are you still scared of bees? I am. I mean bees seem very scary. One thing I don’t want to change is I still want to see my family want to see our family at least 3 times a year. I will probably have to call up the family and arrange it if I want it to happen. That is what Mom does. I have many ambitions in my life, some will be hard to achieve. I still want to be a vet, mom, and childcare worker. I will have to work hard to become a vet doing lots of reading and tests. I will also have to be in college for a long time. And if I want to be a childcare worker, I have to work hard and be helpful. To be a mommy I just have to find true love and try my best not to go nuts. Aright bye, bye future Bella Bella! And remember be brave enough to tell the world what you want to be. Then all you have to do is see it through. Love, Bella Bella

Savannah Dear future Nanners, The ways I hope I change are in the future is that I’m abit more nice to my sisters because I yell at them. Also, I want to learn to like frozen corn because I really, really hate that stuff. Lastly, I learn to control my anger so I don’t lash out at people. The things I hope that don’t change are, I absolutely love to cook becaue I want to go to colornary school. I want to keep loving Warriors because I want to teach my kids to love the books too. I really hope what doesn’t change is that I’m always full of ideas because I love how I’m so full of optimstic. My presonal advice would give myself is don’t lie to your parents ever. Also, work your hardest, a life. Here is a quote I made for myself “Be grateful for what you got.” Sincerely, Nanners



Suri Dear future Suri When I grow up I want to be successful. This is how I want to live my life. I hope it works out this way. When I want to live in Lowell, Michigan. I would like to have a medium size house. In that house I would really like two tiny dogs like nanny did. Did dad end up geting a dog for the family? I don’t know about kids maybe one or two. Am I still friends with charley? I would love to live close to her. I want to live close to my family and to see them a lot. I want to be a teacher in the future, I want to because I like working with people and teaching them. The grade I want to teach is third grade because that was my favorite year. I think the bass would be fun to learn in the middle school. I am scared to go to the middle school, you have to learn a locker combnation. I would like to play bass in a concert. Here is some advice for the future. I middle school don’t give up playing the bass. keep family close Never forget any family. Never forget charley keek her close too. Most important never give up anything. When I grow up I hope to follow this paper. I wonder if I will follow this paper. You never know where life takes you. Sincerely, Suri ******************************************** Lucas Dear Luke, Hopfully you found this and are still living, I say this because my dad told me the world is going to end soon. There are a few things I need to discuss with you because I’m intrested in what the future will hold. What is the stuff in your time like? Are there time machines, becaues I want to go to the future and the past!? What are the phones like? What is the food like - I know its diffrent in diffrent times and places. What is the main source of power in america? In this time power sources like coal and oil are disipearing quickly. Are there lots of robberies? I don’t know much about robberies! What are the cars like? The cars in fall out are hover cars! Who is the president? Are there robots everywere? Its like that in mechehariam. Have you met rick riodan? I LOVE his books! Secondly, Are my parents still alive? I hope so! Is it scary growing up? I hope not! How are you finachally? How many times have you been to italy now? Do you have a job? did you know I love to draw. Do you? Also, I’m reading percy jacson and the olimpians I start a rick riodan club. I love legos. lastly, I have my life plan! I’m gonna go to italy and visit preston sometimes. love, lucas

Maddy Dear future Maddy, Future self I have something to tell you to tell you and its all in the letter so read it. First, I have some goals for you the first one is to read 300 books. So far we all ready have over 100 so were doing good. Second is get up to 5 dogs. One because dogs are cute and cudly. I even did a opinion writing on that. Two because we are allergic and third because I like to have good guard dogs. The third goal is to figure out what I want to be because guizzes will start asking. What do you want to be when you grow up? And we won’t know. Next, I have a helpful tip always keep reading because if you don’t life will be meaningless to us. So if you run out of books try and read these again. Hunger games, Land of Stories, Harry Potter, Shadow Children, book by Jennifer A. Neisen, Fablehaven, last chronicles and many more I don’t rember. I know we will but always keep reading. lastly, what I want to change is money! by now any one reading this is probaly saying “that is outrageous” “money is life” “it puts food on the table” Well to explain if there was no money we would give each other what we needed less people would starve thing would be more pleasant so just think about it. If the world stoped there would most likely be less war and war is basically death for most people so is world hunger and both are ridiculous and worth as much as money. So think is money that important. I hope you read this letter all the way thourgh and rember your past self because after this I will see you in the future. Sincerely, Maddy ******************************************** Graham Dear future Graham, This is a letter for future me. It’s about my plans for the future. I have some goals for the future. My goals of mine are move to Florida, work at a place called vergina tile to get mony to get a fishing boat to go deep sea fishing fishing is my favorite hobby to do my dad got me into fishing. He taught me alot of things about fishing. I also have a dream car it is called a porsche 911. Some advice I give my future self is never give up on you dreams, be the most respectful person you can be, and always take advice from my parents. I hope future me is able to achieve all my goals. Also I hope future me still is good at math and sports. your friend, Graham ******************************************** 38

Drew Dear future Drew, Here are some things I want to know for the future and some advice you will need for the future. First of all I want to talk about hockey. I’m going to play for the Grand Rapids Griffins and become captain and top goal scorer then move up to the NHL and play for the Detroit Redwings and I will do that by praticing everyday to get better at hockey. One more thing is I want to be on the same team as my best friend Nolan for hockey. The next thing I want to talk about is college. First my roommate would be Nolan and would both go to MSU and be on the same hockey team. Nolan and I would both get good scholarships to MSU because of all of our good grades. The last of them is some advice for your future self. My first advice is to not live in the city because its to loud and you won’t be able to sleep. My second advice is to practice everyday so you can make your goal of being captain and top goal scorer and going into the NHL. My last advice is to not spend your money on stuff that you don’t need all the time or else you will not have enough money to pay for your taxes so save your money. Those are some things I want you to know future self. Sincerely, Present Drew

Hayden Dear my future self, Where I,m going to live in the future is Alaska. When I grow up I,m going to be a scientist and a artist. What I,m going to do in the future is I,m going to go to college. I,m going to college so I can learn how to be a scientist and learn how to draw better. I,m going to be succesful in college. I,m going to be succesful in the future by, Buying a nice car, a big house and a good job that will pay me good. What I wan’t to change in the future is there to be flying cars, and also there to be jet packs, the last thing I wan’t to change in the future is it to always be sunny so it can be warm all the time so no one would have to wear a big coat. All those reasons are what I wan’t to be and be succesful in the future.

******************************************** Ayvah Dear future Ayvah, We will always be our self strong, brave, smart, creative, and kind. So thats how we’re discribed. Here are some important deatails I want us to do. Lets start! I’m going to start with advice. We will always be a good sister to Thomas and Kaytlynn. We will never let anyone get us down. Our Faith for our holy father will never die thats a promise. Now goals we want to be a baker and a part time photographer. We also want to be an artist one day. Our last goal is to live in Mackinaw City, MI because its our dream to live there its realy beautiful exspecially the lakes and water falls. Things we want to change. To have people be better earth care-takers. Also, we want others to realize what they have. One more thing is for others to be more thankful and respectful. Future Ayvah, lets always be ourself and never someone we’re not. We shall always be kind, helpful, and smart. I will never let us down, we will always try our best I promise. From Fifth Grade You!

Calihan Dear future self, Who did you mary? How many kids do you have? Do you have a zoo? I want to have a zoo someday. First I need to work at a zoo. I would like to work at John Ball Zoo. Then mabe someday I will own John Ball Zoo. I also want a lot of pets and a farm 4 dogs, 3 cats, 3 horses, 2 cows, 4 chikens. I love animals. I want to get maried and have kids. but not until I'm 25. I would like 3 kids. I'd to play soccer I already do but like High School and collage. I know all of this will cost a lot of money. Maybe I will also work at a Ice Cream place. Your 5th grade self





Connor Dear fututre Connor, I challange you to have done these goals or about to do them. Also see if these things have stayed the same and things that are different by thirdy. Okay lets start with goals. First are you a pharmacist in Denver, Colorado? Also are you seccessful and you’re able to travel all over Europe? Finally have you been able to visit you’re family in Michigan? So I hope you’ve done those or about to do them. Are these things still the same that I’m going to ask you? Are they making more electric and less gas cars? What I really want to be the same is that all endangered animals still exsit but there are more of them. The last one is that are there still stores? And before I finish are these things different? My bigest hope is that there is less pollution. The second thing I hope is different is that there is no need for zoos.

Calven Dear future self in my future I what to be rich and feed the homeles people and give them homes and some money for rent for the homes and to move in Detroit so I can live my life cool and help a lot of people in the would and in the future and mack the would a Beter place for people. and in my future I what to have a nice home in Detroit and have a nice car and have a red and blck helicopter and go shoping ever muth. and for my rapeup I what to say I donot what the would to keep fighing and killing people in the would and cits and cruchers. sincerely Calven ******************************************** Addi Dear future self, Right now I’m mostly afriad of high school, and if you are going to be exsepted to MSU (vet classes). Oh how I want to be a vet I was told MSU has good vet classes. Do you even want to be a vet anymore (I hope so)! did you get in to vet classes? How are mom, Dad, Emma? Do you have a pomeranian yet? or a Jeep?! Ahh do you have that 3 member family that I talked about? did your daughter/son pick the second dog in the ramily? what is your new favorit resterant? how do you relax now? did you get your dream job as a vet with your best friend (Gloria Donahue)? Did she get in MSU? Do you guy’s have the same dorm room/Apartment? So off topic but do you like the same apps? are they still even pouplar apps? have you been to paris like i’v always wanted to? Well future self we’ll see what the future holds! Sincerely, Addi ******************************************** Gavyn Dear Gavyn Hi my name is gavyn this is a writing about what I what to do in the feacher. enjoy it and mabe we have some same thaning we what to do so here is my plans. When I grow I want to be a police offiser. Plus a youtouber to show what we do to help out. and I get to help out one of the states to show what is right or wrong. The tyepeof car I what is a charger. it is fanics so it looke great to the public. and it is vary fast so I can cach some one speeding. and every one wants to have it and take it on a spin. I want to live in Ohio becase I will not knew what is thare. So it will be a srorise. im guessing it is better in Ohio Those are my feacher things of what to do. I hope you injoy my writing and have a good day so by by. p.s. tell me if you have the same plans for the feacher

******************************************** Ben Dear Ben, First when I am older I want to go to the NBA. But my plan is when I am 24 I would live to play basketball for the rest of my life. Once I retire from basketball I want to help homeless people. There is something that could help me, it is to get taller because I am pretty short and basketball players are tall but that cant stop me. The next thing is I need to get better at basketball. I’m good but I need to work on passing, another thing is each day I practice I feel like I am aprooving each day. My next paragraph is the stat I want to live in is LA Calafornia the reason why I want to live in LA because I’ve always liked big citys and I really like palm trees. But I have never been to LA and I think it would be cool to live there. This is how it started when it was my first time going to chicago with my cousins and we went on a really tall building and we went all the way to the top. It looked like a musem because it was there was things you could buy and look at. another cool fact on why I want to go to LA is two basketball players and they both live in LA, my favorite basketball players are Lebron James and Kevin duraunt. I’ve never been to the Lakers so I would tell kevin durant that I live in Lowell and I went to Detroits Stadium and I got to see him. the reason why we went was because it was my cousins birthday. Finally Last but not Least I would like to get rid of my Lazy eye, and I dont want it. Plus last year got bullied, was by the computer room because I finished my test. My closing is to have everyone to be happy and nobody getting hurt and I hope I acheive my goals. ******************************************** 40

Gloria Dear future self, What I want to do when I grow up is go to collage, what college I want to go to is MSU. Because I want to be a vet, Because I love animals, and I want to help them. And earn money and I want to have a good education so I can be good at what im doing. Vet’s should get lots of money so I could save my money to get a house and a car, I want my family to live in californa with my family I want three kids and a husbant I want two girls and one boy, And I am going to work hard for what I need. And I also want to donate to charity so I can help the poor a little. And im doing all this because I want to have a good future And a big family. And I always have loved californa so has my friend (Addi dow) I hope she comes to californa with me and we both want to be vets and go to MSU. and thats what I want to do in the future. Sincerely, Lexi

Jadyn Dear jay jay, Hello I am you when you were 10 years old! I am curious about the future, I would like to live in wisconsin or Michigan because I love to go to these two places, I also would like to be a famous photographer because I love animals and I love being around a camra. I hope that polluting and littering will stop along with slavery. I hope that my family can go on lots of trips around the world and have game nights and movie nights. I want to try harder in school and be a good rowmodle for my kids, I also want them to have a good application. When I get married I am going to look back at this and say to myself that I did do hard in school and I did learn lots of stuff all because of my teachers that got me up when I fell down. Sincerely, young self ********************************************

******************************************** Kohl Dear KK the cool, In the future this is what I want to do and I want myself to know it. Don’t trust some ads cause it could be fake and/or a scam. Second, don’t trust some people because they could be lying. Last, don’t trust some agreements cause they could say we will pay $40 but you get payed $20. I want a house with a basement, 2 bathrooms, and 3 rooms or more, just in case I have a family. I want a car to drive to places with my family if I have one. I want to live in Chicago or Michigan cause I always wanted to go or stay. I want big by to be the same because I love bigby. I want mc donald to have another floor because I want more people to be able to sit. I want a job that gives me $60 an hour so I can buy a car and a house. I might do this in the future I never know. Sincrely, Kohl

******************************************** Madelyn Dear Future Me, Hi I’m you but from the past in Dec. 2018. I have a few ideas for you for places to go to or jods you should get. Do people find a way to stop pullotion in the future? So did someone find a way to get all the plastic out of oceans, lakes, rivers, or ponds. I know that i’m asking alot, and you really can’t tell me stuff about the future, so don’t tell me the answer. Some job ideas I have for you can be a wildlife rehabe so you can help animals. My second ideas is you can be a(n) Astronomer, so you can study the stars. My last idea is you can be a(n) educator, so you can teach other people. Some places you should visit are... You should visit Florida so you can see sharks, dolphns, fish... Or you could visit California, so you can maybe see some mountains. The last place I’m going to say is France so you can have some really really good desserts. Thank you for using some of your time to read this letter. If you go to Florida and nana is still alive, tell her thank you for all she has done. Sincerely, Madelyn VP


Suri, Mrs. Young


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Drew Dear future me, My friends right now are mason, maxon (max), Oliver (ollie), Joshua (Josh), Blake, Blake, Keagon, Logan, Collon, and Kyle. I hope you didn’t lose any of those. I hope you still have that second job dream of being a youtuber and your main job of being in the NBA. You have to get good grades though. Also, I hope you don’t do anything dumb. Have the mentality I have now. Drugs and smoking are stupid. Don’t do them. Also don’t try dumb things. Don’t try to get kicked out of places. It just annoys the workers of the place. Thats all I have for you. Sincerly, 5th grade Drew

Camden Dear Future Camden, I am in 5th grade and in Mrs. Severts class. I like hockey, lacrosse and football. when I grow up i want to be a hockey player it is a fun sport. I really recommend it! I like it because it’s fast paced and you are always moving to be ellgible to play hockey. You have to turn in your homework and do good in school. I want to go to the university of Michigan to play football and hockey they have good teams in both sports. To make this happen, i have to do good in school and get really good grades. I hope that Josh and I stay good friends. I also hope that my hockey dreem to stay the same. your past self, Camden



Haiden Dear future self id like to be an olympic gymnast when i get older. and get a gold meadal somthing that i hope changes is im more active so i can make it into the olymics. Something that i hope stays the same is. is at Halloween me and my brother. do a compitition to who can collect the most candy. a way to achieve these goals are to stay close with my faimly and be active. Some advice id give to my self is to stay strong be the best i can be and. Never give up

Colten Dear future Colten Hi my name is Colten and my positions on offense were back up full back and half back but when I was not in those positions I played wing, left gaurd, and wide out. On defense I played line backer, and corner. My plans for the future are to play Michigan football. I am going to achive my goals by playing youth football and work harder then everybody else. I hope me and my cousins can keep these family traditions alive. Witch are the parents do somthing to ten dallors and we have to get the ten dallors out. 42

Emerson Dear future me, Currently, I am in 5th grade. My favorite color is yellow, and I love to golf. My friends are Lily S. and Andrea, Ella M I have a sister in 9th grade. My goal is to become a mechanical engineer or an architect. To achieve this goal, I must get good grades and go to college. I will get a degree in mechanics. My advice to my future self is to always laugh at myself when I make mistakes, be kind to others, and take chances. My 5th grade self hopes you listen to me. From yours truely, Emerson

Aaliyha Dear future me My name is Aaliyha and I am 11 year old. My favorite color is blue and black and my favorite animal is a leperad. I am in fith grade. What do you hope stays the same? Well every fall my family and I go up north to our camp site and spend a night. Sometimes I wash my feet in the lake with my sister. Hopefully we still do this. I really want the old light house in the U.P. to stay the same because it is really nice to see and go in. It as a light house person that takes care of the big light to make sure boats don’t crash. From 5th grade me (Aaliyha) ******************************************** Jenna D Dear future me, Right know, I go to Cherry Creek Elementary, and I love sports. I love soccer the most. I have best friends named: Evy Frey, Kenzie Frey, and Shania Amaya. The thing that I hope will stay the same is that I will love soccer my whole life until I get old and can’t play. The advice that I want to give my future self is to stay positive and strong. Never be afraid! From 5th grade me (Jenna/JB) ******************************************** Audrey Dear Future Me, What is your job, or what have you studied to be? I currently want to be an animator, because of my liking of drawing. I also enjoy playing basketball, gaming, and other things. I wouldn’t say I’m a very girly person. What has been changing? In 2018, we have things going on in the world that could be fixed. These include world pollution, poor people, and smoking. I sure hope I’m not smoking any time in my life. I honestly don’t get why the government hasn’t banned cigarettes. But as an adult, you’d have a good reason. You may reply by saying, “The government must manage what they choose to declare no leagel, and people would still make them anyway.” How have you changed? Do you still enjoy the things I enjoy, like wolves, the color blue, and Gacha games? Do you still hang out with the people I hang out with? Do you still have pets? I have a dog and two cats. So, are you still who I am in your past? Sincerely, The Past You, Audrey

******************************************** Callan Dear Future Self, I am in 5th grade at Cherry Creek Elementary at 11 years old. My best friends name is Kyle and at home I often like to play with my dog Rudy, draw, or play basketball. Lately I have enjoyed playing with legos. When I am older I want my job to be an animator,to do that I want to take art classes throughout middle school and high school. In the future I hope that the amount of trees cut down will decrease along with animals kept in captivity. I hope that I will still be interested in art, basketball, and golf. I want to still be wealthy enough to have a home and a nice meal to eat everyday. The advice that I would give to my future self would be to appreciate what you have and don’t let somone tell you that you can’t do something. ********************************************


Lillian Dear future me, I want my future self to know a couple of things about my 5th grade year. My friends are Chloe, Rylee, Audrey, Drew, Kyle, ransom, Blake and Dhaul. I would like to keep most of them. My favorite color is pastal yellow and purple. I want to be a photographer or I want to do interior design. I’m the tallest kid in my class. I’m at 5’4 or a little over. Am I still friends with the people I said? tag is a big thing for me, me and the boys would play tag all the time. The advice I want to give my future self is DO NOT SMOKE, and please chose your husband wisley! Take opportunities. and go to college. Future me, I know you will laugh at this, but this is what I want you to know. Please take this advice and don’t forget me. Sincerly, Your very own 5th grader (lily)

Taylor L. Dear Me Im in 5th graed. My teacher is Mrs. Severts My BFFs are Savvy, Jazzy and lilly. My favorlite coler is glitter. I love dogs my favoriltes are Boxers and PitBulls I want to Be ether a Doctor or hair stylist. I plan to work hard to get to make this happin i want to go to State university! I want to play vollyball in High School and College. Finlly my advice is to be kind and positive Dont let the Bad stuff get to you!! Sincerly 5th grade me Taylor L ******************************************** Kyle Dear Future Me, I’m a fifth grader and my favorite sport is hockey. The job I want to have is either a football player or equipment manager for a hockey team. I got to help a equipment manager and it was interesting. I want to play football so I can meet people who love football more than others. Did I get one of those jobs? A tradition I hope stays alive is going to Splash Village in Frankenmuth. We go with my cousins and grandparents from my mom’s side. There’s a raft ride that is really cool in the dark. Is the tradition still alive. From, 5th grade self (Kyle)

******************************************** Jaimey Dear future me, I have a couple questions for us. Do we still want to be a mechanical engineer? Are we still friends with faith? Did we do crew and if so were we good? I wish you could tell me the answers. Is Why Don’t We still a band, did we get to go to a concert? Is Jonah still your favorite member? Are we still one of the tallest girls in school. Some more questions are about our education. Did we ever get into advanced math? Did we get a scholarship to M.I.T. and did we good grades in all classes? Did we get to take A.P. classes after all I know we are smart. I hope you get to read this paper in da future. When we go to college dont forget I’d rather be hated for who I am then be loved for who I am not. Sincerely, Fifth grade Jaimey

******************************************** Taylor S. Dear future self, When I grow up, I plan to either be a vet, veteran, or a Dentist. How I plan to achieve these goals is to get good grades and go to a good college. this will lead to a good, wealthy life, but right now, I’m just another 5th grader at cherry creek elementary, and I do what other people do, well, I only follow what GOOD people do. Any ways what I hope is that pollution and bullying come to an end. especially with boys. when a lot of boys get older and are in middle and high school, they get bullied by other boys. Advice that I should give you, my future self, is to do the right thing and stay safe. stay away from people that do the wrong thing prove that you can do the opposite of those bad people. it might sound crazy, myself in seven years will go back and read this and my 5th grade self still hoping that I follow my own advice. There will be tough times but I know we’ll get through it 5th grade me, and future me. Sincerely, 5th grade you (Taylor)

******************************************** Noah Dear Futrue Me, Hi! I am Noah I go to Cherry Creek. I have a lots of favorite colors. My favoritest color is blue. I want a job but am not sure whether it should be a youtuder or at cher. I think I will be a youtuder. If I am a youtuber, I will do Minecraft, roadblocks and oter games. I hope to study compters in college. If I am a teacher, I want to teach fourth grade. That is my favorite year of all. Sincerly, past me (Noah) PS I have a youtube channe!


Jack Dear future Jack, Hi my name is Jack oh! I guess you already know that... Anyway I’m in 5th grade. My three best friends are Josh B. Charlie H. and Blake S. I wonder if you know them. Do you know who my favorite NFL Player is. Golden Tate III of course... I mean if he’s not retired by 2025. Some of my plans for when I grow up are to go to U of M and get a Master’s Degree for somthing then get a good job and then get a family. This year I want Black ops four and a xbox for Christmas. I want to have alot of friends for along time. You past self Jack

Holly Dear Future Me, My name is Holly. I go to schoole at Cheery Creek Elementary. and I am in 5th grade. Im one of shortest in my class. What are your plans for the future? When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, and I also want to be a Docter for special needs kids. How I’m going te reach this goal is that I’m going to get good grades, and ge to a good college. What do you hope stays the same? I hope that my Bush Christmas and all the Bush get to gethers stay the same. I also hope that getting a real tree every christmas stays the same. From, 5th grade me (Holly)

******************************************** Logan Dear future me, i’m in 5th grade and I have Mrs. Severts for my teacher at cce elementary. don’t give up on being an engineer. You got to go to michigan university and get masters degree in engenering. Is pollution get better or be gone? Will people have more jobs and more money? Are some stores going to lose bissnese? Will there be more scholls. Sincerely, Logan

******************************************** Evy Dear future me, Right now, I am in 5th grade. My school is Cherry Creek. My favorite color is yellow. I like soccer. I plan to go to a state university college. I plan to acheive that by studying really hard and trying my best. I want to be a teacher or a national soccer player. I hope that a lot of things stay the same friends, my family parties I also hope that I get good grades in the future. Please don’t forget me future me! I will give you advice of to get your work done!!! from, 5th grade m (Evy)

******************************************** Josh Dear future me, Just to let you know I’m in 5th grade in Mrs Severts class. I play youth football for Lowell. My coach is Kyle sitzer. I’m friends with Colten, Blake, Drew, Jack, Camden, Cas, Garret, and Kolten. I want to play in the NFL. I will do that by playing youth every year. When I get in high school, I want to be QB. then get into collage and play for LSU. Lastly I want to get in the NFL and play for the New England Patriots as a QB. I hope we are still friends with our good friends. I hope were on the same football team with them through high school, collage, and mabe the NFL. When you read this, just remind your self to be positive. Yo should remember all these great memeries and friends. Sincerly 5th grade Me (Josh) ********************************************

******************************************** Lily Dear Future Me, My name is Lily. Right now, I’m in 5th grade. I love soccer. I want to play soccer in middle school and high school. I want to be an architect and an Interior designer. I want to go to Michigan State University and get my Master’s degree. To acheive my goal of going to college and becoming an artchitect or Interior designer, I’m going to get good grades and do the best I can. I hope to still be best friends with Emerson until I die. I want to have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I wish to travel the world with my family. I want to give my future self some advice: Never smoke and make the right desisions in life. Don’t forget to take chances. From, 5th grade lil-Bill (Lily) 45

Lizzy, Mrs. Smith

Kolten, Mr. Bredin

Drew, Mr. Wright

Hailey, Mr. Wright

Kayley, Mrs. Smith

Ava, Mrs. Smith






Emory, Mrs. Smith Jenna D., Mrs. Sverts

Dulce, Mrs. Smith

Evelyn, Mr. Bredin

Ethan, Mrs. Smith 49

Avery, Mrs. Breen Ayvah, Mrs. Young

Brooklyn, Mrs. Breen

Gloria, Mrs. Young

Andrea P., Mrs.Grooters

Julia, Mrs. Dimmick


749 W. Main St., Lowell • 616-897-9227

930 W. Main St., Lowell • 616-897-9281 w w w. b e t t e n b a k e r c d j r. c o m


w w w. b e t t e n b a k e r g m c . c o m

JAMES E. REAGAN, DDS 207 W. Main St. • Lowell 616-897-7179 207 W Main • Lowell Member of Michigan Dental Association Since 1984



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