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Faith and Remembrance
On Faith
For Pope Francis, faith is a movement, a path we follow each and every day: “Remember this always: faith is walking with Jesus; and it is a walk that lasts a lifetime. At the end there shall be the definitive encounter. Certainly, at some moments on the journey we feel tired and confused. But the faith gives us the certainty ofJesus’ constant presence in every situation, even the most painful or difficult to understand. We are called to walk in order to enter ever more deeplyinto the mysteryof the love ofGod, which reigns over us and permits us to live in serenity and hope.”
Faith is also a gift received, a love placed deep in our hearts that seeks restlessly for the heart ofChrist. Faith allows us to see with new eyes and to join in the epic sojourn ofsalvation upon which the Church has embarked: “Faith . . . enables us to become part of the Church’s great pilgrimage through history until the end ofthe world. For those who have been transformed in this way, a new way ofseeing opens up, faith becomes light for their eyes.”
Into the formless void, our Creator God said, “Let there be light.” And the sun shone brightly on the Lord’s creation, where before there was nothing. Jesus, waitingupon the shores ofthe Sea ofGalilee, with a small charcoal fire burning faintly in the darkness, guided the disciples safely to land after a long night offishing. This is our God, a God great and small, who honors and keeps his faith with us.