Encontrando a
Grades 1–8
Our Response to God’s Gifts
Grados 1–8
Encontrando a
Conoce tu fe. Crece en la fe. Vive con fe. Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios es un programa bilingüe de formación en la fe que fomenta una relación con Dios de por vida. Provee conocimiento auténtico y completo de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia católica. Al educar de manera integral —mente, corazón, cuerpo y alma— Encontrando a Dios desarrolla discípulos devotos a Jesús en el mundo. Inspirado en la vida y obra de san Ignacio de Loyola, el enfoque ignaciano de los grados 7 y 8 de Encontrando a Dios invita a todo aquel que viva este programa a reconocer la presencia de Dios en los sacramentos y en sus comunidades de fe, a distinguir la presencia divina en las experiencias con la creación de Dios, y en su vida como personas para los demás. El Subcomité para el Catecismo ha encontrado Encontrando a Dios: nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios en conformidad con el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.
Our Response to God’s Gifts
Know your Faith. Grow in Faith. Go in Faith. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is a bilingual faith formation program that fosters a lifelong relationship with God and knowledge of the full and authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. By engaging the whole person—mind, heart, body, and soul— Finding God develops devoted disciples of Jesus in the world. Inspired by the life and work of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the Ignatian approach of Finding God invites all who experience the program to recognize the presence of God in the sacraments and in their communities of faith, and realize the presence of God in their experiences of God’s creation and in their lives as people for others. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Subcommittee on the Catechism.
Componentes del programa Cimentado de manera sólida en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Tradición y la oración, los grados 7 y 8 de Encontrando a Dios ofrecen a los catequistas todo lo que necesitan para inspirar y dirigir a los jóvenes en su formación en la fe. Se han combinado materiales y herramientas de apoyo, que los catequistas pueden usar fácilmente, con contenido didáctico y experiencias de la fe apropiados para jóvenes, con el fin de desarrollar un programa completo, integrado y relevante. Libro del joven La verdad y la belleza de la fe católica son compartidas mediante oración, Sagradas Escrituras, artículos, historias, canciones e ilustraciones. Bilingüe e inglés.
Guías del catequista Cada guía consta de dos volúmenes e incluye una preparación catequética completa, planificación explícita, material de apoyo que se presenta paso por paso y actividades adicionales. Bilingüe e inglés.
Revistas Momentos de fe en familia Adaptadas para cada grado, estas revistas de 64 páginas ayudan a los padres y otros miembros de la familia a satisfacer las necesidades peculiares de los adolescentes mediante artículos inspiradores, consejos prácticos y maneras de conversar honestamente sobre la fe y la vida. Español e inglés.
Sets de pósteres Los pósteres incluyen temas relevantes para cada nivel y hermosas imágenes. Español e inglés.
Guía para el director del programa Es fácil comenzar con una planificación clara, concisa y detallada paso por paso para la implementación del programa. Se ofrece una variedad de modelos de implementación, que incluyen el año entero, medio año, verano intensivo y catequesis en casa. Español e inglés.
Historias bíblicas y meditaciones guiadas Las guías del catequista ofrecen guiones, en español e inglés, de las historias bíblicas y meditaciones guiadas. Los CD incluyen las grabaciones de las historias bíblicas y meditaciones guiadas, disponibles solo en inglés. Música instrumental para acompañar las meditaciones guiadas leídas en voz alta se incluye en los CD.
FindingGod.com toma en cuenta a toda la comunidad de fe. Para
obtener acceso completo a los materiales, como las evaluaciones, los directores de educación religiosa, directores de escuelas, catequistas y maestros deben inscribirse en línea
Program Components Soundly grounded in Scripture, Church Tradition, and prayer, Finding God Grades 7–8 offers catechists everything they need to inspire and guide young people’s faith formation. Engaging, developmentally appropriate content and faith experiences for young people have been paired with easy-to-use, supportive catechist tools and materials to create a comprehensive, integrated, relevant program. Young People’s Book The truth and beauty of the Catholic faith is shared through prayer, Scripture, articles, story, song, and illustration. English and bilignual.
Catechist Guides Each two-volume set of guides includes complete catechetical background, clear plans, step-by-step support, and additional activities. English and bilignual.
Seasons of Family and Faith Magazines These 64-page “geared to the grade” magazines help parents and family members meet the unique needs of adolescents through inspiring articles, practical advice, and pathways to honest discussion about faith and life. Available in English and Spanish.
Poster Sets Posters include relevant topics and beautiful visuals. English and Spanish.
Director Quick-Start Guide It’s easy to begin with clear, concise plans for step-by-step program implementation. A variety of implementation models are provided, including full-year, half-year, summer intensive, and at-home catechesis. English and Spanish.
Scripture Stories and Guided Reflections CDs with recorded Scripture stories and guided reflections are provided in English only. The Catechist Guides provide Spanish and English scripts for the Scripture stories and guided reflections. Instrumental music is included on the CDs to provide background music for guided reflections that are read aloud using scripts.
ONLINE SUPPORT FindingGod.com has the entire faith community in mind. To access secured materials such as assessments, directors of religious education, principals, catechists, and teachers should register online.
Libro del joven
Young People’s Book
To Open
Presentación de la unidad Cada unidad comienza con un santo cuya vida de santidad y de respuesta al amor de Dios reflejan el tema de dicha unidad. Las biografías están colmadas de datos y ayudan a que nuestra fe, historia y Tradición católicas cobren vida.
Unit Opener Each unit opens with a saint whose holy life and response to God’s love reflects the unit theme. Fact-filled biographies bring to life our Catholic faith, history, and Tradition. Session Opener Each session begins at a crucial starting point for an adolescent—his or her own life. The Engage step offers thought provoking questions and an opening prayer that lead young people into the session.
Presentación de la sesión Cada sesión parte de un momento crucial para los adolescentes: su propia vida. El paso Participar presenta preguntas que invitan a la reflexión y una oración inicial que guía a los jóvenes hacia la sesión.
Explorar Los jóvenes profundizan en su conocimiento de la fe católica a medida que leen, comentan, experimentan y rezan. Abundan las actividades, de modo que los jóvenes pueden anotar sus reflexiones y aprendizaje.
Explore Young people deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith as they read, discuss, experience, and pray. Activities abound so that young people can record their reflections and learning.
Reflexionar Se ofrece útil información del contexto con el fin de preparar a los jóvenes para la oración. Varias formas de oración llevan a los jóvenes hacia una relación personal con Dios.
Reflect Helpful background information prepares young people for prayer. Various forms of prayer draw young people into a personal relationship with God.
Responder Los jóvenes repasan lo que han aprendido y se les invita a responder al llamado de Dios en su vida cotidiana. Cada página de Responder concluye con un llamado a tomar acción invitando a los jóvenes a vivir su fe de una manera que se relacione con el tema de la sesión.
Respond Young people review what they’ve learned and are invited to respond to God’s call in daily life. Each Respond page concludes with a call to action that invites young people to live out their faith as it relates to the session theme.
To Close
Sesiones Celebrando La última sesión de cada unidad hace énfasis en la vida y las prácticas católicas a través de los diferentes tiempos del año litúrgico.
Celebrating Sessions The last session of each unit highlights Catholic life and practices throughout the different seasons of the liturgical year.
La fe en acción Cada unidad cierra con la opción de dos proyectos de La fe en acción, los cuales invitan a grupos pequeños a que vivan los principios de la enseñanza social católica.
Faith in Action Each unit closes with a choice of two Faith in Action projects that invite small groups to live out the principles of Catholic social teaching.
El año en nuestra iglesia Estas sesiones de los tiempos litúrgicos ofrecen oportunidades para aprender más sobre el año y los tiempos litúrgicos, así como las fiestas de la Iglesia.
The Year in Our Church These seasonal sessions provide options for learning more about the liturgical year, its seasons, and its feast days.
Oraciones y prácticas y el Glosario ayudan a los jóvenes a reforzar y a ampliar su aprendizaje y practicar su fe.
Prayers and Practices and the Glossary help young people reinforce and extend their learning and practice their faith.
Guías del catequista
Catechist Guides
Preparación catequética
Catechist Preparation
Al comienzo de cada unidad se presenta a los catequistas el tema de la unidad, una descripción de cada sesión y el santo de la unidad.
To begin each unit, catechists are introduced to the unit theme, session descriptions, and the unit-opener saint.
Retreat/ Background
Retiro/ Contexto Al comienzo de cada sesión se invita a los catequistas a rezar a modo de preparación. Luego, leen la información que se ofrece para adquirir más conocimiento sobre las Sagradas Escrituras, la Tradición y la catequesis que los jóvenes van a recibir.
To begin each session, catechists are invited to pray in preparation. Then they read to gain background knowledge in Scripture, Tradition, and the catechesis that young people will experience.
Planificación de la sesión de una hora
One-Hour Session Planner
Este fácil y práctico plan para las sesiones de una hora ofrece una guía para que el catequista imparta la sesión.
This easy-to-follow, one-hour session plan guides catechists to implement the session.
Enseñanza sólida, ¡pasos simples!
Rich Instruction— Simple Steps!
1 Comenzar
1 Begin
Antes de adentrarse en el contenido, se guían a los catequistas a conectar el previo conocimiento de los jóvenes y crear el contexto con introducciones activas.
Before jumping into the instruction, catechists are guided to tap young people’s prior knowledge and build background with active openings.
2 Conectar
2 Connect
Los catequistas guían a los jóvenes por el contenido esencial de las páginas con preguntas, conversaciones y demostraciones, así como interacciones a lo largo del curso.
Catechists lead young people through the core content on the pages, questioning, discussing, demonstrating, and interacting along the way.
3 Concluir
3 Close
Cada artículo concluye con una oportunidad para que los jóvenes reflexionen o amplíen su experiencia de fe.
Each article closes with an opportunity for young people to reflect on and deepen their faith experience.
Para llevar a casa
Take It Home
Se incluyen sugerencias de tareas en caso de que el catequista quiera ampliar el aprendizaje más allá de las reuniones del grupo.
Homework suggestions are included if catechists wish to extend learning beyond group meeting times.
Explorando la fe a través del arte
Exploring Faith Through Art Art Print Easel
La lámina de arte de cada sesión coincide con el tema de la sesión. Las pinturas, esculturas, vitrales y otras formas de artes visuales de distintas eras, estimulan la imaginación a la vez que reflejan las ideas y temas católicos. El sólido caballete mide 18 x 24 pulgadas.
Each session Art Print coincides with the session theme. Paintings, sculpture, stained glass, and other forms of visual art from a variety of eras spark the imagination as they reflect Catholic themes and ideas. The sturdy easel stands 18 x 24 inches.
Explore Art Print 24
El caballete real mide 24 pulgadas de alto.
Página de actividades Después de comentar la obra de arte, los catequistas guían a los niños por un contenido relacionado con la lámina que fomenta aún más el aprendizaje.
Explore Art Print 24
Caballetes de láminas de arte
Actual easel stands 24 inches tall.
Art Print 24 shows Mary, Mother of Jesus, Date surrounded by rays of light and supported by an angel. How does Mary reach out to connect youlight to Jesus? and supported by an of Jesus, surrounded by rays of Art Print 24 shows Mary, Mother to connect you to Jesus? angel. How does Mary reach out In December 1531, Mary visited a humble peasant named Juan Diego in what is now Mexico. Juan Diego was going through trying times, being is now in an area in what a Catholic where there were a humble peasant named Juan Diego sick uncle. In December 1531, Mary visitedfew and caring for his being area of Mary, and she He saw in aanvision a Catholic spoke to him not through trying times, native language. shea church Mexico. Juan Diego was going in Spanish but in hisHe andthat Mary, asked saw a vision ofShe be uncle. built at that site, to celebrate for his sick God’s presence in the lives be where there were few and caring church people. She asked thatofa the Spanish but in his native language. not in spoke to himJuan Diego immediately went toin the lives of the people. to celebrate God’s presence the bishop. The bishop, not believing Juan Diego, built at that site, asked for a heavenly sign. On the day Mary promised thatJuan JuanDiego, Diego would receive the sign, he was to the bishop. The bishop, not believing dying receive Juan Diego immediately wentseeking a priest to hear histhat uncle’s would confession. Diego The Juan Lady appeared, telling the day Mary promised and to visit theThe asked for a heavenly sign. Onhim his uncle was healed top Lady of the hill where she his dying uncle’s confession. first appeared. Juan found to heara cluster of roses on the otherwise the sign, he was seeking a priest hill where barrenshe hilltop. Mary arranged the flowerswas healed and to visit the top of the appeared, telling him his uncle in his cloak and instructed him Maryto the bishop. to present hilltop.them barren When Juan Diego cluster of roses on the otherwise of Our first appeared. Juan found a opened his cloak, the image bishop. appeared. theGuadalupe Lady to of them to present in his cloak and instructed him flowers arranged the Juan Diego was faithful even when of Guadalupe appeared. Lady of Ourwere imagethings the not cloak, going his well in opened his life. His troubles Diego When Juanmake his virtue shine even brighter. The story of Our Lady of His troublesalso shows Guadalupe were not going well in his life. how Mary leads people whentothings Salvation through Jesus Christ and that shows Juan Diego was faithful even also God loves us all, story of Our Lady of Guadalupe even peasants likebrighter. The Mary Juan Diego. is our mother in faith, and make his virtue shine even loves likeusallall, mothers, Jesus Christ and that God wants to help guide Salvation us. Atthrough his Crucifixion, Jesus’ words to all how Mary leads people to mothers, mother in faith, and like John show his concern for ourmother his mother, and his words Marytoishis signal her role show for even peasants like Juan Diego. as Mother his concern of the Church. words to John Jesus’ Crucifixion, his At us. wants to help guide When Jesus saw his mother and of the Church. as Mother her role the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, his words to his mother signal his mother, and “Woman, behold, your son.” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, his mother, said to your mother.” And from there whom he loved, he disciple that hour the her andtook disciple mother histhe into his home. When Jesus saw your mother.” And from he said to the disciple, “Behold, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then John 19:26–27 his home. that hour the disciple took her into John 19:26–27 Our Mother
Mary Reaches Out for Us Mary Reaches Out for Us
in Faith
Compare the Art Print to other images of Mary. How are the images similar? Why images of Mary. How Compare the Art Print to other leave others out? Print include some details and the Art Present Meets artist of did thePast In addition to Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1531, Mary appeared in Lourdes, France, in and in Present Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. During Meets Past1858, in these France, visitations, Lourdes, Mary often refers to in 1531, Mary appeared in herself as the Immaculate of Guadalupe Conception and makes a plea for people In addition to Our Lady often refers to During these visitations, Mary to pray. Today we honor Mary during celebrations in 1917.throughout the year. 1858, and in Fatima, Portugal, to pray. Today we and makes a plea for people herself as the Immaculate Conception throughout the year. honor Mary during celebrations
did the artist inofFaith the Art Print include some details Our Mother similar? others images out?Why the leave areand
Grade 7 • Unit 5 • Session 24 Grade 7 • Unit 5 • Session 24
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Activity Page After discussing the artwork, catechists lead children through related content that furthers their learning.
Instrucciones en español disponibles en línea
Sobre el artista Se proporcionan datos biográficos sobre cada artista como información para el catequista y temas para comentar. Curios•y•arte Esta sección ofrece información sobre la técnica o el tema principal de la obra de arte.
English Instruction on the Back of Each Art Print
Comenzar Los
catequistas utilizan estas instrucciones para dirigir la conversación de los jóvenes sobre la obra de arte. Esta sección termina con una oración.
Conectar Esta sección
ayuda a los catequistas a guiar a los jóvenes por la página de actividades que aparece; con el fin de que comprendan mejor el enfoque de la fe que se presenta en la lámina de arte y cómo se relaciona con la sesión.
About the Artist Provided for catechist background and discussion, biographical information is presented for each artist. Art•i•facts This feature provides information about the artwork’s medium or main theme.
Begin Catechists
use these instructions to lead young people in a discussion of the artwork. This section ends with prayer.
Connect This section
helps catechists lead young people through the activity page to deepen their understanding of the Art Print faith focus as it relates to the session.
Sección Si hay tiempo
If Time Allows Features
Si hay tiempo, los catequistas pueden utilizar una o más de las siguientes actividades para ayudar a los jóvenes a reflexionar y expresar sus ideas y su comprensión: •• Estudio de arte •• Usando la imaginación •• Movimiento en la oración
If time allows, catechists can use one or more of the following activities to help young people reflect and express their ideas and understanding: •• Art Studio •• Using Imagination •• Movement in Prayer
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Encontrando a Grados 1–8
¡Reserve sus muestras ahora! Reserve your samples today!
Grades 1–8
Our Response to God’s Gifts