Operational risk management
Operational risk can play a key role in developing overarching risk management programs that include business continuity and disaster recovery planning, and information security and compliance measures. A first step in developing an operational risk management strategy can be creating a risk map -- a plan that identifies, assesses, communicates and mitigates risk.
Operational risk It can be difficult to manage the various risks across an organization’s departments, and in some cases the various regions it operates in. Its necessary to identify typical occurrences of operational risk within a bank’s business model, and to consider external perspectives on the importance of operational risk management in rating and banking supervision. Identifying categories of operational risk in financial institutions: •Core operational capacity •People risks •Client relationships & Fiduciary risks •Transactional systems •Safe custody •Reconciliation and reporting •Fraud •Legal risk •Change and new activities •Expense volatility
Operational risk event
The objective of risk management is to add maximum sustainable value to the activities of an organization. It therefore needs to be a continuous and developing process that operates in conjunction with the development and implementation of the organization's strategy and whose aim is to increase the probability of achieving the overall objectives of the organization and reduce the probability of failure. To achieve this, operational risk management must be integrated into the organization and led by the most senior management.
Investors bank
Investor Relations is a strategic management responsibility that is capable of integrating finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies, which ultimately contributes to a company's securities achieving fair valuation.
Capital markets
Financial services are the economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions, banks, credit-card companies, insurance companies, accountancy companies, consumer-finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds and some government-sponsored enterprises.
SME banking
SME finance is the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises, and represents a major function of the general business finance market – in which capital for different types of firms are supplied, acquired, and costed or priced. Capital is supplied through the business finance market in the form of bank loans and overdrafts, leasing and hire-purchase arrangements; equity/corporate bond issues, venture capital or private equity, and asset-based finance such as factoring and invoice discounting
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