Christ Our Life 2016 Grade 5 Teacher School Edition

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Christ Our Life We Worship



The New Evangelization The Essential Mission of the Church Entrusted by Jesus Jesus’ Commission  In the Gospel of Matthew, after his Resurrection, Jesus gives this mandate to the apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20) The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the apostles and disciples were at first afraid. But their fear disappeared with the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church (Acts of the Apostles 2:1–41). Peter went out and boldly proclaimed the Gospel to the gathering crowd. The mission of the Church to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Word did not end with the early Church. Jesus Christ is with us and continues to send the Holy Spirit to inspire us and give us the courage to proclaim the Gospel. Every generation is called to share the Good News of God’s love with the world. Catholic parents are especially called to recognize their vocation as the first catechists for their children to see that they learn the fundamentals of the faith. The children will then be prepared to enter the world with the knowledge they need to become evangelizers for their generation.

The Holy Fathers Speak  The popes since the Second Vatican Council have called the Church to realize how central the mission of evangelization is to our identity as Catholics. The call for the Church to be an evangelizing community began in modern times with the Second Vatican Council. This was seen especially in the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (1965) and The Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (1965). This was followed up in 1975 with Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation, On Evangelization in the Modern World. Building on the initiative of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II stressed the need for a New Evangelization in his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America. There Pope John Paul II wrote, “The program of a new evangelization . . . cannot be restricted to revitalizing the faith of regular believers, but must strive as well to proclaim Christ where he is not known.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI made New Evangelization the theme of the 2012 Synod of Bishops. Following up the synod, the bishops of the United States published a new document, Disciples Called to Witness: The New

“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12:49)

Evangelization. Pope Francis has made evangelization a primary focus of his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. In that Exhortation, Pope Francis encourages all the Christian faithful “. . . to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” The primary language Pope Francis asks Christians to use is “. . . the language of mercy, which is more about gestures and attitudes than words.”

Catechesis and the New Evangelization  The National Directory for Catechesis affirms that catechesis leads believers to a deeper knowledge and love of Christ and his Church. With the New Evangelization, catechesis is given a missionary dynamic to evangelize the culture, affirming what aligns with Jesus’ teaching and challenging what does not. (NDC 17.D) Among its pastoral directives, the NDC encourages dioceses and parishes to adopt and implement the goals of Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States. A summary of some fundamental objectives follows: (NDC 17.E) • for every believer to experience a personal conversion to Jesus Christ that leads to renewal and participation in the life of the Church • to encourage knowledge of Holy Scripture and Tradition of the Church • for believers to work toward renewing every parish, especially through implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults • for believers to rededicate themselves to the Word of God and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and to commit to celebrating the Eucharist every Sunday • to make evangelical and social justice connections to the Sunday Eucharist • to call believers to daily prayer, in particular, to pray the psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours, to contemplate Christ’s life in the Mysteries of



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THE NEW EVANGELIZATION the Rosary, and to revere the Eucharist through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament • to make all parishes and Catholic institutions welcoming and accessible to all

The New Gather and Go Forth Pages in Christ Our Life The addition of the Gather and Go Forth pages to the Christ Our Life program is a response to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization including that of Pope John Paul II, who asked each Catholic to evangelize in a way that is “new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions.” We become members of the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. We celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life, every Sunday. There we hear the Word of God that helps to prepare us to evangelize. As Pope Francis tells us, “God’s Word, listened to and celebrated, above all in the Eucharist, nourishes and inwardly strengthens Christians, enabling them to offer an authentic witness to the Gospel in daily life” (The Joy of the Gospel, 2013). The Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book show children ways to know, proclaim, witness, and share their faith. In the Catechist’s Edition, the threestep teaching plan (Inspire, Proclaim, Transform) guides catechists to help children become more aware and active in their personal relationship with God, the Church, and their call to invite others to the faith. Beginning on page T232, you can find catechist instruction that accompanies all 25 chapters of the Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book. You will also find a full correlation of Grade 5 that shows how these pages align with the goals and objectives expressed by the U. S. bishops in Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States.

If not me, then who will proclaim the Gospel? If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not the truth of the Gospel, then what shall I proclaim? —excerpt from Prayer for the New Evangelization (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)


In the document Go and Make Disciples, the U. S. bishops’ vision of the New Evangelization is centered around three goals: • Goal 1—to bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others; • Goal 2—to invite all people in the United States, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith; • Goal 3—to foster gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ Vision Is Our Own Being Jesus’ witness requires energy, renewed conviction, personal conversion, and enthusiasm from every baptized Catholic.

For Whom Is the New Evangelization Intended? Jesus’ commission to the apostles is at the heart of our call to know and share our faith with others. Every member of the Church plays a part in the New Evangelization. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops identifies various relationships that people may have to Jesus and his Church. The bishops tell us that each type of relationship has a role in the New Evangelization: “Evangelization, then, has different implications depending on our relationship to Jesus and his Church. For those of us who practice and live our Catholic faith, it is a call to ongoing growth and renewed conversion. For those who have accepted it only in name, it is a call to re-evangelization. For those who have stopped practicing their faith, it is a call to reconciliation. For children, it is a call to be formed into disciples through the family’s faith life and religious education. For other Christians, it is an invitation to know the fullness of our message. For those who have no faith, it is a call to conversion to know Christ Jesus and thus experience a change to new life with Christ and his Church.” (Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States: #27)

Roles of Life in the Church  Catholics share a common vision to express faith according to their chosen role and state of life. To proclaim Christ is not solely for foreign missionaries, parish priests, bishops, or the pope. Young and old, ordained clergy, professed religious, and the laity share in knowing, proclaiming, and sharing God’s Word in ways suitable to their lives.



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“‘[E]veryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:13–15)

Additional Resources Second Vatican Council Documents on Evangelization • Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) • On the Mission Activity of the Church (Ad Gentes) Vatican Documents on Evangelization • Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family • Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod: New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith • Message for the 2012 World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Gifts of Service  Each member of the Church uses the Gifts from the Holy Spirit to evangelize. A young person might witness to Christ among friends, playing sports, volunteering, or at school. A parent may express faith in his or her workplace, demonstrating acts of kindness and charity, or championing Catholic Social Teaching in the neighborhood. A priest might share in the Church’s mission by leading Scripture study groups, celebrating the Mass on Sunday, or providing counseling to parishioners. A religious sister might share faith by teaching, volunteering in the community, or offering prayers and devotions for the living and the dead. In these and similar ways, Catholics reflect and spread Christ’s light and attract others to him. Embracing the Challenge  Catholics who are brimming with joy for God’s Word might meet resistance in a culture and society whose values are often on a collision course with Jesus’ teaching. Indeed, Catholics are challenged to be “in the world” but not “of the world.” Saint Paul reminds us: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) The world is a good place that God created out of his love for us. He sent his Son to live among us and save us from sin. Our Catholic challenge is to live the values of the Kingdom of God as Jesus taught us.

• On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi) • The Door of Faith United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Documents on Evangelization • Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States • Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Young Adult Ministry • Teaching the Spirit of Mission Ad Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today • The Hispanic Presence in the New Evangelization in the United States Diocesan Evangelization Resources about/bishops-and-dioceses/all-dioceses.cfm

As the Church, the People of God, we pray for ourselves and for one another. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Good News courageously, even in difficult situations. We ask for the saints’ intercession, praying that the example of our lives, lived faithfully and authentically, welcomes others to the Church and invites them to know the Father.



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Gather and Go Forth

1. Direct students to the text and Scripture in the sidebar on page 9. ✦✦ Remind children of the chapter’s faith focus. ✦✦



This year, we are learning the meaning of worshiping God in community. We will understand how we as Catholics pray and serve God. We will learn about Christ’s work and his call to us to share his message with others in words and actions.

Know and Proclaim We become closer to God as we learn about our Catholic faith. We share our faith to become closer to God and others.

Read aloud the text above the Scripture.


What does “The Church Evangelizes” mean to you? [Allow children to respond.]


“The Church Evangelizes” can mean that we are so inspired by God and his Scripture that we must share our excitement with others.

We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

God revealed himself to the people of Israel and taught them to worship the one true God. Christian worship grew out of Jewish worship.

As Catholics, we call our worship liturgy. It is something we do together as a community at Mass and when we celebrate the sacraments. Worshiping as a community strengthens our faith.

We raise our hearts and minds to God when we pray. God offers us strength and grace in return.

As Catholics, we find opportunities to pray at various times. Praying before sleep allows us to thank God for the gifts he has given us during the day and to ask for strength for the next day.

Jesus commanded his disciples to love and serve others, especially those in need.

We serve others in many ways, for example, by building homes for people who are homeless, tending to those who are sick, and volunteering for disaster relief.

Mark 16:15

service. the Eucharist. the Nicene Creed. We Are a Worshiping People CHAPTER 1


God is available to listen any time we pray. How do you pray? [Allow children to respond.]


God understands all prayer— quiet prayer alone, rejoicing with our faith family at Mass, meditating with our class.


After reading row 3, ask children what they can do to serve others. [Allow children to respond.]


As Catholics, we are called to serve others. This year, we will learn about many kinds of service.


After reading row two, ask children when they pray. [Allow children to respond.]

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”


3. Lead children in a prayer.


s Catholics, we gather to hear the Gospel and celebrate the sacraments. The Holy Spirit sets our hearts on fire and sends us forth as disciples to live our faith.

Catholics’ greatest act of worship is:

This year, we will learn about ways we can share the Good News.

introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ After reading the first row, remind children that our worship of God is called liturgy. Celebrating the sacraments and participating in Mass strengthens us and our Church family.


Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence.

the Scripture. What is Saint Mark asking of us? (proclaim the Gospel to everyone)

1. Read the Know and Proclaim


Test Your Catholic Knowledge

2. Ask a volunteer to read aloud

We pray for all children, that they may realize God’s greatness and God’s gifts. We give God glory for the wonderful things he has done. Holy Spirit, set our hearts on fire to inspire us to share our faith. [Pray the Sign of the Cross.]



2. Point out the Test Your

Catholic Knowledge section. Guide children through the directions, question, and answer choices. After they have chosen an answer, discuss the correct answer.

Daily Inspiration  Find insightful meditations on Scripture at Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word

The Church Evangelizes  Discuss with children how youth retreats inspire deeper faith through faith-building activities, music and hymns, prayers, and opportunities to interact with catechists. Send home information listing parish and diocesan youth retreats, including cost, location, and registration details. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 91. To foster an experience of conversion and renewal in the heart of every believer, leading to a more active living of Catholic life

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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3. Invite a volunteer to read aloud A Catholic to Know. Then discuss Saint Matthew. ✦✦ Explain to children that Matthew was a tax collector who faced the temptation to become rich dishonestly. ✦✦


The Gospel tells us that when Jesus called Matthew to be his apostle, Matthew immediately left behind his material possessions and followed Jesus. We know very little about Matthew other than what we learn in the Scriptures. Yet we know that he preached the Good News of Christ, and he remained faithful to Jesus his whole life. We are grateful for the Gospel of Matthew in which he proclaims Jesus as Messiah. Through his example, Matthew taught us how to serve others by preaching the Good News.

When have you been tempted to act dishonestly? Reflect quietly in your heart. How can you decide to make right and just choices? (Possible answers: praying to the Holy Spirit for strength; remember the guidance received by following the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments; following the examples of the saints)

Pray aloud as a class: Saint Matthew, by your example and prayers, help us follow Jesus and remain faithful in his service. Amen.


Who are some modern-day heroes who use their gifts to witness for Jesus? [Discuss ideas.]

4. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introductory text. ✦✦ Remind children that our words and actions show our love and honor for God. Everything we say and do can be offered as a prayer to God. As I read these faith statements, think about your faith right now. Are you a witness for Christ? Answer in your heart.


Read aloud the faith statements, pausing to allow time for reflection.


Have children choose one statement they would like to show in their lives this week. Invite them to discuss it with a parent, pastor, or another trusted adult.


Encourage them to write this statement in a journal and revisit it later in the year to see how their faith has grown.

Saint Matthew

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I love and honor God above all else. • I participate faithfully in the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays.

Some people were surprised that Jesus chose a tax collector to follow him and spread the Good News to others. But Jesus said, “I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” [Direct children to Matthew 9:9–13 in the Bible, where they can read a longer portion of this Scripture.]



A Catholic to Know

• I take seriously Jesus’ call to love and serve others through my prayers, my words, and my actions. • I make time to pray and think quietly about God’s greatness. • I support missionaries with my prayers and family contributions.

Share Your Faith Compose a short prayer of thanksgiving to God that can be repeated throughout your day. Write your prayer on the lines. Invite a friend to pray your prayer for one day. Sharing your prayer is a way to worship God.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

5. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Allow children to share their prayers with one another.

3. Guide children to devote daily

Transform  1. Ask children to pray for others. The next time a friend shares a personal concern or difficulty, say, “I will pray for you.”

time to prayer. Have children decide on a time every day when they will talk with God.

Español  Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 103. To foster greater appreciation of cultural and ethnic spirituality.

2. Have children ask for prayer. Ask friends and family members to pray for your special intentions.

The Church Evangelizes  Invite parents or family members who have professional expertise with marketing, advertising, or public relations to share their knowledge by offering consulting services, editorial work, or design and implementation of new media campaigns to promote the Catholic message. G oal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 112. To effectively invite people to our Church

We Are A Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T323


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Lead children in prayer. Holy Spirit, guide us in our words and actions that we may, in union with Christ and his Church, give glory and obedience to God the Father.


Know and Proclaim

2. Read aloud the text and

The Catholic faith is full of “good news.” We live this goodness and make God’s grace visible to everyone we meet.

Scripture in the sidebar on page 17. ✦✦ This Scripture from the Book of Psalms is a song of praise. Our songs worship God. What are some other actions that worship God? (Possible answers: offering prayer, sacrifice, and service; receiving the sacraments) ✦✦

We Know Our Faith

Invite children to find Psalms 9:2–3 in their Bibles. Have them pray aloud with you this psalm of David: “I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will declare all your wondrous deeds. I will delight and rejoice in you; I will sing hymns to your name, Most High.”


We Proclaim Our Faith

God’s love for us is so strong that he wants us to share in his divine life, called grace. Through his grace, God forgives our sins and helps us live as he wants us to.

As Catholics, we remind ourselves in many prayers and devotions that we find God’s grace through Jesus. For example, we pray the Act of Hope to ask God to have mercy on us for our sins.

The Gospel teaches us “good news.” In the Gospel, Jesus, the Son of God, in unity with the Holy Spirit, teaches us how to worship God the Father.

We worship as a way of staying on the path leading to God. Worshiping reminds us of God’s love and gives us the courage to act as he wants us to.

Jesus offers God’s grace through the sacraments, sacred signs by which we meet Jesus and receive from him a share in God’s life.

Catholics use signs, symbols, and rituals to celebrate the sacraments. Through word and action, the grace of Christ becomes visible to the world around us.




e worship God by singing his praises. In singing, we share our joy of God’s love with all who listen. All the earth falls in worship before you; they sing of you, sing of your name! Psalms 66:4

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. When we celebrate the sacraments, we:

Like David, let us praise God with all our hearts too!

honor the Ten Commandments. share in God’s divine life. do what our friends do.


fulfill the prophets’ words.

Jesus Calls Us to Worship CHAPTER 2


1. Read the Know and Proclaim

introduction and chart aloud. Lead children in praying the Act of Hope. We welcome God’s grace when we pray the Act of Hope. What other prayers might lead you to God’s grace? [Children may look on the inside front and back covers of their book for prayers.]




Remind children that the Good News teaches us that Jesus did many wonderful things for people who came to him in faith. Knowing our Catholic beliefs helps us share our faith with others and worship God more fully. We receive God’s grace in the sacraments. What are the Sacraments of Initiation? (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) What are some signs and rituals we use in these sacraments? (Possible answers: water; bread; wine)

2. Direct children to the Test

Your Catholic Knowledge section. ✦✦ Tell children that Jesus offers us grace in the sacraments. The sacraments are sacred signs in which we meet Jesus and share in his divine life. ✦✦

Read aloud the directions, question, and four answer choices. After children have had time to mark their choice, discuss the correct answer with the class.

Arts & Faith  Celebrate how faith is expressed and deepened through art at Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community

The Church Evangelizes  Invite the parish music director or music teacher to join the class in worshiping God through music. Have them teach children music that draws from and fosters a celebration of the rich diversity of the many ethnic communities in the Church to sing God’s praises. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 103. To foster greater appreciation of cultural and ethnic spirituality

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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3. Have a volunteer read aloud

A Catholic to Know. Discuss Saint Vincent de Paul. ✦✦ Tell children that Vincent de Paul preached about the importance of making good confessions and encouraged people to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. ✦✦



A Catholic to Know God reveals his plan in unexpected ways. For Vincent de Paul, a priest in the 1600s in France, the deathbed confession of a peasant helped him realize his mission. Vincent led the Vincentians, priests who took vows of poverty and devoted themselves to rural people who were poor. Vincent de Paul organized wealthy people in Paris to collect funds for missionary projects, hospitals, and relief for war victims. For these reasons, he is the patron saint of charities, with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul founded in his honor.

Point out that Vincent committed himself to service to those who were poor. How can you serve those who have less than you? (Possible answers: volunteer at a homeless shelter; donate money; support parish missions)

Saint Vincent de Paul

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I am aware of God’s grace in my daily life.

Saint Vincent inspired the wealthy to serve those in need. How can you inspire others to follow Christ? (Possible answer: by my words and actions)

• I experience God’s grace through Jesus. • I am called by Jesus to join him in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice. • I unite myself with Jesus the more closely I follow him. • I participate regularly in the sacramental life of the Church.

Vincent founded a community of priests who patterned their lives on Christ. He is an excellent example of a person who lived his life as Jesus did. Take a moment to think about how you can set an example of living like Jesus.

Share Your Faith Remember a moment when you were aware of God’s grace in your daily life. Describe your experience on the lines below. Then share with a partner. Invite a family member to tell about a moment when God revealed his grace to him or her.

4. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introduction. Ask children to meditate on their path of faith.



UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


As I read each faith statement, think about your life as a witness.


Read aloud the faith statements, allowing time for reflection.



Remind children that Jesus calls us to join him in prayer, service, and sacrifice. He wants us to answer his call.

1. Challenge children to write


Tell children that talking about their faith will help them recognize God’s call for their lives. Invite them to choose one faith statement to discuss with an adult they trust.


Encourage children to revisit all the statements later in the school year to consider how their relationship with Jesus has grown.

5. Have children complete the

Share Your Faith activity. Allow children time to write their experiences and then share them with a partner.

3. Encourage children to participate in Mass and the sacraments. Remind them that the Mass and sacraments are powerful ways to share God’s grace.

and illustrate a psalm of praise to God. They can refer to the Book of Psalms for inspiration.

Special Needs  Explore ways to invite children with special needs to know God better at

2. Invite children to model Saint

Vincent de Paul. Help them seek out charitable organizations where they can devote time and talent. Invite them to ask a friend to join them in service.

Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 106. To make every Catholic institution more welcoming

The Church Evangelizes  Have children look in the parish bulletin to find groups that are already serving others, such as by visiting those who are elderly or sick or collecting canned food for those who are in need. Have the class choose one way they can join the group to help. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 121. To involve parishes and local service groups in the needs of their neighborhood

Jesus Calls Us to Worship  CHAPTER 2  T325


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Have a volunteer read aloud the

text and Scripture in the sidebar on page 25. What is Peter’s message to us? (Possible answer: It is a message of hope. When we are baptized, our sins are forgiven and we receive the Holy Spirit.) Baptism is a celebration of life!


Know and Proclaim The visible signs of Baptism show the world that we are God’s children.

2. Share faith stories. ✦✦

Ask children to share stories about a time they witnessed someone receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or about their own Baptism.


Share a story from your own life.


Ask children to name signs for the Sacrament of Baptism. (water; chrism; white garment; candle)


Why is water an important sign? (It produces life and growth; it cleanses us from sin)


In Baptism, we promise to die to sin and rise to new life in Christ. This change from the death of sin to life in Christ is called conversion.


We Know Our Faith

We Proclaim Our Faith

Baptism makes us adopted children of God and cleanses us from the Original Sin we were born with as members of the human race.

In nature, water brings life. When Catholics sign themselves with holy water, we are reminded of the Baptism by which we are born into a new life of grace by God’s love.

Baptism is the first sacrament that Catholics celebrate. It initiates us into the community of the Church.

When Catholics are baptized, we receive a candle lighted from the paschal candle. This is a sign that we received the light of Christ.

Baptism is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, along with Confirmation and the Eucharist.

When adults are initiated into the Catholic Church, they celebrate all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist) during the Easter Vigil.




hrough Baptism, we are united with our Christian community. Peter [said] to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit.” Acts of the Apostles 2:38

Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best answers the question. What do we call words, actions, and objects that are blessed by the Church and bring us closer to God? sacramentals

Explain to children that Jesus is always calling us to conversion.

blessings chrism prayers


Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community CHAPTER 3


1. Read aloud the introduction

and the Know and Proclaim chart with children. ✦✦ After reading row one, remind them that they are children of God. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, God gives us his grace. ✦✦


Read row two. Explain that when we are baptized as babies, our parents or godparents hold a lighted candle. What does the candle and its light represent? (Our parents and godparents must keep the light of the Lord shining for us, helping us keep our faith alive.) Read row three. Tell children that when adults make a decision to be initiated into the Catholic Church, they are experiencing a conversion.


Tell children that the catechumens become new people in Christ. We help them experience Catholic life, worship, and ministry as a faith family.

2. Point out the Test Your

Catholic Knowledge section. Invite a volunteer to read the directions aloud. Then guide children through the question and the answer choices. Allow time for them to make a selection before discussing the correct answer as a class.

Sunday Connection  Explore this Sunday’s Scripture readings with children by accessing Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word

The Church Evangelizes  Send a letter home with students, encouraging their families to invite a relative or neighbor who may feel distanced from their Catholic faith to come to Mass or to an event at your Catholic school or parish. Recommend faith-sharing activities that they can all do, such as discussing the readings or explaining the liturgy. G oal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 113. To design programs of outreach for those who have ceased being active in the Church

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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3. Call on a volunteer to read

aloud A Catholic to Know. Discuss Saint John Neumann. ✦✦ Tell children that John Neumann believed it was very important for children to be educated and taught the ways of Jesus. He was a spiritual writer and published teachings about our Catholic faith for children. ✦✦



A Catholic to Know John Neumann was born in 1811 in what is now the Czech Republic. As a young man, he was ordained a priest in America. John became a missionary in New York, Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio, where he shared his love of God with others. As bishop of Philadelphia, he opened nearly 100 Catholic schools. Gifted with organizational skills, John brought teaching communities of sisters and brothers into the city. Known for his holiness, spiritual writing, and preaching, Saint John Neumann teaches us that a quiet and humble person can work hard for God and make a difference.

Point out that as bishop, Father Neumann worked tirelessly to expand the Church in his diocese. He was successful in bringing many Catholic institutions to Philadelphia. Saint Neuman’s example teaches us that, with the courage of the Holy Spirit, we can achieve great things for Christ.

Saint John Neumann

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

My Way to Faith • I believe that in my Baptism I received the Holy Spirit and was cleansed of Original Sin.

How can you make people who are new to your community or different from you feel welcome? (Possible answers: by being kind; by smiling and offering a warm welcome)

• I am called in Baptism to be Jesus’ disciple and to witness to God’s kingdom. • I am initiated into the community of the Catholic Church in Baptism. • I use sacramentals to grow closer to God.

Share Your Faith Think of one way you live the values of the Kingdom of God. Write your idea on the lines. Invite a family member to share ways in which he or she witness to God’s kingdom.

Who are some modern-day heroes who use their gifts to witness for Jesus and the Church? [Allow children to respond.]

4. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introductory text. Ask children to take a moment to think about their Baptism and the people who support them as members of the Church. Think about starting anew, being cleansed from sin, and being filled with grace.



As I read the faith statements, take time to reflect on your beliefs about Baptism.


Invite children to choose one faith statement to discuss with a trusted adult. Encourage them to return to this idea later in the year, noting how they have grown in faith.


What is something you can do that honors your baptismal promises? (Possible answers: proclaim Jesus through our words and actions; care for others and God’s world; work for justice and peace)

Transform  1. Guide children to reaffirm their baptismal promises by reciting them aloud as a class.

3. Have children write a short

2. Invite children to share the joy

of Baptism. Point out that when you are joyful, you know that your will is aligned with God’s. Challenge children to be aware of joyful moments.

5. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Allow time for children to write their ideas.

UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

prayer thanking God for their Baptism and making them a member of the Church.

3-Minute Retreat  Invite deeper reflection on God’s Word by accessing Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 97. To foster a deeper sense of prayer

The Church Evangelizes  Send home a newsletter encouraging family prayer in new and meaningful ways. Family members might take turns praying for one another during the day for a week. Have family members choose to pray for someone else each week. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 101. To foster a sense of the domestic church

Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community  CHAPTER 3  T327


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Call on a child to read aloud the text and Scripture in the sidebar on page 33. ✦✦ Who is the Father sending in Jesus’ name? (the Holy Spirit) What is another name for the Holy Spirit? (the Advocate) ✦✦





Know and Proclaim

An advocate can be a mediator, comforter, and consoler. How does the Holy Spirit act in this way? [Allow children to respond.]

At Confirmation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and renew our baptismal promises.

Help children find John 14:16–17 in their Bibles. Ask a volunteer to read it aloud. If the Father is sending another Advocate as the Holy Spirit, then who is the first Advocate? (Jesus) Why do you think the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth? [Allow children to respond.] Reread the last sentence of the Scripture. The truth remains with you and will be in you. That is very comforting.



As Catholics, we answer our baptismal call in many ways, such as helping in parish service activities, praying for others, and supporting missionaries.

Confirmation deepens our identity as God’s children and unites us more fully with Jesus.

When preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, we choose sponsors who can help us grow in our knowledge and practice of the faith.

Proclaim introduction and chart. ✦✦ After reading row one, remind children that the Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens our faith and the Church’s faith. Tell them that it is an opportunity to renew our baptismal promises. Read row two. How can we live our baptismal promises every day? (Possible answers: living as

“The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” John 14:26

An important sign of Confirmation is the: choosing of a godparent. lighting of the candle. pouring of sacred water. laying on of hands.

Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit CHAPTER 4

witnesses to Christ by forgiving others and helping at home) ✦✦

Read row three. Renewing our baptismal promises at Confirmation shows the world that we understand and live our Catholic faith.

2. Point out the Test Your

1. Read aloud the Know and


A baptized Catholic renews his or her baptismal promises during the Sacrament of Confirmation.


he Holy Spirit strengthens our faith and gives us grace to witness to Christ.

Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence.

Remind children that they do not need to know everything about their faith to share it with others. The Holy Spirit will help them grow as Christians throughout their lives and will guide their words and actions. Pray aloud: Holy Spirit, deepen our faith professed in our baptismal promises. Give us the strength and courage to spread the excitement we feel for God’s love and lead others to his kingdom. Amen.

We Proclaim Our Faith Many Catholics choose a Confirmation name. It is often a saint whom we admire and want to imitate.


Test Your Catholic Knowledge

2. Pray together as a class. ✦✦

We Know Our Faith Confirmation perfects our bond with the Church and increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Catholic Knowledge section. The Sacrament of Confirmation is also known as the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit.




children through the sentence and the four choices. Give the class time to mark a response, then discuss the correct answer as a class.

DRE Connect  Share ideas with an online community for faith formation leaders by accessing Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 111. To cultivate an active core of the baptized to serve as ministers of evangelization

Invite a volunteer to read the directions aloud. Then guide

The Church Evangelizes  Discuss the idea with children that Catholics use their votes to elect political candidates who support Jesus’ teachings. They should seek to learn the views of their bishop and Church leadership before they vote. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 125. To involve every Catholic in areas of public policy

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



We Worship God as Catholic Christians


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3. Read A Catholic to Know

with children. Talk about Saint Francis Xavier. ✦✦ Explain to children that although he did not plan the direction his life would take, Francis Xavier responded to God’s call and became a missionary apostle in the tradition of Saint Paul. ✦✦


A Catholic to Know Francis Xavier planned a quiet life of study, but his friend Ignatius of Loyola persuaded him to follow Christ. Together, as the first Jesuits, they vowed to live lives of poverty and to perform service at the pope’s direction. Ordained a priest in 1537, Francis Xavier brought the Christian faith to India. Wherever he traveled, he lived with those who were poor and shared in their food and simple shelters. He took care of those who were ill, especially lepers. Often, it was a challenge to find time to sleep or pray, but he was always filled with joy. Saint Francis Xavier answered God’s call and became a missionary almost. We can follow his example and be missionaries in our community too.

When he was sent to preach the Gospel overseas, he did not believe he was the person for the job. But Francis Xavier was an extremely successful missionary. People responded to his cheerfulness and generosity.

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

Francis Xavier answered God’s call. What are you doing to be open to God’s call for your life? (Possible answers: I pray to the Holy Spirit to be open to God’s will. I listen to the advice of my parents and teachers.)

My Way to Faith • I receive strength from the Holy Spirit to live my faith. • I experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. • I respect the bishops as the successors to the apostles. • I spread the work of the Church by being of service to others and my Church family.

Share Your Faith

4. Discuss being a missionary. ✦✦

Invite children to read Matthew 28:16–20.


Matthew writes about Jesus calling on his disciples to become missionaries. Each of us is called to “go and preach to all nations,” though not necessarily to faraway lands. Instead, we preach to our families and our friends. And we are called to preach not only with our words, but through our actions in everyday life.


Remind children that Jesus offers reassurance by saying that he is with us always.

5. Read aloud the Witness and Share introductory text. ✦✦ Remind children that they can always pause and reflect during their faith journey. ✦✦

As I read these faith statements, think about the Holy Spirit and our role as witnesses to Christ.


Read aloud the faith statements, pausing after each for reflection.


Encourage children to choose one faith statement to discuss with an adult they trust. Encourage them to explore this statement and return to it later in the year to consider how their faith has grown.

Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Francis Xavier lived his faith with joy. What makes you joyful about your faith? Write your ideas on the lines. Invite a classmate to share what makes him or her joyful.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

6. Have children read the

directions for the Share Your Faith activity. Ask what being joyful means to them. Allow time for children to write their ideas.

2. Invite children to research

symbols of the Holy Spirit. Have them discover the relevance of these symbols: fire, cloud and light, the hand, and the dove.

3. Challenge children to act as

Transform  1. Direct children to the Prayer to

the Holy Spirit on the inside front cover of their books. Ask them to pray this prayer every day for one week.

missionaries. This week, follow the example of Saint Francis Xavier. Be a missionary for Christ.

The Church Evangelizes  Enlist parents’ support and ask children to look through their possessions for items to donate to those in need. Deliver these items to a local charity. Suggest that children pray a short prayer for the person who received their gifts. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 121. To involve parishes and local service groups in the needs of their neighborhood

Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit  CHAPTER 4  T329


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Have a child read aloud the text and Scripture in the sidebar. ✦✦ Ask children to read the Scripture again slowly and silently. ✦✦



What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “living bread”? [Allow children to respond.] Under the appearances of bread and wine, Jesus Christ gives us himself. He is the living bread. We become one with him, the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

Know and Proclaim We celebrate the Eucharist with open hearts. Holy Communion unites us with the Lord and with one another.

Invite a volunteer to read John 6:60–69 aloud. It is not always easy to live Jesus’ teachings. Many people followed Jesus, but they left him when it became difficult. However, the twelve apostles stayed with Jesus. Can you think of a time when it was difficult for you to follow Jesus’ example? [Allow children to respond. Share a story from your own life.]

During the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the Eucharist, an enduring gift we celebrate as a community.

As Catholics, we honor and revere the Eucharist with many devotions, including adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction, and processions.

The Mass is the central celebration of our faith. In the Mass, we remember Christ offering himself for our salvation and celebrate the Real Presence of the risen Christ in the Body and Blood of the Eucharist.

Because mortal sin separates us from God, Catholics must confess them in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving Holy Communion.

The best way to receive Jesus as living bread is by receiving Holy Communion at Mass, but you can reach out to him any time you desire by praying for his guidance. He is always listening!

Proclaim  1. Read the Know and Proclaim introduction and chart aloud. Explain that the Eucharist is the center of our Christian life. In Holy


“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:51

At the Eucharist, Jesus Christ offers us the Bread of Life and the: Divine Praises. Passover. Chalice of Salvation. Last Supper.

The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life CHAPTER 5

Pray aloud: “My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already come, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.”


he sacrament of the Eucharist unites Catholics as one body.

Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence.

Communion. ✦✦ Tell children that you make a Spiritual Communion when you ask for Jesus’ guidance in prayers like this one from Saint Alphonsus Liguori.


We Proclaim Our Faith Catholics prepare for Holy Communion by fasting. We do not eat or drink anything except water for one hour before Holy Communion.


Test Your Catholic Knowledge

2. Explain the Act of Spiritual


We Know Our Faith The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the heart of Catholic worship. It nourishes God’s life in us.


Communion, we receive the risen Christ so that we may become like him. He fills us with his love so that we can share it with others. ✦✦



2. Point out the Test Your

How do we prepare for Holy Communion? (desiring Jesus; fasting for one hour; being free from mortal sin) How can we honor the Eucharist? (adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; Benediction; processions; devotions) As Catholics, we believe receiving Christ in Holy Communion unites us with him and with one another.

Catholic Knowledge section. Have a volunteer read aloud the directions and question. Then explain each answer choice. Allow children time to choose the correct answer.



Direct children to Luke 22:14–20 in their Bible. Explain that a chalice is another word for cup. Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Through his Crucifixion, Jesus Christ cleanses us of our sins and offers us eternal life with him in heaven.

The Church Evangelizes  Encourage children to participate in eucharistic devotion by adoring Jesus in the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Share a prayer of eucharistic adoration with children, reminding them that, in honoring Jesus, we glorify the Lord. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 95. To foster an appreciation of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and of all the sacraments

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



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3. Have a volunteer read aloud

A Catholic to Know. Discuss Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. ✦✦ Explain to children that Christ chose Margaret Mary to spread devotion to his Sacred Heart. Over 13 months, Jesus appeared to her at intervals. His human heart was the symbol of his divine-human love. Margaret Mary was humble, kind, and patient. She loved Jesus with all her heart. On her deathbed, after being anointed, she said, “I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus.” ✦✦

A Catholic to Know In 1674, Christ revealed to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, that his divine heart was so inflamed with love that it could no longer contain that love within itself. He said, “Tell everyone you can to love my Sacred Heart and to make up for those who don’t love me.” Christ asked that she receive him in Holy Communion on the first Friday of every month. We, too, can honor Jesus with our devotion to the Sacred Heart on the first Friday of each month by receiving Holy Communion and by praying before the Blessed Sacrament in church.

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

Pray aloud to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in honor of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque:

My Way to Faith • I receive Holy Communion regularly. • I unite myself with all of God’s people whenever I receive the Eucharist.

“O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions; give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.”

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

• I believe that I receive forgiveness of my venial sins by receiveing Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. • I realize that mortal sin separates me from God’s grace. • I am strengthened to follow Jesus’ example of love by receiving the Eucharist.

Share Your Faith We are nourished by Jesus, the Bread of Life. Think of people who are hungry for meaningful things like kindness and friendship. Name some ways that your can offer to help them. Invite a family member to join you in these activities.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

4. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introductory text. Encourage children to reflect on their beliefs about Holy Communion.

✦✦ ✦✦



Look at the faith statements and think about each one as I read it aloud. [Pause after reading each faith statement, allowing time for children to reflect.] Remind children that Holy Communion unites us with Jesus and with one another. Have children read each faith statement again silently and choose one to talk about with their pastor, godparents, or another adult they trust. Invite them to write this statement in a journal and revisit it later to consider how their understanding of their faith has grown and changed.

5. Have children read the

directions for the Share Your Faith activity. Ask children to share their ideas for ways that people might be “hungry.”

2. Have children research Bread for

Transform  1. Encourage children to become

more aware of Jesus in Holy Communion. At Mass, remember our Catholic beliefs and thoughtfully receive the Holy Eucharist.

the World, an organization that empowers faith communities to end hunger. Ask children to list actions they can take to help end hunger.

Daily Inspiration  Find insightful meditations on Scripture at Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 93. To foster an appreciation of God’s Word

The Church Evangelizes  Bring in material that teaches children about fair trade, an idea that promotes fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged people. Ask children to find ways that we can support fair trade in our communities. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 127. To involve Catholics in questions of economic systems

The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life  CHAPTER 5  T331


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Gather and Go Forth

1. Read the text and Scripture in

the sidebar on page 51 aloud. ✦✦ Encourage children to be grateful. Our hearts are filled with joy and happiness as we remember God’s gifts of strength and love. We are inspired to sing his praises to all those we meet. ✦✦


We Know Our Faith

share faith stories. What actions do we take to keep our bodies strong? (Possible answers: eat healthy food; exercise; get enough sleep) What can we do to keep our spirits strong? (Possible answers: pray; attend Mass; receive the sacraments) Whenever you are feeling weak and need guidance, God’s Word offers you strength and places you back on the path of faith.




The sacraments grant us God’s grace. Filled with the strength of his spirit, we are able to spread Christ’s message of mercy and love. Read row two. Tell children that some people weave palms into decorations to display in their homes and show their faith.

As Catholics, we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, especially when serious sin has disrupted our relationship with God and others.

Sacramentals are words, actions, or objects blessed by the Church. They bring us closer to God and provide us with tangible ways of encountering the intangible.

Following Palm Sunday, many Catholics display palms in their homes to recall Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.

Jesus is present to us through the Holy Spirit. Jesus helps us give perfect worship to God.

Many Catholics pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit during the nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost. This novena helps us recall the nine days the apostles and Mary spent in prayer awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16

Fill in the circle that best answers the question. Which sacrament is our first call to be a witness for Jesus? Confirmation the Eucharist Baptism Reconciliation Unit 1 Review CHAPTER 6

Proclaim  Proclaim introduction and chart with children. ✦✦ Read row one. Remind children that God gave us the gift of Reconciliation to bring us closer to him and others. Lead children to understand how the sacraments help us in our mission to proclaim Christ.

We Proclaim Our Faith

The sacraments enable us to work with Christ for the salvation of the whole world.

od’s Word strengthens us. Let us sing his praises to all!

Test Your Catholic Knowledge

Offer a personal faith story about a time in which you needed strength and you found it in God’s Word. Ask children to share their own story about a time in their lives when they relied on God to help them through a challenge.

1. Read aloud the Know and


We long to worship God and be one with him. The sacraments help bring us closer to God and others.

2. Discuss God’s strength and



Know and Proclaim

Ask them to share blessings in their lives that cause them to sing God’s praises to others.



What are some sacramentals in your home or room? (Possible answers: Bible; statue of Mary or saints; prayer cards; medals; rosary; praying grace before meals)


Read row three. Then tell children that Jesus is always listening and offers his forgiveness if we come to him in faith. Lead the class in praying the Act of Contrition on the inside back cover of their books.

2. Point out the Test Your


Guide children through the directions, question, and answer choices. Give them time to make a selection. Then discuss the correct answer as a class.

Español  Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 115. To foster cultural diversity within the unity of the Church

Catholic Knowledge section.

The Church Evangelizes  Offer ideas in a newsletter for parents and family members to help them understand their children’s faith and how to nurture it. Provide them with concrete tools and examples, such as ideas for religious practice, prayers, family activities, and ways to incorporate the Gospel into everyday life. Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 108. To develop within families the capacity to share the Gospel

See pages T372–T374 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.



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3. Read aloud A Catholic to

Know. Discuss Saint Peter Claver. ✦✦ Explain to children that the Holy Spirit shines through in the actions of Peter Claver. To become a missionary, Peter left his homeland of Spain before going to Cartagena, never to return. Can you imagine what that must have been like for Peter? He said yes to God and served the most abused, rejected, and lowly of all God’s people as his life’s work. He is a true hero! ✦✦


A Catholic to Know In 1615, Peter Claver became a priest in Cartagena, a city in what that is now Columbia in South America. Cartagena was a port for the slave trade in the New World. When a ship carrying captured and neglected African slaves arrived in port, Peter brought water, medicine, food, and clothing. He saw the suffering Jesus in the people he served. In their cries, he heard Jesus say, “What you do for others, you do for me.” Peter Claver was a visible sign that showed that slaves were children of God. He baptized nearly 300,000 Africans. Like Peter Claver, may we find Jesus in those who are suffering.

Saint Peter Claver

Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”

Peter Claver understood that actions like distributing medicine, food, and water communicated the Word of God to the slaves better than preaching. He often said, “We must speak to them with our hands before we try to speak to them with our lips.” What do you think he meant? [Allow children to respond.]

My Way to Faith • I celebrate the sacraments as an important part of my life as a follower of Jesus. • I use sacramentals to remind me of God’s presence. • I believe that Jesus is present to me today through the Holy Spirit. • I give witness to Jesus through service to others.

Share Your Faith Peter Claver saw Jesus in those who suffered. Think of something you can do to help someone who is suffering. Write your idea below. Invite a classmate to join you in putting your idea into action. Remember that what you do for others, you do for Christ.

Invite children to brainstorm ways they can imitate Saint Peter Claver and give witness to Jesus though serving others.

4. Read aloud the Witness and

Share introductory text. Lead a guided meditation on the My Way to Faith statements. ✦✦ As I read each faith statement, think about Saint Peter Claver showing his faith through his actions. Ask yourself how you are showing your faith in your interactions with others. ✦✦

Read each faith statement aloud, pausing to allow for reflection.


Ask children to choose one of the faith statements to talk about with a parent, grandparent, or another adult they trust. Encourage them to write this statement in a journal, go back to it in the future, and reflect on it again. Have children ask themselves, “How have I grown in faith?”


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

Transform  1. Discuss service to others. Like Peter Claver, we praise Jesus by our service to others and the example of our lives. What are some ways we can serve those in need? (Possible answers: help an elderly neighbor do yardwork; volunteer at a soup kitchen; stand up for someone who is being teased or bullied)

2. Challenge children to act as Peter Claver would act.

Remind them to treat everyone they meet with dignity and respect. Jesus teaches us,“What you do for others, you do for me.”

Special Needs  Explore ways to invite children with special needs to know God better at Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 106. To make every Catholic institution more welcoming

5. Read aloud the directions for

the Share Your Faith activity. Allow children to work on their ideas and share with a classmate.

The Church Evangelizes  Explain to children that renew means “to make new, fresh, or strong again.” Explain that many dioceses offer participation in charismatic renewal movements that attract enthusiastic Catholics to prayer and social service. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 91. To foster an experience of conversion and renewal in the heart of every believer, leading to a more active living of Catholic life

Unit 1 Review  CHAPTER 6  T333


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Program Overview


Program Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-12 Planning Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-16 Scope and Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-18 Correlations to NCEA IFG: ACRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-24

Unit 1

We Worship God as Catholic Christians


Note to Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1a Chapter 1 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Are a Worshiping People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2 We Give Praise to God T4 All Worship Gives Glory to God T7 We Give God Our Worship T10 Martyrs Give the Greatest Praise T12 Extending the Chapter T15

Chapter 2 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Jesus Calls Us to Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus Offered Perfect Worship Jesus Shows Us the Father’s Love We Worship the Father as Jesus Did We Worship the Father with Jesus Extending the Chapter

T16 T18 T21 T24 T26 T29

Chapter 3

Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baptism Makes Us Christians We Celebrate Baptism We Show We Belong to Christ We Promise to Walk as Christians Extending the Chapter

T30 T32 T35 T38 T39 T41

Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Holy Spirit Strengthens Us We Become Strong Witnesses Christian Heroes Give Witness to Christ We Prepare for Confirmation Extending the Chapter

T42 T44 T48 T51 T52 T55

Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Chapter 4 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God Feeds Us with the Eucharist We Honor Jesus in the Eucharist The Eucharist Is a Sacrificial Meal Jesus Is Present in the Tabernacle Extending the Chapter

T56 T58 T62 T65 T67 T69

Chapter 6 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Unit 1 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reflecting on Unit 1 Review Unit 1 Test Jesus, the Center of Our Life Extending the Chapter

T70 T72 T74 T75 T76 T78

Chapter 5


Unit 3

We Celebrate God’s Healing Love

We Celebrate the Eucharist


Chapter 7 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Come Together to Celebrate . . . . . . . . . . We Celebrate the Eucharist The Introductory Rites We Come to Mass with Gifts We Open Our Hearts to the Lord Extending the Chapter

T80 T82 T86 T90 T91 T93

Chapter 8 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Listen to God’s Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God’s Word Has a Message for Us God Speaks Through the Readings We Keep God’s Word God Speaks and We Respond Extending the Chapter

T94 T96 T98 T102 T104 T107

Chapter 9 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Praise and Thank God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We Give Thanks to God with Jesus We Offer Ourselves with Jesus Father Kolbe, like Jesus, Offered Himself We Thank God for His Love Extending the Chapter

Chapter 10 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Receive Holy Communion . . . . . . . . . . T122 Jesus Gives Himself to Us T124 We Receive Jesus with Love T127 We Pray Before and After Communion T130 Saint John Neumann Loved Jesus T132 Extending the Chapter T135

Chapter 11 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

We Are Sent to Glorify the Lord . . . . . . . . We Are Sent by Jesus We Are All Missionaries We Glorify the Lord We Serve Others as Jesus Served Extending the Chapter

T136 T138 T141 T143 T145 T147

Chapter 12 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Unit 2 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review Unit 2 Test Planning a Mass Celebrate Mass Extending the Chapter

T148 T150 T153 T155 T157 T158


God’s Healing Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . God Enables Us to Choose Christ’s Love Heals Us God’s Gift of Conscience The Forgiving Love of Jesus Extending the Chapter

T160 T162 T165 T169 T170 T173

Chapter 14 Jesus Heals Us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day One Jesus Invites Us Day Two We Prepare to Meet Jesus Day Three Opening Up to Healing Love Day Four We Celebrate God’s Forgiveness Day Five Extending the Chapter

T174 T176 T180 T184 T185 T187

Chapter 15 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

A Gift of Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesus Heals Those Who Are Sick Jesus Heals in the Sacrament Celebrating the Sacrament We Care for People as Jesus Did Extending the Chapter

T188 T190 T192 T195 T197 T199

Chapter 16 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Unit 3 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T200 Reflecting on Unit 3 T202 Review T203 Unit 3 Test T205 We Celebrate God’s Healing Love T206 Extending the Chapter T208

Chapter 13 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Unit 2


T108 T110 T113 T117 T119 T121

Unit 5

We Worship God by Living in Love

Unit 4

We Follow Special Ways to Holiness Chapter 17 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

God Calls Us to Be Holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We Follow God’s Plan Lives of Dedication Following God’s Call We Prepare for Our Vocations Extending the Chapter

T209 T210 T212 T215 T216 T218 T221

Chapter 18 Christian Marriage Leads to Family Holiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T222 Day One A Sacrament of Faithful Love T224 Day Two The Beginning of Family Love T227 Day Three Are TV Families Christian Families? T230 Day Four We Love Children in Our Families T231 Day Five Extending the Chapter T233 Chapter 19 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Holy Orders Is a Sacrament of Service . T234 Christ’s Ordained Ministers T236 A Mission of Service T239 Ordained to Serve T241 We Honor Our Priests T243 Extending the Chapter T245

Chapter 20 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Unit 4 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reflecting on Unit 4 Review Unit 4 Test Mary, a Model for Our Life Extending the Chapter


Chapter 21 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Life Is Precious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T258 Life Is a Gift from God T260 Human Life Is a Treasure T264 We Feed the Hungry T267 Self-Control Makes Us Strong T269 Extending the Chapter T273

Chapter 22 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

Christians Are Faithful in Love . . . . . . . . . God Wants Us to Be Faithful God Helps Us to Be Chaste We Think About Our Choices Mary Was Chaste and Faithful Extending the Chapter

T274 T276 T279 T282 T283 T285

Chapter 23 Christians Respect What Belongs to Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T286 Day One To Own Things Is a Precious Right T288 Day Two To Share Is a Sacred Duty T291 Day Three A Matter of Justice T293 Day Four Respect Builds Up Trust T294 Day Five Extending the Chapter T297 Chapter 24 Christians Speak the Truth with Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day One We Build the Christian Community Day Two Kind Words Build Community Day Three The Spirit of Truth Is with Us Day Four A Kindness Day Day Five Extending the Chapter

T298 T300 T303 T306 T307 T309

Unit 5 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reflecting on Unit 5 Review Unit 5 Test Jesus, Model for Loving Others Extending the Chapter

T310 T312 T313 T315 T316 T318

Chapter 25 Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five

T246 T248 T250 T252 T253 T256


Saints and Feast Days

Gather and Go Forth


The New Evangelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T319 Unit 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T322 Unit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T334 Unit 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T346 Unit 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T354 Unit 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T362 New Evangelization Correlation Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T372

Special Seasons and Lessons

Calendar of Saints and Feast Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T457 September T458 October T460 November T462 December T463 January T465 February T467 March T468 April T469 May T470

The Catechist’s Handbook

Student pages follow each chapter.


The Year in Our Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T375  1 Feast of All Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T376  2 Advent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T382  3 Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T390  4 Lent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T395

Parent-Catechist Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T493 Music List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T495 Directory of Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T501 Online Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T503


6 Easter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T410


8 Our Lady of Fatima  May 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T420  9 The Most Holy Rosary  October 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T424 10 The Ascension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T428

What Catholics Should Know


Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prayer and How We Pray Prayers We Pray as Catholics The Rosary Mysteries of the Rosary Stations of the Cross Celebrating and Living Our Catholic Faith Living Our Faith The Bible and You Showing Our Love for the World

T433 T435 T436 T440 T442 T443 T444 T447 T452 T453

Student Book Cover Prayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T455 viii


The Catechist’s Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T471 Profile of a Fifth Grader T472 Areas of Growth T473 The Catechist T474 Tips for Good Catechesis T476 What the Catechism Says to Catechists T477 Techniques and Tools of Teaching T478 Creative Activities T484 Inclusion: Meeting Special Needs T486 Multicultural Awareness T489 Assessment T490 Catechist’s Resources T491

5 Holy Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T403  7 Pentecost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T415




Scripture Index




We Worship God as Catholic Christians Goals The children will come to a basic understanding and appreciation of Christian worship. They will become more familiar with the Sacraments of Initiation.

1 We Are a Worshiping People

We praise God for his glory. We thank God for all he has given us. In fact, a life of joyful praise is our most fitting response to God’s love. The children learn how prayer and service honor God, and they are encouraged to evaluate how well their words and actions give God praise.

2 Jesus Calls Us to Worship

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, worshiped the Father by prayer, loving service, and the sacrifice of his life. The children learn that Jesus calls them to offer themselves with him in prayer and loving service. He gives them the grace to make their lives joyful sacrifices of praise through the sacraments.

3 Baptism Unites Us with the Christian Community

In the Sacrament of Baptism, we share God’s life, become children of God, and are initiated into the Christian community as members of the Church. Life for God in Christ and death to sin and self are the essence of Baptism. They are the essence of daily Christian living. The children learn more about the meaning of Baptism and the signs of the rite. They also learn how adults are initiated. They are encouraged to respond to God’s great love for them by following Jesus faithfully.

4 Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens the faith we received in Baptism. The children study both the significance of Confirmation and the actual rite. They are led to realize that confirmed Catholics are called to be witnesses of Christ, to serve others as he did, and to work for the growth of the Church. They are encouraged to begin preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation by living each day as Jesus would have them live it.

5 The Eucharist Is the Center of Christian Life

Our life in Christ, begun at Baptism and strengthened in Confirmation, is constantly nourished in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Each time we celebrate the Eucharist, we share a sacred meal as God’s holy people, and the saving acts of Christ are made present. Jesus gives himself to us totally and enables us to live united to him. The children see the Eucharist as our Bread of Life and consider the importance of this sacrament in their daily lives.

6 Unit 1 Review

The children review the concepts presented in Unit 1, which focus on our call to Christian worship and on the Sacraments of Initiation. They participate in review activities and a prayer celebration. These activities motivate them to incorporate in their daily lives the unit concepts, practices of prayer, and good works.




We Are a Worshiping People Faith Focus We worship God through prayer, service, and sacrifices as Jesus did.

Reflecting on the Faith Experience Take a few moments to reflect prayerfully before preparing the lesson.

Listening Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us greet him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms. Psalm 95:1–2

Reflecting When we praise God, we are acknowledging God’s greatness and goodness. A prayer of praise is the most fitting and the finest of all prayers. Our highest calling as human beings is to recognize and respond to God. As we contemplate God, we are irresistibly drawn to praise him. We praise God for his glory, and we thank God for all he has given us. We praise God’s forgiving love. We humbly petition God, trusting that he is with us and will always help us.

The Book of Revelation is sometimes called the gospel of adoration and worship. It gives us the following hymn of praise, which proclaims God’s grandeur: Worthy are you, Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things; because of your will they came to be and were created. Revelation 4:11

We are truly a worshiping people—a people who belong to God and are aware of his creative power at work within us and among us. We give ourselves in worship to the Lord each day by our prayers and by the loving service we give to others. Do I allow the beauty of the earth to lift my mind and heart to God in praise?

The earthly life of Jesus was one of glorification of the Father. His every thought, word, and act gave praise. Indeed, Christ’s last gift to us was the Eucharist, the offering of himself in joyful praise to the Father. What Jesus did we also do.



We Worship God as Catholic Christians

Responding Holy Spirit, help me to inspire my students to praise God.

Scripture for Further Reflection John 4:23–24  Jesus tells us to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Acts of the Apostles 2:42–47  The early Christians worshiped God through community prayer and by sharing their material goods with others.

Preparing for the Faith Experience Day One

Church Documents

Gather and Go Forth

We Give Praise to God

Catechism of the Catholic Church.  The themes in this chapter correspond to the following paragraphs: 2095–2100, 2104.

Find catechist instruction for Gather and Go Forth student pages 9–10 on T322–323.

National Directory for Catechesis #45.  We believe that creatures and their Creator are bound together in a loving relationship and that creatures owe their Creator worship and praise.

Enriching the Faith Experience

Day Two All Worship Gives Glory to God

Day Three We Give God Our Worship

Day Four Martyrs Give the Greatest Praise

Day Five Extending the Chapter

Gather and Go Forth

Scripture in This Chapter Deuteronomy 6:4–9  The Great Commandment Psalm 95:1–6  A Call to Praise Revelation 15:3–4  Giving God Praise Mark 16:15  Jesus Calls the Apostles to Witness for Him

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World #19  (Vatican II). We exist only because God’s love has created us and constantly preserves us. We must acknowledge that love and entrust ourselves to him if we would live fully according to truth. The Approaching Third Millennium #42  (John Paul II). We should all long for holiness and have a deep desire for personal renewal based on prayer and solidarity with our neighbor, especially those who are the most needy. General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours #16 (Congregation for Divine Worship). The Liturgy of the Hours, the Church’s official prayer of praise, consecrates all the activities of every day to God and allows us to share the joy of joining with Christ by singing God’s praise.

Use the activities at the end of the chapter to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class.

Bulletin Board A suggestion for a bulletinboard design for this chapter is pictured. See page T478 for a further explanation of how to use bulletin boards.

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T3

Day One   We Give Praise to God LEARNING OUTCOMES

Before You Begin

The children will be able to • explain that this year’s study is focused on worship. • identify the fish as an early Christian symbol. • explain why we worship God. • identify ways to praise God.

1. Keep in mind that with a sense of wonder, admiration, and joy, we praise and adore God in prayer and song. Praise is a response to God’s greatness and love. It is the highest action we can perform as human beings.

2. Note that the fish has been a

Key Terms acronym—a word formed from the first letter of each word of a name, such as D.A.R.E. for Drug Abuse Resistance Education worship—honor and praise given to God

Materials • Decorated table with the student books on it • Recorded music: Find suggestions for Chapter 1 on page T495.

Christian symbol since the first century. Evidence of the symbol’s use was found in the catacombs of ancient Rome. While the fish as a Christian symbol arises primarily from its source as a Greek acronym, it has other important meanings for Christians. It recalls Jesus’ multiplication of loaves and fishes. It also echoes Jesus’ call to the fishermen Simon and Andrew, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Student pages 1–3

could bless the books after the Liturgy of the Word or before the Final Blessing and Dismissal. If this is not possible, you may wish to invite a priest to your classroom to bless the books or to participate in distributing them.

4. BLM 2A–C If time allows,

consider administering BLM 2A–C Pre-test/Post-test during the first days of class. It will reveal areas with which the children are already familiar and those in which they need more study. Use the results of this test to guide your planning of the year’s work. Save the pre-tests. At the end of the year, you might give the same test as a post-test and compare the results.

3. You might combine the

presentation of the student books with a Mass. The priest

Centering 1. Introduce yourself to the

children and have them introduce themselves to you. ✦✦ Share with the children your name, a little about yourself, and why you are happy to be their religion teacher. ✦✦

Let each child introduce himself or herself to you and tell one thing that he or she likes about the Catholic religion.

2. Introduce the children to the book and the book’s theme. ✦✦ Hold up a copy of the book.



Display the picture on page 1 of the student book.


These people are worshiping God as Catholic Christians. Your book will help you understand the ways we worship God. How do you think your book might help you better worship God? (It will tell us about God and how we can worship him. It will help us pray and act in a way that pleases God.)

3. Distribute the books in a

prayerful celebration. ✦✦ Tell the children to close their eyes and think about how much God loves them.


What is your religion book’s title? (We Worship)



What do you think it means to worship God? (to praise, to adore, to pray, to love God and others)

As the children do this, play a recording of a song about God’s love.


Direct the children to form a line to receive their books.


We Worship God as Catholic Christians


Present a book to each child with a personal comment such as “[Name], come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation. May this book help you to worship the Lord.”

4. Invite the children to examine their books and comment on anything that interests them.

Day One

Sharing 1. Discuss the first paragraph of

Getting Star ted

Signs of Our Faith on page 2. ✦✦ Invite a volunteer to read the paragraph aloud. ✦✦


Invite the children to name other signs, symbols, and colors that show that people belong to a group. (Examples: state flags, company logos, family crests)


What are some signs and symbols that people use to show they are members of the Catholic Church? (Examples: a Bible, jewelry with a cross or crucifix, ash on the forehead on Ash Wednesday)


Signs of Our Faith

Talk with the children about their school colors, mascots, and symbols. Point out that these things show that they are a group.

WE USE colors, images, signs, and symbols to show that we belong to groups. When we watch sports, we can tell which team is ours by the colors of their uniforms. We treat our country’s flag with respect because it symbolizes our country. As Catholics, we also use colors, images, signs, and symbols to show that we belong to a group. We might carry a Bible, pray the Rosary, or wear a crucifix. In this way, we show others that we are part of a group united by our faith. Early Christians had to be careful about using symbols that would identify them as followers of Christ. In the Roman Empire, many citizens did not think Christians were loyal citizens. If the wrong person found out you were a Christian, your life might be in danger. Christians had to use secret symbols that only other Christians knew.

In this unit, we are going to learn about the sacraments that make us members of the Church. We will talk about symbols used to celebrate the sacraments. These symbols help us understand what it means for us to belong to God’s people, the Church.

One of these symbols was the outline of a fish. If two strangers met and one thought the other might be a Christian, he would draw a curved line to show the upper half of a fish. If the other person was a Christian, he could draw the lower half of the fish to complete the symbol. Why would Christians use the image of a fish? Many early Christians spoke Greek. In Greek, the word fish could also be used as an acronym for “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.” The fish became an image

2. Discuss the rest of this section. ✦✦

Invite volunteers to read aloud the remaining paragraphs.


What secret sign did the early Christians use? (the fish)


Where have you seen this symbol still in use today? (Examples: Christian art, bumper stickers, clothing)




Demonstrate for the children how to gesture to make first the upper half of the fish by drawing in the air with your finger the upper curve of the fish. Then draw the lower half. Repeat, having the children make this gesture with you.


or a symbol that helped Christians identify other Christians. The symbol of the fish was also used to help Christians gather for worship. A person who knew where Christians were secretly gathering would carry a sign with the outline of a fish. Christians who saw the sign could follow that person to the place where Christians were gathering to pray. People who wanted to become Christians studied for as long as a year or two. During this time, they learned of other Christian images and symbols. They learned of the waters of Baptism. They discovered the meaning of the bread and the wine in celebrating the Mass. They came to know the special signs of Christian devotion, such as the Sign of the Cross. In all of these ways, they came to belong to the Church. In this unit, we will be studying the way in which we have been called to be members of the Church. We will explore what it means to be baptized into new life through Jesus Christ and to be fed with his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. In this way, we can grow to understand more clearly what it means to belong to God’s special people and the privileges and responsibilities it calls us to.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


We Worship God as Catholic Christians

3. Discuss We Give Praise to God on page 3. ✦✦ Have the children read this section silently. ✦✦


We use many signs and symbols to show we belong to God, that we love and worship God.


All our signs and symbols have meanings. They tell others that we are Catholics, but they also remind us of what we believe.


What does it mean to praise God? (to adore God, to admire God, to give God glory)

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1

Find in the first paragraph two wonderful things that God has done. (God created the universe. God gives us life.) What are some of the wonderful things God has done for you? [Allow the children to respond.] We honor our heroes for their great deeds. But none of our heroes can compare to the


greatness and goodness of God. How do we honor God? (through worship) ✦✦

Why should we praise God? (Examples: because he loves us and created us, because he gave us a wonderful world and great gifts, because he sent his Son to save us)

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T5

Day One 4. Have the children complete


These are ways we respond to the amazing world God created. Sometimes we are filled to overflowing with these emotions. This wonder we feel is also wonder for God and his deep love for us.


Why do we praise God? (God’s works are great and wonderful. God’s ways are just and true. God alone is holy.)


The wonders of the world and the joys of being alive lead us to praise or adore God. God is the all-powerful One who created the universe. God is the all-loving One who gives us life. When we realize God’s greatness and God’s gifts, our hearts fill with admiration and thanks. Sometimes we want to shout with joy to God. We want to give God glory because he is great and good and has done wonderful things.

Revelation on page 3. ✦✦ Revelation is the last book of the Bible. These verses from Revelation are a prayer of praise. You might like to make this prayer your own. Have the children read together the verses from Revelation.


We Give Praise to God

5. Discuss the verses from



We Are a Worshiping People C




the activity Wonders of the World on page 3. ✦✦ When the children have finished, invite volunteers to share the feelings they wrote about. Invite others to describe moments when they felt similar emotions.

People who do great things become our heroes. We honor them with awards, words of praise, gifts, and celebrations. We honor God above everything with worship. Great and wonderful are your works, Lord God almighty. Just and true are your ways, O king of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, or glorify your name? For you alone are holy.

6. Invite the children to sing or listen to a song of praise.

Wonders of the World Check each experience you have had. ❍ flying in a plane and seeing the world below ❍ feeling the summer sun warm your skin when you climb out of cold water ❍ touching the damp petals of a flower ❍ hearing a large crowd singing together ❍ looking at the tiny fingers and toes of a newborn baby ❍ listening to the wind blow through the trees on a quiet night

Think about how you felt during these experiences. Write your feelings here.

Revelation 15:3–4

Acting 1.

Invite the children to praise God’s greatness. ✦✦ Have each child compose a onesentence prayer praising God for something he or she has experienced this day. ✦✦




Let each child share his or her prayer and have the class respond “We praise and thank you, Lord.” End by praying together the Doxology on the inside front cover of the student book. (This prayer is also shown on page T453 of the Teacher Guide.)


2. BLM 1A–B Distribute copies of

BLM 1A–B Unit 1 Family Letter for the children to share with their families.

3. Instruct the children to tear out

and take home Note to Families on pages v–vi.

We Worship God as Catholic Christians

CHECKPOINT • Were the learning outcomes achieved? • What seem to be the children’s attitudes toward religion and religion class?

Day Two   All Worship Gives Glory to God LEARNING OUTCOMES


The children will be able to • identify ways the Israelites responded to God’s love. • identify the bond between Jewish and Catholic worship. • explain that Jesus taught Christians how to worship. • i dentify the Eucharist as the greatest act of worship.

• Item or picture of an item used in Catholic worship, such as incense or a hymnal (optional)

Key Term synagogue—a building that is a center of Jewish prayer

Centering 1.

Pray with the children the verses from Revelation on page 3.

2. Review the fish as a Christian

symbol. ✦✦ Signs and symbols are important to our faith. The sign of the fish was used by early Christians. We can share this symbol with one another to show that we are members of God’s family. ✦✦

Have the children make the gesture of the fish to someone sitting next to them.

• Picture of an item or symbol used in the worship practices of another religion, such as a Buddha statue (optional) • Bible with a marker at Deuteronomy 6:4–9

Before You Begin 1. Keep in mind that in his

farewell discourse, Jesus expressed his desire for Christian unity. (See John 14–18.) To be signs of the Lord’s unifying love, we are called to affirm our Catholic identity and to respect those whose beliefs and practices are different.

3. Discuss worship in other

cultures. ✦✦ If you are able, show an item or a picture of an item used in Catholic worship, such as incense or a hymnal. Show also a picture of an item or symbol used in the worship practices of another religion, such as a Buddha statue. ✦✦

Through the centuries and around the world, people have always worshiped, though in many different ways. Humans have always sensed God in the world around them and felt the need to respond. Different people in different times and places have had their own ways of responding.

Student page 4

2. Note that Deuteronomy 6:4–9

makes up the first part of the most important prayer in Judaism, called Shema Yisrael. This prayer reaffirms allegiance to One God and is prayed in the morning and the evening. Similar in importance to the Lord’s Prayer, the Shema Yisrael is the first prayer taught to Jewish children, and it is the prayer Jews pray before dying. The name refers to the first two words of the prayer in Hebrew, translated as “Hear, [O] Israel.” The remainder of the Shema Yisrael is found in Deuteronomy 11:13–21 and Numbers 15:37–41.


What are some ways that people who were not Catholic have worshiped in the past? (sacrificing animals, worshiping nature, meditation, reading from sacred texts)


What are some ways people of today who are not Catholic choose to worship? (Examples: meditating, reading sacred texts, making pilgrimages)


Remember the powerful feelings we wrote about on page 3. People everywhere feel similar feelings about the world around them. We all feel the need to respond. We all feel God’s call to worship.

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T7

Day Two

Sharing 1. Have the children review forms of Catholic worship. ✦✦ Write on the board as column headings the words Postures, Things Spoken, Books, Clothes, Objects, and Places. ✦✦


All Are Called to Worship In all places and times, people have believed in a god or gods. They have built grand temples and monuments. They have taken part in long, colorful ceremonies, and they have prayed and chanted praise to their gods. They have offered sacrifices, or gifts, in worship: their goods, their animals, and sometimes even their lives.

These are categories. As Catholics, we have our own forms of worship for each category. People of other faiths would put different things under each heading. Part of being Catholic is knowing our way of worship.

The one true God wants everyone to live with him in love, but he chose the people of Israel as his special people. God revealed himself to the Israelites and taught them to worship him. The Israelites responded to God’s love. They offered sacrifices to God. Families set aside a place of prayer in their homes. In their buildings of prayer, called synagogues, they praised and thanked God for all he had done for them. They listened to God’s Word in the Sacred Scriptures.

Form the class into six groups and assign each group a topic on the board. Have the children work together to list examples from Catholic worship for their topic.


When they have finished, ask a child from each group to read the group’s list. After each list is read, invite the rest of the children to add to the list.


The way that we worship has roots far back in history. It began with the people of Israel.

Many people do not know the true God. They do not know that Jesus is the way to the Father. They are still the sons and daughters of God. All people are called to worship God. We can help lead them to Jesus by our prayers and our love, by talking to them, and by supporting missionaries.

2. Discuss the first two

paragraphs of All Are Called to Worship on page 4. ✦✦ Invite volunteers to read aloud the paragraphs. ✦✦

The men in the picture at the bottom of page 4 are worshiping God in a synagogue.


Write synagogue on the board and ask the children if they know anyone who worships God in a synagogue. Invite those children to tell what they know about Jewish worship.




Jesus worshiped his Father by praying in a synagogue each week. In a synagogue, Jewish people pray together. The Sacred Scripture, God’s Word, is read and explained. The Hebrew Scripture is in the Old Testament of our Bible. What do we do like this in our church? (We pray together and listen to God’s Word.)


Christian worship grew out of Jewish worship. The first Christians worshiped as Jesus had taught them. They prayed together in the temple every day. They prayed the Lord’s Prayer that they had learned from Jesus. Their greatest act of worship, though, was the Eucharist. Through this sacred meal, they thanked God, with Jesus, for all he had done for them. They offered themselves to the Father.


UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians


Who taught the Jewish people how to worship? (God)


What did the Jewish people do to show they loved God? (They offered sacrifices, set aside a place of prayer in their homes, prayed in the synagogues, and listened to God’s Word in the Sacred Scriptures.)


This may sound familiar to you. As Christians, we do very similar things.

3. Introduce the children to

Deuteronomy 6:4–9. ✦✦ Jewish people still pray the prayers they were originally taught. Every day, devout Jewish men, women, and children remember that God is their God,

We Worship God as Catholic Christians

and they adore him. This reading is part of their daily prayer. They know it by heart. ✦✦

Read aloud from a Bible Deuteronomy 6:4–9.


The one true God of Israel is our one true God. This is a good prayer for us to remember as well.

4. Explain that Jesus taught us

how to worship. ✦✦ Our faith comes out of the Jewish faith, but as Christians, we worship as Jesus taught us. He taught us an important prayer that we should know by heart. What is it called? (the Lord’s Prayer)

Day Two ✦✦



The Lord’s Prayer is the great prayer of all Christians. When we pray it, we adore God and ask for all we need. We should pray it every day. Do you know it by heart? It is on the front inside cover of your book. What does the picture on the top of page 4 show? (Jesus offering himself to the Father at the Last Supper) What did Jesus tell the apostles to do at the Last Supper? (to continue to do what he did that night)


When do we do what Jesus did at the Last Supper? (at Mass)


The Mass is Jesus’ perfect offering of himself to his Father. It is Jesus’ prayer. As followers of Jesus, we gather together to thank God in the way Jesus taught us. Participating in Mass every Sunday is one sign that we are followers of Jesus.

5. Discuss the rest of this section.

Acting 1.


Invite the children to say a silent prayer for the missionaries who work around the world.


Let the children voice prayers using the following: “For the people of [country], that they may come to know and love God, let us pray. Lord, hear our prayer.” After each child has had an opportunity, conclude by praying together the Lord’s Prayer.


We try to praise God in all that we say and do. Let’s sing a song about this. Listen as I sing it for you. [Sing the song below.]

Invite a volunteer to read aloud the third paragraph.


Have the children sing the song with you.


What is the greatest act of Christian worship? (the Eucharist)



What do Christians do through the Mass? (They thank God, with Jesus, for all he has done for them. They offer themselves, with Jesus, to the Father.)

Have the children sing the song a few times with substitute words. (Examples: pray, love)

Invite a volunteer to read aloud the last paragraph.


Every religion in the world has true and good teachings. The teachings of the Catholic Church include everything that we need to know to worship as Christians. It is important for us to learn everything that Jesus taught and to follow him.


Think about the many people who don’t know Jesus. What can we do to lead them to him? (pray for them, love them, tell them about Jesus, support missionaries)

• Were the learning outcomes achieved? • Do the children show an interest in worship? • Do the children recognize a response to God’s love in the worship practices of other people throughout history and the world?

2. Teach the children a song.




Have the children pray for the missionaries working around the world. ✦✦ Invite a volunteer to name a country where missionaries are at work. Remind them that missionaries also are at work in our country.

4 4



gon — na

sing. D7


gon — na

sing G



Spir — it


I’m C

gon — na G


when D7


Spir — it









Spir — it







3. Choose or let the children

choose an activity to do from Things to Do at Home on page 7.

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T9

Day Three   We Give God Our Worship

Student pages 5­–6

LEARNING OUTCOMES The children will be able to • explain that we worship God because we belong to God and to God’s family. • identify both personal and communal prayer as ways to worship God. • identify loving service, especially to those in need, as a way to worship God. • identify ways to express their faith by praising God through word and action. • define the word alleluia.

We Worship in Many Ways How wonderful it is to belong to God! He made us, and we are his people. God’s love for us is everlasting. We love and honor him above everything and everyone. We worship him in prayer, loving service, and sacrifice. Worship is our way of telling God that we know we belong to him. In personal prayer, we adore God as the perfect One who created us. We ask him as our Savior to forgive us. We ask him as the Holy Spirit to make us holy. We thank God for all he gives to us.

A Moment with Jesus Pause for a moment and silently read this prayer of Blessed Charles de Foucauld. Lord, one more day to love you!

Word to Know

In your own words, thank Jesus for the gift of faith and the chance to love and praise him.


Everything God has made tells us something about his great power and love, but we sometimes miss the message. To make sure we do not miss the message, we need to take time to think quietly about God’s greatness. Then we will want to cry out Alleluia! Alleluia comes from the Hebrew words hallel and yah. The word hallel means “praise,” and yah is the first syllable of “Yahweh,” or God. Together they form alleluia, which means “praise God.”

I Give Praise Think how great and good God is. Check the ways you will give him praise. ❍ by praying every morning and evening ❍ by taking time to see the beauty in creation ❍ by being quiet and listening to hear God speak in my heart ❍ by talking with God about what happens each day ❍ by often repeating short prayers such as “My God, I love you”

See the Glossary for definition. Sometimes we pray together with other people in God’s family. Sometimes we pray alone. Any time we pray, we talk to God and give him time to talk to us. Through prayer, God lets us come to know him. Every day God has new things to share with us.

Materials • Bible with markers at one or more of the following passages: Mark 2:1–12, Luke 7:11–17, and Mark 10:46–52 (optional) • Small, smooth rock for each child

What else can you do to show God you want to praise him? Write your answers here.

• Felt-tipped pens • Recorded music: Find suggestions for Chapter 1 on page T495.

Before You Begin 1. Remember that worship is our

response to our Creator. He is our God, and we are his people. Our worship acknowledges that we belong to God and depend entirely upon God.

We Are a Worshiping People CHAPTER 1

Centering 1. Discuss how we honor people who have done great things.

2. Note that Charles de Foucauld

(phoo-KOE) lived from 1858 to 1916 and is best known for his desire to live a simple life of witness to Jesus among the Muslims in the Sahara. He is the founder of the religious order known as the Little Brothers of Jesus. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.





Invite the children to name historical figures we honor and what they have done. (Examples: George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr.)


We honor these people because we are thankful. They did things that made our lives better in some way. We are thankful for what they did.


What are some ways that we honor these people? (Examples: build statues, name streets and buildings after them, celebrate them on holidays)

2. Explain that worship is a way of showing thanks and honor to God.

We Worship God as Catholic Christians


God has done even more for us! He made us. He loves us and cares for us. He sent his Son to save us from sin. More than anything, he wants us to know that we belong to him. We have so much to be thankful for.


But honoring and thanking God takes more than holidays and statues. We honor and thank God with our lives and through our worship.


God gives us many ways to worship. Some we share together. This is because we all belong to God. It shows that we are part of God’s family and thankful that we belong to him. Today we will talk about ways we worship God.

Day Three

Sharing 1. Discuss the first two

We Worship Through Prayer

paragraphs of We Worship in Many Ways on page 5. ✦✦ Invite a child to read aloud these paragraphs. ✦✦

What do we do when we pray? (We adore God; we ask God to forgive us; we ask God to make us holy; we thank God.)


Why is it important for us to pray? (When we pray, we worship God, and God reveals himself to us.)

One of the most important ways we worship is through prayer. When we pray, we raise our hearts and minds to God. We speak and listen to God. We pray with others in the liturgy, but we also pray in our everyday lives. What prayers are especially meaningful for you? This psalm tells about how important it is to worship through prayer. Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us greet him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms. For the Lord is the great God, the great king over all gods, Whose hand holds the depths of the earth; who owns the tops of the mountains. The sea and dry land belong to God, who made them, formed them by hand.

2. Discuss personal prayer. ✦✦

Personal prayer is our own private way of worshiping God. We worship in personal prayer by talking with God and thanking him for all that he does for us.


When are some times that we pray alone? (Examples: before we go to bed, when we need help)


What are some other ways we worship God privately through prayer? (reading Scripture, meditating, praying the Rosary)

Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. Psalm 95:1–6

Invite volunteers to read aloud the last two paragraphs


When do we pray together? (at Mass, before meals, during devotions)




When we pray together, what are we reminded of? (that we are God’s family) We say the word alleluia during the Mass. What are we really saying when we say “Alleluia”? (praise God)

Lead the children in prayer using A Moment with Jesus on page 5. ✦✦ Direct the children’s attention to the quotation in this section. ✦✦

Charles de Foucauld was a religious who lived a simple life dedicated to praise and worship of God. He knew that his life was a gift from God, and he wanted to spend his life thanking and honoring God for that gift.

We also worship God by our good deeds. When we treat everyone and everything with love and respect, we give honor to God. We worship him by the loving service we give to others. How are the people in the pictures giving loving service? Take time to think about how you can worship God when you

• are eating lunch. • are riding a bus, a train, or a boat. • are asked to turn off your favorite video game. • get a toy your brothers and sisters or friends do not have.

3. Discuss the rest of this section. ✦✦

We Worship Through Service

• see someone who needs help.





UNIT 1 We Worship God as Catholic Christians

Let’s take a moment to praise and thank God in personal prayer. Read aloud the section to lead the children through the prayer experience. Allow sufficient time for silent reflection.

5. Have the children complete

the activity I Give Praise on page 5. ✦✦ When the children have finished, invite volunteers to share their answers to the last question. ✦✦

Discuss their answers with the class.

6. Discuss the first paragraph of

We Worship Through Prayer on page 6.



Read the paragraph aloud.


Ask volunteers to tell which prayers are especially meaningful for them and to explain why.


Share with the children your own answer to this question.

Pray together and discuss the psalm on page 6. ✦✦ Pray Psalm 95 together. ✦✦

What does the psalm say we should do to praise God? (sing joyfully, greet him with thanksgiving, bow down in worship)


How do we know that God is great? (God created us and the world we live in. God saved us.)

8. Discuss the pictures of loving service on page 6.

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T11

Day Three ✦✦

What are the people in the pictures doing to worship God? (helping someone with a disability, building a house for someone in need)


They are worshiping God by their actions. They are worshiping through loving service.

9. Discuss the first paragraph of We Worship Through Service on page 6. ✦✦ Invite a volunteer to read aloud the paragraph. ✦✦



Our lives are devoted to worship. That means everything we do and say reflects our love for God. We show love for God in how we speak to others, in how we speak about others, and in how we act toward others. God loves every person more than we can imagine. Every person is precious to God. To respect what God loves, we act as Jesus taught us. Jesus taught that the more helpless a person is, the more he or she should be protected. Jesus showed his love for those who were poor and sick, even the

people for whom nobody else would care. People were afraid of lepers, but Jesus went to them, touched them, and cured them. ✦✦

Many events in Jesus’ life show that people who are poor or sick are important in God’s sight.

10. Share examples of Jesus’ loving

service for those in need. ✦✦ Read aloud or review one or more of the following stories: Mark 2:1–12 (the healing of a paralytic), Luke 7:11–17 (the raising of the widow’s son), and Mark 10:46–52 (the healing of blind Bartimaeus). ✦✦


Ask the children for their ideas on ways they can worship God for each item on the list.

Acting 1. Encourage the children to apply the message of today’s lesson to their lives.


Encourage the children to carry out at least one of their suggestions.

with felt-tipped pens. ✦✦ Distribute the materials.

11. Discuss the rest of the page. Invite volunteers to read aloud the paragraph and bulleted list.

What can you do today to worship God? (pray; respect others, especially family members; share with others; be friendly at school; say kind words to others)

2. Let the children do rock art

Point out in each story, how Jesus showed special love for those in need.





Explain that this project will give them something to remind them to worship.


Have them write “Alleluia” or “Praise God” on their rocks and decorate them with flowers and other symbols of God’s gifts.


Play a song of praise while the children work.

Lead the children in praying together We Respond on page 7.

CHECKPOINT • Were the learning outcomes achieved?

Day Four   Martyrs Give the Greatest Praise LEARNING OUTCOMES


The children will be able to • explain martyrdom as a high act of worship. • a pply the lesson of Saint Justin and his companions to their own life of faith. • demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts in this chapter.

• BLM 3

Key Term martyr—someone who witnesses to Jesus through suffering and death



• Paper • Scissors • Tape • BLM 4 Quiz

Before You Begin 1. Note that all the saints sang the Lord’s praises by the way they lived, but martyrs offered the highest praise to God. To willingly give up life itself to remain faithful to God our Father is to worship as Jesus did. Justin was inspired to

We Worship God as Catholic Christians

Student pages 7–8

study Christianity because he was impressed by the way Christians faced death. He eventually became a Christian, and in the end, he gave up his life for Christ. The account of his martyrdom in this lesson is adapted from The Acts of the Christian Martyrs, translated by Herbert Musurillo (Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972).

2. When planning today’s lesson,

keep in mind that Day Four is when the children take the quiz for this chapter. Reserve time at the end of class for this assessment. The quiz can also be administered on Day Five.

Day Four


1. Review what the children have learned about worship. ✦✦ Draw a seven-rung ladder on the board. ✦✦

Encourage the children to make the ladder into a worship ladder by telling things they have learned about worship.


Let each child who gives an accurate sentence write a letter of the word worship on a rung.

2. Discuss how true friends are

faithful. ✦✦ It’s easy to be good friends because we like our friends and we want to make them happy. Sometimes good friends have to make sacrifices for each other. Can you think of a time when you gave up something you wanted so you could give joy to a friend? ✦✦






We Remember

We Respond

Why do we worship God? We worship God because he is great and good and because we belong to him. We love and honor God above all else.

Show yourself over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth.

How do we worship God? We worship God through prayer, loving service, and sacrifice.

Word to Know

1. Find Psalm 148 in your family Bible and read it. Then write your own poem that praises God. Read your poem aloud to your family before dinner.

Some people have loved Jesus so much they gave up their lives to be faithful to him. What do we call these people? (martyrs) The word martyr means “witness.”

1. BLM 3 Introduce BLM 3 Saint


children perform the play on BLM 3. ✦✦ Write the names of the characters across the board and assign parts to eight children. ✦✦

Rusticus (RUS-ti-kuhs) Justin (JUS-tuhn) Chariton (KER-ee-tohn) Charito (KER-ee-toh) Evelpistus (Ev-uhl-PIS-tuhs) Hierax (HEE-e-raks) Paeon (PIE-on)

Justin and his companions were brought before the Roman emperor to be questioned about their beliefs. They had a faith that was unshakable. Those were dangerous days for Christians.

2. Prepare for and have the

Go over the pronunciation of the following names:

2. Think of one small thing you do every day, such as brushing your teeth or tying your shoes. Every time you do that activity, pray a short prayer of thanks to God. 3. Collect five prayers of praise. Ask people for ideas, look in prayer books or in the Book of Psalms, or make up your own. 4. Interview an older family member about how he or she worships God. 5. Make a list of five good deeds you could do around your home or neighborhood. Talk with a family member about how your service is a way of worshiping God. Post your list where everyone can see it. Check off each item on your list as you do that good deed.


Today we will hear about Justin and his companions, who gave up their lives for Jesus more than 1,800 years ago.

Today we are going to perform a play about the trial.


Visit for more family resources.

Justin and His Companions. ✦✦ Distribute copies of the BLM.


Psalm 57:12

Things to Do at Home





Allow the volunteers time to read over their parts.


Have the children perform the play.


It wasn’t easy for them to disobey the order of the emperor. What did they risk by doing so? (their lives)


What were the teachings that Justin believed in? (one true God who made the world and who sent his Son, Jesus, to save humans from sin; the truths taught by Jesus)


How did Rusticus try to force Justin and the others to obey the emperor? (by threatening them with torture and death)


How did the martyrs face their death? (with courage)


Why do you think they were able to do this? (because of their faith in the true teachings of Jesus)

3. Discuss the play. ✦✦

What were Justin and the others accused of? (being Christians)


Why did they disobey the order of the Roman emperor? (They preferred the truth of Christian teaching to the orders of the Roman emperor.)

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T13

Day Four ✦✦


It was easier for them to face death because their friends were facing it with them. Together, they were a community of believers just as we are today.


Ways to Worship Read the statements below and fill in the missing letters. Letters from the word worship have been inserted to give you clues.

Justin has the title “Great Worshiper.” He worshiped through great sacrifice. What did Justin sacrifice in order to worship God? (his life)

4. Lead the children through the Summary and the Review activities, pages 7–8.

5. Discuss the Things to Do at

Home activity that was chosen earlier in the week. ✦✦ Invite volunteers to talk about their experience completing the activity. ✦✦




1. When we honor God above everything, we


2. We love and


3. When we give thanks to God, we


4. Our good deeds of loving


5. The greatest act of worship is the



6. We worship by offering God a



7. We give worship to God when we



God above everything and everyone.




Praise God Saint Francis of Assisi composed a prayer praising God for the sun, the moon, and the stars, for wind, water, fire, and earth. Think of five reasons you want to praise God. List them here. Then make them into a prayer.

If work was completed as part of the activity, invite volunteers to share their work.


6. BLM 4 Distribute and

are one way we worship God.


. . .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

administer BLM 4 Chapter 1 Quiz. ✦✦ Use this opportunity to assess the children’s understanding of the main concepts in the chapter. ✦✦

If there is not sufficient time for the children to complete the quiz, consider moving it to Day Five. Saint Francis of Assisi ❯



1. Lead the children to reflect on

how their companions help them to be faithful to Christ. ✦✦ Adults often warn boys and girls about being sure to choose good friends. How can you tell whether someone is a good friend for you? [Allow the children to respond. Discuss their answers.] ✦✦

Is it easy to stop being friends with someone who gets into trouble? Why or why not? [Allow the children to respond. Discuss their answers.]



Lead the children in prayer. ✦✦ Have the children close their eyes. ✦✦



Imagine Jesus next to you now. He is looking at you and smiling. Let’s tell Jesus silently how glad we are that he has chosen us. [Pause.]


Let’s promise him we’ll be faithful friends, ones who are willing to suffer if necessary to follow him and do what is right. [Pause.]


Let’s ask him to give us the courage we need to follow his way of love. [Pause.]

2. Remind the children that Jesus

is their best friend. ✦✦ Jesus has chosen each of us to be his friend. He, our Lord and God, is always with us, even when we feel all alone.

Jesus always loves us, and he hopes we will be faithful to him.

We Worship God as Catholic Christians

4. At the end of class, have the

children tear out and take home pages 7–8.

CHECKPOINT • Were the learning outcomes achieved? • How do the children respond to sacrifice as a form of worship?

Day Five   Extending the Chapter

Day Four

Gather and Go Forth Lead children through pages 9–10 in the student book. Find catechist instruction on T322–T323. Materials: Bible Use the following suggestions to develop an additional lesson for Day Five.

1. Remind the children to take

home pages 7–8 to share what they are learning with their families.

2. Incorporate any unused BLMs from the week’s chapter.

3. Consider the time of the

liturgical year and use the appropriate Special Seasons and Lessons. SSLs begin on page T375.

4. Visit to find additional activities for Extending the Chapter.

5. Use activities from Enriching the Faith Experience.

6. Guide the children in a

prayerful discussion of Sunday’s Scripture readings. Visit for more information.

Chapter 1    Enriching the Faith Experience Use the following activities to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class.

1. Have the children prayerfully

listen to a song of offering. ✦✦ Sometimes when we pray, we hold our hands open with the palms facing up as a way of telling God that we give ourselves to him. ✦✦

Demonstrate how to do this.


Let’s place our hands this way as we listen to a prayer song. Our prayer as we listen can be “Lord, I place my life in my hands and offer it to you.”

2. Help the children make posters showing different ways we worship God.

3. Talk about the value of making

regular visits to church. Tell the story of a saint, or someone you know, who frequently prayed in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. You might share incidents from the life of Elizabeth Ann Seton or John Neumann. Discuss how prayer in the presence of the Eucharist opens us up more and more to God’s action in our lives. Point out that a flower must receive

water regularly if it is to open up and fully receive the glory of the sun. Also remind the children that Jesus is present within them and that they can always speak to him.

4. Have the children collect

magazine or newspaper pictures for photo montages titled “We Worship You, O Lord.” Divide the children into groups for this activity. Let each group explain its montage to the rest of the class.

5. Let the children make a class

booklet titled “We Worship God in Many Ways.” Elicit from the children the names of objects or acts that people through the ages have used in worship. Write these on the board. Have each child pick a topic, read about it, and write a short paragraph. The paragraphs may be illustrated, shared as oral reports, and then compiled into the class booklet. The following topics might be researched: altars, sacrifices, prayer, vigil candles, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimages, litanies, the rosary, and medals.

6. Have the children explore the

ways that people of other faiths worship God. They might interview people they know or consult books. They can then present brief reports.

7. Web BLM Use Web BLM

Chapter 1-A Saint Louis, King of France to tell the story of Saint Louis. Divide the children into small groups and allow them to read the BLM. Invite each group to answer the following questions: How did King Louis imitate Jesus? Who are the people in your city today who need extra help and attention? Where can they get help? How can you get involved? Bookmark to find Web BLMs for this chapter.

We Are a Worshiping People  CHAPTER 1  T15

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