God's Gift 2016 Eucharist Catechist Guide

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God’s Gift


Catechist Guide

Contents Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro 4

I Live My Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Opening Prayer and Music Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro 19

I Know These Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Chapter 1 Belonging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a−10z

Catechist Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Chapter 2 Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11a−20z Chapter 3 Reflecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21a−30z

CD Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Blackline Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Chapter 4 Listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31a−40z Chapter 5 Preparing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41a−50z Chapter 6 Remembering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51a−60z Chapter 7 Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61a−70z Chapter 8 Journeying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71a−80z


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Belonging Catechist Background


God invites us to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

As you begin, pause for a moment. Take several deep breaths and allow yourself to grow still. Be aware of God’s loving presence within you.

Acts 2:1–4 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.

changed their lives. They were now enabled to proclaim the Good News of Jesus. While we may not experience the Holy Spirit in such a dramatic way, we received the same Spirit in Baptism. As we begin this special time of preparation, we can be confident that the same Spirit is within us and also within the children preparing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time.

Questions In what ways have I been aware of the Holy Spirit working in my life? How can I best prepare to be a witness of the Spirit for the children?


Reflection When we are facing a new group, or perhaps explaining something that we have not explained before, there can be some moments of hesitation. The first disciples certainly felt hesitation as they waited in the upper room. The coming of the Holy Spirit dramatically

United in Love One of the most dramatic stories in the Book of Genesis is in Chapter 11, the account of the Tower of Babel. We are told how the people wanted to settle in one place rather than to populate the earth. The tower they built was a sign of their desire to reach God on their own. God reacts to their sinful ambitions by confusing their language, which sends the people forth to settle the earth. God’s desire, however, is that the human family be united in love. We see this in the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Acts 2:1–47. Though people from every nation heard the disciples speaking their native language, they were united in hearing Peter’s proclamation of Jesus Christ. The same Holy Spirit who came upon the first disciples calls us and comes to us in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. Through these Sacraments of Initiation, we are united, strengthened, and fed on our journey of faith. Together, as individuals and as a Church, we are a sign of God’s desire to bring the human family together again in a relationship of love.

Come Holy Spirit! Help me be attentive to your presence, especially as I share with your children.

1a  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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Catechist Background continued Celebrating Our Faith in Liturgy The grace we receive in the sacraments strengthens us on our journey of faith. Through the Sacraments of Initiation, we begin this new life of grace and become members of the Catholic Church. We are baptized in the name of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift is strengthened at Confirmation. In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. When we celebrate the Eucharist, we are joined in communion with the family of the Church.

Scripture in This Chapter The coming of the Holy Spirit and the call of the Church are described in Acts of the Apostles 2:1–4, 32–41. In Matthew 29:19, Jesus sends the disciples to baptize all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Psalm 100 is a prayer of praise and thanks to God.

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) The mystery of the Holy Trinity is presented in CCC 261 and 267. Salvation through Christ is considered in CCC 454, 620–621, and 747. The Sacraments of Initiation are described in CCC 1275–1279, 1316, and 1407–1408.

Catechist Preparation Before You Begin • Review the content and activities in this chapter and the additional features provided for your background. • Review the Choice and Review activities at the end of the chapter to decide which activities to incorporate to further reinforce the concepts taught in the lesson. • Gather the necessary materials. • Prepare the CD player for the opening song and for the ritual for moving to and from the Prayer Center. • Remove from the children’s books the Chapter 1 Scripture story stickers, or allow time during this session for the children to remove them. • Set up a CD player to play the Recorded Dramatized Scripture Story, The Coming of the Holy Spirit, CD Track 5, as indicated on page 2. • Make arrangements to show the children the baptismal pool or font at church. (See page 5.) • Optional: Bring items relating to Baptism to show the children. (See page 5, Take Note.) • Practice the gestures for prayer indicated on page 8.

• Review the directions for Gathering for Prayer and Bridge to Closure on page 95.

Music in This Session • Opening Song: Children of the Lord, CD Track 1. • Music for the procession to [Your Word Is a Lamp, CD Track 2] and from [We Go Forth, CD Track 3] the Prayer Center.

Family Connection Encourage the children to explore with their families the family guide Together: Preparing at Home for First Eucharist. In Session 1, we are reminded us that we belong to God’s family. In the Eucharist, we’re all invited to the table of the Lord.

Additional Program Components Throughout this session, reference My Own Mass Booklet and incorporate activities and ideas found at www.loyolapress.com/godsgift. Coordinate with your Program Director on ways to incorporate the Preparing Together for the Sacraments DVD.

First Day Notes • Greet the children warmly as they arrive. • Prepare name tags if needed and plan for introductions as indicated on page 1.

Prayer in This Session • Prepare a portion of your meeting space as a Prayer Center as described on page 95. For this session, you may wish to include an item related to Baptism (bowl of water, Baptism candle, and so on). Belonging  Chapter 1  1b


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Get-Ready Guide

Chapter 1  Belonging Chapter Step

Outcomes  At the end of this chapter,

Action Plan



Faith Focus: God invites us to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

name the purpose for their gathering. • list groups to which they belong. • identify the focus of the chapter.

Distribution of books Engage: The Joy of Belonging Opening prayer

CD player Music: Children of the Lord, CD Track 1 Children’s Eucharist books Pencils

tell the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit. • explain that the Holy Spirit came just as Jesus had promised.

Recorded Scripture Story: The Coming of the Holy Spirit Sticker activity

Bible Chapter 1 Stickers CD player Recorded Scripture Story: The Coming of the Holy Spirit, CD Track 5

Good News of God’s Love, BLM A, page 10x

explain that we are baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity. • describe the importance of Baptism • define Baptism, Trinity.

Discussion: Belonging to the Church Activity: My Baptism

Drawing materials Optional: photos or symbols of Baptism

Ways to Act Like Christ, page 10x In the Name of the Father (Inclusion Activity), page 10y

connect the Sacraments of Initiation with belonging to the Church. • describe the sacraments as helps Jesus gives us to live as his followers. • define Confirmation, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass.

Discussion: Belonging to Jesus Activity: Follow Jesus

Picture of a sports team Pencils

Followers of Jesus, page 10y

Prayer Center items: cloth, Bible, items related to Baptism (bowl of water, baptismal candle) CD player Music: Your Word Is a Lamp and We Go Forth, CD Tracks 2 and 3

the children will be able to

5 minutes Child’s page 1


10 minutes Child’s pages 2–3

10 minutes Child’s pages 4–5



10 minutes Child’s pages 6–7

experience praying in thanksgiving for the gift of Baptism.

Prayer: Baptized into Community

identify how they will prepare to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Connection to life: I Live What I Learn Closing prayer

10 minutes Child’s pages 8–9

5 minutes Child’s page 10

Choice & Review Activities

Review Activities, page 10z

1c  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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The Joy of Belonging


1 Welcome

The Joy of Belonging

Greet the children warmly. As you begin, present this time together as a special time for learning about God’s love shown to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Play the opening song, Children of the Lord, CD Track 1. You may wish to play it more than once to familiarize the children with the words. Distribute the books with formality. Call each child forward by name, saying God loves you and is with you as you prepare to receive Holy Communion for the fi st time.

Belonging is good. It makes us feel safe. It makes us feel like a part of something bigger. • I belong to a family. There are people in my family. • I belong to a parish. The name of our . parish is

Invite the children to write their names on the inside front cover of their books. Then direct their attention to the prayer pages at the beginning of their books. Invite the children to read these pages aloud together. Take some time to introduce the special purpose and importance of these preparation sessions.

• I belong in my neighborhood. I live on .

Say:  We will hear many stories and do many things that will help you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. We will also take time to pray together each time we gather.

Prayer Loving God, help me to remember that I belong to you.


If/Then If the children are new to one another, then use name tags the first few times you meet or give the children a chance to introduce themselves by tossing a bean bag to each child and asking him or her to respond by name.

2 Build Background Discuss with the children what it means to belong. Then have them turn to page 1. Talk about the picture and have a volunteer read aloud the text. Help the children to complete the sentences in their books. Invite volunteers to share their responses.

3 Pray Direct the children’s attention to the prayer.


Say:  Fold your hands and take some quiet time to remember that God is always ready to listen to your prayer. Invite the children to pray the prayer aloud together. Pause for a few seconds and close by praying Amen.

Belonging  Chapter 1  1


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The Coming of the Holy Spirit

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

One day, Jesus’ disciples and his mother, Mary, were praying together. All of a sudden, a mighty wind blew into the room with a roar. Flames like fire appeared over each person’s head. Yet those in the room were not afraid. The Holy Spirit had come, just as Jesus had promised. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out to tell the world about Jesus.

1 Introduce Ask:  What is a promise? How does it feel when someone keeps a promise? Say:  The Acts of the Apostles tells about the first followers of Jesus, and the promise Jesus made. This story is in the Bible. L ift the Bible from its place in the Prayer Center and open it to the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–4,32–41. Raise it for all to see, and then set it down, open to the passage. Say:  We treat God’s holy book with great care and pay careful attention when we hear God’s Word.

2 Present Say:  When Jesus died, his disciples were very sad. But when he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, he made them a promise. He said he would send the Holy Spirit. This story tells how Jesus kept his promise. T ell the children that they will hear the story twice: first from their book, and then on a CD. Have a volunteer read aloud page 2 as the rest of the group follows along.


God’s Gift Eucharist

Understanding This Scripture Pentecost is the feast that celebrates the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. This resulted in the birth of the Church. The mission of the Spirit is to complete the mission of Jesus Christ to build up, animate, and sanctify the Church. The Spirit reveals Christ to us, unites us with him, and brings us to life in him.

When teaching, reconciling, and celebrating the sacraments, the Church is acting out of the life given by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit communicates to us the life that originated in the Father and is offered to us in Jesus. We can truly say that the Holy Spirit reveals to us who Jesus is.

2  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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Explore Explore

Many people heard the roar of the wind and gathered outside. The apostle Peter spoke to the crowd. He told them that Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven. He told them that from Heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. He told the people that Jesus had come to save them.

Have a volunteer read aloud page 3. Say:  Now let’s listen to the story again on CD. Ask the children to sit quietly as you play the dramatized Scripture, The Coming of the Holy Spirit, Track 5 on the CD.

adapted from Acts of the Apostles 2:1–4,32–41

3 Do the Sticker Activity Distribute this chapter’s stickers, or help the children remove them from their books. Lead the children in completing the Scripture illustrations with the stickers, as indicated by the outlined spaces. Ask the following questions, connecting them to the illustrations and to the stickers. • Who was with Jesus’ disciples when the Holy Spirit came? • What did Mary and the disciples hear and see? • How did they feel when the Holy Spirit came? • What did the disciples do next? • What did Peter tell the crowd? Belonging Chapter 1


Enrich the Lesson To add movement and drama to the reading of the Scripture, invite some of the children to make a whooshing sound when wind is mentioned and others to wave red crepe paper streamers to simulate tongues of fire.

• What did Peter and the disciples want the people to know? Note that extra stickers are often provided. The extra stickers can be applied to the Scripture story illustrations, or they can be used in other activities. See page 97 for additional ideas.

4 Connect to Everyday Life Say:  When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were no longer afraid. We are filled with the Holy Spirit too. Ask:  What are some ways that we show the Holy Spirit is with us?

Belonging  Chapter 1  3


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Explore Baptism makes you a member of the Church!

Belonging to the Church 1 Make a Bridge Say:  We all belong to various groups. We are part of a family group and a school group. What are some other groups to which you might belong? Say:  Now we’ll learn about another group to which we belong.

2 Present Ask:  What question did the people ask? What was Peter’s answer? How many people were baptized on that day? Have the children read silently the second paragraph on page 4. Say:  Many of us were baptized as infants. Our families brought us to the Church. They wanted us to become members of God’s family. When we are baptized, we are called Christians.

Explain that when we pray the Sign of the Cross, we are saying that we believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We are saying that we belong to God’s family, the Church. We are saying that we are Christians.

Many of the people who heard Peter preaching asked, “What do we have to do to be saved?” Peter told them to be sorry for their sins and to be baptized. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that about 3,000 people were baptized that day! Like the people in the early Church, we are also baptized. At our Baptism, we are joined to Jesus and become members of the Catholic Church. We receive a permanent spiritual sign of God’s grace. Baptism can never be repeated. We believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, became man to save us. Each time we make the Sign of the Cross, we remember our belief in the Trinity.

Ask a volunteer to read aloud the first paragraph on page 4.

Say:  At Baptism, the priest or deacon says, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Belonging to the Church


God’s Gift Eucharist

What We Know in Faith Baptism is the source of new life in Christ from which the entire Christian life springs. In Baptism, we are freed from Original Sin and enter into freedom in God’s grace. Through Baptism, we become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. The mystery of the Trinity is the central mystery of our faith. God made it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As Trinity, the three Persons are inseparable in what they are and in what they do. When the Father sends his Word, he always sends his breath, or Spirit. In their joint mission, the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct but inseparable. Christ is the one who is seen, the visible image of the invisible God. The Spirit is the one who reveals him.

Words Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer them to the glossary for definitions as needed.

Baptism, p. 100 Trinity, p. 101

4  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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Explore Explore

My Baptism Think about your own Baptism. What pictures have you seen? What stories have you heard? Draw a picture of your Baptism inside the frame.

My Baptism I Listen to God’s Word

1 Make a Bridge

Jesus told his disciples, “Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.”

To help the children recall what they have seen or heard during a Baptism, take them to church and gather them around the baptismal pool or font. Invite them to share their experiences. Be prepared to share your own.

Matthew 28:19

2 Do the Activity Ask a volunteer to read aloud the directions. If there are children in your group who are not yet baptized, then adjust the statements accordingly. Distribute drawing materials and assist the children as needed. When all have finished, encourage volunteers to share their work with the group.

Belonging Chapter 1


I Listen to God’s Word

Help the children recognize when text in their book is adapted from Scripture. Point out the icon that identifies this text. Each time a Scripture passage is used, the teaching notes will direct you to make the connection between these words and the Bible enthroned in the Prayer Center. Direct the children’s attention to the Bible enthroned at the Prayer Center. Say:  The Bible tells us that Jesus told his disciples to share the Good News with everyone. Let’s listen to what else Jesus told them.



If the children struggle generating ideas for their Baptism drawing, then brainstorm as a group items that are usually part of a Baptism and people who are present. Record the children’s ideas on the board or on chart paper. Have them refer to them as they draw.

If you have access to Baptism photographs, a baptismal candle, holy water, or similar items, then share them, along with any personal experiences, with the group. Relate the items to the picture on page 5.

Ask one of the children to read aloud this feature.

3 Check for Understanding Use these questions or those of your own to check the children’s understanding. • What gesture shows that we are members of the Church? • How do we become members of the Church?

Belonging  Chapter 1  5


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Belonging to Jesus

Belonging to Jesus

We want to be holy. We want to follow Jesus. We know that it is not always easy to be Jesus’ follower. But, just like the first disciples, we are made strong by the Holy Spirit. We celebrate this in the Sacrament of Confirmation. A sacrament is one of seven ways through which God´s life enters our lives. Confirmation makes a permanent mark on the soul. We are strengthened with God’s grace. We are confirmed only once. Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation, which make us full members of the Church. The other two are Baptism and Eucharist.

1 Make a Bridge Show a picture of a sports team. Have the children identify ways that they can tell that the people belong to the same group. Then discuss things that people on a sports team must do as part of the group.

2 Present Say:  When we were baptized, our parents made a promise for us. They promised that we would become followers of Jesus and members of the Church. Explain to the children that now that they are older, they do certain things to show that they belong to the Church, such as love God and others, pray, and go to Mass.

Because we belong to the Church, Jesus invites us to come together at Mass and celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This is the most important celebration in the Church. When we are ready, we will receive Holy Communion.

Say:  Baptism makes us members of the Church. Now we’ll learn about two other sacraments that help us to follow Jesus as his friends. Have volunteers read aloud the text on page 6. Ask:  What do we call the sacrament through which we are made strong by the Holy Spirit? Say:  Another sacrament we celebrate is the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Through Holy Communion, we welcome Jesus into our hearts in a very special way.


God’s Gift Eucharist



If some of the children are in the RCIA adapted for children, then they will make their baptismal promises themselves, during the Easter Vigil.

Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer them to the glossary definitions as needed.

Confi mation, p. 100 Eucharist, p. 100 Holy Communion, p. 100 Mass, p. 100 sacrament, p. 100 Sacraments of Initiation, p. 101

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Explore Explore

Follow Jesus

Follow Jesus take



1 Do the Activity

Some words in the maze show how we can meet Jesus in the sacraments. Circle those words. Draw a line through the maze to get to Jesus. Use the circled words to help you stay on the right path.

hate share

Ask a volunteer to read aloud the directions on page 7. Have the children read the words in the maze. Invite children to complete the activity. Say: Jesus gave us the sacraments to help us to live as his followers. He promised to be with us in the sacraments.

2 Check for Understanding Use these questions or those of your own to check the children’s understanding. • What is the name of the sacrament in which we become members of the Church?

frown help

• What sacrament strengthens us by the Holy Spirit?

give hit


• In what sacrament do we receive Holy Communion?


Tell the children that we call these three sacraments the Sacraments of Initiation. Ask:  What sacrament are you preparing to receive now? Belonging Chapter 1



What We Know in Faith

If your parish celebrates the Restored Order, then check with your Sacramental Program Director for additional resources.

Baptism is the beginning of our life as followers of Jesus. Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace. It unites us more firmly to Christ and more completely to the Church. Confirmation is received only once, because, like Baptism, it imprints an indelible spiritual mark—a sign that we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit so that we may be witnesses to Jesus’ saving love. The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. In the Eucharist, the Church expresses gratitude to God for all of his blessings. The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ’s Passover. It is not simply the memory of a past event. The Eucharist makes present the sacrifice Christ offered once and for all people on the cross.

Belonging  Chapter 1  7


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Reflect The Community of Faith

Baptized into Community

Baptized into Community

We are baptized in the name of the Trinity— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are marked with the Sign of the Cross. We belong to God and to his family, the Church. Together with our parish community and Catholics around the world, we are part of a community of faith.

1 Prepare for Prayer Say:  Each time we gather to prepare for First Eucharist, we will have a special time to pray together. Today’s prayer will be a prayer of thanks to God for making us members of the Church through Baptism.

The Community of Faith Introduce the time for prayer by reading aloud this section. Emphasize that Baptism makes us members of the Catholic Church. Explain that we give thanks to God for welcoming us into his family.

All pray the Sign of the Cross together. Prayer Leader: The Lord has done wonderful things for us. He calls us by name. We belong to him. All: The Lord has done wonderful things for us. He calls us by name. We belong to him. Prayer Leader: Let us pray a psalm of thanks and praise to God. Let us thank God for calling us to belong to his Church.

Say:  During our prayer, we will use a prayer refrain with gestures. Let’s practice it together. Introduce the children to the refrain and the gestures that accompany it. [See Enrich the Lesson on page 9.] Say:  Then I will pray a psalm prayer and we will pray this response together: We are God’s people; the sheep of his flo k. Say:  We will pray in our Prayer Center. When we gather in the Prayer Center, we will use a special prayerful way of going there.


2 Gather for Prayer Introduce the steps for how the group will proceed to the Prayer Center. [See page 95.] Play Your Word Is a Lamp, Track 2 on the CD, as the children process to the Prayer Center, following the ritual. Have the children bring their books and set them down open to page 8.

Background for Prayer The prayer in this chapter is based on Psalm 100. Psalm 100 is the last of a series of psalms (93, 95–100) that are especially dedicated to the goodness of God. The people rejoice because they recognize God’s care for them. Today we rejoice together in gratitude to God, who calls us as his people in Baptism.

3 Lead the Prayer Lead the children in prayer as outlined on pages 8–9.

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Reflect Reflect

4 Bridge to Closure Prayer Leader: Enter his gates with songs of praise. Give thanks to God and bless his name. All: We are God’s people; the sheep of his flock. Prayer Leader: Give thanks to God and bless his name! His love lasts forever.

Pause for a few moments after completing the prayer. Then teach the steps for how the group will return to their seats. [See page 95.] Play We Go Forth, Track 3 on the CD, and invite the children to return to their places, using this ritual.

Prayer I can praise God with words, gestures, and song. God loves to hear my voice.

All: We are God’s people; the sheep of his flock.

When I Pray

Have the children think about all the ways they can praise God. Then ask one of the children to read aloud the feature on page 9.

adapted from Psalm 100

Prayer Leader: We are all God’s children. We are one with the Church all over the world. In praise and thanksgiving, we pray:

Say:  We can praise God in many different ways. They are all pleasing to him.

All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Enrich the Lesson Teach the children the following gestures to accompany the prayer refrain. Model them and have the children repeat after you. The Lord has done wonderful things for us. [both hands spiral upward] He calls us by name. [surround mouth with hands] We belong to him. [cross arms over chest in hug gesture]

Belonging  Chapter 1  9


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Respond Respond

Living My Faith

Living My Faith

1 I Remember What I Learn

I Remember What I Learn

Present this section and, as time permits, do the review activities on page 10z.

• The disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit and baptized people. • I am baptized. I belong to the Catholic Church.

2 I Live What I Learn

• I believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Say:  Jesus gives us the sacraments to help us live as his followers. He invites us to live as members of the Church by celebrating the sacraments.

How are baptisms celebrated in your family? Ask your parents and other relatives about their memories.

• I am invited to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Have a volunteer read aloud I Live What I Learn on page 10. Help the children identify ways they can live as a friend and follower of Jesus, and how they can learn more about their faith.

I Live What I Learn I prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Christ by • living as a follower of Jesus.

3 I Know These Words

Closing Prayer

• learning more about my faith.

Thank you, God, for calling me to belong to your Church. Help me to grow in my faith.

• praying to the Holy Spirit.

Confirm the children’s understanding of these words. As time permits, do the word review activity on page 10z.

I Know These Words I find these words in the Glossary.

I Share with My Family Encourage the children to discuss with their families the question shown.


4 Pray

I Share with My Family

Baptism, p. 100

Mass, p. 100

Confirmation, p. 100

sacrament, p. 100

Eucharist, p. 100

Sacraments of Initiation, p. 101

Holy Communion, p. 100

Trinity, p. 101

God’s Gift Eucharist

Chapter Checkpoint

Closing Prayer Conclude the chapter by praying together the prayer on page 10.

Say:  As you go forth today, remember that you belong to God, who created you and sent a Savior to save you from your sin.

• Can the children identify Baptism as the sacrament that makes them members of the Church? • Do the children evidence an understanding of the importance of this time of preparation for their First Holy Communion?

Distribute My Own Mass Booklet to the children. Help them to fill out page 1.

Plan Ahead Consult the catechist preparation page to prepare for Chapter 2 and determine any materials you will need.

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Choice Activities

Choice Activities Good News of God’s Love

Ways to Act Like Christ

Time  15 minutes Relates to  pages 2–3 Outcome  identify Good News to tell others about Jesus Materials  BLM A, Good News of God’s Love; drawing material; tape

Time  10 minutes Relates to  page 4 Outcome  identify ways we can act as Christians Materials  flash card: Christian; chalkboard or chart paper

Directions  Have the children look at pages 2 3 as you review the questions listed under “Do the Sticker Activity,” page 3.

Directions  Review page 4 with the children. Then show a flash card with the word Christian on it, covering the ending so only Christ shows.

Say:  When Jesus’ disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit, they were eager to tell people about Jesus.

Say:  We believe in Jesus Christ and try to act as he taught us to. We have a special name. It means “like Christ.” What is this special name?

Say:  At our Baptism, we also received the Holy Spirit, which helps us to tell others about Jesus. Ask the children what Good News they might share about Jesus, and record their responses on the board or on chart paper. Jesus is our Savior. Jesus is risen.

Jesus saved us from sin. God loves us.

Distribute copies of BLM A and drawing materials. Have the children color the megaphone, cut it out, tape it together, and share with one another Good News about Jesus.

Reveal the whole word Christian on the flash card, and have the children repeat the word. Then write the word CHRIST vertically on the board or on chart paper. Tell the children that you will work as a group to think of ways to act like Christ. Explain that you will try to use every letter in the word Christ. An example is shown below. C are H elp R emember to pray. I nvite a friend. S ay “I’m sorry.” T ell someone “I love you.”

Belonging  Chapter 1  10x


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Choice Activities

In the Name of the Father . . . Inclusion: Autism Spectrum Time  10 minutes Relates to  page 5 Outcome  recognize the Sign of the Cross as a prayer to the Trinity Materials  card stock crosses; drawing material Directions  Have the children open their books to page 5. Read aloud I Listen to God’s Word. Ask:  What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? In whose name were the disciples to baptize? What do we call the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Explain to the children that the letters tri- mean “three.” Give examples such as triple and tricycle. Remind the children that there are three persons in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Ask:  What do we call the prayer we pray in the name of the Trinity? Children on the autism spectrum will be able to follow better the steps of the Sign of the Cross if they use a card stock cross to help them remember the order. Distribute card stock crosses and art materials. Have children write the words and number the steps of the Sign of the Cross on their crosses and decorate them. You can assign a partner to the children who need help writing the words on the cross, or work with them individually.

Followers of Jesus Time  20 minutes Relates to  page 6 Outcome  recognize followers of Jesus Materials  old magazines and newspapers; scissors; a large sheet of butcher paper or poster board; glue Directions  Have the children turn to page 6 and silently review the text. Ask:  What do we celebrate to help us live as followers of Jesus? Which sacraments celebrate our belonging to the Church? Ask:  Those who belong to the Church live as followers of Jesus. Who are followers of Jesus today? What do these people do to show that they are followers of Jesus? Have the children prepare a collage that shows people following Jesus. Distribute scissors and old magazines and newspapers to the children. Have them find images that show people loving and serving others. Help them cut out the images and glue them to butcher paper or poster board that you have hung in the room. Write the title Followers of Jesus along the top. Challenge the children to fill the collage with as many images as they can.

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Review Activities

Review Activities Q & A Puzzles

Word Review

Time  10 minutes Relates to  I Remember What I Learn Outcome  recall facts learned in this chapter Materials  index cards

Time  5 minutes Relates to  I Know These Words Outcome  review terms and meanings learned in this chapter Materials  index cards to use as flash cards

Directions  Make puzzles by writing a question on the left side of an index card and the corresponding answer on the right side. Use these questions or those of your own.

Directions  With index cards, prepare flash cards for this chapter’s vocabulary terms. (Baptism, Confi mation, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass, Trinity)

• Whom did Jesus promise would be sent to his disciples? • After the Holy Spirit came to them, what did the disciples do?

Hold up each of the flash cards in turn and, after checking the meaning in the glossary, ask two volunteers to each use the word in a sentence. Invite the children to applaud when all words have been used correctly in two sentences.

• In which sacrament do we become members of the Catholic Church? • Who are the three persons of the Trinity? • What sacrament are you preparing to celebrate?

on i t a m r i f n Co ism Mass t p Ba Holy Communion

st hari Euc

Tri nity

Cut each card apart with a jagged edge. Distribute one half of a card to each child. Have the child with the question half find the child with the matching answer half. When all are matched, ask the partners to read aloud their question and answer. Create additional questions, if needed, to ensure that all the children can participate.

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Gathering Catechist Background


We gather at Mass to celebrate God’s presence.

As you begin, pause for a few moments and begin to relax. Take several deep breaths and rest in the loving presence of God.

2 Samuel 6:12,14–15 When it was reported to King David that the Lord had blessed the family of Obededom and all that belonged to him, David went to bring up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the City of David amid festivities. . . . Then David . . . came dancing before the Lord with abandon, as he and all the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and to the sound of the horn.

lives. He is present in the community, in the Scripture readings, and most especially in the Eucharist. Our own shouts of joy take the form of praise and thanksgiving as we sing and pray together with the community gathered to remember God’s presence in our midst.

Question What steps can I take to be more aware of the blessing and grace of God’s presence in my life?

Prayer Lord, help me always to rest in you so I may grow in wisdom and grace.


Dancing Before the Ark As the Hebrew people escaped from the Egyptians and traveled through the desert, they carried the Ark of the Covenant. This was a special chest containing the Ten Commandments. For the people, having the Ark with them was a sign that God was especially near to them. The Ark traveled many years with the people. King David wanted to honor God by building a permanent house—a temple. He had the Ark brought to Jerusalem. The whole city celebrated. David was so excited and happy that he went before the Ark, singing and dancing. The people joined in the procession with their music, singing, and shouts of joy. They felt that God was present among them in an extraordinary way (2 Samuel 6:11–15). As we begin the celebration of Mass, we are called to be aware that God continues to be present to us in a special way. We are called as individuals, as a parish family, and as a universal Church to celebrate who we are and who we can be. We are called to celebrate the presence of Christ as we gather, as we process and sing hymns, as we hear the Scriptures, and as we prepare to receive the Eucharist.

The Ark of the Covenant was the sign of God’s continuing presence to the people of Israel. King David brought the Ark to Jerusalem as a sign of his commitment to God. His contagious enthusiasm inspired all the people, who celebrated the presence of God with music, songs, and shouts of joy. As we begin the Mass, we celebrate the presence of God in our

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Catechist Background continued Celebrating Our Faith in Liturgy We keep holy the Lord’s Day. We gather at Mass to praise and worship God. Mass begins with the Entrance Chant. We gather with our community of faith, the universal Church. We sing with joy, praising God in whose name we gather. As Mass begins, we mark ourselves with the sign of our faith, the Sign of the Cross. We are welcomed into God’s presence and prepare to celebrate the Eucharist.

Scripture in This Chapter The story of David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem is found in 2 Samuel 6:11–15. Psalm 42:5 is a prayer describing a joyful procession into the house of God.

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) Honoring Jesus as our Lord is described in CCC 455. Keeping the Lord’s Day holy is discussed in CCC 1193, 2042, and 2191–2192.

Catechist Preparation Before You Begin

Music in This Session

• Review the content and activities in this chapter and the additional features provided for your background. • Review the Choice and Review activities at the end of the chapter to decide which activities to incorporate to further reinforce the concepts taught in the lesson. • Gather the necessary materials. • Prepare the CD player for the opening song and for the ritual for moving to and from the Prayer Center. • Remove from the children’s books the Chapter 2 Scripture story stickers, or plan to allow time during this session for the children to remove them. • Set up a CD player to play the Recorded Scripture Story, Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant, CD Track 6, as indicated on page 12. • Decide whether you will use Learning Reinforcement BLM N, which covers Chapters 1–2.

• Opening Song: Children of the Lord, CD Track 1. • Music for the procession to [Your Word Is a Lamp, CD Track 2] and from [We Go Forth, CD Track 3] the Prayer Center.

Family Connection Encourage the children to explore with their families the family guide Together: Preparing at Home for First Eucharist. In Session 2, families explore God’s presence in daily life and in celebrating the Eucharist.

Additional Program Components Throughout this session, reference My Own Mass Booklet and incorporate activities and ideas found at www.loyolapress.com/godsgift. Coordinate with your Program Director on ways to incorporate the Preparing Together for the Sacraments DVD.

Prayer in This Session • Prepare a portion of your meeting space as a Prayer Center as indicated on page 95. For this session, you may wish to include a cross. • Review the directions for Gathering for Prayer and Bridge to Closure on page 95.

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Get-Ready Guide

Chapter 2  Gathering Chapter Step

Outcomes  At the end of this chapter,

Action Plan



Faith Focus: We gather at Mass to celebrate God’s presence.

name times they have gathered with family • identify the focus of the chapter

Opening song Engage: Family Times Opening prayer

CD player Music: Children of the Lord, CD Track 1 Party supplies and decorations Pencils

tell how King David welcomed the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem • explain that we gather with others to celebrate God’s presence

Recorded Scripture Story: Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant Sticker activity Optional activity: play musical instruments

Bible CD player Recorded Scripture Story: Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant, CD Track 6 Chapter 2 Stickers Optional: musical instruments or materials for making them

Joyful Music (Inclusion Activity), page 20x

describe how we honor the Lord’s Day explain that we celebrate God’s presence at Mass • identify the Eucharist as a special way that God is present with us at Mass

Discussion: Gathering for Mass Activity: Celebrating at Mass

Drawing materials Parish bulletins

Keep Holy the Lord’s Day, page 20x We Pray with Our Community, page 20y

name people who are part of the procession during the Entrance Chant • describe how we participate in the Introductory Rites at Mass • define altar, Bible, lector

Discussion: Celebrating God’s Presence

Pencils Bible

How We Celebrate, BLM B, page 20y

Prayer Center items: table, cloth, Bible, cross CD player Music: Your Word Is a Lamp and We Go Forth, CD Tracks 2 and 3 Optional: musical instruments

5 minutes Child’s page 11


10 minutes Child’s pages 12–13

the children will be able to

10 minutes Child’s pages 14–15



10 minutes Child’s pages 16–17

experience using their imagination to pray about gathering to give praise and thanks to God

Prayer: Singing and Dancing for God

identify ways to celebrate God’s presence on the Lord’s Day and every day

Connection to life: I Live What I Learn Closing prayer

10 minutes Child’s pages 18–19

5 minutes Child’s page 20

Choice & Review Activities

Review Activities, page 20z

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Family Times


1 Introduce

Family Times

As you begin, play the opening song, Children of the Lord, Track 1 on the CD. As the children become familiar with the words, invite them to sing along.

It’s fun to get together with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Circle the special times when your whole family gathers.

After greeting the children, show them decorations and supplies for a party, such as streamers, napkins, and party hats. Ask the children to identify these items and the kind of celebration they might be used for. Ask them what makes a celebration special. Guide them to point out the importance of the people who attend.








movie nights

Sunday dinners

2 Build Background Have the children open their books to page 11. Ask volunteers to read aloud the text. Tell the children to circle the special times when their family gathers. Encourage them to respond to the question.

At what other times does your family come together?

Say:  The most important part of any celebration is the people who gather. We welcome others to celebrate special occasions with us.

Prayer Loving God, help me to have a welcoming heart.

3 Pray 11

Direct the children’s attention to the prayer.

Keep in Mind


Children of this age tend to be more focused on the externals of celebrations (gifts, activities) and less able to articulate the importance of the people who gather. Your guidance in this discussion will help them develop this awareness.

If you are aware that some children in your group do not have many opportunities to gather with extended families, then adapt this discussion to include gatherings with neighbors and friends.

Prayer ay:  Let’s prepare to pray. Fold your hands S and take some quiet time to remember how special you are to God.

Invite the children to pray the prayer together. Pause for a few seconds. Then close by praying Amen.

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Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant

Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant

In the Old Testament of the Bible, we learn about the Ark of the Covenant. It was a large, brightly decorated wooden box. There were wooden poles on each side of the Ark so people could carry it. On the top were two small angel sculptures. Inside the Ark were the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments.

1 Introduce Invite the children to imagine what it would be like if an extremely important and exciting event was happening right in their parish or school, such as a big celebration or the arrival of someone very special. Ask:  How would you feel in the time leading up to the event? How would you feel when that event finally happened?

The Ark of the Covenant was very special to the people of Israel. It was a sign of God’s presence and love. The ark traveled many miles with the people. King David had it carried in a grand procession.

2 Present Say:  The Bible tells us a story about a time when the people of Israel gathered for a very important event that turned into a great celebration. L ift the Bible from its place in the Prayer Center and open it to 2 Samuel 6:11–15. Raise the Bible for all to see and then set it back in place, open to the passage. Say:  We’ll hear the story twice. First we’ll read it from our book. Then we’ll hear it on CD. Have volunteers take turns reading page 12. Ask:  What was inside the Ark of the Covenant? Why was the Ark of the Covenant special to the people of Israel?


God’s Gift Eucharist

Understanding This Scripture The Ark of the Covenant was the portable shrine that carried the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. It was seen as a direct manifestation of God and a focal point of divine power. The Hebrew people carried the Ark as they moved through the desert during the Exodus. It was housed in various holy places in Canaan

before being brought to Jerusalem by King David. Solomon’s temple became the permanent home of the Ark. During the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 587 b.c., the Ark was either captured or destroyed.

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Explore People gathered on the streets so they could see the Ark passing by. King David was especially happy. He was so happy that he sang and danced in front of the Ark. The people were also happy. They sang and played joyful music. The Ark reminded people how much God loved them.


Ask a volunteer to read aloud page 13. Then have the children listen quietly as you play the dramatized story, Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant, Track 6 on the CD.

3 Do the Sticker Activity

adapted from 2 Samuel 6:11–15

Distribute this chapter’s stickers, or help the children remove them from their books. Lead the children in completing the Scripture illustrations with the stickers, as indicated by the outlined spaces. Ask the following questions, connecting them to the illustrations and to the stickers. • Why did the people gather? • How did King David feel when the Ark of the Covenant was carried to Jerusalem? How did the people feel? • How did King David and the people show that they were happy? • Why were the people so happy to see the Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem?

Gathering Chapter 2


Note that extra stickers are often provided. The extra stickers can be applied to the Scripture story illustrations, or they can be used in other activities. See page 97 for additional ideas.

4 Connect to Everyday Life

Enrich the Lesson


Invite the children to dance and play musical instruments as they imagine the people would have done in the presence of the Ark.

If the children need help focusing while listening to the Recorded Scripture story, then give them one or two questions and challenge them to listen for the answers in the story. When you are finished playing the CD, check the children’s responses.

Say:  It was a special time for the people of Israel when the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem. They remembered God’s love for them and showed their joy through their music and dancing. We also gather with others, to celebrate God’s presence and his love for us. Point out that we celebrate God’s love and presence at many times but especially when we gather for Mass.

Gathering  Chapter 2  13


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Gathering for Mass

Hmm . . .

Gathering for Mass

I Think About This

1 Make a Bridge

One of our duties as Catholics is to participate in Mass on the Lord’s Day.

Guide the children to identify where and how we celebrate God’s love by asking them these “What Am I?” questions: • I am a building with doors, windows, seats, and a special table. What am I? • I am a celebration when people gather with the priest to sing songs, read the Bible, receive Communion, and pray together. What am I?

2 Present Say:  Like the people of Israel who gathered to welcome the Ark of the Covenant, we gather to celebrate God’s presence and his love. Our church is also a special sign of God’s love and presence. It’s where we gather together as God’s people for our special celebration, the Mass.

Sunday is the Lord’s Day. It is a special time for us. On Saturday evening or on Sunday, we prepare to go to Mass. We travel with our families to our parish church. We gather with our friends and neighbors to celebrate the Mass. We celebrate the presence of God in our lives. God is present in us as we gather together. He is present in the priest. He is present in the readings we will hear. God is present especially in the Eucharist that we are preparing to receive.

Have volunteers read aloud the text on page 14. Ask:  What are we celebrating when we go to Mass? Who are the people who gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day? Have the children look at the second paragraph on page 14 and underline each of the ways that God is present with us at Mass.


God’s Gift Eucharist

What We Know in Faith

I Think About This

Ask a volunteer to read this feature. Discuss with the children the importance of keeping holy the Lord’s Day.

When we gather for the Eucharist, Christ is present in many ways. He is present in his Word, in the community that gathers in his name, and in the person of the priest. Most especially, we celebrate the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the center of the whole Christian life. We gather to praise and thank God for his love and his presence among us. God makes the whole world holy in Christ.

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Celebrating at Church


Celebrating at Church

Think of a religious celebration that your family shared. You can include drawings and descriptions. Then color the picture.

1 Do the Activity Say: Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Our celebration of the Lord’s Day begins on Saturday evening and continues through Sunday. We honor the Lord´s Day by attending Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening. We also gather for Mass to celebrate special events, such as weddings, Baptisms, and Confirmations.

People who were there

Have a volunteer read the activity directions on page 15. Help the children complete the activity. When everyone has finished, invite volunteers to share their answers and pictures.

We celebrated

2 Check for Understanding Use these questions or those of your own to check the children’s understanding. • What day of the week do we honor as the Lord’s Day?

My favorite part of the day was

• What do we do on this day? • What makes the Lord’s Day a special day?

Gathering Chapter 2


Keep in Mind Be aware that some children may know people of other faith traditions who do not keep the same Sabbath Day. They may also know that some Christian denominations do not make Sunday church attendance obligatory. Be respectful of these other traditions while at the same time affirming our Catholic belief and practice.

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Celebrating God’s Presence

Celebrating God’s Presence 1 Make a Bridge

When I Celebrate

Discuss the ways in which we begin various activities. Have volunteers describe how their morning or school day begins.

I am part of the procession when I sing with all those gathered at Mass.

Say:  Good beginnings are really important. When we start off our day right, we’re better prepared for the rest of the day.

2 Present

We find a place to sit in church. Then the priest, deacon, lector, and servers process to the altar. In our hearts, we journey with them. Like the people of Israel, we sing hymns of joy and praise from the Bible. We too celebrate the presence of God among us.

If I could sing like you, I would do so!

Say:  When we celebrate Mass, a good beginning is also important. Let’s read about how our celebration of the Mass begins. Ask a volunteer to read aloud the text on page 16. Remind the children that just as the people of Israel gathered together to welcome and celebrate the Ark of the Covenant, we gather together at Mass to celebrate God’s presence with us and to praise him.

When I Celebrate Ask a volunteer to read aloud this feature.

Say:  Even though we may not walk in the entrance procession, we are also part of the procession. We join in with our song. Our singing makes us part of the procession.

Help the children identify the priest, deacon, and servers in the picture. Discuss each person’s and the lector’s role in the Mass as well as the importance of the altar: priest: presides at Mass; leads our prayer deacon: proclaims the Gospel and can preach the Homily lector: proclaims God’s Word in the first two readings servers: assist the priest in various ways altar: the special table of the Lord around which we gather when we celebrate Mass


God’s Gift Eucharist

Keep in Mind



Invite volunteers to model the procession at the beginning of Mass. Explain to the children that as they reach the “altar,” they are to bow. Point out that we bow because the altar symbolizes Christ. We bow before the altar whenever we walk past it.

If you would like to point out more things we see at Mass, then refer to Child’s Book page 98. Consider inviting those who serve in these liturgical roles to make a brief visit during one of your sessions.

Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer them to the glossary definitions as needed.

altar, p. 101 Bible, p. 101 lector, p. 101

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Explore Explore

3 Present

We begin Mass with the Sign of the Cross. The priest then greets us, saying:

Explain to the children that the entrance procession and the hymns we sing set the tone for Sunday’s Mass.

I Listen to God’s Word

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

I would cross over to the house of God, amid loud cries of thanksgiving.

I Listen to God’s Word

Psalm 42:5

We answer:

Direct the children’s attention to the Bible enthroned at the Prayer Center. Ask a volunteer to read the feature. Say:  We begin our celebration of Mass with a procession and a song that help us focus on the feast or season that we are celebrating.

And with your spirit. On the lines below, write your answer to the priest’s welcome.

As the priest reaches the altar, he welcomes those gathered. Have a volunteer read the text on page 17. Ask the children to use the lines to write their answer to the priest’s welcome.






Gathering Chapter 2


What We Know in Faith The Introductory Rites precede the Liturgy of the Word. They usually include the Entrance Chant, Greeting, Penitential Act, Kyrie, Gloria, and Collect, or opening prayer. In these rites, the faithful come together as a community and prepare themselves to hear God’s Word and celebrate the Eucharist.

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Reflect Filled with Joy

Singing and Dancing for God

Knowing God’s great love for us fills us with joy. Joy is a sign of God’s presence. We recognize God in the people and things around us. We celebrate his presence with us when we go to Mass. We join with all those present to sing and pray with joy.

1 Prepare for Prayer Say:  When people are filled with joy, they can’t keep it inside. Singing and dancing are ways we can share joy with others, just as King David and the people did. Joy is a sign of God’s presence.

Filled with Joy

Prayer Leader: God is with us! Let us rejoice and sing for joy! All: Blessed be God forever! Prayer Leader: In our own words, let’s silently ask the Holy Spirit to help us hear God’s Word. Let’s listen once more to the story of King David and the Ark. (Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant, pages 12–13)

Have the children turn to page 18. Read this section aloud to the group. Say:  God’s presence is all around us and within us. The Eucharist is a joyful celebration of his love for us. The word Eucharist means “thanksgiving.”

Now place yourself in the scene. Imagine that you are helping to carry the Ark of the Covenant. It is a special privilege. The Ark is a reminder of God’s great love. There are many people walking with you. Some are praying; others are singing songs of praise and thanks to God. What would you like to praise God for today?

Tell the children that they will hear again the story in their book about the people of Israel welcoming the Ark of the Covenant (pages 12–13). Then they will think about the story and pray using their imaginations. Practice the responses with the children now so that they will not need their books at the Prayer Center. Say:  Just as the people of Israel celebrated God’s presence with a procession, we too will celebrate as we process together to our Prayer Center.

Singing and Dancing for God


2 Gather for Prayer Review the steps for how the group will process to the Prayer Center. [See page 95.] Play Your Word Is a Lamp, Track 2 on the CD, as the children sing and move to the Prayer Center.

3 Lead the Prayer Open the prayer as outlined on page 18 and prompt the children to respond. Continue with the leader prayer, pausing before reading Welcoming the Ark of the Covenant (pages 12–13) to the children. When finished, invite the children to close their eyes and relax. Then lead the guided reflection slowly. Allow time for reflection as you read.

Background for Prayer As we gather, we begin with the procession. The procession signals the beginning of the celebration and reminds everyone present that they are united in the mystery about to be celebrated. We also end with a procession. The movement from the Prayer Center back to the area where learning and discussion take place brings closure to the special time for prayer and meditation.

If/Then If you wish to incorporate musical instruments, then distribute them before the children process to the Prayer Center.

At the end of the guided reflection, allow 10 seconds for the children to pray silently. Conclude the prayer as indicated on page 19. Prompt the children to respond.

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Reflect Reflect

4 Bridge to Closure People line the road to watch the Ark pass by. Some have musical instruments. They play and sing and dance for joy as they think about God’s great love for them. What joyful song do you know that you can sing to God? All of a sudden, you notice that King David has come. He is so happy that he can’t stand still. He begins to sing and dance too. All enter the city rejoicing.

Pause after completing the prayer. Review the steps for how the children will return to their seats. (See page 95.) Play We Go Forth, Track 3 on the CD, and have the children return to their seats, using this ritual. If you are using musical instruments, have the children play them while returning to their seats. Encourage the children to sing along with the music as well.

When I Pray I remember how much God loves me. I can praise and thank him for all of the people and things that remind me of his love.

Using your own words, silently thank God for his great love for you. Then pause for a moment and let God speak to you.

When I Pray

Ask a volunteer to read aloud this feature. Have the children name ways in which they are reminded of God’s love. Say:  When we pray, we give God thanks and praise for all the ways he shows his love for us.

Praise be to God, who is always among us. All: Blessed be God forever!


Keep in Mind


Many children respond well to the invitation to pray quietly; some children, however, are better able to sit quietly than others. Most children will show improvement with this skill through practice and time. Keep your focus on helping the children to be respectful of one another as they learn to pray in this way.

If you choose to have the children make simple rhythm instruments, then see the Joyful Music activity (page 20x), and allow sufficient time before prayer time to complete the activity.

Gathering  Chapter 2  19


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Respond Respond

Living My Faith

Living My Faith

1 I Remember What I Learn

I Remember What I Learn

Present this section and, as time permits, do the review activities on page 20z.

• The Ark of the Covenant celebrates God’s presence.

2 I Live What I Learn

I Share with My Family

• I travel with my family to church. • We gather to celebrate God’s presence.

Have a volunteer read aloud this section on page 20. Then have the children gather in a circle. Invite each child to give an example of a way we might celebrate God’s presence every day.

• We are welcomed by the priest.

How do you enjoy the Lord’s Day? Talk with your family about the ways you celebrate God’s presence.

I Live What I Learn I go to Mass on the Lord’s Day.

Remind the children that the things we can do at home—such as making the Sign of the Cross, singing, and praying in silence—are the same things we do at Mass.

I celebrate God’s presence.

I Know These Words

3 I Know These Words

Thank you, God, for your presence. I want to stay close to you.

I find these words in the Glossary.

Check the children’s understanding of these words and, as time permits, do the word review activity on page 20z.

altar, p. 101 Bible, p. 101 lector, p. 101

I Share with My Family Encourage the children to discuss with their families the question shown.


God’s Gift Eucharist

4 Pray

Closing Prayer

I sing in praise of God.

Chapter Checkpoint

Closing Prayer Conclude the chapter by praying together the prayer on page 20.

Say:  Remember that you live always in the presence of God. You are never alone.

• Are the children able to discuss how we gather to celebrate God’s presence at Mass? • Can the children identify Sunday as the Lord’s Day and explain the importance of gathering for Mass? • Are the children able to name the ways God is present at Mass? Assessment Option: Learning Reinforcement BLM N covers chapters 1–2.

ead with the children pages 2–5 of My Own Mass Booklet to R learn more.

Plan Ahead Consult the catechist preparation page to prepare for Chapter 3 and determine any materials you will need.

20  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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Choice Activities

Choice Activities Joyful Music

Keep Holy the Lord’s Day

Inclusion: Communication Challenges Time  15 minutes Relates to  pages 12–13 Outcome  make simple musical instruments to celebrate God’s presence Materials  plastic Easter eggs or other small plastic containers; beans Directions  Have the children make rhythm instruments to celebrate God’s presence. You may wish to also use the instruments in the Prayer Service on pages 18–19. Distribute a plastic Easter egg or other small plastic container to each child. Have the children place 6–8 beans into their container. Help them to secure it tightly. Children with communication challenges can use the instruments to make joyful sounds before God.

Time  15 minutes Relates to  pages 14–15 Outcome  consider ways to honor the Lord’s Day Materials  brightly colored construction paper circles; safety pins; drawing materials Directions  Have the children review pages 14–15. Talk about some of the ways we keep the Lord’s Day holy. Make Lord’s Day buttons. Distribute a construction paper circle to each child. On the board, write the phrase On the Lord’s Day, I . . . . Have children copy it onto their circle and complete the phrase with something they will do to celebrate the presence of God in their lives. Encourage them to decorate their circles however they wish. When the children have finished, secure their circles with safety pins to their collars. Encourage the children to show their buttons to their classmates.

Gathering  Chapter 2  20x


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Choice Activities

We Pray with Our Community

How We Celebrate

Time  20 minutes Relates to  pages 12–15 Outcome  create a visual reminder that we pray with our community Materials  sheet of chart paper, butcher paper, or poster board; drawing materials; a local map

Time  15 minutes Relates to  pages 16–17 Outcome  review and identify the people and things we see at Mass Materials  BLM B, How We Celebrate; pages 16–17, 98–99

Directions  Have volunteers summarize the story of the Ark of the Covenant. Say:  We learned in that story that the Ark was carried into town in a grand procession. The people of Israel gathered for this important event and celebrated God’s presence. Say:  We travel to Mass on Sunday. We gather with friends and neighbors to celebrate God’s presence. How is this like what the people of Israel did? On the floor, lay a sheet of chart paper, some butcher paper, or poster board. At the top, write We Pray with Our Community. Draw a simple map of your community, marking your parish at the center, and noting main roads and surrounding areas. Have small groups of children take turns marking their neighborhoods and filling in area landmarks. Invite volunteers to share how they get to Mass and with whom they travel. Say:  Jesus said that whenever two or three are gathered in his name, he is with them.

Directions  Review pages 16–17 and 98. Say:  When we begin Mass, we pray the Sign of the Cross. Prompt the children to pray the Sign of the Cross with you. Say:  Then the priest welcomes us. Pray the words that the priest prays. Say:  Finally, we respond to the priest’s welcome. Prompt the children to respond, “And with your spirit.” Then distribute BLM B. Invite the children to complete the puzzle, using pages 16–17 for help. When everyone has finished, have volunteers share the answers to the puzzle.




How We Celebrate Complete the crossword puzzle. Then unscramble the letters in the shaded boxes. Write them on the lines below. What word do you see? 1.

Display the finished map as a bulletin-board display or wall hanging. 2.



lector altar sing celebrate 5.

priest servers 6.



3. assist the priest

1. presides at Mass

5. the table on which the priest celebrates Mass

2. what we do at Mass 4. one way we pray at Mass

6. proclaims the first two readings of God’s Word at Mass


Blackline Master B

God’s Gift Eucharist, Chapter 2

20y  God’s Gift  Eucharist


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Review Activities

Review Activities Climb the Hill

Work-Together Word Review

Time  10 minutes Relates to  I Remember What I Learn Outcome  recall facts learned in this chapter Materials  chalkboard; chalk; questions based on I Remember What I Learn

Time  5 minutes Relates to  I Know These Words Outcome  review terms learned in this chapter and the previous chapter Materials  BLM K

Directions  Draw on the board a hill with a cross on the top. Write the numbers 1 through 5 up one side of the hill, starting with 1 at the bottom.

Directions  Photocopy and cut out the vocabulary cards for this chapter, which are shown on BLM K. Also include previously learned terms. Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile. Have a volunteer choose a card from the pile and read the word. Then ask a second volunteer to tell what the word means. Finally, have a third volunteer use it in a sentence. Congratulate the children when all the words have been defined and used in a sentence.

Say:  We’ll work as a team to try to reach the top of the hill. Each time a correct answer is given, we’ll draw a line from one number to the next and get closer to the top. Ask a question. If the correct answer is given, allow that child to draw a line from number 1 to number 2. If an incorrect answer is given, encourage that child to work with the rest of the group to find the correct answer. Use the following questions, based on the statements in I Remember What I Learn: 1. What does the Ark of the Covenant celebrate?





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Continue until all the questions have been answered. When the top of the hill has been reached, congratulate the children on how much they have learned.



4. Who greets us at the beginning of Mass?


3. What do we celebrate when we gather?


2. Where do we travel with our family on the Lord’s Day?

Gathering  Chapter 2  20z


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God’s Gift Eucharist

offers meaningful instruction that helps children and their parents understand, prepare for, and celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This fully integrated sacramental preparation program, available in English and bilingual versions, engages children’s hearts and minds through multiple prayer opportunities, beautiful commissioned artwork, and unique interactive elements. God’s Gift has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


www.loyolapress.com/godsgift for more information and resources.

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-4122-2 ISBN-10: 0-8294-4122-0

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