Christ Our Life 2016 Grade 5 Student Edition

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Christ Our Life We Worship


Dear God, We raise our minds and hearts to you.

Christ Our Life

Christ OurWe Life Worship You call us to love others as Jesus loves us. Help us listen and learn so we can follow Jesus every day. Remind us to share your love with people we know, and to open our hearts to people we are getting to know, Show us how to be kind to those who are sad or in trouble. Please send the Holy Spirit to give us the right words to share the good news of Jesus’ love for all. Amen.

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-3963-2 ISBN-10: 0-8294-3963-3

We Worship

because Jesus teaches that every person is our neighbor.




We Worship God as Catholic Christians

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1



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Getting Started

Signs of Our Faith WE USE colors, images, signs, and symbols to show that we belong to groups. When we watch sports, we can tell which team is ours by the colors of their uniforms. We treat our country’s flag with respect because it symbolizes our country. As Catholics, we also use colors, images, signs, and symbols to show that we belong to a group. We might carry a Bible, pray the Rosary, or wear a crucifix. In this way, we show others that we are part of a group united by our faith. Early Christians had to be careful about using symbols that would identify them as followers of Christ. In the Roman Empire, many citizens did not think Christians were loyal citizens. If the wrong person found out you were a Christian, your life might be in danger. Christians had to use secret symbols that only other Christians knew. One of these symbols was the outline of a fish. If two strangers met and one thought the other might be a Christian, he would draw a curved line to show the upper half of a fish. If the other person was a Christian, he could draw the lower half of the fish to complete the symbol. Why would Christians use the image of a fish? Many early Christians spoke Greek. In Greek, the word fish could also be used as an acronym for “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.” The fish became an image


or a symbol that helped Christians identify other Christians. The symbol of the fish was also used to help Christians gather for worship. A person who knew where Christians were secretly gathering would carry a sign with the outline of a fish. Christians who saw the sign could follow that person to the place where Christians were gathering to pray. People who wanted to become Christians studied for as long as a year or two. During this time, they learned of other Christian images and symbols. They learned of the waters of Baptism. They discovered the meaning of the bread and the wine in celebrating the Mass. They came to know the special signs of Christian devotion, such as the Sign of the Cross. In all of these ways, they came to belong to the Church. In this unit, we will be studying the way in which we have been called to be members of the Church. We will explore what it means to be baptized into new life through Jesus Christ and to be fed with his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. In this way, we can grow to understand more clearly what it means to belong to God’s special people and the privileges and responsibilities it calls us to.

UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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We Are a Worshiping People We Give Praise to God The wonders of the world and the joys of being alive lead us to praise or adore God. God is the all-powerful One who created the universe. God is the all-loving One who gives us life. When we realize God’s greatness and God’s gifts, our hearts fill with admiration and thanks. Sometimes we want to shout with joy to God. We want to give God glory because he is great and good and has done wonderful things. People who do great things become our heroes. We honor them with awards, words of praise, gifts, and celebrations. We honor God above everything with worship. Great and wonderful are your works, Lord God almighty. Just and true are your ways, O king of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, or glorify your name? For you alone are holy.

Wonders of the World Check each experience you have had. ❍ flying in a plane and seeing the world below ❍ feeling the summer sun warm your skin when you climb out of cold water ❍ touching the damp petals of a flower ❍ hearing a large crowd singing together ❍ looking at the tiny fingers and toes of a newborn baby ❍ listening to the wind blow through the trees on a quiet night

Think about how you felt during these experiences. Write your feelings here.

Revelation 15:3–4



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All Are Called to Worship In all places and times, people have believed in a god or gods. They have built grand temples and monuments. They have taken part in long, colorful ceremonies, and they have prayed and chanted praise to their gods. They have offered sacrifices, or gifts, in worship: their goods, their animals, and sometimes even their lives. The one true God wants everyone to live with him in love, but he chose the people of Israel as his special people. God revealed himself to the Israelites and taught them to worship him. The Israelites responded to God’s love. They offered sacrifices to God. Families set aside a place of prayer in their homes. In their buildings of prayer, called synagogues, they praised and thanked God for all he had done for them. They listened to God’s Word in the Sacred Scriptures.

Christian worship grew out of Jewish worship. The first Christians worshiped as Jesus had taught them. They prayed together in the temple every day. They prayed the Lord’s Prayer that they had learned from Jesus. Their greatest act of worship, though, was the Eucharist. Through this sacred meal, they thanked God, with Jesus, for all he had done for them. They offered themselves to the Father. Many people do not know the true God. They do not know that Jesus is the way to the Father. They are still the sons and daughters of God. All people are called to worship God. We can help lead them to Jesus by our prayers and our love, by talking to them, and by supporting missionaries.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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We Worship in Many Ways How wonderful it is to belong to God! He made us, and we are his people. God’s love for us is everlasting. We love and honor him above everything and everyone. We worship him in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice. Worship is our way of telling God that we know we belong to him. In personal prayer, we adore God as the perfect One who created us. We ask him as our Savior to forgive us. We ask him as the Holy Spirit to make us holy. We thank God for all he gives to us.

A Moment with Jesus Pause for a moment and silently read this prayer of Blessed Charles de Foucauld. Lord, one more day to love you! In your own words, thank Jesus for the gift of faith and the chance to love and praise him.

Everything God has made tells us something about his great power and love, but we sometimes miss the message. To make sure we do not miss the message, we need to take time to think quietly about God’s greatness. Then we will want to cry out Alleluia! Alleluia comes from the Hebrew words hallel and yah. The word hallel means “praise,” and yah is the first syllable of “Yahweh,” or God. Together they form alleluia, which means “praise God.”

I Give Praise Think how great and good God is. Check the ways you will give him praise. ❍ by praying every morning and evening ❍ by taking time to see the beauty in creation ❍ by being quiet and listening to hear God speak in my heart ❍ by talking with God about what happens each day ❍ by often repeating short prayers such as “My God, I love you”

Sometimes we pray together with other people in God’s family. Sometimes we pray alone. Any time we pray, we talk to God and give him time to talk to us. Through prayer, God lets us come to know him. Every day God has new things to share with us.

What else can you do to show God you want to praise him? Write your answers here.

We Are a Worshiping People CHAPTER 1


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We Worship Through Prayer One of the most important ways we worship is through prayer. When we pray, we raise our hearts and minds to God. We speak and listen to God. We pray with others in the liturgy, but we also pray in our everyday lives. What prayers are especially meaningful for you? This psalm tells about how important it is to worship through prayer. Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us greet him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms. For the Lord is the great God, the great king over all gods, Whose hand holds the depths of the earth; who owns the tops of the mountains. The sea and dry land belong to God, who made them, formed them by hand. Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. Psalm 95:1–6

We Worship Through Service We also worship God by our good deeds. When we treat everyone and everything with love and respect, we give honor to God. We worship him by the loving service we give to others. How are the people in the pictures giving loving service? Take time to think about how you can worship God when you

• are eating lunch. • are riding a bus, a train, or a boat. • are asked to turn off your favorite video game. • get a toy your brothers and sisters or friends do not have. • see someone who needs help.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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We Remember

We Respond

Why do we worship God? We worship God because he is great and good and because we belong to him. We love and honor God above all else.

Show yourself over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth.

How do we worship God? We worship God through prayer, loving service, and sacrifice.

Word to Know

Psalm 57:12


Things to Do at Home 1. Find Psalm 148 in your family Bible and read it. Then write your own poem that praises God. Read your poem aloud to your family before dinner.

2. Think of one small thing you do every day, such as brushing your teeth or tying your shoes. Every time you do that activity, pray a short prayer of thanks to God. 3. Collect five prayers of praise. Ask people for ideas, look in prayer books or in the Book of Psalms, or make up your own. 4. Interview an older family member about how he or she worships God. 5. Make a list of five good deeds you could do around your home or neighborhood. Talk with a family member about how your service is a way of worshiping God. Post your list where everyone can see it. Check off each item on your list as you do that good deed. Visit for more family resources.



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Ways to Worship Read the statements below and fill in the missing letters. Letters from the word worship have been inserted to give you clues.


1. When we honor God above everything, we


2. We love and


3. When we give thanks to God, we


4. Our good deeds of loving


5. The greatest act of worship is the



6. We worship by offering God a



7. We give worship to God when we


Praise God Saint Francis of Assisi composed a prayer praising God for the sun, the moon, and the stars, for wind, water, fire, and earth. Think of five reasons you want to praise God. List them here. Then make them into a prayer.



God above everything and everyone.




are one way we worship God.


. . .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Saint Francis of Assisi â?Ż



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim We become closer to God as we learn about our Catholic faith. We share our faith to become closer to God and others.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

God revealed himself to the people of Israel and taught them to worship the one true God. Christian worship grew out of Jewish worship.

As Catholics, we call our worship liturgy. It is something we do together as a community at Mass and when we celebrate the sacraments. Worshiping as a community strengthens our faith.

We raise our hearts and minds to God when we pray. God offers us strength and grace in return.

As Catholics, we find opportunities to pray at various times. Praying before sleep allows us to thank God for the gifts he has given us during the day and to ask for strength for the next day.

Jesus commanded his disciples to love and serve others, especially those in need.

We serve others in many ways, for example, by building homes for people who are homeless, tending to those who are sick, and volunteering for disaster relief.


s Catholics, we gather to hear the Gospel and celebrate the sacraments. The Holy Spirit sets our hearts on fire and sends us forth as disciples to live our faith. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. Catholics’ greatest act of worship is: prayer. service. the Eucharist. the Nicene Creed. We Are a Worshiping People CHAPTER 1


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A Catholic to Know The Gospel tells us that when Jesus called Matthew to be his apostle, Matthew immediately left behind his material possessions and followed Jesus. We know very little about Matthew other than what we learn in the Scriptures. Yet we know that he preached the Good News of Christ, and he remained faithful to Jesus his whole life. We are grateful for the Gospel of Matthew in which he proclaims Jesus as Messiah. Through his example, Matthew taught us how to serve others by preaching the Good News.

Saint Matthew

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I love and honor God above all else. • I participate faithfully in the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays. • I take seriously Jesus’ call to love and serve others through my prayers, my words, and my actions. • I make time to pray and think quietly about God’s greatness. • I support missionaries with my prayers and family contributions.

Share Your Faith Compose a short prayer of thanksgiving to God that can be repeated throughout your day. Write your prayer on the lines. Invite a friend to pray your prayer for one day. Sharing your prayer is a way to worship God.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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Jesus Calls Us to Worship Jesus Offered Perfect Worship to the Father Have you ever loved an animal so much you wished you could talk with it? Have you ever drawn a picture you loved so much you wanted to climb inside it? God loves the people he created just as strongly. God loves us so much that he wants us to share in his divine life. To make this possible, he sent his son Jesus Christ to earth. Through Jesus, we can share in God’s divine life. Our share in God’s life is called grace. Because of the grace Jesus offers, we are able to enjoy a life greater than our human life. Jesus became human to redeem us. He lived, suffered, died, and rose to save us from the power of sin and death. He invites us to share his life. Jesus devoted his every word and action to God. He wanted everything he said and did to reflect God’s will. Jesus loved his Father. He was happy to give his Father the glory through his words and deeds. He worshiped the Father through perfect prayer and loving service to others. Finally, Jesus offered the greatest act of worship: his sacrifice on the Cross on Calvary. Through his life, Jesus gave us grace.

We receive that grace at Baptism, and through grace, we are made like Christ. We are able to worship the Father with him. Jesus calls us to join him in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice. The more closely we follow Jesus, the more we grow in grace and the more we are united with him.

A Moment with Jesus Grace helps us live our Christian life and follow Jesus more closely. Take a moment to think about the ways you follow Jesus. In your own words, tell Jesus about the things you do to love and serve him in other people. Ask Jesus to help you grow in grace and live united with him. Thank Jesus for his example of loving service.



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Jesus in the Gospels We can learn from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John how Jesus worshiped the Father. The word gospel means “good news.” The Gospels are the written Good News that Jesus saved us from sin and death. Some examples of how Jesus worshiped are told in the Gospel of Mark. Read Mark 1:35–39 below. Jesus Leaves Capernaum Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. 36Simon and those who were with him pursued him 37 and on finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” 39So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee. 35

Scripture References Scripture references are written so that you can easily find passages in the Bible. Mark 1:35–39 is a Scripture reference. It means Mark



(name of book) (chapter) (verses) It is read “Mark, chapter one, verses thirtyfive through thirty-nine.” Practice reading aloud these references: Luke 19:1–10 2 Corinthians 4:7–12 Genesis 2:4–7 Mark 15:42–47 Romans 11:33–36

Scripture Search Use the New Testament to look up and read these passages. How did Jesus worship the Father in each? Draw a line from the Scripture reference to the kind of worship Jesus did. Matthew 26:36 • Mark 1:29–31 •

• praying

Luke 4:31–32 •

• dying on the Cross

John 19:29–30 •


• teaching the people

• healing

UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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Jesus Acts in the Sacraments Jesus is still at work in the world today. Through his Church, he continues to care for our needs. He continues to offer us grace and divine life through the sacraments. The sacraments are sacred signs in which we meet Jesus and receive from him a share in God’s life. In the Eastern Catholic Church—churches that developed in the East and are in union with the Roman Catholic Church—the sacraments are called mysteries. They are actions of Jesus and his Church. Catholics celebrate seven sacraments. They fall into three categories. Sacraments of Initiation Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist Sacraments of Healing Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick

Jesus Shows Us the Father’s Love Jesus came to earth to show us the Father’s love and to save us. We read in Scripture that he did many wonderful things for people who came to him with faith. Jesus

Sacraments at the Service of Communion Matrimony, Holy Orders

Signs Are Everywhere The sacraments are signs that point to God. Signs are everywhere, and they all give messages. What do these signs say?

• • • •

offered them life. laid hands upon them and healed them. fed them. forgave their sins and spoke words of peace. • invited people to be his followers and to share in God’s life. Finally, Jesus showed the depth of God’s love for us when he died on the Cross and rose to new life.

Jesus Calls Us to Worship CHAPTER 2


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Jesus Celebrates the Sacraments We have many celebrations throughout the year. We celebrate birthdays, graduations, Christmas, and many other special events. Every year our celebrations have many of the same elements. For every birthday, we might sing “Happy Birthday” and light candles on a cake. Every Independence Day we might watch fireworks or have a picnic. Each Christmas we set up a Christmas tree, sing the same songs, and exchange gifts. Through the years, we continue to use the same words and actions for these celebrations. They are signs that have meaning for us. The words and actions of each sacrament are also special signs that have meaning. Through them, Jesus not only shows what he is doing for us but offers us his grace. We call these words and actions the rite of the sacrament. In the rite, certain objects are used as signs of the special grace that is offered in each sacrament. Some of the objects used are water, oil, bread, and wine. In faith, we believe that Jesus comes to us and gives us special gifts, or graces, in the sacraments. Each time we celebrate one of


the sacraments, our faith grows stronger. We grow closer to Jesus, and he makes us holier through the Holy Spirit. The whole Church also grows in holiness. Three sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders—leave a permanent mark. This permanent mark is called character. These sacraments can be received only once. Through the sacraments, we give public worship to God. We call this public worship liturgy. Liturgy also includes the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours, which is the name for the official daily prayer of the Church. The Liturgy of the Hours contains psalms, readings, and intercessions. It is sometimes called the Divine Office. As you go through this book, you will study each of the sacraments. You will learn how Christ and the Church show us God’s love through the sacraments. Whenever we celebrate them in faith, we grow in love of God. We thank God and give him joyful praise!

UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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We Remember

We Respond

How did Jesus worship the Father? Jesus worshiped the Father through prayer, loving service, and sacrifice.

Jesus, help me celebrate the sacraments with faith and act the way you would act.

What is liturgy? Liturgy is the public worship of the Church. It includes the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and the Liturgy of the Hours.

Words to Know

Eastern Catholic Church liturgy Liturgy of the Hours rite Sacraments at the Service of Communion Sacraments of Healing Sacraments of Initiation

Things to Do at Home 1. How many sacraments have the members of your family celebrated? List each person’s name and the sacraments he or she has received. Invite each person to share his or her memory of receiving the sacraments. 2. Make a yearly planner of important dates. Include the following dates for each member of your family: birth, Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and marriage.

3. Reread Matthew 26:36, Mark 1:29–31, Luke 4:31–32, and John 19:28–30. Think about which of Jesus’ ways of worshiping the Father you are most thankful for. Draw a picture of the scene. Pray a prayer of thanks to Jesus. 4. Find a family member who was present at your Baptism. Ask that person to describe the event for you. Visit for more family resources.



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CHAP TER Grace Is Given



Use the clues to fill in the blanks.


G .




a .





1. the written accounts of the life of Jesus 2. the public worship of the Church


3. what we need to celebrate a sacrament and what grows each time we celebrate a sacrament


4. sacred sign in which we meet Jesus and receive God’s life


nes to H Lifeli ea n v ve Draw a line from each sacrament to the correct category for that sacrament.



5. the words and actions of the sacraments

Sacraments of Initiation

Sacraments of Healing

Sacraments at the Service of Communion

Holy Orders Confirmation




the Eucharist

Anointing of the Sick



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim


The Catholic faith is full of “good news.” We live this goodness and make God’s grace visible to everyone we meet.

We Know Our Faith

e worship God by singing his praises. In singing, we share our joy of God’s love with all who listen.

We Proclaim Our Faith

God’s love for us is so strong that he wants us to share in his divine life, called grace. Through his grace, God forgives our sins and helps us live as he wants us to.

As Catholics, we remind ourselves in many prayers and devotions that we find God’s grace through Jesus. For example, we pray the Act of Hope to ask God to have mercy on us for our sins.

The Gospel teaches us “good news.” In the Gospel, Jesus, the Son of God, in unity with the Holy Spirit, teaches us how to worship God the Father.

We worship as a way of staying on the path leading to God. Worshiping reminds us of God’s love and gives us the courage to act as he wants us to.

Jesus offers God’s grace through the sacraments, sacred signs by which we meet Jesus and receive from him a share in God’s life.

Catholics use signs, symbols, and rituals to celebrate the sacraments. Through word and action, the grace of Christ becomes visible to the world around us.

All the earth falls in worship before you; they sing of you, sing of your name! Psalms 66:4

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. When we celebrate the sacraments, we: honor the Ten Commandments. share in God’s divine life. do what our friends do. fulfill the prophets’ words.


Jesus Calls Us to Worship CHAPTER 2

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A Catholic to Know God reveals his plan in unexpected ways. For Vincent de Paul, a priest in the 1600s in France, the deathbed confession of a peasant helped him realize his mission. Vincent led the Vincentians, priests who took vows of poverty and devoted themselves to rural people who were poor. Vincent de Paul organized wealthy people in Paris to collect funds for missionary projects, hospitals, and relief for war victims. For these reasons, he is the patron saint of charities, with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul founded in his honor.

Saint Vincent de Paul

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I am aware of God’s grace in my daily life. • I experience God’s grace through Jesus. • I am called by Jesus to join him in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice. • I unite myself with Jesus the more closely I follow him. • I participate regularly in the sacramental life of the Church.

Share Your Faith Remember a moment when you were aware of God’s grace in your daily life. Describe your experience on the lines below. Then share with a partner. Invite a family member to tell about a moment when God revealed his grace to him or her.


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Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community P HA TE

Baptism Is a Celebration of Life What would happen to us if we had no water to drink? What if there was no water for grass, trees, and flowers? Without water, life would soon come to an end. Nothing would grow, and the earth would become a desert.

Water in the form of storms and floods can also bring death. This makes water an even more powerful sign for Baptism. In Baptism, we enter into the Death and Rising of Jesus. We promise to die to sin and rise to new life in Christ.

Water produces life and growth. This is one reason why water is a good sign for the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism makes us adopted children of God and members of Jesus’ family, the Church. The Trinity dwells in us, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit help us to become like Jesus. The water of Baptism reminds us of this wonderful new life of grace God gives us.

Dying and rising is a pattern throughout life. We say goodbye to the old and meet the new. Over and over we turn from sin to new life. This change from the death of sin to life is called conversion.

Water does not just bring forth life. Water also cleanses. Baptism cleanses us from the Original Sin we were born with as members of the human race. It also cleanses us from any sins we have committed.

Baptism is the first sacrament we celebrate. Jesus said, “No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” (John 3:5) Baptism marks us forever as Christians. It calls us to be Jesus’ disciples, committed to spreading God’s kingdom.



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Sacramentals Help Us Every time we bless ourselves with holy water, we are reminded of our new life in Christ. We remember that Jesus is with us. Holy water is a sacramental. The Sign of the Cross is another sacramental. Sacramentals are words, actions, and objects blessed by the Church that bring us closer to God. How much they help us depends on the way we use them.

Baptism Initiates Us

Which of the sacramentals below have most helped you live as a Christian?

A person must be baptized to join the community of the Church. Adults who wish to join enter a program called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). They are called catechumens. In the RCIA, catechumens learn about the Catholic faith. They are preparing for Baptism. The Catholic community helps them experience Catholic life, worship, and ministry. Catechumens then decide whether to convert and become new persons in Christ. Once they make the decision, they are anointed with the oil of catechumens. This oil strengthens the catechumens on their path to initiation into the Church. During the Easter Vigil, the catechumens celebrate the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. With the other members of the Catholic Church, they declare their belief in Jesus and his teachings. They are called to love God and others as Jesus did. They are subject to Church laws. They are invited to worship God with Jesus in prayer and service. They can celebrate Jesus’ love in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist.


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The Christian Community Celebrates Baptism When new friends come to visit, we introduce them to our family. We make them feel welcome. At Baptism, people are joining the Church community. The Church wants to make them feel welcome. That is why when infants are brought to be baptized, the priest or deacon introduces them by name. He welcomes them with joy. The priest or deacon claims the infants for Christ by tracing the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads. Then he invites each infant’s parents and godparents to do the same. This reminds the parents that Jesus saved us by the Cross and that their children belong to God. It reminds them to help their children live as children of God. Next, the priest or deacon reads from Scripture. He explains the readings and the meaning of Baptism. Everyone prays for those who are to be baptized and prays a litany of the saints. The priest or deacon prays that the infants will be freed from sin and strengthened against evil. The infants are anointed with the oil of catechumens and brought to the baptismal font.

As the priest or deacon blesses the water, we listen and hear about the wonderful ways God has used water. The prayer recalls that Baptism gives us a share in Jesus’ Death and Resurrection. We ask you, Father, with your Son, to send the Holy Spirit upon the water of this font. May all who are buried with Christ in the death of baptism rise also with him to newness of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then the parents and godparents tell everyone present that they reject Satan and his ways. They profess their faith in Christ Jesus and in his Church. They tell the priest or deacon that they want their child to be baptized in this same faith.

A Moment with Jesus Spend a moment reflecting quietly on the celebration of Baptism. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for those who first taught you about Jesus. Thank Jesus for calling you to be a member of his Church.

Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community CHAPTER 3


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A Child Is Baptized You were probably welcomed into the faith community as a baby. Because you received new life when you were baptized, the day of your Baptism is your birthday as a Christian. It is a day to remember and celebrate. In Baptism, the priest or deacon calls the child by name and says, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

As he says this, he pours the sacred water over the infant three times, or he lowers the infant into the water. The words and the water are the signs that bring about new life in Christ. After Baptism, the infant is a new member of the Church. He or she is anointed with chrism, an oil blessed by the bishop. This is a sign that the baptized baby is now a member of God’s family. A white garment is then put on the newly baptized. It is a sign that the child has been clothed in Christ. Family and friends of the baptized are reminded that their example should help the newly baptized live free from sin. Then a candle is lighted from the paschal candle. It is given to the family. This sign is a reminder that in Baptism, we receive the light of Christ. The parents and godparents are told to keep the light burning brightly. They must help their child walk always as a child of God. They must help him or her keep the


flame of faith alive. Then, when the Lord comes, their child will be ready to meet him with all the saints. At the end of the celebration, everyone prays the Lord’s Prayer. A blessing is prayed for the mother, the father, and everyone present.

Sacramentals Are Signs Which of these signs of Baptism is most meaningful to you? Circle it and tell why. • the words • the sacred water • the chrism • the white garment • the lighted candle

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Summary We Remember What is Baptism? Baptism is the sacrament through which we die and rise with Christ. It cleanses us from sin, gives us a share in God’s own life, and makes us members of the Christian community, the Church. What are sacramentals? Sacramentals are words, actions, and objects blessed by the Church that bring us closer to God.

We Respond Words to Know

catechumen chrism Original Sin Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

May almighty God, who has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, guard us from evil and keep us faithful to him. from the Rite of Baptism

Things to Do at Home 1. Ask an adult family member where your name comes from. 2. Find out more about your patron saint. How did he or she imitate Christ? 3. Make a diagram that shows all the steps of an infant’s Baptism. Decorate it with drawings of sacramentals. 4. Learn how the RCIA program is carried out in your parish.

5. Talk with an adult family

member about your godparents. Ask why they were chosen for this important role.

Visit for more family resources.



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Signs of Life Draw a line matching the symbol with what it stands for.

being cleansed from sin and filled with grace belonging to Jesus having the light of faith being clothed with Christ being a member of God’s holy people

Sacrament Match Write the letter of the word that matches the sentence best. Not all words will be used. A. sacraments B. sacramentals

C. catechumen D. Baptism

E. Original Sin F. chrism

G. Eucharist H. RCIA

1. holy water, chrism, and the Sign of the Cross 2. program for adults who wish to become Catholic 3. sin we were born with that is taken away by Baptism 4. sacred signs in which we meet Jesus and receive from him a share in God’s life 5. name of one holy oil used in Baptism 6. a person who is learning to become a Catholic 7. the first sacrament, which fills us with God’s life



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim The visible signs of Baptism show the world that we are God’s children.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

Baptism makes us adopted children of God and cleanses us from the Original Sin we were born with as members of the human race.

In nature, water brings life. When Catholics sign themselves with holy water, we are reminded of the Baptism by which we are born into a new life of grace by God’s love.

Baptism is the first sacrament that Catholics celebrate. It initiates us into the community of the Church.

When Catholics are baptized, we receive a candle lighted from the paschal candle. This is a sign that we received the light of Christ.

Baptism is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, along with Confirmation and the Eucharist.

When adults are initiated into the Catholic Church, they celebrate all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) during the Easter Vigil.


hrough Baptism, we are united with our Christian community. Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit.” Acts of the Apostles 2:38

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best answers the question. What do we call words, actions, and objects that are blessed by the Church and bring us closer to God? sacramentals blessings chrism prayers


Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community CHAPTER 3

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A Catholic to Know John Neumann was born in 1811 in what is now the Czech Republic. As a young man, he was ordained a priest in America. John became a missionary in New York, Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio, where he shared his love of God with others. As bishop of Philadelphia, he opened nearly 100 Catholic schools. Gifted with organizational skills, John brought teaching communities of sisters and brothers into the city. Known for his holiness, spiritual writing, and preaching, Saint John Neumann teaches us that a quiet and humble person can work hard for God and make a difference.

Saint John Neumann

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I believe that in my Baptism I received the Holy Spirit and was cleansed of Original Sin. • I am called in Baptism to be Jesus’ disciple and to witness to God’s kingdom. • I am initiated into the community of the Catholic Church in Baptism. • I use sacramentals to grow closer to God.

Share Your Faith Think of one way you live the values of the Kingdom of God. Write your idea on the lines. Invite a family member to share ways in which he or she witness to God’s kingdom.


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Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit P HA TE

The Holy Spirit Strengthens the Church’s Faith The Acts of the Apostles begins with the story of Jesus’ Ascension. At the Ascension, Jesus asked the apostles to be his witnesses throughout the world. He promised to send an Advocate to help them. This Advocate, the Holy Spirit, would strengthen their faith and make them strong witnesses to Jesus. Ten days later, Mary and the apostles gathered in the house where the Last Supper had taken place. Jerusalem was crowded with people who had come for the feast of Pentecost. Suddenly the sound of a strong wind filled the house. A flame, like a tongue of fire, rested above the head of each person there. The Holy Spirit had come. The apostles felt their strength renewed in the Spirit. With courage, they went out to speak about Jesus in the crowded streets of the city. Many gathered to listen. The people spoke different languages, yet everyone understood what the apostles said. That day some three thousand people were baptized into the Church.

The apostles continued to spread the message of Jesus to other towns and villages. They baptized many. When the apostles laid their hands on them, believers received the Holy Spirit. The apostles were witnesses to Jesus everywhere they went. The Holy Spirit kept up their courage even during the worst times. Their faith gave them the strength to suffer and sometimes even die for Jesus and his kingdom.

A Moment with Jesus Pause for a moment and imagine yourself with the apostles on the feast of Pentecost. Imagine the sound of that great wind filling the room. Feel the strength of the Holy Spirit within you. Thank Jesus for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then ask Jesus to help you be a witness to him by loving others.



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Mr. Chen: Your uncle is Greer’s

sponsor. He’s agreed to help your brother live as a Christian. During the ceremony, he will stand with his right hand on Greer’s shoulder while your brother is being confirmed.

Jan: Will there be a Mass? Mr. Chen: Yes. Confirmation

The Holy Spirit Comes in Confirmation Today Christ continues to send the Holy Spirit to strengthen his people. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we recommit ourselves to living out the promises we made at Baptism to follow Jesus. Let us visit Saint Mary Parish. Tonight the bishop is coming. Mr. Chen’s class is curious about the visit.

Mr. Chen: Can anyone tell me why the bishop is coming tonight?

Kim: He’s coming for Confirmation, right? Mr. Chen: That’s right. After Jesus sent

the Holy Spirit, the apostles went out so others could receive the Holy Spirit, just as we receive the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. The apostles were the first bishops of the Church. That is why usually only a bishop can confirm. Tonight the bishop will stand in the place of the apostles. One exception is that in RCIA, the priest confirms catechumens.

Chris: My brother Greer is being confirmed tonight. He’s been meeting with our uncle. Why is my uncle part of it?


usually takes place during Mass. After the homily, all those to be confirmed will stand and renew their baptismal promises.

Austin: That’s like our First Holy Communion.

Mr. Chen: Yes it is, Austin. The bishop will ask people to pray with him. He’ll pray for God to pour out the Holy Spirit upon the Confirmation candidates. The Spirit will strengthen their faith and enable them to become more like Christ.

Luanne: Why is the laying on of hands part of Confirmation?

Mr. Chen: That is part of the sacrament, Luanne. Tonight the bishop and any priests who may join him will extend their hands over those to be confirmed. They will pray for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to make them stronger. They do as the apostles did. The apostles also laid their hands on those who were to receive the Holy Spirit.

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Anita: So how is a person

Mr. Chen: That’s right. And you

confirmed? What happens?

Mr. Chen: The bishop will anoint

the person with chrism on the forehead with the laying on of his hand. He’ll say, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”


Kianna: Sealed? What does that mean? Mr. Chen: Well, what does it mean when you put your seal on something?

might remember chrism from our discussion of infant Baptism. Chrism is a sweet-smelling oil. In Confirmation, it is a sign of the strength we receive. The sacrament helps us to live the Christian life. As we are anointed, the bishop makes the Sign of the Cross to remind us that we must be willing to profess our faith. We must be ready even to die for it.

Talisha: Wow. That’s a lot to ask! How can we all be that strong?

Kianna: It means that it is yours.

Mr. Chen: Don’t forget that the Holy Spirit

Mr. Chen: That’s right. When you are

sealed, God puts his seal on you. You belong to God. You are marked forever as a witness to Christ. The Holy Spirit gives you grace to witness to Christ in the world. What does it mean to witness?

Sandra: It means to show that you are a

follower of Christ. You show it by what you do and say.

is powerful! Remember all that he did for the apostles and others? He has never stopped doing wonderful things for his people. This sacrament is one way he continues to help us. It’s never too early to start preparing for your Confirmation. You can pray to the Holy Spirit and live each day in a Christlike way.

Word Search Fill in the missing words. You can find them on pages 22 and 23. 1. The usual minister of Confirmation is the


2. The person who helps the candidate prepare for Confirmation is called a 3. At Confirmation, candidates renew their baptismal


4. The holy oil used in Confirmation is called


5. An important sign of the sacrament is the

on of hands.

6. The words used in Confirmation are “Be

with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

7. I will get ready for Confirmation by praying to the

in a


and by living each day


Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit CHAPTER 4


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The Holy Spirit Makes Us Strong Witnesses In Baptism, you were called to be a witness to Jesus and the work of the Church. Confirmation is your chance to declare your faith and renew your baptismal promises. The Holy Spirit comes to you in Confirmation and strengthens you to follow your baptismal call. The Spirit will enable you to know Jesus better, love him more, and be more like him. The Spirit will make you a strong witness to Jesus. To give witness to Jesus means

• • • •

to pray as Jesus prayed. to love and serve God as Jesus did. to love and serve others as Jesus did. to follow the teachings of Jesus and his Church. • to spread the Good News to others.

Missionaries Give Witness Missions give witness to Jesus by helping and teaching others. Missions are often in places where people are just beginning to learn about God. The missions may be parishes in poor areas of our own country or they may be located in other countries. Priests, brothers, sisters, and laypeople work in missions. They are called missionaries. Missionaries spread the Good News and help the Church grow. They need your help, though. You can help by offering your prayers and your gifts of food, clothing, or money. You may even become a missionary yourself some day. Some young people volunteer to serve on missions for one year or more. They join the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Jesuit Volunteers, or other groups.

You do not need to wait for Confirmation to be a witness. All baptized Christians are called to give witness to Jesus. In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens your faith and your love. You will be able to show you are a follower of Jesus even when it is hard. Your faith can become like a light that shows other people how good Jesus is. By seeing your witness, others can be led to believe in Jesus and love him. There are many ways you can give witness to the work of the Church. You can help in parish activities or support the missions. The Church teaches that members should provide for the needs of the Church as best they can. You might give part of your allowance to the Sunday collection. You might also support the Church by donating food, clothing, and supplies.


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We Remember

We Respond

What is Confirmation? Confirmation is a sacrament through which the Holy Spirit strengthens our faith professed in Baptism. It unites us more closely to the Church, commits us to Christ, and helps us witness to him.

Come, Holy Spirit. Strengthen my faith, increase my hope, deepen my love.

Words to Know

Advocate Gifts of the Holy Spirit missionary

Things to Do at Home 1. Imagine a crowded Jerusalem at Pentecost.

Imagine Mary and the apostles gathered in the same room where they had the Last Supper. Write the story of the coming of the Spirit in your own words. Write dialogue for some of the people present. Read your story to a family member.

2. Draw a picture of a person at his or her

Confirmation. Include the bishop, the sponsor, other people, and the sacramentals. Label each part of your drawing. 3. Talk with a family member about his or her Confirmation. Ask who the person’s sponsor was. Invite the family member to explain why he or she chose that person as a sponsor. 4. Make a list of people you might ask to be your sponsor at your Confirmation. After each name, write one sentence telling your reason for choosing that person. Discuss your list with a family member.

â?Ž Byzantine Icon of Pentecost Visit for more family resources.



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Ring the Right Words Circle the answers to the questions. 1. Who helps someone prepare for Confirmation?

the sponsor

the candidate

2. What is the oil used in Confirmation?



3. When did the Holy Spirit come with power to the apostles?

at the Ascension

at Pentecost

4. What promises do people renew in Confirmation?



5. What words are said during the anointing at Confirmation?

“Be anointed.”

Confirmation Plan Fill out this plan for your Confirmation. Then design a seal for it.

“Be sealed.”

Plans and Promises Name


I plan to be confirmed when I am I have

years old.

years to get ready.

I promise to get ready by doing the things I have checked below.

❍ Pray to the Holy Spirit daily. ❍ Celebrate Sunday liturgies and receive Holy Communion. ❍ Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly. ❍ Do my share to help at home.


 P  

❍ Forgive those who have hurt me.

S 

❍ Show respect for other people. ❍ Read the Gospels and study my religion. ❍ Share the goodness of Jesus with others. ❍ Help the missions and those who are poor.



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim At Confirmation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and renew our baptismal promises.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

Confirmation perfects our bond with the Church and increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Many Catholics choose a Confirmation name. It is often a saint whom we admire and want to imitate.

A baptized Catholic renews his or her baptismal promises during the Sacrament of Confirmation.

As Catholics, we answer our baptismal call in many ways, such as helping in parish service activities, praying for others, and supporting missionaries.

Confirmation deepens our identity as God’s children and unites us more fully with Jesus.

When preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, we choose sponsors who can help us grow in our knowledge and practice of the faith.


he Holy Spirit strengthens our faith and gives us grace to witness to Christ. “The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” John 14:26

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. An important sign of Confirmation is the: choosing of a godparent. lighting of the candle. pouring of sacred water. laying on of hands.

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A Catholic to Know Francis Xavier planned a quiet life of study, but his friend Ignatius of Loyola persuaded him to follow Christ. Together, as the first Jesuits, they vowed to live lives of poverty and to perform service at the pope’s direction. Ordained a priest in 1537, Francis Xavier brought the Christian faith to India. Wherever he traveled, he lived with those who were poor and shared in their food and simple shelters. He took care of those who were ill, especially lepers. Often, it was a challenge to find time to sleep or pray, but he was always filled with joy. Saint Francis Xavier answered God’s call and became a missionary almost. We can follow his example and be missionaries in our community too.

Saint Francis Xavier

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I receive strength from the Holy Spirit to live my faith. • I experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. • I respect the bishops as the successors to the apostles. • I spread the work of the Church by being of service to others and my Church family.

Share Your Faith Saint Francis Xavier lived his faith with joy. What makes you joyful about your faith? Write your ideas on the lines. Invite a classmate to share what makes him or her joyful.


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Peter Paul Rubens, The dinner at Emmaus, 17th century.



The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life P HA TE

Jesus Feeds Us in the Eucharist Like water, food is necessary for life. It keeps us strong and healthy. It helps us grow. God fed his people in earlier times. When the Hebrews were in the desert, God sent them quail and manna to keep them alive. Jesus multiplied bread and fish to feed those listening to him teach. Your body needs food to grow and become strong. God’s life in you needs to grow and become strong too. To nourish this life, Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This sacrament is the heart of Christian worship and the center of Christian life. For the Israelites, the central act of history was God freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Death passed over them. They remember this event every year during the feast of Passover, or Pesach. Jesus celebrated the Passover meal the night before he died. When he did, he gave it a new meaning. We know this meal as the Last Supper. Jesus offered himself to the Father for us. The

next day, through his sacrifice on Calvary, he passed over from death to life. With him, we pass over from death to life. During the meal, Jesus said, “Do this in memory of me.” In the Eucharist, we remember Jesus’ saving us through the Paschal Mystery. The Paschal Mystery is the passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus. We do more than celebrate it, though. We are also invited to enter into it. Daily through the Eucharist, Jesus offers the Father the same sacrifice he offered on the Cross. Daily he offers us the Bread of Life and the Chalice of Salvation. Jesus gave his apostles and all bishops and priests the power to make the Paschal Mystery present. Baptized members of Jesus’ family join with the priest in the celebration. Catholics around the world celebrate the Eucharist. In each country, they bring to the celebration their own customs, but all are one in offering the same sacrifice.



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Christ Is Present in the Eucharist When we receive Holy Communion, we receive the risen Christ. Jesus is present at Mass in his Word, in his priest, and in his people. He also becomes present through the words of the priest, “For this is my Body” and “For this is my Blood.” We call Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament the real presence. Under the appearances of bread and wine, Jesus Christ feeds us himself. We become one with him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We are united with all his people who share this meal with us. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ forgives our venial sins if we are sorry. His life in us grows, helping us to overcome temptations and to live according to his Word. Nourished by Christ, we become like him. He fills us with his love so that we can share it with others. He gives us strength to forgive. He enables us to accept suffering and to make sacrifices. Do you want to grow in God’s love and grace? Accept his invitation to celebrate the Eucharist and receive him in Holy Communion as often as you can. It is Church law that Catholics receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season. Mass is offered on an altar, which is a sign of Christ. Why is it fitting that an altar is used for the Eucharist?


We Prepare to Receive Christ The Eucharist is a sign of union with God and the Church. We must prepare our hearts to receive Christ. We must desire to receive him, try to be loving to others, and try to keep free from sin. Mortal sin separates us from God and his people. It must be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before a person receives Holy Communion. We also prepare by fasting. We do not eat or drink anything except water and medicine for one hour before Holy Communion. Those who are sick or very old do not need to fast. The people who care for them are not required to fast either. The first part of the Mass prepares us to receive Christ. We pray together and ask God to forgive our sins. Then we hear God’s Word. It helps us to receive Christ with greater love and gratitude. In the next unit, you will learn about all the parts of the eucharistic celebration. This will help you to celebrate our greatest act of worship more fully.

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We Honor Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist After Holy Communion, the Blessed Sacrament is placed in the tabernacle. We honor the Lord present in the tabernacle by genuflecting. A sanctuary lamp burns near the tabernacle as long as Christ is there. It too is a way to honor the risen Jesus Christ. We visit Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and pray quietly. This helps us come to know him better. He helps us to become true Christians who glorify the Lord as he did. The Eucharist strengthens us to follow Christ’ example of love. A priest may take the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle for one who is sick or dying. Receiving Jesus Christ in Holy Communion gives that person strength and comfort. Other specially chosen people may take Holy Communion to those who are sick or unable to come to church. They are called extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. They try to live like Christ and be a light to others.

Sometimes the Eucharist is made visible for us to adore. This is called exposition. The Blessed Sacrament is taken from the tabernacle and put into a monstrance. A monstrance is a sacred vessel with a metal holder that lets us view the sacred host. It is placed on the altar. By prayer, song, readings, and processions, we worship Christ the Lord. Exposition ends with benediction. Monstrance The priest or deacon kneels at the altar. A song is sung while the Blessed Sacrament is incensed. The sweetsmelling incense is a sign of our prayers ascending to God. After a time of silent prayer, the priest or deacon prays this or another prayer:

Lord our God, You have given us the true bread from heaven. In the strength of this food may we live always by your life and rise in glory on the last day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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We Honor Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist (continued) Holding the monstrance, the priest or deacon makes the Sign of the Cross over us, and we make the Sign of the Cross in response. Sometimes we pray the Divine Praises. During the concluding song, the Blessed Sacrament is put back into the tabernacle.

The Divine Praises Blessed be God. Blessed be his holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be his most Sacred Heart. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.


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Vessels and Vestments Here are special vessels and vestments that are used at Mass. Write their names under the pictures below. Look for these objects the next time you celebrate the Eucharist. ciborium—covered container that holds the consecrated hosts in the tabernacle paten—plate that holds the hosts chalice—cup containing the wine cruets—small pitchers that hold the water and wine purificator—white cloth used to dry the priest’s fingers, the chalice, and the paten corporal—square, white cloth unfolded and spread under the chalice, paten, and ciborium pall—small, hard, linen square sometimes used to cover the chalice to protect the wine alb—priest’s long, white robe chasuble—garment worn over the alb; its color changes with the seasons stole—long, narrow scarf worn around the neck




4. 6.






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A Moment with Jesus Leader: Let us pause for a moment and reflect silently on all of the ways God cares for us. [Pause.] Now let us praise God together for feeding us with Jesus, the Bread of Life.

The eyes of all look hopefully to you; you give them their food in due season. You open wide your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

The hand of the Lord feeds us. He answers all our needs.

The hand of the Lord feeds us. He answers all our needs.

All your works give you thanks, O Lord and your faithful bless you. They speak of the glory of your reign and tell of your great works, Making known to all your power, the glorious splendor of your rule.

You, Lord, are just in all your ways, faithful in all your works. You, Lord, are near to all who call upon you, to all who call upon you in truth.

The hand of the Lord feeds us. He answers all our needs.

The hand of the Lord feeds us. He answers all our needs. Psalm 145:10–12,15–18


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We Remember

We Respond

Why is the Eucharist the greatest sacrament? The Eucharist is the greatest sacrament because it is the risen Lord present with us. He offers the same sacrifice he offered on the Cross. In Holy Communion, he feeds us and unites us with himself and one another.

O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, All praise and all thanksgiving Be every moment thine.

How do we prepare for Holy Communion? We prepare for Holy Communion by desiring Jesus Christ, by trying to be loving to others, and by being free from mortal sin. We also fast for one hour before Holy Communion.

Words to Know Passover real presence

Things to Do at Home 1. The apostles prepared a

special Passover meal for Jesus. With a family member, plan a special meal for your family to eat after Mass. Make a list of all the ways you can help prepare the meal. Then carry out your plan when you are able.

2. The real presence of Jesus Christ is received in

the Eucharist. The Eucharist also binds you more closely to God. It brings you together with all people. Make a list of family activities that bring your family closer together. Talk to members of your family and list their ideas too. 3. Write a letter of thanks to Jesus Christ for being present with you as your friend in the Eucharist. Decorate your letter with symbols relating to the Eucharist. 4. Make a list of the things you must do to prepare yourself for Holy Communion. Talk with a family member about why each item is important. Visit for more family resources.



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Find the Reason Find the reason in the second column that completes the statement in the first column. Place the correct letter on the line. 1. The Eucharist is the greatest sacrament because . 2. Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Eucharist to . 3. We go to church whenever we can because . 4. At the Eucharist, we celebrate .

A. nourish God’s life in us B. it is the risen Lord present with us C. Jesus’ saving us from sin and death D. we want to adore the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament

Word Match Match the words with the descriptions. A. the Eucharist

D. Paschal Mystery

B. Passover

E. real presence

C. Last Supper ❮ Rubens, Peter Paul,

The dinner at Emmaus.

1. the passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus

4. meal that celebrates God’s deliverance of the Israelites

2. the central act of worship for Christians

5. Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament

3. when Jesus gave us the gift of the Eucharist



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim We celebrate the Eucharist with open hearts. Holy Communion unites us with the Lord and with one another.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the heart of Catholic worship. It nourishes God’s life in us.

Catholics prepare for Holy Communion by fasting. We do not eat or drink anything except water for one hour before Holy Communion.

During the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the Eucharist, an enduring gift we celebrate as a community.

As Catholics, we honor and revere the Eucharist with many devotions, including adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction, and processions.

The Mass is the central celebration of our faith. In the Mass, we remember Christ offering himself for our salvation and celebrate the Real Presence of the risen Christ in the Body and Blood of the Eucharist.

Because mortal sin separates us from God, Catholics must confess them in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving Holy Communion.


he sacrament of the Eucharist unites Catholics as one body. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:51

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. At the Eucharist, Jesus Christ offers us the Bread of Life and the: Divine Praises. Passover. Chalice of Salvation. Last Supper.


The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life CHAPTER 5

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A Catholic to Know In 1674, Christ revealed to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, that his divine heart was so inflamed with love that it could no longer contain that love within itself. He said, “Tell everyone you can to love my Sacred Heart and to make up for those who don’t love me.” Christ asked that she receive him in Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month. We, too, can honor Jesus with our devotion to the Sacred Heart on the first Friday of each month by receiving Holy Communion and by praying before the Blessed Sacrament in church.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I receive Holy Communion regularly. • I unite myself with all of God’s people whenever I receive the Eucharist. • I believe that I receive forgiveness of my venial sins by receiveing Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. • I realize that mortal sin separates me from God’s grace. • I am strengthened to follow Jesus’ example of love by receiving the Eucharist.

Share Your Faith We are nourished by Jesus, the Bread of Life. Think of people who are hungry for meaningful things like kindness and friendship. Name some ways that your can offer to help them. Invite a family member to join you in these activities.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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Unit 1 Review

Looking Back at Unit 1 In this unit, you learned that Jesus comes to us through the Holy Spirit. He helps us give perfect worship to the Father. With Jesus, we can love and honor God as we should. You have learned about the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. They enable us to work with Christ for the salvation of the whole world. In Baptism, we begin to be Christians and to live the Christian life. Through Confirmation, we are strengthened to grow in this life. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ offers himself for us and nourishes God’s life in us. United with Jesus Christ, we are able to share his love with others.

Living the Message Check (√) each statement that is true. Circle those you could do better. ❍ I use sacramentals to help me remember that God loves me. ❍ I take time each day to praise and thank God for all he has done for me. ❍ Whenever I receive the Eucharist, I tell Jesus how much I love him.

A Moment with Jesus Cardinal Newman wrote a prayer asking that Jesus’ light shine through him. Pray the prayer below and spend a moment in silence. Ask Jesus to help you spread his light in the world. Help me, Jesus, to spread your light everywhere I go. Fill my soul completely with your spirit and life. Then let your light shine through me so that every person I meet will feel your presence in my soul. Let others look and see no longer me but only you. Stay with me, Jesus, and I will be your light to others. The light I give to others will be coming from you; none of it will be mine. Let me praise you in the way you love best—by letting others know you, not so much by my words, but by my joyful spirit and example. It will be you shining on others through me. Amen. Adapted from “Radiating Christ”

❍ I give witness to Jesus by my good words and kind acts. ❍ I ask Jesus for help when I am tempted.



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Christ Pentecost

S A C R A M E N T S 46



catechumen bishop fast hand

Sacrament Puzzle Use the clues at the bottom and the words around the puzzle to fill in the blanks.

the usual minister of Confirmation what the bishop places over those to be confirmed as he anoints them a person in the RCIA who desires to become a Catholic the holy oil used in Confirmation what we do for one hour before Holy Communion sacred vessel used to expose the Blessed Sacrament the day when Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the apostles the sacrament in which the Holy Spirit joins us more closely to Jesus the sacrament in which we receive our first call to witness to Jesus the person the Holy Spirit helps us imitate



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Puzzle in Review Use these words to fill in the crossword puzzle below. Confirmation Baptism Eucharist 1

worship water sacramentals


benediction grace liturgy





bread altar RCIA







Across 1. nourishes our life in Christ 4. the sacrament that makes us children of

God and members of the Church

5. words, actions, or objects blessed by the

Church to bring us closer to God

8. one of the signs used in the Sacrament of

the Eucharist

9. the chief sign used in the Sacrament of


10. the public worship of the Church 11. the process for initiating adults into

the Church

Down 2. the sacrament in which

we receive the Holy Spirit and recommit ourselves to witness to Jesus

3. sacred signs in which we meet Jesus and

receive grace

4. a blessing given by making the Sign of the

Cross with the Blessed Sacrament at the end of eucharistic devotions

6. the table in a church where Mass is offered 7. the gift of sharing in the life of God 9. prayer and good deeds done to honor God CHAPTER 1


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We Celebrate

Jesus, the Center of Our Life Leader: Let us begin by praying together the Sign of the Cross. All: In the name of the Father . . . Leader: Let us pray. All: Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present with us always. I adore you, I believe in you, I hope in you, and I love you. You gave us the Eucharist to be with us and to strengthen us. Thank-you for loving us so much.

Leader: As we pray together Psalm 139:1–5, let us remember how closely we are known and loved by God. Group A: Lord, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand; you understand my thoughts from afar. My travels and my rest you mark; with all my ways you are familiar.



Lake of Galilee in the early morning, Israel, where the miracle of the multiplication of the fish and bread took place



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Group B: Even before a word is on my tongue, Lord, you know it all. Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me. Leader: God is closest to us in his Son, Jesus, the Living Bread come down from heaven. One day Jesus fed many people who came to hear him speak. He felt sorry for the crowd because the people were hungry. In his love and goodness, he fed thousands. The food that Jesus Christ offers us today is his Body and Blood, his own life. Let us listen to what Jesus tells us about the living bread. Reader 1:

I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. (John 6:35)

Reader 2: For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. (John 6:33)

Reader 4: Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. (John 6:56) Leader: Let us think quietly for a few minutes about these words of Jesus. Let us tell him how grateful we are for his presence with us. Reader 5: By receiving your Body and Blood in Holy Communion, All: Jesus, help us stay close to you. Reader 6: By listening to your Word in the Scriptures, All: Jesus, help us stay close to you. Reader 7: By prayer and good deeds, All: Jesus, help us stay close to you. Leader: Let us pray together in the words that Jesus taught us. All: Our Father . . . Leader: May Almighty God bless us and keep us close to his Son all the days of our lives. All: Amen.

Reader 3: Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. (John 6:54–55)



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Planning to Grow


Draw a picture of something you will do each day to worship God.



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Gather and Go Forth



Know and Proclaim We long to worship God and be one with him. The sacraments help bring us closer to God and others.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

The sacraments enable us to work with Christ for the salvation of the whole world.

As Catholics, we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, especially when serious sin has disrupted our relationship with God and others.

Sacramentals are words, actions, or objects blessed by the Church. They bring us closer to God and provide us with tangible ways of encountering the intangible.

Following Palm Sunday, many Catholics display palms in their homes to recall Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.

Jesus is present to us through the Holy Spirit. Jesus helps us give perfect worship to God.

Many Catholics pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit during the nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost. This novena helps us recall the nine days the apostles and Mary spent in prayer awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit.


od’s Word strengthens us. Let us sing his praises to all! Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best answers the question. Which sacrament is our first call to be a witness for Jesus? Confirmation the Eucharist Baptism Reconciliation Unit 1 Review CHAPTER 6


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A Catholic to Know In 1615, Peter Claver became a priest in Cartagena, a city in what that is now Columbia in South America. Cartagena was a port for the slave trade in the New World. When a ship carrying captured and neglected African slaves arrived in port, Peter brought water, medicine, food, and clothing. He saw the suffering Jesus in the people he served. In their cries, he heard Jesus say, “What you do for others, you do for me.” Peter Claver was a visible sign that showed that slaves were children of God. He baptized nearly 300,000 Africans. Like Peter Claver, may we find Jesus in those who are suffering.

Saint Peter Claver

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I celebrate the sacraments as an important part of my life as a follower of Jesus. • I use sacramentals to remind me of God’s presence. • I believe that Jesus is present to me today through the Holy Spirit. • I give witness to Jesus through service to others.

Share Your Faith Peter Claver saw Jesus in those who suffered. Think of something you can do to help someone who is suffering. Write your idea below. Invite a classmate to join you in putting your idea into action. Remember that what you do for others, you do for Christ.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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Family Feature Dear Parent or Guardian, bread, and wine remind us of God’s presence and of our belief. But what about when we leave the formal church and enter the doors of the domestic church, the church of the home? How can we keep up our awareness of God?

What color is God? What does love smell like? Can you touch a belief? Some of the most important things in life cannot be seen or touched. We need physical reminders to keep us aware of the things that matter most.

The following pages suggest family activities that will help you create tangible reminders of God’s constant presence in your home.

Sacraments are outward signs of God’s presence with us. The physical water, oil,

Holy Moments in the Domestic Church Look for opportunities in your home to mirror the sacraments. Here are some suggestions. As you welcome your child’s friends to your home, greet the guests by name. Refresh them with treats and make them feel that your home is their home for an evening or afternoon. In Baptism, we welcome people into the community of the Church.

Throughout life, tests of our maturity come our way. For children, it may be the temptation to cheat on a test. For us parents, the temptation might be to cheat on our taxes. Likewise, Confirmation is about strengthening us when we are tempted to be lax about our faith. In your family interactions, when you are tempted to take the easy way out, pause and pray together to the Holy Spirit. Ask for the strength to make the right decisions. Each day you prepare meals to strengthen your family’s body and spirit. Remember that this too is a holy act, even if you’re eating fast food on the run or gathered around a chaotic table. Your time and energy is spent for the good of the family. The table in your home is an extension of the table of the Lord that we gather around on Sundays. Keep these things in mind as you prayerfully thank the Lord for the food you are about to receive.



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Family Feature Ojo de Dios: The Eye of God Immense is the wisdom of the Lord; he is mighty in power, and all-seeing. The eyes of God see all he has made . . . Sirach 15:18–19

Early Spanish explorers first encountered the Huichol Indians in the Sierra Madre mountains. The Huichol valued a special symbol made of brightly woven yarn on crossed sticks. The Spaniards called this symbol the ojo de Dios. The name means “eye of God.” Huichol Indians made the central eye of a new ojo de Dios whenever a child was born. Then they would add more yarn for each birthday, up until the child turned five. These eyes of God were displayed on their altars so that their gods would watch over and protect anyone who prayed there.

The ojo de Dios has become a popular symbol for Christians. It is an especially good symbol because it is made on two sticks in the form of a cross. The eye at the center reminds us that God is always watching over us. The physical presence of the ojo de Dios in a room can help your family always be aware of his presence. Use the directions on the next page to make an ojo de Dios as a family. Consider the activity a prayer that the eyes of God be upon you. You might make one for yourself and another for a relative as a sign of your wishes for God’s blessing on him or her.

Modern Huichol family from Guadalupe de Ocatán village, Mexico ❯



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Create an Ojo de Dios If you enjoy this activity, you can repeat it many times, with different variations. To make tiny ojos de Dios, use toothpicks or matchsticks. They might make great Christmas decorations. You can embellish ojos de dios of any size. Consider adding

beads, sequins, feathers, or any other small objects that seem appealing. You could also use other materials for the two sticks. Various tree branches would result in unique designs.

How to Make an Ojo de Dios 1. Cross two sticks. These can be dowels or ice-cream sticks. Glue or tie the sticks together where they cross. (For a more professional-looking piece, cut a small piece out of one of the sticks and set the other in it.) Tie yarn to the sticks, using square knots. Leave a short tail so you can tie the other end of the yarn to it when you are done. 2. Wrap the yarn around one stick and then over and under the next stick. Continue this winding pattern, holding the yarn tight as you wind it.

3. Keep winding the yarn around the sticks. Lay each piece of yarn down next to the yarn before it, keeping it in neat rows. 4. Change to yarn of another color by tying the new yarn to the end of the last color. Make sure the ends are behind the stick. Keep winding the yarn and make patterns with the colors.



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Family Feature What can a balloon show us about the presence of God? Often the Holy Spirit is the hardest member of the Trinity to grasp. Artists often show God the Father as a powerful grandfather figure. We have seen images of Jesus Christ throughout human history. But what about the Holy Spirit? Try introducing your child to the concept of an invisible spirit this way. Blow up a balloon. Have fun playing with it for a while. Toss it back and forth like a volleyball. You’ve given the balloon life, just like God the Creator breathed life into each of us through our parents. Pause the balloon toss and prick the balloon with a pin. Explain to your child that while the balloon can’t be seen anymore, the breath that filled it is still there in the room. Explain that the breath of life is still in the world too; you just can’t see it. The Holy Spirit is like that— always with us but not always visible. Visit for more family resources.



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