1 minute read
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IT’S DIFFICULT TO PRAY DURING times of suffering. Words simply may not come. You may feel angry or confused, and that can make it tough to turn to God. Well-meaning friends or family may offer suggestions like “Just be patient” or “Offer it up,” which only leave you feeling worse.
In Praying through Pain, award-winning author and spiritual director Barbara Lee offers a simple and practical way of communicating with God in difficult times, including
• Relevant and relatable Scripture stories of pain
• Principles of Ignatian spirituality and how to use them effectively
• Mini-prayers, words, and phrases that you can use when everything else is too difficult
Read this book any way that suits your personal journey. Dip into a chapter that speaks to the emotions you’re feeling today. Sit with a passage of Scripture until it sinks deep inside your heart. Talk to God about what you’re feeling. Then listen for the voice of God.
And know that you are not alone.
BARBARA LEE is a spiritual director with a ministry to the aging. She is a retired attorney, a former U.S. magistrate judge, and a long-serving member of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps. She is the author of God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet and Answering God’s Call.