Our Response to God’s Gifts
School Catechist Guide
Catechist Preparation Unit 1
God, Our Creator and Father Unit 1 focuses on God as our Creator and Father with an emphasis on how prayer brings us closer to God. In this unit children will learn the following.
Session 1
God Creates the World
God created the world and the human family. Human beings alone have souls. God also gave us the gift of free will, which gives us the ability to choose to live as God wants us to live. The Holy Spirit helps us follow Jesus’ example. In addition to these concepts, children will learn about psalms.
Session 2
Our Father in Heaven
In the Bible God is revealed as the Trinity. The Father created the world. Jesus, the Son, saves us, and the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth. In the New Testament, Jesus teaches us to pray to God as our Father. Children will learn the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity, as well as the Act of Faith.
Session 3
Un it Sa in t
Saint Teresa of Ávila Teresa of Ávila dedicated her life to prayer and taught others how to pray. She was named a Doctor of the Church.
God’s Plan for Salvation
Adam and Eve harmed their relationship with God when they chose to give in to temptation. Because of this first sin, we are all born into Original Sin. However, God did not give up on Adam and Eve, and he does not give up on us. He has promised Salvation, forgiveness of sins, and restoration of our friendship with him. He fulfilled this promise by sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Children learn the Act of Hope in this session.
Session 4
God Calls Us to Obey
As a result of Original Sin, resisting temptation can be difficult. Because we have free will, we can choose to do what is right. We form our conscience by studying the teachings of the Church and following the guidance of our parents and the pastors of the Church. We live in true freedom when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. The virtue of prudence helps us make good choices. Children also review how to make an examination of conscience.
Session 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Children learn the meaning of Ordinary Time, why we celebrate it, when we celebrate it, and explore how Ordinary Time is celebrated in our Church.
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Prayer in Unit 1
Together as One Parish
In each session of Unit 1, establish the pattern and tone for prayer. Children pray prayers of petition and thanksgiving and participate in a guided reflection. Children also learn and pray the Act of Faith and the Act of Hope and make an examination of conscience.
Catholic Social Teaching in Unit 1 In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37), Jesus makes clear our responsibility to care for those in need. The Church articulates this responsibility in Catholic Social Teaching. Following are the themes of Catholic Social Teaching integrated into this unit. Call to Family, Community, and Participation Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society. As the central social institution, the family unit must be supported and strengthened. From this foundation people participate in society, promoting the well-being of all. Care for God’s Creation God is the Creator of all people and things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation. We have a responsibility to care for all things that God has made. We are called to make moral and ethical choices that protect the ecological balance of creation both locally and worldwide. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers The Catholic Church teaches that the basic rights of workers must be respected: the right to productive work, to fair wages, to private property, to organize and join unions, and to pursue economic opportunity. Moreover, Catholics believe that the economy is meant to serve people, not the other way around. More than being just a way to make a living, work is an important way in which we participate in God’s creation.
Religious Education with the Parochial School To celebrate the beginning of a new year of faith formation, celebrate Catechetical Sunday, which is usually observed nationally on the third Sunday in September. You may wish to recognize all of the Catholic school teachers and parish catechists during Mass or another parish event. You can find resources for Catechetical Sunday at the USCCB Web site.
Literature Opportunity At Break of Day by N ikki Grimes You might wish to read aloud this story, which is a retelling of the Creation story. Care for God’s Creation
Life and Dignity of the Human Person The Catholic Church teaches us that all human life is sacred and that all people must be treated with dignity. As Catholics we strive to respect and value people over material goods. We ask whether our actions as a society respect or threaten the life and dignity of the human person. The foundation of our moral vision is our belief in the life and the dignity of the human person. Rights and Responsibilities The Catholic Church teaches that every person has a right to live, as well as the right to things required for human decency. As Catholics it is our responsibility to protect fundamental human rights in order to achieve a healthy society. Solidarity Solidarity is the attitude that leads Christians to share spiritual and material goods. Solidarity unites rich and poor, weak and strong, and helps build a society that recognizes that we live in an interdependent world.
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Catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Catholic Social Teaching: Unit 1 Project The following is an optional project that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 1 through 5. Children practice the theme Call to Family, Community, and Participation by making books and reading them to younger children.
mat er ia l s ▶▶ Computers/printers ▶▶ Art supplies ▶▶ Stapler ▶▶ Unit 1 Project Blackline
Master (page S-347) UNIT 1 PROJECT
Set the Stage Photocopy and distribute to each child Unit 1 Project Blackline Master. Introduce Saint Peter Canisius by saying: A long time ago, there were no computers or typewriters. People handwrote books and set letters one by one with print blocks. Because of this books were rare and valuable. Saint Peter Canisius was a man who spread God’s Word by writing and delivering these rare and important books. Let’s read about him. Invite volunteers to read aloud the page.
Make Books
Saint Peter Canisius Peter Canisius was a well-respected Jesuit teacher and writer. He founded and taught at many universities in Europe. Because of his bravery and good reputation, the pope asked Peter to carry important books and papers to bishops throughout Europe. This was a dangerous assignment because books were valuable, and enemies of the Catholic Church did not want the pope’s messages to be heard. Thankfully Peter was able to travel safely. Later a German king asked Peter to write a Catholic catechism for adults. Peter’s book was such a success that he wrote a shorter version for children, and he wrote an even simpler version for very young children.
Just for Schools
Peter accomplished many things in his life. He said, “If you have too much to do, with God’s help you will find time to do it all.” Peter was canonized in 1925 and is the patron saint of the Catholic press. His feast day is December 21.
After reading say: During Unit 1 we’re going to make our own books, and I’m going match you up with a younger student in our school. You’ll meet with him or her weekly to read your book and other books.
Grade 4 • Unit 1 Project
T ime
Have each student use computers and art supplies to write and illustrate an original story titled Ways to Grow Closer to God. Have children use a stapler to bind their books.
Time will vary.
Read with Reading Buddies Assign a kindergarten or first-grade student to each child in your class. During Unit 1 have each child read with his or her partner once a week for 30 minutes. Have children begin by reading the books they made. Suggest that they give their books to their reading partners as a gift. After children read their original books, have them read other books that cover the topics of family, community, and participation.
Close the Project At the end of Unit 1, have a party for your class and their reading partners. Conclude the party by praying together a prayer that asks God to help your community work to become closer to God.
Unit 1
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Bulletin Board: Unit 1
mat er ia l s ▶▶ Art supplies
We Find God in All Things The following is an optional bulletin board that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 1 through 5. Children make materials for a bulletin board by completing an activity about finding God in all things.
▶▶ Bulletin-board supplies
T ime
40 minutes
Set the Stage Tell children that Gerard Manley Hopkins was a Jesuit priest and a famous poet who lived in England and Ireland in the mid-1800s. Explain that in his poems, Father Hopkins wrote that we can find God in all things. Say: I am going to read an excerpt from a poem entitled “God’s Grandeur.” Grandeur means “magnificence.” Read aloud this excerpt from “God’s Grandeur”: The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like Shining from shook foil . . . Explain that when Hopkins wrote “it will flame out,” he meant that God’s grandeur will burst forth in unexpected places. Ask: What do you think it means to find God in ordinary things? (It means that God is reflected in everything he created. It means that we can find God wherever we look.) Say: Think of an ordinary thing in which you have found or felt God’s grandeur. Invite children to share their ideas.
Make the Bulletin Board Have children use art supplies to draw and cut out pictures of ordinary things in which they find God. Add the pictures to a bulletin board titled We Find God in All Things. In the center of the bulletin board, post the excerpt from the Hopkins poem.
Close the Project After finishing the bulletin board, say: We all praise God in different ways. Some of us write beautiful poems like Gerard Manley Hopkins did. On a sheet of paper, write how you can praise God and show him that you love him. Give children a few minutes to write.
We Find God in All Things “The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like Shining from shook foil . . .” Gerald Manley Hopkins
Use the Bulletin Board During appropriate times in Sessions 1 through 5, call children’s attention to the bulletin board to remind them of God’s grandeur in the ordinary world around us.
Prayer Ask children to bow their heads. Together pray the Sign of the Cross. Say: Take a moment to thank God for his presence in the world around us. Praise him for an aspect of creation through which you experienced his grandeur.
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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 1
God Creates the World
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 1
3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take a moment to praise God for the gift of free will, which we can use to make choices to care for creation. Psalm 65:10,14 make it abundantly fertile.
God’s stream is filled with water;
Creation, which is the work of the Trinity, reaches its summit in the creation of the human family. God gives us a soul, an intellect, and free will. Living in freedom is possible only when we follow Jesus to God the Father. The Holy Spirit helps us understand this truth and live faithfully.
Thus do you prepare the earth. The pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys blanketed with grain;
they cheer and sing for joy.
Catholic Social Teaching
Reflection In Psalm 65 the fruitfulness of the earth is a testament to God’s love. In response the created world sings with joy to the Creator. In the creation of the human family, God’s generosity is unsurpassed. He has given us a soul, an intellect, and free will. When we use these gifts to know and serve God and care for his creation, we continue God’s work on earth.
Question How have I chosen to express my gratitude for God’s generosity in my life?
Psalm 65:10,14 tells us that God cares for the world he creates.
with it you supply the world with grain.
Sirach 39:33 teaches us that all of God’s works are good.
You visit the earth and water it,
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Care for God’s Creation, The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers, and Rights and Responsibilities. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism The importance of the doctrine that God creates out of wisdom and love is found in CCC 296–298.
General Directory for Catechesis Following Jesus means taking on responsibilities. Some of these are covered in GDC 157.
Speak to God, using this prayer or your own. Generous God, you care for my every need. Lead me to care for your creation with a joyful heart.
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 1
God Creates the World
Session Theme: God’s love for us is revealed through his creation.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Unit Saint: Saint Teresa of Ávila
Read a Creation Story
Nature Haiku
pages 1–2
God Creates the World
page 3
Time: 30 minutes
page 3
Small-Group Project
Time: 10 minutes
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-1D, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: examples of haiku about nature, writing supplies, art supplies Read aloud several haiku about nature. Discuss the “rules” for haiku: line one has five syllables, line two has seven syllables, and line three has five syllables. Explain that haiku often highlights nature and is used to evoke happy feelings and images. Invite each child to choose a favorite aspect of nature and write a haiku about it. Have children illustrate their haiku.
Time: 20 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God’s Wonderful Creation
Session 1 BLM
Window Garden
page 4
page T-293
Caring for the Earth
Time: 15 minutes
page 5
Materials: herb seeds or seedlings, potting soil, pots, chalkboard paint, chalk In advance paint pots with chalkboard paint. Ask children to use chalk to decorate the pots and label them with the names of the herbs to be planted. Invite children to plant herb seeds or seedlings in the pots. Place the pots in a sunny window and have children cultivate the plants. Consider making a salad using the herbs that children grow.
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Tree of Life
Art Studio: Tree of God’s Creation
Music: Sing Your Psalm
Children’s Book
Page 229
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Calls Us to Pray
Pray Again
My Heart Home
page 6
page 6
Thanking God for Creation
Time: 15 minutes
page 7
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: art supplies Ask children to close their eyes and recall what they imagined during the prayer reflection. Ask: What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Have each child draw a picture of what he or she has imagined. Remind children: Remember that when you want to talk with Jesus, you can always go there. He’s always here to welcome you.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Psalm Pantomime
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 8
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-348)
Community Gardens During Saint Teresa of Ávila’s time, some communities of monks and nuns showed care for God’s creation by tending community gardens.
Kitchen Gardens Nuns and monks usually had kitchen gardens in which they grew vegetables such as peas, beans, leeks, potatoes, onions, and garlic. Larger kitchen gardens had fruit trees or beehives to harvest honey.
Hospital Gardens If convents or monasteries had hospitals, nuns and monks often grew plants such as rosemary, lavender, caraway, and ginger that could be used to make medicines.
Leisure Gardens Many monasteries and convents had leisure gardens. Hedges or walls surrounded these gardens, which contained flowers, trees, and fountains. Monks and nuns used flowers from these gardens to decorate their churches and used the gardens as peaceful places to pray.
Just for Schools
On a separate sheet of paper, design a garden of your own. Label the plants. Then write a sentence about how you can care for God’s creation by taking care of the garden you designed.
Design a Garden
Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Session 1 Wrap-Up
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have groups present their ecology posters and oral presentations. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Time: 40 minutes
Small-Group Project of the Week: Ecology Posters Materials: computers with Internet access, poster board, art supplies
Organize children into small groups. Ask each group to think of a part of the earth or a species of wildlife that they would like to see cared for and preserved, such as the Great Lakes, jaguars, or rain forests. Have groups use the Internet to research their topics. Ask each group to use facts and opinions to make an oral presentation and a matching poster that persuades people to take care of this aspect of God’s creation.
NOTE: See page 1d for Prayer in Session 1, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner
God Creates the World
Session 1
Session Theme: God’s love for us is revealed through his creation.
In this session set a precedent for the pattern and tone for prayer throughout the year. The prayers give children opportunities to talk with God in the quiet of their hearts. Children begin to learn about psalms. Session 1 includes the option to use a guided reflection. Follow the Prepare directions on the Catechist Guide page before sharing with children.
Before This Session ▶▶ Prepare a prayer center. See page EC-2 for ideas. ▶▶ Establish group rules and procedures. See pages EC-2–EC-3 for ideas. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Psalm 65:10,14 and Sirach 39:33. Place the open Bible in
your prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage Unit Saint: Saint Teresa of Ávila God Creates the World
10 minutes
Pages 1–2
Page 3
Explore God’s Wonderful Creation Caring for the Earth Art Print: Tree of Life
30–40 minutes
Page 4
Page 5 Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: God Calls Us to Pray
Page 6
Thanking God for Creation
Page 7
15–20 minutes
Respond Living My Faith
Prayer in Session 1
5–10 minutes
Page 8
Materials Required ▶▶ Children’s Books to distribute
▶▶ Wrapped gift box
If Time Allows ▶▶ Story about creation (page 3)
▶▶ Prism and light source (sunny
▶▶ Art supplies
▶▶ Session 1 BLM, T-293 (page 4)
window, flashlight, etc.)
▶▶ Media player, Video: clip from
Winged Migration (page 4)
▶▶ Bible ▶▶ Art Print 1: Tree of Life and
Children’s Book page 229
▶▶ Cardboard boxes, art supplies
(page 5)
▶▶ CD player
▶▶ Bible (page 7)
▶▶ CD 1, Track 6: “God’s Wonderful
▶▶ CD player, CD 2, Track 3: “Praise to
Creation” (13:46)
God” (1:22) (page 7) ▶▶ Session 1 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 8)
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Engage UNIT
God, Our Creator and Father
Choose one approach to open the unit. 5-Minute Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . below Optional Unit Opener . . . . . . . next page
5-Minute Approach Children’s Pages
1 Begin
Saint Teresa of Ávila Saint Teresa of Ávila believed in the power of prayer. She spent her life writing about prayer and teaching people how to pray to God.
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Saint Teresa of Ávila PDF Signoff: Production _______
Teresa of Ávila was born in Spain in 1515. Her strict but loving father sent her to a convent when she was 16 years old. Teresa discovered that she liked living a simple life in community with other religious sisters.
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2 Introduce the Saint
At times Teresa felt herself growing away from God. Sometimes she tried to pray but found it difficult. However, Teresa continued to pray and remained faithful to God because she knew that this was what he wanted her to do.
Read aloud the page. Explain that Saint Teresa of Ávila spent a lot of time praying and thinking about prayer. Point out that she also wanted to help other people learn how to pray. Ask: Who helps you learn how to pray? (Possible answers: family members, priests, catechists) Discuss the picture of Saint Teresa of Ávila. Ask: What can we tell about Saint Teresa of Ávila based on this picture? (Possible answer: She was a holy person.) Ask children to turn to page 2. Invite volunteers to read aloud the page. Say: We remember Saint Teresa of Ávila because she dedicated her life to prayer. In our sessions we are going to learn how we can grow closer to God through prayer. Have children turn to page 3.
Teresa wrote about prayer and traveled throughout Spain to teach people about the simple life she lived. What she wrote was so important that she was named a Doctor of the Church, a special kind of teacher. People who want to learn about prayer still read her books today. Her feast day is October 15.
The medieval walled city of Ávila
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
Warmly greet children as they arrive. Introduce yourself and invite children to do the same. Share why your faith is important to you and why you are excited about a new year of faith formation. Say: I’m so glad you’re here. This year we’re going to learn new and exciting things together. Distribute the Children’s Books. Say: May this be a year of finding God in all things. Have children open their books to page 1. Read aloud the unit title. Say: The sessions in our first unit will help us understand that God is our Creator and Father and that prayer helps bring us closer to him.
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Unit 1 PDF Signoff: Production _______
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This page describes a program-wide intergenerational event that is offered in a supplemental component.
Optional Unit Opener Intergenerational Event
1 Prepare Work with your catechetical leader to use the Finding God Together kit to plan an intergenerational event for Unit 1.
2 Open the Event Gather families in one space. Use Finding God Together to open the event, introduce Finding God, and discuss the main theme for Unit 1. Together, enjoy an entertaining skit.
3 Implement the Saint Stations
Use Finding God Together to help families learn more about the saints at their grade-level saint stations. Be sure all families feel welcome and are engaged in the process.
Unit 1
Saint Teresa of Ávila Feast Day: October 15
Image: © Mary Evans Picture Library.
Ideas to Share
4 Close Gather families in one space for a guided reflection. Use Finding God Together to close the event.
5 Transition to
Events Guide
Finding God Together: An Intergenerational Events Guide by Mary Lynn Hendrickson and Tom McGrath
Children’s Book
When children arrive for the faith formation session, discuss the event, distribute the Children’s Books, and review information about the unit saint. Have children open their books to page 3.
Doctor of the Church Saint Teresa of Ávila was named a Doctor of the Church, which means that the Church believes that her insights and writings about prayer are fundamentally important to Church teaching. Other women who are Doctors of the Church are Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
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Session 1 Outcomes ▶▶ Explain that creation is a gift from God
and that we are called to give thanks for this gift. ▶▶ Describe how we can care for the gift
of creation. Farmers, park rangers, and
▶▶ Define free will, psalm, and soul.
sanitation workers help take care of the earth. Can you
1 Set the Stage
name other jobs that involve taking care of the earth?
God Creates the World
Have children name beautiful aspects of God’s creation. Then ask: What makes these things beautiful? Why do you think God created them? How do you think God wants us to treat creation? (Accept reasonable responses.)
What can we do to take care of the earth?
2 Get Started
Prayer Dear God, please give us the grace to appreciate creation. Help us show our love for you in how we care for the earth. 3
If Time Allows
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Draw children’s attention to the picture. Ask: What is happening in this picture? (Possible answers: Children are picking up trash.) Read aloud the session title and the text in the blue box. Allow time for children to share their responses to the questions. Say: There are many ways we can take care of creation. Work and Workers
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Inclusion: Attention
Walk and Talk Production If you have childrenDesign with attention PDF Signoff: _______ _______ differences, Editorial _______ you may wish to discuss this page while walking around the parish grounds. Encourage children to point out beautiful aspects of God’s creation and to name ways that we can take care of what God has given us. God’s Creation
Read a Creation Story Read aloud a children’s story about creation, such as At Break of Day by Nikki Grimes. Discuss the primary themes presented in the story.
Say: In this session we will learn about the wonders of God’s creation and how we are called to help care for what God has given us.
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Pray the prayer silently while I pray it aloud. Pray aloud the prayer. Say: Let’s take a moment to talk to God in the silence of our hearts. Allow time for children to pray silently. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an article about the Canticle of the Sun, a prayer in which Saint Francis of Assisi praises God for the wonders of creation.
Unit 1 • Session 1
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1 Begin
God’s Wonderful Creation Think about how you feel when you see a rainbow or a beautiful flower. A feeling of joy and wonder is what God wants us to experience whenever we look at the amazing things he has created for us.
Invite volunteers to hold a prism near a light source and try to refract the colors of the rainbow. Say: Notice the amazing colors that God has created. Ask: How do you feel when you see the colors of the rainbow? (Possible answers: happy, excited, thankful)
God’s most amazing creation is the human family. He created each human with a spiritual nature called a soul. In addition God gave us an intellect so that we can understand and free will so that we can make choices. We are able to choose to live as God wants us to live.
2 Connect Read aloud the first paragraph. Then say: The next time you see something beautiful, remember to take a moment to thank God for creating it. Ask volunteers to read aloud the next three paragraphs. Point out the vocabulary terms. Explain that having a soul makes us human and makes us beings that are made in the image and likeness of God. Point out that the soul also helps us recognize God’s handiwork and that body and soul together form one unique human nature. Tell children that the soul is responsible for our conscience and our freedom. Say: Free will is our ability to choose good because God has made us like him. Explain that our conscience is the part of us that helps us use our free will to make good choices.
The goal of human life is to follow Jesus Christ to God the Father. The Holy Spirit helps us live in a way that will lead us to this goal.
Reading God’s Word The works of God are all of them good; every need when it comes he fills. Sirach: 39:33
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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Session 1 BLM
3 Close Ask: What kinds of choices do you think God want us to make regarding the earth? (Possible answer: God wants us to use our free will to choose to care for everything he has given us.)
Reading God's Word Read aloud the Scripture passage. Explain the verse in simple terms. Say: Everything God makes is good, and he takes care of everybody and everything.
Who Am I? Have children_______ PDF Signoff: Production complete the Session 1 Blackline Master [T-293] to identify people who care for God’s creation.
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The Soul and Free Will Design _______
Message Through Media: Winged Migration
Have children watch a clip from a nature program such as Winged Migration, which is a documentary chronicling bird migration over 2,000 miles of landscape. Afterward, ask children to reflect on God’s creation and their role in caring for it.
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Saint Paul said, “For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate.” [Romans 7:15] It is not always easy to do good. However, we have a soul and the free will to choose to do good. Original Sin does not destroy free will. God’s grace, which we receive in the sacraments, helps us make good choices.
Rights and Responsibilities
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Explore Caring for the Earth God chose to create the earth for us. One way that we thank him is by taking care of this great gift. We care for the earth by not wasting the resources he has given us. Air, water, mountains, deserts, plants, and animals are all precious because they are gifts from God.
Discuss the importance of caring for creation. Ask: Does anyone know what April 22 is? (Earth Day) What is Earth Day? (a day to remember how important it is to care for the earth) How might we observe Earth Day? (Possible answers: plant a tree, plant flowers, pick up litter) Why is it important for us to care for the gift of creation? (Possible answer: to express to God our thanks for the gift of creation)
Here are some things that we can do to take care of the gifts God has given us: ▶ ▶ ▶
Recycle paper, plastic, metal, and glass. Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper. Walk or ride a bike instead of riding in a car.
Write about one way you can care for the earth.
2 Connect
Answers will vary.
Invite volunteers to read aloud the section Caring for the Earth. Ask: What is an example of a wasteful use of resources? (Possible answers: letting the water run when we brush our teeth, leaving the light on when we leave a room) Why is it important not to waste the resources we have received from God? (By not wasting what God has given us, we can express our gratitude for the gift of creation.) Give children time to write how they can care for the earth.
Gifts from God Take a moment to think about everything God has created. List some of your favorite gifts from God. Write why you like those things.
Answers will vary.
SESSION 1 • God Creates the World
If Time Allows
1 Begin
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Rights and Responsibilities 5
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Service: Recycling Arrange with your catechetical leader to place recycling bins_______ around PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial the parish. Bring in cardboard boxes and provide paper, pens or pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, and glue. Have children make box labels that say Cans, Bottles, and Paper and then have children decorate the boxes. Invite children to distribute the boxes in various places on the parish grounds. Empty the boxes periodically according to your local recycling practices. God’s Creation
Read aloud the section Gifts from God. Have children complete the activity. Invite volunteers to share their responses with the group. Encourage children to explain why these gifts from God are their favorite.
3 Close Display Art Print 1: Tree of Life. Use the Art Print 1 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 229.
Tree of Life
Art Print 1
Unit 1 • Session 1
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Reflect Prayer
God Calls Us to Pray
Choose an approach and pray with the children.
Prayer is the living relationship of the children of God with God our Father, with his Son, Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit.
Approach 1
Recorded Guided Reflection
Sometimes we pray aloud, praying the words of a specific prayer. Other times we listen as someone else prays aloud. We can also pray silently to ourselves. Focusing on one object or image can help us remain attentive to God.
Prepare Listen in advance to the recorded guided reflection “God’s Wonderful Creation” [CD 1, Track 6]. Decide if you will use the recording or lead the reflection yourself. If you choose to lead, listen to the recording a second time, following the script [pages T-282–T-283] and noting pauses and tone. You can then use the script or adapt it as you wish.
Use your imagination to think about something beautiful. Examine it carefully with your mind’s eye. What do you love about it? Thank God for this beautiful part of creation and for all of creation. Let your heart be aware of how much God loves you. In your heart pray the Glory Be to the Father.
Pray During the session play the recording or lead using the script, joining the children in reflective prayer. If you use the script, you may wish to play reflective music softly in the background. Approach 2
Children’s Page Prepare Pray the prayer on page 6 in advance to become familiar with it. Pray Invite children to prepare for prayer by quieting themselves, getting comfortable, and closing their eyes. Read aloud slowly and with expression the first three paragraphs. Pause after the third paragraph to give children time to reflect. Read aloud the fourth paragraph. At the end of the reflection, provide time for children to talk silently with God. Close by praying aloud Amen and joining children in praying the Sign of the Cross. Say: Now, let’s talk about
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 6 ~
Pray Again If you used the recorded PDF Signoff: Production _______ guided reflection, you might use this prayer page during another session.
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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
Design _______
ways we can thank God for the gift of creation.
Before praying, emphasize that prayer is a relationship with God and communication with God about all aspects of our lives. Explain that prayer is an essential part of daily life that helps us grow closer to God. Encourage children to focus their attention on a specific image or idea to help them concentrate and reflect.
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Reflect Thanking God for Creation Draw a picture of someone or something from God’s creation that you find amazingly beautiful. Then write a short prayer thanking God for this great gift.
1 Begin Display a wrapped gift box. Ask: How might you feel if I gave you this gift? (Possible answers: happy, excited, thankful) Why do we give gifts to people? (Possible answers: to celebrate special events, to show others that we love them) What might you do after you receive a gift from someone? (Possible answer: send a thank-you note) Why is it important to thank people for the gifts they give us? (Possible answer: to show how much we appreciate their thoughtfulness)
Answers will vary.
2 Connect
SESSION 1 • God Creates the World
If Time Allows
~ pg 7 ~
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Psalm Pantomime Read aloud Psalm 104:10–23 from your Bible. Point out the imagery PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ inspired by nature’s abundance. Have each child find a partner, and assign a verse to each pair. Ask partners to pantomime their verse as you reread the psalm aloud.
Praise to God
CD 2, Track 3 Remind children that singing is one way to pray. Say: We’re going to listen to a song that we can sing to praise God for the gift of creation. Play the song “Praise to God.” Play the song a second time and Invite children to sing along, using the lyrics in the back of their books.
Ask: What are some beautiful aspects of creation that we have talked about during this session? (Answers will vary.) Remind children that by thanking God for the gift of creation, we show how grateful we are for everything he has given us. Ask: What are some things we can do to show God how thankful we are for the gift of creation? (Possible answers: pray a prayer of thanks, recycle, use only what we need) Point out that prayers of thanks and praise, such as those expressed in the psalms, help strengthen our relationship with God. Read aloud the section Thanking God for Creation. Distribute pens or pencils, crayons, and markers. Give children time to complete the activity.
3 Close Invite volunteers to share their finished drawings and prayers with the group. Pray together a litany of creation. Ask each child to name their favorite aspect of creation. After each child names something, pray together a response such as “We thank you, God, for this great gift.” Conclude the litany by praying together the Glory Be to the Father.
Unit 1 • Session 1
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Faith Summary Ask a volunteer to read aloud this section. Ask: How is God’s love revealed? (in the gift of creation) What did God give to each human being? (a soul and free will) How can we use our souls? (to appreciate what God has created) How can we use our free will? (to make good choices to care for the gift of creation) What are some good choices that we can make? (Possible answers: recycle, pick up litter, use only what we need)
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
God’s love is revealed in the gift of creation. He created each human being with a soul and gave us free will. It is with our souls that we appreciate what God has created. We can use our free will to make good choices to care for the gift of creation.
Words I Learned
Ways of Being Like Jesus
free will psalm* soul
Jesus loved and blessed God his Father. Show God you love him by thanking him for the gift of creation.
Prayer Thank you, God, for the wonderful gift of creation. Help us take care of it, just as you take care of us.
2 Connect Words I Learned Read aloud the terms. Ask children to define each one. Review the terms in the Glossary if necessary.
With My Family Activity Spend time enjoying the beauty of creation. You may wish to go for a hike, to spend time playing in a park, or to go for a boat ride. Pray together, thanking God for everything he has given us.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Ask a volunteer to read aloud this section. Say:
Faith on the Go Ask one another: If you could fill a backyard with one thing from God’s creation, what would it be? Why?
Any time you see something beautiful, remember to thank God for it.
Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family, a part of your creation. Help us use our free will to choose to care for everything you have given us. Amen.
Prayer Ask children to prepare themselves for prayer. Pray the prayer together. Allow time for silent reflection and then conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
With My Family Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
* This word is taught with the Art Print. See page 229.
If Time Allows
~ pg 8 ~
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Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 2 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 2 and determine any materials you will need.
Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, we all have a responsibility to care for the gift of creation.
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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 2
Our Father in Heaven
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 2
3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause briefly for silent reflection. Remember that you are in the loving presence of God, who is with you as you continue this journey of growth and discovery. Matthew 7:9–11 [One day Jesus taught his disciples, saying] “Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.”
Reflection Jesus teaches us that we can call God our Father and depend on him. Prayer is essential to maintaining this intimate relationship with him. God’s gifts of faith, hope, and charity sustain us in prayer, nurture our relationship with God, and help us to meet other people’s needs.
Question Knowing that God is my Father and that all members of the human family are my brothers and sisters, what relationships with members of my “family” need attention today?
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Scripture Matthew 7:9–11 teaches us that God is our loving Father. John 14:7 reminds us that if we know Jesus, we know God our Father.
Tradition Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer to help us grow in our relationship with God. When we pray this prayer, we pray for the coming of God’s kingdom. In praying this petition, we acknowledge our acceptance of God’s direction in our lives. As Catholics we believe that the Eucharist is the principal sign of the Kingdom of God in our midst. God’s kingdom will be fulfilled with the return of Jesus Christ at the Last Judgment.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Care for God’s Creation; Rights and Responsibilities; and Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism Prayer Jesus invites you to speak to the Father, using this prayer or one of your own.
The mystery of God as our Father is explored in CCC 2779–2783. God our Father’s love for us as revealed in the Bible is discussed in CCC 120–127.
Abba, Father, deepen my faith, increase my hope,
General Directory for Catechesis
and strengthen my charity for all my brothers and
The role of prayer, specifically the Lord’s Prayer, in catechesis, is presented in GDC 85.
sisters, especially those in my care.
Un it 1 • Session 2
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 2
Our Father in Heaven
Session Theme: Jesus teaches us that God is our loving Father.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Our Father in Heaven
A Family Tree
Postcards to Heaven
page 9
page 9
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 25 minutes Small-Group Project OPTIONAL
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-9B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: note cards, writing supplies, art supplies Explain that children are going to “send” God a postcard about something that they have done with their family. On one side of a note card, have children draw a picture of an event that they have celebrated with their family. On the other side of the card, have children write a note explaining what they did and what made the event special. Display the finished cards.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Listens to Us
Session 2 BLM
Servants-of-God Skits
page 10
page T-294
The Kingdom of God
Time: 25 minutes
page 11
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: slips of paper In advance write on slips of paper ways children can serve God’s kingdom. Examples include collect items for a food drive, go to Mass, follow the Ten Commandments, and play fairly. Then have small groups choose one of the slips of paper and work together to act out each situation.
Time: 20 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: The Creation
Art Studio: God’s Creation
Music: Sing About God
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Children’s Book page 230
Time: 20 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Our Faith in God
A Family Crest
Act-of-Faith Poster
page 12
page 13
Faith, Hope, and Charity
Time: 20 minutes
page 13
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: writing supplies, art supplies Ask a volunteer to read aloud the Finding God poster Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. Then have children design their own posters for the Act of Faith. Direct children to write the words of the prayer on their poster, but also to include words or phrases around the prayer that express their interpretation of the prayer’s meaning. Ask children to include drawings that represent acts of faith. Suggest that children display their finished posters in their home.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Thanking God
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 14
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-349)
The Kingdom of God Jesus preaches about the Kingdom of God in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In God’s kingdom everyone experiences God’s peace and justice. We experience this kingdom in part now whenever we choose to share God’s love with others. We will fully experience God’s kingdom in Heaven. 1
Kingdom Crossword Complete this crossword. 2
Just for Schools
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have each group present its poster. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Time: 35 minutes
Across 2. When we pray the , we are praying for the coming of God’s kingdom. 3. taught us the Lord’s Prayer. 4. The represents the Kingdom of God on Earth. 5. The Kingdom of God is proclaimed in the .
6. Calling God our
us trust him. Down 1. The Bible teaches us that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2. The kingdom will be completed when Jesus returns at the .
Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Session 2 Wrap-Up
Small-Group Project of the Week: The Four Gospels Materials: Bibles, writing supplies, poster board, art supplies
Organize children into four groups. Explain that Gospel means “Good News.” Assign one Gospel to each group. Ask children to find in their Gospel examples of the Good News we can learn through Jesus’ teachings. Have groups make posters that give examples of how to live out the teachings.
NOTE: See page 9b for Prayer in Session 2, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Unit 1 • Session 2
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 2
Our Father in Heaven
Session Theme: Jesus teaches us that God is our loving Father. Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to John 14:7 and Matthew 7:9-11. Place the open Bible in
your prayer center. ▶▶ Display the Finding God poster Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage Our Father in Heaven
10 minutes
Page 9
Explore God Listens to Us
In this session continue to establish the pattern and tone for prayer. The short opening and closing prayers invite children to remember that God cares for each of us. The prayers also provide an opportunity for children to add their own personal intentions. In this session children learn the Act of Faith, a prayer that expresses our trust in God.
30–40 minutes
Page 10
The Kingdom of God
Prayer in Session 2
Page 11
Art Print: The Creation
Reflect Prayer: Our Faith in God Faith, Hope, and Charity
15–20 minutes
Page 12 Page 13
5–10 minutes
Living My Faith page 14
Materials ▶▶ Bible
If Time Allows ▶▶ Art supplies (pages 9, 10, 11, 13)
▶▶ Art Print 2: The Creation and
▶▶ Session 2 BLM, T-294 (page 10)
Children’s Book page 230 ▶▶ Finding God poster: Acts of Faith,
Hope, and Love ▶▶ Various symbols, such as a sprig of
evergreen, a butterfly, and a candle
▶▶ Magazines, poster board (page 10) ▶▶ Poster board (page 11) ▶▶ Session 2 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 14)
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Our Father in Heaven
Session 2 outcomes ▶▶ Explain that God listens to our prayers. ▶▶ Describe how we can serve the
Kingdom of God. ▶▶ Define Theological Virtues.
All people are brothers
1 Set the Stage
and sisters, because God is our Father. What are
Ask: How are families different? (Possible answer: They follow different traditions.) How are they the same? (Possible answer: Families are called to love one another.) How does God wants us to treat our family members? (Possible answer: lovingly)
some ways you can show care for your brothers and sisters in God?
2 Get Started
Prayer Dear Jesus, help us know God as our loving Father and to follow his plan for us. 9
If Time Allows
~ pg 9 ~
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Draw children’s attention to the picture. Ask: What do you see in the picture? (Possible answer: two children, trees) Read aloud the session title and the text in the blue box. Give children time to share their responses to the question. Say: Even if the children in the picture are not relatives, they are still related. They are a brother and a sister in God. In this session we are going to learn more about how God calls us to treat one another. Solidarity
A Family Tree Distribute paper, pens or _______ pencils, crayons, and markers. Ask _______ each child PDF Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial to draw a tree and write the name of a different family member on each branch. Then have children write on the branches one nice thing they can do for each family member. Encourage children to complete the actions they write down. Say: Doing nice things for our family members is one way to show them love and respect. Family and Community
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Let’s pray to Jesus for the help to know God more deeply. Ask a volunteer to pray aloud the prayer. Then say: Let’s take a few moments to ask Jesus to hear our private prayers. Allow time for children to pray silently. Conclude by praying together the Lord’s Prayer.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an article about living the virtues in everyday life.
Unit 1 • Session 2
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1 Begin
God Listens to Us One day Jesus taught his disciples, “Which of you would give your son a stone when he asks for bread or a snake when he asks for a fish? If even you know how to give your children good gifts, think how much more our Father in heaven will give to those who ask him for something.” adapted from Matthew 7:9–11
Ask: Why do we pray? (Possible answers: to praise and thank God, to ask God for help) What are some of the prayers you know by heart? (Answers will vary.) In addition to praying these prayers, how else can we pray? (Possible answers: sing a song, go to Mass, read the Bible, enjoy God’s creation)
Jesus wants us to know that God listens to our prayers because God loves us and wants to help us. The good things God does for us reveal to us his holiness.
2 Connect Read aloud the Scripture passage. Ask: Would a good father give his children a stone or a snake when they are hungry and asking for food? (No.) Explain that God always listens to our prayers. Point out that when we pray to God with a need, we are praying a prayer of petition. Invite volunteers to read aloud the next two paragraphs. Ask: Why does God listen to our prayers? (Because he loves us and wants to help us.) What are some of the good things that God has done for us? (Possible answers: given us the gift of creation, given us a soul and free will) Point out that in the Bible Jesus taught his followers the words of the Lord’s Prayer. Ask: Who helped you learn the Lord’s Prayer? (Answers will vary.) Why might we pray this prayer? (Possible answer: to develop a closer relationship with God) What are some other prayers we can pray to help us grow closer to God? (Possible answers: the Glory Be to the Father, the Apostles’ Creed)
Link to Liturgy We pray the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of the Communion Rite at Mass. 10
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 10 ~
Session 2 BLM
Gifts from God Production Have children PDF Signoff: _______ complete the Session 2 Blackline Master [T-294] to reflect on the gifts we receive from God.
Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 10.
Link to Liturgy Read aloud the feature. Remind children that praying the Lord’s Prayer helps us grow in relationship with God the Father. Take a moment to pray together the Lord’s Prayer.
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Prayer Gesture Design _______
God’s-Gifts Collage
3 Close
Jesus shows us a special way to pray when he teaches us the Lord’s Prayer. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we enter into a close relationship with God. Calling God “Our Father” helps us trust God and remember that he will always help us.
Distribute magazines, scissors, glue, and poster board. Ask children to find pictures that represent God’s gifts to the world and to use the pictures to make collages. Invite children to share their collages with the group. Discuss ways children can help care for all the gifts God has given us.
Editorial _______
The word orans is Latin for “praying.” On the walls of buildings where early Christians gathered to celebrate the Eucharist, there are pictures of worshipers with their hands extended and raised. This posture expresses openness to God.
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Explore The Kingdom of God When we pray, we worship God and commit ourselves to working for his kingdom. The Kingdom of God is proclaimed in the Gospels and is present in the Person of Jesus. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are praying for the coming of God’s kingdom.
Ask: Who are some kings and queens you have heard of? (Answers will vary.) What is the role of a king or a queen? (Possible answer: to care for and protect the people of the kingdom) How is God like a king? (Possible answer: God cares for us and protects us.)
The Church represents the Kingdom of God on earth. The Eucharist is the primary sign of the kingdom in our lives. The kingdom will be completed with the return of Jesus Christ at the Last Judgment when he will hand over the kingdom to the Father.
2 Connect
In God’s kingdom we join with Jesus and let God direct our lives. We act as Jesus would by caring for others, especially people who are poor.
Serving God’s Kingdom Write how you can serve God’s kingdom in your own life. I can serve God’s kingdom by
Possible answer: donating food to people who are poor
SESSION 2 • Our Father in Heaven
If Time Allows
~ pg 11 ~
1 Begin
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Service: Care-for-Creation Signs Distribute paper, poster board, pensDesign or pencils, crayons, and_______ markers. PDF Signoff: Production _______ _______ Editorial Invite children to create signs and posters encouraging people to take care of God’s creation. Children may wish to decorate their signs and posters with images, positive slogans, or Scripture passages. After receiving permission from your catechetical leader, hang the signs and posters around the parish.
Read aloud the first three paragraphs. Ask: How might we describe the Kingdom of God? (Possible answers: It is proclaimed in the Gospels. It is present in the Person of Jesus.) Explain that through Jesus and the Gospels, we learn how to follow God’s plan for us and that when we follow God’s plan for us, we build up God’s kingdom. Explain that the Eucharist is the primary sign of the Kingdom of God in our lives because in the Eucharist we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Say: When we receive the Eucharist, we receive the strength to follow God’s plan for us. Define the concept of the Last Judgment. Say: The Last Judgment will happen at the end of time when God’s law of love fully rules the world. Emphasize that when we allow God to direct our lives, we serve him and help build up his kingdom. Read aloud the section Serving God’s Kingdom. Give children time to complete the activity. Rights and Responsibilities
3 Close Display Art Print 2: The Creation. Use the Art Print 2 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 230.
God’s Creation
The Creation
Art Print 2
Unit 1 • Session 2
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Reflect Prayer
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 12.
Our Faith in God We pray the Act of Faith to express our belief and trust in God.
Children’s Page
Act of Faith Oh my God, I firmly believe that you
Prepare Pray the prayer in advance to become familiar with it.
are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man
Pray Display the Finding God poster Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. Turn children’s attention to the prayer in the book. Say: Today we’re going to pray the Act of Faith together. Read aloud the sentence before the prayer. Then say: When we profess our belief in God, we profess our belief in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I invite you now to pray aloud with me or silently in your heart. Pray aloud the prayer, slowly and with expression. Read aloud the paragraph following the prayer. Say: Jesus teaches us that God listens to our prayers. Let us take a moment to talk to God in the quiet of our hearts. Allow time for silent prayer. Close the prayer by asking children to join you in praying the Glory Be to the Father. Say: Now, let’s learn more about how we can develop our relationship with God.
and died for our sins, and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because you have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen.
After you pray the Act of Faith, spend a few minutes with God. Tell him in your own words that you believe in him and trust him.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 12 ~
Thanking God After praying children, PDF Signoff:with Production _______ invite them to write a short note to God, thanking him for the gift of his Son, Jesus. Remind children that prayer is a way for us to express our hope and trust in God.
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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
Design _______
Establish a consistent pattern as you lead children into prayer. Use a set phrase or statement to help children develop a sense of the presence of God in their lives. Say: Remember that you are in the holy presence of God who loves you. Let us pray.
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Reflect Faith, Hope, and Charity Faith, hope, and charity are the Theological Virtues. They are gifts from God that help us develop a strong relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are the foundation of our moral activity and help us follow Jesus Christ to God the Father.
By accepting and practicing the Theological Virtues, we are able to live as God wants us to live and to gain eternal life in Heaven. We strengthen the Theological Virtues by practicing them.
Sacred Symbols We use these symbols to represent faith, hope, and charity. Why is each symbol a good one? Make up your own symbols for faith, hope, and charity. Draw them here.
SESSION 2 • Our Father in Heaven
If Time Allows ~ pg 13 ~
A Family Crest AskPDF children to think of symbols Signoff: Production _______ that represent their families. Distribute paper, pens or pencils, crayons, and markers. Ask children to make a family crest, illustrating the symbols they have chosen. Tell children to make sure the symbols show something about their families’ faith and love. After children have been given an opportunity to share their family crests with the group, display the crests on a bulletin board. Family and Community
Display various symbols such as a sprig of evergreen, a butterfly, and a candle. Ask: What does each symbol mean? (Possible answers: life, Christmas; spring, new life, the Resurrection; light, celebration) Explain that a symbol is an image or object that stands for or represents something other than the image or object itself. Invite children to share additional examples of symbols and to explain what the symbols mean.
2 Connect
Charity i_3172_FG_SE_G4U1.indd
1 Begin
Ideas to Share LoyolaPress.
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Cross, Anchor, Heart Design _______
Editorial _______
Each of the three sacred symbols for faith, hope, and charity has special significance. The cross represents faith. We pray the Sign of the Cross at the beginning and end of our prayers. Hope is shown as an anchor. Our hope anchors our belief that God’s promises will be fulfilled. The heart represents charity. Human emotion and the ability to love God symbolically originate in the heart.
Read aloud the first two paragraphs. Point out that the Theological Virtues are given to us by God and do not come from human effort. Explain that the word charity is another word for love. Ask: What do the words faith, hope, and charity mean to you? (Possible answer: Faith is trust in God, hope is the belief that God’s promises will be fulfilled, and charity is love of God and one another.) Emphasize that the Theological Virtues are behaviors we need to practice if we want to develop them fully. Ask: What are some ways you can practice faith, hope, and charity in your life? (Possible answers: pray, trust in God, treat others as I want to be treated) Read aloud the section Sacred Symbols. Use the information in the Ideas to Share box to explain the meaning of each symbol. Ask: Why do you think we use these symbols for the Theological Virtues? (Accept reasonable responses.) Distribute pens or pencils, crayons, and markers. Give children time to complete the activity.
3 Close Invite volunteers to share and explain their completed symbols. Conclude by saying: Symbols are great visual reminders of our faith.
Unit 1 • Session 2
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Faith Summary Invite a volunteer to read aloud this section. Ask: How do we learn about God and his plan for us? (by reading the Bible) How can we follow God’s plan for us? (by practicing the Theological Virtues) Remind children that it is important to practice the Theological Virtues if we want to develop them fully.
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
We learn about God and his plan for us in the Bible. By practicing the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity, we can follow God’s plan for us.
Words I Learned Theological Virtues
Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus followed God’s plan for him. Follow God’s plan for you by practicing the Theological Virtues.
2 Connect
Prayer Thank you, Jesus, for teaching us that God listens to us
Words I Learned Ask a volunteer to read aloud the Glossary definition of the term Theological Virtues. Then have each child write a definition of the words faith, hope, and charity.
and gives us the grace to make good choices.
With My Family Activity Participate in an activity that will help build up the Kingdom of God. You may wish to visit a nursing home, to serve a meal at a soup kitchen, or to collect donations for a clothing drive.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Give pairs of children time to discuss how they can practice faith, hope, and charity in their lives.
Faith on the Go Ask one another: If you could wear a symbol to show your faith in God, what would it be? Why?
Prayer Say: Jesus teaches us that God listens to our prayers. Ask children to prepare themselves for prayer. Then pray the prayer together. Allow a moment for silent reflection. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
With My Family Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace
Family Prayer Dear God, thank you for giving us the Theological Virtues as a way to follow your plan for us. Help us always practice these virtues in our lives.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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7/19/11 11:18 AM
Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 3 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 3 and determine any materials you will need.
Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: We can all be more like Jesus by trusting God and following his plan for us.
~ pg 14 ~
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8/24/11 2:59 PM
Catechist Preparation Ses sion 3
God’s Plan for Salvation 3-Minute Retreat As you prepare the session, pause for a moment of reflection. Remember that God is always with you, extending to you the gift of Salvation. Genesis 3:4–5 But the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad.”
Reflection When Adam and Eve gave in to temptation, they freely chose to turn away from God. Their failure to obey God damaged their relationship with him. In addition they damaged their relationship with each other. God, however, did not give up on Adam and Eve. In his great mercy, he promised Salvation. We know that in our own lives, turning away from God has consequences. If, however, we choose to follow Jesus and obey God, we find happiness and Salvation.
Questions How am I selective about which of God’s instructions I choose to obey? How well do I accept responsibility for my sin?
Prayer Speak to God, using this prayer or one of your own. When I turn away from you, Lord, have mercy. When I turn away from others, Christ, have mercy. When I am afraid to face my sin, Lord, have mercy.
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 3 Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Scripture Genesis 3:1–24 tells the story of humanity’s fall from grace and God’s promise of Salvation.
Tradition The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 describes how Adam and Eve first lived in a trusting relationship with God and with each other. In the story the serpent makes them suspicious of God’s care. Adam and Eve’s fundamental sin was a lack of trust in God. This lack of trust in God also resulted in a loss of trust in each other. Even though Adam and Eve turned away from God, he did not turn away from them. God promised that Salvation would come through the Savior, Jesus. Church Tradition has recognized the promise of a Savior in Genesis 3:15. This passage foretells the final victory of Jesus Christ over Satan, who is represented by the serpent.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Life and Dignity of the Human Person. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism The Salvation promised by God after the fall of Adam and Eve is explored in CCC 410–412.
General Directory for Catechesis Jesus’ role in fulfilling God’s promise of Salvation is summarized in GDC 102.
Un it 1 • Session 3
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8/24/11 3:03 PM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 3
God’s Plan for Salvation
Session Theme: God responds to the sin of Adam and Eve with the promise of a Savior.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God’s Plan for Salvation
Song of Love
Helping Stories
page 15
page 15
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 20 minutes Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-15B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: writing supplies Write on the board the following story starter: Yesterday I saw a friend crying on the playground. I . Ask children to copy these sentences and then write a story that explains why the child was crying and what they did to help the child. Invite volunteers to share their stories.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Adam and Eve
Session 3 BLM
Act Out the Story of Adam and Eve
pages 16–17
page T-295
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: Children’s Book page 16 Have children work in small groups to act out the story of Adam and Eve. Encourage children to focus on God’s promise of Salvation. Invite groups to perform their scenes for the class.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Fine Art Print: Christ the Redeemer
Art Studio: Sculpt a Statue
Movement: Prayer Positions
Children’s Book
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
Page 231
Time: 20 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Our Hope in God
Asking for Help
Cards of Hope
page 18
page 18
Using our Free Will
Time: 15 minutes
page 19
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: writing supplies, art supplies Invite children to design a card of hope for someone they know. Ask children to think about something they hope will happen to that person to make his or her life better. Children may wish to use the following sentence starter: My hope for you is that . Then have children write and decorate a card that they can give to the person. Suggest that children include their hopeful thoughts for the person in their prayers this week.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Making Good Choices
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 20
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-350)
We are born into Original Sin because of Adam and Eve’s choice to turn away from God. Mary, however, was born without the stain of Original Sin. Even before Mary was born, God knew he would choose her to help fulfill his plan of Salvation. God gave her special graces to help her say yes to his invitation to be Jesus’ mother. The Church honors Mary in special ways. Many churches have pictures or statues of her. She has also been a source of inspiration for many artists.
Images of Mary Recall pictures or statues of Mary that you have seen. Which is your favorite? Why? Describe the picture or statue on the lines below. Then in the box, draw your own picture of Mary.
Time: 30 minutes
Mary, Our Mother
Just for Schools
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have groups present their newspapers. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Session 3 Wrap-Up
Small-Group Project of the Week: Good News Newspapers Materials: newspapers, computers, writing supplies, art supplies
Encourage children to imagine a newspaper that reports only good news and that highlights ways people help one another every day. Have children work in small groups to make the front page of such a newspaper by writing a few articles about ways people they know have helped others. Suggest that children look through actual newspapers for inspiration. Encourage children to write or type their articles.
NOTE: See page 15b for Prayer in Session 3, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Un it 1 • Session 1
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 3
God’s Plan for Salvation
Session Theme: God responds to the sin of Adam and Eve with the promise of a Savior.
Maintain the tone for prayer that you have developed in previous sessions. The brief opening and closing prayers encourage children to focus their reflection on the content of the session. Each prayer also provides an opportunity for children to pray silently. In this session children are introduced to the Act of Hope.
Before This Session ▶▶ Be ready to discuss current news stories about people hurting one another and
helping one another. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Genesis 3. Place the open Bible in your prayer center. ▶▶ Display the Finding God poster Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage God’s Plan for Salvation
10 minutes
Page 15
Explore Adam and Eve
30–40 minutes
Pages 16–17
Art Print: Christ the Redeemer
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: Our Hope in God Using Our Free Will
Prayer in Session 3
15–20 minutes
Page 18
Page 19
5–10 minutes
Living My Faith page 20
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible ▶▶ Stories of current events in the
▶▶ Step-by-step instructions for
▶▶ Art Print 3: Christ the Redeemer and
Children’s Book page 231 ▶▶ Finding God poster: Acts of Faith,
Hope, and Love ▶▶ Note cards with written situations
about facing temptation
If Time Allows ▶▶ CD player, CD 2, Track 1: “Song of Love” (4:00) (page 15)
▶▶ Art and painting supplies (page 17) ▶▶ Session 3 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 20)
actions that demonstrate the meaning of “Song of Love” (page 15) ▶▶ Session 3 BLM, T-295 (page 16) ▶▶ CD player, CD 1, Track 1: “Adam and
Eve” (3:58) (page 16)
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Session 3 Outcomes ▶▶ Retell the story of Adam and Eve. ▶▶ Explain what happens when we give
in to temptation. We often hear news stories about how people hurt
▶▶ Identify the Act of Hope as a prayer
that expresses hope and trust in God.
one another. We cannot always stop bad things from
▶▶ Define Salvation.
happening, but we can help people who have been
1 Set the Stage
hurt. What can you do to help someone who has
Say: Today we are going to talk about current events. Invite children to share current news stories. Ask: Are the people in these stories helping or hurting one another? Why might people choose to hurt one another? Why might people choose to help one another? (Accept reasonable responses.) Point out that when we choose to help others, we serve God’s kingdom.
God’s Plan for Salvation been hurt?
2 Get Started
Dear God, help us show our love for you in how we serve and care for others. 15
If Time Allows
~ pg 15 ~
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Song of Love
CDSignoff: 2, Track 1 Play “Song of Love.” Encourage to follow PDF Production _______ Design _______ children Editorial _______
along, using the lyrics in the back of their books. After listening to the song, ask small groups to work together to make up actions that demonstrate the meaning of the verses. Have groups perform their actions for one another. Life and Dignity
Read aloud the session title and the text in the blue box. Ask: Do you think God wants us to help people who have been hurt? (Yes.) Why? (Possible answers: because we are all brothers and sisters in God, because it is the example Jesus gave us) What are some of the bad things we heard about in our current-events discussion? What can we do to help those who have been hurt? (Answers will vary.) Say: Today we’ll learn about how sin entered the world and how God saves us from sin.
Inclusion: Cognitive
Song of Love If you have children with cognitive differences, provide clear, concrete instructions for how to make up actions that demonstrate the meaning of the verses to “Song of Love.” You may wish to provide children with a list of step-by-step instructions.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an article about the two Creation stories in the Book of Genesis.
Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Let’s ask God to help us treat others with charity and respect. Pray aloud the prayer. Then say: Now let’s take a moment to talk silently with God. Allow time for children to finish their prayers. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
Unit 1 • Session 3
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1 Begin
Adam and Eve In the beginning God created a man and a woman, body and soul, and gave them the Garden of Eden to live in. God told Adam and Eve, “Take care of the garden. You may eat the fruit of every tree but one. If you eat the fruit of that tree, you will die.”
Draw children’s attention to the illustration on page 16. Ask: What do you see? (Possible answers: two people, a snake) Say: These two people are Adam and Eve. Ask: Who are Adam and Eve? (the first human beings created by God) What do you know about Adam and Eve? (Answers will vary.)
For a while Adam and Eve were happy because they lived in obedience, listening to God and to each other. Then a sly serpent appeared and spoke to Eve. The serpent asked, “Did God really tell you not to eat from one of the trees in the garden?”
2 Connect Invite volunteers to read aloud the section Adam and Eve. Ask: What did God tell Adam and Eve after he created a beautiful garden for them to live in? (God told them to take care of the garden. He told them they could eat the fruit of every tree except one.) Were Adam and Eve happy at first? (Yes.) Why? (They lived in obedience, listening to God and to each other.) Did Adam and Eve understand what God asked of them? (Yes.) How do you know? (When asked by the serpent, Eve explained what God had told them.) Why did the serpent act surprised when Eve explained what God had said? (The serpent acted surprised to trick Adam and Eve.) What did the serpent tell Eve? (that they would become like gods if they ate the fruit from the tree)
The serpent looked surprised. “You will not die if you eat from that tree,” it said. “Instead, you will become like gods, who know what is good and what is bad.” Adam and Eve ate some of the fruit. By doing this they showed that they did not trust God, who wanted only the best for them. When God discovered what they had done, he told them to leave the garden. Their relationship with God was injured. From then on their lives would never be the same. adapted from Genesis 2:4—3:24
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
3 Close Ask: What temptation did Adam and Eve face? (whether to eat the fruit from the tree that God had told them not to eat) What choice did Adam and Eve make? (to eat the fruit) What were the consequences of their decision? (Possible answers: God told them to leave the garden. Their relationship with God was injured.)
Eve answered, “We can eat the fruit of every tree except the one in the middle of the garden. God said if we eat the fruit from that tree, we will die.”
ideas to share
~ pg 16 ~
Session 3 BLM
Decision in theProduction Garden _______ Have PDF Signoff: children complete the Session 3 Blackline Master [T-295] to summarize the story of Adam and Eve.
7/19/11 11:19 AM
Original Sin Design _______
Adam and Eve
CD 1, Track 1 Play the recorded Scripture story “Adam and Eve.” As you listen, encourage children to imagine that they are one of the characters in the story. After you listen to the recording, you may wish to distribute copies of the script [page T-277] to have children act out the story.
Editorial _______
Through Original Sin, the consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin, all humanity lost God’s original blessing and became subject to sin and death. Jesus, being fully God and fully human, was born without Original Sin. He is like us in every way except sin.
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8/24/11 3:06 PM
Explore God’s Promise Adam and Eve turned away from God. They walked away from the life of grace that God had given them. As a result we are born into Original Sin and live in a world full of temptation where it can be difficult to follow God’s plan for us.
Ask: What is a promise? (a commitment that we make) What are some promises we might make? (Answers will vary.) What happens if we don’t follow through on our promises? (Possible answer: People might think that we are not trustworthy.) Say: Now we’re going to read about a promise God has made to us.
Like Adam and Eve, when we give in to temptation, we also turn away from God. We harm our relationship with him and with others. God did not give up on Adam and Eve, and he will not give up on us. He promised that a Savior would come to save us from our sins. He promised that Mary would be Jesus’ mother, and that Salvation, the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with God, would come through his Son, Jesus.
2 Connect
If Time Allows
~ pg 17 ~
1 Begin
7/19/11 11:19 AM
Service: A Picture-Book Library Have children picture books of the story of Adam and_______ Eve for PDF Signoff:make Production _______ Design _______ Editorial younger parishioners to enjoy. Children can draw or paint pictures of scenes and include a brief caption for each illustration. Arrange a time for children to share their books with a younger group of children. Family and Community
Invite volunteers to read aloud the page. Explain that Original Sin is the loss of holiness and justice that resulted from Adam and Eve’s choice to turn away from God. Ask: What is the result of Original Sin? (a world full of temptation where it can be difficult to follow God’s plan for us) What happens when we give in to temptation? (We turn away from God. We harm our relationship with him and with others.) Does God give up on us when we sin? (No.) What did he promise? (that a Savior would come to save us from our sins) Who is this Savior? (Jesus) Point out the word Salvation. Ask: What happens though God’s gift of Salvation? (forgiveness of sins and the restoration of our friendship with God) Ask: How can we make up for our bad choices? (Possible answers: celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, say “I’m sorry”) How does God forgive us? (through Jesus, through the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation) Say: God knows that sin is part of our world. However, God has sent a Savior to show us how to live and to save us from our sins.
3 Close
Christ the Redeemer
Display Art Print 3: Christ the Redeemer. Use the Art Print 3 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 231.
Art Print 3
Unit 1 • Session 3
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8/24/11 3:06 PM
Reflect Prayer
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 18.
Our Hope in God We pray the Act of Hope to express our trust in God.
Children’s Page
Act of Hope O my God, relying on your infinite
Prepare Pray the prayer in advance to become familiar with it.
mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of your grace, and life
Pray Display the Finding God poster Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. Turn the group’s attention to the prayer in their books. Then say: Today we’re going to pray together the Act of Hope. Read aloud the sentence before the prayer. Tell children that the word infinite means “unending” and that the merits of Jesus Christ are those things Jesus has done to save us from our sins. Invite children to pray the prayer together. Then read aloud the paragraph following the prayer. Say: Now let’s spend a few moments with God and tell him in our own words that we love and trust him. Allow time for children to pray silently. Close the prayer by praying together the Glory Be to the Father. Say: With this same spirit of prayerfulness, let’s reflect on how we can use our free will to make good choices.
everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.
After you pray the Act of Hope, spend a few minutes with God, telling him that you love him and trust him to take care of you.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 18 ~
Asking for Help Remind childrenProduction that prayer is a PDF Signoff: _______ way for us to express our hope and trust in God. After praying together, invite children to write a paragraph about something they would like God’s help with. Point out that when we ask for God’s help, we are praying a prayer of petition.
7/19/11 11:19 AM
Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
Design _______
Tell children that the Act of Hope and the Act of Faith [from Session 2] are like family keepsakes or heirlooms passed on from generation to generation. Point out that when we pray these prayers, we affirm our Catholic heritage.
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8/24/11 3:06 PM
Using Our Free Will The children in the following situations are faced with temptation. They can use their free will to choose to turn away from God or follow God’s plan for them. How might they use their free will to make good choices? Write your ideas on the lines. 1. Celia really wants a new skateboard,
but she knows that her mom will not buy her one. One day Celia and her friends are playing in the park. When it is time to leave, she sees a skateboard that she knows one of her classmates has left at the park. What might Celia do?
Answers will vary.
2. Olivia and her friends are walking down the hall at school.
Marta, a new girl, walks past them. Olivia’s friends begin saying unkind things about Marta. What might Olivia do?
1 Begin Write on the board the word temptation. Ask: What is temptation? (something that can lead us away from following God) What are some temptations that we might face? (Possible answers: disobeying our parents, arguing with our siblings, cheating on our schoolwork) What happens when we give in to temptation? (We harm our relationship with God and with others.) What can we do when we are faced with temptation? (Possible answers: use our free will to make good choices, pray to the Holy Spirit for help, remember to practice the virtues)
2 Connect Invite a volunteer to read aloud the section Using Our Free Will. Have small groups complete the activity. If time allows, encourage groups to write more than one response to each situation.
3. Max’s father has asked him to walk the family dog before he
goes out to play. One of Max’s friends calls and invites him to a movie that starts in half an hour. If Max goes to the movie, he will not have time to walk the dog. What might Max do?
3 Close
SESSION 3 • God’s Plan for Salvation
If Time Allows
~ pg 19 ~
Making Good Choices AskPDF small groups to think_______ of Signoff: Production situations in which someone faces temptation. Invite the groups to act out their situations. Discuss how a follower of Jesus’ might respond to each temptation.
7/19/11 11:19 AM
Temptation Design _______
Editorial _______
The grace of Baptism has freed us from sin. However, it has not freed us from temptation, the attraction we feel to act in ways we know are wrong. Only God knows all the good in each of us. Resisting temptation brings us closer to knowing the goodness within us that comes from God’s grace.
Before the session write on note cards a variety of additional temptations that children might encounter. Distribute the cards to small groups. Ask groups to discuss how they might respond to each temptation. Then invite groups to act out one of their scenes. After each group presents, discuss other ways someone might choose to respond to the temptation.
Unit 1 • Session 3
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8/24/11 3:06 PM
Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Invite volunteers to retell the story of Adam and Eve. Ask: What does it mean to give in to temptation? (to choose to do something that prevents us from following God’s plan for us) What happens when we give in to temptation? (We harm our relationship with God and with one another.) How has God offered us the gift of Salvation? (through Jesus)
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
Adam and Eve turned away from God by giving in to temptation. When we give in to temptation, we turn away from God. We harm our relationship with him and with one another. However, God did not abandon Adam and Eve, and he will not abandon us. God has offered us the gift of Salvation through his Son, Jesus.
Word I Learned
Ways of Being Like Jesus
Jesus’ actions showed that he trusted in God his Father. Let your words and actions demonstrate to others that you trust in God.
2 Connect
Thank you, God, for sending us a Savior to mend our relationship with you. Help us mend our relationships
Word I Learned Invite a volunteer to define the word Salvation. Encourage children to look up the word in the Glossary if necessary. Ask: What
with others too.
With My Family
can you do to thank God for the gift of Salvation? (Possible answer: pray a prayer of thanks to God)
Activity Perform a good deed for one another in the coming week. At the end of the week, talk about what everyone did and how it made each person feel. Faith on the Go Ask one another: If you could make one wish come true for someone else, what would you wish for and for whom would you wish it? Why?
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Ask children to name ways they can demonstrate to others that they have trust in God.
Family Prayer Dear God, thank you for the gift of Salvation. Help us be thankful for this great gift.
Prayer Say: Let’s prepare ourselves for prayer. After children are ready, say: Pray aloud the prayer with me. Then allow a few seconds for silent reflection. Close the prayer by leading children in praying the Sign of the Cross.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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7/19/11 11:19 AM
Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d With My Family Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
Get Ready for Session 4 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 4 and determine any materials you will need.
3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Keep track of the good deeds you do for others this week. I can’t wait to hear about them.
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8/24/11 3:06 PM
Catechist Preparation Ses sion 4
God Calls Us to Obey 3-Minute Retreat As you prepare for the session, pause for a moment of quiet reflection. Breathe deeply and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you as you share your faith with children. Galatians 5:22–23 In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
Reflection We live in a world that encourages individual choice and personal freedom. We might think that this freedom entitles us to do whatever we want. As Paul notes in his letter to the Galatians, however, true freedom means living in the Spirit. When we follow the Spirit, the Spirit helps us to make prudent choices. We cannot, though, assume that just because the Spirit leads us, we do not have to do anything. We have a responsibility to form our conscience so that we are prepared to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to choose to live in true freedom. When we live in true freedom, we exhibit the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Question We live in a culture where, for the most part, freedom means doing whatever you want, whenever you want. What steps can I take to quiet myself and hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me?
Prayer Pray to the Spirit, using this prayer or one of your own. Holy Spirit, help me to be aware of your presence
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 4 Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Scripture Galatians 5:22–23 lists the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 6:10 reminds us to ask that God’s will be done in our lives.
Tradition As rational beings created by God, we have the free will to make moral choices and to live in relationship with God. We live in true freedom when our will aligns with God’s will. This is expressed in love for others. Original Sin, however, undermines our ability to choose wisely. The virtue of prudence helps us to make correct choices and to recognize the good in every situation. Developing a well-formed conscience helps us to cultivate prudence.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation; Life and Dignity of the Human Person; and Rights and Responsibilities. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism How to live according to our conscience is discussed in CCC 1783–1789. The necessity of following our conscience concerning judgments that are in error is found in CCC 1790–1794.
General Directory of Catechesis Conversion to Jesus Christ by learning to walk in his footsteps is explored in GDC 85.
within me. Fill me with your many gifts.
Un it 1 • Session 4
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8/24/11 3:12 PM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner
God Calls Us to Obey
Session 4
Session Theme: God speaks to us through our conscience.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Calls Us to Obey
Choices in the News
King or Queen for a Day
page 21
page 21
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 30 minutes Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-21B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: writing supplies Invite children to imagine that they are the king or the queen of an imaginary country. Have them write three rules that they would expect everyone in their kingdom to obey to live in harmony with one another. Ask children to share their ideas while you list them on the board. Discuss how these rules are similar to or different from the rules that God asks us to follow.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Session 4 BLM
Prudence in the News
page 22
PAGE T-296
Time: 15 minutes
Examination of Conscience page 23
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: newspapers Arrange children into small groups and distribute newspapers to each group. Ask children to look through the newspapers for examples of stories in which people exercised the virtue of prudence. Have children discuss how practicing prudence helped the people in each story make a good decision. Invite volunteers to share summaries of the groups’ discussions.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Dove of the Spirit
Art Studio: Free-Will Murals
Using Imagination in Prayer: Receive the Holy Spirit
Children’s Book
Page 232
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
~ pg 1 ~
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Making Good Choices
Respecting Others
Examination Magnets
page 24
page 24
A Helping Hand
Time: 20 minutes
page 25
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: art supplies, poster board, magnet strips Encourage children to make a frequent examination of conscience. Explain that children will make a magnet to help them remember to do this. Have children think of a question they can ask themselves such as Am I loving to my family? or Have I set a good example by my words and actions? and write it on a piece of poster board. Then ask children to glue a small magnet to the back of the poster board. Discuss the different questions that children chose and direct them to take their magnet home and place it where they will notice it each day.
Time: 20 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Advice Column
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 26
Page 25
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 15 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-351)
The Gift of Free Will God has given us many gifts. One of these is the gift of free will, which gives us the freedom to choose how to act. God wants us to use this gift to follow his plan for us. When we use our free will to engage in actions such as bullying, we choose to turn away from God.
Campaign Against Bullying
Just for Schools
Think of a slogan that will encourage people to think about how they treat others. Write your slogan on the lines below. Then design a poster or billboard to go along with the slogan.
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have groups present their poems and collages. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Time: 30 minutes
Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Session 4 Wrap-Up
Small-Group Project of the Week: Fruit-of-the-Holy-Spirit Poems Materials: writing supplies, art supplies, magazines
Organize children into small groups. Ask each group to choose one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Then have children work together to write a poem for their chosen fruit. Ask groups to prepare a visual aid for their oral presentation by making a collage of magazine pictures that illustrate their poems.
NOTE: See page 21b for Prayer in Session 4, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Unit 1 • Session 4
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 4
God Calls Us to Obey
Session Theme: God speaks to us through our conscience. Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Galatians 5:22–23 and Matthew 6:9–13. Place the open
Bible in your prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage God Calls Us to Obey
Explore The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Page 22
Examination of Conscience
Page 23
30–40 minutes
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: Making Good Choices A Helping Hand
In this session children review how to make an examination of conscience, whether in preparation for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation or as a regular part of their prayer lives.
10 minutes
Page 21
Art Print: Dove of the Spirit
Prayer in Session 4
15–20 minutes
Page 24
Page 25
5–10 minutes
Living My Faith page 26
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible
If Time Allows ▶▶ Newspapers, tape (page 21)
▶▶ Art Print 4: Dove of the Spirit and
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 22, 23, 24, 25)
Children’s Book page 232 ▶▶ CD player
▶▶ Session 4 BLM, T-296 (page 23) ▶▶ List of parishioners preparing to
▶▶ CD 2, Track 17 or 18: “Reflective
celebrate First Reconciliation, art supplies (page 23) ▶▶ Session 4 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 26)
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Session 4 Outcomes ▶▶ Identify the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. ▶▶ Explain what we can do to form a
We live in a free society.
good conscience.
This means that the government cannot tell us
▶▶ Explain why it is important to make a
where to live, what job to
frequent examination of conscience.
do, or how to worship God. Being free, however, does
▶▶ Define prudence.
not mean that we can do
1 Set the Stage
whatever we want. What are some things that our
God Calls Us to Obey
Ask: Who are some people who ask us to follow rules? (Possible answers: parents, teachers, police officers) What are some rules we are asked to follow? (Possible answers: keep our rooms clean, raise our hands before speaking, not to play in the street) Why is it important for us to follow rules? (Possible answer: to keep us safe)
society says we may not do?
2 Get Started
Dear God, please fill us with your love. Help us listen to you so that we always make good choices. 21
If Time Allows
~ pg 21 ~
7/19/11 11:19 AM
Choices in the News Draw onSignoff: the board a T-chart with the headings GoodEditorial Choices_______ and Bad PDF Production _______ Design _______ Choices. Distribute newspapers and ask children to tear out stories of people making good choices and bad choices. Ask children to tape the stories they find to the board under the appropriate heading. Discuss the good choices that people have made and how those who made bad choices could have made better ones.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an examination of conscience you can use with children.
Read aloud the session title and the text in the blue box. Explain that in a free society, citizens have certain rights. Point out that with rights come responsibilities that help keep us safe and help us live together peacefully. Invite volunteers to share their responses to the question. Rights and Responsibilities
Say: Today we’re going to learn about the importance of making good choices. We’ll also discuss behaviors that help us follow God’s plan for us.
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Let’s pray together, asking God to help us make good choices. Pray the prayer together. Then say: Now let’s take a moment to pray silently. Pause to allow time for children to finish their prayers. Close by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
Unit 1 • Session 4
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1 Begin
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Saint Paul told his friends that as long as they followed the Holy Spirit in true freedom and made these qualities a part of their lives, they would know that their acts were good.
Ask if anyone is familiar with Jiminy Cricket from the movie Pinocchio. Explain that Jiminy Cricket serves as Pinicchio’s conscience. Ask: What does your conscience help you do? (Possible answer: distinguish between right and wrong) What gift did God give us that allows us to choose between right and wrong? (free will) Say: Today we are going to learn how to form a good conscience so that we can make choices that help us live as God wants us to live.
The Fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. adapted from Galatians 5:22–23
Forming a Good Conscience At times we are tempted to hurt our relationship with others. When tempted, we can use our free will to choose to make good decisions. Saint Paul taught that we can live in true freedom if we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. The virtue of prudence helps us recognize the good in every situation and make good choices. The Holy Spirit helps us be prudent by helping us form a good conscience. We do this by studying the teachings of the Church and following the guidance of our families and Church leaders.
2 Connect Read aloud the section The Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Explain that the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are behaviors we exhibit when we act as God wants us to act. Ask: What are the Fruits of the Holy Spirit? (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) Discuss the meaning of each Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Invite a volunteer to read aloud the section Forming a Good Conscience. Emphasize that prudence is a gift that helps us make good decisions. Remind children that when faced with temptation, we can pray to the Holy Spirit for help. Ask children to name situations when it might be helpful to pray to the Holy Spirit for the gift of prudence.
Reading God’s Word [Y]our kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. 22
Matthew 6:10
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 22 ~
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Fruits of the Holy Spirit Distribute paper, pens or _______ pencils, crayons, and markers. Ask _______ children to PDF Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial design a symbol for one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Ask volunteers to share their completed symbols with the group.
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 22.
Reading God's Word Read aloud the verse. Ask: Where does this verse come from? (the Lord’s Prayer) Show children where in the Bible the Lord’s Prayer appears. [Matthew 6:9–13, Luke 11:2–4] Read aloud one of the passages.
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Explore Examination of Conscience One way we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit in forming a good conscience is by making a frequent examination of conscience. We make an examination of conscience to see how well we are living up to our commitment to Jesus Christ in our thoughts, our words, and our actions. When we do this, we reflect on the Ten Commandments, the teachings of the Church, and what God calls us to do every day. This kind of reflection helps us prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, often called the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Ask: What does it mean to examine something? (to look at it closely) When might we experience an examination? (Possible answers: A doctor might examine our health. A teacher might examine our homework.) Say: As Jesus’ followers, we examine our lives to make sure we are living as God wants us to live.
2 Connect
When we examine our consciences, we think about our relationships with God and with others and about how we are growing as Christians.
Positive Choices Read An Examination of Conscience on page 210. The questions will help you think about the positive choices you are being called to make. Write about one positive choice you can make during the next week.
Answers will vary.
SESSION 4 • God Calls Us to Obey
If Time Allows
~ pg 23 ~
1 Begin
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Session 4 BLM
Making the Right Choice Have children complete the Session 4 PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ Blackline Master [T-296] to gain practice in making good choices.
Service: Cards for Others Obtain from your catechetical leader a list of children who are preparing to celebrate First Reconciliation. Distribute paper, pens or pencils, crayons, and markers. Ask children to make cards for those who are preparing for the sacrament. Encourage children to write a note inside the card, letting the recipient know that the person who made the card is praying for him or her. Collect the completed cards and arrange to have them delivered. Remind children to pray for the people to whom their cards will be given. Family and Community
Read aloud the section Examination of Conscience. Ask: With whom do we cooperate when we make an examination of conscience? (the Holy Spirit) Why do we examine our conscience? (to see how well we are living up to our commitment to Jesus Christ in our thoughts, our words, and our actions) What can we reflect on when we examine our conscience? (the Ten Commandments, the teachings of the Church, what God calls us to do every day) What do we think about when we make an examination of conscience? (our relationships with God and with others, how we are growing as Christians) When might we make an examination of conscience? (Possible answers: as part of our prayer before we go to bed each night, before celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation) Read aloud the section Positive Choices. Give children time to make an examination of conscience, using page 210 in the back of their books. Then give children time to complete the activity. Invite volunteers to share their ideas.
3 Close
Dove of the Spirit
Display Art Print 4: Dove of the Spirit. Use the Art Print 4 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 232.
Art Print 4
Unit 1 • Session 4
~ pg 23 ~
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Reflect Prayer
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 24.
Making Good Choices It is a good practice to make a frequent examination of conscience instead of waiting until you are about to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you examine your conscience often, you can focus on one part of the examination at a time. For example one day reflect on your relationship with God. The next day reflect on your relationships with others or on your growth as a Christian.
Children’s Page Prepare Read this page in advance to become familiar with it. You may wish to play reflective music as you lead children in this reflection. Pray Direct children’s attention to the reflection. Say: We have learned about making an examination of conscience. Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on what we have learned. Read aloud the first two paragraphs. Say: It is important to think about our relationships to make sure we are treating people with dignity and respect. Ask children to reflect silently on the questions in the second paragraph. Encourage children to thank God for all the people with whom they have special relationships. Read aloud the last paragraph. After you finish, allow time for silent reflection. Close by praying Amen and asking children to offer one another a sign of peace. Say: With that same spirit of prayer, let’s learn more about making respectful choices.
Take a moment to think about your relationships with others. Do you treat everyone with respect? What can you do to improve your relationships with your family, friends, and neighbors? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow in prudence and live in true freedom.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 24 ~
Respecting Others Distribute paperProduction and pens_______ or PDF Signoff: pencils. Have children make a list of ways that they can treat their friends, family, and neighbors with love and respect during the next week.
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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
Design _______
Before praying, remind children that God’s grace is always present and available to us. Explain that this grace helps strengthen and guide us in our efforts to do what is right. Tell children that by opening our hearts, we receive God’s grace.
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Reflect A Helping Hand Sophia had been thinking about how important it is to show respect. One day she decided to put respect into practice. Sophia saw a new classmate, Evan, sitting on the ground, books scattered all around him. She saw a few classmates running away. Sophia was in a hurry to get home so that she could go to a friend’s house, but she knew that Evan needed help. She walked over to him and stretched out her hand. She asked, “Can I help you?” He told her that the boys had knocked him down for fun.
Write About Respect What are some ways you can show respect for your classmates?
Answers will vary.
Sophia helped Evan to his feet. Together they picked up his books. She was a little late getting to her friend’s house, but she felt good knowing that she had shown someone respect. Sophia was sure that she had followed the path God had chosen for her.
Saint Peter Canisius was a Jesuit priest. He always tried to see good in people. His friend Father Couvillon was often so sharp and angry with people that they did not want to be around him. Peter helped Father Couvillon overcome his pride and get along with people. Thanks to Peter, Father Couvillon was able to lead a better life. SESSION 4 • God Calls Us to Obey
If Time Allows ~ pg 25 ~
Advice Column Have children a short PDF Signoff:write Production _______ advice column for children who are being bullied. Ask children to include advice on what to do if they are being bullied and advice for what to do if they see someone else being bullied. Invite volunteers to share their advice columns with the group. Life and Dignity
Lead children in a discussion about respect. Ask: What does it mean to respect someone? (Possible answer: to treat that person as we want to be treated) What are some ways that we can show respect to others? (Accept reasonable responses.) Why, do you think, is it important to show respect to others? (Possible answers: because we are all brothers and sisters in God, because Jesus taught us to love and respect others)
2 Connect
Meet a Saint
1 Begin
Ideas to share LoyolaPress.
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Saint Peter Canisius Design _______
Editorial _______
Peter Canisius was born in Holland in 1521. He studied at Cologne, Germany, joined the Society of Jesus, and was ordained a priest in 1546. Peter was sent to Germany, where he spent many years working to strengthen the faith of Catholics through his preaching, instruction, and writings.
Invite volunteers to read aloud the section A Helping Hand. Ask: What decision did Sophia face? (whether to help Evan) What did she choose to do? (help Evan) Why? (She wanted to show respect.) What else could she have done? (She could have ignored Evan and continued walking home.) How did her choice make her feel? (It made her feel good, even though she was late to her friend’s house.) What might you have done in this situation? (Accept reasonable responses.) Read aloud the section Write About Respect. Give children time to complete the activity. Invite volunteers to share their ideas with the group.
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 25.
Meet a Saint Read aloud the paragraph about Saint Peter Canisius. Ask: How did Saint Peter Canisius help his friend Father Couvillon? (He helped his friend overcome pride and get along with people.) How can we be more like Saint Peter Canisius? (Possible answers: We can make an effort to get along with one another. We can encourage our friends to treat other people with kindness and respect.)
Unit 1 • Session 4
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Faith Summary Invite a volunteer to read aloud this section. Ask: What does our free will allow us to do? (make good choices) How can we live in true freedom? (by making an examination of conscience and cooperating with the Holy Spirit) Why is it important to make an examination of conscience? (to make sure we are living as God wants us to live)
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
Although we are all tempted to sin, we can use free will to make good choices. When we make an examination of conscience and cooperate with the Holy Spirit, we can choose to live in true freedom and to practice the virtue of prudence.
Word I Learned prudence
Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus formed a good conscience by spending time in prayer. Form a good conscience by making a frequent examination of conscience.
2 Connect
Word I Learned Say aloud the word prudence. Ask children to use the word in a sentence. Invite children to share situations in which it might be helpful to have the gift of prudence.
Holy Spirit, help us follow you and use our free will to make prudent choices.
With My Family Activity Read aloud a children’s book, such as The Rainbow Fish or The Selfish Giant, in which the characters respond to a temptation. Discuss whether you would make the same choices as the characters.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Remind children that prayer is one way for us to form good consciences.
Faith on the Go Ask one another: What is one way I can make the Fruits of the Holy Spirit a part of my life? Family Prayer God, help us follow the Holy Spirit by using our free will to make prudent choices. Guide us to examine our actions and form good consciences.
Prayer Have children close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud the prayer. Say: Take a moment to pray your own prayer to the Holy Spirit. Allow a few moments for children to pray silently. Conclude by praying aloud Amen.
With My Family Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 26 ~
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Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 5 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 5 and determine any materials you will need.
Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: The Holy Spirit will help us do the right thing. Let’s remember to pray for guidance in making good decisions this week.
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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 5
3-Minute Retreat
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Before preparing for the session, take a moment to reflect on how you have responded to God’s call of discipleship.
Scripture Ephesians 5:8–10 teaches us that when we live as Jesus’ disciples, we live as children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8–9
Luke 4:17–19 summarizes some of the ministries to which Jesus’ disciples are called.
Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.
Reflection God has blessed us with the gift of free will. As a result of Adam and Eve’s choice, we are born into Original Sin and live in a world that is full of temptations to turn away from God. In Jesus, God has given us a model for how to live. When we choose to follow Jesus to God the Father, we live in true freedom and share God’s peace and love with others. During Ordinary Time we reflect on our call to discipleship. We pray for the strength to follow Jesus’ example so that we may share his light with others.
Question How do my words and actions show that I am a child of the light?
Prayer Speak to God, using this prayer or one of your own. Gracious God, thank you for giving us a role model in Jesus. May my words and actions always reflect my desire to live as his disciple.
Over time the Church has developed a liturgical calendar to help us celebrate important events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. The cyclical nature of this calendar reminds us that each year we are called to enter into Christ’s Paschal Mystery. The Church celebrates Ordinary Time twice during each liturgical year. The first period is after the Christmas season until Ash Wednesday. The second period is after the Easter season until the First Sunday of Advent. Throughout this season we learn more about Jesus’ teachings. Through the sermons Jesus preached, the signs and miracles he worked, and the way he treated others—especially those who were marginalized and outcast—Jesus gave us an example of how to live.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Call to Family, Community, and Participation. See page 1b for an explanation of this theme.
Window on the Catechism The ways in which we enter into fellowship with Jesus in the ordinary events of daily life are found in CCC 533.
General Directory of Catechesis We are reminded that the object of catechesis is union with Jesus Christ in GDC 80–81.
Un it 1 • Session 5
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Session Theme: Ordinary Time is a time to grow as Jesus’ disciples.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Family Prayer Book
Shine Your Light
page 27
page 27
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-27B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: art supplies Remind children that Jesus is the light of the world and that we are called to share his light with others. Distribute art supplies and invite children to draw a candle, a flashlight, or a lantern. Then inside their drawings, ask children to write how Jesus is the light of their lives. Display children’s finished work.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
We Grow in Virtue During Ordinary Time
Session 5 BLM
Practice the Virtues Plans
page 28
Time: 15 minutes
page T-297
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: writing supplies Remind children that the virtues are habits we strengthen through practice. Distribute writing supplies. Have children write a plan for how they can practice the virtues. Ask children to list one activity for each day of the week.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Mass During Ordinary Time
Service: Liturgical Ministry
Stained-Glass Mosaic
page 29
Time: 10 minutes
page 29
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: construction paper, art supplies Invite volunteers to name various virtues and explain how each one can help people live as Jesus’ disciples. Ask each child to choose a virtue and make a “stained-glass” mosaic that represents that particular virtue. Children can make their mosaics by tearing or cutting small pieces of colored construction paper and gluing the pieces onto another sheet of construction paper.
Time: 35 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Those That Don’t See
Art Studio: Discipleship Posters
Movement: Jesus’ Disciples News Reports
Children’s Book Page 233
Time: 25 minutes
Time: 25 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Unit Assessment BLM
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Materials: Unit 1 Assessment (pages T-298–T-300)
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-352)
Time: 10 minutes
Called to Discipleship During Ordinary Time we reflect on how we are called to live as Jesus’ disciples. During Ordinary Time we take time to pray and reflect on the call to discipleship we have received from Jesus. We think about how our words and actions help to share his light with others.
Help a sibling with homework.
Share Light
Inside each candle write one way you can live as Jesus’ disciple. Read the example for ideas about what you might write. Cut out the candles and take them home. Each week this month, commit yourself to completing one of the actions. After you complete the action, color in the flame.
If children completed the smallgroup project of the week, have groups present their summaries. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Time: 25 minutes
Just for Schools
Page 30
60 minutes
Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Session 5 Wrap-Up
Time: 25 minutes
Small-Group Project of the Week: Scripture-Story Summaries Materials: Bibles, writing supplies, art supplies, poster board
Ask small groups to work together to find Scripture stories that give examples of how we can respond to Jesus’ call to discipleship. For their presentations ask children to give a summary of the story and to explain how the story can help us follow Jesus. Children may wish to make posters illustrating the stories to use during their presentations.
NOTE: See page 27b for Prayer in Session 5, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Unit 1 • Session 5
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Session Theme: Ordinary Time is a time to grow as Jesus’ disciples. Before This Session ▶▶ Determine whether you will use the Unit Assessment option listed on page 30. ▶▶ Determine whether you will also discuss the All Saint’s Day and All Souls Day
seasonal pages in the back of the Children’s Book. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Ephesians 5:8–10. Place the open Bible in your prayer
center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Prayer in Session 5
The prayers in this session encourage children to ask God to help them grow as Jesus’ disciples. Prayer time includes the opportunity for children to pray to God, using their own words. During this time children may wish to share with God anything that is on their minds or in their hearts.
Approximate Time
Engage Celebrating Ordinary Time
10 minutes
Page 27
Explore We Grow in Virtue During Ordinary Time
Page 28
Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time Art Print: Those That Don’t See
25–35 minutes
20–25 minutes
Page 29 Art Print and Print Back
5–10 minutes
Living My Faith page 30
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible
If Time Allows ▶▶ Sidewalk chalk (page 27)
▶▶ Calendar to display
▶▶ Art supplies (page 27)
▶▶ Art Print 5: Those That Don’t See
▶▶ Session 5 BLM, T-297 (page 28)
and Children’s Book page 233
▶▶ Session 5 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 30) ▶▶ Unit 1 Assessment, T-298–T-300
(page 30)
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8/24/11 3:25 PM
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Ordinary Time. ▶▶ State that we are called to share
Christ’s light with others. ▶▶ Define discipleship.
1 Set the Stage Display a calendar. Ask: Why do people use calendars? (Possible answers: to remember appointments, to record special events) Explain that in addition to the regular calendar, there are other types of calendars, such as an academic calendar and the Church calendar. Say: In this session we’re going to learn about one of the seasons that is part of the Church’s calendar.
Ordinary Time is one Church season. We celebrate it twice each liturgical year—between Christmas and Ash Wednesday and after the Easter season until the Advent season. All Souls Day and All Saints Day are two feasts celebrated in the fall, near the end of Ordinary Time. The name of the season, Ordinary Time, does not mean that the season is common. Ordinary comes from the word ordinal, meaning “time that is put in a certain order.” Each week is referred to by which number week it is, such as the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.
2 Get Started
Prayer Dear God, we know you are with us during Ordinary Time. Help us follow the example of Jesus, the Light of the World. 27
If Time Allows ~ pg 27 ~
Outcomes ▶▶ Explain when the Church celebrates
The Church celebrates feasts and seasons to remind us of the great things God has done for us. These celebrations help us remember how much God loves us.
Session 5
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Inclusion: Attention
Calendar Alfresco If you_______ have children attention differences, PDF Signoff: Production Designwith _______ Editorial _______ you may wish to take the children outside to a large area of concrete or blacktop. Have children work together to make a giant liturgical calendar, using sidewalk chalk. Encourage children to use appropriate symbols to decorate each season of the Church year.
Family Prayer Book Distribute paper, pens or pencils, crayons, and markers. Invite children to make family prayer books. Encourage children to include traditional and original prayers in their prayer books. Refer children to the Prayers and Practices of Our Faith section in the back of their books for ideas about prayers to include in their prayer books [pages 188–197].
Invite volunteers to read aloud the session title and the page. Ask: Why do we celebrate feasts and seasons? (to remind us of the great things God has done for us) How many times during the year do we celebrate Ordinary Time? (two) What two feasts do we celebrate in the fall, near the end of Ordinary Time? (All Souls Day and All Saints Day) Say: In this session we will learn how Ordinary Time helps us grow as Jesus’ disciples.
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Let’s pray, asking Jesus to help us become more aware of his presence during Ordinary Time. Ask a volunteer to pray aloud the prayer. Then say: Let’s take a moment to talk to Jesus silently. Allow time for children to finish praying. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
Unit 1 • Session 5
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1 Begin
We Grow in Virtue During Ordinary Time
Invite children to name and describe different virtues. Ask: Why is it important to practice the virtues in our lives? (Possible answer: Practicing the virtues helps us follow God’s plan for us.)
During Ordinary Time we are called to grow in faith and to reflect on how Jesus wants us to live. We try to better understand Jesus’ invitation to love God, to serve others, and to avoid sin. We seek the light of God’s grace to help us grow in virtue and to avoid temptation. We thank God for the many opportunities he gives us to serve others.
2 Connect Read aloud the section We Grow in Virtue During Ordinary Time. Ask: What do we try to better understand during this season? (Jesus’ invitation to love God, to serve others, and to avoid sin) What does God’s grace help us do? (grow in virtue and avoid temptation) Point out that virtues are habits we can strengthen through practice. Use the following to define the listed virtues. [honesty: truthfulness; charity: love; patience: waiting for something, even when it is difficult to do so; prudence: being directed toward the good; joy: happiness; hope: trust that God will always be with us; justice: the desire to give to God and to others what is due to them; courage: bravery; faith: belief in something that cannot be seen; temperance: moderation in thought, action, and feeling; and self-control: the ability to control one’s thoughts, actions, and feelings] Read aloud the section Growing Strong. Give children time to complete the activity.
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 28.
Reading God's Word
Virtues are like good habits. They are behaviors we can strengthen if we practice them. Some of the virtues we can practice in our lives include honesty, charity, patience, prudence, joy, hope, justice, courage, faith, temperance, and self-control.
Growing Strong Write how you can practice and develop the virtues in your life.
Answers will vary.
Reading God’s Word Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth. Try to learn what Ephesians 5:8–10 is pleasing to the Lord. 28
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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Session 5 BLM
Growing in Virtue Have_______ children complete the Session 5 Blackline PDF Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial _______ Master [T-297] to think about opportunities for practicing virtues.
Seasonal Session: All Saints Day and All Souls Day Work with children through pages 177–180 of the Children’s Book and this guide. This special session can take up to one hour to complete.
Read aloud the Scripture verse. Explain the passage by saying: Jesus shows us how to live. An apple tree cannot grow without sunlight. With light it produces lots of apples. When we live in Jesus’ light by following his teachings, we produce good things, just like an apple tree.
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Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time When we go to Mass during Ordinary Time, we often hear Scripture readings about the call to discipleship. As disciples we believe in and follow Jesus’ teachings. The call to discipleship is received in Baptism, nourished in the Eucharist, strengthened in Confirmation, and practiced in the world. We learn how Jesus lived and treated others so that we can follow his example.
Ask children to retell Gospel stories in which Jesus teaches what it means to be a disciple. You may wish to use John 13:1–9 or Matthew 10:40–42 as examples.
2 Connect
What We Experience When we look around the church, we see candles. The sanctuary lamp, often near the tabernacle, reminds us that Christ is present in a special way in the Blessed Sacrament. The candles at the altar remind us that Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist. The light of the candles also reminds us that, as disciples, we are called to practice the virtues and to share the light of Christ with others.
Sharing Christ’s Light Write how you can share the light of Christ with others.
Answers will vary.
Did You Know? Depending on the year, Ordinary Time runs either 33 or 34 weeks.
SESSION 5 • Celebrating Ordinary Time
If Time Allows
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1 Begin
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Service: Liturgical Ministry Discuss the opportunities for liturgical ministry in your parish. Explain PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ what each ministry is and how the ministry helps people celebrate the Mass. Coordinate with your catechetical leader to have children serve as liturgical ministers. Encourage children to serve the parish as ushers, greeters, song leaders, or altar servers. Family and Community
Read aloud the section Mass During Ordinary Time. Point out the vocabulary word. Ask: What do disciples do? (believe in and follow Jesus’ teachings) Say: In addition to following Jesus’ teachings, disciples also follow his example. Ask: When is the call to discipleship first received? (Baptism) How is it nourished? (through the Eucharist) How is it strengthened? (in Confirmation) Invite a volunteer to read aloud the section What We Experience. Discuss the location of the sanctuary lamp in your church. Emphasize that the candles in church symbolize the light of Christ and remind us that we are called to share Christ’s light with others. Read aloud the section Sharing Christ’s Light. Allow time for children to complete the activity.
Did You Know? Read aloud the feature. Remind children that Ordinary Time goes from the Monday after the Baptism of the Lord until the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, and then from the Monday after Pentecost until the first Sunday of Advent.
3 Close
Those That Don’t See
Display Art Print 5: Those That Don’t See. Use the Art Print 5 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 233.
Art Print 5
Unit 1 • Session 5
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Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask: How often do we celebrate Ordinary Time? (twice each year) How can we grow in discipleship during Ordinary Time? (by practicing the virtues)
2 Connect
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
Word I Learned Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of the word discipleship. Encourage children to name ways people can follow Jesus’ example.
We celebrate Ordinary Time twice during each liturgical year. During this season we practice the virtues, which helps us grow as disciples. By living the way Jesus wants us to live, we share his light with others.
Word I Learned discipleship
Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus practiced faith, hope, and charity. Choose to practice these virtues in your life.
Prayer Dear God, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. Help us grow in virtue so that we can be true disciples.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Invite a volunteer read aloud this section. Remind children that virtues are behaviors that grow strong through practice.
With My Family Activity When you go to Mass, notice the use of candles. Discuss how you can share the light of Christ with others during the next week. Faith on the Go Ask one another: What virtues do I admire in others? How can I practice these virtues in my own life?
Prayer Ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Say: Let’s take a moment to talk to God in the silence of our hearts. Allow a few seconds for silent reflection. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross.
Family Prayer Use Ordinary Time to invite family members to grow in faith by leading mealtime prayers. Encourage family members to pray a new prayer each time they have a turn.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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With My Family Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
Session Assessment Option
3 Go in Peace
If you wish, photocopy the Unit Assessment on pages T-298–T-300. Administer the assessment during the session or send it home.
Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: During Ordinary Time this year, tell me some of the ways you’ve found to act more like Jesus. I can’t wait to hear.
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An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
Unit Assessment Option
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 6 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 6 and determine any materials you will need.
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