david hurwitz copywriter
Patient Benefit
“The NEW Combination Therapy” When you no longer need to add MTX, what will you add instead? Answer: anything you want. Combine ACTEMRA with family, with laughter, with nature walks, with bocce ball… but you won’t have to combine it with MTX. With ACTEMRA Monotherapy, the new combinations are limitless.
ACTEMRA Monotherapy gives your RA patients the power of combination therapy in one effective treatment. When you no longer need to add MTX, just imagine what your patients can add instead.
“The NEW Combination” rollout ideas: •䇪
“ACTEMRA + Life” Art Movement: Via social media microsite, RA patients create aspirational art depicting their successes or what they’d add to ACTEMRA in their own personalized version of the new “combination therapy.” The resulting collage is featured at conventions and in physician-facing pieces!
“ACTEMRA + You”: At conventions, a “NEW Combination Therapy Booth” features leisure and relaxation activities for rheums. The exterior booth walls read “ACTEMRA +” with adjacent windows that allow a view of people inside the booth enjoying the activities
“ACTEMRA + Wherever You Are”: An app that acts as a digital concierge, helping you decide what your next local combination will be (You + [Restaurant Recommendation], You + [Activity Suggestion], etc.)
“Prescribing The Plus”: Patient activity trackers shaped like prescription pads allow doctors to literally prescribe the “+____________”
Addressing Skepticism
“Effective Monotherapy: It’s Finally Happening” Rheumatologists never thought they’d see the day they could treat RA with monotherapy as effectively as with combo therapy. But now that ACTEMRA Monotherapy has arrived, it’s time for rheumatologists to reconsider everything they thought they knew…
Effective Monotherapy. It’s Finally Happening.
What once seemed impossible is now a reality. With ACTEMRA Monotherapy, you get the power of combination therapy in one effective treatment. Believe it.
“Effective Monotherapy: It’s Finally Happening” rollout ideas: •䇪
“Fly By” banners: Banner ads feature a flying pig pulling monotherapy messaging behind it
“It’s a bird…it’s a plane…”: Viral videos feature pigs seen flying around cities, popping up in doctors’ offices, pharmacies, even in people’s bathrooms
“Look up in the sky…”: During ACR, remote-controlled flying pigs zoom outside hotel and convention centers. The pigs pull signs directing people to the ACTEMRA booth
“…it’s MonotheraPig!”: A flying pig float at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Spirit of Individual Accomplishment
“Singular Sensation” She’s the most independent woman in the world. There’s nothing she can’t do by herself. She’s singlehandedly won doubles tennis competitions. In relay races she passes the baton to herself. She only owns tandem bikes. When she wins awards, she both introduces and thanks herself. She is proof that it doesn’t take two to tango.
One that does the job of two? That's the idea behind ACTEMRA Monotherapy. Treat moderate to severe RA without adding methotrexate, and without losing efficacy. Now that’s a singular sensation.
“Singular Sensation” rollout ideas: •
“The Legend” viral videos: fake news stories marvel at the impossible feats accomplished by Anita Mono
“Riding Solo” stunt: guerrilla teams around the ACR convention ride tandem bikes by themselves
“One-on-One”: At the ACTEMRA booth, rheums will be challenged to play Nintendo Wii against themselves
“Double vs Single” app: play as Anita Mono as she goes up against two opponents at the same time in an exhibition tennis match
Instant Gratification
“Just Add Nothing” Imagine a world where everything only took one step to complete. Hungry? Open the oven and a complete turkey dinner with all the trimmings pops out. Sound like a fantasy? Not when it comes to treating RA with ACTEMRA Monotherapy. There’s simply no need to add anything.
Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to add things in to get the most out? In RA, you don’t have to. ACTEMRA Monotherapy delivers the efficacy of combination therapy but without the combination.
The difference is obvious. The similarity is surprising.
ACTEMRA Monotherapy is proven to deliver robust RA efficacy in a single agent. 速
With efficacy equal to combination therapy, ACTEMRA Monotherapy allows you to remove MTX without changing effect. CONCEPT L
FAMOUS FIRST LINES Description: History has proven that a great first line can mean the difference between success and failure. This idea uses famous “first lines” to make an important point about ACTEMRA, the next great “first line.”
ST E With a new LIN SEindication, ACTEMRA now has it‘s place among first line patients IC
The right first line makes all the difference Now indicated for DMARD-IR patients, ACTEMRA Monotherapy is the right beginning for more patients than ever.
ACTEMRA Monotherapy is
Changing the Face of RA Treatment
Introducing the Eye-Opener. With the largest clinical trial program of its kind to date, ACTEMRA will change the way you look at RA monotherapy.
For your TNF-IR patients who need an effective biologic without methotrexate “If [the patient] was a candidate for biologic monotherapy, I’d say‌let’s pick a biologic that is demonstrated to work without methotrexate.â€? James E. Loveless, MD, FACR Medical Director of Adult Rheumatology and Research St. Luke’s Rheumatology and Research Center, Boise, Idaho
To watch Dr Loveless speak about biologic monotherapy, scan this QR code. Scanners such as the MicrosoftÂŽ Tag app are available in your mobile marketplace.
Indication ACTEMRA is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who have had an inadequate response to one or more tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist therapies.
Important Safety Information
Serious Infections Serious infections leading to hospitalization or death, including tuberculosis (TB), bacterial, invasive fungal, viral and other opportunistic infections, have occurred in patients receiving ACTEMRA. ACTEMRA should not be administered during an active infection, including localized infections. If a serious infection develops, ACTEMRA should be interrupted until the infection is controlled. Prior to initiating ACTEMRA, a test for latent TB should be performed. If the test is positive, treatment for TB should be started prior to starting ACTEMRA. All patients should be monitored for active TB during treatment, even if initial latent TB test is negative. The benefits and risks of treatment should be considered prior to initiating ACTEMRA in patients: s WITH CHRONIC OR RECURRENT INFECTION s WHO HAVE RESIDED OR TRAVELED IN AREAS OF ENDEMIC 4" OR MYCOSES s WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO 4" s WITH UNDERLYING CONDITIONS THAT MAY PREDISPOSE THEM TO INFECTION s WHO HAVE A HISTORY OF SERIOUS OR OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS 0ATIENTS SHOULD BE CLOSELY MONITORED FOR SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION DURING AND AFTER TREATMENT WITH !#4%-2! CONTRAINDICATION ACTEMRA should not be administered to patients with known hypersensitivity to ACTEMRA. Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information including "OXED 7ARNING for additional important safety information.
Based on observational studies and analysis of healthcare registries,
30% of RA patients on a biologic are already being treated with a biologic monotherapy
Reasons for discontinuation of MTX monotherapy at 42 months5
RA patients treated with a biologic monotherapy*
11% Biologic combination therapy (MTX/DMARD + biologic)
Biologic monotherapy
* Based on data from 3 observational studies and 1 retrospective analysis of registries and healthcare claims databases.1-4 DMARD=disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; MTX=methotrexate.
Global use of a biologic monotherapy Approximately 30% of RA patients are treated with a biologic monotherapy
Inadequate response
Loss of follow-up
RA Patients on Biologic Monotherapy (%)
50 40 30
27 %*
s Based on an observational study of 274 patients5 s The study tracked 2 rheumatology outpatient clinics in Vienna, Austria, from 1999-20035
CORRONA registry (United States)
US Healthcare Claims Database
BSRBR Registry (United Kingdom)
Demonstrated significant improvements in monotherapy vs MTX across ALL ACR scores (ACR20/50/70)6
Studied as monotherapy vs MTX (an active comparator), not placebo6
FDA approved for monotherapy AND combination therapy
Turn to ACTEMRA MONOTHERAPY ACR=American College of Rheumatology; TNF-IR=inadequate response to TNF antagonists.
Important Safety Information
10 0
For TNF-IR patients who do not tolerate MTX, consider a biologic that offers all of the following:
Gastrointestinal Perforations s Events of gastrointestinal perforation have been reported in clinical trials, primarily as complications of diverticulitis – ACTEMRA should be used with caution in patients who may be at increased risk for gastrointestinal (GI) perforation. Patients presenting with new-onset abdominal symptoms should be evaluated promptly for early identification of GI perforation
RABBIT Registry (Germany)
*Ongoing observational registry study from the US CORRONA network currently enrolled.2 † Retrospective analysis of US healthcare claims databases with 16,752 RA patients from 1999-2004 and 8218 RA patients from 1999-2005.1 ‡ Observational registry study with 10,396 RA patients enrolled in the British Society of Rheumatology Biologics Register from 2001-2009.3 § Observational registry study with 818 RA patients enrolled in RABBIT, the German biologics register, from 2001-2003.4
Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information including "OXED 7ARNING for additional important safety information.
ACTEMRAÂŽ (tocilizumab) Indication
ACTEMRA is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who have had an inadequate response to one or more tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonist therapies.
Important Safety Information
Serious Infections Serious infections leading to hospitalization or death, including tuberculosis (TB), bacterial, invasive fungal, viral and other opportunistic infections, have occurred in patients receiving ACTEMRA. ACTEMRA should not be administered during an active infection, including localized infections. If a serious infection develops, ACTEMRA should be interrupted until the infection is controlled. Prior to initiating ACTEMRA, a test for latent TB should be performed. If the test is positive, treatment for TB should be started prior to starting ACTEMRA. All patients should be monitored for active TB during treatment, even if initial latent TB test is negative. The benefits and risks of treatment should be considered prior to initiating ACTEMRA in patients: s WITH CHRONIC OR RECURRENT INFECTION s WHO HAVE RESIDED OR TRAVELED IN AREAS OF ENDEMIC 4" OR MYCOSES s WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO 4" s WITH UNDERLYING CONDITIONS THAT MAY PREDISPOSE THEM TO INFECTION s WHO HAVE A HISTORY OF SERIOUS OR OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS 0ATIENTS SHOULD BE CLOSELY MONITORED FOR SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION DURING AND AFTER TREATMENT WITH !#4%-2! CONTRAINDICATION ACTEMRA should not be administered to patients with known hypersensitivity to ACTEMRA. 7!2.).'3 !.$ 02%#!54)/.3 'ASTROINTESTINAL 0ERFORATIONS ACTEMRA should be used with caution in patients who may be at increased risk for gastrointestinal (GI) perforation. Patients presenting with new-onset abdominal symptoms should be evaluated promptly for early identification of GI perforation. ,ABORATORY -ONITORING Neutrophils, platelets, lipids and hepatic transaminases should be monitored, as changes in these parameters were associated with treatment with ACTEMRA. Dosage modifications may be required. Please see full Prescribing Information for more information. Immunosuppression The impact of treatment with ACTEMRA on the development of malignancies is not known, but malignancies were observed in clinical studies with ACTEMRA. ACTEMRA is an immunosuppressant, and treatment with immunosuppressants may result in an increased risk of malignancies. (YPERSENSITIVITY 2EACTIONS Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis and death, have occurred with infusion of ACTEMRA. ACTEMRA should only be administered by a healthcare professional with appropriate medical support to manage anaphylaxis. If anaphylaxis or other clinically significant hypersensitivity reaction occurs, administration of ACTEMRA should be stopped immediately and ACTEMRA should be permanently discontinued. Do not administer ACTEMRA to patients with known hypersensitivity to ACTEMRA. Clinically significant hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis associated with ACTEMRA and requiring treatment discontinuation, were reported in 0.1% (3 out of 2644) in the 24-week controlled trials and in 0.2% (8 out of 4009) in the all-exposure population. These reactions were generally observed during the second to fourth infusion of ACTEMRA. Appropriate medical treatment should be available for immediate use in the event of a serious hypersensitivity reaction. $EMYELINATING $ISORDERS Patients should be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of demyelinating disorders. Prescribers should exercise caution in considering the use of ACTEMRA in patients with preexisting or recent-onset demyelinating disorders. Active Hepatic Disease and Hepatic Impairment Treatment with ACTEMRA is not recommended in patients with active hepatic disease or hepatic impairment. Vaccinations Live vaccines should not be given with ACTEMRA. Patients should be brought up to date on all recommended vaccinations, except for live vaccines, prior to initiation of ACTEMRA therapy. ADVERSE REACTIONS In the 5 Phase III clinical trials the most common adverse reactions (≼5% of The most common serious adverse reactions were patients treated with ACTEMRA) through 6 months were: serious infections. In the ACTEMRA monotherapy clinical study, the rate of serious infections was 3.6 per ACTEMRA ACTEMRA ACTEMRA 100 patient-years in the ACTEMRA group and 1.5 per Placebo 8 mg/kg 4 mg/kg 8 mg/kg 100 patient-years in the methotrexate group. The rate + DMARDs Monotherapy Methotrexate + DMARDs + DMARDs (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) of serious infections in the 4 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg ACTEMRA plus DMARD groups was 4.4 and 5.3 events per URTI 6 8 6 7 5 100 patient-years, respectively, compared to 3.9 events 4 6 4 7 6 Nasopharyngitis per 100 patient-years in the placebo plus DMARD group. 3 5 6 7 2 Headache 53% ). 02%'.!.#9 There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in 3 4 4 6 2 Hypertension pregnant women. ACTEMRA should be used during 1 3 3 6 4 Increased ALT pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. To monitor the outcomes of pregnant women exposed to ACTEMRA, a pregnancy registry has been established. Physicians are encouraged to register patients by calling 1-877-311-8972. 0!4)%.4 #/5.3%,).' ).&/2-!4)/. Patients should be advised of the potential benefits and risks of ACTEMRA. Physicians should instruct their patients to read the Medication Guide before starting ACTEMRA therapy. Inform patients that ACTEMRA may lower their resistance to infections and instruct patients of the importance of contacting their doctor immediately when symptoms of an infection appear. Inform patients that some patients receiving ACTEMRA have had serious side effects in the stomach and intestines and instruct patients of the importance of contacting their doctor immediately when symptoms of severe, persistent abdominal pain appear. Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information including "OXED 7ARNING for additional important safety information.
For TNF-IR patients who do not tolerate MTX, turn to
ACTEMRA MONOTHERAPY 30% of RA patients on a biologic are already being treated with a biologic monotherapy 1-4
MTX intolerance is a reason for MTX discontinuation 5
ACTEMRA Monotherapy is a compelling option for TNF-IR patients who can’t, won’t, or shouldn’t take MTX Important Safety Information Immunogenicity s In the 24-week, controlled clinical studies, a total of 2876 patients have been tested for anti-tocilizumab antibodies. Forty-six patients (2%) developed positive anti-tocilizumab antibodies, of whom 5 had an associated, medically significant, hypersensitivity reaction leading to withdrawal. Thirty patients (1%) developed neutralizing antibodies Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information including "OXED 7ARNING for additional important safety information. References: 1. Yazici Y, Shi N, John A. Utilization of biologic agents in rheumatoid arthritis in the United States. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis. 2008;66:77-85. 2. Data on file. Genentech, Inc. 3. Soliman MM, Ashcroft DM, Watson KD, et al. Impact of concomitant use of DMARDs on the persistence with anti-TNF therapies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011;70:583-589. 4. Listing J, Strangfeld A, Rau R, et al. Clinical and functional remission: even though biologics are superior to conventional DMARDs overall success rates remain low-results from RABBIT, the German biologics register. Arthritis Res Ther. 2006;8:R66. 5. Aletaha D, Stamm T, Kapral T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003;62:944-951. 6. Jones G, Sebba A, Gu J, et al. Comparison of tocilizumab monotherapy versus methotrexate monotherapy in patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis: the AMBITION study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69:88-96.
© 2012 Genentech USA, Inc. All rights reserved. ACT0001070000
210 E. Broadway, H1406, NYC 10002 Phone: 347.489.5234 E-mail: david.hurwitz3@gmail.com
Seeking a senior copywriter position
Temple University
t Jr. copywriter, February 2012-present. – Area 23, ACTEMRA HCP account. – Worked on market prep campaign for first-line indication launch. – Worked on creative for first-line indication launch campaign. – ‘Round the clock work on 300 page nurse and MD version of launch IVA.
Department of Communications and Theater
B.A. in Advertising May 2011
Concentration in! Copywriting
Dean’s List Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Fall 2010
t Jr. copywriter, October 2011-February 2012. – NeOn, MICARDIS, RELPAX, LIPITOR, CANAGLIFLOZIN, PFIZER INJECTABLES, GREENSTONE, GLEEVEC – Assisted across many brands on both print and digital projects for both patient and HCP. t Copy intern, June 2011-October 2011. – Worked with a team of interns to brand the DRAFTFCB branding group. – Assisted on both print and digital projects for the ACTMERA patient account.
t Intern, January-May 2011. Diamond Edge Communications, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Diamond Edge Communications is a student run full-service ad agency that deals with real clients such as The US State Department, Corporate Call Center of America, The Alzheimer’s Association, and Adelphia Nightclub and Banquet Hall. – – – –
Worked as copywriter on the Adelphia account. Redesigned and rewrote copy for Adelphia’s website. Redesigned and helped manage social networking for Adelphia. Produced a video loop to run on screens inside of Adelphia.
t Member, The Ad Club, Temple University, 2009-2011. t Creative Director on a team of students tasked with making a mock ad campaign for Greater Philadelphia Tourism Management Company. t Wrote and produced an ad for a Jim Beam ad remake contest. t Wrote directed and produced an ad for a student ad competi tion for USAID in conjunction with The Center For International Disaster Information.