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Celebrating 50 Years of Rambler Connections

TEMPUS FUGIT! As more than 70 members of the Class of 1966 reconvened at Loyola Academy in September for their 50th reunion celebration, many marveled that five full decades had passed since their Rambler days.

To some members of the Class of 1966, it felt like that old Rambler feeling of camaraderie and connection hadn’t changed a bit.

“What surprised me the most was the high energy of everyone in attendance,” reported Martin D. McNulty ’66, who served on the Class of 1966 reunion committee. “This was like it was 50 years ago—–high energy, friendship sharing and the same concernfor our classmates and the school.”

“There seemed to be a ‘twinkle’ in the eyes of most of us, which remained exactly the same after 50 years,” added Daniel J. Lawlor ‘66, another class reunion committee member.

The reunion festivities kicked off on Friday, September 16, with a day of golfing at the North Shore Country Club and a welcome dinner followed by a spirited 1960s trivia contest and an open mic session. On Saturday, the 1966 graduates toured the school and joined their classmates and friends for a tailgate party before heading into Sachs Stadium to cheer on our Rambler athletes at the Loyola vs. St. Francis varsity football game.

The ‘66ers returned to Loyola on Saturday night for their official 50th reunion celebration, which included a special class Mass with Fr. McGrath, followed by cocktails and dinner. At a Sunday morning brunch, the class members had one more opportunity to say hello—–and goodbye—–before they parted ways, with plans to meet again at their next Rambler reunion.

In a gesture of extraordinary generosity, the 1966 graduates made a class gift of $100,000 to support our Annual Giving Program, establish the Class of 1966 Championship Scholarship for Tuition Assistance and support the development of a National Championship Aquatic Center Locker Room for Loyola’s planned Aquatic Center.

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