1 minute read
Going Deeper
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, You have called me to be Your disciple and have given me many examples to imitate. Aided by the prayers of the holy men and women whom I will meet in the pages of this book, give me the gift of faith, that I might believe in You, and the gift of courage, that I might remain with You. May I encounter You today. Teach me, dear Jesus, how to love my neighbor as myself for love of You. Amen.
Answers or possible answers are found on pages 89–90. But ponder the questions for yourself or share with your Bible study group before giving the answers a look.
• Where do you find yourself as we begin our journey together? What do you want out of this Bible study? What do you think when you hear the word disciple right now? • In which books of the New Testament is the word disciple used? In which book does the word disciple appear most frequently? According to this chapter, what does this tell us about the use of the word disciple in the time of Jesus?
Read John 8:31; then discuss these questions in your group or ponder them on your own.
• According to John 8:31, what are the two central things that a true disciple does? What do you think when you hear the word believe right now? The word remain? • According to pages 8–9 above, what are the four basic dynamics of a person’s growth in discipleship? How does this describe your experience of discipleship? • What are you most excited about as we begin to learn about discipleship together? How can the people in your
Bible study (or your other friends) pray for you?