2 minute read

Fusing Design with Language & Literature

IB attributes: thinkers, principled

During the grade 7 novel unit on The Hunger Games, a series of young adult dystopian novels and a pop culture phenomenon, students explored symbolism, the idea of perspective, and the role that power and privilege plays in our society. They also discussed how life experience changes our perceptions of the world around us.

A student project

From a suggested list of well-known personalities and groups, such as Malala Yousafzai, Malcolm X, Anne Frank and Harvey Milk, among others, students were tasked with writing a first-person narrative from their point of view, as a first step, and from the point of view of the selected person/group as a second step. They then took their creative spirit into the Fab Lab to create an item or symbol that would advocate for the rights of the person or group.

A student project

“I wrote a narrative from the point of view of Ruth Bader Ginsberg that explored gender discrimination in school and in the workplace,” says Olivia Hughes ’25. “I then created a tote bag (see top left) that included some of RBG’s iconic fashion choices, including her lace collar, eyeglasses, and large earrings. Even though outdated stereotypes continue to hold women back in society, I am thankful to my teacher for being an empowering influence for female students at LCC.”

ALEXANDRA MAZZELLA ’04, Language & Literature Teacher

A student project

A student project

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