Validity Of The Efficient Market Hypothesis In Times Of Speculative Investment Bubbles Strategy Of A Successful Ipo DOWNLOAD HERE
It can be assumed that the internet was one of the most influential inventions of the 20th century. The internet opened up completely new ways of communicating and executing businesses. It enabled shopping portals like Amazon or eBay to emerge and revolutionise the shopping experience of millions of customers worldwide. The new economy was a Symbol for seemingly endless possibilities and a market with no limits. However, all those new ways of doing business could not prevent one of the biggest stock market crashes in modern history caused by the dotbubble. This essay examines if the dotbubble stands in contradiction to the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and their underlying assumptions. It will be argued that in the short term the efficient market can be bypassed but it will regulate itself again in the long run. The second part describes the strategy of a successful initial public offering (IPO) and analyses if the EMH has an impact on this endeavour. This paper will claim that the EMH influences the pricing of stocks and that a long term strategy is a key for a successful IPO. EAN/ISBN : 9783656404859 Publisher(s): GRIN Verlag Discussed keywords: Finanzierung, Wirtschaft Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Walder, Johannes
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