Amazing Adventure Journey of Seekers Bear Collection 5 Books by Erin Hunter
Overview of Stories Great Bear Lake This story starts with Lusa, a black bear, finally meeting Toklo, a brown bear, after searching for him for a long time. These two bears and a brown bear named Ujarak make a final push to Great Bear Lake so that they can have the experience of the longest day ceremony. Another main character is a polar bear named Kallik. She goes to Great Bear Lake to find her brother Taqqiq. She finds him but not in the best circumstances. Kallik gets a fish but Taqqiq steals it from her. She finds out that its him and tries to get him back to his usual self and stop hanging out with his bad friends. Meanwhile, Toklo is trying to get the fish back to the lake by swimming to Pawprint Island and staying there for a night. He battles a bear that doesn’t like him because of Toklo’s mother. Meanwhile, Lusa has made
a new friend who has been taken by Taqqiq and his friends. To get him back, Kallik, Lusa and Toklo need to team up to get him. They do this and this is how they start their adventure together. Smoke Mountain In this book, Ujarak, Lusa, Toklo, and Kallik are on the trail to the last great wilderness but have to go through the mountains where there are giant flat faces(humans) that eat bears. They find out during the adventure that the humans aren’t giant and hunt bears. That still frightens them. Another big part in the book is when Lusa gets hit by a car and is very hurt. While she is knocked out, she has a dream. She is back home in the zoo. Her mother talks to her and says that she must save the wild. The Last Wilderness One is the bonding between Lusa and Toklo. They really care for each other and it adds to the story a lot. Another reason is Toklo becomes more of a leader and gains a lot of respect from the group. He shows what it means to be a true leader. Ujurak also grows a lot through the book. When the group suggests he changes into a bird to fly away from danger; he is resistant and thinks it will make him look like a coward. Overall this is a good book and sequel. Fire in the Sky The three cubs-Kallik,Toklo, and Lusa-along with their shape=shifting companion, Ujerak,stand on the edge of the sea-ice under the blazing Northern Lights. The land has come to an end, but the bears’ journey is far from over. Now they must put their trust in Kallik’s paws, as she feels the kice pulling her out toward the ocean. Life on the ice more difficult than the bears imagined .While Kallik struggles to remember her polar bear roots, Toklo bristles in the unfamiliar territory and Lusa get weaker by the day;black and brown bears don’t belong on the ice. Meanwhile, Ujurak learns firsthand what lurks beneath the whorls and bubbles of the ice, and what he discovers whill change everything. Spirits in the Stars Three bears’ incredible journey. United once again, Toklo, Lusa, Kallik, and Ujurak continue across the ice. Conditions are especially harsh for the small black bear and the grizzlies, who are not used to the brutal cold, never-ending snow, and limited food. But the bears are certain now that they’re on the right course, and with the stars guiding them, they push forward. When they reach land at last, the bears are overjoyed …but something is not right. The bears that live in this promised land are ill. Ujurak just might hold the key to their mission in his paws, yet it’s Lusa who has the ability to save the others. Now, when their task appears more difficult than ever, the bears must make a critical decision …and for one bear the path ends here. [Note: Seekers Bear Collection has 5 books which is story about three bears from different worlds and about their quest of lifetime.]