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outstanding feminist faculty member
Outstanding Feminist Faculty Member AWARDS
Dr. Constance mui
The WRC chose Dr. Constance Mui as the Outstanding Feminist Faculty Member. Dr. Mui is the heart of feminism at Loyola University New Orleans. She was one of the “founding mothers” of the Women’s Studies Program in 1989 and of the Women’s Resource Center, which she fought to bring back to campus in 1995 after its closure in 1980. An indefatigable feminist, Dr. Mui never shirks from demanding equality for women. The director of the WRC, Patricia Boyett, is so grateful to Dr. Mui and all the founding foremothers. Dr Boyett asserted, “Dr. Mui is an exceptional scholar, a phenomenal professor, and a courageous feminist. Her unwavering support for the Women’s Resource Center has allowed it to flourish. She has also been a phenomenal and gracious mentor to me.” Dr. Mui is one of the most beloved professors on campus and has opened
the minds of so many students to the perpetuation of patriarchy. Many students credit her with raising their feminist conscience. As Grace Riddick, the Associate Director of the Writing Team at the WRC and the Editor-inChief of The Feminist Forum, states, “Dr. Mui’s teachings have left numerous students, myself included, with a better understanding of feminist theory and history. Always there for her students, Dr. Mui has helped so many to comprehend the fundamentals of feminism - an essential skill. Dr. Mui inspires her students, and her kindness inside and outside of the classroom certainly leaves an impression on everyone she teaches.” Emmaline Bouchillon echoes such sentiments. “Dr. Mui's ‘Philosophical Perspectives on Women’ class was one of the most eye opening experiences I've had to date. Once someone shows you how to see, it's impossible to go back. Dr. Mui is intelligent, fierce, and one of the best leaders on Loyola's campus. To be her student was a pleasure, and I'm so grateful to call her a mentor.”
We invite you to learn more about Dr. Mui:
Dr. Constance Mui is a professor of philosophy and holds the Rev. Scott Youree Watson, S.J., Distinguished Professorship in Arts and Sciences. She specializes in continental philosophy, and has published articles on phenomenology, Sartre, Strawson, Beauvoir, Marcel, the problem of embodiment, and feminist theory. Recent publications include Gender Struggles: Practical Approaches to Contemporary Feminism (with Julien Murphy, 2002); “A Feminist-Sartrean Approach to Understanding Rape Trauma,” Sartre Studies International (2004); “Willing the Freedom of Others After 9/11: A Sartrean Approach to Globalization and Children’s Rights” (with Julien Murphy), Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil, ed. Robin May Schott (2007); “Pornography, Objectification, and the Sartrean ‘Look’,” The Problems of Resistance: Studies in Alternate Political Cultures, ed. Steve Martinot and Joy James (2001); “Enduring Freedom: Globalizing Children’s Rights” (with J. Murphy), Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (2003); “Sartre and Marcel on Embodiment: Reevaluating Traditional and Gynocentric Feminisms,” in Feminist Interpretations of Jean-Paul Sartre, ed. Julien Murphy (1999); “Rethinking the Pornography Debate: Some Ontological Considerations,” Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de langue Française (1998). Dr. Mui is recognized for her work in developing and adopting a viable philosophical framework for feminist theory based on Sartrean ontology.
Dr. Mui’s professional service includes leadership positions in many organizations. She has held several offices in the North American Sartre Society, and was president of the society in 2003 to 2005. She served on the Diversity Committee of the Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy from 2001 to 2005. Currently, she is president of the Central Division Sartre Circle, as well as Reviews Editor for the journal, Sartre Studies International.