Christ Our Life 2016 Grade 1 Catechist Parish Edition

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Christ Our Life God Is Good



The New Evangelization The Essential Mission of the Church Entrusted by Jesus Jesus’ Commission  In the Gospel of Matthew, after his Resurrection, Jesus gives this mandate to the apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19–20) The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the apostles and disciples were at first afraid. But their fear disappeared with the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. (Acts 2:1– 41) Peter went out and boldly proclaimed the Gospel to the gathering crowd. The mission of the Church to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Word did not end with the early Church. Jesus Christ is with us and continues to send the Holy Spirit to inspire us and give us the courage to proclaim the Gospel. Every generation is called to share the Good News of God’s love with the world. Catholic parents are especially called to recognize their vocation as the first catechists for their children to see that they learn the fundamentals of the faith. The children will then be prepared to enter the world with the knowledge they need to become evangelizers for their generation.

The Holy Fathers Speak  The popes since the Second Vatican Council have called the Church to realize how central the mission of evangelization is to our identity as Catholics. The call for the Church to be an evangelizing community began in modern times with the Second Vatican Council. This was seen especially in the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (1965) and The Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (1965). This was followed up in 1975 with Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation, On Evangelization in the Modern World. Building on the initiative of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II stressed the need for a New Evangelization in his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America. There Pope John Paul II wrote, “The program of a new evangelization . . . cannot be restricted to revitalizing the faith of regular believers, but must strive as well to proclaim Christ where he is not known.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI made New Evangelization the theme of the 2012 Synod of Bishops. Following up the synod, the bishops of the United States published a new document, Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization. Pope Francis has made evangelization a

“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12:49)

primary focus of his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. In that Exhortation, Pope Francis encourages all the Christian faithful “. . . to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” The primary language Pope Francis asks Christians to use is “. . . the language of mercy, which is more about gestures and attitudes than words.”

Catechesis and the New Evangelization  The National Directory for Catechesis affirms that catechesis leads believers to a deeper knowledge and love of Christ and his Church. With the New Evangelization, catechesis is given a missionary dynamic to evangelize the culture, affirming what aligns with Jesus’ teaching and challenging what does not. (NDC 17.D) Among its pastoral directives, the NDC encourages dioceses and parishes to adopt and implement the goals of Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States. A summary of some fundamental objectives follows: (NDC 17.E) • for every believer to experience a personal conversion to Jesus Christ that leads to renewal and participation in the life of the Church • to encourage knowledge of Holy Scripture and Tradition of the Church • for believers to work toward renewing every parish, especially through implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults • for believers to rededicate themselves to the Word of God and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and to commit to celebrating the Eucharist every Sunday • to make evangelical and social justice connections to the Sunday Eucharist • to call believers to daily prayer, in particular, to pray the psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours, to contemplate Christ’s life in the Mysteries of the Rosary, and to revere the Eucharist through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament THE NEW EVANGELIZATION


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THE NEW EVANGELIZATION • to make all parishes and Catholic institutions welcoming and accessible to all

The New Gather and Go Forth Pages in Christ Our Life The addition of the Gather and Go Forth pages to the Christ Our Life program is a response to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization including that of Pope John Paul II, who asked each Catholic to evangelize in a way that is “new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions.” We become members of the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. We celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life, every Sunday. There we hear the Word of God that helps to prepare us to evangelize. As Pope Francis tells us, “God’s Word, listened to and celebrated, above all in the Eucharist, nourishes and inwardly strengthens Christians, enabling them to offer an authentic witness to the Gospel in daily life” (The Joy of the Gospel, 2013). The Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book show children ways to know, proclaim, witness, and share their faith. In the Catechist’s Edition, the threestep teaching plan (Inspire, Proclaim, Transform) guides catechists to help children become more aware and active in their personal relationship with God, the Church, and their call to invite others to the faith. Beginning on page T282, you can find catechist instruction that accompanies all 25 chapters of the Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book. You will also find a full correlation of Grade 1 that shows how these pages align with the goals and objectives expressed by the U. S. bishops in Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States.

If not me, then who will proclaim the Gospel? If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not the truth of the Gospel, then what shall I proclaim? —excerpt from Prayer for the New Evangelization (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)



In the document Go and Make Disciples, the U. S. bishops’ vision of the New Evangelization is centered around three goals: • Goal 1—to bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others; • Goal 2—to invite all people in the United States, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith; • Goal 3—to foster gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ Vision Is Our Own Being Jesus’ witness requires energy, renewed conviction, personal conversion, and enthusiasm from every baptized Catholic.

For Whom Is the New Evangelization Intended? Jesus’ commission to the apostles is at the heart of our call to know and share our faith with others. Every member of the Church plays a part in the New Evangelization. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops identifies various relationships that people may have to Jesus and his Church. The bishops tell us that each type of relationship has a role in the New Evangelization: “Evangelization, then, has different implications depending on our relationship to Jesus and his Church. For those of us who practice and live our Catholic faith, it is a call to ongoing growth and renewed conversion. For those who have accepted it only in name, it is a call to re-evangelization. For those who have stopped practicing their faith, it is a call to reconciliation. For children, it is a call to be formed into disciples through the family’s faith life and religious education. For other Christians, it is an invitation to know the fullness of our message. For those who have no faith, it is a call to conversion to know Christ Jesus and thus experience a change to new life with Christ and his Church.” (Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States: #27)

Roles of Life in the Church  Catholics share a common vision to express faith according to their chosen role and state of life. To proclaim Christ is not solely for foreign missionaries, parish priests, bishops, or the pope. Young and old, ordained clergy, professed religious, and the laity share in knowing, proclaiming, and sharing God’s Word in ways suitable to their lives.


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“‘[E]veryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:13–15)

Additional Resources Second Vatican Council Documents on Evangelization • Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) • On the Mission Activity of the Church (Ad Gentes) Vatican Documents on Evangelization • Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family • Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod: New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith • Message for the 2012 World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Gifts of Service  Each member of the Church uses the Gifts from the Holy Spirit to evangelize. A young person might witness to Christ among friends, playing sports, volunteering, or at school. A parent may express faith in his or her workplace, demonstrating acts of kindness and charity, or championing Catholic Social Teaching in the neighborhood. A priest might share in the Church’s mission by leading Scripture study groups, celebrating the Mass on Sunday, or providing counseling to parishioners. A religious sister might share faith by teaching, volunteering in the community, or offering prayers and devotions for the living and the dead. In these and similar ways, Catholics reflect and spread Christ’s light and attract others to him. Embracing the Challenge  Catholics who are brimming with joy for God’s Word might meet resistance in a culture and society whose values are often on a collision course with Jesus’ teaching. Indeed, Catholics are challenged to be “in the world” but not “of the world.” Saint Paul reminds us: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) The world is a good place that God created out of his love for us. He sent his Son to live among us and save us from sin. Our Catholic challenge is to live the values of the Kingdom of God as Jesus taught us.

• On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi) • The Door of Faith United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Documents on Evangelization • Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States • Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Young Adult Ministry • Teaching the Spirit of Mission Ad Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today • The Hispanic Presence in the New Evangelization in the United States Diocesan Evangelization Resources about/bishops-and-dioceses/all-dioceses.cfm

As the Church, the People of God, we pray for ourselves and for one another. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Good News courageously, even in difficult situations. We ask for the saints’ intercession, praying that the example of our lives, lived faithfully and authentically, welcomes others to the Church and invites them to know the Father.



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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read aloud the page title.

Discuss places children “gather and go forth” each week. ✦✦ Where is your favorite place to gather with others? How do you feel afterward? (happy; energetic) When you’re feeling happy and energetic, what do you look like? How do you act? [Let children respond.] ✦✦


Know and Proclaim Jesus is our friend. We share this happy news with others.

Point out that when we gather at Mass to pray and listen to God’s Word, it gives us a special energy.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

Jesus Christ is our friend.

As Catholics, we show our friendship with Jesus by loving others.

Jesus died on the Cross because he loves us.

We remember Jesus’ love when we pray the Sign of the Cross.

2. Read aloud the text and

Scripture in the sidebar on page 9. ✦✦ Explain that God speaks to us through the Gospels and in the sacraments. Open a Bible and show children the Gospels. ✦✦



1. Read the Know and Proclaim

introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ When you have happy or exciting news, do you keep it to yourself, or do you share it? (Share it.) It is the same with God’s message. God wants us to share the Good News of our faith with others and help them love God too. ✦✦

How do you learn about your faith? (Possible answers: from parents; the Bible; religious education; priests; godparents)

2. Remind children that Jesus is at the center of our faith.

As Catholics, we

gather to hear God’s Word and celebrate the sacraments. “Go . . . proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Fill in the circle that best answers the question. Why do we pray the Sign of the Cross? to learn about shapes to have fun with friends

We receive the sacraments from God. Name the sacraments. Pray with children: Thank you, God, for the sacraments.



Test Your Catholic Knowledge

The Gospels, or Good News of Jesus, are the four books of the Bible that tell about Jesus’ life. Pray with children: Thank you, God, for the Bible.

Being a Catholic can be like a two-step dance. First, we receive God’s message. Then we go out and share it with the world. Pray with children: Thank you, God, for your message.


to remember that Jesus loves us to ask Mary to pray for us Jesus Is Our Friend CHAPTER 1


Draw a heart and write Jesus in the center.


Explain that Jesus is our friend and that he helps us know and share our faith. Any time you do something loving, you are sharing Jesus with others.

3. Direct children’s attention to

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge question. ✦✦ God is always inviting us to know him better. Knowing our Catholic faith helps us do just that.


Sunday Connection  Explore text Feature this Sunday’s GGF blueScripture box readings with children Goal 1:by To accessing bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely sharedGoal with 93. Toenthusiasm foster an appreciation 1: To others. bring about for faith so itof God’s in the of all Catholics. is freelyWord shared withlives others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word ✦✦

Read aloud the directions. After children respond, discuss the correct answer.

The Church Evangelizes  Pausing for prayer and reflection is an essential part of the faith journey. You might review your parish’s or diocese’s retreat offerings for the year and plan to attend at least one. Encourage others to do the same. In addition, consider inviting parishioners and families to subscribe to an online daily retreat, such as Loyola Press’s 3-Minute Retreat. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 110. To use special times in parish and family life to invite people to faith

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



God Is Our Good Father


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4. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Mark. ✦✦ Have children name role models in sports, school, and other activities. The saints are role models. They show us how to do our best in following Jesus. ✦✦

A Catholic to Know Mark was a friend of the apostle Peter. Peter told Mark all about Jesus. Mark loved Peter’s stories about Jesus so much that he recorded them for others to read.

Point out the Gospel of Mark in the Bible. The Holy Spirit inspired Saint Mark to love Jesus and tell the story of his life.

The Gospel of Mark tells about Jesus’ life, teachings, and miracles.

Witness and Share

5. Explain the concept of witness. A witness sees something and then tells others about it. How can you give witness to Jesus? [Let children respond.] Discuss with children someone in your community who gives witness to Jesus.

Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith • I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for us. • I bless myself with the Sign of the Cross.

6. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introductory text. Lead a reflection on the My Way to Faith statements. ✦✦ Explain that faith lives and grows, just as a plant or tree grows. To grow closer to God, we think about what we believe. Some of our beliefs are strong, and some are still forming. When we are unsure about a belief, we can ask questions to learn more. ✦✦

Explain that you will read each faith statement aloud. Quietly decide what you believe about each statement.


Read aloud each faith statement, pausing to allow time for reflection.


We are called to grow closer to God. Ask God to help you grow in your faith.


Ask children to choose one faith statement to discuss with a parent or another trusted adult. Encourage children to grow in this area and then come back to the page later in the year and reflect on it again.

7. Discuss ways to share our faith. Why is faith meant to be shared? (God wants us to spread his Good News.) By sharing our faith, we are showing our love for God and for others. God wants everyone to hear his Good News.

8. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity.

Saint Mark

• I love my friend Jesus.

Share Your Faith Draw how you can show your faith in God this week. Invite your friends to show their faith in God.


UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Let children discuss ideas with a partner before they draw their picture.

How would you feel if your idea spread all over the world? Why?

3. Remind children that Jesus is

Transform  1. Ask children to think about

what they drew in Share Your Faith. Does your idea involve other people or just you and God? [Let children respond.] How can your idea grow to include more people? (Example: I can pray with my little sister at bedtime.)

2. Invite children to spread their

their friend. Have them add Jesus to their drawing.

Español  Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 115. To foster cultural diversity within the unity of the Church

good actions far and wide.

The Church Evangelizes  You might pray for a specific part of the world each week. Before praying, share one fact about people in need in that country. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 127. To involve Catholics in questions of economic systems

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T283


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 19. Discuss the idea that God made everything and everyone. ✦✦ What did God create? Name as many things as you can. [Write children’s responses on the board.] ✦✦


Show children a picture drawn by one of them. Did God make this picture? (No, [Name] did.) Who made [Name]? (God) Everything comes from God. Have children choose something listed on the board or another thing God created. Then invite them to take turns praying aloud: Thank you, God, for making    .

2. Point out that Catholics care for

creation. Display photos that show pollution.

✦✦ ✦✦


What happens when people forget that God made everything? (They do not care for creation. They pollute and destroy. They do not share what they have.) As Catholics, we remember that God made everything—and we remind others too.


Know and Proclaim We take care of the earth. We ask others to take care of it too. We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

God created the world.

As Catholics, we honor God by caring for creation.

The Bible tells us that God is good.

We read the Bible because it is the Word of God.



As Catholics, we

remember that God created everything. How varied are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have made them all. Psalm 104:24

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. God wants us to: keep the world beautiful. watch others spoil the world. use the world to get rich. keep his Word secret.


God Is Good CHAPTER 2


1. Read the Know and Proclaim introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ Have children talk about times when they were amazed by nature. Encourage them to articulate why they were so amazed. God made the world beautiful for us to enjoy. Thank you, God! ✦✦

Invite volunteers to describe when something beautiful was ruined and how they felt about it. How do you think God feels when people ruin something in creation? (sad) Taking care of creation is one way Catholics love God.

3. Direct children’s attention to

DRE Connect  Share ideas with an online community for faith formation leaders by accessing

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge section. Read aloud the directions. Then read aloud the sentence and the answer choices. Give children time to complete the sentence before discussing the correct answer.

4. Invite children to suggest ways we can keep the world beautiful.

Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 98. To foster a renewed understanding of the faith among Catholics

2. Explain that God spoke in a

special way to the people who wrote the books of the Bible. God also speaks to us today. Listening to God’s Word in the Bible helps us listen to God speaking in our hearts. It helps us do what God wants us to do.




The Church Evangelizes  Explain to children that some Catholic parishes host a beautification day, featuring maintenance and groundskeeping projects that groups of parishioners can complete in a few hours. G oal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 99. To foster a sense of discipleship among Catholic adults and children

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.

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5. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Francis of Assisi. ✦✦ Read aloud a storybook about Saint Francis. Then discuss Francis’s special qualities. How would you describe Saint Francis? Why would you like to be his friend? [Let children respond.] ✦✦


A Catholic to Know Francis was born in Italy in 1182. He loved all of creation. He loved God most of all. Francis told the birds and the animals about God’s love. They grew quiet and listened. We listen to Francis’s message too. We share his message

Every person has his or her own way of sharing Jesus’ message. Some people teach. Others play music, draw, or write stories. How would you like to share Jesus’ message? [Let children respond.]

about God with others.

Witness and Share Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith

Have children discuss a modern-day hero who shares Jesus’ message.

• I thank God for his wonderful gifts.

6. Read the Witness and Share

introductory text. Jesus knows your heart. As I read aloud, meet Jesus in the quiet of your heart. Tell yourself and Jesus how you feel.

• I take care of God’s gifts.



Read aloud the first faith statement. Think about this statement. Talk quietly to Jesus about it.


Read aloud the other statements, allowing time for reflection.


Remind children that our entire life is a faith journey. Little by little, we grow closer to God. He will always help us.


Ask children to choose one or more faith statements to discuss with an adult they trust. Encourage them to write this statement in a journal and revisit it later in the school year to consider how their faith has grown.

7. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Let children discuss ideas with a partner before they draw their picture.

Transform  1. Ask children to discuss what

they drew in Share Your Faith. There are many ways to care for creation. Creation is everywhere. It’s not just outside; it’s in here with us.

Saint Francis of Assisi

• I listen to Bible stories.

Share Your Faith Draw one way you can care for the earth this week. Invite your family members to help you care for the earth.


UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

straighten a bookshelf) [Give children time to do this.]

2. Discuss the before and after

effects of children’s efforts. Look how we transformed the room! If everyone does a little of God’s work, the whole world can be more beautiful.


3. Pray together:

Special Needs  Explore ways to invite children with special needs to know God better at Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 126. To involve the Catholic Church in the media

God, help us be your hands in the world. Amen.



Have partners brainstorm ways they could make the classroom more beautiful. (Examples: pick up trash;

The Church Evangelizes  We often experience the divine in nature, relationships, and prayer—and then tuck the experience away. Every week, encourage children to describe for one another where, how, and when they experience God. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 107. To help every Catholic feel comfortable about sharing faith and inviting people to discover Christ in our Catholic family

God Is Good  CHAPTER 2  T285


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 27. Discuss how we are made in God’s image. ✦✦ What do we know about God? (God is loving. He created everything. He made me like himself.) God made each one of us. He made us one-of-a-kind, unique, and special. We are all precious to God. ✦✦


Know and Proclaim God created us and loves us. We share his love.

God made us in his image. We are like God. When we are loving and giving, we are being more like God.

2. Explain that Jesus came to show us how we can be even more like God. Pray with children the Morning Prayer found on the inside back cover of their books.

Draw three concentric circles on the board. What happens when you drop a pebble into a pool of water? (It makes ripples.) The same is true with the choices we make. Name a recent good choice that you made. [Write a response in the center circle.] How could this choice help someone else? [Write in the next circle.] How might that person help someone else? [Write in the third circle.] Our choices have lasting effects, just like ripples in a pond.

2. Discuss the concept of respect. ✦✦

What is respect? (being considerate of others) [Write children’s answers on the board.]

God made me like himself. I can think, choose, and love.

We use our minds to make good choices.

We are all God’s children. He loves and cares for us.

Catholics respect everyone. We share with those in need.

As Catholics,

we know that God made us like him. God created mankind in his image; . . . male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. We are like God when we: act bossy.

1. Read and discuss the Know


We Proclaim Our Faith


Test Your Catholic Knowledge

Proclaim  and Proclaim introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ We love with our hearts and our minds. Being loving also means choosing to do good when we don’t feel like it. When have you done something kind, even though you didn’t feel like it? [Let children respond.] That’s being like God. God is loving at all times.

We Know Our Faith


share what we have. stay angry at someone. care only for ourselves. God Is Our Father CHAPTER 3


Ask two children to respectfully pass through a door at the same time. Invite children to think of other ways they can show respect to one another. (helping a new classmate; picking up a dropped pencil; sharing a toy) Respect is not just being polite but also recognizing that every person is made in the image of God.


Read aloud the directions. After children respond, discuss the correct answer.

4. Invite volunteers to give

3. Direct children’s attention to

3-Minute Retreat  Invite examples of how we share. deeper reflection on God’s Word by accessing www.loyolapress .com/retreat. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word.

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge section.

The Church Evangelizes  Enlist parents’ support and ask children to look through their possessions for items to donate to those in need. Deliver these items to a local charity. Suggest that children pray a short prayer for the person who received their gifts. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 121. To involve parishes and local service groups in the needs of their neighborhood

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




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5. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Anthony of Padua. ✦✦ Have you ever had to change your plans? Perhaps you planned a day at the park, but it started raining. What did you do? Invite children to tell about times when something didn’t go according to plan. God has plans for us. It’s important to trust God and follow his will, even if it’s not something we completely understand. ✦✦


A Catholic to Know Anthony was born in 1195 in Portugal. He wanted to travel to other countries to preach the Good News. But God had other plans. Anthony followed God’s will. He worked in a hospital, helping those who were poor and sick. Later he preached about living every day knowing that God is with us.

Witness and Share

Find and share more information about Saint Anthony. Discuss ways that Anthony trusted God’s plan for him.

Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith

Invite children to share ways they can use a change of plans to help others. (Help with an indoor task; play a game indoors with a sibling.)

• I think before I act. • I trust God’s plan for me. • I care for others.

6. Read the Witness and Share

Share Your Faith

introductory text. ✦✦ Let’s think about what we believe.


Read aloud the other statements, allowing time for reflection.


Ask children to choose one faith statement to discuss with a parent or another trusted adult. Encourage them to grow in this area and then come back to the page later in the year and reflect on it again.


Draw one way you can care for others.

Read aloud the first faith statement. Allow time for reflection. Ask God to help you think before you act.


Remember, our goal is to be the best we can be. We should do our best to make good choices and to ask for help when we don’t.

7. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Suggest that children think back to the discussion about helping others and draw or write one of their ideas. Invite volunteers to share their work.

Transform  1. Discuss children’s thoughts

about helping. We share our strengths when we help someone. Whenever we share with others, we show that we care. We are helping God take care of others.


Saint Anthony of Padua

Invite family members to share ways they can care for others. 28



UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Tell children a story from the news about someone helping others in an unexpected way. Then ask: How did this person show they are made in God’s image? Have children trace their hand on a separate sheet of paper. Invite them to write inside the hand I Can Help. Have them decorate the hand and cut it out. Suggest they give their “helping hand” to a loved one as a promise to help.

Español  Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 115. To foster cultural diversity within the unity of the Church

2. Close by having children pray

silently while you pray aloud. Loving God, thank you for all the gifts you’ve given us that allow us to help and care for others. May we always lend a helping hand to those who need it. Amen.

God Is Our Father  CHAPTER 3  T287


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 35. Discuss what it means to worship God. ✦✦ What do we do at Mass? (pray; listen to readings from the Bible; sing; receive the Eucharist) Why do we do these things? (to show God we love him; to praise God) ✦✦

When we come together to worship, Christ is alive in us in a special way. Share with children your favorite thing about Mass. Invite them to do the same.

2. Explain that private prayer is

important too. Imagine yourself with Jesus in your favorite place. Thank Jesus for the gift of the Mass. Allow children time to pray. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.

Proclaim  1. Read the Know and Proclaim

introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ Read aloud Exodus 33:7–11. Then assign the roles of Moses, God (the “column of cloud”), and the people. Designate an area for Moses’s tent. Then read aloud the passage again and have children act it out. ✦✦

We can have a special place where we talk to God too. Describe your favorite place to pray. Invite volunteers to share where they like to pray.

2. Discuss God’s greatness and

holiness. ✦✦ What are some things you think are great? [Write children’s answers on the board. Draw a circle around them and label it GOD in big letters.] Great means “very big and wonderful.” God made everything; all the other great things in the world come from God. ✦✦


Explain that the word holy sounds like whole, hold, and hole. [Write these words on the board.] God is whole. He holds everything. He can fill every hole in our heart. God is holy!


Know and Proclaim

worship God to show God our love and to honor God’s greatness.

with words and actions. We Proclaim Our Faith

Moses knew that God is holy. He did what God asked.

We become holy by living as God’s friends.

We say that God is great and holy.

As Catholics, we praise God at Mass.


As Catholics, we

We know that God is holy. We praise him

We Know Our Faith


Let us bow down in worship; . . . For he is our God. Psalm 95:6–7

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best answers the question. What is the main reason for going to Mass? to see our friends to sing songs to learn about Moses and the saints to worship God

God Our Father Is Holy CHAPTER 4

3. Direct children’s attention to

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge question. Read aloud this section. Give children time to answer. Then discuss their responses. Explain that we also go to Mass to learn, be with our friends, and sing songs, but the main reason we go to Mass is to worship God.


Sunday Connection  Explore text Feature this Sunday’s GGF blueScripture box readings with children Goal 1:by To accessing bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others. 93. To foster an appreciation of Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith God’s the lives all Catholics. so it is Word freely in shared withofothers 96. To foster a greater appreciation of the power of God’s Word in our worship

The Church Evangelizes  Arrange for children to serve as greeters at a school Mass or Sunday Mass. Before that day, have them make a banner with messages about God’s love for everyone to see as they enter the church. Alternatively, work together to write a special greeting children can say. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 94. To make the evangelizing dimension of Sunday Eucharist more explicit

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




God Is Our Good Father

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4. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Matthew. ✦✦ Have children think of a wrong choice they made recently. Then ask: What choice would Jesus have made instead? Give children time to reflect. ✦✦


A Catholic to Know Matthew lived during Jesus’ time. He was a tax collector. Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow me.” Matthew stopped his work and followed Jesus.

Explain that in Jesus’ time, tax collectors were often considered dishonest. What did Jesus say to Matthew? (“Follow me.”) Jesus led Matthew away from bad choices and helped him make good choices. Jesus wants to lead us to make good choices.

Later he wrote the Good News about Jesus. The stories from Matthew’s

Witness and Share Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

Point out the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible. Say: Matthew did important work. He shared the Word of God with people. When you follow Jesus, you spread his Good News to many people too.

My Way to Faith • I talk to Jesus in my heart. • I believe that God is great and holy. • I show respect when I pray at church.

5. Read the Witness and Share

Share Your Faith

introductory text. ✦✦ As Catholics, we share special ways of being God’s friends. Explain that you are going to read some of these ways. Ask children to think about each faith statement. ✦✦

Write one belief about God that you want to share.

Read aloud the faith statements and give children time to reflect. Talk to Jesus in the quiet of your heart.


Remind children that it is important to spend time thinking about our beliefs.


Ask children to choose one or more faith statements to discuss with an adult they trust. Encourage them to write this statement in a journal and revisit it later in the school year to consider how their faith has grown.

Invite family members to share their beliefs about God. 36


6. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Suggest that children write something they can taste, see, smell, hear, or feel, such as I believe God makes apples sweet. I believe God makes flowers bloom. I believe God makes hugs.


Saint Matthew

Gospel spread all over the world.


UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Think of one person who needs care. It might be a friend who lost a soccer game or a parent who is working a lot. Invite children to picture this person in their mind. Imagine this person wrapped in God’s love, like a warm blanket.

When you are kind to someone, you are sharing God’s love. Encourage children to follow through on their idea.

2. Invite children to pray silently

while you pray aloud. Begin and end by praying the Sign of the Cross. Holy Spirit, help us bring comfort to others by sharing God’s love with them. Amen.

The next time you see this person, what act of kindness might you do to help? Invite volunteers to share their thoughts.

Transform  1. Ask children to think about

their friends, neighbors, and family members.

The Church Evangelizes  You might arrange for a priest to conduct a blessing of pets service. Have children make invitations to give to their extended family members and neighbors. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 122. To foster the importance of the family

God Our Father Is Holy  CHAPTER 4  T289


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Prepare a bowl with holy water and conduct a prayer service. ✦✦ Have children sit in a circle. Invite volunteers to make statements about water, such as Water quenches our thirst or Water is fun to swim in. Pray with children: Thank you, God, for water. ✦✦




Know and Proclaim We Know Our Faith


We join God’s

Baptism gives us God’s life.

Talk to the children about their Baptism and Baptisms they have attended. Discuss what they saw and experienced. Say: When you were baptized, the priest or deacon called you by name and said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” He poured the blessed water on you or lowered you into the water.


We Proclaim Our Faith

In Baptism we join the Church.

As Catholics, we bless ourselves with holy water to remember our Baptism.

Water, oil, white clothes, and a candle are used in Baptism.

Catholics wear white at Baptism to show purity and light.

family in Baptism. I will sprinkle clean water over you . . . I will cleanse you. I will give you a new heart. Ezekiel 36:25–26

Test Your Catholic Knowledge

Model making the Sign of the Cross with the holy water. Pray: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Say: When we bless ourselves with holy water while praying the Sign of the Cross, we remind ourselves of our Baptism. Holy water is a sacramental. It prepares us to receive God’s grace.

Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. Baptism makes us: perfect. Christians. older. Americans.

Invite each child to make the Sign of the Cross with holy water.

God Shares His Life with Us CHAPTER 5


2. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 43. Remind children that water is an important part of the Sacrament of Baptism. What does God give us in Baptism? (new life) What do we become a part of in Baptism? (God’s family, the Church)



Pray together: Thank you, God, for the Sacrament of Baptism.

Proclaim  1. Read the Know and Proclaim

section. Display the holy water along with holy oil, a white garment, and a candle. Review the symbolism of each object. As Catholics, we have special objects that help us celebrate and receive God’s grace and love.



These special objects help us learn about God. They also remind us that all things in creation come from God.

2. Have children complete the

Test Your Catholic Knowledge section. ✦✦ Remember, God does not expect us to be perfect. He does want us to grow closer to him. In Baptism, we join a family that helps us grow closer to God—the Christian family.

Arts & Faith  Celebrate how faith is expressed and deepened through art at www. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community

The Church Evangelizes  You may invite someone who has recently completed RCIA to share his or her baptismal experience. Help children prepare questions beforehand and invite the guest to respond. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 95. To foster an appreciation of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and of all the sacraments, the sacred signs of our Catholic life

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




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3. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Julie Billiart. ✦✦ Ask children what they know about Saint Julie. (Possible responses: She loved to smile. She became a sister. She taught children.) Life wasn’t easy for Saint Julie. She was ill for a long time and had to stay in bed. But Saint Julie was filled with God’s light. She couldn’t help but shine! ✦✦


A Catholic to Know Julie Billiart was born in France in 1751. She was a sister who taught others to love God. She smiled often, even during hard times. Julie lived as a child of God and shared Jesus’ light. She pleased God by showing respect and love for others.

Have children look at the pictures of Saint Julie in their book. Then invite them to draw a picture of themselves shining with God’s joy.

Witness and Share Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith

Have children discuss a modern-day hero who shines with God’s joy and light.

• I belong to the Church. • I believe that Baptism gives us God’s life.

4. Read aloud the Witness and

• I share Jesus’ light and love.

Share introductory text. Lead a reflection on the My Way to Faith statements. ✦✦ If we take time to think about our friendship with God, we will be filled with more and more of his light. ✦✦

Explain that you are going to read aloud some faith statements about God. Think about each statement as I read. Imagine your whole body, heart, and mind flooded with God’s light.


Read aloud the faith statements, and give children time to reflect.


Ask children to choose one faith statement to discuss with a parent or another trusted adult. Invite children to return to these faith statements later in the year to see how they have grown.

5. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Encourage children to think of a person with whom they would like to share their light. Remind them that Catholics share God’s light through their words, actions, and prayers.

Saint Julie Billiart

Saint Julie is called “the Smiling Saint.”

Share Your Faith Trace and color the candle. Remember to share Jesus’ light. Invite family members to tell how they share Jesus’ light.




UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

The Church also has special heroes who are on a mission. These people devote their lives to sharing God’s message of love everywhere. They are called missionaries. Share an example of a missionary you know or a mission organization in your community. In Baptism we are all called to be missionaries. We can be missionaries in our homes, our schools, and our neighborhoods.


Invite volunteers to tell about the picture they drew in Share Your Faith. Each of your pictures shows you being a missionary! How are you a light?


Have children add an M (like Superman’s S) to the drawing they made. You are a superhero for God!

2. Encourage children to perform one action today that makes them a superhero for God.

Transform  1. Explain that as Catholics, we are on a mission. ✦✦ Discuss children’s favorite superheroes.

The Church Evangelizes  Explain to children that some Catholic parishes use social media to share their good work and inspire others to do the same. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 126. To involve the Catholic Church in the media

God Shares His Life with Us  CHAPTER 5  T291


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 53. ✦✦ Explain that here the word observe means “to live” or “to obey,” not “to watch.” God does not want us to keep his Word to ourselves. He wants us to share it! ✦✦


Know and Proclaim

If we love God and feel his joy, is it hard or easy to share his message? Why? [Let children respond.]

Catholics listen for God’s voice. We share his message with others.

2. Discuss the importance of quiet time with God. God speaks to us in our minds and hearts. Being quiet and listening for God’s voice is a good way to pray.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

God speaks to us through the Bible.

As Catholics, we trace a cross on our forehead, lips, and heart before hearing the Gospel.

God speaks to us through others.

We know God’s love when others care for us.



Have children sit with open palms on their lap. Invite them to welcome God’s presence. Pray: Holy Spirit, help us listen to you. God, I love you. God, you are holy. Then allow time for silent prayer.


Teach children how to perform the sign. Explain that this sign of our faith can mean “May the Word of the Lord be on my mind, on my lips, and in my heart.” Encourage children to use this sign whenever God’s Word is read. Why do you think we cross ourselves on the head, lips, and heart? [Let children respond.] We always want to keep God’s Word on our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts.

God’s Word is a

wonderful gift! We listen to it and live it each day. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Luke 11:28

Fill in the circle that best answers the question. What do we call the Bible? God’s only Son the love of others

1. Read the Know and Proclaim



Test Your Catholic Knowledge

Proclaim  introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ The Gospel is God’s Word. You can find the Gospel in the Bible. We hear a reading from the Gospel during a special part of the Mass. We stand for the Alleluia, and then the priest or deacon announces the reading. We respond “Glory to you, O Lord.” As we say this, we make a small cross on our forehead, lips, and heart.


God’s Word the Book of Elijah God Speaks to Us CHAPTER 6

2. Direct children’s attention to the Test Your Catholic Knowledge question. ✦✦ Read aloud the directions, the question, and the answer choices. Allow children time to respond before discussing the correct answer. ✦✦

God speaks to us through the Bible. This is why we call the Bible the Word of God.


DRE Connect  Share ideas with an online community for faith formation leaders by accessing Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 111. To cultivate an active core of the baptized to serve as ministers of evangelization

The Church Evangelizes  Send a newsletter home to encourage children and their families to invite a friend or coworker to Mass or a church social event. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 114. To design programs that reach out to those who do not participate in a church community or who seek the fullness of faith

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




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3. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Andrew. ✦✦ Tell children about a time in your life when you met someone new and something “clicked.” Explain that we sometimes connect with people without knowing exactly why. Give an example. Ask volunteers to share similar experiences. ✦✦



A Catholic to Know Andrew lived during Jesus’ time. He was a fisherman. When he met Jesus, he was filled with joy. Andrew was happy to bring others to Jesus. He told his brother Peter about Jesus. They both became Jesus’ followers. Andrew and Peter told others about the Savior.

Read aloud Matthew 4:18–19. What does Jesus say he will make Andrew and Simon Peter? (fishers of men) Jesus wants us to “catch” people’s minds and hearts with his Good News.

Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

Discuss with children someone in your community who spreads the Good News to others.

• I believe the Bible is God’s Word.

Witness and Share My Way to Faith • I listen to the people who care for me.

• I know God speaks to us in many ways.

4. Read the Witness and Share

Share Your Faith

introductory text. ✦✦ Explain that as followers of Jesus, we are encouraged to think about what we believe. I am going to read aloud some faith statements about God’s message to us. Think about each one. ✦✦

Read aloud the faith statements, and give children time to reflect.


Ask children to choose one faith statement they want to discuss with a parent or another trusted adult. Remind children that they can come back to these statements later and consider how they have grown in their faith.

5. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Remind children that we can share God’s Word with others through our words and actions. Read aloud Matthew 25:35–36,38–40 to give children ideas.



Saint Andrew

Andrew was filled with joy when he met Jesus. When we connect with Jesus, we can experience this too.

The more we practice sharing God’s Word with others, the more of a habit it becomes.

Trace the Bible. Invite a friend to share God’s Word with someone else.


UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Transform  1. Discuss ways to feed those who

are hungry and give drink to those who are thirsty. People can be hungry and thirsty in different ways. A classmate might be hungry for someone to play with at recess. Another classmate might be thirsty for a kind word.

Arts & Faith  Celebrate how faith is expressed and deepened through art at www. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community

2. Have children share with a

partner one way they could “feed” or welcome a classmate.

The Church Evangelizes  If your diocese or an outreach organization in your area offers workshops on contemplative prayer, consider attending one. Learning to experience God’s presence in silent prayer will spark your passion for helping the children you teach and others experience God’s presence too. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 97. To foster a deeper sense of prayer

God Speaks to Us  CHAPTER 6  T293


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Discuss the importance of

relationships. ✦✦ On the first day of school, your classmates may have been strangers. Now you are friends with them. How did that happen? [Let children respond.] ✦✦

To get to know people, we have to spend time with them. This is true with God too. One of the best ways to grow close to God is in prayer.

2. Read aloud the text and

Scripture on page 63. We might not always get exactly what we pray for. Sometimes God wants something else for us. God knows us and loves us. [Ask children to reflect on a time when a prayer was answered.]



We can draw close to God whenever we want. Isn’t that amazing? Let’s silently thank God for being so close.


Know and Proclaim We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

There are many ways to visit with God.

Catholics pray in silence or with words.

We speak and listen to God in prayer.

We pray praise, asking, thanks, and sorry prayers.

Other times in prayer, we do not use any words. What can we do instead? (listen to God) What can you do to listen to God? (Be still and quiet. Invite God’s presence. Focus on God.)

Luke 11:9

Prayer is: only for Catholics. best prayed out loud.

talking and listening to God.


“Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find.”

Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence.

1. Read the Know and Proclaim

Sometimes when we pray, we use our own words. Invite volunteers to pray aloud prayers of praise, asking, thanks, and sorry.

pray. We trust God to answer us.

Test Your Catholic Knowledge

never heard by God.



As Catholics, we

In prayer we grow closer to God.

Proclaim  introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ Sometimes when we pray, we use prayers we have taken to heart. In an upcoming chapter, you will learn a prayer called the Our Father. Catholics everywhere pray this prayer. Prayers connect us to one another and to God.


We Pray to God Our Father CHAPTER 7

on the elevator, or before a test. Invite volunteers to offer more times and places to pray. Write their ideas on the board.

3. Direct children’s attention to

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge section. Read aloud the directions, the sentence, and the answer choices. After children have completed the sentence, discuss the correct answer.


Daily Inspiration  Find insightful meditations on Scripture at daily. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word

2. Expand children’s understanding about prayer by brainstorming places and times to pray. When and where can you pray? (Possible answers: at nighttime; in the morning; at mealtimes) You can pray anywhere and anytime—on the bus,

The Church Evangelizes  You might research how Jewish people keep holy the Sabbath and share what you learn with children. If possible, invite a Jewish friend or rabbi to share Sabbath traditions with your class. Invite parents to attend the session. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 116. To deepen ecumenical involvement

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




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4. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Luke. ✦✦ Explain that Luke’s Gospel gives many vivid details about Jesus’ life. Luke’s Gospel tells us some details about Jesus’ childhood. For example, in Luke we learn about Jesus’ visit to the Temple as a boy. ✦✦

A Catholic to Know Luke was one of Jesus’ apostles. He wanted others to know about Jesus. Luke wrote a Gospel about Jesus’ birth, childhood, and adult life. Luke’s Gospel tells us that the Holy Spirit guides our lives. The Holy Spirit still guides the

Read aloud Luke 11:1–4. What prayer did this sound like? (the Our Father) When Luke recorded this prayer, he gave us a great gift. Read aloud Luke 11:9–10. When did we hear these words? (earlier in the lesson) When we knock on God’s door, what happens? (The door will be opened.) What do you think God would say? (Come in!)

Witness and Share Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith • I pray by talking and listening to God. • I visit with God in different ways.

5. Read the Witness and Share introductory text. ✦✦ Explain that to get closer to God, we can practice good habits, and that one way to do this is to think carefully and calmly about God. I am going to read aloud some faith statements about prayer. Think about each one. ✦✦

Read aloud each faith statement and give children time to reflect.


Ask children to choose one or more faith statements to discuss with an adult they trust. Encourage them to write this statement in a journal and revisit it later in the school year to consider how their faith has grown.

6. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Encourage children to use one of the prayer settings you listed on the board earlier.

Transform  1. Discuss the power of praying

for others. Discuss how giving to people in need keeps us close to God. Prayer works the same way. If I pray for God to heal my sick grandma, that may or may not happen. Sometimes God answers our prayers in mysterious ways. But praying keeps me close to God. I am better able to help my grandma. I am better able to help others.

Saint Luke

Church today.

• I thank God for his many gifts.

Share Your Faith Draw yourself praying with your family. Invite your family to pray with you today. 64

UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

2. Have children choose someone

3-Minute Retreat  Invite deeper reflection on God’s Word by accessing www.loyolapress .com/retreat. Goal 1: To bring about

they would like to pray for. Give them time to pray for that person in class, or ask them to pray later during their own quiet prayer time.

enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 97. To foster a deeper sense of prayer

3. Make a prayer tree. Bring in a tree branch and anchor it in a pot or a large coffee can. Invite children to write the name of someone they wish to pray for on a slip of paper and hang it on the tree branch.

The Church Evangelizes  Explain to children that some Catholic parishes celebrate a prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours (especially Morning, Midday, and Evening Prayer) on a regular basis as a faith community. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 97. To foster a deeper sense of prayer

We Pray to God Our Father  CHAPTER 7  T295


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Have children gather in the

prayer space with their Our Father Booklets. ✦✦ Invite children to quiet their minds. Then read aloud the text and Scripture in the sidebar on page 73. ✦✦


Know and Proclaim

What is our “daily bread”? (Everything we need to grow as God’s children.) What is God giving us that we need right now? (Possible answers: air to breathe; light to see by; one another for company; books to learn from)

The Our Father teaches us how to love others. We Know Our Faith

2. Discuss and pray together the

Our Father. Tell about a time when the Our Father (or a part of it) was especially meaningful to you. Ask children to share their ideas or experiences. Like good bread, the Our Father feeds you in many different ways throughout your life.



Jesus gave us the Our Father.

As Catholics, we trust God to give us what we need.

In the Our Father, we ask for everything we need to grow as God’s children.

We pray the Our Father at Mass and anytime we want to feel closer to God.


the pope

introduction and the first row of the chart with children. ✦✦ What are needs? (things we must have to live) What are wants? (things we would like to have but aren’t necessary)


Have partners use their Our Father Booklets to find words or pictures that give praise, ask for help, or say sorry. Have children tell what they find. (praise—“hallowed be thy name”; asking—“give us this day our

Matthew 6:11

God the Father

1. Read the Know and Proclaim

chart with children. ✦✦ In Chapter 7, we talked about prayers that praise, give thanks, say sorry, and ask for help. Write these types of prayer on the board. Catholics pray the Our Father because it contains all these kinds of prayer.

“Give us today our daily bread.”

Who taught us the Our Father prayer?

the Holy Spirit

2. Read the second row of the

God gives us

what we need. Jesus, his Son, gave us the gift of prayer.

Fill in the circle that best answers the question.

Pray the Our Father together. Children may use their Our Father Booklets if needed.

Have children brainstorm examples of needs and wants and list them on the board. We thank God for everything he gives us.


Test Your Catholic Knowledge



We Proclaim Our Faith


Jesus Teaches Us to Pray to Our Father CHAPTER 8


daily bread”; sorry—“forgive us our trespasses”)

children have completed the item, discuss the correct answer.

The entire Our Father prayer is a thank-you prayer. We thank God Our Father for being near to us and hearing us. Pray with children: Thank you, God, for the gift of the Our Father.

Special Needs  Explore ways to invite children with special needs to know God better at

3. Direct children’s attention to

the Test Your Catholic Knowledge question. Read aloud the directions, the question, and the answer choices. After


Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 106. To make every Catholic institution more welcoming

The Church Evangelizes  Teach children the hymn “Bread of Life/Pan de Vida.” Arrange for it to be sung during the Eucharist at an upcoming Mass. Goal 3: To foster gospel values promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community

See pages T332–T334 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.




God Is Our Good Father

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4. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Ignatius of Loyola. ✦✦ Ask if children have ever felt so excited about something that they couldn’t hold it in. ✦✦



A Catholic to Know Ignatius was born in Spain in 1491. He was a soldier until he was hurt in battle. While he healed, he read about Jesus. God called Ignatius to serve him.

Ignatius had a lot of energy. When he was hurt, he probably felt frustrated. He did not want to stay in bed. But God used this time to teach him about Jesus. This changed Ignatius’s life. He became a “soldier for the Lord” and told others about God.

Ignatius became a priest and founded a religious order called the Jesuits. Jesuits travel the world to tell others about Jesus and the Good News.

Witness and Share

Have children tell about big changes in their own lives. Ask how they felt God’s love or the love of other people during those times.

Listen to each faith statement. Think about what you believe.

My Way to Faith

God will give us the strength to get through big changes. He will help us grow and learn. We can use what we’ve learned to help others.

• I pray the Our Father. • I thank Jesus for teaching me to pray. • I trust God to give me what I need.

5. Read the Witness and Share

Share Your Faith

introductory text. ✦✦ Ignatius had to be still so that his leg would heal. As Jesus’ followers, we choose to stop and be still. It helps us hear God. ✦✦

I am going to read aloud some statements about prayer. Think about each one.


Read aloud the faith statements. Give children time to reflect.


Ask children to choose one faith statement and talk to a parent or another trusted adult about it. Invite children to return to this statement later in the year to see how they’ve grown.

6. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Invite children to reflect silently on each word.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Trace the words. Invite your family to help you donate to those in need.



UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Sometimes God gives us what we need through other people. He also wants us to make sure others have what they need.

2. Invite children to follow

through on their idea or another helping action today.

Español  Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 103. To foster greater appreciation of cultural and ethnic spirituality

Transform  1. Encourage children to draw one of the needs you listed on the board earlier. ✦✦ If the list contains general nouns such as love or food, ask for specific examples, such as a hug or fresh vegetables.

The Church Evangelizes  Teach children the Our Father in a different language. Use gestures or images that will help each child understand each phrase. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 115. To foster cultural diversity within the unity of the Church

Jesus Teaches Us to Pray to Our Father  CHAPTER 8  T297


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Program Overview


Planning Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-16 Scope and Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-18 Correlations to NCEA IFG: ACRE . . . . OV-22

Unit 1

God Is Our Good Father


Note to Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1a Chapter 1

Jesus Is Our Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2

Chapter 2

God Is Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T14

Chapter 3

God Is Our Father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T24

Chapter 4

God Our Father Is Holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T34

Chapter 5

God Shares His Life with Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . T44

Chapter 6

God Speaks to Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T54

Chapter 7

We Pray to God Our Father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T66

Chapter 8

Jesus Teaches Us to Pray to Our Father . T78

Unit 2

Jesus Shows Us He Is Good


Chapter 13 Jesus Calls Apostles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T136

God Sent His Son as Our Savior Chapter 9

Unit 3


God Promised a Savior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T92

Chapter 10 God Chose Mary and Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . T102 Chapter 11 Jesus Our Savior Was Born in Bethlehem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T112 Chapter 12 Families Share Life and Love . . . . . . . . . . . T122

Chapter 14 Jesus Shows God’s Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T146 Chapter 15 Jesus Teaches Us to Love God . . . . . . . . . . . T156 Chapter 16 Jesus Teaches Us to Love Others . . . . . . . . T166 Chapter 17 Jesus Calls Himself the Good Shepherd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T176 Chapter 18 We Come to Our Good Shepherd . . . . . . . T186

Unit 4

Jesus Shows His Great Love


Chapter 19 Jesus Gives the Gift of Himself . . . . . . . . . T198 Chapter 20 Jesus Is Risen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T212 Chapter 21 Jesus Sends Us the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T224 Chapter 22 Jesus Is with Us in His Church . . . . . . . . . . T234 Chapter 23 Mary Is the Mother of the Church . . . . . . T244 Chapter 24 The Holy Spirit Helps the Church . . . . . . T256 Chapter 25 We Give Glory to God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T266


Gather and Go Forth


Student pages follow each chapter.

The New Evangelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T279 Unit 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T282 Unit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T298 Unit 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T306 Unit 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T318 New Evangelization Correlation Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T332

Special Seasons and Lessons


The Year in Our Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T335 1 Feast of All Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T336 2 Advent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T341 3 Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T349 4 Lent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T354 5 Holy Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T360 6 Easter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T368 7 Pentecost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T373 8 The Guardian Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T378 9 Thanksgiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T382 10 The Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T385 11 Saint Blaise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T388 12 Saint Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T391 13 Planning a Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T395 14 End-of-the-Year Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T399

What Catholics Should Know


Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T405 Prayer and How We Pray T407 Stations of the Cross T414 The Seven Sacraments T418 Holy Days of Obligation T422 Commandments T423 Making Good Choices T424 The Bible T425 Showing Our Love for the World T426 Student Book Cover Prayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T429

Saints and Feast Days


Calendar of Saints and Feast Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T431 September T432 October T432 November T433 December T434 January T434 February T435 March T435 April T436 May T436

The Catechist’s Handbook


The Catechist’s Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T437 Profile of a First Grader T438 Areas of Growth T439 The Catechist T440 Tips for Good Catechesis T442 What the Catechism Says to Catechists T443 Techniques and Tools of Teaching T444 Creative Activities T450 Inclusion: Meeting Special Needs T452 Multicultural Awareness T455 Assessment T456 Catechist’s Resources T457 Parent-Catechist Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T459 Music List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T463 Directory of Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T471 Online Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T473

Glossary Index


Scripture Index






God Is Our Good Father Goals The children will more deeply realize the great love God has for them. They will desire to pray to God.

1 Jesus Is Our Friend

Jesus invites us to be his friends and to enjoy his presence just as he welcomed the little children of Galilee. The children are taught that Jesus and his friends love everyone. Jesus’ Death on the Cross showed the depths of his love for us. The crucifix reminds us that Jesus died but is risen and is still with us. The children learn how we, God’s people, sign ourselves with a cross to show that we are friends of Jesus who try to be like him.

2 God Is Good

The goodness of creation leads us to give thanks and praise to our Father, the source of all life and goodness, who lets us share in bringing all creation to fulfillment. The children learn that God made everything and that living things grow best when they are given good care.

3 God Is Our Father

God continually invites us to grow and deepen our relationship with him and others. God gives each of us unique gifts and calls us to use our gifts to give human expression to God’s loving, forgiving care for every person. The children contrast human life with other forms of life and learn that they are made in God’s own image and likeness.

4 God Our Father Is Holy

God speaks to us and is available to us so that we can experience joy, support, and strength in God’s friendship. The children enter the sacred space we call church, the place where God meets us and where we ponder God’s ways. They learn how we, in word and gesture, acknowledge the presence of the all-holy One who remains with us as Christ our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

5 God Shares His Life with Us

God, our good Father, shows the greatness of his love by giving us a share in his own life at Baptism. The children learn that our newness of life calls us to live by the Spirit we received when we were incorporated into the family of the Church.

6 God Speaks to Us

God’s Word enlightens and guides those who choose to follow his path of peace and love. The children learn how we can hear God’s gentle voice in created wonders and providential care, in the Bible, in the teaching of the Church, in the directives of those God has chosen to care for us, and in the silence of our own hearts.

7 We Pray to God Our Father

In prayer we consciously open ourselves to God’s presence in our lives and come to recognize God’s loving hand in all that happens to us. The children learn how to listen to God and talk to God by sharing their deepest thoughts and desires.

8 Jesus Teaches Us to Pray to Our Father Jesus taught us to call God “Our Father” and to acknowledge with confidence our dependence on God’s faithful, forgiving care for us. The children learn about the solidarity of the human family and our relationship with God as they come to understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and learn how to make it their own prayer.




Jesus Is Our Friend Faith Focus Jesus, our Savior, invites us to be his friends.

Reflecting on the Faith Experience Take a few moments to reflect prayerfully before preparing the lesson.

Listening This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. . . . I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you . . . John 15:12–16

Reflecting When Jesus came to bring salvation to the world, he came not only as our Lord and Savior, but as our friend. The Lord who is above all, who is incomprehensible, and who is Holy Mystery desires our friendship. Jesus Christ is our friend. He loves and cares for us and longs to be one with us. Jesus considered himself a friend to us when he said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” (John 15:14) The Gospels are rich with stories about Jesus’ friendship with people from all walks of life. And Jesus especially loved children.



God Is Our Good Father

It is not uncommon in Catholic tradition to speak of Jesus as a friend. • Saint Ignatius of Loyola taught his followers that prayer should be like one friend speaking to another. • Saint Teresa of Ávila, a Doctor of the Church who taught about prayer, wrote often of Jesus as a true friend. Jesus will never reject us or abandon us, even when we are troubled or distressed. (The Autobiography of Saint Teresa of Jesus) • Pope John Paul II, in his speech at World Youth Day XII, called young people to talk with Jesus as they would a friend. In being our friend, Jesus models how we are to relate to one another. Just as he calls us friend, so we are to call each of our sisters and brothers friend. We are to care for one another as Jesus cares for us. How do I welcome the Lord in the children and in the other people and events I encounter on the path of my daily life?

Responding Jesus, help me guide the children in deepening their friendship with you.

Scripture for Further Reflection Ephesians 1:3–10  The Father’s plan of salvation is fulfilled in Christ. Hebrews 12:1–2  We are encouraged to persevere and to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who endured the Cross.

Preparing for the Faith Experience Scripture in This Chapter Mark 10:13–16  Jesus Blesses the Children John 15:14  Being Jesus’ Friend Matthew 28:20  Jesus Is Always with Us Luke 18:16  Jesus Calls the Children to Himself Mark 16:15  Share the Good News

Catholic Social Teaching Family and Community

Church Documents Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The themes of this chapter correspond to the following paragraphs: 425, 617–618, 2157.

Before You Begin 1. Children encounter the Lord

through people who reflect his love in their daily lives. When we express kindness and concern in our eyes, in our tone of voice, and in our words, gestures, and actions, we are making the Lord’s presence visible.

2. A sense of belonging gives a

sense of personal worth. Being part of a group stimulates human growth and brings out our better qualities. In each lesson, you can do many things to develop a sense of belonging and a sense of the individual child’s importance in the group. Calling each child by name is an effective way to foster a feeling of importance.

National Directory for Catechesis #40.  The Gospel demands love and self-surrender. The way of Christ is the way of the Cross. Catechesis in Our Time #5 (John Paul II). The goal of catechesis is to develop communion and intimacy with Jesus. Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy #128 (Congregation for Divine Worship). The Cross expresses Christ’s triumph over the powers of darkness and is therefore a sign of blessing when made upon one’s self.

Gather and Go Forth Find catechist instruction for Gather and Go Forth student pages 9–10 on T282–T283.

Enriching the Faith Experience Use the activities at the end of the chapter to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class.

Basic Teachings #7  (USCCB). We see in Jesus the love of God for all persons, and we reach out in faith and love as Jesus did.


Encouraging the children to think about the nature of friendship and their relationships with others are ways to express the Church’s social teaching, namely, Family and Community. Good relationships, especially within the family, are central to our faith and to a healthy society. Family and Community

4. Present the Paschal Mystery,

the passage of Christ from death to life, in a simple way to the children: Jesus died on the Cross because he loves us, but he was raised from the dead. Now Jesus is in heaven with his Father, but he is with us too.

This lesson introduces the children to the Sign of the Cross. This special sign shows our love for God and expresses the same meaning as the crucifix. The devotion with which you make the Sign of the Cross will be reflected in the children’s blessing of themselves. Likewise, demonstrating an awareness of the presence of a crucifix in the classroom can help the children sense its importance.

6. Before class, remove the

“Jesus” button and the cross punchouts from the back of the student book. Put a piece of rolled tape on each button.

5. The sign Catholics use to begin

and end prayer, to offer their work to the Lord, and to ask God’s blessing on an activity is a sign that can easily become so routine that it loses its meaning. Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T3

Get-Ready Guide Steps

Learning Outcomes

Action Plan


Welcome the children. ✦✦ Option: Help the children to get to know yourself and one another. (T5) ✦✦ Distribute and explore with the children the God Is Good student book.

Copies of the student book (with the children’s names on the covers)

The children will be able to

Centering 5–10 minutes Pages 1–2


describe their newly received religion book as a way to get to know God and to share love with others. ✦✦ name ways to take care of their book.


tell the story of Jesus and his love for the little children. ✦✦ explain how Jesus invites each of them to come to him. ✦✦ describe ways to be with Jesus today. ✦✦ describe the Sign of the Cross as a blessing and a sign that Jesus’ friends use to express their love for him.




30–45 minutes Pages 3–7


define the Words to Know. Christ Jesus See the Glossary for definitions.

Pages 1–2 ✦✦ Introduce the theme of the chapter and the letter home to parents and family. Tell the story of Jesus and the children.    (T6) ✦✦ Introduce the Bible. Page 3 ✦✦ Remind the children what it means that Jesus is our friend. ✦✦ Distribute “Jesus” buttons. Page 4 ✦✦ Read and discuss the page. ✦✦ Explain how Jesus is always with us. (T7) Page 5 ✦✦ Option: Read the page and have the children draw people they love.

Bible “Jesus” button punchouts from the back of the student book Tape Crucifix enthroned on a table Cross punchouts from the back of the student book Option: Crayons or markers

Page 6 ✦✦ Explain that the crucifix is a sign of Jesus’ love. (T8) ✦✦ Distribute crosses. Page 7 ✦✦ Teach the gestures and words of the Sign of the Cross. (T10)



5–10 minutes

participate in prayer around the main theme of the chapter.

Page 6 ✦✦ Lead the children in prayer using A Moment with Jesus.

Option: BLM 2 Quiz

Page 8 ✦✦ Present We Remember and We Respond. ✦✦ Option: Review Activity ✦✦ Option: Chapter Quiz ✦✦ Encourage the children to share what they learned with their families.

Pages 6, 8

Gather and Go Forth  ✦  NEW EVANGELIZATION Inspire Proclaim Transform 15–20 minutes

apply principles of the New Evangelization. ✦✦ demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in this chapter. ✦✦

Pages 9–10

Page 9 ✦✦ Inspire children to share God’s Word. ✦✦ Help children connect Catholic beliefs with practices. ✦✦ Pose a faith knowledge question.

Bible art supplies

Page 10 ✦✦ Discuss Saint Mark. ✦✦ Guide reflection on faith statements. ✦✦ Invite others to a discipleship promise.

Additional Background  For definitions of the following key terms, go to bless, crucifix. T4


God Is Our Good Father

Centering 1. Warmly welcome the children

A Letter Home

and introduce yourself. Invite the children to introduce themselves.

Dear Parents and Family,

2. Option Help the children get

Welcome! Your first grader is embarking on an important journey and your support is crucial. This program is designed to provide your child with a simple and true overview of the mysteries of our faith. As they learn about the goodness of God and the love of Jesus, the children are drawn to respond to God in friendship and prayer. Your involvement and support will nurture your child’s tender faith. Here’s what’s ahead:

to know one another through a name song sung to the tune of “Where Is Thumbkin?” Invite them to stand.

Where is [Name]? Where is [Name]? Here they are. Here they are. Welcome here today, friends. Welcome here today, friends.

Unit 1 introduces Jesus, whose words and actions proclaim his Father’s saving love. In Chapter 1 the children learn the Sign of the Cross as an expression of our friendship with Jesus.

Please sit down. Please sit down. ✦✦

After the song, say:


We know one another a little better now because we know everyone’s name.

In the next three chapters, the children learn about the goodness of creation and their responsibility to care for it. They also learn what it means to be made in God’s own image and likeness. In Chapter 5 the children learn how God shares his life with us at Baptism. They learn what it means to belong to the family of the Church. The last three chapters focus on prayer. The children learn the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and are encouraged to make it their own prayer.

3. Present a copy of the student

book to each child. ✦✦ I’m very glad you’re here today because you will receive your religion book. This book will tell you many things about Jesus and God our Father. It will tell you ways you can show love for others. You can share the book with others, especially with your family. Because it is such a special book, you will want to receive it and hold it reverently and with respect. [Let a child or two demonstrate.] ✦✦

Call each child by name and present the book in a reverent manner.


[Name], this is your own book about God. It will help you know God the Father, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit better.

4. Explore the student book with

Chapters 1–7 each end with a review of the chapter and a Building Family Faith handout, which your child will bring home. This handout gives you a quick review of what your child learned and offers practical ways to reinforce the lesson so that the whole family may benefit. At the end of the unit, the children will bring home a Family Feature handout to help nurture the family’s faith at home. Visit for more family resources.


Have the children turn to page 1. Ask:


How can you tell that these children are friends?


What kinds of things might they be going to do together?

UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father We are led by the Spirit of God. We are children of God. adapted from Romans 8:14 1


How do you know that someone is your friend? (Friends like to be with us; they show their love by doing kind things for us.)


This book is going to help us learn about how Jesus is our friend.


How can you take good care of your religion book? (Turn pages carefully; do neat and careful work in it; protect it from becoming wet or soiled; put it away in the right place.)


At the end of our lesson today, you will take home some of the pages in your book so that you can show your family what you will be learning.

the children. ✦✦ Read aloud the title of the book, God Is Good, and have the children repeat it. Then let them look through the book. ✦✦

1 God Is Our Good Father UNIT

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T5

Sharing 1. Introduce the story of Jesus and




the little children. Jesus is our friend. Let’s all be good listeners as I tell a story from our holy book, the Bible. This story shows us that Jesus is a friend to children.

1 Jesus Is Our Friend

2. Tell the story of Jesus and the little children.

Jesus and the Children People brought little children to Jesus for him to bless. Jesus’ friends, the disciples, told the people to go away because Jesus was tired. When Jesus saw this, he did not like it and said to them, “Let the little children come to me. Do not stop them, for it is to such as these that my home in heaven belongs.” [Pause.] Then Jesus put his arms around the children and gave them his blessing. [Pause.]

We love our friends. We like to be with them. God is good to give us friends. How can we be good to them?

adapted from Mark 10:13–16

3. Guide the children to realize

that Jesus is a friend to children. ✦✦ Why did the people bring their children to Jesus? (for him to bless) ✦✦

Why did Jesus want the children to come to him? (He liked being with them and wanted to bless them.)


Where is Jesus’ home? (heaven)


Who did Jesus say could come to his heavenly home? (those who are like children)


How do you know that Jesus wanted the children to be his friends? (Jesus wanted the children to be with him; the children were welcome in Jesus’ home, heaven; Jesus hugged and blessed the children.)


Does Jesus want you to be his friend?

4. Show and briefly describe the

Bible and tell the children what Jesus said in the Gospels. ✦✦ I want to talk to you about the Bible, a very holy book.



God Is Our Good Father



The Bible has many stories about God’s people and how God spoke to them and helped them. The Bible also tells us what Jesus said and did. These stories are found in the part of the Bible called the Gospels.


In the Bible, Jesus calls us friends. He said, “You are my friends.” (John 15:14) Jesus also said, “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20) [Pause.]


What did Jesus call us? (his friends) Friends like to be together. What did Jesus promise he would do? (be with us always) It is very good to have Jesus for a friend.

5. Refer the children to page 3 and remind them what it means that Jesus is our friend. ✦✦ Have the children look at the stained-glass picture of Jesus and the children on page 3. Invite volunteers to describe and comment on the image. Point out that Jesus is smiling kindly upon the children and blessing them. Note the posture of the children, which shows they are friends with Jesus and with each other. ✦✦

Read aloud page 3 and have the children answer the question.

6. Distribute the

“Jesus” buttons as a reminder to the children of Jesus’ love for them. ✦✦ While you are distributing the buttons, have the children draw themselves near Jesus on page 4. Then explain: ✦✦

You may wear these buttons as a sign that you are Jesus’ friends.


Tell your family and friends the story of Jesus and the children when you show your Jesus button. Tell your family about the new friends you met today.

Jesus Christ is my friend. He likes to be with me. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Luke 18:16

Draw yourself near Jesus.

7. Read aloud page 4. Highlight the vocabulary words Jesus and Christ. Christ is a title that was given to Jesus after his Resurrection. It means “anointed with oil.”

8. Explain how Jesus is with us. ✦✦


It would have been nice to be with those children who saw Jesus long ago. But Jesus loves us too, and he calls us to come to him. This is why you made a picture of yourself close to Jesus. We can come to him even though we cannot see him. Help me say what Jesus said, “I am with you .” (always) Here are some ways we come to Jesus. •  We come to Jesus when we pray. •  We come to him when we learn about him from others. •  We come to Jesus when we go to church and speak to him there, because he is present in church in a special way. •  We come to Jesus when we care for others as Jesus would.

God is good to give us Jesus. 4


UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Jesus blesses us and loves us today, but it is different from the way he blessed and loved people long ago. •  When our parents and others love and care for us, Jesus blesses us. •  When our teachers help us learn, Jesus blesses us. •  When we go to church, Jesus blesses us. •  When we see how beautiful the world is, Jesus blesses us.

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T7

9. Option Read aloud the

sentences at the top of page 5. Comment: ✦✦ If we are Jesus’ friend, we want to be like him and love others. ✦✦

Jesus loves everyone. We want to be like Jesus.

Have the children draw a picture of people they love. Encourage the children to also draw something loving that they are going to do with the people they drew.

We want to love others.

Draw a picture of people you love.

10. Lead the children to

understand that the crucifix is a sign of Jesus’ love. ✦✦ Who are some people who love you? How do you know that these people love you? ✦✦

Who are some people you love? How do you show love for these people?


When we truly love someone, our love makes us willing to do things for that person, even things that are hard.


Reverently pick up the crucifix and hold it while you proclaim the message.


This is a crucifix. It is a Cross with the image of Jesus on it. [Pause.] Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to show us God’s love. [Pause.] Jesus died on a Cross for us. He died on a Cross because he loves us so much.




After people took Jesus down from the Cross, they put his body into a tomb. It was like a cave. Then they rolled a big stone in front of it. [Pause.] But three days after Jesus was buried, he was raised from the dead. He came back to life with a new life, a risen life. [Pause.] Now Jesus is in heaven with his Father, but he is with us too. Jesus said, “I am with you .” (always) Jesus is alive and with us in the Holy Spirit that he gives to his people. [Pause.] Whenever we look at a cross or a crucifix, we can remember that Jesus died for us, is risen, and is with us now.


God Is Our Good Father

I love you. Jesus Is Our Friend CHAPTER 1

11. Distribute the cross

punchouts. ✦✦ This cross will remind you that Jesus died, rose, and is still with us. It will also remind you that Jesus loves us and is our friend. ✦✦

Hold your cross and quietly look at it. Think of how Jesus died and rose and is still with us.


Tell your family about the cross. Put it in a special place where you will see it often and remember that Jesus loves us.


12. Option Help the children associate the Sign of the Cross with the crucifix. ✦✦ Show the crucifix to the children again. Explain: ✦✦


Jesus shows us how much he loves us.

A Moment with Jesus

When we make the Sign of the Cross, we are drawing a cross on ourselves. This shows that we are Jesus’ friends who believe that he died on the Cross and rose for us.

Jesus is always with us. We can tell him anything. Talk to Jesus in the quiet of your heart.

We give Jesus our mind [forehead], heart [chest], and whole body [shoulder to shoulder].

13. Direct the children to page 6.

Read aloud the text. A Moment with Jesus will be used later to conclude the lesson.

Jesus died on the Cross for us. The Cross reminds us of Jesus’ love. Jesus’ friends make the Sign of the Cross. 6

UNIT 1 God Is Our Good Father

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T9

14. Teach the children the gestures

for the Sign of the Cross. ✦✦ Read aloud the sentences at the top of page 7. Ask the children to look at the pictures on the page. ✦✦

We make the Sign of the Cross. We show we are Jesus’ friends.

Now it’s your turn to pray the Sign of the Cross. This prayer has two parts: actions and words. We are going to begin with the actions.


We are going to do exactly what the child in the picture is doing.


Ask the children to raise their right hands. Make sure each child has raised the correct hand. Then make the five gestures for the Sign of the Cross with the children. Move slowly from gesture to gesture, watching to be sure that the children understand. Repeat as many times as needed.

We remember that Jesus loves us.

1 In the name of the Father


and of the Holy

15. Present the words of the Sign of


the Cross. ✦✦ Now we are going to add the words to the actions. ✦✦

Repeat the above procedure very slowly, adding the words that accompany each movement. Repeat as needed.


16. Tell the children that we use the Sign of the Cross as a blessing. ✦✦ When we make the Sign of the Cross on ourselves, we bless ourselves by asking God to bless us. To bless someone or something is to ask that the power of God’s goodness come upon that person or object. ✦✦


When have you been blessed by someone? Have you seen someone or something being blessed? [Remind the children that their religion books were blessed.] When can you bless yourself? (the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night; at meal prayers; anytime)

17. Option Allow time for the

children to practice making the Sign of the Cross.



and of the Son


God Is Our Good Father


Amen. Jesus Is Our Friend CHAPTER 1

Acting 1.

Lead the children in personal prayer using A Moment with Jesus on page 6. ✦✦ A Moment with Jesus is an opportunity for the children to turn to God in the quiet of their hearts. This is a time for personal, internal prayer. You may wish to use a soft chime or other musical tone to let them know when prayer time begins and ends. ✦✦

Turn to page 6 and quietly look at the picture of Jesus on the Cross. Let’s bow our heads and think about how Jesus loves us and wants us to be his friends. [Pause.] We can speak to Jesus deep in our hearts because he is with us always.



Suggestions for guiding the children in silent prayer:


We can tell Jesus anything. Maybe you would like to tell Jesus that you’re happy to be his friend. [Pause.]


You might like to thank him for being your friend. [Pause.]


You could thank him for all the friends you met today. [Pause.]


You might want to tell Jesus that you love him. [Pause.]


Now tell Jesus anything else you’d like. [Pause.]

2. Present We Remember and We







Respond. ✦✦ I have two questions to ask you from a special part of your book called We Remember on page 8. [Ask the We Remember questions several times.] Try to memorize this section every week.


Color the hearts in order.

Why did Jesus die on the Cross? Jesus died on the Cross to show how much he loves us.

Look at the We Respond section. It always has a prayer. Pray this one after me: “I love you, Jesus.”

What is the Sign of the Cross? The Sign of the Cross is a prayer. It shows our love for Jesus.

3. Option Have the children do

the activity on page 8. ✦✦ Tell them to pray the words of the Sign of the Cross. As they pray each part, have them color in the corresponding heart. ✦✦

Words to Know Christ

Red = Father Green = Holy

BLM 2 Distribute and administer BLM 2 Chapter 1 Quiz. Use this opportunity to assess the children’s understanding of the main concepts in the chapter. Note: Read aloud all quizzes for the children until they can read.


Remember to send home Note to Families on pages v–vi and A Letter Home on page 2.

I love you, Jesus.

JESUS LOVES US with the love of a friend. He called his followers friends. He called the little children of Galilee his friends too. That means that everyone in our family is a friend of Jesus. He is always with us. He is generous to us. He wants the best for us. We can talk to him as we would talk to a good friend. REFLECT Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14 DISCUSS AS A FAMILY • Talk about the good things that God has given our family. • Since Jesus is a friend of our family, what would you like to tell him?

5. Invite the children to share

Encourage them to share Building Family Faith with their families.

Yellow = Son Blue = Spirit

Building Family Faith

4. Option



We Respond

When they are finished, ask the children what we pray at the end of a prayer. (Amen.)

with their families what they have learned. ✦✦ At the end of class, have the children tear out and take home page 8.

We Remember

PRAY Make the Sign of the Cross—the sign that we are friends of Jesus and part of his family. DO Make the Sign of the Cross with your child at meals and at bedtime. Remind your child that this is a sign that shows we are Jesus’ friends. Visit for more family resources.


Gather and Go Forth Find catechist instruction for Gather and Go Forth student pages 9–10 on pages T282–T283.

CHECKPOINT • Were the learning outcomes achieved? • How do the children express the conviction that Jesus loves them? • What efforts to be loving are the children making?

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T11

Chapter 1

Enriching the Faith Experience Use the following activities to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class. For additional enrichment ideas, such as preparing for the Sunday Scripture readings or using activities on the Christ Our Life Web site, see page T458. For activities related to the liturgical season, see Special Seasons and Lessons, which begin on page T335.

1. BLM 1 Have the children

color and decorate the cross on BLM 1 Cross to Decorate.

2. Explain that Jesus is with us

today in people who love and care for us. Give a personal example of someone who brings Jesus’ love to you. Ask: ✦✦ Who brings Jesus’ love to you? How? ✦✦

When people love and care for us, they show Jesus’ love and care for us. Jesus is with us in our family and in doctors, nurses, teachers, and friends. He is with all those who love and try to help us. He is with each one of us. He helps us show his love and care.

3. Let the children dramatize how

Jesus loves them through people. The following examples may help the children think of others: • Someone helping a child button or zip his or her coat • A guard helping children cross the street • A parent reading a story to children • A teacher playing a game with children

4. Show pictures of people being

kind and loving. Explain that one of the ways that Jesus is with us is in the people who bring us his love. Let the children take turns selecting a picture and telling how it shows Jesus’ presence.

5. Explain that we can make the

Sign of the Cross on others as a way to bless them. Sometimes the Sign of the Cross is traced with chrism or ashes. ✦✦ Trace the cross on each child’s forehead. ✦✦

Say: “Jesus is with you, [Name].”

6. Alert the children to the use of

the Sign of the Cross in church. ✦✦ Watch during Mass for times when the priest makes the Sign of the Cross as a blessing. ✦✦

Watch during Mass for times when we bless ourselves.


Remember to bless yourself with holy water when you enter and leave the church.

7. Ask a priest to preside at a

celebration with the children and, if you wish, invite their parents to join you. Have them bring a crucifix to be blessed for their homes. Place the crucifixes on a table. An outline of a celebration follows:

Song “Come Along with Me to Jesus,” “Are Not Our Hearts?,” or a song of your choice Reading (adapted from John 4:9–11)

This reading is taken from a letter written by one of Jesus’ friends named John. God’s love for us was shown when God sent into the world his only Son so that we could have life through him. This is the love I mean: not our love for God but God’s love for us when he sent his Son to die on the Cross for us. My dear people, if God has loved us so much, we too should love one another. The Word of the Lord. Response Song “Jesus” or “Oh, How I Love Jesus” Comments by Priest Explain the meaning of the Sign of the Cross. Blessing of the Crucifixes The Sign of the Cross may be made before the blessing. Presentation of the Crucifixes The priest gives the crucifixes to the parents, who give them to their children. Song (your choice)



God Is Our Good Father

8. Engage the children in role-

playing to help them realize that they are able to choose to act like Jesus. Introduce the activity. Provide an opportunity for each child to take part, but do not force participation. ✦✦

Jesus is our friend. He showed love for other people. Do you think we can be like Jesus and show love for others? Let’s have some little skits. I will tell what is happening in each skit. You must decide how to finish the skit. Each of you will have a chance to be in a skit if you want to. •  You are on the playground playing with a group of children. You see Darcy by herself with no one to play with. •  It is recess and you are outside on the playground playing ball with your friends. A ball from another class rolls into the place where you are playing. •  You are at the lunch table with Marcus and some other children. Marcus has no lunch because he forgot it at home. •  The bell has rung and the class is lining up. If you run a little, you can get ahead of Emma and be the first in line.


After each skit, ask:


Did the skit show people who chose to do things the way Jesus’ friends would? How were those people like Jesus?


Comment on the role-playing activity:


Remember that Jesus is with you in a special way when you try to be like him and show you are his friend.


Jesus asks you to love others as he did.

Jesus Is Our Friend  CHAPTER 1  T13

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